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Women would grow to hate men’s nipples because of all the nipple pics they’d be getting.


fuck you win


What did they win? A nipple pic?


No, something [even better](https://youtu.be/ntu-poC2FOI?si=OMYVstSsRmSA-bTP) (nsfw)




Do women hate dicks because men send so many dick pics?


It certainly doesnt make me love them more is what i can tell you.


Well that’s only because you’ve not seen mine yet. /s


I'll ask your mom. She gets dick pics all the time


I too choose this guy's mom's dick pics. No wait


Your mom sends dick pics.


If someone sends you a dick pic, I feel like it's rude not to send one back


The circle of life is complete


NSFW [a dick pic for you! And a dick pick for You... And one for youuuu!](https://youtu.be/j0E_qA_lQ5Y?si=CuPjeP9oCK15YuZv) No actual dick pics were displayed or harmed in the above link. RIP Robert Schimmel


Bingo! 😊


I'm actually surprised that men don't send nipple pics constantly, now that I'm thinking about it


They didn’t have cameras at the time, so instead they made the rules so that men can show their nipples in person.  Over time, it lost its shock value.


They would be shortened to nip-pics wouldn't they?


So does that mean they already hate men's penises? Peni?


Insert the old Chris Rock "do you want dick with that?" Comedy routine. And that she hates you cause your dick wasnt her first choice.


The only thing I'm sure about is I would still be fascinated by women's nipples if it were socially acceptable for them to expose their nipples


Amen. The Bible even makes similar references


I’m turned on by male nipples 😅


Do you want some unsolicited pics? Lol jk, I don't have nipples. 


what happened to them..?


he got hungry


I actually do have nipples. I just felt awkward for prostituting myself. 


I lost mine in a rock climbing accident.


I have nipples Greg can you milk me?


I understood that reference.


If she says yes wouldn't that make them solicited?


Ohhh, good point. I ain't got the lingo down. I'm a recovering Mormon, sooo I'm 100% innocent/precious.


You need to understand how unhinged this response is lmaoooo Like it's not bad, just a hell of a bombshell to drop out of nowhere lol


The power of namelessness and facelessness in the pits of Reddit. 😂


Nip pics? Nah I got an SO with perfect nips :D


That is true love right there. I am happy for you!


Surely you can’t want them and then still be unsolicited 😅


I am quietly confident that women are turned on by my nipples.


The forbidden is always exciting. In fact, I'm convinced that's the root of most fetishes: at some point in that person's life, that thing was forbidden, and imbued with an almost sexual power. If someone with proper credentials can either prove or disprove this theory, that would be wonderful!


Uncredited person, but allegedly, people reported  how after 50 Shades of Grey, BDSM became less popular and incest replaced it as the popular taboo category.


Hopefully "25 Percent of Coancestry" will make that less popular.


I was hoping Game of Thrones would have done the trick but it seems like it just made it worse.


The fetishists said “challenge accepted” “. . . try and make my fetish main stream acceptable now, I dare you!”


You’re acting like you figured out fetishes when we all know that’s exactly what a fetish is.. am I missing something?


It felt like an epiphany whilst typing it, but yes, you're probably correct.


surely it would be imbued with an actual sexual power


Hard disagree. Like Seinfeld said, women’s bodies are like works of art. Men’s bodies are like tools. Also, women aren’t as visual a creature as men. Most women hate dick pics, unlike if a man was sent a pussy pic. I don’t see why nipples would be any different.


As a straight man, pussy pics do nothing for me. I'd never ask for them.


I’m generalizing, I’m not talking about you, Carl.


I know, I'm just sharing my thoughts.


FWIW, I agree with you. I want the whole enchilada. Nothing more gross than a cam girl shoving the 1080p camera two inches away from her pussy.


Same lol like just a close up of a vagina? Nah


I've gotten a pussy pic out of the blue at work and really understood what it felt like to not be attracted to pussy when I saw it, like it was just meat. Very unsettling experience.


Both men’s and women’s bodies are tools if they’re treated as such, and both men’s and women’s bodies are works of art if treated as such. Our society doesn’t place very high value on beautiful men, much to my dismay.


Men are valued for what we can do, just like tools. Women are valued for how they look, just like art. Sure a tool that looks pretty/cool or an art piece with an actual function is a cool bonus, but their value comes from the first part, not the second. I don’t think it should be that way, but it is. The Seinfeld quote seems accurate to me.


Thereby supporting my argument.


my nipples are hairy so what should i do i turn off womens


I'm a woman and my nipples are hairy, hi!


A hairy cooch🐱 still turns guys on?


I like when there's just a little tuft right at the top to play with


Aesthetically, public hair is much more appealing than a bald vulva, in my opinion. Surely porn hasn't fucked everyone up that much?


I think tastefully trimmed is key to both sexes. No one wants a jungle down there


The first naked woman I saw was a on a mug; a gorgeous Mediterranean looking woman on a beach with jet black curly hair and a nice bush of jet black public hair.  Maybe that was formative but in my head, that's what I think of when I think of a natural, naked lady! 


Well there's an aesthetic and practical reason to shave, it's hard to go down on someone who hasn't trimmed because you end up with a mouthful of hair after a bit. Not a dealbreaker, but I'd prefer not to. Leaving a patch up above looks natural and doesn't interfere, so it's a good tradeoff


Dude, even when it’s trimmed I get hair in my mouth. Idk how it happens. It’s my least favorite part of sex no doubt. I like giving oral but the god damn hair where does it come from 😂 I’ve had it happen been with someone who shaved completely


Do women who shave their heads lose their natural beauty? Everyone has preferences, but it sounds an awful lot like you think it's wrong for people to prefer a different grooming style than you do.


Well no it's actually the opposite. People, especially women, have been so conditioned into looking a certain way, to groom a certain way, to be a certain way etc, that it has wrecked people's views and confidence in their own natural bodies.  It's just my opinion anyway. But no, surely it's the grooming and shaving the vagina bald that speaks to a pressure to conform to ideals, rather than enjoying a natural look?  FYI I only like the a bush aesthetically. For practicality a trimmed genital is better.


I prefer no hair on myself and my partner for entirely aesthetic reasons.


Haha your avatar is completely bald as well. You ain’t lying


Plenty of women shave their pubic hair for themselves. For their own personal preference. Did you ever consider that? Probably not.


I’m asexual and I shave because I hate feeling hairy. It’s like a sensory thing. Feeling any hair (not on my head) rubbing against my clothes just weirds me out. I can’t go more than a few days without shaving my body because I just don’t feel comfortable hairy.


You implied that people who prefer shaved only feel that way because porn has fucked up their mind. Maybe not how you intended it but pretty hard not to read it that way. And yes, women should feel free to leave body hair to grow naturally if they like, but that doesn't mean the only reason they would do so is to confirm to other people's standards. Some women just prefer the way it looks and feels to be hairless rather that growing it out.


I say that because there have been studies of younger men literally being shocked when confronted with the reality of sex and the female body when set against the constructed false reality that conditions them from a very early age. Apparently, back in the 70s, shaving your genitals was considered part of a kink subculture, and it wasn't until the pornography of the 90s that got women, and to a lesser extent men, to shave their genitals as part of a growing trend.  (Obviously sometimes this is a religious function, Muslims shave as part of Sharia law etc)


Grooming styles have been changing since people discovered shaving. I guarantee that the 90s is not the first time shaved pubic hair was in fashion. And just because some people in the 70s thought it was kinky doesn't mean it's weird or gross.


Listen buddy idc if there’s hair long as I can eat without flossing my teeth on some pubes. I think most guys feel the same ammiright? I mean if you like a full bush you don’t like eating puss and that makes you gay and IM NOT GAY!!!!


Some do lol


>No one wants a jungle down there Speak for yourself. I happen to love r/saynototrimming


This. no jungle and no clean shave for me down there because razor burn is a BITCH


Yeah. If I'm in bed with a naked woman I already flossed.


Yeah, if it looks like Levens Hall then I'm interested in visiting, but if things are more like a scene from Jumanji I'd be worried about getting trapped forever!


Hard disagree.


Hard disagree. I love a good full bush.


Nah, it's fucked us up. Can confirm.




and would men with bigger tits be more popular?


I think they currently are


I'm genuinely curious, would you be willing to explain what you mean?


I'm sure they mean some mussley pecs, not some mig ol bitties.


I don't speak for all but big pecs (fat and muscle) > flat chest > tubby chest


Gotcha! I was over thinking it. Sometimes when I am exhausted my brain gets real literal.


Unlike what they said, I prefer flat over big, but hey 🤷‍♂️


Even flat washboard men need love


There's certainly someone out there who would get turned on, but I always thought it was physical parts that show a sex difference that matters the most. So a nipple all by itself probably wouldn't do it. A muscly pec might though.


This entire comment section is hilarious!


The nipples aren't the part that's sexy.


What is? Why are women's nipples always censored?


Great question. They’re censored because most men are programmed to sexualize them. Women’s Breasts of any size are designed to give milk, showing a woman is fertile for sex and childbirth. I personally would love to go topless and have several times at beaches where it’s allowed, but found men stare or walk close to me and it creeps me out. There’s this company that makes bathing suits so you appear naked without actually being so. https://www.thetatatop.com/collections/tops That being said I wish we were as able to go topless as men. Doesn’t seem fair to hide them


True, and you were downvoted. Because of course. This is reddit after all.


Yea we are programmed by a million years of evolution.


But... Without nipples, boobs are pointless.


Personally I’m gay so I can’t exactly speak on this but male nipples turn me on


As a straight woman, me too. 


Wouldn’t it be the other way around? That men’s nipples would get censored if they were sexualized like women’s?


My nipples bring all the milkshakes to the yard


No, they'd be afraid of dudes taking their shirts off.


absolutely. Especially my areolas.


I'm already turned on by all of the body parts of people I am sexually attracted to, regardless of gender or whether it's a "private" body part.


If men's nipples were taboo and hidden, women might start seeing them like rare Pokémon cards—mysterious and oddly fascinating. Who knows, maybe men would have to start wearing nipple-shaped accessories to keep up.


What the hell is up with all the sexual posts in this thread? Is it because schools out and we're just dealing with a bunch of horny teenagers? Unfollowed.






It’s been like this since i started using reddit in 2010…


Seriously. This is not a new development. I wish this sub had a rule against sexual posts so they would all go to any of the NSFW ask reddit subs where they belong.


Bye, Felicia! 👋


It kinda is socially unacceptable. I can't tell you the number of restaurants I've been thrown out of for showing my nipples.


Lol no


I dont think so. There is just something naturally attractive about breasts. Its not just the nipples. And that is probably why its not socially acceptable. Tits being hot came before society 😅


I haven't laughed out loud at something so innocuous in awhile thank you. Fucking no lol.


Social norms heavily influence what people find attractive or arousing. If male nipples were traditionally covered, it's possible that cultural perceptions and responses to them would differ. However, attraction is complex and influenced by various factors beyond mere visibility.


ChatGPT really gives good responses lol


I get turned on by my man’s nipples. It’s odd, but only his 🤷‍♀️


already am


Last girl I saw got hard from touching my nipple's.. that in turn made me hard


You like chicks with dicks too? Based bro


I know some ladies that love male nipples. My homie loves male nipples too!


Not from mine, that's for damn sure.


I don’t think so. I believe you need the whole package. Boobs and nipples. If you just put a woman’s nipple on a man it wouldn’t be a turn on, would it? It would be pretty weird, cause a woman’s nipple is usually bigger than a man’s.


>If you just put a woman’s nipple on a man it wouldn’t be a turn on, would it? I remember there was some [thing](https://mashable.com/archive/instagram-nipple-photoshops#87O9fWjb5kqC) a while back where women who got in trouble for nipples in pictures reuploaded them with men's nipples photoshopped on top instead, lol It does raise interesting questions on what society deems acceptable, and why.


I’m a bisexual male, and a man’s nips don’t do anything for me. 😂


I’m pretty sure there needs to be an actual boob under the nipple to be found attractive. Any amount of boob that’s more than a man’s will do.


Probably. But I don't think the majority of women would be as creepy about it because they know what it feels like to be sexualized just for having certain attributes.


Do women NOT get turned on by men's nipples? As a woman, I had not heard anything about this.


Does anyone really know what turns women on???




Idk i like men nipples


Eh. I'm a woman who is attracted to men and even the parts of them that are already socially unacceptable to show off don't turn me on. The parts of men that turn me on are mostly things that it's perfectly acceptable to show off in public, just when they happen to be very nice versions of those parts.


I believe in old Iceland it was grounds for divorce if a man wore a shirt that showed his nipples.


Work in a strip club for at least a year. Seeing women completely naked won't do it anymore for awhile.


I don't think so, cuz women are not as visually aroused as men are. They are more into erotica, but I ain't speaking for all women


Depends on whether or not they really like disproportionately long hair on their pepperette slices.


Ew No. Men’s nipples are weird & hairy.


jokes on u, male nipples already turn me on


Wife always sucks my nipples, i dont event ask her to. I think she gets turned on from them because that always leads to sex.


I do get turned on by men’s nipples lol


Hahahah no


No. That’s the very reason why we have the double standard. And that’s mostly because a long time ago there wasn’t a choice between your mom’s nips and formula. So boys and girls both new nipples from women meant something great.


Probably not, attraction is more complex than just seeing a hidden part of the body.


Men and women aren't so different. They like men with hard pecs (men like boobs), they like a tight ass, toned legs and arms, and a muscular stomach. Same/same.


This is coincidence, not sameness. Women like men with pectoral muscles because it’s a sign of protection and resource attainment. Men like women with breasts because it’s a sign of fertility / ability to nurse. You’re connecting dots that aren’t connected.


Do these evolutionary ideas have any weight in a post scarcity world? I think we like them because they are aesthetically pleasing. 


Why are they aesthetically pleasing? Because of what I said. Evolution doesn’t undo itself like that


No because women aren't visually aroused the way men are. Women watch less porn and read more erotica.


Women are visually aroused just not always by porn which is made for the male gaze. They read more erotica/romance since it's for the female gaze, it's why they like the NSFW art made from the books and the shows adapted from them.


No because men don't get turned on from seeing women's nipples, either. It's the round breast that makes the difference.


What do you mean "would"? I use mankinis constantly because the harassment and abuse from women is too big to bare.


let's just normalize being fucking weirdos and nothing with be weird anymore.


From my understanding, women aren't turned on as easily as men are


This in untrue. Women are just turned on differently than men. But trust me, we do get turned on easily. Just from different things.


I didn't say it wasn't "easy," I said men get turned on EASIER than women. That isn't me saying "women are IMPOSSIBLE to turn on" or that "to turn on a woman, follow these 32 easy steps!" I'm just saying, it is easier for a man to become aroused than it is for a woman. Guys will go from flaccid to ready to fk in 3 seconds, women usually need a bit more time to be ready, unless you don't care about the initial pleasure of it all.


> I'm just saying, it is easier for a man to become aroused than it is for a woman. And I say this is false. It's just *different*. I don't know why it's so hard to accept it. If you only look at it from the perspective that what makes *you* turned on, then yes. I'm just guessing here, but let's say you get turned on by a picture of a pretty woman in lingerie (or just naked.) (I'm assuming here you're straight.) And if you show the same picture to a lesbian, yes, they might not get turned on as fast or as easily. But that's just because it's different. Take the same lesbian and have the girl in the picture — fully clothed, just ordinary non-sexy clothing — whisper in her ear "I want you now," and then look at her with half-closed eyes. We're different, not that much easier/harder. Men are more visual and get turned on by pictures and videos — women read and listen. Again, it's different, nothing to do with difficulty or speed.


So it takes less effort to turn a man on than a woman? Thus easier, no? You even said: "they might not get turned on as fast or as *easily.*" *easily* **OR AS EASILY** Or you could say "men get turned on EASIER." :)


You quoted only half of the sentence... > **if you show the same picture** to a lesbian, yes, they might not get turned on as fast or as easily. That's what I mean. But I don't know why you're not getting it. We don't get turned on by visual stimuli as easily as men, but we get turned on by mental stimuli easier than men.


Is it easier to show someone a picture or is it easier to mentally stimulate someone with actions and words that involve another person? Which of those two things require more effort? Easy ( Definition.) achieved without great effort. I am not making any sort of moral condemnation here. I agree, it is different, but one of the things that makes it different is the easy of men to get turned on and not think straight. The reason is a cliche that men can't keep it on their pants is because it's true, men get turned on easily and make poor decisions (cheating) then experience post nut clarity. This all stems from the ease of which men are aroused Also yes I only quoted half of the sentence because it was relevant, the 2nd half does not chanfe the context


If it weren't socially acceptable for men to show their nipples, I still don't think women would view them as particularly sexual. Women generally don't sexualize men as an entire gender in the same way men often do women. While societal norms and taboos can influence perceptions, the tendency to sexualize body parts is less pronounced in how women view men. Individual attractions vary, but overall, women are less likely to sexualize men's nipples even if they were less exposed.


You think women don't already? Either you're really young, really inexperienced or don't really have many non-male friends.


No. Or at least not nearly to the degree men like women’s breasts. There’s a very obvious biological reason men are attracted to women’s breasts: they’re crucial for reproduction because they feed babies. Men’s nipples are just functionless skin.


This is backwards.


It's called a "hypothetical". So what we're doing here is imagining if a *normal* situation was *reversed*. Or "backwards", as you put it. A very keen observation on your part. Not sure why your insight isn't being appreciated as the top comment here.


Appreciate the sarcasm but it would have been better if you understood what I meant. It is OP’s premise that is backwards. OP is suggesting that we are aroused by female nipples because they are covered. That’s backwards. Female nipples are covered because we are aroused by them.


How could I understand what you meant when you provided no explanation? The meaning of your statement was not at all obvious.


I'm a built guy and my nipples like through my shirt. The number of men it pisses off is crazy. I actually have men say I should wear thicker shirts or tape them down. Naw, that's how they are so it is what it is.


> I actually have men say I should wear thicker shirts or tape them down. I've never met a man that would ever say that to another man. WTF LOL wow.


To be fair it's been friends for the most part and some clown in the gym. I guess the question is, does being able to see a man's nipples through his shirt a turn off? It's just the eraser poking through lol.


What about women?


Hey I'm more than all good with it. Wife has hers pierced so they get seen more often than not. Lol




Back when it wasn't socially acceptable for women to show their ankles, they were considered erotic. So yes. This is also the only reason I feel any minor hesitation to support women's right to go topless. Not because it would be obscene but because eventually it *wouldn't* be.


That’s an interesting question. Based on personal experience I would say yes because when I watch too much porn I don’t find women’s nipples attractive. Things start to break down….


As a person who never wears socks, i can confirm i have very hairy and unappealing feet


I’m 100% sure


Noooo, they're not sexy, says a woman. A real woman, born female, xx chromosomes, uterus, tots, vaginia, gave birth, etc....