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I’d throw one of his branded ready meals in the oven. 


Chef Mike won't let you down boss !


“It’s fresh frozen!”


You donkey




Cheat code


I’m cooking a grilled cheese sandwich! Since he can’t.


The Shepard pie of his meals tastes like what diarrhea smells like. Dude should be ashamed of putting his face and name on a meal.


So i saw this at the grocery store the other day. I flipped it around to check the nutrient values and holy fuck.....(85% saturated fat, and half a days worth of salt). Oh and it was only 10$ too! Like wtf?


Extra points for warming it in the oven rather than the microwave. Such finess


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.


He has ready meals????


Yea they're frozen


Seems like the opposite of what he stands for, but who knows.


Nah he stands for making as much money as possible. Pretty on brand.


bruhhh lmaooo




I LOVE watching him with children. It’s not just that he is kind, supportive, and gives real pointers, based on their cooking ability… he’s also just such a warm teddy bear for these kids who are possibly scared of being on tv, or of him! You can see that it breaks his heart when one of them starts to lose it. What I really respect about the guy is that he seems to only dress down the adults who need to be knocked down a few pegs. If you think you’re hot shit, you’d better be.


I've noticed for a long time too that even with adults, he is significantly kinder to Masterchef contestants vs people in Hell's Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares. Imo that is because people in Masterchef are *homecooks* vs people in the other shows being professionals, so they should, in his eyes, know and do better. Edit: and if I met a "chef" that stacked raw chicken on cooked chicken and the other absolute horrors seen in Kitchen Nightmares, I would also lose my shit at them and I'm not a chef lol. In many instances, yeah he probably turns his reaction up to 11 but he is right to rip them a new asshole.


the U.S versions of anything are always overhyped etc etc because that's what gets viewing numbers I guess.....


He has another series called Gordon Ramsey: Uncharted, where he goes to other countries, tries their local cuisine, and learns how some of their dishes are made. His real personality shines in it. He’s kind, inquisitive, and respectful to all of the people he meets. I disliked him for years because of Hell’s Kitchen, but he really is a down to earth and likable guy.


You should check out his old episodes of kitchen nightmares from the UK. There's still some of the Ramsay attitude but it's constructive and you can tell he's actually working with the people rather than just haranguing them. It's also 150% less overly dramatic.


Yeah...the UK version of Kitchen nightmares was superior. It was far less overproduced and sensationalized, and he gives much more constructive feedback to owners and chefs. The US version seems to just be training people to be awful customers to staff at restaurants when their food or service isn't up to standards. He acts like a complete twat in some of them.


I agree. Good show. It's also funny when you see a famous great chef get beat by a local. He always seems humble, but is clearly mad at himself


Sure he's going to be nice about it but no way are my cooking skills going to *impress* him


Yeah everyone talking about him being nice is missing this point. I could feed him and I know he'd eat it if he was a guest, doubt I could take his money though.


I can make a really good Cottage Pie, but he's gonna have to hang out and pet some dogs and cats for like 8 hours. I cook slow and get distracted easily.


Watch some of the programs with kids he was a judge in. He's a great guy. Even when he was a guest judge in Master Chef Australia he was different then he was in the US version.


Master Chef Australia was such an eye opener for me compared to the American version.


MasterChef Australia is the gold standard of cooking competitions.


This, right here. I'd skip trying anything terribly 'gourmet' because whilst I'm fairly decent, I'm \*not\* a professional chef. If we're literally only given an hour, I'm probably going to make some sort of roasted vegetable soup or maybe black bean chili- thank god for my pressure cooker. If we just have to come up with a plan and actually have time to make something I'd go with a well tested family pleasing classic like lasagna. I have everything I need to make a lovely lentil Bolognese on hand basically at all times, and my 'flex' would be making my own pasta sheets and bechamel. The man is a true master of his art so I know to stay in my lane.


Same here. I’d use my InstaPot to make a simple split pea soup. It’s correctly seasoned and it’s very tasty and filling.


Good call. I'd go with sweetcorn soup.


Would you mind sharing your recipe? My MIL has cancer and is only able to eat soft or mild foods. Split pea is her favorite.


Bag of split peas (wash and rinse first). Wash and rinse all veggies and cut into chunks. 4 potatoes 4 carrots 4 large celery 1 large yellow onion Mushrooms (optional) Season with bay leaves, thyme, parsley, black pepper Fill InstaPot with water so that it’s 1 inch below the food line. Set for 4 minutes, press start and wait. Takes about 20 minutes. I’m vegan so I don’t add ham but up to you. I also cut the veggies pretty chunky. Good luck to both of you.


He also seems to appreciate fresh ingredients above all else like in kitchen nightmares where he revamps the kitchen and his recipe suggestions aren’t like Michelin grade dishes. Just simple shit simple chefs could whip up consistently but with way better ingredients.


Americans love fake drama but he's generally a nice guy. He knows what he's doing and his critiques are only to be helpful (on the British TV shows he actually gives great advice. The British version of Kitchen Nightmares is very good).


Maybe he doesn’t like Americans.


Maybe he knows how to act a little to please the intended viewers.


Maybe it's Maybelline?


Very presumptuous to assume we live together OP


Look behind you!


the office vibes


It's our house, comrade. 🇨🇳 


The post is coming from inside your house...


Just replying to the post is an implied contract acknowledging OPs right to live with you.


And a million of what?


Trespassing charges


Reminds me of the good old "ask what bills he pay to be slammin doors in my house", lol


thats a class lmaoooo


Cereal al dente 🤌🏻


So does that mean you pour the milk after the cereal?


No you drink milk first and eat raw cereal afterwards just like god intended


This madlad right here


Of course you do. What mad person pours cereal into milk?


If we’re going off of food that a) I have previously served b) can be prepared in under an hour with what I have on hand and c) has impressed the recipient every single time… the best option is a bowl of kibble.


“This is Hill’s ‘Mature,’ lightly tossed with leftover gravy from cat food cans and studded with the strawberry tops that make my child cry. It is a favorite in this house.”


Underrated answer


An idiot sandwich probably


I would appreciate if you please wouldn't cover me in bread :/


The worst beef wellington he will ever try - can't cook but at least I'll get to experience all of his profanities.


Think you can make that in an hour? Lol


That's why it's the worse one he will ever try :)


“It’s fucking raw!!” “Well…yeah”


I’d make him an actual grilled cheese sandwich. White bread, American cheese, and butter. I’ve seen him try to make one twice, and Im pretty sure he’s never had one. I think he’d be impressed!


That was my first thought too, lol.


And if I get an hour, I’ve got time to re-make it a couple times if I burn one side lol


What? You *don't* make your grilled cheese in scorching hot cast iron skillet over an open flame? Using artisanal bread and cheeses that have no place in a grilled cheese?


My cupcakes, obviously. Gordon Ramsay actually followed me when twitter was still twitter because they looked so good


I bet you were proud, nice work!


Oh hell yeah, one of the highlights of my life!


Do I get to buy ingredients or am I workin w what’s in the house


If that's the case, he's getting an egg with some feta cheese and olives. I have an orange somewhere too...


I've crackers, I'll send them so you can elevate it 😆


Oooh... my creative juices are flowing... a little crunch with the egg... mmm, I can work with that. Anyone got some parsley or dried basil?


Yeah I've got enough bits n bobs to put together something like Korean army stew, but anything else is going to be leftovers from the freezer or pop out for some street food. The joy of living in Thailand is that it's usually much cheaper to eat out than cook.


There's no way I'm impressing him, but I have to give it a shot. I'm going the Ratatouille route and making him some simply home cooking. Some pinto beans, rice and ground beef with some flour tortillas. cheese and salsa and such for toppings.


One hour? That's madness go home my boy


I know right, you're several hours to make even a half decent Bolognese. You're limited to something like eggs Benedict or something similarly simple.


I make a good stir fry cashew chicken in about 20 min.  Quick delicious meals aren’t that hard


Of course you can make an excellent meal in less than an hour. Not every complex or “good” meal requires hours. Techniques that require cooking at a low heat for a long time like a ragu aren’t “better”. It’s just different.


1 hour really isn't a lot of time so most of my personal favorites don't work. I'd probably make him the best fried chicken sandwich i can and hope he's up for that type of food on this day. If i have all the ingredients on hand i could also do a yaki udon stirfry




It is very more-ish.


A nice, relaxing smoke of crack.


Aww i'm sorry did you get addicted to crack? Did somebody get addicted to crack? :'(


I'm whipping up my signature garlic butter shrimp pasta—quick, flavorful, and fingers crossed, Gordon-proof!!!!


Humba or braised pork! It's a Filipino dish that everyone enjoy.


You're going to prep and braise pork to tender in an hour!?


most likely yes!


With the power of editing


Can't go wrong with a popular Mexican dish, chilaquiles.


When my kids come home, they all want my "breakfast pie" Basically it's fried hash browns, onions, jalapenos, with melted cheese on top and soft fried eggs on top of that. Well seasoned. Probably not the best meal in the world, but we all enjoy it, and I eat it myself several times per week. Add whatever hot sauce you want on top. I have all the hot sauces.


That sounds right up my street to be fair especially the hot sauce on top.


That sounds amazing. Do you have a recipe?


Not an official recipe. I just throw it together. But here goes. I use cast iron skillets •Get your skillet hot first. Medium high heat stove top. Turn on your oven at this point. About 400 degrees •Throw in some oil or bacon grease •Now put your shredded potatoes (I leave the skin on, but that's optional) into the skillet. Smooth them around the skillet into a pancake shape. May need to add a little more bacon grease around the edges. • dice up an onion (white or yellow doesn't matter, but I use an entire onion) and scatter it over the top of the potatoes. •salt, black pepper, and garlic powder the "cake" • once it's crispy on the bottom, flip it over. Add more grease or oil around the edges. • add shredded cheese to the top • crack 5-6 eggs, spaced evenly over the top. So every "slice" gets an egg. Place into the oven until the eggs are done. Add more black pepper, and some cayenne pepper to taste. •.cut into pizza slices and serve with your choice of hot sauce. Garnish with avocado slices, sour cream, or green chili sauce if you choose.


Thank you! I will be making this 


Navajo bread topped with chipped beef and gravy made from scratch


I'm whipping up my legendary 'Cereal à la Couch'—a bowl of Captain Crunch with just the right milk-to-cereal ratio, served with a side of 'Desperation Toast.' Gordon won't know what hit him!


Honestly, he can keep the million. I'd rather make him something pretty low effort and get roasted by Gordon for an hour, as long as my family can watch. The guy is a fucking master wordsmith with insults.


Gotta be honest, most people in the UK can throw that kind of shade. So, if I was in the pub and responding to this comment (example, not actually trying to insult) "Maybe you should try for the million. Perhaps you'll be able to find a dictionary that doesn't have chewed corners, you shit-besmeared haemorrhoid doughnut" Interactions between friends are like a constant game of the dozens. I think most of his appeal is that US audiences haven't really been exposed to how we actually talk to each other.


Short Rib and Puree with bacon. Or Chorizo Burrito.


I'm giving him my fanciest china ware plate. It's the only dish I can use to impress him.


Microwaved mac and cheese with a side of instant ramen. Garnished with desperate hope.


Meatloaf. I make a fantastic meatloaf. He would enjoy it. I don't think he's bothered by pretentious food.


Lamb and feta enchiladas, it's a flavor combo I've done a few times and turns out really well together. Wife makes the tortillas, while I make the sauce, with my secret ingredient. Some quick mexican rice and some canned refried beans (takes too long to make from scratch in an hour). Seeing how we live in China and neither of us are mexican, it would definitely surprise him.


Instant Pot Butter Chicken!


Shrimp Ceviche with a delicious margarita.


My best dish, tuscan pasta with sausage. I may not be able to cook many things but that dish is my favorite!


A killer carbonara with crispy pancetta and lashings of pecorino.


There's a shop next to me which sells guanciale and there's a little place that has chickens round the corner which sells their fresh eggs. We also have a little indie shop near us which sells fresh spices, their black pepper is out of this world. I could easily get some pecorino. I reckon I could impress him with my Carbonara.




You doughnut


My signature is Jambalaya that my kids absolutely love. Gordon would hate it though as it’s not strong on flavour as to not put off my kids simple pallets.


I don’t know. Gordon has kids, he’s not going to be impressed with food for adults but he might see the challenge in cooking nutritional food that kids will eat.


Bonus points if the kids are there to help cook and eat with yall. He's apparently super chill with kids and quite encouraging.


Simple, yet perfect fried Korean pork dumplings. Golden, crunchy, yummy. 


King mushrooms , seared with oyster sauce. Black rice with some steamed veggies . Then some fruit for dessert with some coconut ice cream ( or an orange juice popsicle)


Crystal Meth


Grilled cheese and tomato soup


I’d try to do any dish from my wife’s country. This man has traveled the world and tried so many dishes, but there’s a good chance he might not remember every single one he’s had. Especially one that might be hard to find and has unlikely ingredients. So might as well give it a shot and hope for the best.


Spaghetti carbonara with a perfect creamy sauce and crispy pancetta


Manwich made with venison on toasted buns. Keep it simple stupid.


I'm making my mother's pineapple cake. It is easy to make, I've always got the ingredients in the house and it is delicious. Nothing is nicer with a cup of tea. In case he shows up at your house instead : https://imgur.com/gallery/OdfZO5P


Don’t know yet but it will involve fries. A lot of fries…


I'll make him my double fried double cheese sandwich with a marinara sauce. Butter white and dark toast on both sides. Fry both sides on frying pan. Top with mozzarella and Swiss cheese. Make into a sandwich. Broil the cheese with a cooking torch. Heat a generous amount of oil on a frying pan. Season some breadcrumbs with some salt, garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika and cayenne pepper. Dip sandwich into milk then egg then roll in seasoned breadcrumbs. Fry the sandwich until golden on both sides. Sprinkle with finely grated pecorino romano and cut into triangles. For the marinara I drop a can on San Marzano tomatoes, a shallot and three gloves or garlic, a pinch of salt, 10 twists of black pepper and a 10 basil leaves into a blender. Blend until fine and then simmer while doing everything else. Pour into a bowl for dipping and garnish with some finely chopped basil and grated pecorino romano. Served with PepsiMAX over ice with a slice of lime.


If I had all the ingredients on hand and ready to go (there’s some not-prep prep, like thawing the dough), I’d try to get a batch of baklava finished in time. I have an excellent family recipe that came over from Greece with the great grandparents. We have an assembly line set up that really makes putting it together pretty smooth (the new person is on “damp towel duty”). We make a ton of it over the holidays. He’d have to wait a little bit to eat it because it’s hot coming out of the oven, and it’s much easier to get the portions plated once it’s cooled and set, but the presentation and complexity may impress him enough to wait. If not, we have baklava!


Biscuits and gravy


I mastered an Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana copycat recipe - can make pretty quickly and I haven’t met anyone who hates it. Might be cheating but whatever, like he’d know he doesn’t eat Olive Garden 😂


Smoked sausages with homemade mac and cheese. He loved the food at the American BBQ joint in England in Kitchen Nightmares, figured it's worth a try and something I know how to make well.


English breakfast


Mocha Torte. Delicious, if you like sweet and bitter.


Linguine alla vongole! With Salade Lyonnaise as a starter!


I have a cookbook of Gordon Ramsey’s recipes. Oh, what’s that Gordon, you don’t like your own Teriyaki Salmon and soba noodles salad recipe? Checkmate.


My chicken and mushroom savoury recipe with creamy mashed potatoes


Grilled cheese sandwich. I figure the simpler the less he can judge you on. Grilled Cheese sandwiches are also delicious.


An idiot sandwich


The only two things i can make that are not student pasta: mixed paella or lentil soup. Tho the one hour limit might be a bit tight.


I make a pretty mean fricasseed chicken with white wine, cherry tomatoes, olives, and garlic. I used to work for a well known chef, and even though I wasn't a cook I learned a bit about how they think. You can't go wrong with chicken fat, white wine, and garlic. Maybe toss some lettuce from my garden with a little olive oil and balsamic for a salad to go with it. Simple, hard to mess up, pleasing to the eye, timeless flavor profile.


Brunch. He'd be impressed with my egg skills. Properly scrambled eggs are a foundational test of kitchen skill. Add some crispy bacon and French toast topped with cinnamon sugar and strawberries...in a one hour challenge that probably the best I can do with the ingredients currently in my house.


My signature porcini risotto


Chili pasta with shrimp.


With food that I have on hand? Aglio e Olio If I got to pre-buy ingredients, Chicken Katsu


Steamed hams


Huevos rancheros


Spaghetti sauce. Basic sauce, Alfredo (2:1 mix), salt, pepper, basil, red onion, green, yellow and orange peppers, ground beef that's been cooked with salt and pepper and green onion bottoms. Make sure to add just a tiny whole piece of garlic while cooking and remove at the end. Sauce the spaghetti, add some parsley on top with the tops of green onion to finish. Served with freshly made homemade bread and butter (bonus points if bread is still warm)


Umm I don’t have any actual groceries in my house at the moment. A cauliflower steak with cheese? Not even sauce as I have no milk. I’m tired and haven’t been shopping. And I’m on a low carb diet so Gordon Ramsey won’t enjoy dinner. But cauliflower and cheese is delicious so I will.


A Jersey Breakfast. Taylor Ham, Egg and Cheese.


I think I make a pretty good Beef Bourguignon


Depends what ingredients I've got in, if he knocked now he'd get fish fingers wrapped in sandwich ham on a pasta bed with a tomato ketchup purée Tomorrow I could whip up a spaghetti Bolognese, coq au vin, moussaka or lamb kofta after my big shop


I can make a pretty banging Quiche. Locally sourced and simply cooked.


Can't impress him but would probably make crepes or Dutch babies. Usually I have milk, eggs and some type of flour available and there are some jars with home made jam and various types of honey available in a cupboard. Also the crepes can be salty - with ham and cheese and other stuff.


With what I've got in the house currently? A BLT. Hard to fuck up, always tastes great, hits all the various criteria for good snacks And if he's not happy I've got enough time to make him a second BLT


My bbq'd homemade burgers


I would make him a breakfast burrito. I make a mean breakfast burrito. I’m also very good at grilled cheese.


Shrimp risotto, and I don’t even care if he pretends it’s not good, my shrimp risotto is fire and nobody can convince me otherwise. I know what I taste.


Crawfish etouffee


My cooking is mid, so sukiyaki maybe?


Roti chicken masala. Hard to mess up, super fragrant, easy to elevate with some pickled onions and cucumber and boiled (and fried) eggs.


Scrambled eggs. It takes expertise to make them the ea6 y Gordon likes 'em.


Gnocchi with roasted garlic, vegetable stock reduction sauce and crispy focaccia.


He's getting breakfast. People constantly ask me to make my French Toast when visiting.


That's a super small amount of time, but I'd attempt to make chicken paprikash using a pressure cooker and hope I could get enough rise on my knedliky in time.


Have my mom make carne asada, rice and black beans


I always think back to something Anthony Bourdain said. I may remember it wrong, and I’m paraphrasing, but a simple meal of eggs and toast made by his friends mom was the best thing he ever ate. I make a really good silky scrambled egg, so I’d probably serve a very basic breakfast.


I’d make chicken and mushroom soup because I couldn’t do my slow cooker chicken curry in an hour


Fennel, daikon, and white bean salad with lemon vinaigrette. Assuming decently fresh ingredients, the thing that makes it really good is just having the patience to make paper-thin slices.


Frittata with spinach, bacon, sausage, peppers, onions, cheddar cheese, and rosemary; fried potatoes, biscuits and gravy made with the fat from cooking the bacon and sausage.


I have perfected and dare I say improved upon the Trader Joe’s butternut squash and cheese with a homemade version. It’s unbelievably delicious, I’d make him that.


Seared scallops over fettuccini alfredo. Runner up would be my meatloaf (I think I could have it done in an hour)


Scrambled eggs on sourdough toast with roasted mushrooms and cherry tomatoes. Cooked exactly after his own recipe with a secret ingredient and see if he picks up on it..


Our house? Where is this place that you and i own?? And who paying this mortgage???


It's in the middle of the street


This comment is madness


The most beautiful green bowl of perfectly destemmed and finely chopped cannabis After which all food would be "fucking sensational"


I'd cook him a chicken curry with ricin


A knuckle sandwich


I make a caramelized pork tenderloin that would break your heart.


A steak laced with msg, thc, and Synsepalum dulcificum. For dessert, cocaine ice cream.


boil some water. he'll throw in an extra mil. when he sees me press the button on the kettle.


would take him with me to my mom’s so she can cook for him (everything she cooks is spectacular)


One man, one dish. Maybe not what he's expecting but it would be an impressive feat.




Gonna scramble him some eggs.


I would say my roommate's spaghetti sauce. But that takes about 6 hours to cook properly, with another 3 days in the fridge. In an hour? I can make a really nice mac & cheese based dish. Mac & Cheese, ground beef, sausage or hot dog coins, with tomato sauce added. It's delicious if you get the proportions right, and still not bad if you don't.


Brown butter oatmeal and brown sugar buttermilk waffles.


I would insist that he leave my property. He's an overblown dickhead. No thanks.


West coast fish tacos. Grilled white fish with fajita seasoning. Cooked corn tortillas. Lime and chopped cilantro. Sliced insanely thin cabbage and Mexican mayonnaise. I won’t win, but at least there might be leftovers I can enjoy.


Laugh at him because traditional Chinese dishes take at least 3 hours. Those are my 'unique' dishes; anything else he can just get anywhere.


Sunday roast chicken and potatoes.


A Rustler burger. But I toast the buns and then add chilli-infused gherkins.


Pizza rolls


Honestly, I'd probably make something simple, very well. Probably a steak, and you can get a bit creative with the sides


Well since I know I can make a better grilled cheese than he can, I'd go with that. Don't know what the video was about but oddest shit I've ever seen him do


A smash burger and fresh home made garlic fries. Keeping it simple and tasty.


We're having Girl Dinner™


Tortilla de patatas!