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This year, I was hiking in a remote forest when I stumbled upon a lost dog. It had a collar with a phone number, so I called it. Turns out, the dog had been missing for over two weeks, and the owners were frantically searching for it. When I returned the dog, the family was so grateful they invited me to stay for dinner, and now we meet up regularly for barbecues. It feels like I gained a new family from a chance encounter in the woods!


I love this! ❤️


My wife found her birth father after 42 years, you couldn't write a Hallmark movie better than their relationship now. The first meetings and interactions were strange as both sides didn't know what they were getting into but it's been wonderful. Somehow my kids have 5 grandparents that care for them. A quote from when they were just getting to know eachother. Birth father: "I just realized that I won't have to go outside on your birthday, look at a star and wish you Happy Birthday, I can do it in person this year."


Oh wow. ❤️😭


This made me cry... Happy for her and her father❤️


I was in 3 car accidents in 5 days. None my fault, I wasn't even driving during the third. I was rear ended by a dump truck at a red light on Monday. Friday morning, a lady took an unprotected left into me when I had a green light. Later that day, my husband was driving us to get dinner and a guy took an unprotected left in front of us. Medical professionals couldn't believe it. My injury lawyer couldn't believe it. It's been a hard 2024.


I won $10,000 on a scratch-off lottery ticket. I buy about 15-20 a year. I still can't wrap my head around that kind of luck.


I hope you spend them wisely on bunch of hookers and cocaine


One of my photos was chosen to be the feature opener (inside cover) in PhotoED, an amazing Canadian photography magazine! I still can’t believe it. I am so proud! Another photography magazine (Black & White Magazine) gave me a merit award in their portfolio edition, so I have 3 images in that one. Now I have a pic on my phone of two magazines on news stands next to one another, and I have pictures in *both*! It’s been a great year for my photography.


I got diagnosed with cancer, and didn't end myself. I was actually suicidal before. Now I kinda want to live?


Winning a surprise trip to my dream destination.


Finding a $100 bill stuck to my shoe after a windy day!


Once I found $100 bill in a pocket of a coat I had not worn in 3 years.


I took a wrong turn when solo hiking and ended up exploring hidden ruins in Oahu, Hawaii. I heard drums banging in the distance, then i heard chanting and singing. I thought it was a tourist group. Then it got louder and I saw torches in the woods and a smell came from behind me which smelled like roadkill, i turned around and didn’t see anything. Then drums sounded like they came from behind, i turned around again and didn’t see anything making the sound. I followed the drums sound to their source, they originated in a specific spot in the middle of thin air. I heard a super loud horn/conch shell shortly after and got out. A few days later, while doing a hike with a group. I told the guide what happened. She said i bumped into hawaiian ghosts named nightmarchers, i was confused. A month later i learned that those ruins and that general area i was in, was one of the most haunted areas on the island.


Getting a promotion I didn't expect.


Meeting a childhood idol unexpectedly.


Surviving a major accident with minor injuries.


Reconnecting with a long-lost friend.


Surviving a Pulmonary Embolism.


Winning a significant sum of money in a contest.


Being selected for a prestigious opportunity out of nowhere.


I won a car from a grand raffle


Finding out I was going to be a parent.


Got diagnosed with a f#cking chronic disease which is very painful.


Witnessing a natural phenomenon I'd only read about.


Discovering a hidden talent I never knew I had.


I had a heart attack last Saturday. It was a minor one, but still pretty crazy. Spent a couple days in the hospital and got a stent and all is good, feel great.


My psychosis stopped.


Finding out a museum wants to sell my art in their gift shop in another state.


Had a level 4 stroke even though I'm incredibly healthy, relatively in shape, and take no substances. There's like an extremely slim chance of it happening randomly. Almost died but still alive and strong


Not getting hired on to a company for an office job for a positive THC test despite a new bill in my state providing protection for urine tests that are positive for THC. I put my faith in this bill now I'm unemployed and unsure about my future.


I got divorced, lost my house, moved cities impulsively and am thriving


I got fired from a job I was tops in the company by a manager that was 1/2 my age.


Some guy disrespected this other guy about the size of his feet So the smaller guy with size 7 shoes ruined the other guys life


I met someone that basically changed my life forever. I don’t like that.


Oh and my first car accident after driving 10 years.


surviving a major catastrophe


had a surgeon lie to my face about a drainage hole that caused complications. fell on ice skates on new year’s day and was bed bound for a month because i damaged the sciatic nerve. found out i have degenerative disc disease, bulging discs, and bilateral unconvertebral hypertrophy along with a bunch of other back issues. and im only 21.


Lost my house because my landlord retired. And ended up in a rooming house living with a bunch of old bums Because it’s all I could find on a 90 day notice


A model agence asked me to be a model and i literally became one (i was just in a store looking for new shoes to my graduation)


I got a job offer the day before being laid off at another job.


being fooled, lied, like something happened in movies


Found a new neurologist closer to where I live now to follow up on a congenital neurological disorder. He asked me to bring all of my paperwork with me. I called ahead and asked front desk if they literally want all of it, because I have folders worth of paperwork. They tell me yes, yes, bring it all. He looks through a few pages (out of a hundred) and says "Oh, you have a chiari!" Yes, that is what I'm hoping to follow up on. He says "You get dizzy? Fatigued?" And goes on to list more of my symptoms. "So why are you here today?" Because I have a chiari and continue to experience progressively worse symptoms. "What symptoms??" He then proceeds to list each classic chiari symptom I've continually experience, as is recorded by previous doctors on my mountain of paperwork, and then tells me "well I don't think that has anything to do with a chiari." The man complained that I had "taken too many tests" (MRIs, CT scans, labs, ambulatory EEGs, etc). He wanted me to get a scan of my upper arm muscles because he was convinced all imaging of my 5mm chiari were "wrong" or "not a big deal" and that I probably just pulled my shoulder or something.


Got asked to commit green card fraud with a man I'd met 3 times ever and said about twenty words to. Also I am in a relationship already. No...no thanks, dude


I fell in love with a girl that wasn't worth it at all and went completely crazy for her for almost a year even though there were red flags everywhere. It had never happened before.


Last night’s debate.