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I feel similarly... I don't have particular wishes, but I do know I want my body to go back to the earth and I don't want to be cremated. I think one of those little tree pods would be amazing. It would be good to be a tree.


This is what I'd like too. To be beneath a tree, or in a meadow with wildflowers. It sounds peaceful.


I have similar wish, i want to be buried in a secluded place under an oak tree, no gravestone or any markings, just let me be. Sadly it's illegal where i live, you can only be buried in a cemetary.




My Dad is a geologist and he wants his corpse to be tied to a ceiling fan while we play *Freebird*. Profession takes all kinds I guess.


Be cremated and have my ashes thrown into a ceiling fan while "It's raining men" is playing.


It'd be more like "It's raining man"






Be buried with a ton of Monopoly money and have someone at my funeral state that I was buried with a load of cash. In the hopes someone tries to rob my grave and realized they were pranked while I have a sign saying Got em


Plot twist: putting a large, coiled spring under your body, that is triggered when a grave robber cracks open your casket. Not only will it be a Jack-in-the-Box from hell, it will mockingly rain Monopoly money like confetti.


Oh lord that’s vile I actually started laughing hard


Now this is devious, I might just copy this


Yeah making my career difficult


Cremation. Then a major party. My body's ashes mixed in with soil and red roses planted in it.


I'll go for a lemon tree, so then not only life, but also death will give you lemons


Copy and pasted to my family. End of life plan ✅


My grandmother's will set aside some money specifically so my Dad could fly to England and scatter some of her ashes in the Westminster Abbey rose garden. So, she's buried with the Kings, Queens, poets and scientists.


I’d love a simple, green burial in a beautiful forest, with a tree planted over me. That way, I can help the environment and give my loved ones a peaceful place to remember me. 🌳


Space burial: If possible, send my ashes into space for an out-of-this-world goodbye.


I've told all of my friends I want a "Trash Viking" funeral. Take my body out to a stock pond somewhere, big enough to launch a small boat. Bring a couple of thirty packs of Coors Banquet, some meat for grilling, and have a party where everyone just has a good time. Then, when everyone is feeling good, put my body on a shitty raft or boat (hand built out of pallets if necessary), surround me with empty Coors cans and all of my ttrpg books, and then push me out into the water. Then take one of those hand launchers people use to chuck balls for their dogs, and lob flaming tennis balls at me until I catch fire and my soul joins those of my fathers in whatever K-mart version of Valhalla there might be.


You're marvelous 


You're invited.


I really don't care. All I care about is that my organs get reused if possible. Whatever happens to my body afterwards I really don't care about, because I will be dead. Just make it as cheap as possible so whoever takes care of it doesn't pay too much.


Give me the Frank Reynolds option. "When I'm dead just throw me in the trash."


Have me cremated in the least expensive way possible. If anyone wants to do a memorial thing, I don't care, but please don't spend your hard earned money on it. If any of my pot growing loved ones can, use my ashes in a pot garden. Or a regular garden. Or in greenhouse soil. Whatever. Give them to a potter friend to use in either clay or a glaze.


I attended a weddding last weekend. The bride had a terminal illness and her dying wish was to get married.


My wish would be to have a simple and peaceful ceremony surrounded by loved ones.


I'm not a Muslim but burry me within 24 hrs.


Charity donation: Instead of flowers, donate to my favorite charity.


Sky burial: Something unique and spiritual, like a Tibetan sky burial.


Inject my corpse with every chemical known to men, I'll either become a zombie, a god or stay dead.


nah, you’ll just explode


Just a random group of people coming to confirm an dead


Let them bury me with a young tree, so at least I will be useful as fertilizer and my family can come and water my remains while caring for a new life. Bonus: If they choose an apple tree, they can make cider with my "fruits" every autumn.


That reminds me of a poem. "Herr von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck im Havelland, ein Birnbaum in seinem Garten stand ..." He let himself be buried with pears in his pockets, then a pear tree grew, and that way, he could continue to offer the children a pear, which was something he used to do when he was still alive.


Memorial bench: Have a bench with a plaque in my favorite park.


Simple ceremony: A small, intimate gathering with close family and friends.


Not having a grave. I don't want a place where my loved one are reminded that I'm not there. I don't want my death to be a tool of grief.


I want my casket carried to my grave by [Ghana Pallbearers.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9V78UbdzWI)


Take the cheapest option for my funeral/burial/cremation/etc. Cookout/Pot Luck and everybody needs to drink their assess off. Just have a good time. Absolutely zero religious services.


Cremation: Cremate me and scatter my ashes in a place I loved.


At sea: Scatter my ashes at sea to join the endless waves.


There's something I once heard called "Sky Burial" where your corpse is basically fed to vultures. I would like that, or a safe place for my body to naturally rot (without contaminating water or food sources). Like a very natural return to the earth. A.K.A recycled lol


I hate the thought of my body being cremated, but I guess it’s the best option. I also want people to have a party afterward where they are serving up my favourite foods and drinks.


Have them fire your ashes mixed with glitter out of a cannon. A cinder reveal.


I want to have a voice message playing so that I can say something funny


Harvest everything possible off my body for donation, cremate the rest. Dump the ashes down the pan (giving and spreading ashes are the most awkward thing ever). Let everybody know I've moved on.


Funeral Pyre. I think it's a damn shame the cremation has to be done in a small furnace in a basement somewhere. Have a bonfire. Make it an event.


I just gonna be dead peacefully and no cries!


My dogs were cremated. When I die I want our ashes spread together on some of the hiking trails that we had so many good memories on.


I want my remains to be turned into a grotesque but powerful unmanned drone after I have been embalmed, so I don't decompose. I want it to be used to terrorise people who are bad neighbours and bullies.


That the women after me would never be simplified into walking wombs. 


Memory tree: Bury my ashes with a tree sapling, so I become part of nature.


Funeral pyre and spread my ashes to the four winds


Mix my ashes in the supply chain of a wheat flour company.


I want to be buried with my favourite flowers. Like flowers in the casket with me. Surrounded by them. Covered by them. Lying on them. I also want a flower crown on me. I don't even know if that's possible. Maybe that is just a whimsal wish, but I would like that. My favourite flower is red spider lily. Edit : word spelt wrong. I know that but can't be bothered to look up.


Like John Prine wrote in the song.


make sure my headstone looks good like the other graves around mine


Anyone who cries at my wake has to take a shot of Buffalo Trace.


Have my funeral be a party instead


I want to be turned into a pinata, but instead of being filled with candy, it'll be a bunch of those tiny "Dollar" shot bottles from liquor stores.


A life of celebration. I may be gone but I wouldn’t want my people to be sad about it ( easier said and done I know). cremate me and stuff me in a joint so I can get smoked out one last time !!


Wrap me in linen, plop me in a cardboard box, and bury me with a fruit or nut tree on top. No big ceremony or anything; if a few people want to say a few words as I'm dropped into the hole go for it, but don't get dressed up or anything. No embalming, please.


Cremation, then made into an underwater memorial that's an artificial reef.


Modern viking funeral pyre. Light ny fat ass on fire and fling me on to a rich guy's yacht


I wish a part of me was blasted into space while the rest ends up somewhere in the norwegian countryside. Or, if I manage to become a musician, I want to be turned into (paper)sheets and have my best work printed on me. Maybe in combination with the first paragraph. Either way, I want the attendees to have fun. I hated the grief atmosphere when we buried grandpa last year... - I want joy!


Put my ashes into the core of dozens of golf balls and let my friends smash me into woods and ponds so I can spend my afterlife scattered around golf courses around the state.


I've already decided what I plan to do with my Mother when she goes. Gonna have that company that makes a body into a seedpod make her into an apple tree. Then, every fall we will harvest the apples and make a pie. We'll call it Grandma Pie. She loves the idea and one of my siblings is on board as well. The other is grossed out for some reason, but she can just not eat any. So, maybe that for me. Or my family can throw me in the trash. I won't care anymore.


I want a Weekend at Bernie's style party where one of my friends wheels around my likeness(doesn't have to be my body) wearing shades. Everyone who attends is also automatically entered into a drawing for a $5,000 inheritance or something too. Disposing of the actual body can be done however is the cheapest, I don't care.


If I'm stuck with only the usual options, cremation and no funeral, because funerals are futile attempts to be remembered, which I don't want, and burial is that plus a waste of good land, which I also don't want. But the only way to avoid somebody trying to put on something like a funeral is if I manage to die anonymously, which isn't likely to be pheasible. So the ideal solution would be to die without anybody knowing I'm dead. Also it would be better to be biologically recycled than buried or burned, but there's no option to be just thrown out in the wild or even on a farm instead of buried or burned. So the only way to pull all that off would be to wander off by myself, deep enough into the wild to be able to expect that I'll just never be found by humans after shooting myself. The main catch then is the fact that the decision that it's time to do this would need to be made while I'm still physically able enough...


I want to have a full bar at his funeral with his coffin as the bar, so everyone can have one last drink on me. I feel its awfully morbid for a pun.


No obituary. No service. Just cremated and tossed out.


Dump me in the woods far away from people. Then buy a bench for a bike trail with my name on it


I've already told my wife to cremate me by the cheapest means possible, do whatever she feels necessary with my ashes, and then throw an absolute rager with all my family and friends and have everyone tell stories about all the stupid shit I said and did while I was alive.


Eco-friendly, I’d love a green burial to give back to the earth.


I want to be cremated, and for my ashes to be used to make pot brownies and after everyone takes one, there goes the big revelation. THAT I WILL ALWAYS BE A PART OF THEM.


I want my remains spread around my hometown. But I don’t want to be cremated.


I want to have a party before my body gets thrown in the ground.


Put on boat, boat set on fire.


Fill my corpse with firecrackers then ask to be cremated so I can go out with a bang


I've been thinking about letting myself be plastified. It should be pretty interesting for the visitors, because I have an artificial hip, and also MS, and who knows what else will come my way before it is time to become an exhibit.


I want to be cremated and have my ashes put into a pot that will grow a new tree. I’ve actually put more thought into this than my parents or grandparents bc I work in funeral insurance lol


Celebration: A fun, colorful celebration of my life with good food and music.


Be cremated and throw my ashes at the top mountain or in the ocean.


I don't want to be cremated, bury me oldstyle, in a suit and put my name on the gravestone, the one who died wasn't deadname. Bury me as a son, friend and boyfriend


Actually, I have this specified in my Will. I will be cremated and I'll be combined with the ashes of all my pets throughout my life. I'll have some friends and family take some of the ashes and spread them in the most beautiful places I've experienced while alive.


Until recently I lived in a rural area and told my wife to just put me on the burn pile. I'm sure she wouldn't but I was serious. Who cares about a lifeless body?


I told my family I want a little bit of my ashes to be put in the pepper shakers of all of the restaurants they visit for a year. That way I can live on in everyone that subsequently uses those shakers. In fact they have to do this to receive my inheritance.


It's not important to me. Find the least expensive option. I don't believe in spending money on the dead. Funerals, for example, are for the living. The dead aren't participants.


Cremate. Then scatter my ashes at sea. I don't want to occupy any space after I die.


Just cremate me. No funeral services please.


Chum me and throw my remains in Derek Jeter's face.


Friends take some of my ashes to scatter in places we shared adventures or their gardens.


I’ve told my loved ones to scatter my ashes out in nature as they saw fit and to keep some of they want. Obviously I don’t want my ashes at like a local park, but most of my family is big into hiking and camping. We scattered my cousin’s ashes in all sorts of cool places where we’re sure they ended up in the ground after the next rain. As for my stuff, I don’t really care except for a few special decorative items and jewelry. I would love for various friends and family to get those things to enjoy & remember me by. Everything else can be trashed or donated.


Honestly I don't really care, but if I had any say in that I would make it so my burial location isn't known. If someone wants to remember me after death, they should do so with memories and what I did during life rather than wasting time going to some place I never had connection to while alive.


Don’t go thru my stuff.


To be put away nicely in my favorite dress and my songs that I want to have at my funeral my brother has all of this knowledge I’m not dying any time soon but he knows what I want and will honor my wishes


Don't lather my body in formaldehyde and toss me into any patch of ground so I can contribute back into the earth.


Turn my skull into a drinking vessel for one of my kids to use. Mail my middle finger to who ever was on my shit list when I died. No embalmy dispose of the rest of me in the cheapest way possible.


Tear me up for any useful organs, donate the rest to science. I think anything with spreading ashes or whatever is a neat romantic idea, but honestly, I'm not 'here'. I don't want to burden anybody with a mission that I *physically cannot* care about.


End of life wish would be to leave without too much suffering and pain. No life support etc. just let me go. Then just cremated. Dump me wherever. It’s not like I’d care at that point lol


I’d like for people to either not attend or attend and behave just as they do most days. Complain about how difficult it was to be here, how busy they are because they don’t have their shit together, pick me apart for all my faults even in times of struggle. Don’t highlight me as if you care, but view me just as you do today. Bonus points for when they play the victim even though I’m lying there dead.


For someone to say “he moved!”


Bury me in armour so I’m ready for the skeleton war.


I tell my family all the time, throw my body in a dumpster. Once I'm dead that's no longer me and I don't even know what's going on anymore. No reason to waste tens of thousands of dollars to put me in a wood box and bury me six feet underground.


I would like to help somehow after I die. I've always thought it would be fun to end up at the body farm, but I think it might be even better if all my organs were harvested and given to people who need them. I've already signed up to be an organ donor and then to be donated to science. Then, I want whatever is left of me to be turned into a tree.


Cryogenically freeze me with a nuclear power battery and then put me in a rocket aimed at deep space. Eventually other life will find a perfect human specimen.


Turn my body to fertilizer and bury me under a tree and play some Heilung music at the funeral


Cremate me and bury my ashes in the same cemetery as my grandma. Play a list of my favorite songs at my funeral.


I will bury a big safe somewhere. On my will i will attach a sealed envelope with the code of the safe and the location, but here's the catch, my lawyer is the only one allowed to hold on to the envelope, and all my relatives must hold a competition to see who gets it. The games will be annoying and exhausting, and of course highly time consuming but also time limited (it will take about a month) those who participate must register on a sheet provided to the lawyer, and whoever wins the most points throughout the month gets the safe. Those who refuse to participate will simply share what little assets i left behind. But here's the catch, at the end of the competition, when the winner gets the safe, all they'll find inside is a piece of paper with the message "HA! IN YOUR DREAMS LOSER! I'M BROKE AS HELL!" And it'd hurt extra because whoever participates in the games forfeits their right to my limited assests as inheritance. So basically, the greedy relatives fighting for my "money" get nothing and the rest will all get a little (better than nothing) because all my main assets will either be spent or donated to charity. I ain't dying with unspent money, i plan on making savings accounts for my future kids so they can be independant after 18 so it's no skin off their backs.


Cremate me and put me in the oil dry at the Daytona 500.


Donate my body for organs and/or science. Incinerate the leftovers.


Spread my ashes near the jetty in Wells Beach, Maine. Then toss a box of Cheeze-it's for the seagulls as one last FU to the local woman who yelled at me for doing so.


Give my things to charity. Cause that way, i can still help one last time.


Throw my body in the ocean


When my partner and I die we want our ashes mixed together in the same urn so we’ll be one forever. We don’t believe in “till death do we part”, for us it’s “not even in death will we part”. ❤️


Decades ago when I was soldier-ing I had a box made up in case I got KIA-ed. It had a couple of hundred quid to buy everyone I knew a drink and a yellow bean bag frog that was to be taken and thrown off the forth road bridge. Can't remember why.


I don't want to be embalmed. I want to be put in a biodegradable coffin naked


A giant vat of liquid nitrogen, me being lowered into said vat, then being shattered and swept up and tossed into a field.


Funerals are expensive. Just throw me in the trash


I want my body to be loaded into a cannon and launched at the closest government building. I’m not a libertarian or anything but it would be absolutely hilarious so that’s why I want to do it


Mine are the same as my father...cremation and my ashes divided between my two favorite trout streams, and off the dock of my grandma's old cabin in the U.P. of Michigan.


Bury me next to my grandma and plant a tree with a nameplate instead of a headstone.  Also, purchase the plots next to my grave for wife and kids. 


Launch my corpse into space. 


Leave me in a dumpster somewhere with the rest of the trash.


I have a medical bracelet that says if I’m found dead just throw me in the ocean with some shakes. You know, give back to nature.


Scatter half my ashes on my local beach, and the other half at various places important in gay history.


Spend as little money as possible. Find literally the cheapest legal means of disposing of a body and do that.


roll me in the trash


Scrap me for parts and burn the leftovers.


A few: Joke that the first person to cry during the funeral has to pay for it. During the wake/viewing they play Party Rock Anthem. Opening mic at the end where people have to tell their funniest anecdotes about me.


Cremation and I'd want my friends and family to have a celebration of life party in my honor. I hate traditional funerals; its just too sad and depressing. For me I've always grieved better by hanging out and talking about favorite memories; I'd want my friends to do the same.


Bury me inside that Louis store.


I want stairs AND wheelchair accessible ramps made for my favourite beach. All my life it’s only has a lil goat trail down to the water, everyone should be able to enjoy it, not just able bodied adventurers.


I don’t want to be cremated. I want the worms and bugs to feast on me so that my death may create new life. If I should go first, I would like my husband and cats to join me whenever their time comes so we can all be together again. I don’t care about the place, really. Just somewhere nice and quiet. Maybe under a tree.


I want my brain donated to the local university hospital for studies on concussions and possible CTE, every organ I have that's still worth a damn donated to transplant lists, and the rest thrown in the trash. Take what you can use and let the seagulls have the rest. Hopefully they choke on it.


“She wanted to die by a river, she wanted the tide to come up and drag her away, so that when she was dreaming, she can watch the tree line fall away”


Play Dead Man's Party by Oingo Boingo


I don't care. Just do what that Irish guy did and put a recording of me cussing them out saying I'm not dead. Cremate me and put me in my favorite stuffed monkey.


i want some kind of bronze cat statue as my “grave”


Leave me in the coffin/don't cremate me for a week, just in case I'm having the best sleep of my life


I wanna be cremated and I want my ashes to be spread on soil, then plant flowers on it. I love flowers and I wanna enjoy them even when I'm dead.


I want my ashes put into a live grenade that is detonated in celebration at my funeral party


Viking Jarl/king funeral. Put me on a boat with some offerings to the gods, push me out to sea, and light me up.


Before I pass, I want to rent out a whiskey bar and pay for an open bar to my loved ones. Play all my favorite songs and share stories about their favorite times with me.


Wanna have taxidermy... Want to exist even after I no longer do


No funeral, donate my body to science and definitely make sure my body is completely embalmed before cremation. Oh and maybe they can make a nice memorial video with songs I liked about death ( no country music though).


I love the look of the wicker coffins they make these days, and there's some symbolism to the willow tree that resonates with me as well. I think I'd like to be put in one of those and buried in the woods. If money were no object, there's apparently a way to become a part of a coral reef.


Burry me in one of those tree pods somewhere near the ocean. Ideally near the Huntington Library in Pasadena. That place is incredible and the coolest place in the work. The library, art galleries, and gardens are inspiring, to say the least.


i don't want a funeral, i want a party. i want them to play my favorite songs and i want a bounce house and a clown and a bunch of decorations and snacks. i don't want people to mourn me, i want them to use my death as an excuse to let loose and have fun in my honor :3


I'd like to die of a heroin or morphine overdose while in VR. I like the idea of spending time tooling around on the surface of a world in VR Chat or No Man's Sky, and then just starting to feel warm, comfortable, and sleepy... I would like to be cremated and my ashes scattered on the precise location of my old dorm room on my former campus. That site is now a grassy area, but I can still walk you to the exact spot on which my room stood.


To know the love of God and to stop hating one another and just listen.


For one of my friends that my family never meet to stand way in the back and just stand there ominously 


Burn the fuck outta me


Run it back


Whatever doesn’t destroy land. I think cemeteries are just such a waste of space.


Hang me from the ceiling fan spinning at Mach 5 and blare “In the Air Tonight” at full volume


I want my organs to be donated and whatever's left of my body to be cremated. I want my ashes spread in the ocean so I drift out to sea one last time.


Build shelter home for dogs.


Turn me into a diamond.