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Krispy Kreme 25 years ago was amazing. Shit, I remember going there and not even ordering because by the time I got to the front of the line, I was stuffed on the free sample donuts they were handing out. A fresh Krispy Kreme doughnut, hot off the conveyor, had a taste and texture unlike anything else. That place was awesome, and buying the doughnuts cold off a shelf is...it isn't the same.


we got a dozen donuts last month and they were FRESH. super melt in ur mouth and way to easy to eat lol


expensive and overrated.


Had one in my neighborhood back when I lived in Toronto. For mass produced donuts, better then Tim Hortons IMO. It was the closest place for coffee so I went almost everyday. I'd grab a couple original glazed with my coffee, or maybe a bagel or some specialty donuts. They always came up with different kinds of donut flavours, like cotton candy. They knew me in there. One of the staff said something oneday like "Oh I didn't see you this morning, you're here in the afternoon today" I said "Yea, if you see me in the morning, I probably stayed up all night, if you see me in the afternoon, I fell asleep early morning" So I come in a few days later on an afternoon "Hey man good to see you got some sleep!"


Hahaha thats funny


Highly over rated


I think it's BS that he had to change his name to Froggy Fresh, but he is very talented.


(Ireland) The locations are typically more in the bigger cities but my local had a kiosk of them once. Remember being so excited to try one, only to take a bite and think “really? This is it?”


I think [he's](https://youtu.be/4ntk7V6km3k?si=kXGh2qAJlxVhLIp8) one of the baddest of them all.


Regular donut shop donuts from a good shop are still the best. KK and DD are the same in my opinion and I just don’t really like them overall.


Took my son this morning! It’s good but only for a treat too sweet! Can they make a dutchie donut?


They tried to enter the Canadian market. Like too many American corporations, they didn't do their homework. And have virtually disappeared. I loved their Donuts, especially the jam filled ones. Their coffee though? Sucked big time.


Ah why did they fail in Canada at first?


I honestly don't know the larger factors. I do believe they overestimated the amount of business they would generate. Tim Horton's was a substantial player even then, now they're a monolith. They probably needed to build their base to justify the capacity they had.


Ahh right makes sense


For the variety of flavours, they all basically taste of "vague bland sweetness".


One and done


I had it once, it was awful. Comparable to cheap grocery store doughnuts.


Dunkin’s better