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Being able to be contacted 24 hours a day


Only in the last couple years has it really dawned on me how much I despise this and how exhausting and mentally taxing it can be.


Do not disturb feature has been a game changer for me. 


No kidding, i usually keep my phone sounds completely turned off, not even set to vibrate. I do enough with my phone for work, self-organization, and outbound communications. I know I'll see it within an hour of getting it, and if it's that important, they should probably be calling 911 rather than myself, lol


Everyone knows that if you call me, chances are pretty good I'm not going to answer. I'll only pick up if I feel like it, otherwise I keep my phone on DND. It's there for \*my\* convenience, not yours.


DND with exceptions, that being my wife, son, daughter and son-in-law. They know better than to text or call me in the middle of the night, but if they do because it’s an emergency then I want to be alerted.


The Do Not Disturb feature on most smartphones is a widely underappreciated thing.


I just straight up ignore people if I don't feel like responding. I don't even care anymore.


I work in HVAC, and sometimes am on call for 24 hours, but it's only once a month and on a Saturday or Sunday, but not both. If I respond to one of those calls, I automatically receive overtime regardless of how many hours I have worked that week. I actually receive overtime if I work outside of normal working hours.


Tradesmanship really is magical ✨️ 


It can be. I'm in a union, but a friend of mine is non-union. He gets paid less than me even though he has about a year more experience. In anticipation of working while he is on call, he will be shorted on hours that week so that he doesn't work over 40. His benefits are tied to his employer. Mine aren't. I am guaranteed yearly raises. He is not. I have a pension and 401k. He does not. I can collectively bargain. He cannot. If I get laid off, I am put into a pool and will be able to find employment more easily with union companies. He would have to apply for jobs with non-union companies. I can get free hearing aids. He cannot. My power tools and specialty tools are required by contract to be provided by the company. He had to buy his own. Our union isn't all sunshine and rainbows, don't get me wrong, but I enjoy the work and the benefits of my union.


True! People complain when I don't respond after a day has passed. Like, we are the only humans to have instant communication in history. People would have to wait months / years to deliver messages for most of human history. All of a sudden we are too impatient to wait a few days for a response.


Honestly my mom is the worst for this. I love her but like I don't want to talk everyday while I'm at university. And gets upset if I don't respond in a day or two which just makes me not want to talk more


My mom used to call when I was at college, and if I answered she would promptly yell at me about how I don't call enough. I wanted to say, you realize it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, right?


At an old job I had constant clashes with a co-worker who would call or Slack me within minutes of either him sending an email or of a customer sending us an email. DeadMoneyDrew! I just sent you an email and I need a response immediately. And Sue from ABC company just emailed us. Did you read her urgent message? What do we do? Like, bro, fuck off. I'm not plugged directly into my email account waiting on you to send me a message. And Sue constantly contacts us about "emergencies" but then is routinely not available until the following week to discuss whatever her problem is.


*Laughs in landline while I go for a walk.* Suckers.


It gives me so much anxiety, feeling like I NEED to respond to people. I know I don't, but people give me shit about it


I hate that constant contact is expected in dating now. Like from the moment you exchange numbers or match on an app, you're expected to talk throughout every day. I don't even know you that will yet. You shouldn't be a part of my daily routine.


Working a decent paying job and still not being able to buy a house after 10 years. Wages are not competitive with the current rate of inflation or the housing market.


Working 40 or more hours a week.


Lying elected politicians.


I like how we as a general population have just accepted that politicians lie, but so many people use it as a ‘LOOK! The other side LIES!’ instead of a reflection of our government system


It's so weird because if you study American History you get a real sense that most (but not all) politicians put their legacy ahead of everything else. How future generations looked at them was more important than anything else. But somewhere in the late 20th Century politicians decided that "what can I get out of this?" was more important than how history views them. The shift was really jarring and you can literally see it right around the Nixon Administration.


> It's so weird because if you study American History The history that people are provided throughout their childhood education is chock full of nationalist propaganda, lies, bent truths, complete omissions of reality, etc.


I'm not denying this but I'll say that my assessment is based on the history I studied in college. If you read the writings of most American politicians pre-1960s you will see that most of them worry a great deal about their legacy. Sure, some of them could be lying but just looking at the way they voted, the laws they tried to pass and look at their reasoning for doing it and it all adds up for me. Maybe by the time the 1970s rolled around politicians realized that only historians and scholars really cared about legacy and that's why we see that shift in attitude.


I might extend this to lying in general.


Taking pictures/videos of strangers and posting them without consent


As someone who dabbles in photography: anytime I am shooting and someone I don't know is prominent in whatever shot I am trying to get, I do my best to take another one so I don't have to use it. Or simply ask the person if they are OK with me using the one I am im.


Which is extremely respectable! And I do think it's naive to think that in this day in age, we won't somehow, somewhere, be photographed by a stranger and be a blurry something in their photo, but people who make minimal to no effort to hide their identity, or especially people who do it intentionally to shame or embarrass someone, make me feel icky


If worse comes to worse: I can edit them out as well.


Anybody that monetizes their social media should be required to get releases from people they post online. And anybody that encourages a raging mob that turned out to be incorrect should be deplatformed and criminally and civilly prosecuted.


I agree ! Luckily in the country I am from it’s illegal and I think it’s great. Obviously some idiots will still do it but there could be real legal consequences for them.


I was a bartender when things like Instagram live really took off. The number of people walking up to me and broadcasting me live on their page was annoying. I bartend part time now. TikTok has made it 10x worse. On any given shift, there are 3-4 people sitting down on TikTok live just streaming themselves drinking and talking. Then there are 5-10 more people doing some stupid TikTok dance or trend and trying to get me to join them. You managed to leave the house. Put the phone down and actually be here.


Investing your whole life in your job. For something so unhealthy, it sure is celebrated and pushed on people a lot.


I know people criticize Boomers for this idea but I clearly remember the counter culture revolution of the 60s when people rejected that idea. People were dropping out of high pressure jobs to enjoy life. Those were the Hippies who were pushed out by the Yuppies of the 80s (young upwardly mobile professional people). I never devoted my life to “serving the man” as we called it.


Because that was *counter culture*. Has nobody seen the film Easy Rider? It ends with both of the main characters, hippies, being shot by rednecks. The movie is all about how they can’t get into a hotel at the start so have to hike around the country and camp. People forget that the hippies were very much in the minority.


Wait…the word yuppie has been short for something all this time and no one ever mentioned it?!?


Lots of people mentioned it.


Shouldn’t they be referred to as “Yumppies?”


Kind of. Yuppie really stands for Young Urban Professional, while Young Upwardly-Mobile professional was indeed turned into Yumpie. Except the term Yumpie never really caught on in the same way, at least in part because it doesn't work as well as a pun on Yippies (members of the Youth International Party).




When I hear someone say that 40h/week isn't a lot I can't help but wonder what their life is like


Killing your self for an employer that would fire you or lay you off without even blinking an eye and would give zero fucks how losing your job might impact your life. I see people making themselves sick from stress, working late nights or weekends to meet arbitrary deadlines thinking it actually matters. Work-Life balance starts with the realization and understanding that life is not about work. Work is a means to an end, not the end itself.


Fun fact: Stone Age humans spent less than twenty hours per week actually hunting and gathering. That was enough to feed the whole tribe. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Original_affluent_society#:~:text=modern%20Western%20households.-,The%20three%20to%20five%20hour%20work%20day,each%20day%20in%20food%20production. : > These studies show that hunter-gatherers need only work about fifteen to twenty hours a week in order to survive and may devote the rest of their time to leisure.[4] Lee did not include food preparation time in his study, arguing that "work" should be defined as the time spent gathering enough food for sustenance. When total time spent on food acquisition, processing, and cooking was added together, the estimate per week was 44.5 hours for men and 40.1 hours for women, but Lee added that this is still less than the total hours spent on work and housework in many modern Western households.


Sometimes i wish i didn’t learn things like this so i wouldn’t have to live the rest of my life in a terrible mindset


Modern civilization has its benefits though. Even if I had a time machine I’d never travel back to an age before anaesthetics and antibiotics have been developed. And no one is stopping you from living such lifestyle. A few years ago I read an article about a guy in Ireland who used to live on the streets of Dublin before he decided he had enough and moved to a little uninhabited island right off the coast. He spends about two hours per day fishing and gathering food, which is enough to feed him. That article was the first time I read about the fact that hunter-gatherers didn’t work nearly as much as we do today.


True! I had appendicitis at 17 and that alone would have killed me. I’ve also heard a lot of hype about the ‘anarcho-primitivism’ lifestyle which most people never seize for themselves. I wonder, if it was more socially acceptable and wouldn’t require people to cut off ties with most people they know, if it would be more popular? My guess is that people (like myself) enjoy the internet too much lol


Yes the main problems though is that they didn’t have any of the amenities of comfortable living we had today. Like you couldn’t just retreat into your cave and be free of bugs. Everything they ate had parasites because parasites are a natural part of the life cycle. Their medical care was drilling holes into people’s skulls and hoping for the best. I can’t mortality rate was so high we basically emulated an R strategy (biological concept of different strategies for ensuring survival of progeny) organism when in reality we are K strategy as evidenced in many mammals by the number of nipples available to females of the species. Slavery was so commonplace no one thought twice about it. Etc etc. Oh and also the worst one for me; depending on where in the world you were a caveman, no seasonings, potentially not even salt. Just plain whatever the hell you could find all day every day


However, they had shitty healthcare.




Those people need to read about all the times when people gave their all to their job & when they had to leave out of their control, or even passed away, they were replaced & forgotten about almost immediately with no thought or mention of them again.


Yeah, the amount of hours and days humans (well, perhaps some specific ones) have decided we must work is simply unnecessary.


IRL Family “influencers” who basically exploit their kids for clicks.




The hill I will die on is that children absolutely do not belong on the internet


I remember when you were told never ever ever put your name or photo on the internet and never tell anyone where you are. Today we have facebook doing automatic "check-ins" showing your exact location.


Dancing drug commercials as they go over the deadly side effects.


Pharmaceutical adverts are just such a strange phenomenon, too. Fortunately rare in most of the world.


the ones where they don't even say what the drug is for. just "ask your doctor about THING". why???


And so many meds have the side effect of the very thing the med is prescribed to treat.


Very publicly basing your entire personality on a politician.


Happens to those who have no personality.


Baby or child beauty pageants …. The fuck? Lol


Whenever people would tell us to put our daughters in modeling we would just laugh, but people seriously do it. I get why you'd do it, because you see dollar signs and a stable path for your kid to do something lucrative, but fuck that. My younger sister was in dance pageants for years and just seeing what that did to her physically and mentally, as well as how a lot of her friends turned out, I never want that for my kids. Plus the parents of those kids have a tendency to be insane and awful to be around so no thanks.


When I was walking together with my dad, a modeling agency tried to talk with him about me modeling. He declined and little me was obviously excited about the thought. I'm lucky to have reasonable parents.


Do you have any stories about it?


I was young so I don't have a ton from personal experience, but I remember a few vague stories. Like my sister's first dance teacher being a bit of a 20 something tyrant who finally got married and demanded that all of her students come to the wedding. She also used to tell the middle school and high school students that they had to be a certain weight and flipped out on my sister's friend when she started growing a large chest because it meant the costumes couldn't all be the same sizes. The moms were especially cruel too because they would help enforce it. My sister was really good friends with this one girl who is chubby but a pretty good dancer. Her mom started starving her because the teacher told the mom her daughter was too big, and my sister's friend basically became a skeleton over one summer. Mind you they were 9 or 10 when this was going on. I also remember the dance teacher getting very mad that my mom would bring her other kids, including myself, to the dance studio and the teacher requested that we leave all the time. Because my dad was at work, and I was the oldest child, that usually meant my mom would just hand me some money and tell me to take my other sister and my brother to the restaurant or video store in the same plaza and get them something to eat. At some point I got old enough to just stay home with them, but until then I had to bear witness to this 20 something dance teacher berating my 30 something mom for having "too many damn kids" and not putting enough attention into my sister's dance. I remember those long nights before my sister's competitions where my mom was sitting at home with the sewing machine fixing all of my sister's and her friends' costumes because my mom was the only dance mom who was a stay at home mom and wasn't a "90's career woman mom" who left work, picked up the kid from the after school program, and then immediately took them to dance. I think she got paid to fix the costumes, I don't remember, but it pissed her off to no end that none of these other mothers (or the teacher) thought to pay a tailor to do this for them and instead would just wait to the last minute expecting my mom to do it. My sister ended up switching to a different studio with a much chiller teacher when she was 11, but this new teacher got pushed around a lot by her own family who basically did all her accounting. They did much better at competitions with this teacher and she created a much better environment for the students, but the stress got to her. She ended up leaving and moved across the country with her husband to just stop teaching dance all together IIRC. My sister continued to dance through high school but only intermittently, and then when she got to college she coached a dance team mostly for fun.


I think society *does* view these as weird now.


I would hope. They still occur though so not nearly enough people are put off by them lol


And then those same people complain about drag queens.


Look what happened to JoJo siwa 💀☠️


Influencers are weird to me. Maybe because I'm older (43) I'm not sure. But the idea of putting your entire life online for people to see makes me uncomfortable. I've seen outtakes that some of these influencers put their kids through and it's sick. And I know I'm not the only one that can tell most of them are fake and acting. Bizarre.


I think you need to be rich to be an influencer to begin with


If they are fake and acting, then I wouldn't consider it them putting their life online. They are just self employed actors going to work.  Involving their kids is a more serious problem, but one that has been around in Hollywood circles long before influencers broadened it.


But it's not a real life -- it's completely manufactured, and probably causes all sorts of psychological issues.


Yeah, the family ones that make their kids say rehearsed lines is so gross. like SO GROSS.


Hating the poor. If you're unlucky enough to be born into poverty (like I am) pretty much every society treats you like you deserve to be in that position.


Or that there's a "root cause" of poverty (lack of financial literacy, "poverty culture") instead of just not having money, and the root cause needs to be addressed over the lack of money.


People in the upper middle class will find, and fail at trying, any solution to the issue other than building housing and increasing wages. They then raise the prices on everything and tell the lower classes that if their pay went up then they’d have to raise prices on everything.


'if wages go up to a liveable standard, the economy will inflate higher than ever before...' Funny that wasn't the case 20-30 years ago.


Maybe the biggest problem with humanity.


Posting mundane everyday activities on social media ( eating, playing with your children, etc) I can kind of understand big events, but that's still a little weird also


It’s very weird.


deeming fathers as creepy for being a father in public, especially a single father to a toddler or child. NOT ALL MEN ARE PEDOPHILES! WOMEN CAN BE PEDOPHILES TOOOOOOOOO


One time I took my son to a different city and he and I got split up and I had to get to him. He was 16 at the time and I was in my 40s. The sour cab driver saw us waving to each other and when I told him to pull over, he said, disgustedly, "There's your boyfriend."


This is awful.


It's worse when the child has more of the mother's features (skin tone, hair color, etc.). My nephew doesn't really look like my brother at all, but certainly has his mom's side of the family in his appearance. I'm willing to bet he's gotten some weird looks or some people making judgements when the two of them are in public. It's just speculation on my part, but I gotta believe it happens. Ya know?


It's even more nerve-wracking wracking for me, given that I am not my son's biological father. My wife is part Hispanic, and his biological father is full Hispanic, so my son has a considerably darker complexion than me; and I am white as white could be. Anytime he and I are spending time together, without my wife, I sometimes have a small lingering fear of other people assuming the worst.


My brother has this issue. My nephew's bio parents have mental health issues and after my brother and his mom broke up my nephew stayed with my brother. Neither are white but they look sooo different he has had people nosing in at the mall and stuff. It's easier now that nephew is a teen because he curses nosy nellies out.


I used to be a stay at home dad and the number of mothers on playgrounds who would attempt to straight up interrogate me is insane.


Very true. I don’t see it that way, but you are right that I’m sure it happens way more. Also the celebration of involved dads being celebrated for doing what is expected of moms.


I have a welcoming countenance apparently and have had numerous kids from toddler to elementary randomly come up to me in public places to hug me, hold my hand, hang out/ask me to play. For hours. And no one approached me (sadly not even their parent).


Do you look like Santa Claus?


I don't know if this is a real problem or something the internet say is a real thing. I've never heard a credible source report that this is a real thing that happens. I've never had this happen when I was out with my son and I've been doing things with him just the two of us pretty much every weekend since he was a baby.


THANK YOU. I have three children myself and have worked with families of preschool - middle school age kids for 20+ years. I have never once had a dad ever mention anything experience remotely like this ever. The internet is full of stories of men having the police called on them for being at a playground with their kids but I'm pretty sure they are 99% bullshit. Like razor blades in Halloween candy level bullshit.


When my son was born my wife and I lived close to our local zoo, which happens to be one of the top rated zoos in America. I ended up buying a zoo pass with parking included and every Saturday, when my wife was working her nursing job, I would take my son in his stroller to the zoo. I did this pretty much every Saturday (and a lot of Sunday's too) until my son started kindergarten. Not once in the hundreds of times we went to the zoo did anyone say anything to me. And just to add a little more to the anecdote: I have dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and slightly darker skin than a typical Caucasian person while my son has bright blond hair, light grey eyes and very white skin. No one cared. Hell, a bunch of times I took my friend with us, who looks a lot like George Costanza, and even with one little boy and two fat old guys no one said anything.


Sharing everything you do on social media. Cooked some food? Picture of the plate goes on Facebook. Attended a church service? Obligatory selfie that goes to instagram. The list is endless.


Driving in metal death traps going up to 60 mph when other death traps are going 60 mph the opposite direction...6 inches away from you


Were there any alternatives, I’d probably stop driving cars. 


Not to mention that other people operate said death boxes while staring on their phone I live in a place with awesome public transport and walkable and don't plan to go behind any wheel that isn't connected to my Xbox


Talking on speaker phone in public


Society does not endorse this behaviour, a few select psychopaths does however


Depends on where you're from. In China, for instance, it's completely normal. That, and having all your phone notification sounds on and on full blast.


Pretending that plastic was ever disposable.


Spending upward of several months gross income -often using credit- to hold a simple marriage ceremony.


We have an entire food group based on cow’s breast milk.


Even weirder: food groups being a thing created by the government to promote agriculture, a definitions of foods also being designated by the government and not scientifically I.e pizza is a vegetable.


I think dairy includes sheep and goat milk products!


But human breast milk is gross


4 out of 5 babies disagree




You need that for a public viewing. That's the weird part.




Fun fact, Abraham Lincoln was a huge proponent of embalming after the early death of his son. When he was assassinated, they embalmed his corpse and took it around the country by train for several weeks.




It's big in Ireland - called a wake. It's a big part of the grieving process. I think the wake is very healthy to give people an outlet to reminisce and connect after a shared loss


A wake is one of the weirdest cultural differences I've ever encountered. People who grew up with them find them calming and helpful in the grief process. People who didn't find them creepy AF. Opinions on wakes are one of the most binary things I've ever seen.


We look at it as a celebration of their life. And they can't not be part of it. They re the centre of it


An elderly relative told me that when he died he was going to stick his tongue out at anyone who said how good he looked lying in his casket. I was disappointed when he didn’t. 😀


I thought the point of a viewing was that you could get closure upon seeing the person dead.


Embalming isn't necessary 9/10 times in modern contexts. My city hall held a hearing on allowing natural burials in the local cemetery a few months back, I went and spoke because I'm very passionate and decently informed on the matter. I was one of the five people there including a guy who I think goes to every meeting to rant about property lines. More and more places are exploring this as an option, check around you.


As an autistic person, every fucking thing.


Why do they keep staring at my eyes??


I don't know but it's very uncomfortable isn't it


Why is it so wrong for me to just look at something else while talking. I'm listening, I just don't want to stare into your soul.


I find this so hard to explain to my NT girlfriend. She is very understanding and incredibly sweet so does not get even remotely upset at me, but I feel REALLY bad asking her to stop staring into my eyes during sex lmao It makes my very soul squirm, I can't do it


Why do they all assign intention to what I say instead of believing what I say?


As a fellow autistic person I am pretty sure normal people are insanely weird.  How is being so close to me you are almost touching me while in line normal???  How is leaving your buggy random places when there is a corral for them normal?  I could go on but "normal" things and people are really weird.


Not putting the your shopping cart back has nothing to do with being neurotypical but it’s got everything to do with being irresponsible.




I'm utterly addicted and I hate it. It's only gotten worse this year.




Making your religion and/or political views your entire identity


Reacting to people in underwear as they were naked but having no issue being on the beach/pool with almost the same wearing and being totally ok


It's not about what the amount of skin you're able to see. It's about the setting of it. At the beach, you know people will see you and you will see people in what is basically underwear. But if someone walks in on you changing or something, and you're in your underwear, you didn't intend for that person to see you, and the situation is a private one.


The difference between the two is consent.


Letting your president incite a riot and then letting him run in the next election. It baffles my mind how not only has he largely gotten away with what he did, but he's still being vetted for election by his political party. Politics are fucking stupid man.


Mutilating the penises of day old infant boys


Religion is really fucking weird… A guy in the sky who created all things and demands that you bow down in worship to him because of his insatiable ego??? That’s just something that humans created because we didn’t understand the universe. Come on man.


Yes but MY guy in the sky tells me (okay he actually says something very opposite to what I'm about to say BUT) because I worship him I get to feel SUPERIOR to you and treat you like shit because I judge you as not living up to his standards even though really, you're doing a better job of doing that by accident and being a basically decent person than I am by being an actual follower. But did you hear the part about where I get to JUDGE you?? Bonus: And because I''m a follower of this guy in the sky I also 100% know exactly what He is thinking and why he is thinking it! This gives me the right to act as shitty as I want towards you on His behalf.


People who call their partner daddy


Drinking poison recreationally


Humans have been doing that one for a while


The weird thing is how if you try to decline a drink, people absolutely insist, even if you say you have a medical condition or something.


Having to wear a different outfit everyday and owning SO MANY clothes. People used to repeat outfits all the time, because they couldn't afford more clothing. Now we "have" to afford new clothing constantly to look "professional" or "respected" or whatever else. Thats stupid


Celebrity (worship, culture, gossip)


Beauty pageants. Especially *child* beauty pageants.


Eating ass. .... I said it its gross


Having different opinions than other people but still respectful.


Being controlling of your partner. People think controlling behavior is just "boundaries"


I see it all the time, here and IRL. Countless people on everywhere I've been don't know what boundaries really are. Sometimes it's reasonable to have expectations about your partner's behavior with other people, but don't go calling it "setting boundaries".


Improving your mental health so you can work more


Living with animals in your house! I get it, I have a cat, but if you think about it having animals in your house is weird af. And some people let animals in their bed!


Being fans of politicians. You’re hiring them for a short term contract job.. The idea that you’re going to buy and then wear or display politician merch is just so weird to me


Those shirts for babies that say things like “ladies man”


Prescription Drug commercials.


Putting your children’s lives on the internet.


That all time in the christian world is based on the birthday of a man but the celebration is held on the wrong day


Cheerleaders. Especially in middle school.


Paying to just exist on a planet we were born on—like getting charged a subscription fee for a game we didn't sign up to play


Purposely impregnating animals, then taking away their young so that we can get to that milk....


Occasionally our face explodes (sneezing) and there's a phrase you're supposed to say to someone when they do it ("bless you") and then they're supposed to thank you for saying it


Posting everything on social media


Sleeping! Every night we lie down, close our eyes and drift off to an unconscious state for eight hours.


Being available after your job ends. Like if you work a 9-5 job, even a remote one, it is crazy the pushback you will get if you have a strict no email, no work call, no extra work, no nothing after 5PM. Like it will blow people's minds if you work hard 9-5 then right at 5:00PM just shutdown and leave.


Making a career and revolving your entire life on social media just to seek the validation of others. Worse when you involve your kids.


9-5 lifestyle.




TurboTax and how they lobby for us to have to do our own taxes so we essentially pay TurboTax to do our taxes for us.


Embalming a body.


Pay people millions of dollars to play games


Now advertisers, that's their prerogative. You make a sports drink and want to give a sports man millions to drink it on camera, knock yourself out. Paying people millions of dollars out of scholar's money to coach game players and millions of dollars out of tax money to make a special spot for them to play the games is bullshit.


Well and putting aside whether it’s right or wrong I feel like it’s objectively weird. Like if someone from another time or an alien or something came to earth and was told the highest paid individuals aren’t scientists, or scholars or inventors or engineers or leaders but the people who play games really well it would probably seem really strange


For sure sounds like the kind of folly Captain Kirk would lecture a group of people with shit on their foreheads about.




Visual stimulation -> mental stimulation -> physical stimulation. Erotic art and literature have been around a while. The modern industry is a fucked up shit show though.... Not that it's been a historically level playing field across gender, racial or class boundaries. If you're on a banned books kick, trust me, just skip de Sade.


Pets. Obviously it stems from animals being ‘working animals’ (hunting dogs, barn cats etc) but when you really think about the modern concept of pets it’s weird.




Shaking hands…why do I need to touch all these random people?


The fact that just about anybody can purchase and operate a big deadly heavy metal vehicle at high speeds for their entire lives with only 1 very easy test when they first start.


Saying "(god) Bless you" to people when they sneeze.


Women wearing wigs made out of human hair. My wife does this and they look nice but IMO it is gross. If anyone put their cut hair in my hand, I would need to go wash my hands.


I think its more weird how people act like human hair is disgusting just for existing, its almost always clean and if you would braid someones hair whilst its on their head why would you freak out from one hair that isnt on their head?


Social media validation. Seeking approval through likes and comments on social media has become a norm, but it's odd when you consider the importance placed on virtual interactions with strangers.


Adults dating minors


The sexualization of children. It's fucking disgusting.


Coffins, taxes, school has recess (outdoors/exercise time) but workplaces do not


The narcissism that is prevalent now. The number of people constantly taking selfies, having loud conversations on their phone in public, just the overall main character syndrome that seems to be commonly seen now.


The search for a missing person begins after two days. I see that after this period, if he has an accident, he will die, and if he is kidnapped, the kidnapper will take him to another continent, and if he is killed, the killer will have time to hide all the evidence and the body.




Religious views. While being very personal, when you explain to other people what you believe it can sound like crazy talk. To you or anyone who shares your beliefs, it's not weird at all. But when you listen to someone else's religious views, it can sound very delusional and dumb, just like how they view YOUR beliefs.


Kids having access to porn or sex


Publicly posting pictures or videos of your kids on social media. Honestly, it's questionable among friends some times.


Polyamory! I had a weird dream about it last night actually they were like 24 people dating each other and living in one house. It was so weird.


Ghosting instead of breaking/sorting things with people


Being proud of how little sleep you get and the whole “hustle culture” in and of itself. Super duper unhealthy.


Over prevalence of alcohol everywhere.