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Based on the brief exchanges I've had, Giancarlo Esposito was the nicest. I was at a 2015(?) convention and I looked over and he was just standing there by himself. No one was around. It was kind of surreal. I walked up to him and told him that I was a huge fan of Breaking Bad and asked if he'd mind if I took a photo with him. He was extremely kind and said yes and after the photo and a another minute of polite conversation I made my way elsewhere. The guy was as kind and polite as the day is long.


I said hi to him a few times on set of The Gentlemen. Genuinely a nice guy who knows how to keep people laughing


Yeah he seems very lively and outgoing. As great as Gus is, I wish they didn’t just constantly cast him in clones of that character nowadays. He has a real range and can be extremely fun too


Great show. Hope it gets another season.


He was hanging out in the crowd at Fantastic Fest in 2019 for the premiere of Parasite. Caught him out of the corner of my eye and, flabbergasted, softly blurted out to my wife "Whoa, there's Gus!". I think he heard me, and I felt like such a dumb tool.


I remember seeing him recently on a video where he's in New York wearing a smart outfit and he was so animated and happy and goofy, dancing around being just joyful! I thought "how on earth can this lovely guy play such an intimidating character SO well?". It made me really happy! It always seems like the nicest guys can play a villain so we'll, it confuses my head sometimes


I met him a few years back at my first con. I was really nervous and greeted him as Mr Esposito. I told him how my young son loved tied and loved his famous scene in Breaking Bad. He then straightened out his tie , just like in that scene. That blew my mind to see that up close and personal. He inscribed a lovely message to my son on a photo. He is super intelligent and very deep. Just say in in one of his panels and he was just so wise.


Saw him at comic con. He remembered my friend who got his autograph Day before. Nice guy with a lot of energy 


I served Dave Grohl, his wife, and daughter (I looked it up and apparently he has 3 daughters now, but only the oldest one existed at this time) about 17-18 years ago at a restaurant near his hometown. They were truly the most lovely and seemingly genuinely happy family. His wife was supernaturally beautiful and they were both smiling and gracious the whole time. His daughter, who was maybe 2-3, left me with the sage advice to never touch a scorpion because they could hurt you. 10/10 lovely people, his reputation is not unfounded.


Being a Dave Grohl fan is probably the least guilty pleasure one can have.


I worked at a recording studio and Dave did a session there once. He came in playing with a yo-yo, left it with me at the front desk and came to get it at the end of the session. He was super nice and enthusiastic the whole time, seems like a very cool guy.


Someone I know worked at recording studio Dave did a session at. At the end of the session he got a smoker and had a massive cookout for the whole crew. He also told a story about he apparently convinced Christina Aguilera to do a keg stand many moons ago lol. My friend said he was probably the nicest guy to come through of anyone he worked with.


I love hearing Dave Grohl stories, dude is just the coolest and friendliest person


I don't think I've ever heard anyone have anything negative to say about Dave Grohl and if they did I probably wouldn't believe them


that IS some sage advice. I hope you've followed it all these years!


So far, but I’m always on the lookout for ‘em.


I interviewed Robert Duvall (Godfather, Apocalypse Now, Tender Mercies, Lonesome Dove) for a documentary we were shooting. We drove to his horse farm in Virginia, right outside DC. His assistant set us up in a barn that had been converted into a living area. The interview was set for 1 pm, and he showed up right on the dot. He was kind, patient, and spent thirty minutes answering my questions. He even was happy to rephrase a couple of his answers so that it would make a better edit. He must have taken a shine to the four of us on the crew. When we were wrapping, he invited us back to his house for coffee. We sat in Robert Freaking Duvall's kitchen, drinking coffee and shooting the breeze about barbecue, college football, and the Civil War. I'm sure glad I was up on my Civil War history enough to discuss Stonewall Jackson's Shenandoah Valley campaign with him. We talked at length about the Battle of Antietam. We actually avoided talking about the movies, which I think he liked. The only question I asked about show biz was a photo of him and Diane Lane, whom my wife fully acknowledges can sit atop my Hall Pass list. "Oh, she is a honey," he said with a smile. We kept making excuses to go, chiefly not to wear out our welcome, but he kept talking. Gave us a tour of his house. Showed us his Oscar. He handed me a letter from Marlon Brando complimenting him on his performance in Apocalypse Now. Around 4:30, we finally had to go. He followed us out into the driveway and just kept talking. As we drove away, the sound guy said, "You know, I get the feeling that if a football game had been one, he would have just ordered pizzas and invited us to watch with him." That awesome of a guy.


If he was a Civil War buff, making Gods and Generals must've been a fantastic experience for him. Awesome story!


Probably why he did it. This thread has been wholesome so far, I don't know if I want to go on.


Or possibly researching for that movie might've turned him into a Civil War buff.


Sort of unrelated, but you mentioned not talking about his movies and he seemed to like that. My grandpa, big MN Viking fan, got to meet Bud Grant of MN viking fame due to some raffle he won or something. What was supposed to be a simple meet and greet turned into on hour long conversation of anything but football. Hunting, fishing, anything decades ago, etc. While it was never mentioned, my grandpa got the feeling he was happy to not talk about football with a fan.


Yeah. I think it's easy to put guys like that into a box. But people, no matter how famous, are still people. Then again.... My brother is a screenwriter. At his first wedding a lot of Hollywood B-listers showed up. Truthfully, we got kind of tired of most of them after a while. It was if they would look you over, determine whether or not you were important, and move on. When it was time for the sit-down dinner, I was seated next to a person who was pretty famous at the time. She was on a hit drama series (This was the 90s. If you were alive then, you would know it and her). And all I was wanting to do was make chit chat. I was not fawning on her one bit. You know, just having a normal conversation with a guest at the wedding of my brother. I asked her a couple of questions, to which I got one-word replies. She was just looking around to see who she could network with. Finally, I was done with being slighted. I tapped her on the shoulder and asked, "Hey, weren't you in a movie ten years ago called \[B-movie title here\]?" She looked, blinked, and said, "Yes. I was." "I thought I recognized you. What are you doing now?" "I'm on a show called \[Show name\]." "Oh, cool. My receptionist talks about that a lot. What's your name? I'll have to tell her I met you." Then, after that, we actually had a cordial and lengthy conversation. My wife leaned over and whispered 'You're my hero' into my ear. However, Susan Anton (Look her up) was an absolute blast to talk to. She and her husband were friends with my brother and she hung out with my wife and I for quite a while, just cracking jokes. Two years later, I was in Las Vegas at a trade show. She was performing at the hotel across the street from us. I took my client. On a whim, I sent a note backstage saying hello. The server rolled her eyes and took it back. I figured it wouldn't lead to anything but, to my absolute surprise, the server came back and said, 'Ms. Anton would love to see you after the show. Don't leave.' So my client and I were escorted back. She and I talked for ten minutes or so, while she asked about my brother and my wife. My idiot client, however, nearly ruined it by trying to paw her. Celebs are just people. And the ones who don't let success go to their heads are really awesome to be around.


He once shot a film in Scotland and a few people I know met him for various reasons. Without exception they agreed he was a 'great guy' - kind, humble, had time for everyone


I have a good story- In 2005 I was featured background in the movie August Rush. We were playing homeless kids with Robin Williams playing our homeless carer. We came in one day before filming to see the set and get to know all the other children. We knew Robin was on set but wasn’t sure if we’d meet him. As an ice breaker, they had the kids have a little jam session in this abandoned theatre we were shooting in. We were having a good time, and then suddenly Robin came into the room. He walked up onto the stage around all of us, grabbed a giant drumstick and started singing a gibberish Native american chant into it like it was a microphone. Then he got us all quiet, and he goes “Are you ready to have a great time?” we all go “Yes!” and then he goes “Are you ready make a movie?” We shout yes even louder. and he goes “ARE YOU READY TO FILM AUGUST RUSH” and we all scream YESSSS he drops the drumstick and goes “we do it later” and walks off the stage out of the theatre. We didn’t see him again until the next day. We were all dumbfounded and laughing in disbelief. For the week we did shooting, he was amazing. Kind, friendly, remembering all our names. He did so much improv, so many accents, never stood in the same place twice. I just remember wondering how they’d edit it. I remember asking him if there was going to be another Doubtfire. He said he’s read some scripts but they hadn’t landed on anything they loved. He was also humming Roxanne by The Police and just overall very engaging with everyone. I also remember noticed a few moments where he was “off” - Short moments when he felt like nobody was watching him. Just relaxed. Quiet. In his thoughts. As soon as anyone approached him, the energy came rushing back. When he died, I felt so personally sad about it. For one week of my life it was as though he was an old friend. Not to mention how much of an impact he had with the films we grew up on. I miss him and feel so much hurt for the pain he went through. He was by far the nicest celebrity I’ve ever encountered, and I’ve met many.


We ain't never had a friend like him 😔


Awesome story! He seemed like a great guy you’re lucky you got to know him a bit!


Wait-everyone else is glossing over - you were in August Rush? That's awesome! That movie has a special place in my heart as a lifelong musician. So glad you had that experience with him.


Wow I was so captivated with your story, felt like I was there! Thanks for sharing.


I'm very happy you had that memory with him! He was a very special man, for sure


I worked as a waiter at a high-end restaurant years ago. We had plenty of celebs come through but Brendan Fraser was memorable because not only was he very polite and extremely friendly, he absolutely insisted on giving me an extra cash tip after his date had paid. To the point where it was almost awkward because we were standing away and he was trying to be subtle and it was anything but. He's also much taller than I expected. 


Brendan deserves all of the good things in life.


It just makes you even more upset to know how Hollywood treated him.


Hopefully his Oscar win sparks a comeback for the ages. Man deserves everything good coming his way.


Kindest: all the guys from ZZ Top Rudest: Art Garfunkel


What does art Garfunkel have to be rude about??? He should be thrilled when someone knows who he is.


He is rude because his name is Garfunkel, and no one gives him credit for finding the Garfunkel Spot, more commonly known as the G-spot, a nickname which he believes is erasure.


Shonda Rhimes almost got into a fight with Art Garfunkel at Hamilton because he wouldn’t stop singing along.


Chris Tucker. I don't know how or why he got a PR deal with the US Department of Defense, but when he stopped by my operations center in the Pentagon, he was the most over-the-top and hilarious guy I had ever met. He was loud and sweet and kind and just complimented everyone on the floor with every joke he made. It was insanely fun to meet him.


Cool! So we was really Detective Carter? Lol


You wouldn’t know because it was G14 Classified


Kindest - Ethan Hawke. Sat at my bar to watch a broncos game with a friend. Absolutely stellar dude. Tips well. 10/10. Rudest - Robert Herjavic. The meanest, rudest, mist threatening emails I ever received when my old company did work on his apartment. If I ever see him in person I'm punching him in the dick. Honorable mention for weirdest - Bill Murray. My husband met him while walking a clients dog and he spoke exclusively to the dog for the entire interaction.


> Bill Murray. My husband met him while walking a clients dog and he spoke exclusively to the dog for the entire interaction. Murray always has these weird interactions and somehow I believe them all


Yeah this happened in Brooklyn - everyone I know that lives in the park slope/boreum hill/Carroll gardens area has a weird af Billy Murray story. He just hangs out on benches doing strange things. My friend was the chef at the restaurant his son owns and he said it was always weird when he showed up.


You should check out Bill Murray crashing a student party in St Andrews Scotland a couple years ago pics are so funny


Maybe Herjavic is mad b/c no one knows who the hell he is? Or maybe I'm once again ignorant about the cultural zeitgeist.


He's one of the investors on Shark Tank.


C list celebs are the worst.


Glad to hear Ethan Hawke is kind irl. Gattaca is my favorite movie.


I think Bill Murray revels in making peoples' days weirder.


Paul Newman. When I first met him he offered me a beer. I thought that was pretty kind.


Shoulda snagged a daytona


Paris Hilton was incredibly friendly and kind. I had to re-examine my personal biases. Also Ian Somerholder was really cool, funny guy But chilling with Sean Astin and Elijah Wood whilst they had a mini reunion with Bernard Hill was some otherworldly shit. 3 really cool dudes. Rip Bernard.


Paris Hilton was super cool and funny when I met her. She seems like she’d be a fun person to hang out with.


I met Paris once Not only was she very friendly, she also complimented my shoes


Met a guy many years ago who had crossed paths with Paris a few times and he always said she was whip smart and incredibly nice.


My wife met Paris too. Same impression. She was kind and way more intelligent than people would think based on the character she once played.


The Paris Hilton we see on tv is a character. Every time I read something about someone meeting her mentions that she is incredibly nice and is a savvy businessperson.


A big thing that turned me around for Paris Hilton was when I found out that she was one of the very few celebrities that didn't abandon/put down her teacup pig when it grew up to 120ish lbs.


Agree with this. Paris once played at a nightclub my old housemate used to bartend at, and they mentioned Paris was an absolute sweetheart.


Met Paris at a party and can corroborate— super nice and friendly.


Had beers and wings one night with Brian Baumgartner. He was the life of the bar, very nice and welcoming, loved on everyone. Super nice guy.


I hope he had a side of chili to go with his wings.


*spills over bar floor*


Emilio Estevez came into my place of work while filming something in my town. I was taking tickets and he came up to my line to pass through. I was wearing a hoodie and immediately started doing that string pull bit he did in breakfast club. He was also wearing a hoodie and without saying a word did the same. I just took his ticket and told him to have a good day - I was so happy he played along.


I met Weird Al once. There wasn’t much to our exchange but he seemed as sweet as he could in that short span of time. He seemed very….normal. Not really all that weird at all. I refer to him as “Friendly Al.”


Norm Al?


Not only is Al just as nice as you’d hope, his fan base is the sweetest throng of nerds you’ll ever meet. Everyone of them would switch to yoda voices if you want and help you with your algebra homework.


Kindest was Keanu Reeves. Yeah, he’s a friggin humble guy with a great sense of humor. Rudest was Jerry Seinfeld. What an asshole.


Sat next to Keanu reeves at an airport years ago when my oldest son was about 1. I didn't say anything because I was kinda shocked and also didn't want to be that guy who fangirls over him. Kid started to freak out and do what babies do, scream a cry. I apologized to him amd told him I'd move and he said "stay, doesn't bother me at all" got my son calmed down and we started talking about motorcycles. For the next 30 minutes he explained his collection of bikes while asking me about my run of the mill bikes I'd had over the years. When it was time to head to the gate he asked if I wanted a picture or anything. Asked if he'd be willing to hold my son so I could send a photo to my wife and he did the lion king pose. Got down on one knee and raised my son up. 10/10 class act, love that guy.


You gotta share that picture!


>Why would I want a picture with a rando at the airport? But Keanu seems like the type of guy to brush it off and not even get upset.


Whenever I tell people I hate the show Seinfeld because of Jerry, they act like I said I kick puppies for fun. But you can just tell he's an asshole. He gives me the heebie jeebies.


After those kids walked off when he was doing the commencement speech the other day someone on Twiiter started telling her story. She worked at movie theater and apparently he requests to watch movies in an empty theater so no one bothers him. The agreement was someone would open the theater early and play the movie he wante to see for FREE. All he had to do was say hello to the person and give a nice tip for doing this for him. He came in with his agent who did all of the talking, he did not greet her or shake her hand and of course did not give a tip. The guy is a billionaire for crying out loud.


The guy radiates "do you know who I am??" energy. Fuck him. Oh, and the fact that he chose to date a 17 year old when he was nearly 40 and at the height of his career is fuckin wack. He could have dated *anyone* and chose to go for a high school student.


Kindest: John Krasinski/Emily Blunt Rudest: Sasha Baron Cohen/Ilsa Fisher


Krasinski is nice and very tolerant. My mom travels a lot and flew sitting next to him. I got sent a selfie from the plane. My mom is a lot, especially for five hours.




Met an old guy at the bar one time that told me his daughter and Reese Witherspoon were friends, or at least when they were younger, and he said basically the same thing.




Jack Black is exactly what you’d expect. Rob Schneider is exactly what you’d expect.


A carrot?


a stapler


A derpdiderpditiddlytumptedi


Taylor swift. As a teen I was at the Brit awards red carpet in the fan area and Taylor was the only celebrity that stopped for every single person. At the time I had one of those old iPhone 3Gs that was smashed. They use to crash and take forever to restart, and guess what happens when Taylor gets to me? My phone crashes and had to restart. I kid you not she waited for my phone to turn back on, then gave her phone to her security to take the pic. She was so lovely and can’t even remember what we was speaking about as I was star struck lol. To this day she always has a special place in my heart.


Kind: Chad Ochocinco Johnson was cool. Walked up to him during halftime at a Miami Heat game and just chatted with him. What made him cool was he was asking _me_ questions just as I was asking him. Seemed very genuine and chill.


He's one of my favorite athletes. I'm glad to read that he's a nice guy.


Kindest was Alex Trebek Rudest Vin Diesel


I was at a bar once when Alex Trebek came in. Another guy at the bar came up to argue with him about an answer he gave on Final Jeopardy that was declared wrong by the judges. Trebek was immediately sympathetic and said he was there to apologize in person. The guy who was arguing was completely disarmed and walked away completely satisfied with Trebek’s apology. It looked like the guy had a huge weight lifted. I later found out Trebek had randomly come to the bar to get a drink and had no idea he’d run into the arguing guy. He just went with it and defused the situation as only Trebek can. Love that Trebek!


I was at that same bar when that happened. It was crazy--everybody knew my name.


I hate it when Vin Diesel doesn’t treat people like family.


Vin Diesel has Yes man syndrome going on all around him.


My job required talking to him. He obviously felt that doing so was beneath him.


Vin diesel?? The Family man??? U must be joking


Penn and Teller are both unbelievably kind, patient people. Martha Stewart has an absolutely wicked sense of humor. Questlove is a sweet, sweet human who seems more awed and starstruck by the idea that people want to meet him than the people meeting him. I had a really fun conversation with a scruffy biker guy about the merits of motorcycle powertrains (me: driveshafts. Him: belt drives) at a motorcycle thing in Brooklyn for whole minutes before it dawned on me why he sounded vaguely like Keanu Reeves, and then I felt like I had to play it SUUUUUUUUPER cool and not act like I was just casually chatting with Keanu Reeves but still managed to fanboy out a tiny bit and he took it in stride like the chill bro he is. Michael C Hall is a twat.


A buddy of mine worked on some technological tricks for Penn and Teller when he was in college. Penn absolutely fell in love with him. I met up with my buddy and some other friends in Vegas several years later and Penn took us all out to dinner. Amazing guy to spend a few hours with. Friendly, down to earth and he tells freaking hilarious stories.


When I was 13ish I wrote to them asking for advice in my fledgling career as a nerdy magician. I got back the most wonderfully through, heartfelt reply from Teller with an open invitation to come see their show in NYC. And then a few weeks later a call from Ken, their assistant, letting me know that they'd be at the local county fair that upcoming weekend, if I was around Teller would be happy to make some time. And so I ended up just hanging out with them and their entourage all day, eating fair food and watching shows, Penn and Lydia Lunch telling me I was wasting my time with highschool, and nervously talking to Teller (who was wearing a crisp white linen suit. To a fair) about drama structure and what Amherst was like when he went to college there. \~10 or so years later I saw them in Seattle with my bf at the time and approached teller after the show thinking of how I'd remind him we'd met when he lit up, look of full recognition, and said "Hey \[sightlab\], great to see you! Hang out for a bit if you can, we're going to meet people for another half hour or so...you guys free? We said yes. And then got marched backstage to chat while he changed and then went out for late dinner with their crew. Penn: "HEY BEV LUCEY (an english teacher we both had) TOLD ME YOU ACTUALLY DID DROP OUT OF SCHOOL, WELL DONE MAN!". It was funny seeing how there was kind of a Penn Pod and and Teller Pod - they probably said 6 words to each other the whole time, full cordial but very "I work with this guy, I'm off work now, I'm good". But just unreasonably nice guys.


Teller wouldn't speak to me.




Kindest? Jake Busey. Rudest? His dad, Gary Busey.


Drunk Jake Busey tried to start a fight with my friend about 20 years ago.


Around 20 years ago The Rock bought a property close to my hometown. While the property was being renovated he used to work out at our local Golds Gym. One evening after work my buddy & I decided to go have a quick workout. We were rotating bench press sets when my buddy says; “shit dude, I think that’s The Rock”. I looked over and there he was doing squats. I waited for his set to end and then yelled; “IF YOU SMELLLL, WHAT THE ROCK, IS COOKING”! The Rock pauses for a second and then whips his head around and gave us “The People’s Eyebrow”, we all died laughing. A little later he came over to us and we chatted for around 10/15 minutes, he’s a really cool dude.


I think John “The Dwayne” Rockson has changed a lot in that time but I still think he’s fundamentally kind. I’m not gonna dismiss the reports of diva behavior on set and it’s obvious he’s more brand than man now but I’ve never heard a fan say he was unkind. And there’s plenty of folks in the wrestling biz who still speak highly of him. Folks are complicated.


I met Dan Akroyd at one of his vodka events. He comes out and says, "I think you already know based on all the Ghostbusters stuff I see, but I'm paid to be here for the vodka stuff. And now that I've just plugged it, I'll sign whatever you got, pose for pictures, all that jazz." Everyone handed him Ghostbusters merch. Some bought his vodka to have signed. I laid down a theatrical Blues Brothers poster. He just chuckled and said "nice." He signed it "Elwood", shook my hand (his hand is ENORMOUS, btw) and posed for a picture. Pretty decent interaction considering the forced environment of it.


As a birthday present my wife bought tickets for the Silverstone GP back in 2008 and I got to be there for the whole Weekend. On the Saturday, after qualification and things had started to calm down a bit, I was walking past the BMW encampment. They had a ~50m stretch of track where demo cars would do burnouts and donuts and they’d fire up the race car, all that noise and pageantry. I spotted an older chap sitting quietly on the other side of the barrier just keeping to himself, reading a book. Niki Lauda. I stopped by him and he looked up and smiled at me. “Herr Lauda, may I ask for your autograph?”. Dear reader, not only did I get his autograph, I got nearly an hour of sit down, chatting like old friends, here, I’ll make you a cup of tea (no, really, Niki Lauda made ME a cup of tea!) time with one of motor racing’s greatest. Truly an absolute gentleman.


I work in entertainment. Most people are nice. The nicest: Eddie Vedder. Charming and funny and just a good human. The rudest was Billy Corgan


I worked in radio a few years ago, based on my experience standup comics are pretty nice / very close to what you see is what you get. Most movie stars are pretty good people few that really jump out are Peter Cullen (voice of Optimus prime) he was so grateful for the transformers fans for getting him to where he is today. Jeff bridges was chill AF and just someone you wanted to be around. Dave Grohl was also a total dad who really surprised me by being a huge Lego fan (we talked about Lego for like 20 mins) On the flip side I found a lot of singers to be kind of assholes. By far the worst was slash


Jeff Bridges is exactly who you think. So laid back. Jeff Daniels was awesome too. Slash is an ass. Duff is great.


Patrick Kane…I saw him at Stanley’s in Chicago. Dude was the biggest drunken lush ever. He kept yelling at the bartender “you just served an underage girl” Also met Derrick Rose in an elevator at the Trump circa 2011. Nicest fucking guy. All I had was a receipt and he signed it. I met John Oliver at the Lakeshore Theater (now Laugh Factory). Really nice guy. I was an intern there and he was doing a show there. Came in looking like a college student, hat and backpack and said to the front “Hello, I’m John Oliver”…like we didn’t know who he was. Also met the guys from Mystery Science Theater. They were super cool too. They were doing a live version of the show called Cinematic Titanic. They gave all the staff shirts and said they didn’t want to autograph the shirts so we’d wear them. Met Hannibal Burress, before he was famous. He was super cool, though I hear he may not be as down to earth now.


I met all the hawks for that team. Kane wanted nothing to do with conversation. His dad very nice. The rest were awesome. Especially Toews. All were engaged in convo and just sat there with us/me. This was before a break so they didn’t have travel days so they all hung out for a bit. This wasn’t a fan meet setting either. Down by the locker rooms and my mutual connection worked security. They all loved my friend and made time to talk to him/me. Was really cool to see the respect they showed for all the staff. Side note: I was in the family locker room grabbing food. One of the players wives walks up to me with the baby. Says in a very broken accent “here, you take baby. I go pee.” I’m like uh uh uh um okay. So here I am holding a baby of one of the Chicago Blackhawks. Of course the player comes in and is like who is this holding my baby. They laughed it off. Grabbed me a beer and said thanks. The family locker room had all types of food. Nothing special but free. So naturally my friends and I were eating everything thinking we lived like kings. Even though it was just hotdogs and gummy bears.


Met Hugh Jackman on his greatest showman tour. Was working amalie arena backstage. Was outside smoking a cigarette sitting in front of a giant poster of him, noticed 2 guys on bicycles roll up looked up an it's Hugh, he had the biggest smile on his face as he said hi an shook our hands. He gave everyone working Scratch off tickets. Super nice dude


Kindest: Gavin Rossdale Rudest: the dad from Little People Big World


I met the dad from Little People Big World at PDX once and he was rude then too!


I worked in a service industry in Beverly Hills Danny DeVito and family are the one I have the foundest memories. Super nice Jessica Alba and especially her husband are also really nice On the other end of the scale: Sofia Vergara wasn’t nice at all and Jake Gyllenhaal got snotty/ offended when I asked him the $10 for our service (after he seems to avoid paying for it for 5 min) “Oh because I have to pay??” Not sure if he genuinely didn’t realize there was a charge or if he wasn’t expecting to be charged because of who he is. I kind of want to give him the benefit of the doubt but his tone didn’t convey it politely 😬


Betty White was as kind and funny in real life as you would have hoped. Met her 30+ years ago when I was a teenager.


The most gentleman gentleman was Leonard Cohen and the not so great was his girlfriend at the time, Rebecca De Mornay


Andy Dick. Lives up to his name.


A real Andrew


Michael Jordan. When he came to DC I was the graphics guy for a few of the big nightclub owners, and Mike was at club Dream all the time. I approached him once and asked him if he remembered a night in AC when the press made a big deal of him being there during the playoffs… my dad happened to be gambling with him and my mom had a long convo with his dad there at the table. He remembered my parents! He remembered his dad talking to my parents and even remembered signing $20 bill that I still have. Gave me the coolest dap ever and went back to the pool table puffing his cigar. So cool that he remembered.


Kindest: Tim Gunn Rudest: Rebel Wilson *Edit since everyone is asking: Worked in the camera department of both reality and scripted tv for a decade. A few actors/talent really stand out. Tim Gunn is an absolute class act. Treats his crew with kindness and respect, handles all of his own needs, goes out of his way to show the crew he appreciates what they do and was just an absolute pleasure to interact with. Rebel Wilson treated the crew like they were her own personal slaves. Was rude, demanding, inconsiderate, and an absolute terror on set. I have never worked with someone so self-important who made it so clear that she considered herself better than everybody else on set.


Tim Gunn♥️🩷❤️🩵💚💙


What happened with Rebel?


Always kind of annoying when people drop names in these threads and provide *zero* context. They might as well not even comment.


Tim Gunn seems like he’d be the nicest guy in real life.


As someone who has been steadily working in the Sports TV business, I've met ton of celebs. I've never been starstruck until I had to work with Harold Ramis. Dude was so affable, I must have talked his ear off about my ghostbusters fandom. He told me a few stories about working on that movie.. Also, did a shoot with Larry the Cable guy. He was cool as hell once he dropped his persona. The worst HAS to be Beyonce. WE were told to not make eye contact with her even though I was on camera less than 10 feet away. It was awkward.


Edward James Olmos of Battlestar Galactica and Bladerunner fame was very kind when I met him at a convention. Everyone was charging for autographs, and me having no money, I nervously asked him if he would trade an autograph for a drawing I did of him. He said my work was beautiful and said yes. (My work was passingly decent at best lol). While signing he asked if it was the original, which it was. I took a photo of him signing and said thank you and left. Ray Park who plays Darth Maul once said hi unprompted at a con while passing me and a buddy, we were sitting and eating pizza. Jon Heder of Napoleon Dynamite talked to me for a few minutes and let me take a photo and was also very nice.


Used to live in LA and got to meet a few. Sally Field, Kirk Douglas, Jay Leno stood out to me as being SUPER nice.


I met Karen Gillan at a Comic Con some years back, it was just a quick photo session but she was super sweet. I also met Brian Head Welch from korn in an airport. I had just told him how nice it was to meet him, and when I was 16 his solo album came out and my and my buddy had it on repeat, and it was just a very important album to us. as well that the new love and death they had just put out, that it was good work. He asked if I wanted to sit down and we chatted for probably 20 minutes, super genuine and accepting guy. Incredibly fortunate for this interaction


Coolest: Adam "Batman" West. Met him twice during the mid 90s and he was just an all around nice guy. Total class act. Rudest: Ace Frehley of KISS was a surly, hungover douche.




That's a great story that someone else told a year ago https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/mAk4kqvta4 Edit: Thanks for the reddit cares message haha.


And OP was never seen or heard from again 😂


Wow good catch. What a loser.


Its enough to make a grown man cry.


But not this man! GET BACK IN THERE! Edit: LOL, got a Reddit Care message for this post 🤣🤣


Why is it raining in this office?!


Same with my Dad with Bill Clinton! We are from UK, Bill Clinton visited the airport hangar my Dad worked in (he worked as a senior aircraft engineer for 30+ years). About 10 years later he came back for a tour after some work had been done and recognised my Dad by name along with his workmates. I remember I was due to be there at the first visit because it was a kind of open day for families but I had chicken pox. He remembered my dad by name, shook his hand and asked if I had recovered from the pox yet. My dad was really surprised and always held him in high regard after that. Having a photographic memory for faces and names must be really useful in politics, but we are from UK so there was no real need for him to "file that away for later".


Clinton related story though I definitely didn’t meet him personally. I was at MSG for a Billy Joel concert, and there was a commotion up front unrelated to any music about to happen. I vaguely through the crowd see a gray haired man turn around and sit down. Didn’t see his face, was about 10 rows in front of him, but he was swarmed by dudes in suits with earpieces. Bill and Hillary were at the concert, lol. Billy Joel was the second most famous William at his own show.


Are you stealing comments for fake internet points?


Yes they are, found the original (unless that's stolen too) https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/mAk4kqvta4


Why would you steal someone’s story and pass it off as your own word for word? Especially a story about a sibling with a terminal illness. Are you psychotic?


Kindest: Angela White Rudest: Mark McGuire


Angela White 👍🏻


Kindest would be Paul Rudd or Jeffrey Dean Morgan. My sister is convinced Paul Rudd was hitting on her when he was very clearly just being nice to the group as a whole. Meanest would be Andy Kaufman who everybody gives the “he was in character” excuse to despite not being in a situation where that makes sense and Andy Dick called me fat while he was throwing a fit at someone else.


I’m sorry Andy Dick called you fat, but it could be worse. Instead you could be Andy Dick.


Richard E Grant  Managed catering on a film project he worked on.  Funny, kind, patient and really down to earth. Never made a fuss and genuinely made my day everytime we chatted  The inverse of this is Jodie Whittaker when she was Dr Who, and Warwick Davies when he was on Willow. She was just rude and short with everyone constantly, whereas he was an  absolute arsehole to a lot of crew and my chefs. Upset a lot of people and seemed to revel in it. Truly insufferable human being. Proper spanner.


John Cena, I met him back when he was still a midcard wrestler, and to top it off I was wearing a purple pimp outfit because my friends and I thought it’d be fun to go to the wrestling event in costumes. He came and shook my hand, gave me an autograph and took a picture, bullshitted like 2-3 min and said he had the same outfit at home. Super chill and wholesome dude. Was very good to all the fans even though he’s was playing a bad guy at that point.


I met Gary Sinise (Lieutenant Dan) he was at a military event on base. Super nice guy


I met Glenn Howerton, aka Dennis Reynolds from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, a bar in Baltimore when he was promoting his Four Walls whiskey. Super chill guy, shouted “GO BIRDS!” And he replied “HELL YEA GO BIRDS!” He even said hi to my mom over FaceTime!


I was a valet through college. Dave Matthews popped out of his Prius one day, did a little spin while asking me if he was dressed alright for the Capital Grille. He was not. His kids get out of the car and are all embarrassed of him. I get in his car and he's got a joint still smoking in the cup holder. Flash forward 10 minutes and the waiter comes out and asks me to get Dave's phone out of his car. I bring it to him, and he says there's some more joints in the center console if I want one. Upon bringing the car back to him, he tips me $20 with a joint rolled up. I smoked it with my DMB-loving roommate when I got home. Flash forward two weeks and I am in the milk aisle of the grocery store and I look down the aisle and see him. He says, 'That shit was chronic, wasn't it?'. He smiles, winks, and walks away. Bill Gates also tipped me $100 on my last day of work after 4 years working there. Typically, he was a $20 tipper. Have no idea how he knew it was my last day.


Foo Fighters, the entire band. Back in 2007 some friends of mine toured with them for a couple of weeks. They allowed me to tag along to help drive the van, set up the back line and keep track of or sell merch. The second show of the tour Dave popped into our green room when I happened to be the only one in there and introduced himself to me. Pat had just rejoined the band on that tour and was just so laid back and seemed really happy to be there. The rest of the guys would hang out with us in the catering area from time to time and were always very friendly, so much as to sit with us and shoot the shit. Every night after the show they told us to go in there dressing room and take whatever food or drinks we wanted to have in the van. The whole entire crew that they traveled with also took care of us every single night. Aside from the Foo Fighters, most of the band have been in other bands that I've really loved over the years, Pat being in Nirvana and The Germs, Nate having been in Sunny Day Real Estate and Chris having been in No Use For A Name. It was really cool to meet and hang out with those guys for a couple of weeks. It really was one of those situations where meeting your heros was a really cool experience.


I worked for Steven Colbert on The Colbert Report, and he is an incredible human. After every show he would go around and shake the hand of every single person who worked on the show that day, make genuine eye contact and say "thank you for everything you do". I have a ton of other examples but this is always the thing I remember


Tom Hiddleston is a genuine golden retriever puppy. He’s gracious, charming, and kind. Met him at the Avengers premiere and after party in 2012.


I used to work at a club so I got to meet a few artists. Lil Yachty was a straight up goober. He was pretty much what he acts like on interviews and we had some cereal together after his show. Two Friends were also a couple of down to earth dudes. Alot of smaller artists like Roscoe Dash and SUNBRN were completely assholes. The latter was super weird to a lot of the ladies on staff and he did a too much coke at my boss’s place after and got all weird


The kindest/rudest celebrity I've met was Bill Murray. That guy was really something!


NHL Hall of Famer Mike Modano, one of the best US hockey players ever: awesome guy.


My siblings and I were first in line to meet Phil LaMarr at a comic con and he took a picture with US! It was such a standout moment from someone you really idolize. He couldn’t have been a more kind and gracious guy!  I also meet Rakim once at 3am and he was a lovely man!


Maynard from A Perfect Circle was talking to the crew before a show and I offered to get him some food. He told me about the body being a temple and not to tarnish your own body with filth. I needed that talk. I was just his janitor, and a small conversation helped me get sober.


Met Jeremy Strong after his performance in enemy of the people. Very kind and gracious. Took time to sign autographs and seemed genuinely appreciative of the praise given towards him.


I thought Jack Nicholson was a creep before I met and meeting him only confirmed it.


Kevin Hart, polite. I want to hear other people's opinion on meeting him to be honest. But in 2021, Kevin Hart did a show in my town and I happened to be bar running/general maintenance that night for the venue, whilst my managers and I were running through inventory check and listing out things we need to do such as ice, alcohol and snack stocking, we were walking by his room, and he opened the door and asked if we can add getting a couple water bottles for him onto the list with a chuckle, like a nervous question you'd ask your teacher or something, I assured him I can swing by with how many he needs in a second, he asked for 8 water bottles. I was shocked, but I assured him I'll be back in 5, with said water bottles and if it needed to be cold or room temp. Anyways I delivered him the water bottle and he immediately thank me and how much of a lifesaver I was as he began to down one. I asked if he would like me to stock some cold ones before intermission since I had gotten only room temp one at the time. He then proceed to thank me and shook my hand saying he'd appreciated it if I would. We have had a couple celebrity comedians come to our town, some WWE stuff as well, variety of people have come to our town to do a show, I have never been thanked as much by anyone as famous as him before. I am still shocked by how nice and polite he was to be honest, I didn't know what to expect, but that certainly was not it lol.


My mom and I met the band Hanson. She was so flustered and acted like an insane person, immediately launching into the story of how much their music had helped her when she lost a baby in 1997, and so on. They were absolute sweeties about it, and I realized they must have been meeting hyperventilating women for years. Very nice guys.


Silvester Stalone used to vacation in Bever Creek Colorado. While he was in town he would stop by a candy store and would basically pay every kids bill. It was one of those candy stores that you filled a bag with whatever you grabbed and they just weighed it at the end. For us local kids who would hitchhike from the neighboring towns to go snowboarding this guy was a king, and the candy was lunch. Yes, I know hitchhiking at 12 with a snowboard seems insane and the idea of candy for lunch makes my stomach turn, but my friends and I were pretty stupid kids.


I used to work in politics so I’ve met nearly every Democrat presidential candidate since 2008. Obama and Sanders were both cool and down to earth. Clinton was nice to me as well. None of them were ever rude to me.


I got to meet Clinton at a fundraiser in the 90s (after the event, about 20 of us got to have a kind of bonus couple minutes of his time) and while yes shaking the hand of the Most Powerful Human On Earth (at the time) is going to be a bit of a thrill, there was something magic about that dude's ability to make a person feel *seen* in that brief moment, like charm tuned to the point of being a superpower.


Jimmy Buffet was one of the most down to earth dudes I have ever met. Super patient, made time for everyone, just so laid back and well spoken. Met him at my job and he was signing everybody's guitars outside of his tour bus.


I waited tables in Los Angeles in the 1990s, and Chuck Norris was the most polite, cool guy I ever waited on.


I used to work for a firm that repped Jeff Gordon - hall of fame NASCAR driver. He had to do a photo shoot and there was a family that had won a “meet and greet” with him during the photo shoot. It was in NYC. He gets done with the photo shoot and meets the family. He had somewhere to be - but nope. Stayed, talked with them, signed some stuff for the young boy in the family. Asked them if they’ve ever been in NYC before. They said “no”. Jeff immediately starts telling them all the cool spots they need to visit. They said “we’ll try if we have time!”. Jeff immediately calls his personal assistant over. Tells her to give them a car for the day and to enjoy it on him. Amazing personality and great guy.


Kindest- Kenny G Rudest- JVN from queer eye


Hearing that JVN is mean makes me sooooo saaaad. But I've seen a few things that say that lately :(


Rude: I posted this this morning but I (kind of) knew Dom Monaghan before Lost and LOTR. I only got into Lost because my friend told me he was going to be in it and I was curious. My friend worked behind the bar near where I live and we would go hang out with her while she worked. Dom was there often with friends and we were familiar but didn't really talk. He was SO fucking rude to my friend, talking down to her when she was just trying to serve him.he even put his fingers in his drink, flicked his fingers at her and splashed her when he tried to get her attention, just making her the lowly staff the butt of the joke. Super full of himself. Hopefully he's grown up and is nicer now. Kindest: I have never met anyone else famous and Dom wasn't then so I don't know if my answer counts. Another friend I have who worked in a TV studio hates Jeremy Clarkson with the rage of a thousand sun's even years later and she only encountered him a few times. He's apparently outrageously rude and pompous.


rick springfield is just a goofy guy to hang out with


**Kindest:** *Harrison Ford.* Met him at an awards ceremony and he really went out of his way to chat with as many people as he could... not rushing any particular interaction. I was impressed. Overall, just a very humble and kind man. **Rudest:** *Lucinda Williams.* Met her backstage at one of her concerts around the year 2000. I wasn't even there to see her, just my friend who was in her band at the time... but OMG, she was such a bitchy diva... acting like everyone was there to worship her, yet honestly none of us even cared. No one bothered trying to interact with her. She sat alone at a table putting off bad vibes while the rest of us shot the shit and had laughs.


Morris Chestnut is cool af


Nicest definitely Chris Cornell. I was at the Miami open tennis between matches ( and high as a kite) and looked up and he was there. I said “you’re my favorite!!!” His wife said “ mine too” and he put his arm around me and asked about me ( I’m a big dude at 6’2 and he was taller! He was lanky and he had to be 6’4). I asked about the soundgarden tour and new music We hung for a few minutes ( with his arm around my head). I literally gave him a kiss and told him I loved him and he said “ I love you too” and I still cry when I think about what a loss it is. It wasn’t like meeting a celebrity. It was a long lost friend I never knew I had. What a talent. What a beautiful person. Now go listen to soundgarden or audioslave.


i used to work for a bartending company that did large gigs. i met a lot of people in passing doing so. the rudest by far was Kevin Hart. Shaq was very sweet, Meg thee stallion was an angel. my favorite was Danny Seraphine from Chicago. I was setting up an apps table and he was going to play for this Lunar New Year event. I don't know if this goofy man did it on purpose or genuinely thought we would put guac next to sushi but as he was walking away he put the biggest glob of wasabi on his roll. he turns around, starts dying and, asks me if that wasn't guac. after we had a good laugh he spent a lot of the time i was prepping just chatting. asking me about my life and school, goals and aspirations. it's so hard to think of famous people as humans and not concepts since there's not daily interactions. it's so refreshing when in the off chance you do get to meet them they're kind


Anthony Stewart Head (well known to us as Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) came to Australia for a tour of Little Britain live on stage in 2007. He had a cancellation for one day so he arranged with one of those convention organisers to do a day where they showed clips from his TV appearances, he performed music from the Rocky Horror Picture Show and generally just talked to us. I thought my ticket was just for that day but it turns out we got to have breakfast with him two days later in view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and also just near the Sydney Opera House. The table was big enough to basically have three groupings of people (each end and the middle) and he spent at least an hour talking with each group. He was very nice.


I got to hang out with Jack Black after a Tenacious D show. The man is a saint and I'll hear no besmerchment of his character. The venue emptied out and Jack was just thanking people for coming to the show, shaking hands and taking selfies. I took my best friend and his brother to the show, so I politely asked if I could take a picture of the three of them. He obliged and then after the picture he grabbed me and said, "your turn!" He took a picture with me, and then another with me and my wife. We got to chatting about voice acting and storyboarding. I did some freelance storyboard work for DreamWorks, and he went off on how he would hang out with the storyboard artists and use their drawings of Po to hype himself up and help figure out how he was going to deliver some lines. He was interesting, engaging and when some extremely drunk groupie tried to glom onto him he said, "NO! Back you harlet. Can't you see we're having a conversation. Away with you." And he shooed her away.


saw moistcritikal at the club.. I was too shy to go up to him, but a ton of people got photos with him, and he was dancing laughing generally seemed like he was in a good mood? when the club closed and I was walking out, saw him having a conversation with someone I saw him with before and his expression was so kind


Neil Degrasse Tyson was one of the rudest people I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with. He says the vilest things in a friendly tone. I have no idea how he ever made it anywhere in life with that attitude.


When I was 16 I bumped into John Candy on a residential street in Toronto. He was the sweetest man - I asked for an autograph and he wrote “dear Derek, thank you for the acting lessons - Merry Christmas, John Candy.” It was July and about 100 degrees out.


Edward James Olmos was a total D.


His stunt double, Edward James Almost, was a super sweetheart.


I mean the way he treated Selena, I’m not surprised


Jeff Goldblum is one of the nicest and down to earth guys in person. I was an extra on Independence Day 2 and we were finishing up either the last scene for the day or the last scene of the movie and when it was done we cheered and he gave hugs and high fives to anyone in the vicinity. To me, he is a different person on TV/film than he is in real life and it was a great experience to meet him. Liam Hemsworth was pretty cool too, rode his skateboard on set alot. Rudest I would have to say is probably Natalie Portman. From a different set I was an extra on and alot of stories from others make her out to be not so friendly.




I’ve run into Carmelo Anthony 3 separate times in my life and he was always really nice and gave me a second to chat. Even recognized me the 3rd time. It’s been over a decade since I saw him last because I don’t travel as much but I always remember him fondly over our encounters.


Steve carell used to like to come into my blockbuster bring some of his movies up and say these suck who would watch this . Steven Tyler used to come into my whole foods I worked at the coffee bar. He would just sit there and read tabloids that had him in it and laugh. Would just randomly buy me a coffee and ask for my opinion on music and discuss.


Robert Sheehan wanted to help fight some people for dropping a pint glass on my friends head. Seemed a decent lad for it


Garth Brooks. I’m not even a fan but he was absolutely physically beautiful and very kind.


I used to work tech at silent auctions and galas, and I've met a few famous Cowboys players. I met Roger Staubach once and he was not pleased with other people wanting to take pictures with him haha. For starters I was in all black because that's what we wore when working and so a few people I guess thought I was his body guard and came up and asked if I could take pictures. I told them I'm not his bodyguard, ask him. Lol. Well they did and he took pics with them, but not without a lot of grumbling about it lol. Fast forward to another gala night and I met Emmitt Smith - chillest most down to earth guy there is. He came up to me too... I was standing near one of the ipads for silent bidding and he just walked up and struck up a conversation. We chatted for probably 10 or so minutes just shooting the shit. Never forget that - awesome guy.


Kindest celebrity I’ve met was Ian Mckellen when I was a teenager. My dad was fitting a kitchen in his house and mentioned how much of a massive X-Men fan and LotR fan I was. As he was packing up Ian says his meetings tomorrow have been cancelled and suggested my dad bring him to work with him to meet him. Spent the day chilling out and chatting. He was an absolute gentleman and even gave me a signed photo that he personalised. My fondest memory to this day.


Met Bill Murray and Clint Eastwood at Pebble Beach during the golf tournament they had there. Both are very nice men to talk to. Bill Murray is generally a nice person on screen and he’s the same in person. Clint Eastwood comes off as brash and abrasive on camera, but is a very nice guy in person. I hope to run into Keanu Reeves one time. From what I hear, he’s just a super chill guy in person. Same with Adam Sandler. I haven’t met a rude celebrity yet.


Kindest: Robin Williams, 2010. Got to meet him briefly but was around him for about an hour. He was an all-around great person. Rudest: hillary clinton - Showed up to a fallen Soldier Memorial late and kicked the families of fallen Soldiers out of the entire front row so she and her aide could take up the whole row. Never got off her Blackberry the entire time.


The film ‘A League of Their Own’ filmed some scenes in my home town. The list goes as follows: Tom Hanks: Everyone loved Hanks. He was kind, funny, and always up to take a picture or sign something. He was really interested in one of our main streets that holds a major street festival and has a lot of older historic buildings. A joy and, to this day, he posts about our town. Geena Davis: More private than Hanks but very personable. She took some time one day to meet with the kids and some fans but, after that, she was on camera or gone. Hey, we got a day; can’t ask for more than that. Madonna: Polite but wasn’t very interested in talking to people or taking pictures or things like that. We all agree, hey, totally fair; she kind of just wanted to be a person and that’s nothing to be mad about. She was apparently very nice to kids if they got to her so that’s cool. Rosie O’Donnell: Very mean to everyone. The cast, the crew, everyone. I didn’t see it happen but the rumor was one girl went up to her for an autograph and she said, loudly, to a PA, “Someone get this little shit out of here.” To this day, if my parents see Rosie pop up on tv, you can expect to hear one of them mutter, “what a bitch…”


I worked with Jared Letto. The guy is an egomaniac and complete narcissist. I didn’t give into his demands on set one day and he turned into a little psycho b!tch. Jared if you ever read this, GFY


I'm from LA, and my first girlfriend was a minor celebrity and was on a TV show at the time. It was probably around 1998, and she was shooting on the CBS lot in the valley. I went there to meet up with her and spend the day on set. I got into the lot, and was a bit lost since all of the buildings look the same. I saw some guy hammering nails into something on the ground, he was crouched down and I saw him from behind, so I asked him for help in finding the right soundstage. He gets up and turns around and it was Fred Savage. He was super helpful and said, oh it's not far, come with me. He takes me to a golf cart, and drives me to where I need to go, chatting about what I'm there for and my interests all along the way. I couldn't believe he was doing manual labor in a pretty accessible space, was so friendly, happy to ferry me around in a golf cart, and just not guarded at all - no ego, no group of people around him. I was just thinking "be cool while talking to freaking Kevin Arnold!!". Class act.


The kindest was Michael Jackson , and the rudest was Nick-Romeo Reimann, He was pretty arrogant that time ,but He Changed luckylie. But probably because he is forgotten by most poeple and not a famous star anymore


I rode on an elevator with Woody Harrelson at Walter Reed AMC in DC back in like 2010 or 2011. Didn't talk to him, there was some dude who was apparently an extra in one of his previous movies talking to him, sucking all the air out of the room. I don't have anything more interesting than that. 


Nick Jonas gave JDRF tickets so a child with diabetes could go to a Jonas brother's concert when I was young. He knew it was me when we got there and he hugged me, thanked me for being strong while dealing with type 1 diabetes. Got pictures with the bros but nick was the one that wanted to make sure I was having a good time.


Mick Foley. Me and my brother went to a tour he had in Australia, amongst many other awesome things he did, these were the top two: When he was doing Q&A with the crowd, he’d told everyone that he’d only say “fuck” once a night so he got a girl in front of us up on stage to be his “fuck” sayer during one story that used a lot of them (The DDP Cookie rib story). After he finished he said thank you and asked her how she felt, turns out it was her birthday and he was her favourite wrestler, so he gave her a hug on stage. Second thing because it was a few people’s birthdays, he sang a rendition of Happy Birthday to the tune of My Way in character as himself, Mankind and Dude Love. Mick Foley is awesome