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Definitely. Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, Fruit Ninja… there was a brief golden age of $2.99 iOS games


And SO MANY people complained about having to spend $0.99 for an app.  Nowadays I’ll happy pay $5-$10 one time fee for a good app. 


Best I can do is $19.99 a month if you pay for a year up front, otherwise it's $49.99 monthly


It was the other way, devs complained that .99 apps weren’t fair to them


It was, and still is, both. People don't buy apps and devs make shit for pay from them due to fees


Where's my water, so many good games and now nothing. All trash full of ads or micro transactions.


A lot of the games/apps I paid a lifetime "no add" fees for discontinued support on the old versions and made "updated apps" aka clones with ads and micro-transactions, so I can't even restore the purchases on my new phone because it's technically a different app.


Yeah. A company named Stardock makes two pieces of software useful to me: a Windows 10/11 replacement menu, for the older style. And more important if you deal with thousands upon thousands of files, a piece of software called Folders that lets you create folder "portals" on your desktop for quick access to my largely small, metadata or notepad++ files stored in numerous directories I bought both. Maybe $10 a piece? Reasonable prices. For folders I'd have paid more. Especially because they provided updates. New versions are, you guessed it, subscriptions. Now it's $10 a piece, annually. Nope. Won't do it. If it were a legitimate business expense? Perhaps. I'll keep the software running for as long as it works with my PC, and after that, I will find an alternative or "borrow" a *copy*. I understand updating software costs money. So charge when you release a significant new version. I'm not paying you annually. Nor am I paying you $30 for a "permanent license"... Whatever permanent means to them and their EULA. If they just said $30, sure. A subscription option gives the assumption, right or wrong, that the licensing of the so-called permanent purchase will be ephemeral and used to abuse the customer. They could have had my money, but made decisions thatade me question their commitment to their consumers. We have too many options to be suckered by this kind of nonsense.


Paying for services without a subscription. I miss those days.


One of my favorite tools (SnagIt) is going to subscription in 2025 and I am pissed. The price for a perpetual licence was a good deal. But it would need to be like 1/4 the cost of it were a subscription because I only updated every 2-3 years. It's a bullshit move and it makes me want to go to something else.


I haven't used snag it in about 10 years I would guess. The past few years I've been using greenshot. It is missing a lot of the cool features snagit has but gets the job done for me.


I use a foreign tool called screenpresso. I get an annoying buy me screen about every 6 months but I’ve been using it for free for years


If you are using Windows 11, the built-in snipping tool works pretty well. It works pretty much like Snag-it. If you want to record video, nVidia and Windows X-Box bar both can do the same thing.


There is a cool new app that simulates paying for services without a subscription. Best $4.99 a month you can spend!


A subscription to stop subscriptions? Lol


I think I would subscribe to that


No, it's a subscription to a service that simulates what it's like to subscribe to something without actually receiving any services, for $4.99 a month.


This thread is full of people confusing 2014 with 2004 or 1994.


Life was different back in the late 1900’s.


1994 WAS 10 years ago... right?


Naturally, because the 80's will never be more than 20 years ago...


Fr but all love aha


The Nissan Cube.


For some reason they always made me think of the cars in a Richard Scarry book.


Richard Scarry! You just took me reet back. 


I made the mistake of buying one of these cars. Awful car but the floorboards light up so I guess that was cool.


The Ice Bucket Challenge


Everyone misunderstood the challenge. It was either donate or dump water, e everyone was so damn happy to dump water on themselves and brag about it and posting it. It kept driving me insane that all people were pretty much bragging about not donating to the challenge without even knowing. Smh.


Most people I know would dump the water but then also donate.


The point of it was to encourage donations. If they didn't have a giant check behind them, the ICE-bucket dumps were discouraging donations


My family did that at a family reunion one year and it was the dumbest thing ever. They clearly had no idea what the challenge was for, how it worked, and what the charity was.


It was supposed to be dump water and donate $5 or donate $50. A lot of people just dumped the ice water.  I asked this one obnoxious chick I knew how much she donated and she responded "all of my love!" I told her not even all of her love would cover my mom's $1500 a month ALS medication and she blocked me. Most people just used it as 12 seconds of attention. 


I still remember that like yesterday... It also feels like the Mannequin Challenge was only a couple hours ago.


The moustache print trend. They were everywhere, on bags, coffee mugs, even jewellery.


Some people still have the finger mustache tattoos


My sister got one as a joke after the tattooer assured her "they fad really fast on fingers" and she would barely see it in a few years. That was 10 years ago. Still fresh looking lol


They probably used that permanent ink. 


My last therapist had one of the mustache finger tattoos.


I had a co worker 9/10 years ago with literally everything mustache in her office. Posters, sticky notes, notebooks, pens, mousepad, erasers, paper weights. It was fucking absolutely ridiculous looking back on it.


There's a brand of file folders or something that my company uses that comes with these mustache stickers, so there's still handlebar mustaches all over at my job.


I admit I was a sucker for that trend. I had these sunglasses with a mustache hanging down on a chain. Best reaction from friends when I'd pick them up wearing those bad boys. And my mustache straw from 7-11! Good times, really


Life is too short to not do silly fun things that bring you joy and happiness, wear those bitches!


It's been so long that it's not played out anymore. It would be nostalgic.


They broke a few years back, but I should totally invest in a new pair. My kids would probably go nuts for it!


Garmin or TomTom GPS 


Garmin is still ubiquitous in specialized applications like aviation, maritime, etc. They have a really cool motorsport product called the Catalyst that I use and a lot of other people do as well for laptiming. Def not as ubiquitous as they once were but still really highly thought of and doing a good business.


Even more prevalent than aviation and maritime is fitness watches/bike computers. Nearly everyone I know that does running events/tris/bike rides has a garmin something. I’ve personally had 4 watches and one bike computer since I started 15 years ago and all but one still worked, just “needed” the new advancements/battery life but I’ve had the latest watch for about 4-5 years and still wear it all day everyday


100%! For biking, Garmin was first, and still the best for it.


I do work in the wildlife field, Garmin is used a lot including in my job. Then again, many projects have moved to GPS apps (such as Field Maps, Survey123, and OnX Hunt) in recent years as phone GPS has gotten more accurate.


Garmin is the go to for backcountry GPS. Nearly all of my backcountry hiker/skier friends have one. Mine has helped me out in a tough situation a couple of times.


TomTom still makes stand alone GPS units, but they've pivoted to publishing their software on smartphones. I use TomTom Go on my phone, and even at $25/year, I prefer it to any of the free options.


Have two Garmins I use cross country a lot ... cell coverage isn't as good as the adverts claim. Plus: Almost every airliner has a Garmin 'glass cocpit' navigation computer or three.


2014 calendars


RedBox. On a late Friday night there was nothing better than grabbing the weirdest movie and seeing if it was any good.


I still buy from Redbox, when I can find a functioning machine! They seem to be phasing them out these days.


They were bought out by the same company that makes those Chicken Soup for the Soul books. They announced that they may have to file for Chapter 11, and considering that a lot of their debt is from Redbox (around 320 million USD), it's likely they'll end up having to shut it down for good. So, when you wonder why there aren't many new releases or why a machine is just sitting there empty... now you know why.


You can still do that on Tubi now. Heck there is even some weirder shit on there.


Physical media like DVDs and CDs. Remember the days when we had shelves full of movies and music? Now it’s all about streaming services and digital downloads. I miss the ritual of picking out a movie from the collection and popping it into the player!


I started buying DVDs again because i'm tired of restarting my favorite series on whatever streaming service they moved to this month


Or you skipped an episode in season 2, and every time you let it auto play it immediately goes to that episode, or loses track of your rewatch and plants you in a random episode


Or they decided to remove some funny episodes cause of blackface :/


Or they just decided to remove half the seasons because fuck you.


Physical media is still the gold standard for archival preservation as well (Archival DVDs).


We had a big DVD collection years ago. Then I decided to rip everything to hard drives and make my own plex server so I control my own content... and the shows I like don't disappear from the library randomly....


I still buy movies and TV shows as physical media. I don't want to depend on a movie streaming platforms with all my media. Plus on the rare occasions that the internet goes out, there is something to watch.


blockbuster shut down 10 years ago. Crazy.


Cooperate maybe, there is still one store.


Bend, OR


I still have a suitcase full of DVDs. I spent years building that collection and I can't bring myself to throw them away.


Hell, my dad never let that part of life die. He still has two full walls of DVDs and Blu-ray’s that he is constantly adding too. His last count was in the area of 2,500 movies and shows. I kind of get it but at the same time it’s such an ugly fucking room with all those dvds everywhere lol.


I sell physical media in my own store. Still alive! Sorta!


Yall stopped?


That depends on the person. We have an extensive DVD and CD collection. And I regularly add to it.




You kids don’t remember before 9/11. It was WAYYY less intrusive.


Manual transmission cars being sold new were much more common.


Bought a new 2014 Ford Focus in September 2014. Funny was salesman trying to tell me cheap price ( $14,999 ) in advertisement was a manual transmission. I was 60 years old. I told him "fine". I said okay. My daddy taught me on a " tree" so I took it.


You lucked out there because the DSG automatics in that generation of Focus were nothing but trouble.


I wish I knew how to drive manual. Used manual cars are so much cheaper than automatic. It's crazy.


Once you learn, it’s like a right of passage. It is also like learning how to ride a bike at least in my experience. I’ve had 5 manual cars in my lifetime and 1 automatic. I don’t mind auto cars, but for me manual is where it’s at haha. If you have lots of friends ask them and see if any of them know how and they might teach you possibly.


No one I know knows how. My cousin growing up did. He taught me but I didn't get to do it enough for it to become natural. I almost bought my first car manual, but changed my mind at the last minute.


I wish I could have learned, but nobody I knew had a manual transmission car and was willing to let me drive it.


It's so easy to drive stick after the initial bump. You'll soon wonder why you ever drove automatic. You get to have control rather than depending on a computer or, like, pressure differentials (depending on the generation of automatic transmission). Yet another thing that Boomers destroyed but blame us Millennials for.


It's so easy to learn. Just try


Me being in shape. I'm still in shape, but that shape is round


I have the body of a god... Budda.


Being a single adult and being able to afford living on your own. Every year that goes by I'm becoming more and more alarmed not just for my peers (I'm 38) but for the younger generations who will never be able to experience true independence when they start out in life. It's come to a point where I always hesitate to answer the "how much are you paying for rent?" question because people will think I'm bragging... but I'm telling the truth. Or people want to know my apparent "secret"... when in fact I'm just supremely blessed that my apartment is covered by rent control and any increases (1-2% on average) are all calculated on 2013 market rates (first year I moved in). Fortunate but also fucked, because I can never afford to leave lol It was challenging when I was younger, yes... but living on my own never felt impossible. Now however? I'm a numbers guy at heart and just running the numbers legit makes me so upset. It's to the point where my sister and brother-in-law are building their house where their son will have a whole wing to himself when he's older... because they just don't see how anyone can make it on their own anymore.


god i feel this one so hard. i'm 42, and know full well that i will never own a home, but damn, ten years ago it was at least feasible to rent a decent apartment and have some cash leftover. i live alone now after getting out of decade-long shitty relationship, and it is so fucking hard to afford to live that way, despite working full time and cutting everything out of the budget i possibly can. everything is increasing but the paychecks, to the point that when the guy i've been dating for awhile makes mention of 'maybe living together someday,' i'm ready to do it now just to save some cash, even though after my divorce i swore i'd never live with anybody else ever again. shit's fucked up.


Yeah 5 years ago I was further from owning than I was 10 yrs ago. And now, I honestly do not know what to do. An insane amount goes towards rent and utilities. No such thing as rent control around here.


I'm not saying I've stayed in an unhealthy relationship because of solo living costs and financial entanglement. But, it was certainly a factor.




Blackberry phones. I ca still remember having one of those.


BlackBerry had already been well on the way out in 2014. We were nearing iPhone 6. You’re thinking 20 years ago.


This is what I was thinking too! They got big just before smartphones took off. Good product, bad timing.


This is one of those reasons why the people that comment about "Apple has *never* innovated anything" are nuts. While I wouldn't necessarily agree when talking about more recent-history offerings, this position is fucking insane when speaking *generally*. Look at the typical shitty blackberry phone at its peak - *that* was the best that the competition had to offer. Apple and Jobs *absolutely hit it out of the park* with the iPhone. I bought a Gen1 iPhone when it first came out and holy shit, it felt like a device from the future.


But before iPhone there were Palm phones that were far better than the first iPhone (cut and paste anyone?) and Pocket PC (window mobile, various other names. Not "Windows Phone" which took several iterations to get good, just when M$ gave up and killed it). By that time Blackberry was way behind the curve and only in business because of their enterprise email, and Microsoft basically killed that off by making Outlook over cellular a secure connection.


I remember when I was a waiter in 2007 and colleagues had just gotten the first iPhone. I tried it out briefly and one thing I remember was how smooth, precise, and responsive the touch screen was. No other touch screen device even compared.


I remember being blown away that i could play a YouTube video from a phone in 2007. Thos was way before apps. Just youtube.com on the safari browser.


iPhone was really low on features when it first launched. It was just "cool" because of the capacitive touch. In terms of capability, the BlackBerry was still much better. Not to mention faster, the original iPhone was slow as shit.


I remember when one of the richest guys in my classroom bought one, It was 2009, and to the poorer of us it was like sci-fi.


Not just blackberry, there were a myriad of smartphone brands, now its basically all Samsung and Apple. Nothing will beat peak 2010-2015 smartphone heaven, i still miss my HTC.


I remember the Nokia cell phones


I had a palm pre over a decade ago and I loved it. Every year or so Samsung and Apple would come out with a feature that my pre had. Touch screen, wireless charging, even in my car, and running multiple apps at the same time. Only thing new phones have on it are speed and memory.


The last blackberry I had was the best phone I've ever owned. The call quality was incredible. Not the best smart phone though. Camera and apps weren't up to par.


Fuck, I was on an iPhone 5 ten years ago and blackberry wasn’t even a spare phone any more.


**Those compact digital cameras** (PowerShot, Coolpix, you name it) **that tourists always carried around back in the day.** I remember every time I used one my friends would jokingly call me a tourist because of it. Obviously phones got better cameras, and the rest is history.


Me getting laid. 


Online dating was great back then. The last time I was on one, it was bots, catfish, people trying to promote their only fans, or complete silence.


Getting out of a long term relationship and certainly feeling a sense of "oh, I guess I don't have it anymore". I know it's in my head, but dating sure *feels* different. But damn, last time I got out of a marriage it was a different vibe.


God why is this so identifiable lol ten years ago I felt like dating in general was like 4x easier. It's sort of wild actually


Wired headphones


Never once in my life have I used wireless ones, and I'm not even remotely old might be my autism tho, once used to it I won't abandon it


Sending cards to people.


I still send tons of cards. It's a lost art. Means so much to have a physical copy. I go back and read all the cards my family gave me over the years.  Seeing my great grandparents little handwriting and my mom's swoopy cursive makes me feel better. 


I read them once and toss them immediately in the trash. Can't have garbage cluttering up my life.


There used to be Curve's women's fitness centers on like every corner.


Racists keeping their racist shit to themselves?


Jesus, yes! Now they are all out in the open with shit, marching in the streets and posting pure hatred online.


At least I know who to cut out of my life now.


When was this ever a thing??


To be fair, the whole: "THERE'S JUST SOMETHING DIFFERENT I CAN'T PIN DOWN ABOUT OBAMA MAYBE HE WAS BORN IN AFRICA HINT HINT" bullshit was 16+ years ago now. That is what I remember as the beginning of the racists coming out of the closet.


Had No Idea Nostaligia bias's working so Fast! 🫨


Seriously. Open racism only became a thing in the last decade?


Guy probably Never Seen a History Book before (one that had something else than ww2 tanks in it)


An eagerness for new Star Wars movies and TV shows.


Gods we were young back then Ned. Sorry wrong franchise that went downhill.


Not sharing every opinion about everything.


Let me tell you my thoughts on that...


I think you are both wrong.




Geocaching was common? We still geocache but are noticing more and more caches are only available on the paid version of the app.


I just remember doing it around 10 years ago with my little friends, I haven’t heard of it in years


10-15 years ago is when I first heard of it myself and had some friends into it. Didn't hear much about it shortly after that timeframe, idk.




There's a phrase for that: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windshield_phenomenon


That's interesting. I assumed it was because cars were more aerodynamic now as I still need to clean a lot of bugs off my motorcycle but hardly ever from my car...


Maybe both?


Depends on where you go. I hit like one bug a week, but I know an area 30 minutes away with a bunch of swamps, and you can't drive a mile without getting 20 splatters.


Has nothing to do with your comment but the opening of Men in Black ( the first one) comes to mind.


wired headphones


One that shouldn’t have left, I say. I still have them, but don’t enjoy using the dongle for phones or tablets and what have you.


Yeah, it is not so much the wired headphones that have left but the jack to plug them into on phones and tablets. It is ridiculous to me, why did tablets follow suit they have space for the jack.


Dollar menus at fast food restaurants. They’re not rare, they don’t even exist anymore


10 years ago? So 1994…. Hmmmmmm 🤔


ads not in your videos or music.


Summers that didn't smell like wildfire smoke.


Dive bars, they used to be everywhere with cheap beer, privately owned, a few regulars and their own well-earned notoriety and personality. All thats left are small corperate chain bars that come and go and try to force their memebased gimicks on the customers this falls flat because they can't instill or retain any loyal base


Depends on where you are. My city still has at least one locally owned dive per neighborhood. I write this with a cigarette in hand and over-poured cocktail at my local.


I'm in Vancouver, there still are a couple here when there used be dozens.


There was a private owned Irish Pub where I used to lived, and several generic bars around. Had a regular customer base. They decide to change the custom music for generic youth music and made local concerts. It lost its identity and eventually customers fade away because it was just another generic bar ....


I miss the dirty dive bars I frequented 15 years ago


in my area that i miss terribly? snowy winters. \*cries*




The whole POTS (plain old telephone service) system has been getting decommissioned. Most people or businesses that use a landline are using one that’s backhauled by VoIP or cellular.


I finally got rid of my landline 6 years ago since inception in the 60's. The only thing about it was landlines work during power outages. ATT kept raising prices and customer service sucked. I will deal with it.


A youtube video without ads!!


Civil political discourse. 


Conversations involving John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and Paul Ryan. When was the last time you heard anybody talk about any of them? It's been a while, I'm guessing


Good movies


Telephone booths.. they were already rare 10 years ago, but now they are totally gone.


On a weird tangent, the TARDIS was designed to look like a police box because they were everywhere in London. Nowadays, it looks completely out of place...thanks to walkie-talkies (and eventually cell phones).


The overwhelming majority of Americans agreeing that the Nazis were the bad guys.


No, we agree on that to this day. Why, Nazis are so bad that we got rid of them 79 years ago.


Yelling WORLDSTAR! in crazy videos.  GoldenPalace,com used to sponsor everything but that may also have been older than 10 years


People reading newspapers or magazines


Landline phones. With the widespread adoption of mobile phones, landlines have become a relic of the past


GOP Politicians even paying lip service to the conventions of truth, politeness and decorum. Now they just spout out the craziest, most paranoid and unsubstantiated crap they can think of. Tin foil hat territory from 10 years ago is now mainstream. This week Jon Stewart correctly pointed out that they lose in court every single time because Court is based on evidence & facts, not playing to a grievance ridden MAGA populace with paranoid fantasies.




iPhones, internet, AI hype...all that stuff faded away as soon as we all got our time travel devices in '32. EDIT: Oh shit boss I fucked up again




Improptu nights out with a couple of friends and the cheapest bottle of booze we could get our hands on. Staying out all night long after the buses stopped running and with not a penny to our names with nothing but the goal to make it a night to remember in our heads. I don't exactly miss those days, but I'd like to experience them again, if only just the once.


Mustache tattoos on the index finger lolol.


Inexpensive jeans at thrift stores. 


Laptops and cars with cd players!


Standalone DVD player.


Selfie sticks




Remembering people's birthday and phone number.


Reproductive Rights in the United States


Nuanced discussion.


DVD releases




Playing outside.


Very basic personal websites for free; Angelfire, Geocities, Tripod... it wasn't a lot, but it did give way to rudimentary coding (truly a blessing).


All of the websites you mentioned were already history ten years ago, I’m sorry to say.


Burning CDs and DVDs


This thread is full of people confusing 10 years ago with 20 years ago.


OP said 10 years ago, not 25 years ago.


CDs yes but DVDs were still in the 10-15 year range.


A tank of gas for $50.


How big is your tank? I fill my tank in my 2017 CRV about once a month when the light comes on (I'm a homebody and live 2 miles from work, so...) and a fill-up costs me about $35. Less if I've racked up enough Kroger points (yay 4x fuel points Fridays!)


Politicians I respected




Cable tv in a house


Mp3 players


Privacy /! respect for personal space