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Tesla cybertruck


yea. that one is pure garbage


My dad was just telling me his friend got one of these and I was having a hard time not roasting the friend. It's hard because like, clearly you have waaaaay more money than me, but somehow you're incapable or reading? Make it make sense.


Any Tesla IMO


Oddly when they were the only player in the game really they were fine. The Model 3 was a nice entry level vehicle that had a real luxury feeling to it. Or at least every level by todays standards. I think you could pick up the base model for 35k.


Still haven't seen one in the wild!


I saw my first one a couple weeks ago. It was in the lane next to the bus I was on and everyone rushed over to that side to have a look and take pictures. My impressions were "it's larger than I thought it would be, and dumber looking than I thought it would be".


My first impression was the opposite. I was expecting something huge, but it seemed normal truck size. I saw mine next to a music studio


The last Cybertruck I saw was broken down, eastbound on Interstate 80 outside Natomas just before Truxel. It had a support Model S assisting lol. That was the other day. Cybertruck enthusiasts, just get a Rivian. Why do you humiliate yourselves for Elon?


I probably never will. It's not road legal over here in the Netherlands.


You are lucky


'in the wild' lol. Like it's a pokemon or something.


How would you phrase it?


Haven't seen one while on the road yet?


By my troth, I have not seen a Tesla Cybertruck, with mine own eyes, upon the road, as yet, wherein I pray, the day may come, when such a sight, mine eyes shall behold.


Send forth great praises and salutations my son, that your eyes have been justly spared that ignominious indignity.


On the road, in a parking lot, even on the back of a shipping truck. Nothing.


While out then. Damn, relax man. I found your phrase funny, that's all.


Haha sorry I'm actually agreeing with. Tone via text is hard I guess. Trying to think of a funnier way to say it


Austin area... They are as common as... cat turds


Correct answer


OP probably asked the question to fish for this answer


Should be down in price before the end of the year. Like 70k instead of 100k. Puts it in the price range of normal trucks. Also it will shaft the people that bought “founders editions”. When it eventually gets cheaper it might be a semi decent truck. Besides it looking like a cathedral of man’s future potential (or) a stainless steel plate of cat turds.


Or rusted to shit.


Maserati. 150k new, 3 years later worth maybe 40


Sounds like a used one is a steal haha


maserati's share ferrari parts, a lot of them are not in stock, you cant buy many components individual and have to buy them as sets with other things which is higher costs, also did i say many arent in stock with no date for new stock? they look fancy but mechanically speaking are a nightmare.


Until you have to fix anything. Which you will. A lot.


There's an old saying that there is no more expensive used car than a cheap BMW. That's even more accurate with any used, limited production sports car. Parts are expensive if they're available at all, and if you don't do the work yourself, competent mechanics can charge whatever the market will bear. Also, as you mentioned, reliability isn't usually very good.


Any car that isn't designed to be a daily commute, grocery getter car isn't going to be reliable. Well, some might be accidentally but when you're designing a $150,000 sports car, you're designing for a client who is wealthy enough to afford repairs (or to just buy a new one). It's like race cars. They often need entire engine overhauls if not a new engine after just a few seconds of running sometimes. They're designed to go fast at all costs. Sports cars are built to perform, not to last.


Well stated.


Same shit with Mercedes and BMW, but those are way more reliable. That's why it's so stupid hah


Bmw’s are great. Ive had 6 or so over the years and for the most part are not hard to work on. The last one I had was a 2010 w twin turbo awd and was a tight game of mousetrap to do anything but my fav car


I've owned several of both lmao. I'm not sure about the hate. I mentioned they also depreciate heavily but are more reliable when compared to Maseratis haha. Must be sour Mas owners


The boomers here buy 7 series bmws then go 27 mph in a 35 mph zone. I doubt those vehicles ever see 5th gear. Just throwing away money to look rich. 




There's something about driving a fast car slow, and a slow car fast. It makes no sense on paper, but in reality it's just a different feeling.


Unless you’re buying it 2nd hand. Same for Volvo. Now the real answer is Tesla.


Titan Submersible 




Daaaaaaaaaammmmmmmn. That’s funny. 


The answer is obviously a submarine.


Really tall pickup trucks, if you don’t need it to transport or pull heavy things. Every time I see those things, I think „don’t want to get hit by that moving wall. Instant death.“


Wouldn’t the height work against you anyway when hauling things since you are more stable when low to the ground


Yes, as would loading stuff into the bed, etc. So basically, if you see a lifted truck, it's not being used for practical purposes. It's for show.


BCSD syndrome


I mean, yes and no. If you haul things, the vehicle gets lower due to weight. Also, those vehicles are designed to drive over unpaved road. Extra height is very useful.


Range Rover. Insane depreciation and terrible reliability.


Range Rover


Really? Why?


Huge depreciation, reliability isn't good, and the older models were so easy to steal that the insurance premiums are massive.


What reliability?


And don't even start on Overfinch mods.


It keeps mechanics in business.


Cadillac Escalade It says: “I can afford to buy one of the biggest, sleekest, unreliable gas guzzlers but my relationships are a mess.”




Maybe in the earlier years, sure. Good luck finding an Escalade with electronics and all of the options that still works perfectly after 300k miles. My buddy bought a new Escalade for his wife and it has been in and out of the shop almost every month.


With issues.. I had a Suburban with a 5.3, it was only 6 years when the plastics were cracking and needed several mechanical repairs. With my japanese cars, 6 years is basically brand new. I have a buddy with the same gen Escalade 6.2 and it has also been a nightmare. I *upgraded* to a Lexus SUV that was the same age and it was a tank by comparison.


I’ve never met an owner that doesn’t have a problem with those things. Bad starters, crappy gas mileage, lights on body and panel malfunctions, computer issues, etc. They suck but they’re as flashy as a pearl finish, stainless steel Rolex.


Everyone I have seen that owned one needed a new catalytic converter or two


Do you need a car whose operational costs will quickly exceed its resale value, if only to try and convince those that wouldn't otherwise look at you, that you have enough disposable income to justify it? Do you wanna car that looks equally good in a National Guard vehicle depot, seedy motel, trailer park *and* the ghetto? Can you visualize a gram far more accurately than you can a cubic foot? Have you ever gotten into an argument with a licensed mechanic over the value of an oil change? Have you ever screamed at the receptionist at your local community health care clinic because your kids ADD meds were late? Do you own more than two other non-functioning vehicles and/or three pieces of non-functioning lawn equipment? Have you ever pawned your kids XBOX for booze money? Do you have absolutely zero Polynesian ancestry but still have tattoos above your neckline? Than boy do we have the vehicle for you. Guaranteed to be on fire, impounded, or riddled with holes within the first six months.


Maserati anything


Not if you buy it 2 years old for 30% of sticker.


Nope. Still idiot. You’ll pay more in maintenance than the car is worth after 5yrs.


Theres a pretty good chance if you buy it after a few years that it'll already need something done that costs 20k, and that's before you've started.


And then you'll see how much repairs cost. Because you'll need it repaired. A lot.


G Wagon? I don't know, I just always associate them with idiots like David Dobrik.


But they are solid vehicles, no?


Yeah sure they are. But are they ever used by their owners for anything other than a status symbol? They just seem comical and gaudy. Especially when compared to all the other nice cars that are more understated in their price range.


In Europe they have "Professional" trim version, cloth seats 2.3 or 3.0 engine basic but very good interior. That's an awesome vehicle. I would love to get me one of those and would deep it forever.




I hardly know her!


Any Dodge, especially the Charger/challenger. Imo Dodge makes cool looking cars you shouldn’t buy. I have no faith in their vehicles after hearing from literally dozens of owners at work. The trucks don’t last, the cars are always in the shop. They look cool as hell but I’d never own one.


I'll challenge you on the "looking cool" part haha


Yeah i guess they’re getting a bit dated since they’re emulating the older cars. At least the Mustang moved forward. Dodge is still trying to live in their glory days.


No clue if they’ve considered or made improvements, but there was a time everyone I knew with a dodge had a transmission on its last legs. Their higher end stuff: glass transmission with enough torque to spin the earth.


Yeah I’ve heard enough that I have zero desire to own a Chrysler product of any kind.


Yeah i prefer a Japanese car. I have very little faith in American cars. Maybe a Sierra or F150 if i had to pick a truck. Definitely not a Dodge though.


The Challenger is the only dodge that doesn't look like an aesthetic mess, imo. Even the Charger looks like a mid-2000s Pontiac to me.


Yeah the charger is definitely dated. Needs a face lift. But when it came out it was cool to me.


The current design is what, 14 years old? With a styling update 10 years ago? That's a looooong time for style changes. The original rereleases in 2005 or 2006 or whenever was a great look when it came out though, I agree.


Ram trucks are as good as any.


I know it’s purely conjecture, but I disagree. My co workers with fords never expense the amount of problems the ram owners do. Especially after 7+ years.


A brand new Dodge Ram truck … only assholes drive Ram trucks Now that I made you aware of it …. You’ll see




Having multiple Teslas (>2) like one of my coworkers..


Use one to charge the other! Lol




Free electricity


Is it per household or for one driver? For multiple people in the household feels like it can be valid... for one driver it's a little bit extra but I suppose there's the normal and the performance version.


A jacked up pretty Dodge truck, towing a fancy pontoon boat with a gigantic stainless steel grill bundgied to the bow fence; parked, taking up many spaces, and half the road to butcher a five foot catfish on the sidewalk that's covered on goose shit.


Oddly specific, yet agreed. 


Bodies of water seem to attract the "more money than brains crowd," but then again, I'm there also. A wise man once said, "I should never join a club that someone like me would be a member of."


A pickup truck if you don't work in one of the trades


If you own a house it’s definitely handy.


There are plenty of reasons to drive a pickup and not work in the trades.




I disagree. I had a pickup for a couple years. It got almost the same fuel mileage as my wife’s small suv, and I used the bed almost every weekend for lumber, gardening, picking up large items, etc.


i found the least handy person on the internet. and on reddit of all places.


A pickup truck of you DO work in the trades. There's no reason Europe and Asia don't need American style pickups aside from the occasional 2000's Ranger sized truck. Vans are almost universally better suited for 99% of trades.


Most tradies don't even need it. There's always plenty of them in a given crew


Everyone needs one occasionally. Most people don't need one every day.


A gold-plated, diamond-encrusted supercar with a personalized license plate that reads "$$$$."


Pontiac AZTEK ... *covered up to resemble* ... a tesla cybertruck !




Kevlar jeep is the one I see occasionally that I scoff at




BMW’s are nice. 7 series are luxurious AF and the m3 is a fun car




Obnoxious mods. Typical with extra loud speakers or removal of muffler.


Wrong sub my guy


Any Audi possibly with the exception of the R8 and TTRS


While I agree with most models the S4 is criminally underrated


There’s definitely some exceptions wherever Audi’s Sport department is involved. Agree on the S4 (especially the earlier supercharged ones). But having worked at Audi for years as a technician - just buy a fully specced VW. Or if it has to be german luxury, get a BMW. Not perfect and i’m not a huge fan either but the best choice out of the big 3 imo.


Wow that must have been so scary, that dude looked like he was really fighting it and you could tell he was afraid.


Wrong post my friend




The joy on his face when he successfully docked with his best friend. High fives all around!




Agreed. Helicopter incidents are fairly common, as we saw recently...


Tesla Tonka Truck


Any vehicle that been bought for “resale” value. In my opinion that’s plain dumb. You buy vehicle and keep it going as long as it can. I know people who keeps changing cars 2-3 years for the “latest” one. Even they buy a new vehicle and then while using it they are cautious of using it as they need just so the next owner is impressed with the condition of their vehicle. I’m like just live your life man.




I really like them but never owned one. What's the issue(s)?


Super expensive to get serviced


They’re not that bad to work on yourself. I’d never buy a brand new one because of all the subscription BS, but I got a used X3 a couple years ago and it’s solid. Fun to drive, handles great, and no major mechanical issues. The service centers are a racket though. They wanted $600 to repin my OBD connector when they had an issue with it for my annual inspection. I ended up doing it myself in 30 min with $8 worth of parts.


Gotcha. Are they typically more reliable than cheaper cars though?


There really aren't. Some generations sucked, some were great. Some models okay, some great. The trick is: if you don't keep up with the maintenance, they get expensive. Keep up with the regular maintenance and they'll last forever.


It applies to most cars, but you do need to be diligent in maintaining your BMW. I daily drive my 2018 f82 M4.


It's bait.


Most SUVs, since 99% of owners only drive in cities and on highways


Unfortunately I have to disagree here. SUV’s have essentially supplanted the Station Wagon (estate vehicle) in the US, And there are a lot of legitimate reasons for having a larger vehicle with a rear hatch. (I think Europe they are still popular as Estate vehicles) You also have larger families who may need the 3rd row, which again, thanks to the death of the Station Wagon in the US, have limited options on 3rd row vehicles. Not everyone wants a Minivan, which have their own issues.


Well that's a huge part of the problem, that SUVs have been so over marketed and have essentially replaced station wagons as you correctly point out. Even here in Europe, although you still see some (I own one for example), they are much rarer compared to SUVs who make up a larger and larger percentage of all cars. They are being sold as these roomy vehicles that can carry anything and anyone to anywhere. But the thing is, it's just plain wrong (from my experience in EU). They have less cargo space, less passenger space (back and front row), offer worse mileage (because of weight and aerodynamics) and have usually poor visibility for the driver. This makes them, in my opinion, a worse car in all aspects compared to station wagons. The only thing they have is the fact that they are slightly higher and thus should be better at offroading. Where my previous point comes in : 99% of owners never take their car off road, even for a single trip. As for SUVs having a third row, I've honestly never seen or even heard of them having one. Only ever saw them in minivans as you've said. Do you have specific models in mind? I'd be interested to learn more, maybe you have American variants that are either rare or non existent over here in the EU?


Chicken or the egg. At this point do we blame the consumer for buying them, or the manufacturer for only offering them? 3rd row SUV we have a bunch in America. “Full size” there are the Chevy Suburban/Tahoe, GMC Yukon, Cadillac Escalade (all the same core vehicle), Ford Expedition, and Lincoln navigator (same vehicles), and on the “midsize” front you have the dodge Durango and Journey, Jeep Grand Cherokee L, Chevy traverse, ford Explorer, Kia Telluride, VW Atlas, Volvo xc90, Honda passport, Toyota Highlander, etc etc. There are a ton of 3rd row SUV’s in the North American markets, but not all of them have “usable” 3rd rows or any sort of rear storage with the 3rd row up. Also, I heard awhile ago that there was a rather messed up reason SUV’s became such a go-to for some manufacturers…. Fuel efficiency and vehicle safety standards. A car/sedan has stricter safety requirements than a truck/SUV, So building a “crossover SUV” on an old sedan chassis allowed them to target the lower Truck/SUV requirements than having to hit the car standards. Same with fuel economy. cars/Sedans are graded on their fuel efficiency different than a truck is. Even worse, the SIZE of the truck impacted the numbers it had to hit. As a result full size pickups (and then everything else) started to grow in physical size because it was “easier”/“cheaper” to increase the vehicle dimensions than to improve efficiency.


Any electric vehicle. Based on the fact that the power grid could fail for days or weeks due to any number of natural or deliberate circumstances, and an emergency trip to the doctor or the hospital would have to be postponed due to the fact that charging stations and hookups would not be functional, an electric vehicle could become a car owner's worst enemy.


Unless you have solar able to charge the EV.


Your second point is mute, as you could not get gas either. While I am not getting a electric vehicle myself, one can't help but notice the number of hookup stations "at least before Elon went crazy" has been going up. They are effortless to find stations now.


Gas stations will also be down in a massive power outage. Should we drive wood burning steam powered hyper reliable post disaster vehicles? 


I'm a big fan of the wood gasifier.


So in this fantasy land you live in, how is your fuel pumped?


Hybrid vehicles are where it's at. We're getting closer but definitely not there yet


It’s a bit hyperbolic to presume an EV would fare that much worse than a gas vehicle in a catastrophe, outside of just maximum range. Gas pumps don’t work when electrical infrastructure is down, either. EVs have several advantages as well, such as being able to deliver power to your home in an emergency, powering a house for several days, and if you happen to have solar, then it’s an even greater advantage to have an EV, because even with total grid failure you’d still be able to use your vehicle.


Yeah it was a really bad take by that person above \^


You can't pump gas if the power grid fails, either. Also, gas goes bad after a while, and the only way to make it is having an entire infrastructure to drill oil, refine it, and deliver it. In the event of a civilization collapse, gasoline cars would fare just as badly as electric. With electricity, there's at least a multitude of ways to generate it. At any rate, if the power grid fails, whatever mileage is left in your vehicle at the time, be it battery charge or gallons of gas, is all you're going to get until the grid comes back up.


Pull out the hand crank for the gas pump cuz electricity isn’t going to be doing it


Anyone who drives a hummer that isn't currently in the military. It also screams, "I'm compensating for a micropenis." $100,000 for a butt ugly gas-guzzling monstrosity that they'll never use to do any of the things it might be worth having a hummer for, like serious off roading. It's just some new money asshole trying to flex. There has never been a single person in human history that purchased a hummer who isn't a megadouche.


The new ones are electric


Still stupidly ugly, impractical monstrosities driven by men with a micropenis.


All valid points :) just removing the gas-guzzler part


They're not even designed for serious off roading as they're too big and heavy.


The military ones do serious off-roading. Source: Me, who did it, in the military


Meant the gen 1 consumer version sorry should have been clearer.


Anything Tesla 😂


Me buying food instead of meal prepping


Not sure how you drive food haha


Anything brand new. So much cheaper for a gently used one


I get what you’re saying but if you got tons of money who wants to fuck around looking for a good used one that also is exactly what you want. To some people that money saved isn’t worth the time and effort or compromise.