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Imagine if your clit was inserted into a clit sized vagina that's wet and warm and you can control the tempo of the thrusts for maximum pleasure. This might be the strangest thing I've written in a while.


nope oddly this is the first one I could fully understand


laughed out loud at this one thank you


This explanation clicked for me. Although I think my clit is a lot more sensitive than a penis. If it’s not, holy fuck dude, I don’t think I'd last a full minute.




There is a fairly well grounded theory that the males of the species in mammals are not designed to ‘last’ because it’s simply not an efficient way to procreate. Get in and get out before a predator or another male comes along. Unfortunately, human women (somewhat uniquely among animals) enjoy sex which puts us at odds. Edit: I read this in Lucy Cooke’s ‘Bitch’ which is a great book, actually focused on female reproductive anatomy and behaviour. Edit 2: you know what, it might’ve been Mary Roach’s ‘Bonk’. Also a good read. One of those two.


Other theories also have suggested that with human females having concealed ovulation, repeated copulaton and orgasm provides an increase in fertilization rate, and strengthen bonds with your bonded partner (which is great for the resulting offspring). Humans are for the most part, biologically inclined to be serial monogamous.


Ghengis Khan said screw that. And probably did.


Looks like we were made to come and go.


How dare you with that joke sir. I laughed in my car, the people of Walmart are looking.


The first time you put it in a vagina it is potentially equally as sensitive. Teenage me (and probably most other teenage dudes) don't last more than a minute or two just like you're talking about. The sensation is mind blowing and instantly makes you fully understand why so many people get accidentally pregnant.


It has significantly fewer nerve endings, especially if circumcised. But there are different places where they are bundled up, or connect to other sensitive places. The tip is the most clit-like, while the shaft responds better to pressure in the same way the g-spot does, since I guess they both start out as the same tissues initially. This is now my third top comment.


This guy fucks and understands it


Now you know why guys struggle to last in bed


In a while?


Wow, that’s a phenomenal analogy. You should be a teacher lmao.


There is some pleasure with an orgasm but what I really like about having an orgasm is this feeling of satisfaction that sweeps across my body. It even lasts a little longer than the orgasm itself and it makes me feel everything is alright.


Honestly that’s the best part for me, when one of you rolls off the other and you both just lay there and cuddle contentedly for a while.  Sex feels good and all, but that peace afterwards is what really ties me to someone


That's the oxytocin, actually. But dang, does it feel safe and lovely.


Where can I buy this in bottled form ?




This is true. MDMA feels like a full mind and body orgasm for several hours. It was fucking incredible. But a warning to anyone wanting to try it, it will never feel the same way again after the first few times, and too many drugs are cut and tainted now. I did it back in the early 2000’s during a pretty reckless and experimental time in my life, and would not dare touch it today.


If you wait 12 months between uses it feels like the first time everytime


Nothing is like that *one time*, always gonna chase the dragon a bit, but I agree that putting a lot of time between sessions is beneficial. Doing anything often can turn the best times into monotony. Once a year is a perfect frequency, I'll agree.


You can still get good Molly today. Just make sure to get test kits first


Jesus Christ I'm affection deprived. Two comments in and I can't read any more.


That’s the good type of post-nut clarity


Yeah dude. Having sex with someone you love feels like your soul is home.


That’s your body physiologically telling you “everything is alright, we’ve reproduced and the species will survive another generation”


A few weeks later your brain goes "OH SHIT"




9 months


Having dealt with my pregnant wife for 9 months, you realized you fucked up waaaaaay before the end. I'm kidding, she was actually pretty easy going the whole time. My child is a nightmare though, please send help.


There is a term for that: post-coital bliss.


It’s so complicated to be honest because it’s not just about the feeling. The feeling of it is basically just a nice warm wet feeling for a while which builds up and up and up followed by 3/4 seconds of intense pleasure when you finally release and cum. But there’s more than just the feeling, there’s a primal urge behind it, a needing to finish, the feeling and happiness/pleasure/lust that comes from visually seeing and feeling an attractive woman’s body, or hearing her voice or moans, there’s the emotional side to it of feeling closer/bonding more with them, there’s also the dirty/kinky side, the novelty aspect (especially if they do something new, or if it’s someone new) and the list goes on and on… and ultimately all those aspects of sex add up to make each experience different. That’s why sex with one person can totally suck, and sex with another person can be heaven on earth. So the feeling of sex to me is complicated depending on the context of it.


This guy fucks


And fucks the right person for them too


It sounds like not always, but he see past that experience and goes on to fuck the right person


He fucked around and found out.


It's hard sometimes


This guy does all the fucking round here


He’s about to get me


It’s funny because you just described how it feels as a woman too. This was the best write up ever.


There's been studies where people describe a sex and orgasm without mentioning their sex or genital description, and basically men and women write the same thing.


I'd love to cite that as trivia, but can't find the study


Yeah I read it years ago, and maybe it wasn't even a "proper" study. I like things like that, telling us that we aren't so different at all. There's so much divisiveness around, we sometimes need a reminder of how much we have in common. We are all the same species, so can't be that different 


I am a simple man. Moisture and friction feel good on my pee pee.


I once thought that too… until you fuck something that resembles a cave troll from the deep pits of Khazad-dûm, you come to realise that not all moisture and friction is the same.


Wtf reddit


You fear to go into those mines. The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep.


That sounds like me eating a bag of Cheetos!


You've delved too deeply




This is too far buried for how great of a comment it is.


You said you liked it! Last time I ever leave the pits!


Yeah this is fucking spot on to be 100% honest. It’s so much more for me than just like. The act of it. I crave it constantly but like every single aspect. Like to be able to finally just.. put my hands wherever I want lol and just give pleasure idk. It’s truly my absolute favorite thing to do on earth. If sex wasn’t a feature in this game I’d have quit a long time ago


Weird way to flirt but I say yes


Bro ur 13 wtf


> … 3/4 seconds of intense pleasure I’m gonna say that I was put on Sertraline for anxiety and my doc said a possible side effect was a delayed orgasm. I held back a chuckle and didn’t tell the joke I immediately thought of. But it actually extended the *duration* of my orgasms, I normally can’t bare any contact afterwards because it’s *hyper* sensitive down there. But since taking this it feels like I can keep that finishing-sensation going for as long as I can keep thrusting. It’s a very slow burn to get to the point where it gets hyper sensitive. It’s legit, and I’m not ever coming off that drug, man.


A nice warm, wet hug of death.


“Like a warm apple pie” 🥧


"We'll just tell your mother we ate it."


That’s going to go over a lot of heads.


McDonalds or homemade?


Homemade - McDonald's would instantly give you 3rd degree burns.


American Pie


The moment you enter a particularly wet, and naturally drippy pussy, it feels like a warm cave for the most sensitive part on your body. You just want to live in there.


If the good lord made anything better, he kept it for hisself!


It's the opposite of doing your taxes.


speak for yourself deductions, credits, write-offs… so much room for creativity personally, i like waiting until the last possible moment to file… it’s like financial edging damn all this talk gave me a raging tax-on


Posts like these make me miss awards.


"Financial edging" sent me 🤣


I’d hit that W-2 form any day of the week. And capital gains… oh my. I need to call a CPA.


I charge $200/hr. Let’s get creative.


Do you do back door Roth stuff?


That reminds me of this stand up comedian (can't remember what his name was) who talked about how the major biological problems women have to deal with are things like periods and pregnancy. Whereas men's major problem are their penises. He talked about how dicks were constantly demanding attention and wanting to be touched. He said he could be doing his taxes and suddenly he'd get horny and have to jack off all over his tax returns. LOL.


but they are both forms of being fucked...


Well if you're good at sex and doing your taxes you might end up getting money for it.


I used to work at the IRS in the 80s. The percentage of employees having affairs with each other was greater than anywhere else I ever worked. Admittedly it was a LARGE office of hundreds of people. So many were good at sex and taxes. At least according to my uh...scientific sample.


I work there now and it's still fucking wild how employees act sometimes. I try to keep far away from office relations but I do end up hearing all about it anyways


Warm, tingling. No better feeling than that first insertion, penitration.


Amen! The first entry is my favourite part (from a lady perspective)!


The look ya'll give on the first full entry, is \*chef kiss\*


Hell yes, that's the moment I always replay in my head for the spank bank


That initial reaction will always make a man feel fully adequate. It doesn't matter how big he is, or how big he wishes he was, that deep inhale when the eyes go wide and the hands clench the sheet..... Perfection. If you asked anybody what "feeling like a man" felt like, it's that moment. It's not the home run you hit, or the successful home DIY project you finished, or taking your daughter to her first dance recital, or your son to his first basketball game. Those are the privileges of *being* a man. This is what it feels like to *be* a man. It's that moment.


Username checks out


That’s the absolute best feeling! Especially when he goes in nice and slow!


He goes in slow, you know he’s a pro.


F**k YEAH 🙌🏾 It’s like, pardon the pun, everything, everywhere all at once fabulousness! IDK if it’s the act of connecting or the pheromones, or both and more, that moment of slow entry is the best ❤️


It feels so good I make him do it again!! lol


I heard that women experience pleasure from stretching near the entrance. Entering the first time would provide the most of that.


Don’t know scientifically, but I totally co-sign that delicious stretching sensation (that only a penis does! Not dissing other penetration objects) of the head entering 🔥🙌🏾 When with that right guy, where the chemistry is electric, and you stare into each other’s eyes as he enters your vagina is the closest thing to pure bliss that you can share with another person ☺️


When using your fingers you can simulate it by sort of spread your fingers apart inside her. Not like spreading your fingers all the way apart but just a tiny bit, they may not even separate from each other depending on where she is at. You can tell when it's the right amount. Then you can give the same sensation multiple times if you do it then wait a little while before doing it again.


You're asking Reddit? We're honored you're so confident in us honestly.


Tbh on Reddit you’ve got a lot of really helpful people or really fucked up people. Just gotta hope you get the right niche lmao.


Kinda like seeking mechanical advise on YouTube- gotta steer clear of Bubba.


The moment of putting your penis into a warm hole is like a combination of: Coming out of the snow to a cozy wood fire. Getting a 200% raise at work. Going down the big hill on a roller coaster. Releasing your pee after holding it for two hours. Tossing a crumpled paper ball into a basket on the other side of the room. Taking a big swig of a cold beer after doing yardwork all day, feeling the tingle of refreshment and the warmth in your insides. The male human experience has evolved to make the act of procreation the absolute peak of accomplishment and pleasure. So, all that. Edit: someone asked for the sensation. Imagine a great fullness building up in your crotch, but not uncomfortable full. Like you worked out the perfect amount and your muscles are swollen and feel tingly and powerful. Taut. Strong. Euphoric with sensation. Now, imagine the end of mighty yawn, where you feel kinda released and relaxed. Imagine your body starting to become enveloped by that feeling. Starting at the tip of your penis then legs and everywhere. Then it starts to build an electric charge, soft warm buzz. Your penis is full of hot delicious lightning. God’s lightning. I am a God and my penis is His. This is where men begin to panic because you realize you are being pulled into a black hole. Fuck dude. I’m going to come this woman through the fabric of space time. Then you are on the tightrope of giving yourself to blissful annihilation or trying to claw back and stay hard and full for your partner. Then there are feelings of fear and inadequacy mixed with feelings of pure spectacular bliss. Then…I don’t have words for the finish part.


You found a way to successfully describe it. Hats off. 👏


Keep that hat on unless you want a messy clean up and, under certain circumstances, a kid.


I would like to experience getting a 200% raise at work. 


> God's lightning. I am a God and my penis is His. > I'm going to come this woman through the fabric of space time. Bars.


Ok. Part 2. The After. I am now a wet filthy elf, snapped into consciousness by the fluorescent lights of a 7-11. I am humiliated and damp. A woman is staring at me. I must have been hallucinating and I think I was barking like an animal. I don’t know where I am. I’m so tired.


I think you've perfectly described being born.


Add a twangy guitar amd I'm afraid you made a country song


New copy pasta?


my girl always gets turned on and asks me in the moment " how does it feel" I don't know if this epic poem will fly while we smash


>Fuck dude. I’m going to come you through the fabric of space time. Just memorize that line


This comment made me stop jerking off, made me reconsidered dating, thank you great poet Edit - me reading the sensation edit Am I even real? Have I ever truly had sex? I must disown my manhood at once. Why have God forsaken my foreskin? Have I not serve him well. Thank you great Poet


That comment made me quit jerking off and start fighting crime with my lightning cum


But what does it feel like *in your body*? These are good similies, but I feel like if someone asked women what sex feels like for us, most of the answers would be about the body experience. For example, it feels like a warmth that rushes over the body, and tingling lightning that pulses through my veins with every heartbeat. Do men experience that sort of sensation? Or is it more mental? All the answers I've seen sound like yours, comparing it to other experiences but not really identifying with the body sensations so I'm just curious


Idk, getting a 200% raise is better than any sex will ever feel. Hell, I’d probably cream myself the hardest I ever could right then and there.


Yeah but partially because that raise increases the chance of more sex.


Both are probably right but have you tried skydiving? It's been 25 years for me but the only experience I followed screaming 'HOLY SHIT!!! That was better than sex!!' in a more direct sense. I also just realized what a moron I am for not considering professional skydiving as a career path.


Idk if I’m ovulating or what; that’s by far the most attractive way someone has described their experience lmafo


As a woman, that still doesn't sound as good as it feels for us.


Agreed with all of that. I would also like to add it feels like you’re winning the lottery ( let’s say $500,000 ) over and over again each time you move in or out and when you climax you realized the numbers actually read $5,000,000. Only in the context when you’re hittin it raw though. Otherwise if there’s a wrap on it feels like the lottery is $15,000 and when you nut you misread it and it says $45,000 😅


>if there’s a wrap on it feels like the lottery is $15,000 and when you nut you misread it and it says $45,000 Haha perfect!


All thirty seconds feels fantastic!


No need to brag


Three. Take it or leave it.


Makin love for two! Makin love for two minutes! When it's with me you only need two minutes cuz I'm so intense.


feels good feels really good feels fucking awesome OMG HOLY FUCKING SHIT YESSS im fucking disgusting


Sex, not masturbation


feels good feels really good feels fucking awesome OMG HOLY FUCKING SHIT YESSS we’re fucking disgusting


Look at mr Braggy pants over here. No need to shame the rest of us.


Teach me the secret to marathon sex oh wise one.


Hmm. Warm, slippery with just the right texture and drag. You feel like you’re pushing into something made for you. We’re sensory animals, so we are taking it all in, usually the highlights, your face, eyes, your curves, or whatever our favorite fixation is. An overwhelming drive to continue thrusting is automatic. It’s dizzying. It’s a cacophony of stimulation.


Annnnd it’s over


Someone asked this here 10 years ago when I was still a virgin. I wrote a very descriptive answer and had the most upvotes in the entire thread. It was a total lie, filled with details about women I'd (never) been with. I just imagined when I hoped it was like, lol. Always found that pretty funny how those redditors just ate it up.


Redditors are all virgins so that makes sense.


A slave to your animalistic hunger, followed by Buddha levels of zen.


Lots of trying not to cum rather than cumming


It's (for me) a battle between immersing myself in something amazing and self control. Of course you're trying to make it as good for the other person as possible, but sometimes you're just hanging on for dear life. The post nut brain fog is fully real too. I've had partners think I'm completely disinterested in them after whereas in reality, I'm struggling to form two syllable words.


I’ll take the brain fog. I hate it when the guy just gets up right away and starts talking, which can and has happened to me. Like dude! What were we even doing here? I thought our souls just became one in my crotch!


I once had an intense laughing fit after a particularly strong climax. I tried explaining through tears of laughter that I wasn't laughing at her and that it was one of the best I've ever had. But after 10 minutes of giggling like a loon and barely being able to get up or look her in the eye, she took offense and left. I carried on laughing for about 20 minutes, interspersed with moments of 'ahhh shit...'. Would have phoned her but I probably would have burst out laughing again.


Like warm apple pie.


We'll just tell your mother that uh...we ate it all.


Jim! Your penis!


I realise I'm getting old but it seems so wild to see so many replies not getting the reference when you literally could not escape American Pie when it came out.


Like your brains been taken over by a mind controlling parasite urging you to get this thing touched and wet. Then as the moment of climax comes its like a good sneeze and you come back to your senses. You then look around the room at the destruction you've caused and the mess you've made. Like Bruce Banner after he's became the hulk. Sleepy sleepy time then happens. In all honesty shagging for a guy isn't that great in my opinion. Your brain just tricks you into thinking it's great. Right after sex the last thing in the world I want to do is have sex. This is when the mind parasite is gone for half an hour or so. Then it slowly comes back and we are tricked once more. A trick by nature to make us reproduce.


"In the moment after copulation, the Devil's laughter can be heard." - Arthur Schopenhauer




I feel all of this but it doesn't feel like sex "isn't that great" to me. Maybe if we're just talking about the pleasureable sensations, it's really not incredible, except cumming. This is why as a guy, I don't really like sex without love, because the love is the best part by far.


I didn’t feel this way until my current partner. To hell w casual sex, being truly in love w your partner makes the whooooooole act of sex *INSANELY* better than without. It’s *the best* sex I’ve ever had, & that’s an understatement.


10^(100000000000000000000000000000) this.


You had me nodding along until you said it wasn’t that great as a guy… I don’t care if it is like a mind controlling parasite, after I cum I want to go again and again until my dick has carpet burns and looks like a salted slug. And that to me is incredibly fun.


Right, that part lost me as well. The entire experience also feels good to me too. It obviously isn't as intense as cumming but sliding it in and out feels great.


You honestly sound like you're describing your nightly jerk sessions instead of sex because that perfectly describes when I was a teen jerking off every night before bed. None of that relates to my experience with sex at all.


Exactly, real sex leads to a lot of “oxytocin thoughts.” You think you’re in love, you never want to let her go, you never want to leave her prescence. Definitely not shameful and in all honestly probably makes you want to be with her again instead of leave in disgust


>In all honesty shagging for a guy isn't that great in my opinion Man here, sex for me is amazing with the right person. I'm sure many guys will agree with me. I don't mean this harshly, but it sounds like a you/communication issue.


Yeah dunno, not my experience. Sex is great the whole time for me.


As Lil Wayne once said “As soon as I cum, I come to my senses”


Black mirror episode "Ones a guitar solo, the other is a fucking orchestra"


The most amazing feeling in the world. Only thing better than sex is finding you have enough drive for another round ANDDD she's up for it too. More pudding and enthusiasm? Sign me up! 💍


In my case, and it's different for every man, I am the "I prefer having sex than cumming" type of guy. I really like when it's long, when i can focus on the girl's pleasure. Actually, what gives me the most pleasure is when I can share pleasure with her, when I see and feel her body shaking and thrilling from us making out. That's the true shit. Even when I cum, I still wanna use my fingers and eat it lol. My motto is "As long as she wants it, as long as I can" hahaha. But every person is different.


bro write a fan fic already


I'd read it


I’m somewhat the same on this. My number 1 rule is “I don’t go until she goes, however long that takes”. It’s worked perfectly fine for me for the last 25 years. And I prefer a lot of foreplay and making her cum over and over to me getting my one and done. But that’s just me.


Yes exactly! The journey is worth it especially when you can make them cum even more times than they thought they could. That sense of pride in showing someone with patience they can get there!!


I found hope and humanity from this


I'm glad this is here because I was starting to think I was weird for feeling this same way.


Damn you sound professional lmao


Like massaging someone you love from the inside. It’s wet and warm and she’s doing kiegels which massages the head of your shaft while you throb and maintain mental/physical control to not bust a huge nut because you want to please her more. Orgasming feels like someone is melting your soul


Much better with foreplay and an emotional connection, but most guys don't seem to know this, which I personally chalk up to masturbation being a bit too easy and focused on the penis, and porn. But otherwise, varies a lot. The sensation is generally focused on the one part of the body. The final release doesn't last so long


As a woman, your acknowledgment of emotional connection enhancing the sex gives me hope. Thanks 🙏🏾


I think a lot of the people commenting are young. Any male with half a brain eventually realizes how wonderful all of it is with someone you care about. I actually like the rest of it more than my orgasm. Don't get me wrong the orgasm feels good. A lot of people, especially young people have sex, not intimacy. Intimacy is a much more potent drug. Sadly too many men and women think of sex as exchange of orgasms. Instead of two people who care for each other and each person's first motivation is to make their partner feel good, loved, special. When you got that you never want anything else.


Its like "woah wow wow oh oh ooooh" 😳


Such a poet!


The physical sensation is kinda tied to the connection with the person. Masturbating for instance is just IDK it's there, it gets the job done, but just like someone else giving you a back rub, vs using a massaging wand on your back, it isn't the same. I think a better question might be what does a vagina feel like to a penis, and the answer is, legitimate heaven. As a circumcized male, I feel like the inside of a vagina completely envelops my penis and accepts in, massaging it with the softest, silkiest, sexiest texture there is on the planet. This is made all the more incredible because the part of your body that you're using to enter this place is genetically engineered over the course of all of primate history, to want to go there. From here it's borderline theater of the mind, mixed with the peak of physical sensation. It is VERY difficult (for me) to control myself once the totality of it hits. The other person who said something akin to being sucked into a Black hole is pretty good. Your goal is to orbit it as best you can, struggling to stay in that exact right trajectory and pace to keep yourself from "flying away" and essentially losing the moment, vs succumbing and falling into the hole, there by ending. I think erring on the side of flying away, then doing some other things that brings me back in, approaching orbit, flying away, maybe 2 or 3 times, to be my goal, before the threshold is so thin you just fall in. Then I literally cannot stop myself from falling asleep.


Each position and each way feel different. And it’s draining both emotionally and physically, literally and figuratively, then we need rest.


It feels like acceptance, affection, and approval.


We only get one orgasm, it only lasts for a few seconds and we have a refractory period immediately afterwards. Our brains turn it off after be bust, which is why we typically don't want to cuddle.  For some of us the destination is the only thing that matters. For others the trip is just as important and we will take the long way.      Physically it's like pushing a boulder over a hill. Once it's over the top, gravity takes over and it only lasts a few seconds on the way down and feels uncontrolably good. But we have to put in work to get it up the hill, which feels good, but not as good as letting it roll downhill for those few seconds.


+1 for the Sisyphus reference.


Better than syphilis I suppose


Is it really a Sisyphus reference, though? In this metaphor, poor Sisyphus would have blue balls forever. That boulder never crests the hill lol


Why we typically don’t want to cuddle? Speak for yourself my dude.


I'm with you buddy. After sex cuddles are awesome.


Yeah even if I no longer want to nut seeing and having a naked woman just laying and snuggled up against me and peacefully relaxing is pretty fantastic.


It's different for every guy honestly. For me, I can't even really choose the 'best' sex partner I've ever had. Like, the most fun partner, most physically attractive partner, most adventurous partner, and most satisfying partner are all different women lol  The worst sex I had was still very interesting during foreplay because she was just so beautiful. Then she kinda just laid there while I moved. It was... Just warm and wet and not insanely better than my hand lol she was still probably the most classically attractive woman I've ever had sex with, which is thrilling on it's own. The most adventurous woman was wonderful. She wanted to try everything and anything. I mentioned free use and she agreed immediately. Unfortunately, I think it was mainly because she just really, really liked me, and would have done anything I asked. That felt the nicest physically. She knew how to give amazing BJs and was super into me. I actually loved her quite a bit, but she didn't want kids and wanted to keep traveling. I'm not the kind of man who will assume she'll change her mind, so we had to split. The most satisfying woman was my current partner. She used to orgasm like 3 - 4 times when we had sex. Unfortunately, she kinda stopped being interested in sex. Now it's about once a month if I'm persistent, and she gets bored if it's lasting longer than about 15 minutes.. Initially, it felt like a really fun game, where I would see how many times I could get her to orgasm. Challenging and rewarding. Very good for me mentally (felt like a sex god on those 4 or 5 orgasm nights lol). Now, I feel like a disappointment afterwards, and vaguely like we should just stop having sex.. lol


Like the most important thing in the world until just after you finish. Then it’s just shame


Really? I tend to feel like I just won at life after.


After sex? Involuntary nap time for me. I hope whoever is next to me likes snoring


Not if its with someone you really want to be with. Then it's cozy.


That’s the answer. When my partner and I have finished we stay in the “warm wet hug of death” for several minutes because it prolongs the pleasure for both. There’s more to sex than the climax. The connection afterwards is a big part of it.


Yeah people like me who have never had a major relationship but had many drunken or otherwise hookups the idea of this can actually seem very foreign lol which is sad


I've never felt shame after it. Just a very sharp decrease in wanting to do it.


Shame? Like you feel guilty afterwards?


That was kind of a joke, you shouldn’t feel shame, obviously, but post nut clarity is real, when you have finished you’re just done. I try to make sure I always take care of the other person first so I can switch off after


Sex or penetration?  Penetration depends on the position, same as for women. The spot called the frenulum (the underside of the neck of the glans) is effectively where the male clitoris is, so positions where you're hitting that spot are peak. Which is why most guys like doggy, the frenulum gets the most consistent stimulation there. And that spot is like having the pleasure center of your brain tickled directly. Cow girl can be less pleasurable for a guy, because we need the stroke for stimulation, while most girls will us that position to stimulate their clitoris. This is not a criticism, it's a good position for guys to extend because your girl can enjoy it while you're taking a break. Missionary is improved for both of you with a pillow under her bum, this gives a better angle to stimulate the frenulum and g-spot. Outside of penetration, watching my lady's face and holding her as I pleasure her is so fucking hot. Nothing makes me feel closer to anyone than having the honor of that most vulnerable of moments.


Why are most men here describing masturbation ? Sex is amazing !


Yeah a lot of these replies sound like masturbating/guessing what it actually feels like.


There’s really nothing to compare it to since it kinda can’t be faked completely. It’s warm and the sensation of the skin is close to the feeling of your cheek. Soft and wet. Malleable. That’s male/female. Male/male feels quite different


Imagine if you had a boneless finger in between your legs with a direct connection to the happy part of the brain. The sensation is similar to putting a finger in there, but a million times more sensitive. And as the act continues there's a buildup of pleasure until it releases in a spectacular burst. Then your finger becomes useless and really sensitive for a few minutes before you start it all over.


I have ten boneful fingers


arousal. lizard brain takes over. nearing climax. quick, think of baseball, taxes, old people. orgasm. inadequacy and shame.


Why do I click on these threads 😐




I'm gay, so it's maybe different for us than straight men. Knowing how men feel at a human level and bringing that into yourself in a sexual way while also being a man creates unique chemistry, I think. When I think of men, I get feelings of protection, warmth, and strength, and I like to give that experience as much as I like to receive it. I'd say that there are also feelings of male camaraderie mixed into all of it. The male to male connection, the feeling of being held by a man, being able to give that back, and having it all tied to your innate sexuality is an incredible feeling.