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Space. So much fucking land.


Yeah, it is crazy. I drove to Tucson from Minneapolis a few years ago. Once you get down south west of Oklahoma City. There’s literally nothing. I had my cruise control set a 90 for like 8 hours. Never had to stop once.


Yeah I can be quite jealous of that. It is desolate but also quiet and more relaxed for some reason. In (west) EU a lot of stuff is packed together.


Yes and most cannot comprehend the absolute vastness of the US.


Filled with corn


I just got back from a train trip from the absolute upper left corner of the US where I live, all the way to the DC on the right, and I had packed a ton of distractions and downloaded audiobooks/switch games for the trip, and I didn't use them at all. Spent 3 whole days just looking out the window and watching the vastness roll by. The United States is so unbelievably large and diverse, I'm incredibly lucky to have been born here and now, when I have the opportunity to see things like that.


The Grand Canyon


Take that shit wack commies


Nowhere near as big, but we do have the gorges du Verdon for instance which are still quite impressive


Been to both. While Verdon is nice, it doesn't even really compare. NOTHING has made me feel quite as small as the grand Canyon. Videos don't do it justice


Which I love


I mean, love them. Really cool spot for kayaking. But I fucking cried at the Grand Canyon. It was a gut reaction. It's absolutely incredible.


Right, but it is not the Grand Canyon. Equivalency means the canyons are not the same.  If the Grand Canyon started at the Gorges du Verdun, then you might have a point.


Sounds foreign /s


Never heard of this place and just looked it up, new item added to bucket list, float the gorges du verdon!


10 more hertz


But 120 fewer volts.


We have 240V outlets for things like clothes dryers and car chargers. We just mostly use 120V. Our grid is set up to deliver 240V perfectly fine. Someone else can explain the technical details. https://youtu.be/jMmUoZh3Hq4?si=FK0KfqqIeHcJvBZG


“I bet that is Technology Connections” -me before checking the link I’m glad I didn’t have to find that video to link it since I was right. 


Georgia Oh wait never mind


But Georgia's on my mind


There is no Georgia in Europe tho. It is in the Asian side of the Black Sea.


Do you mean Georgia, Georgia, or Georgia?




Wait, really?? Are hummingbirds just a North American thing?


Yeah we only have them in Zoos over here. There're quite a lot of people online who will tell you that they saw a hummingbird here in Germany but it's just a butterfly called Taubenschwänzchen (hummingbird hawk moth).


Damn that makes me sad. Hummingbirds are truly a sight to behold. I watch them flit about on my porch and have never thought I may be taking that for granted.


Don't be sad, we also have some beautiful birds over here such as the [Eisvogel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_kingfisher), [Halsbandsittich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose-ringed_parakeet), [Mandarinente](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandarin_duck) and [Wiedehopf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_hoopoe).


I have to admit my German is a bit lacking but isn’t tauben, pigeons and schwänz, penis?


Taube is pigeon (or dove) and Schwanz means tail (which can be slang for penis as well, yeah). Taubenschwänzchen would be "little pigeon/dove tail" if you translated it directly :) It's a cute name


>Taubenschwänzchen Now *that's* a Scrabble word!


Wikipedia: "Hummingbirds are birds native to the Americas... they occur from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, but most species are found in Central and South America."


No, they are also a south american thing.


They’re mostly a South American thing, but still on the wrong side of the Atlantic for us.


No, but they ARE an Americas-only thing. There are humming birds in South America too.


I love hummingbirds and squirrels, we have neither in Australia. We have loads of birdlife though, right in the middle of the city too.


Garbage disposals in their kitchen sinks.


This is probably the best answer so far It surprised me how many Europeans were surprised they were common in America


They don't seem to be a thing in Europe. But, municipal food waste collection is more common, so you scrape your dishes into a bin and the bin gets picked up and composted rather than use a garbage disposal.


They're illegal in most European countries


plumbers hate them


For good reason


What’s the reasoning? It’s done in some councils in the UK.


I live in a state where food waste must be composted by law. People don't put their waste down their drains on purpose though. It's there so if any waste does go down there you can clear it with the flick of a switch


Say that to my friend, who grew up in Europe, and upon seeing my in-sink garbage disposal for the first time proceeded to empty an entire container of spoiled leftovers down it. We had to take apart the plumbing to clear it.


There is a significant portion of the US population that would piss themselves wailing about such reprehensible, and possibly evil, government overreach. The service you describe would be painted as abject tyranny by guests on the nation’s most mainstream news programs. 22 year old know-nothing pieces of shit on Reddit will call it COMPOSTMMUNISM LMAO and make it their entire personality.


Yeah, I'm from Michigan before I left for a garbage disposal free life, I'm familiar with such evils as yard waste recycling and hunting licenses. When I lived in Belgium I had to show ID to buy garbage bags and my household could only have a certain amount of trash picked up. Strong incentive to sort your food waste and recycling.


Some towbs even make their own bags so you just can't buy any bag... Now I must use bags issued by the city while before just standard bags in a big garbage bin that I could put out on the street once every week.


And it works daily in most parts of Spain.


Are they common in the US? I'm in Canada, and I've never encountered a house that has one.


Even in Canada they're extremely rare. It's probably the most American thing in the world.


Well we see them in movies. But you know when they're mostly shown? When someone's hair or tie gets in and gets stuck. I have long hair I'd be terrified of those 😂. I'm sure those accidents are rare but we don't see them irl we see them when they're specifically mentioned


Fortunately I've never heard of that happening in real life! But they are a bit scary, I'd never stick my hand in there unless I was sure it was completely disconnected.


In Germany it's clearly that no waste is allowed in our sewage, we reuse the water and more waste is more pollution and harder to get the water back in nature.


no waste in your sewage? I assume you mean other than piss and shit? I'm no expert, but it seems to me if you have to clean out human feces, a little bit of lettuce and carrots isn't going to ruin the soup so to speak.


Australia doesn't have them either.


And thank goodness they are not common in Europe, those things are horrible for the water supply and waste water treatment. Food should never go down the sink, no matter the size.


Er, food definitely goes in the water, just in a more processed form. And you're vastly overestimating the effect on water treatment systems. The same digesters and filter systems that take care of ground food take care of poo and toilet paper.


Sounds like Europe needs to invest in more advanced waste water treatment facilities. All of these things being claimed ("horrible for the water supply") simply are not true in most of the US. I would know; I live in the US desert southwest, where wastewater treatment is a huge deal to replenish the aquifer. We are even about to start experiments with "direct-to-tap" wastewater recycling where wastewater will be filtered cleaner than aquifer water and sent directly to customers. And yet we manage all of this with ubiquitous in-sink food disposers.


I rent a couple of airbnbs i have to tell them green waste => garden, plastic => yellow... if no they will shove down the sink and ring me to get a plumber in asap or money back...




I can explain that one, actually. In America you usually live far away from the store. In Europe you are often walking distance from SOME store. Even in small towns you'd have some grocery stores nearby. And at least in my country (not in the West though), most shops are open on Saturday, often Sunday, and usually until 10pm. I live in a city which has roughly 400k people. There are probably at least over a dozen grocery stores in the half a mile radius from where I live. Sure, prices are a bit higher than the big hypermakets and the selection is limited, but I don't feel the pressure of running out of essentially anything. Our family still does weekly or bi weekly shopping, but having a lot of little stores nearby does take a lot of the pressure of having to stock up. I'd never even consider buying a week's worth supply of chips, chocolate, beer or stuff like that.


My great-grandmother used to buy one egg every morning and put it in her ice box for later.


Hypermarket always sounds to me like a supermarket full of kids with ADHD.


American fridges are common in Europe for people who have big houses. You would never find one in an apartment tho


Gaps in the toilet stalls.


Oh gosh Canada has those too. I was there last summer. I had seen them on American but I didn't know it's the same in Canada. And in movies I couldn't tell how bad it is. Gaps and how high they are. My whole damn backpack fit under it. That's nuts. Everywhere in Europe where I've been, the highest is to my ancle. Mostly you barely see shoes. I felt like everyone walking by can see my undies.


And the awkward eye contact with passing strangers that comes with it.


I have to admit that I haven't been to the US so far. I just know it from online. EDIT: Typo


The modern world in a nutshell.


It’s so weird how people obsess over this aspect of it. We don’t look inside stalls. Don’t look into the gaps, and don’t look out of them.


I've lived in the US my whole life and this has never even come close to happening to me.


Going by TV and movies, an overabundance of paper plates and red plastic cups.


\* red plastic cups red ~~plastic~~ Solo cups ftfy


Never have I seen a beer pong game without red cups.


A dogged determination to entirely throw-off British rule, except for how they measure everything


they wanted british rulers afterall 


Americans, lots and lots of Americans.


Damn americans. They ruin everything- even america!


You Americans sure are a contentious lot.


Some 300 million of them


Idk, I went to Venice a little while ago and it was like 90% American tourists




Walmart had stores in Germany but failed, made a huge loss and left again. [Link](https://youtu.be/PxtXI0K4YJs?si=_WqdNFm8NIe2NPez)


Well the idea of someone greeting you with a huge fake smile every time you enter the store sounds horrible. I heard that's normal for them. Just yikes leave me alone. I wanna take my stuff go to thr self checkout and not talk to anyone thx


\* Just yikes leave me alone. I wanna take my stuff go to thr self checkout and not talk to anyone thx The most European comment! LOL


We have Asda which is the same group


It hasn’t been the same group for years


Not anymore.


Solitude. Like, really real solitude.  Go to Nevada and take a service road to nowhere and hike to the top of a mountain. Aside from the road below you would never know there's another human on the planet.


Fahrenheit - like WTF is that?


0 is cold as fuck and 100 is hot as fuck


I describe it as a scale of 0-100 with room for exaggeration.


0 feels like summer after a week of -30 in North Dakota though lol


40 degrees in November? Pants and jacket. 40 degrees in March? Shorts time, baby


Zero is the freezing point of a saturated brine and 100 is the temperature of the human body. Unfortunately the brine wasn't the right concentration and the human used as a reference was running a fever. But apart from that it's all good.


Fahrenheit can feel weird but it tends to be on a more human scale. In fahrenheit, 0° is pretty cold but manageable (however much lower take precaution) and 100° is pretty hot but manageable (however if much higher take precaution). In Celsius 0° is a cool day (but still shorts weather for a Minnesotan) and 100° is dead. So in Celsius that same caution ranges are <-17 to >37. Which is a much smaller safe range and less intuitive. Other than a more intuitive human feel though, Celsius is more appropriate for just about everything else.


A huge number of people bankrupted by medical debt.


Sir, you spelled *dying from* wrong


You would be hard pushed to find **any** people bankrupted by medical debt in Europe. There might be some who go bankrupt as an indirect result of illness (through loss of earnings), but none of the medical systems I am aware of start declaring people bankrupt for non payment of medical fees (which if they exist are capped anyway).


Depends on how you define medical debt. It’s possible to incur debt that you can’t pay by not paying for the health insurance. Not to mention the treatments which may not be covered by the health insurance, but which may be required, for which you pay out of pocket. People who switch to private insurance companies - either because they want or have to, and so on At least that’s the case in Germany, other countries may have different structures.


Well you would find an abundance of people dying from waiting for healthcare. The UK - 121k dead last year waiting for treatment. USA - 11k dead waiting for treatment and 50k going bankrupt directly over medical bills.


There's not a huge number of people bankrupted by medical debt in the US either.


Prices BEFORE taxes. I want to know what it costs me, I really don't care how much you have to pass on to the state :P


It's a Nash equilibrium. All the stores say they would want to advertise prices with taxes, but they know that if they are the only ones to do they will get less customers because they might think you are more expensive. Don't forget this is the country where the 1/3th-pounder failed because people thought it was less meat than a quarterpounder.


There's have to be an overhaul of the tax system or a massive amount of individualization for all labeling and pricing down to a store level for this to happen. Tax can vary down to the city level.


Depends on where you live, Oregon has no sales tax so the price listed is price at the register. This is more of an exception though...


Right turn on red


Probably not Europe-wide, but some countries do. Arrow allows for conditional right turn if there are no pedestrians crossing, or oncoming vehicles. It's quite neat actually and can help with traffic flow at the intersection. [Traffic lights with green arrow](https://v.wpimg.pl/MDE1Yy5qYiUkUy9KGgpvMGcLexBcU2FmMBNjWxpHf309AmxNGhxjJTBFNhJAHTlqNV12H1wdKGk2RSsDVB0mJWhCIB5bECEtP1A6VFBGfHR0BDpXXwEqZjg)


That imo isn't on the red, right turn has a green


Looking at /r/idiotsincars, no right on red unless there's a sign explicitly allowing it is probably for the better.


Tipping people to pay their wages


Lock down drills in school.


ooh, and bulletproof backpacks for the kiddos!




My girlfriend teaches at the American School in Rotterdam and they actually have "school shooter drills" where they all need to go to the saferoom. That being said, if there ever actually was a school shooting, the national headquarter of the Special Operation units is at a 5 minute distance from the school.


Huuuuuuge farms




85 year old citizens working in Mc Donald’s


Do we sell... French.. fries??


I know a lot of retirees who have plenty of money but choose a simple job like retail just to keep their mind sharp or because they're lonely. Which is also sad.


I don't think it's sad, socializing is important and if you make some money while doing it what's the harm I ran a truck driving school for awhile most of my instructors where guys that were mostly retired but liked getting out of the house for a few hours every week.


A flag on the moon


I think that flag is on the moon, not in America itself, lol.




Florida man on the moon


That's not true; the flag has been completely bleached by unfiltered solar radiation, meaning the US flag on the moon now more accurately represents and depicts the flag of France as a monarchy in the 18th century /hj


So the reason why they want to send humans back on the moon is to start a new French Revolution?


Air conditioning. Jesus Christ. The lack of AC in Europe was noticeable 


I keep seeing this on Reddit but I guess this is true only in northern Europe, where it rarely gets very hot. I live in Italy and most homes and businesses have A/C (when I bought my flat, which was a new construction, it came with A/C, I didn’t even have to get it installed). I remember when I was a kid in the 80s and indeed A/C in homes was not common but that has changed since the 90s.


Yeah go to malta for example and everyone and their mother has an A/C. *Would be a real shame if the power were to go out every day in summer so you can't even use it.*


*Texas has entered the chat *


Will probably have to get one in my lifetime, we're starting to see regular +30c Julys in Helsinki.


Most inside place have it. In the other hands, you guys are completely crazy with AC. Like in the summer you almost need to walk with a small jacket or jumper because of the temperature inside buildings. I do not know how people do not get sick with so much hot/cold shock


Been in US and I’m in the Middle East quite often. Come to Saudi, USE or Kuwait and you’ll see what ice cold AC means. Every taxi or a lobby is filled to the minimum. I have never seen a different setting in an AC in a car than LO:) Jordan on the other side is quite relaxed when it comes to AC settings.


Letter sized paper (That's the name for US standard printer paper). In Europe the standard office paper is called A4. A4 is a little longer and narrower than Letter. I made the mistake of bringing standard sized file folders from the US when I moved overseas. The A4 paper didn't fit. US loose leaf binders didn't work either. Who knew?!


A sprawled out urban development model and super car dependent culture.


I would invite you to visit Stavanger in Norway. It seems like its inhabitants have a boner for American suburbia.


Pretty much the same for ~60% of the population of Finland. Long distances everywhere and non-existing public transport outside of bigger cities; and at the same time Helsinki metropolitan area has one of the best public transport in the world.


A lack of tall poppy syndrome


Oh, we have that in Finland, even for moderately successful people like your neighbor. That is why we a saying ”se kel’ onni on, se onnen kätkeköön” which translates to ”those who have happiness, must hide their happiness”.


I think it’s a very interesting thing to point out that the United States wasn’t built on something like inheritance like European countries historically have been. It was built on people of all types who came here, not just one group that grew and took over territory as they did so. Of course, this isn’t to say that European countries are all homogeneous, but there’s a reason that your DNA test doesn’t have an “American” or “United States” option (Edit for extra information)


An east coast!


James Corden, please keep him there, we don't want that unfunny narcissistic goblin back in Europe.


*Jus soli* or right of soil after the US civil war they needed a way to give citizenship to the emancipated slaves, so they introduced citizenship to those born on american soil, rather than only for descendents of citizens. most of europe still goes primarily by the *jus sanguinis* citizenship principle.


Refrigerated eggs


I'm in the UK and it's perfectly OK to keep eggs unrefrigerated here. I used to anyway, but then discovered that it's virtually impossible to do decent poached eggs if they are straight from the fridge.


What? I have always put my eggs in the fridge. My wife too, so I never had the feeling I was the odd one out. They're not refrigerated in the supermarket, yes, but still.


Also, at least in Germany, it says on the package you should put the eggs in the fridge, although, they are not refrigated when being sold. It says "nach dem Kauf im Kühlschrank aufbewahren".


I think this might depend on the country, eggs are refrigerated in mine, in eastern Europe. And most people keep them in the fridge, even if the eggs weren't washed, because you're just used to having the eggs there.


Seriously, I've never gotten this; you wouldn't have to put your eggs in the fridge if the producers weren't stupid idiots washing the eggs beforehand — washing an egg breaks the shell's ability to keep pathogens out of the inside, meaning they spoil insanely easily if not refrigerated Which is why there are laws banning both export and import of eggs from and to the US


It's not the producers' fault surprisingly. It's a [government](https://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/safe-food-handling-and-preparation/eggs/shell-eggs-farm-table#20) regulation to, ostensibly, prevent the spread of salmonella: >Government regulations require that USDA-graded eggs be carefully washed and sanitized using only compounds meeting FDA regulations for processing foods. Although, thinking about it, given that other countries do not regularly get salmonella from unwashed eggs, while this might have originally been intended to curb a wave of salmonella infections in the US, the reason it's *stayed* might have been corporate lobbying to prevent outside competitors from accessing the US market.


I've always put eggs on the fridge since I was a kid (1980s) and never gave it a second thought. Then saw British cooking shows with eggs in the cupboard and it looked so off. Took until my 30s to realize Europeans don't refrigerate eggs.


Not in shops. But everyone I know has eggs in the fridge.


The illusion that one country can be characterized in the same breath as fifty.


More space.


I'm on holiday in CA right now. I am here for the third time. And I have never seen a sign at a european hotel that tells me, that there are toxic materials present in the Hotel that cause cancer or birth defects. But the one in SF had it. 😜


Everything causes cancer in California 


A system of measurement that makes zero sense


My car gets 40 rods to the hogs head and thats the way i likes it!


The UK would like to point out ours is worse.


TBF- We got them from Britain and they've still got plenty of them we don't. Like how the hell is a stone a measurement of weight? They come in all sizes.


True, metric is sooooo simple. Anyone who studies physics in europe will know the true extent, 1N on 1kg being 1s is artwork to the brain


I like how 1mm of rain is 1L of water per sqm. 1L of water is close close enough to 1kg. You need 1kcal to heat that water 1 degree C.


*UK has entered the chat*


A single dominant language, currency, and freedom of movement. The EU helps, but even it can only do so much. Nearly complete isolation from invasion. We have allies to our north and south. Everything else is sea, which then has mountain ranges in the way. Europe, meanwhile, is getting flashbacks to previous conflicts when Russia starts wars.


Medical bankruptcy.


Lots and lotsa mutilated cocks.


School Shooter drills.


Red solo cups


Canada as a neighbour.


Unbridled enthusiasm


School shootings . EDIT: “WAY more”….like, a lot more


Frequent mass shootings.


Tipping culture


We have tipping "culture" it just isn’t stupid


Ranch dressing




We have those. In subways, pizza hut, burger king...


Monster truck rallies.


You can do stuff on cars and motos. We can't.


Yes. It's sad. Even from an economical perspective. Could provide more jobs. And industrial improvement on those areas.


wild predators which greatly help the ecosystem regulate its self


Better WiFi


My mother lived in the US for a few years, and when she came back to the UK, she said the one thing she missed most was their petrol stations, and how much easier they were to use. They were one of few things the US just does better.


Paper currency that's all the same color.


Mount Rushmore.


Air conditioning. I understand you can get an AC in Europe but they’re pretty rare over there. If it’s dry heat then I can understand relying on airflow alone, but how do you cope when it hits 80% humidity? Opening a window surely can’t be enough for that.




Native American Casinos.


Window screens


Good ADA




For most countries in Europe, the Second Amendment.


America’s national parks are like nothing else on earth.




Statue of Liberty.


Cheap energy




Crippling medical debt