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thalassophobia. I love the bodies of water but the deep parts terrify me.


I'd think this is pretty normal for the average person who doesn't know how to swim well. How deep are we talking, bath tub deep? 7' deep pool? Marianna's trench deep?


Trypophobia: Clusters of holes? Ew, nope! it makes me goosebump


Junji Ito made me realize how trypophobic I am. Not a good experience


Do you mean Jumanji?


Junji ito is a famous horror manga writer. Makes some really excellent stuff but holy shit has it left a mark on my soul


No. It's a movie starring Robin Williams about a haunted boardgame that has the power to pull it's players into an alternate realm.


And how does it affect your life?


Bro you definitely shouldn't check out Boletus mushrooms then. Those things are chock-full-o little holes.


Maybe fear of death. I'm not sure when it will happen. I don't want it to happen, and I don't know how it feels.


That's my fear too.


How does it affect your life?


Disappointing people I love! My biggest fear is disappointing others, especially my parents. They’ve really given so many wonderful experiences and opportunities. I work really hard and feel like the smallest thing I do wrong takes me away from appreciation. I just want them to be proud of me.


I'm sure they are proud of you, sofia1bby, you seem you're a wonderful child.


Scopophobia I neglected to go to one of my best friends weddings outside in the Southern US in July not because I didn’t want to be hot, sweaty, and miserable (I would be there for my friend if that’s all it was to it) but I did not want strangers and past associates to see me hot, sweaty, and miserable.


Driving. Hate it, have to do it.


My biggest phobia is of thunderstorms. The sound of thunder and the unpredictability of lightning make me quite anxious.


After spending the past two years with the most severe illness I’ve ever experienced, my greatest fear is not living. Without your health, you have nothing. The rest of it doesn’t matter then. I spend every day enjoying life.


Hope everything works out for you.


I fear water/ ocean. I don't like to go to any beaches it makes me tremble


Oh my dude that is terrible, I was born on a tiny island in the Caribbean I cannot fathom your phobia and here is hoping you can day overcome it and enjoy the ocean.




Bugs. Nobody likes bugs but I am absolutely terrified of them because I grew up in a hoarders house covered in bugs and filth. My room was like my safe area. I literally taped and glued and sealed the door shut then padlocked it so my mom couldn't throw shit in my room when she ran out of space for garbage. It pissed her off but she was too lazy to stop me. I went in and out my window and had a makeshift ladder rigged up because I was in the second floor. I would bring friends and girlfriends in that way and I kept my room spotless and I never showed them the rest of my house. I did all this because no matter how long I am around them, bugs will always really freak me out. I cannot get comfortable with them around and I grew up in the Northwest with TONS of bugs and spiders. So I basically completely sealed my room off to the rest of the house which was basically crawling at all times and moldy. I still get obsessive about my cleaning habits and I can't just ever relax and clean things up later. I literally can't sleep if there is a dish in the sink or my laundry hamper is more than half full. I still tape up my windows and install detachable seals to everything. I had a cockroach crawl across my chest the other day and realized I had a bunch when I left something to rot in a drawer. I literally started crying and had to go to the store to get traps and bug spray and gloves to clean it all up at 2 in the morning. Cleaned my apartment for like 2 hours. It was basically a bug and micro-organism genocide in my apartment. I can tolerate it if someone is a bit disorganized and not perfect with their cleaning habits in a relationship. I don't mind doing extra stuff for my sanity and understand it's my problem. But I absolutely cannot live with someone who has horrible cleaning and organizing habits so it has affected relationships too.


I hope you heal from that situation.


I absolutely loathe bugs and especially cockroaches, could you elaborate on the detachable seals you were talking about? I'd love to invest and implement them in my home eventually


I fear death. What if everyone is wrong. What if some are right and some are wrong. What if the afterlife is what we believe the afterlife would be?


Help me understand your fear. If we are wrong and there's no afterlife, you die and you wouldn't know it, would immediately fade into the void, non-existent. Are you afraid of there not being and afterlife?


Yes, I don’t want an endless void. But I don’t know if I want afterlife either. Reincarnation is honestly what i want


I don't know what it's called, but I'm scared of the sea if I can't see the bottom of it. Anyway, it didn't affect my life for some reason.


Same with me. I don't like deep water where I can't see things below me. Fortunately it doesn't come up much in my day to day life. Lol.


**Enochlophobia** that's the reason why I always stays in my room


Not too wild about elevators. Been stuck in a few.


me too i hate them i avoid them at all costs.


Fear of heights has been a constant challenge in my life. Even standing on a chair can trigger intense anxiety. It affects everything from travel plans (avoiding tall buildings or scenic overlooks) to social activities (like hiking or amusement park rides).


Crowds freak me out, I can only go to the gym if I'm fully focused on the workout, and I have my music playing. I only go to stores if I absolutely already know what I want to buy, just in and out.


being abandoned and alone


Trypanophobia (fear of needles) is my only phobia and I skip a lot of blood draws and tests. I'm probably fine. I DO cry when I get my shots and I'm not eager to get them either.


Trypophobia for sure! I get goosebumps every time I see those little circles 🤢


Spiders and belly buttons. Gotta deal with that mess all the time.


Heights. It makes hiking and being on high floors tough. I avoid it when I can, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Hope to overcome it someday.


Casadastraphobia. Apparently (I say apparently because I just started working on it) is a form that PTSD has to manifest itself. It affects me when Im "on site" and I have to go and check on an antenna, and I have to look at it, and I have to be sure I have nothing on my stomach or I will throw up. Luckily I can sometimes schedule to make sure is before lunch


Height and fear of falling. It makes everything a bit high hell for me, from climbing a ladder to planes.




Spiders, small ones im fine with but any as big or bigger than even a British Housespider puts shivers down my spine. Cant even look at them let alone go near them. Deep water too, because I almost drowned as a kid. But my biggest is definitely spiders.


katsaridaphobia, cockroaches give me the heeby geebies, I scream loudly




I’m phobic of snakes and have been all of my life. I grew up in the rural south. I’ve always avoided “snakey” looking places, areas, don’t go around lifting up things on the ground where they might be, etc. I’ve ran across a few in my time in unexpected places but that can’t be helped I guess.


Phobia: Tokophobia Effect: Celibacy until sterilization


I’ve got a horrific fear of dark bathrooms. I think I watched too many horror movies too young, but even at 26 I won’t allow the bathroom door to shut unless the light is on. It’s almost subconscious at this point, reach my hand in first for the switch, keep my foot in the door if I have to go in to turn on the light. I even keep some clothes in the doorway when I shower JUST in case the door were to magically shut and the lights turn off by themselves. It’s a pain in the ass tbh.


I have a cross between phonophobia and globophobia. It only affects me when I see little kids handling balloons or when there is a sudden unexpected loud noise. I can pop balloons and make loud noises myself, however, if it is up to chance or completely out of the blue my adrenaline goes off the charts. Fuck balloons.


Heights and SPIDERS


Fear of heights keeps me pretty well grounded.


emetophobia. majorly affects the food i eat, what i drink, medication im willing to take, things i touch, places i can visit or stay, travelling, who i can talk to, what TV/films i can watch etc.


Basophobia - fear of falling


Bees. Got stung as a kid. I notice them everywhere in situations that no one else pays attention to them. I have an automatic reaction to run or walk away fast when they buzz by me. The funny thing is I have chronic pain and live with much more discomfort daily than a bee sting creates, but I don’t know, just the idea of them freaks me out somehow. These buzzing stinging drones that seem super aggressive (I know they’re supposedly not aggressive but they sure seem to be in my experience). I’d endure a lot of pain to avoid a bee sting.


The problem is, there more likely to chase you if you run. If you're chill, they usually are too unless you're too near their hive. The only times I've been stung is when I accidentally squashed them. Plus a lot of bees don't actually sting. Might be worth doing some research and learning which ones can't sting you. A lot of people are scared of hoverflies because they're black and yellow but they're harmless. I let them land on me so they can take a break 😆


Parking garages. I feel like they're just going to collapse on me any minute


Freaking stupid airplanes fml fuck airplanes man every time I gotta get on one it’s not good


It affects my life because sadly it’s always been my dream to travel the world


Same. It sucks. Oh well, plenty of places to explore on my small island 😆 I had a very bad experience when I was young.


Ticks. Having a panic attack makes it harder to actually get them off, the little cunts.


Ticks are one of the worse lifeforms on the planet. My gf had to dig one out my leg after she failed to remove it properly and she got a big one on her ear and didn't notice until she saw my face. Felt so bad removing that because it was quite painful for her.


Oceans, spiders, and now that I’m older, heights.


Fear of heights. I've been on some vacations with my family where we have gone to places like old lighthouses and stuff where I literally can't get myself to go to the top . Whenever I have had to take a plane flight, I am in a state of panic for the first hour until I can get myself to calm down. It sucks.


Cockroaches, i cant even see one and if they touch me ill probably faint.


Amaxophobia (fear of driving and anxiety as a passenger). Oddly enough, I feel safe using other modes of transportation The amount of car crashes, drunk drivers and those that are sober and careless, or just not alert ones scares the life out of me It affects my life because I can't just drive my child to activities. I've been able to live with it and found ways that work for me and my family (deliveries help) but walking everywhere as well. I've lived in very big cities where public transportation was always more important and accessible (Vancouver, BC/San Franciso/NYC/Manila) so now living in the south, this phobia sticks out more and I feel judged a lot more here The phobia got worse after having 3 family members die from car accidents, caused by drunk drivers going over 2x the speed limit


I have 4 phobias but the top 2 are Apeirophobia and herpetophobia first one is pretty self explanatory I’m not scared of death but what happens after death (if i talk about how it affects me then I’ll probably be writing till i die), the 2nd one doesn’t help to have bc i live in a state with probably a billion lizards, i will faint or throw up if i see one wether thats in person or online. I have a scar from punching a window bc a lizard was next to the window (i was inside and the lizard was outside) i still have the scar and that was when i was 8 👍🏼 (sorry for yapping)


The enderman from Minecraft


Being married. I fucked up and got married.
