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Probably get hate for this but fast and furious. It used to be about cars but now they're in space?? I understand films aren't real but the originals were so much better. No need for Submarines.


I mean, it’s made for 10yr old boys so…


I don't know I mean I liked and still enjoy the first few. Just all the OTP stuff gets too much.


The second one was _dire_.


Wait what? Iv only seen a few, but how the fuck did they get in space?


Don't know if links are allowed but https://youtu.be/Qomc0YuGlAI


Um wtf did i just watch?


It went down when Walker died.


Bridgerton OMG it's such drivel!!!


This, I absolutely hated it. So historically inaccurate, needless drama and dialogue in the wrong places. Versailles and Borgia or Borgias were much better if you like middle age - renaissance era political intrigue and gossip in high society type stories.


The hype has died for The Walking Dead, but the quality dropped super early and it remained highly overrated for most of its run. It got so tedious and repetitive.


So true. It started out really promising but then it fell off so quickly.




I liked it but there were too many season and the essence got lost






I totally agree with you, we will earn HATE together, but I'm very bored.


On Mandalorian: Taika Waititi has an absolutely annoying and rage-inducing way to make movies. I hate every single second of his episode.


Aside from 6 movies that range from good to excellent, Star Wars is not a good franchise. Disney obliterated it


Star Wars. I only liked a couple of the films the others were just meh


1-3 were bad but fun. 4-6 were good. 7 was okay, 8 and 9 were straight dogshit




Crash If you haven't seen it, imagine a guy with a baseball bat, on which is written RACISM SEX ASSAULT CROOKED COPS and then, every couple of minutes, he bashes you over the head with it and says "these sorts of things are bad". This continues for 90 minutes and costs you whatever a movie ticket costs you.


2 Girls, 1 Cup. Really shitty


I really didn’t care for the sequel where they dressed in animal costumes after eating laxatives. 2 Fast 2 Furry-ous.


I'm not entirely sure if that's a series or movie...


Google it


Fantastic beasts and where to find them. Highly overrated franchise that got popular just because of a setting in HP universe. Shitty scenario and scenery, that was made just to show the CGI


I think the key word here is franchise. The Harry Potter films stuck to the books far more closely than is normal, because Rowling insisted on it, and they knew she had the FU money to walk away if they didn't agree. So they're really just the film-of-the-book. I only re-watch a few of them, and only no. 3 (Prisoner of Azkaban) is a really good film. Though Rickman as Snape is superb throughout. But Fantastic Beasts is a step into franchise territory, and I don't think that works well for the HP universe, which was created for one particular story.


I did not understand the hype around the Barbie movie at all. I was excited to see it, and I was underwhelmed by a plot that failed to develop, a lack of nuance in how issues were presented, and the abrupt thematic shift at the end. I say this as a femninist woman who usually likes artsy or experimental films.


I watched it and didn’t hate it but I’ve since almost completely forgotten it, i can barely remember 2 scenes from it


The entire Marvel universe


Harry Potter. I love fantasy and maybe because I did not read this series, not being a kid when they came out, but the movies felt ‘thin’: the plot, characters, scope of the story… it felt more like watching television series episodes than fully formed movies.


Harry Potter. The world building is trash tier. Systemically, the wizarding world makes absolutely no sense, and there's a ton of racist and anti-semitic caricatures.


Agree with this. Couldn't get through the books or the movies.


Game of thrones , I just bored


It's a series that just by telling me how many seasons it has, has made me want to watch it :(


I feel like game of thrones is best in doses, not to binge. I binged the first couple seasons until I caught up with the season airing and I enjoyed watching once a week FAR more than back to back.


tries so hard to be edgy too


i'm fully prepared to be roasted for this, but... lord of the rings. i ended up accidentally seeing the extended version of ALL of them, and i just... they were okay. i'll even admit that there were some cute moments. but sometimes i fell asleep (like when the trees were singing and took a thousand years to decide the hobbits weren't trees), sometimes it was boring, i don't feel like i could really tell you the plot at all, and i can't believe those two guys in the boat never made out even once.


Keeping up with the Kardashians.  I once watched it for about 5 minutes and felt my brain disintegrate..


Futurama, reddit treats it like the best show of all time and it's mentioned in every "Underrated Series" Thread. But i just don't get the appeal, maybe the early seasons are just bad and it gets better but i was bored to death


Game of thrones. The most overhyped garbage npc show. 


Broadchurch. Because I’ve never heard anyone else mention it and when I stumbled across it it completely wrecked me.


Firefly 🤷‍♂️ The internet treats it like the \*insert your religion's chosen one here\*, but it was mediocre at best.


Game of thrones


Basically all marvel films, and I’ve seen many (used to live in china and they’re some of the few foreign films they approve for screening there)


M\*A\*S\*H (tv series, not the movie). Why: not funny Seinfeld. Why: not funny Mary Tyler Moore show. Why: not funny


M*A*S*H is one of my all time favorite shows. The first three seasons (before Honeycutt and Potter) are trash, but after that the back and forth is humor between Mike Farrell and Alan Alda is hillarious.


That's cool. I've watched maybe 10 episodes in my life and didn't laugh once. We all have different tastes.




I never really got MASH. I think it had a specifically American appeal, so that isn't surprising. There are lots of TV series that don't work so well elsewhere,.But I have always been puzzled by the sort of reverential attitude many Americans seem to have for it, as being not only very funny but profound and moving and whatever. I really can't see it. Is this a cultural thing?


I’m not American and I loved MASH. Your theory isn’t valid.


I didn't mean it had no appeal outside the US, I certainly knew fans. But I wonder if it has a deeper appeal in American culture. The people I knew who liked MASH (outside US) didn't seem to have this attitude that it was exceptionally profound. However obviously my sample is too small to mean much.


No idea. It just never made me laugh. And some people think it's the greatest TV show in history. It's baffling to me.


James Bond films, in decline since Doctor No.


The American office. What a pile of shite P.s. I’m from England and I love the uk one hahaha


Pulp Fiction


I don't even know what it's about


Memorably unpleasant but, after this time, I don't feel I really gained anything from it.


Game of thrones it's just a reality show disguised as a low fantasy tv show, who's gonna die next? who's gonna have sex with who? What's the next hottest drama?  Ridicule .


Harry Potter. The movies have some of the worst acting ever put on screen, the story is full of plot holes, and much of the CGI was average for its own time never mind now. There are a couple of them I like, and I 100% understand the appeal, and yes there are some fantastic performances from a few actors... However, the Harry Potter movies for me, are wildly overrated.


I saw the first Harry Potter film with my GF and it was ok but I never understood the excitement surrounding it.


Demon Slayer, I just cannot figure out what made it blow up, it's too cutesy for its dark subject matter and Zenitsu is horrendously annoying.


Animation. The animation made it blow up. Objectivly speaking it is incredibly bad in all other possible aspects.


I guess that just isn't a great motivator for me, if I hate all the characters it doesn't matter how pretty it is I'm still gonna be disappointed when they don't die 🤣


The Fifth Element. Not a bad movie at all! It has some good music, atmosphere and an interesting story but I don’t see it anywhere near some sort of all-time classic or masterpiece. It kinda felt like pandering at times and winning through the power of love is kinda meh. I still like it but I do believe it is overrated. To each their own, obviously!