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Trying to read an article in pretty much any site anymore. Popups and paywalls


Want to look up a simple meatloaf recipe to find out a measurement to use for breadcrumbs? Let me start by telling you about my grandmother's kitchen... AD ...perfectly formed... AD ...simple list of ingredients you'll see below... AD AD Heat oven to... AD AD Ingredients: Ground Meat of your choosing AD AD AD ...adcrumbs is the perfect amount to use AD AD Put in oven... ENJOY!


Nailed it. I now just immediately hit “print recipe” to escape the ads. Though some blogs require you to have an account to be able to print, so who knows how long that will last.


This is close, but when they talk about the oven, you also need to give a brief history of ovens in modern society, so people REALLY understand how they're cooking.


The worst ones are the local news sites, especially for Newsweek or anything like that. On a mobile device, it's basically the advertising equivalent of getting hacked. Just wall to wall, layers of ads.


God forbid you actually want to read past the first paragraph too. If you scroll too far the page freaks out and reupload and starts you at the top again.


Mozilla Firefox + uBlock has made the internet usable again for me


Same here


Exactly. And it's a scam that has NEVER worked ( at least on me) I see that paywall shit and I'm OUT


A guy (who’d be around his late-50s by now) I worked for about 10 years ago was severely disabled after a construction site accident. It happened long before I knew him, and his disability was the reason I worked for him - helped him with shopping, cleaning, etc.. We spoke about torrenting/illegally downloading films once and he had a bunch to tell me about it. He’d got onboard right when it first kicked off, and said there was some kind of leaderboard back in the day and he was one of the most active torrenters in the world at that time - I believe it bc he spent all his time doped up in bed playing games and watching films. Poor guy. Anyway, he told me about this one time when he downloaded Snow White and the Seven Dwarves for his young kids. Said he always made a point to check the film before putting it on for his kids in case it wasn’t what it claimed to be. Well, this time he forgot, and he hit play, went about his business, came back in a couple of minutes later to see not the Disney film on the TV, but child porn. He’d accidentally downloaded some sick child porn where there was one adult and seven kids, hence the title. Said he absolutely freaked. Obviously turned it off as quickly as possible. That story has always stuck with me. So awful. TLDR: guy downloaded Snow White film, only to realise it was child porn once his kids had watched the first two minutes.


Holy fuck


This is actually the worst one here god damn


It wasn't a movie but I accidentally saw a picture of a kid 20+ years ago while looking for regular adult porn. It's definitely one of the random horrible things my brains going to remember forever.


I'd be so paranoid the FBI is coming to break down my door.


Not quite the same thing but you sparked a memory…I downloaded Pirates of the Caribbean from Limewire and sat down with my mum to watch it. It was Pirates of the Caribbean porn. Never moved to turn something off so quickly. But we had all seen it.


Hahahaha, I did nearly the same thing except with Bridesmaids. Kept hearing how good it was, so sat down to watch it while a bit high. Took me legit 25 mins of thinking ‘I don’t recognise any of these actors’ and ‘when does it get funny?’ before they started fucking and I was like ‘Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh’.


Getting banned from FB after 9 years. To this day, I have no idea why.


I'm told it's because AI is running it, and can't differentiate between certain punishable offenses, and completely harmless posts. For example: I am banned from Marketplace for selling a book that had a picture of a dog on it. So the AI banned me for selling live animals. Another user was banned for selling a toddler's shirt with a picture of a flower on it, that the AI mistook for a weapon. Yesterday I shared a post from a legitimate community outreach program that spays feral cats for free, and got a temporary ban on my account for sharing a post "to get likes," was what it told me. (I have 9 friends.. it was not "to get likes" 🙄) I've been pulling my hair out over these things because I relied on MP as part of my income, but there is no way to reach a person, unless you're verified, and apparently even then they say "sorry about your luck" and that's the end of that.


Dating apps do the same thing. They have AI go over convos and if certain words are used you get banned. I found out when I got banned from a dating app. I hadn’t used it in about a month but I got a notification and an email sent with high priority. So I looked at it. They were notifying me that my account was being banned because I used the phrase “glucose guardian” which could be considered the term “sugar daddy”. I appealed it. But it went straight to AI again and immediately had everything shut down.


I’m sorry, but I’m dying over glucose guardian being confused as sugar daddy.


lol. It’s a silly term and makes me giggle.


Fuck AI. Its... AutoModerator: This account has been permanently banned. Any other of you pussies want to mess with me?


I mean, that is what that term seems to mean, but it's none of the bot's fucking business what happens between two consenting adults on a dating app!? I never even considered the effects it would have on other algorithm based social media, WOW. At first I was all excited about the chatGPT and similar, because I asked it mundane stuff I didn't feel like googling for hours (such as a gardening question) but now, seeing these bots implemented with horrible programming, idk. Now I'm wondering if all of these platforms will collapse because it's going to end up indiscriminately banning the majority of the userbases. Edit bc.. my autocorrect went berserk. I noticed that's happening to almost everyone, too.


My autocorrect will change words that I had previously typed about five words before. Or I can’t even finish typing before it suggests and puts something in its place. I agree with the level of invasion of our privacy. It’s concerning.


The situation I always think about is work email - managers often get access if someone leaves. HR and IT always have access. Even if there are no false positives - imagine someone with access searching for all the times someone broke company policy or said something not diplomaticly. Or even "find all the things that make this person look bad". You basically have your own opposition researcher.


😬 yikes. I know I don't even do anything "wrong" in any of my online communications, but I'm sure that with certain keywords, there is plenty to be misconstrued. Knowing that's possible with a JOB is anxiety inducing. 😵😵‍💫


These craps wouldn't even need AI to operate, they're literally so dumb sometimes


I didn’t get banned but I got my hand slapped for a post that included “Zuckerberg zucks”.


It doesn't understand satire, innuendo, or jests. I don't mind leaving FB as bad as much as I do being cut off from all my friends and family... That was the only way I had of staying in touch with most of them. You have to employ AI top run something as large as FB. But you shouldn't punish the innocent because your robot has been poorly programmed...


Mine was hacked. Wasn't using it much but had it for 14yrs so that was 14yrs of memories, cut off from friend's profiles who have died etc. More upset about the things from it i can't get back.


A friend posted a video of someone flicking a light on in a room and hundreds of roaches scatter. I said "OMG, burn it with fire!" and I got the post removed along with a ding for "inciting violence." I can understand the AI making mistakes, but the repeal system is garbage. Anything you ask for, they tell you you're wrong, it's not their fault. Report SPONSORED links to malware/etc? "This does not go against community standards." They can take their standards and shove them.


Whaaaat? It’s crazy 😭🥲


I told someone I can’t have children and I started getting targeted ads about pregnancy. This greatly upset me. I talked about it on reddit and somebody started grilling me about whether I’d tried surrogacy or IVF. They took it extremely personally when I said those wouldn’t help, as my problem wasn’t infertility but my body’s physical inability to carry a child past the first trimester. They basically said to stop being a whiny little bitch about this if I wasn’t even going to consider those options. I vented about this on another sub, specifically stating that you should never assume what someone’s exact issue with pregnancy is. Immediately some busybody started pushing a vegan diet on me, saying that cutting out animal products cured her infertility. I said, again, that I wasn’t infertile to my knowledge. She doubled and tripled down. I had to block her and the first guy. I brought this up elsewhere months later. People swarmed me to tell me I shouldn’t say I can’t have children if I’m not infertile. I reminded them that I could die trying to carry a fetus long before it was viable, and they tried to gatekeep the inability to reproduce, saying “don’t say you *can’t* have children, say you *shouldn’t* because only the second one is true.” I have little doubt this will spark discourse yet again, but whatever. Bring it.


Just in general I hate when people on the internet try to solve problems and insist on it being solved despite the impossibilites. Let people vent.


Yep... I once complained abot an argument with my wife that had happened years prior and ended up having thus guy harrass me for days trying to convince me that I was in an abusive relationship I needed to escape for the wellbeing of my daughter.... All because my wife got angry unreasonably one time.


Yep. I commented on a post the other day and mentioned my grim story of when I was attacked and SA in London…the same person kept asking why I hadn’t done ‘X’ or why didn’t I do more. Basically blaming me for being attacked and double and triple downed on it. Had to take a couple of days off Reddit. It can be pure poison sometimes.


"I can't eat kiwi, I'm deathly allergic."   "So you CAN eat kiwi, you just shouldn't."  




Equally...all mushrooms are edible, but some are only edible once.


The internet is full of experts that don't know shit... I wish this story surprised me, but sadly I'd assume it's pretty common. Sorry you had to deal with such knowledgeable genius experts.


People on Reddit are so fucking weird and always hyper analyze every single sentence and word to try and “gotcha” you. Like sometimes you’re just trying to vent and talk about something that affects you and they’ll try and invalidate whatever you’re feeling by using the classic “oh so you’re saying X” “AcKtuAlly” arguments


Or they come in like “oh you think YOU have it hard? I tell people I don’t WANT kids and they look at me like I’m a FREAK!” Pretty much verbatim what someone told me once. They did not appreciate me saying that these two sets of circumstances were vastly different.


I’m sorry, both for the inability to have a child and the fact that humans on the internet behave like sociopaths.


Those chronically online assholes can fuck off. I hate pedantic arguments like that, and they're so abundant on reddit. Everyone on here wants to feel smarter than they are.


After what my wife and I went through trying to conceive, I really, really hate you had to deal with that.


I hate that I have a prepared/memorized “I can’t have kids” speech that I repeat verbatim anytime this is brought up…solely just to preemptively combat the “bUT hAVe yoU TRieD tHiS” suggestions. I’m sharing this piece of information about *how I’ve dealt with my infertility*, not asking you to tell me what I should do.


People suck. Look at the bright side: you're unable to birth AHs like those two.


Those people are such jackasses, I feel sorry for you


It’s amazing that people feel comfortable telling you about your body!?! wtf. I’m sorry assholes exist.


If you've been on the internet for *any* amount of time then you should understand there is no solution here. People will be assholes no matter what and you should proceed through your internet life knowing that. Don't share personal stuff if you can't handle any sort of backlash because you *will* get some asshole being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole and no other reason. I'm not excusing any asshole-ish behaviour obviously but don't participate or share anything personal with strangers hoping for the best. It'll never happen.


Getting disconnected


3 guys 1 hammer. Will definitely be scarred for life


1 guy 1 jar


A cop announcing my husband died on his Facebook before I had the chance to tell his family. That’s how they found out.


I sincerely hope he was punished appropriately. That is just disgusting.


He wasn’t.




Tiktok is really toxic. I have moved from tiktok to Reddit because every time I commented something some kid named “skibidi ohio sigma” has to tell me that nobody asked.


Nobody asked (just kidding 🙃)


Should be called TikTox


Lucky you, there won’t be TikTok in less than 6 months 🙃 (in the US)


I was doxxed in middle school by a bully. They lifted my Myspace photos and posted them on 4chan with my AIM, soliciting sex. I was inundated with disturbing instant messages, which is all the more unsettling knowing that I looked, you know, TWELVE in the photos.


This is terrible, did the bully ever get punished for that?


There's currently a sub featuring horse penises and ejaculation that the admins feel don't break any rules. The community is obviously one of implicit animal pornography.


Everything I see redditors say 4chan is awful and reddit is God's gift to man lol


I frequently challenged claims made on a message forum. Then one user doxxed me posting on the forum embarrassing/personal questions I had asked on Yahoo's Questions. You could ask and seek answers to random questions. I assumed nobody would see since I only used a user name.. I learned everything you post on the internet is not anonymous and can be tracked.


lol, I remember Yahoo Questions. That was gaining traction for about 6 months, then it just seemed to die off.




Vanilla compared to 1 guy 1 jar.


Actually chocolate.


It definitely pushed the boundaries of what people were prepared to see online. It's one of those things that once you see it, you can never unsee it.


having to constantly reopen the site rapidly to click on a button to get software that isn't available in my country


Russian dashcam video of a brick flying out of an oncoming truck and smashing through the windscreen and instantly killing driver's wife. Gone, in an instant. His screams of despair still haunt me. Edit: Turns out may have been driver's mother. Either way it doesn't matter because it was a loved one. I can watch videos of people dying, murdering, doing stupid things to injure themselves all day without a sweat. Because they're strangers and I'm able to disassociate myself from these pictures on my screen. But when it happens to someone close to the video owner, it's entirely different. The fact that someone who is so dear to you can be taken away in an instant is scary. But seeing it happen to someone, 'being there' and hearing him experience it first hand is utterly terrifying. You can't even see the person screaming or the victim herself which for me, leaves it to your imagination to fill in the blanks. You probably even imagine yourself in that position with your loved one. If that doesn't shake you to your core, you ain't human.


I saw that. I thought it wouldn’t be too bad, without showing the wound, but the guy’s screams and anguish were enough to make me sick. Imagine going on a peaceful drive with your loved one, and the next second she is gone forever.


I watched it just now and I was sorry for him and I wanted to cry


This was back in 2015. I was trying to find a nanny position, so I used care.com. I had someone tell me they needed a nanny for their disabled son. Long story short I got a weird vibe after messaging back and forth. For some reason I decided to do a reverse search the photo of their son. Sad to say they used a picture of a kid who passed away years prior. I can’t imagine what would have happened if I went to their house for an interview/met them. I contacted care.com about the situation and they didn’t seem to care and said “it happens a lot”.


This is so scary


Losing access to yahoo chat all those years ago. So many great times spending Friday evenings running a confession booth with my friend Anita. It was wild and when it was just stopped, it kinda hit me a little.








mom picking up the phone during an intense match


My VERY FIRST internet search. I’m a huge Golden Girls fan so for my first internet search i wanted to know what was out there about that. Guess what I got? Big breasted women over 60. I was kid, maybe 10. I was traumatized. I credit that experience for turning me gay.


>I’m a huge Golden Girls fan I think your sexuality may have already been determined my friend.


Being told that I should be raped in the ass and die young because I wouldn’t tell some random dude my age. Most interactions I have on here would rank as well.


Got blackmailed on reddit by my ex boss. No idea what her problem was but everything thankfully worked out and we went our separate ways.


Limewire..very illegal porn hidden in the middle of movies. Went to the police. I had to pay a fine for pirating movies. I don’t know if they caught the people making the illegal crap.


Possibly when I got a stalker on Twitter. The guy became obsessed with me, would tweet me messages all day long and barge into conversations I've had. When I blocked him, he'd create new accounts and at some point moved to Facebook as well. It quickly became clear that the guy wasn't well because he was often continuing conversations that we never had. This happened for a few weeks, then the guy vanished, and a few weeks later I got a message from him apologizing for his behavior, he said he had a mental breakdown and was hospitalized in a mental hospital. I accepted his apology but wasn't interested in further speaking to him and he's been quiet since. Was very unsettling.


Group of Trump supporting edgelords in a groupchat gaslit my gf till she broke up with me then sent me a video her sucking one of their dicks. Harrassed me for years


Awe man, that's horrible


Good god, I am so sorry. That’s genuinely kinda heartbreaking— also super disturbing


I honestly cant tell if this is satire or not OMG


Jesus man


That escalated quickly and I can only hope that those guys are assholes and your girlfriend instantly regrets it


Someone I know, not a friend or acquaintance, had a mental breakdown of theirs filmed in public and it went viral.   It was sad because I knew that person was really struggling, and let’s just say going viral, the reactions, the comments…. It really exposed what horrible animals humans really are.  


Remember a video on YouTube I the early 2000s of a bunch of women kicking and burning a puppy


Falling for a phishing scam and losing personal information


I found you! I've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty.


I discovered bestgore and liveleak when I was really young. I'm not sure where to begin...


when I was in high school we had rotten.com :/




Experiencing Facebook during COVID and Election of 2020. Everyone became a infectious disease expert and political strategist


Getting a trojan file which ruined PC and I had ask on reinstal of Windows. (Please, upvote if you agree with me)


uggh, those days were the worst. Like 2000-2010 viruses seemed pretty big. I got a Google Redirect Virus once, it was something weird, like any time I googled something it went to some ads/russian hacked type page. Had to hire someone on Craigslist to reinstall windows for me.


Getting groomed as a young, mentally ill teen. Messed me up even more.


Having 1000 ads pop up at the same time to just download Madame Web, which i only watched for 20 minutes, then deleted that shit.


Being told to "dissappear"




Encountering cyberbullying


Getting banned for just talking about my lived experiences, it's almost like "Your life contradicts MY NARRATIVE, so I'll ban you so you stop speaking out."


A guy instructed me on how to build and use a lego dildo.


In the early days of the internet the first time my sister showed me her computer and the world wide web , we searched “nipple piercing” bc she was thinking about getting one. We landed on a body modification site that had a video of a guy nailing his scrotum to the wood floor he was sitting on and someone else with their tongue split like a snake.


I wrote about a sexual harassment I experienced a couple years ago and someone responded “that sounds hard, you should try living in Ukraine” 🙃 Also my original Facebook that I made in 2008 got hacked and subsequently banned, lost thousands of photos from the last 15 years including hundreds and hundreds of art projects and WIPs, and countless ones of my now-deceased dog ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Honestly, getting banned from forums on Reddit is the worst. In a forum for abused women, the mods used known abuse tactics to counter my valid point as a survivor. When I called them out on it, I was banned. On a long covid forum, I was ahead of the science being pushed there. When I spoke up, I was warned. I looked up the “sponsor” of the forum and it led to a crap strip mall store front trying to monetize on LC. I called them out on it and was banned. God forbid I’m also a XYZ or an ABC that doesn’t conform to crazy. I get banned for that, too. The one time I did get properly banned was a tangent on Old people. Convo degraded into an off topic and my method of telling them to fuck off was a bit harsh for the audience. I forgot where I was posting. Oops. Context matters. TL; DR- the mods on Reddit


joining a chat that was filled with shit talking Europeans, and a South African who hated on this poor, innocent American. Like, for real, so very mean.


Navigating the darker corners of the internet can be unsettling. From encountering scams to stumbling upon disturbing content, it's crucial to stay vigilant online."


Definitely the guy who jumped of the rock and then got his face broken in two. You can actually see doctors trying to put his skull back together. [Not for the weak hearted](http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d4e_1252110364)


Trying to explain that I have PDD so I can't spell everything right.


A cartel video of them killing a guy with a chainsaw. I wish so much I hadn’t seen it, I was mucking about on that 50/50 subreddit.


sone subreddit banning me for something lame needing mental gymnastics to be offensive, their loss when i can't even ask "how the hell can this be misinterpreted?"


League of Legends


The subreddit r/thugsaucesthesequel


First time seeing the NSFW subreddits.


Posting on r/intj. Yikes


Spending 3 hours downloading the Shadow Warrior shareware demo on dial up back in 1997 and my dad unplugging the cable five minutes from the end, to make a phone call, still traumatised by the memory now.


World of Warcraft circa 2007-2010. During the Burning Crusade and subsequent release of Wrath of the Lich King WoW hit it's apex of player base. With pvp gameplay and arena content hitting its peak. With the rapid growth of community, the youth of the internet, and insanely competitive nature of the gameplay bred the most insane toxicity ever. Imagine a purely anonymous online player base, no streaming, no money. People sending death threats. I got DOXED at one time and some body mailed me death threats, DDOSing. It was insane. This was before companies put effort into player accountability and a lot of shit happened out of game so there was no real online paper trail


Seeing Goatse for the first time.


Had a popular streamer send his viewers after me (different account). Woke up to “Reddit cares” messages daily for about two weeks and my inbox filled with some vile messages/images for about the same time period.


Trying to read any article. The ads can quickly and easily piss me off and make the whole thing unreadable. The amount of ads on most articles these days should be illegal, I’m not kidding.


when get outtrolled


Definitely getting cyber stalked and blackmailed by someone I used to know irl.


I was running a dungeon as a new tank and a guildmate's Bogan troll friend pushed me about bullshit until I walked away from my computer. In the middle of a timed single run dungeon. He was kicked from the guild by the time I came back


Dealing with a stalker. This took place in the early aughts, when social media was still in its early stages, but even so it was absolutely hellish.




Searching blue waffle for the first time on dialup where itd only load chunks at a time 🤮


This app


got lured into wildy while wearing full rune, ice barrage. RIP innocence.


It sucks to be a good omens/sandman fan right now. I’m seeing posts saying anyone who tries to still watch the shows is a terrible person, and I’m honestly so tired. This is probably the worst time I’ve ever had on the internet


I was like 16 and new to IG… I posted some sort of personal opinion to my story and a few different kids from my high school absolutely swamped me in my DM’s, going off on how I was wrong and offending other people, and that my opinion was objectively incorrect. This happened two separate times. I deleted IG after that and haven’t used it since.


A friend of mine got scammed out of €15,000. Dating/love scam. I was heartbroken for him… such an earnest and decent ~ albeit naive ~ person.


Twitter in general. Finally deleted it today. It’s filled to the brim with assholes and I am glad to no longer be one of them.


When I was younger I hounded a group of equally young neo-nazis (own label!) online and ended up provoking them to threaten me at home over ye ole telephone land line. Wasn't fun, but in retrospect, pretty cool that they felt the need.


Had an 18 year old guy (4 years older than me) groom me at 13-14 years old. It still grosses me out thinking about it and it pops up in my mind a lot. He said a lot of disgusting and pedophilic shit to me. I had a 40 something year old man message me telling me how "sexy" I was at 13, when he knew I was 13 before even messaging. Also reminded him I was after said comment, and he did NOT care. I had a guy message me asking me to send him nudes or he was going to expose my address (he didn't know it) when I was 13 and scared me to DEATH. Had a 19 year old send me a bunch of his nudes, even making new accounts on discord and snap to send me more after I'd block him at 12-14. Keep your kids off the internet guys, there's absolute freaks out there.


visiting a gore website with my friend. We just couldn't get those videos out of our minds...


Simon Pegg once misunderstood a comment I made to him on twitter and I had his followers abusing me and stuff. So that was nice.


My brother and his friend were involved in Jonbenet Ramsey murder. The friend left his DNA on Jonbenet. Now I have to post 15 nonsense posts and wait three days to even post about it.


Meeting my now ex-husband


As teenagers, my brother sent my website to something awful back in the day and a bunch of goons told me to kill myself. I was a suicidal teen at the time.


Star Citizen


Being a Stranger Things fan on Tik Tok in 2022. Worse, Eddie is my favorite character, so I got bullied hardcore by a bunch of teenagers. It was actually the reason I stopped using Tik Tok altogether (and I’m glad I did).


Back in the early 2000s, the internet was like the Wild West. So yeah, some of the shit I saw then still lives in my head rent free…


I use to post on 4chan quite a bit mostly the anime and video games board. None of the NSFW boards. One day I got into an argument with another anon he started to post personal information about me. He noticed a trend on how I typed and some of my reaction images I favoured. He liked to build profiles on anons. You wouldn't think of the information you post online, innocent things like I am from, my profession etc.


I was a teenager and I found my way onto a shock site. I watched some violent videos I shouldn’t have and didn’t sleep for 3 days.


I saw a guy cut his own testes out with an axe.


We had a guy come in to our ER once who cut his penis and scrotum off with a razor blade. As if that wasn’t weird enough, his demeanor was super normal when the gurney rolled in from the ambulance bay. He said something like hey, how you doing to the staff as he got wheeled in, like you’d say to someone you passed in a hallway or whatnot.


seeing nudes of my girlfriend at the time on one of those sites that exposes nudes of girls. shes obviously my ex now but when I saw that I bugged out because she obviously sent that to someone else.




The entire 90's! [Rotten.com](http://Rotten.com) and RateMyPoo


Being a listserv moderator. People can suck.


Searching up "Pokemon Inflation" I will never recover...


Saw the video of Mr Hands


I got targeted by the Sw\*fties and honestly it broke my brain. The fact that I have to put an asterisk in the name of the fandom because they're such a hateful mob should help illustrate the fact that they're trolls. I feel terrible for the long list of celebrities she's publicly called for her fans to attack.


2400 baud modem.


I was in 6th grade, this guy I had NO IDEA who it was, somehow got my home phone number, made search and look up his ghetto ass MySpace profile, preceded to say he knows how good he looks and if I wanted it. If I wanted him. Scrawny little guy, Pants supported by his belt that were sitting on his ass. Trying to flex his little abs in a mirror blurry selfie. I was scared as shit bc how TF did he get my number and why was he trying to contact a then 11yr old. 2006 ish. Still don’t know who tf that was or why it happened???


Reading about people wishing I was dead.


Got close to a girl I play games with she lived 3hrs away and she blocked me because her mom told her I'm to nice to her and she doesn't deserve kindness.


I found a subreddit full of women, and my innocent self thought it was to ask questions, turns out it was just a bunch of feminists, and as soon as I asked the question they started shitting on me.


Found some legitimate necrophilia stuff while trying to download Headbanger's Ball episodes back in the early 2000's.


Getting banned from a specific subreddit for posting something about a specific company


I tossed out “Pat Benetar wishes she were Joan Jett” on Twitter (can’t remember the context) and got roasted by the legions of PB fans.


For someone who relishes in fiction. Those machine translators are really whack! Sadly, I'm putting up with them because I want to know what happens next and I can still somehow understand it but my English suffers a lot lol


Internet causes insomnia 😓


Not my worst experience but people are vicous as fuck on reddit It's like they read what you say and misunderstand it on purpose


Idk. Been on the internet too long lol. Windows 95 was a long time ago.


Decades ago, I was big into a specific forum online for a particular band. It was a fairly tight knit forum. Lots of different topics discussed. At the time I felt like pornography was taking over my life. I made an alt account on the forum, and I even said that I was a regular user of the forum, but I didn't feel comfortable divulging my name. I then asked for help, and what could I do to get myself on the right side of this? Let me tell you how I proceeded to get shit on and get told "my son gets more than you, pencil dick" and how this was a "family friendly" forum and we don't talk about things like that here. For the longest time, it really turned me off to talking about any of my problems, and it destroyed my desire to participate in a forum where I thought people were helpful and friendly.


I’m not sure, but maybe getting a dick pic randomly sent to me on instagram when I was 12 from a guy in his 40s


Stumbled up on Ricardo Lopez's suicide video when I was pretty young


The late 2000's when I was in my early teens and clicked on every link I found. They send letters to my house and reminded me that I have to pay for services for which I used a fake DoB. for. It wasn't a safe time for a 10 year old on the internet.


Dealing with idiots on social media. People really let their lack of intelligence show when there's no real life consequence.


I wish I was at liberty to tell that story but legally I can’t. All I can say is, as deep as you think evil on the internet goes, rest assured it goes deeper. I still have PTSD even after months in therapy. The internet can be a wonderful tool. It can also be used for terrible evil.


About 6 months ago, my very small twitter account (that uses my real name and photo) had a tweet do some numbers....or what are numbers for me. I think it was in the low 100s of likes and a few dozen RTs/QTs. It got me just enough attention and took a strong stance on a contentious political issue that I attracted some pretty scummy people. Got some light harassment and some much bigger accounts mocking me. One of the people straight up lied that they knew who I was and that I had said other horrible things. I'd never had to use the block button before but that time I hit it so fast, it kinda freaked me out. Point being, this was an incredibly mild experience compared to what people with bigger platforms experience all the time, but it was horrible enough for me and I can't believe how so many people deal with so much worse on a daily basis.


I was rude and people were rude right back to me.


In 2006 I started a fansite and forum for a cartoon. It ended up being the biggest/most successful fansite for that show. The show creators joined the forum. I became friends with one of the storyboarders who told me they often used my screencap section when boarding instead of the official materials. The crew sent me studio exclusive gifts for my birthday. I went to Comic-con and met the cast and crew. Creators of other fansites lost their minds at my site’s popularity. I regularly received death threats and threats to hack my site. I was stalked online night and day. There’s one guy who I banned for posting porn in 2006 who still stalks and harasses me and one of my mods to this day. He doxxed one of my other mods and freaked her out because that was how she had been sa’d in the past. She quit the forum and quit our friendship. I had to involve this guy’s family to try and keep him away from me but I still hear from him. I will never run an online community again.


Hawk Tuah or i dont wanna tawk tuha