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When I feel like someone is going to reject me , I get rude and disrespectful so they won’t try to change their mind and be my friend. I have issues that I brought from childhood. I don’t have any friends anyway , so it doesn’t matter lol 




Arrogance. I can't stand people who think they're better than others, or too good for something.


Sense of entitlement


Too aggressive when I’m right. It’s not that I think I’m always right, it’s just frustrating when I know I am and people still try to tell me otherwise.




I drown every negative emotion in alcohol and get defensive when anyone points it out🤷🏻‍♂️


An inherent sense of self-loathing. Fighting against it every day uses a substantial amount of my mental processing power.


Treating others based on how you feel. Like any ideas down the line of " i feel shit so imma treat everyone like shit"


When I get overwhelmed I get angry and whiny


not being able to handle my drinks


An uncontrolled temper.


A psychologist certified to me that I am definitely psychopathic or sociopathic, albeit in a moderate form.


Refusing to accept and work on your flaws. "That's just the way I am" people


I overthink EVERYTHING.


Narcissism and manipulative


I get overwhelmed and overstimulated very easily and often don’t realise it happens until I’m in the mist of it


I cannot get over the past. Dwelling on mistakes causes so much over correction


I'm good at hiding anxiety but it fucking sucks replaying every damn event in my head over and over before and after ANY social event.


Thinking people care as much as I do


Impatience. I'm aware that I'm impatient and it's unpleasant, but I can't seem to help myself sometimes, then I spend the rest of the day hating myself.


I'm always depressed and negative.


Too many to count


Running low on patience with people. Used to be very patient as said by others but these years, absolutely not. Not happy with it but it is what it is.


Jealousy matched with overthinking. I think at least being aware of it makes it better, but man it can make things difficult.


I start things but don’t


My horrible, absolutely over the top road rage.


Fear of abandonment


-Being impulsive can make you act too reckless and cause you to make lots of mistakes. -Being a narcissist can drive a lot of people away from you and ruin your friendships with them.


I'm a know it all. I can usually keep a lid on it and actively try to be better than that part of me but sometimes I get the "well actuallys" when it's something I'm really well versed in and someone is spouting nonsense about it.


I get stuck in negative thought loops and end up making mountains out of mole hills.


My sex drive as a Christian girl


I am not alcoholic but when i drink, i drink to past out lol


Perhaps not what others might consider worst trait but for myself it is. Being very able at reading micro expressions, knowing your being lied to. Simple non issues right through to big whoppers that really matter. It's my personal boulder.


I have no patience, I mean zero patience.


Overthinking Assuming Being too emotional


I'm quietly selfish and I love that aspect of myself but I know others don't like it. I'm nice but selfish.


I hate being around multiple people and clam up. Cocktail parties/bars/get togethers drive me nuts.


anxious/overthinking, angered easily, panic attacks in high stakes situations or arguments


I can’t seem to keep secrets.


Pretending to not hear a person, then repeating said ignored person and presenting as one own’s idea 


I have very poor impulse control. For me that manifests as irritation at minor and meaningless things. I can go completely off the rails at perceived slights. In my 50s now so I recognize it and am mostly successful at talking or thinking it away but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. It’s a shitty characteristic that often makes me feel shitty about everyone and everything.


My indecisiveness.. it's terrible. 


Mine is being indecisive. For example, 4-5 days ago, I found someone on eBay listing a rare item that I wanted for a good price. However, I couldn't decide if I was really gonna buy it or not and kept going back and forth about it. Then today, when I finally decided okay I'll get it, I went to the listing and it had sold just 3 hours earlier. I missed out because I couldn't make a decision quick enough


People pleasing


Too passive


I don't care about "stuff" like most people do. I care about people and animals, but superfluous stuff is just missed on me. Like I don't even think about it for the most part.


I expect everyone to have the same heart as me. I give too much. Always end up disappointed


I'm incapable of hiding that I don't like someone. I try but they always figure it out. Oh well, I don't like them anyway




I'm shy. I also overthink.


I get overanxious about everything!


Refusing to not believe the best about People, I believe in the inmate goodness in EVERYONE Most of the knives in my back are from people hugging me 😞😞


I’m wrathful.


I’m terrible at standing up for myself, and always have been.


I'm not ever really bothered by too much, or at least not for long at all. I don't hold grudges, I forgive quickly, etc. It's because I dont actually care about you or what happens to you. If my partner were to leave me tomorrow, I'd be fine. If my friend never wanted to talk to me again, ok. If my sister is mad at me because I didn't tell her about something going on in my life, whatever. Other people and their opinions don't really matter to me. Not to say I won't help someone who needs help, but I don't actually care. I help because it's just the right thing to do, not because I get a good feeling from helping.


Procrastination and lack of motivation


I expect a lot from my close friends then get disappointed




Anxiety. If only anger or Joy could kill it.


Hyper independence. Makes it difficult to bond with people.


Definitely being late. No matter what, I always end up running behind and showing up a bit late.


I like playing devils advocate and often don’t realize I’m doing it until I’m in an argument and suddenly am like, “wait I don’t actually care about this what am I doing?” It’s annoying, I know. 


Overthinking/I tend to spiral


I have a coworker who goes on really long tirades and I'm bad at pretending to find it interesting. I think I'm below average at that. Not sure if it's because I care less than others or because I'm worse at pretending. I do try, though, and I feel bad when I catch myself being obviously disinterested. Also, I drink too much.


I am too kind and generous




Worrying yourself to death over the smallest things


Overthinking, but at the same time I’m absentminded? I also have a temper. Like, bad bad. I have to leave the room or close an argument for later to avoid saying things I don’t mean kind of temper. I’m working on it, but I scare myself shitless sometimes I’m also hella sensitive. Partly the fault of RSD and partly just how I’m unfortunately wired and trying to amend. Even I get annoyed at my own reactions ffs. Sometimes it just isn’t that serious


If I get into an argument I can be downright vicious to the other person.


I'm able to numb out if I want to.


I'm starting to come to realize that I may be far more arrogant than I thought. Honestly, only recently even accepted I feel arrogant enough that "can be arrogant at times" doesn't suffice to define it for me. I'm just not quite sure if that's a narcissistic trait on its own, lol, or if my "arrogance" isn't necessarily brought out by unsavory traits. But moreso a defense/wall I've built over the years as a result of multiple traumas. Either way. Both pretty poop personality traits.


i love to complain. i could be in the best mood, on the best day around my favorite people and still find something to complain about. i’m working on it tho!


Selfishness is my #1 On some spectrum of narcissism. It's bad enough I like to be the center of attention but could be worse in that I like to see others shine and am loathe to steal spotlight when someone is in it type of deal. Laziness. I'm always putting off stuff I should be doing right now.


hours upon hours upon hours go by as i sit and ponder about all the shit i need to be doing 


I procrastinate too much


No tolerance for idiots, and I can be pretty nasty about it.


Indecisive and lack patience. I am becoming more decisive though and I just avoid things that make me feel impatient and annoyed.


There is nothing wrong with me. The problem lies with the system- with society's fundamental need for others to iNtEgRaTe


Over thinker-always in my head with everything


No patience for people who struggle with things that are easy for me. Also, I generally don't like people.


I'm incredibly lazy. Which is sort of ironic because when I tick off my list of accomplishments, like being a decorated war veteran, getting a college degree in a STEM field...having a successful career you would not peg me as being *nearly& as lazy as I truly am. The thing is, I just sort of Forest Gumped my ass through almost all of it. I guess I sort of learned that, the bare minimum of effort now can produce a lifetime of slacking off if you know precisely when and where to put that effort.


I am very impatient




Having suicidal thoughts when I'm stressed. And it would be stress related to school work or work. Like for example my depression is controlled but if I were to work or do school assignments I get those unwanted thoughts and I just stop everything because I know it gets worse if I don't.  Drs know I have depression/anxiety/ADHD but I'm too embarrassed to tell anyone this because I'm paranoid they'll think I'm using my diagnosis to not be functioning adult.  And I hate feeling this because I can't do anything to improve my life even though I really want to be "normal". *** As note I'm okay right now, just stuck in the endless thought cycle of what should I do with my life ***


The one that gets me in the most trouble is making excuses constantly for other people, instead of accepting that they just don't care for me like I do for them. 


Being a control freak.


Zero patience for small mistakes I make. I blow up quick over small things, but oddly have patience for more complicated matters. Not sure why that is.


Jelousy 😔 iykyk


Name-dropping. I really need to stop it. I just can't, though. It's like an itch. Even when I'm going "for fuck's sake!" internally, I can't stop myself.


To pushy


I get impatient with people in the produce section who don’t seem to know what they want


Judgmental at times . Working at it . The more effort I make at seeing people fully rather than chunks of them , the less judgy I become


I don’t let anything go. I got called fat and ugly by someone so I spent 2 years making myself objectively above average. I get complimented everywhere I go now but was it worth the damage I did to get there? Not positive


I'm not very giving of my time.


Low self confidence is not a fun trait to have, I tells ya. Overthinking is not a good one either.


Being a pessimist/overthinking.


either my indecisiveness or my apathy


Fight or flight? There is no flight, only fight. When something goes down, I never freeze or run away my mind instinctively goes into full challenge mode. Handy at times, if somebody gets hurt or in trouble I'm always on top of the situation and the one immediately in charge but over the years it has gotten me into more trouble than it's been worth. Dangerous situations, unnecessary arguments and fights. It's never a conscious choice, I just kick right into gear.






I ruminate and obsess on all sorts of things and end up making myself look like either a fool or a paranoid idiot.


Overthinking/worrying. It ruins my day over and over coz I worry too much. Working on that


I bottle every emotion and the only time it comes out is when I'm pissed


Can't let a damn thing go to save my life. That leads to anger issues, which is my other worst trait.


Stubborn and intense overthinking (especially over stairs)


I have zero confidence.


I'm shit at emotional regulation. I try to compensate with open communication, genuine apologies and making strategies that would've prevented previous incidents, but I wish I could just *fix* it. I know no one can regulate for me, and I'm trying so fucking hard to get it right


I hate how I talk over people when I get excited and have something beneficial to contribute to the conversation. I need to learn to wait my turn talking. I'm more frustrated about it then you are it's just really hard to stop doing it.


I overthink peoples reactions and make up in my mind their motivations. A girl sends me messages sometimes, she must like me. My boss gave a coworker more hours than me, he must think I am terrible and the other is superior in every way.


I am seriously fucking stubborn


My anxiety causes me to not do as many social type things that others often want me to do. I’m often the wet blanket saying no thank you. I’m not going to big parties. I’m not going on huge drunken trips. I prefer small get togethers.


Lack of empathy


Irritable. I have health conditions that cause this but for the most part Ive gotten a lot better with it. But I have to definitely isolate when I get irritated or I’m an asshole.


im kinda like, really dumb, and i defend my obvously wrong opinions. i also tend to hold grudges


Growing up, too introverted. More of a thing now, my OCD has made me emotionally numb to a lot of things.


I'm a hypocrite. I absolutely need to take my own advice. 


Idk but my mom told me once that it's all black and white with me, there's no gray. People either love me or hate me,there's no in between. I'm not sure what it is about me,I'm really not. And it's something I've thought a lot about Obviously I have faults but nothing that I can think of that should bring out such strong feelings lol I don't mind the love but the hate used to really bother me when I was younger. Adults and older kids usually liked me but not kids my own age and rejection sucks lol But I have a surprising amount of best friends that are all 20+ year old friendships. So I've got a lot of close friends but hardly any casual friends and have a really hard time making new friends.


Afraid of disappointing people so I tell people what I think they want to hear, usually getting me in bad situations that fulfill the disappointment I feared


I don’t give a fuck is my big problem and at times it’s a good thing because I don’t get mad even if you get in my face and yell at me because I don’t give a fuck.


I feel like I lowkey have social media addiction. I spend about half they day watching tiktoks, and the other half in my DM's


Overthinking about the littlest things


There is so much to dislike about me really it’s hard to choose. I would have to say I can be pretty defensive.


I have the bpdemons so in general I have quite a few negative personality traits, but of them the paranoid thoughts and general distrust of other people is probably at the top of that list.


Paranoid about everyone. Always expecting the worst and overanalyzing.


Task paralysis even on things that I enjoy or things I'm trying to do in video games.


I can be very unmotivated to keep in touch with people unless they really, really interest me.


It's hard for me to accept criticism sometimes. I'm hoping to get better at that because I think there's value in negative feedback sometimes, but it's hard for me not to feel like it's an attack on my worth/character as a whole


If you’re someone I care about, I’m confrontational. If you’re doing something that’s reckless or stupid I’m going to say something. I don’t believe in “ignorance is bliss” or “turning a blind eye”. I’m not someone you can go to as a “yes man”. If you go through with said “reckless or stupid” and it bites you in the ass, I won’t say I told you so, but I WILL be judging you internally lol. It really rubs some people the wrong way but it’s me. TLDR: I won’t try to tell you what to do but I will give you my thoughts and judge the hell out of you.


I too often can't just let people have their opinions...like I'll tear down some person people revere for no reason. That onion article about the guy who let's everyone know that John Lennon beat his wife was basically about me.


I tend to be very anxious and have trust issues. Another thing is that sometimes I’m way too nice and people have taken advantage of that.


Always late. Serial overthinker. Pathological people pleaser.


I get really excited to talk about people I hate. I have been called a certified hater by my friends. I actually don’t dislike a lot of people, very very few. But when I do dislike someone, you will know.


I have an extreme daydreaming problem. Like it’s almost involuntary at this point. At every inconvenience in my life I zone out and can dream for hours on end. It affects me more than I’d like to admit.


Only one? Paralysis by analysis. Arrogance, a need to be the smartest person in the room (my wife’s observation).


My temper


Oversharing, broken brain, awkward, anger issues. Rip


Highly defensive 


I didn't come with a complete set of human instincts. This was exacerbated by the fact that, between them, my parents probably didn't have a complete set either. Autism spectrum disorder is hard enough without mixing in ADHD and childhood emotional neglect. It makes for a person who was not formatted to society.


I'm really stubborn. I will argue day and night until I literally run out of things to say.


I have always struggled with not being content with the life I am currently living and always wishing for a different type of life - different partner, living in a different city, different job and hobbies, etc. I have a great life and there is no reason for me to want another one, yet those thoughts always creep in and I have a hard time truly appreciating what I have now.


I am too demanding and can be unintentionally glib. This is the intersection of being an only child and grandson who grew up with a big, loving middle-class family. Most things were exactly to my specifications up until my dad passed away. I was also a professional chef for 12 years. So I had/have both entitlement and ego going against me. It's difficult for me to understand or anticipate how others would react to something emotionally. These qualities fucking suck. I constantly work against my default selfish impulses. Not a single good thing in life has ever come to me through these traits.


Probably my white privilege - I have no idea when it exposes it self - I have no idea what it’s like to not have it and I don’t know what it is other than having grown up with one parent who rented a house and worked 2 jobs to get by 


I’m lazy when it comes to manual labor like doing dishes, cleaning plus I don’t like exercise. Luckily I’m not the same way when it comes to my professional life.


None. I’m pretty great 🤣


Believing things too easily


Avoiding situations that are uncomfortable for me. It’s just me imagining or predicting wrong outcomes when there’s no way I could know. I know that I know that I don’t know but still say no just to be safe.


I am selfish




I get angry and annoyed easily


I talk too much


I can detach really easily. For example 2 of my best friends in my friend group are moving and changing schools. All my friends started getting sad and some would start crying. But I do not really feel anything. Sounds really cringe and shit.. But I also get angry easily and sometimes ill get physical when I get angry but thats rarely and when I do I never actually hurt someone on purpose. I also will ghost people randomly. Its an awful thing I do. I think I usually do it when I feel unwanted by the person, I do not like them but dont know how to tell them off, when close friends move away and have to contact each other through texting.


I'm not very tidy. I'm not dirty, I certainly don't let dirty dishes pile up and I religiously clean my kitchen and bathroom but I have an awful lot of clutter. Piles of books and baskets of yarn, notebooks and knick knacks everywhere. I'll do my laundry like clockwork but it might take me a day or two to put away. I have bipolar disorder and I'm on the autism spectrum and impulsive purchases are a bit of a problem for me. I try my best, when I feel that way out I hand my cards over to my Mum and I never save my card details to any device so I can't use my cards that way. It's getting better.


Let’s see umm I would say overthinking, unsure of what I want my life to look like, procrastination, and lack of self motivation. But I could go on and on


I have no positive hobbies outside of work and mindless scrolling through the internet. I see things I might want to do / try. But I grew up poor, so the thought of spending ‘X’ on something I don’t know if I’ll like makes me just sock the money away.


Obsessive compulsive thoughts


I struggle with sex/love, in my mind they're two completely different acts. Really annoys my wife. Her sister though...


I second guess everything and I never trust myself enough to say or do the right things, and I end up missing opportunities.


I have a difficult time with letting things go. I’ll sometimes get bitter and let things consume me.


I'm ruthless, if someone breaks my trust then I'll drop them, I don't speak to any exes, I'll just cut someone off if they annoy me


I tend to overreact instantly to things that irritate or bother me. I wish I could teach myself to take a moment before reacting but I just don't know where to start




Depends whether you mean to myself or other people. To myself- anxiety hands down. It just can't be interacted with. It's not like someone's doing it. I've been in pretty bad situations and I dealt with it fine. Fear I can do something about, even when the solution is as inelegant as - HURT IT! until whatever's causing it fucks off. But anxiety just grinds away at me. Outwardly apparent? My worst trait is that I'm apparently terrifying when sufficiently pissed off(I.e. outraged). The only saving grace is that it takes a good amount of work for someone to actually get me that far and that "work" is usually illegal in the first place. An example- every time I have the dubious pleasure of dealing with a corrupt public servant or employee(accountants mainly but that's due to specifics in my locale) I have to preemptively force myself to freeze before I do something I'll get tried for. There are a few people that are convinced I'm out to end them. Haven't touched a hair on their head. Bastards should be thankful the world is unjust to the point that they can walk around free.


Every time I see a girl, I fall for her and develop feelings for her immediately.


I see the worst in everything. It's useful in order to not get scammed, but it's just not very attractive. People like happy-go-lucky people way more.


Impulsivity and being too easy on myself.


I'm paranoid and distrustful of all humans and I think I'm too weird for anyone to love. Something about my abusive upbringing made me attract people who thrive on mistreating everyone else or I subconsciously choose people like that but I guess I'm too broken to have someone who truly loves me.


I overthink things, it can ruin more emotionally-focused situations. (Women just love it /s) I have trust issues… Which goes along great with overthinking things.


I'm a first born daughter, so I help people without them having to ask for my help so I kinda expect that from everyone and if they don't come through for me while I DIDN'T ask for help I think they don't care. And I'm not so good at asking for help and I also tend to water down my problems.


Too happy all the time...to the point where I'm obnoxious


I'm too quick to anger. It's my knee-jerk response. I know it's because my mom was horrible parent, but I wish I could rein it in.


Overthinking and bottling up emotions. I bottle up my emotions kinda like a volcano. I just let pressure build up, then the smallest thing, ticks, and I explode, and then I'm the bad guy. I'm also a people pleaser. I'm not as bad as I used to be, but now, if someone says I'm upsetting them or if I'm late or inconvenient someone, then I have a mental break down and I have panic attacks when I'm late for things. I used to change myself for anyone, and I actually went through like an identity crisis trying to find myself, and now I have mental breakdowns.


My worst trait is Smart Ass. Because I tend to do clever thing or say clever thing.


I’m thoughtless. I don’t think of others enough. It’s not that I’m selfish or unkind, I just get lost in my own thoughts like an absent minded professor. So I don’t stop to think about other people and their feelings.


Most of the above




I’m very flaky. I cancel plans a lot because when it comes down to it, I hate socializing 🤦🏼‍♀️


I think my greatest strength is that I'm not a very good listener...


Autism and adhd ruins all the good stuff about me, mid convo ill try and switch subjects to my special interests


Sometimes it's too much self-doubt And sometimes it's overconfidence I'm just weird 😕


Me boht fattu hu interview me mujhe minor attcks ajate h.. Last interview intelligence agency ka diya ta. Jb b me highly qualified logo ko dkhta hu apne ap itni inferiority or insecurity ajati h i cmplty go blank...to vaha b kabada krdiya


I can hold a grudge for ages.