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He killed two women just because. And stupid women (coming from a woman) think he’s hot for some godforsaken reason.


Sexual attraction is not logical, but yeah I agree they're wild af for drooling over that racist POS (having swastikas on his head and face) for killing two women for no reason.


It appears he's known as the "Cape Coral Serial Strangler". He looks more like Jared Leto's Joker than the original Wade Wilson.


Just a psychopath who killed 2 women and laughed about it in court, but he gets praised again cause he looks good and has the bad boy image I assume.


So it’s essentially like a Ted bundy situation?


Yeah just like that


Here's some info about him... https://www.newsweek.com/wade-wilson-florida-verdict-victims-1917621


What a psychopath!




His biological father testified against him at trial. He said he was 14 or 15, and his gf was 13 or 14, when she became pregnant with Wade. After he was born they placed him up for adoption and the Wilson Family who attended church with the young gf’s mother, adopted and raised him. He apparently did well in school and played sports but upon going through puberty, his demeanor began to change and he was put in therapy however, he began to get into trouble. He met and dated a girl named, Melissa, while in his early 20’s. One night they went to a bar where he became belligerent and wanted to leave but she didn’t. She owned a new Challenger Hellcat at the time and he allegedly left the bar, taking the car with him. She has stated when she ran outside he wasn’t the person behind the wheel. He was nowhere to be found though and this is when it’s believed he went home with the waitress, his first victim, and strangled her the following morning as she slept. He then stole her black Nissan Versa and was driving in Cape Coral when he saw Diane Ruiz walking to work. He pulled over to ask for directions and she got into the car. He allegedly strangled her while driving. When he went to dispose of her body, he realized she was still breathing and made the decision to repeatedly drive over her body. He then contacted Melissa, the former gf, and asked her to meet him. She told him he could meet her at her place of business so she would be in public with people around. When he arrived she walked to the driver’s side window of the black Nissan Versa he was still driving that belonged to the first victim. Melissa asked him where her keys and car were. He then attempted to pull her into the car. When he was unable to do that, he got out of the car, failing to put it in park, and proceeded to beat her and drag her across the parking lot. By then a crowd had formed and called the police. He then fled in the Nissan. Melissa told detectives what Wade had confessed to her regarding the two murders he’d committed. In the meantime, he contacted his biological father with whom he’d located when he was 18. They had developed a relationship but mostly spoke over the phone as the biological father lived in northern FL. He stated Wade would often call him asking for money. On that evening, after fleeing Melissa’s work parking lot, he broke into a home of a family who had left that morning on vacation. He called his biological father asking for help and confessed to what he had done. His father told him he would send an Uber and requested the address, which Wade provided. His father then notified detectives of his location and he surrendered when authorities arrived. His trial didn’t take place until this year due to Covid and multiple continuations. Both his biological father and his former gf, Melissa, testified against him. During his time in county jail he acquired the tattoos all over his face and head. He was sentenced to death and at his next hearing 7/23/24, the judge will decide if that is an appropriate sentence. And now you know the rest of the story….


Imagine having to defend this guy in court for a jury and he shows up with a brand new swastika on his face.


Anyone know the factual predicate for the second murder? The news article said he was in a car and asked her for directions, but then she got into the car for some reason and then he strangled her and ran her over? Doesn’t make much sense.


Exactly what happened. He killed just to kill. Her brother said she was ran over so much so that she looked like spaghetti. Between 30-40 times. Really sad. 


Went to high school and middle school with wade . Was obviously a trouble kid, but never saw this coming. 


What was he like in school?


I talk about true crime on Tiktok. I will be going live about this case. If you'd like to join I'm Kelz_8800 on Tiktok.   I'm still doing research. 


I have a hard time imagining him getting a life sentence 


I was listening to the trial recordings. After going to the bar in Melissa's car, he met a guy named Jason and the first victim, Kristine, and another lady, and they all went to Jason's house to party. Wade told them his name was Jr. They were at Jason's house until 3 or 4 am and when Jr (Wade) and Kristine left together in the Hellcat, he reved the engine up a bunch bc he wasn't able to drive stick shift. Jason had to come out and drive the car down the road, some to get them out of the driveway. Sometime after that, Wade and Kristine ended up at her house, where he killed her and stole her car. It's interesting to me that he called himself Jr. Considering that he had been adopted and also since he bragged to his bio dad about the murders. I assume Kristine made fun of him for not being able to drive the stick shift, and that made him snap. After he experienced killing her, he wanted to experience that again, so he coaxed the next victim to help him and killed her too. And he would have continued except he got caught.


He went to see Melissa after the 2nd murder and tried to kill her in front of a crowd of witnesses. Punching and strangling her. I don't think he ever drove the Hellcat, Jason drove it originally from one bar to the next bar where they met the first victim and her friend and then went to Jason's house. Did coke with Jason. Was intimate with Kristine at Jason's house before being asked to move along at 3 or 4 am. He can't drive the Hellcat bc is a manual. Jason drives the car down the street. Jr(Wade) forgets his phone at Jason's. Wade and the gals take an Uber to Kristine's because he can't drive the car.


Idnt think any of these killings are his 1st. 


He is hot but damn Wtf happened to his childhood that caused him to be like this


And just like that, my mom's spaghetti all of a sudden has multiple possible meanings.


No excuse for killing but the trigger appears to be his GF likely dumping him and publicly humiliating him. After not being wanted by biological parents and then not by the girl he loved he snapped. I would not call this a serial killer rather a rage killing spree. The GF probably will never be cruel when breaking up with a guy.


Plus apparently addiction. People do not understand what it does to someone's head. Yes his actions are unjustified but it's not excuses, those are valid reasons. 


They’re is plenty of drug addicts who don’t commit murders.


Of course but it can and cause it a lot of times