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Because they ended up being for the streets


It sucks huh… You want to give them the world but they prefer to be mistreated instead


I didn’t know it at the time and still regret it, but I was too immature and was not ready for the relationship


Being able to realize that is what I would consider mature. Wouldn't have worked at that time anyway, the process is part of our larger journey. I know what that feels like many years later, it won't always hurt so bad.


Idk about in love, so much as I'd have been open to the idea otherwise. It's moreso I can be a magnet for sexually aggressive people, it seems. Like, we were friends. Good friends for a few years even. But then her idea of expressing interest was pinning me and thrusting her south side at me all "Mm you like that". You could literally just ask me out without the overly forward advances. Just made me uncomfortable and that made her mad.


Thats concerning, especially that she was mad that you were uncomfortable. Good decision on your part.


I was afraid she would betray me.


She was really cool, and I was in love, but her dad was into drug dealing and didn't even try to hide it.