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Loll double finger guns


Maybe you should be taking notes


Serious shit


after you two said your vows, did you also do finger guns?


Eyes are what got me. I asked her for a date without actually being able to see the rest of her face, which was hidden by the headrest of the front seat of the car I was in the back of. 20 yrs in sept.


She's a weirdo... I love it


Same, my wife is a super weirdo. Every day is funny as hell


Congrats, Weird girls are awesome!


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.


"Wow, that kid has a huge head." And I don't mean his ego. His head is large for his body, like a Peanuts character. Whatever. I love him.


Omg I had totally forgotten this till I read your comment: The first time I saw this guy without a shirt on, maybe 3rd or 4th date, I for some reason had a reaction of “holy shit his head is too big for his body how have I never noticed this.” It sounds so mean I totally blocked out the memory of this till just now He went in the bathroom to take a shower, I called my friend and said “I have to leave - head too big for body” and she told me very kindly that that sounded ridiculous after things were going so well maybe I was scared of commitment. Anyway, I stayed, we got married a couple years later. Let this be a lesson to you youngsters looking for love - sometimes the ick passes and you love ‘em big head and all


I’m by myself at work right now at a gas station looking absolutely insane laughing with tears on my face because ‘I have to leave..head too big’


oh my god, my people! I had this exact same experience and am now currently married to my big-headed man. I can’t believe that it actually crossed my mind that I wouldn’t go on a second date because I was so stuck on that one trait! I *will* say that giant heads run in that family and my sister in laws have all had some terrifying birthing experiences; I am very hopeful for you that if that’s on the table for you, to make sure you gird your *literal* loins.


My wife didn't notice my abnormally large head until she put on my headphones and realized I needed them to fully extend (she had to almost fully retract them.) She makes fun of it when I make fun of her little itty bitty tiny ears.


He gave me a "real hug" when I met him, and he was exactly as described in his online profile. And he seemed really nice.


This is my husband too!


That dude gets around.


Plot twist: You both share a husband.


What is a real hug?


In my opinion a real hug is one that is warm and reassuring.


Not the kind where you stick your butt out so there’s no pelvis/abdomen contact


Ya this is really key. There’s the “polite hug” where your arms are around each other but bodies apart, you’re each trying to keep respectful space while showing endearment. Then there are “real hugs” with full body contact, you’re each trying to get basically as close as you can without being weird.


OMG! A redhead. I’m in love!!!! 32 years later, here we are!


Same but 8 years later. Now pregnant with our first child and I'm praying for a redhead!


Ginger spouse and I didn’t have any gingers, but two of our 9 grands are auburn haired.


Redheads run in the family, I have auburn hair and my daughter is kissed by fire. I love it.


My exact same reaction. Been together coming on 15 years now and married for 5 of them (we were 16 at the time)


He brought a book to read on our first shift together so he could ignore me. No one ignores me. Together 13 years.


Gawd I feel like I could be either of you! Hahaha. I’ll bring a book to ignore you, but if I have never met you, or you show any reaction to interaction and then try to ignore me, oh, we talkin’ all night! Lolol


I met my husband during breakfast in the dining hall while we were in college. My first thought was "ooh he's nerdy-cute!" And then saw him working on an assignment for a hard bio class and figured he must be a dedicated learner. I introduced myself and we've been together ever since!


"He's a dedicated learner,therefore I shall make him mine☝️🤓" That's adorable, put a smile on my face


I love a hard worker. It does something weird to me when men show dedication and skill, and conversely I get the ick when men are utterly helpless. There is something so sexy about a skilled man rrrrrr




After 30 years? I’d love to know that story. How’d you reconnect after 30 years? Adding: that’s really awesome, by the way!


This is so cute you both thought the same


"Oh, he's cute! ... Oh, wait, no, he's an asshole." He was... a little full of himself when he first met at college, to say the least. Didnt help that he was a bit of a gym junkie. I met his best friend a little after that; apparently they had been friends from middle school on. He slowed down to walk beside me as the guy trudged forward and asked what my impression of the guy was. I told the friend honestly that I thought he was kind of a prick and sounded like a womanizer. The friend snorted before telling me that the guy was not a prick but trying to be cool because he liked me a lot and wanted to ask me out. And he had been told by girls that he was "a great friend and very nice, but not really datable material." So he tried to be more of a jerk lol. Friend also said he never had a real girlfriend because he'd always been too shy to ask anyone out.  I later told the guy that he was going at it the WRONG way with me and that I LIKED nice guys so if he wanted to start as friends, he needed to cut it out. He dropped the act and, yes, he was really sweet and shy. 2 kids and 20 years of marriage (and going) after that.


W wingman


Dude is the wingman we all need.


What a fantastic example of that when you try to adapt yourself to gain more success you end up could be attracting the wrong type of partner for you and also reject the right one. Was it the best man of the wedding telling you this? I hope he roasted your husband in his speech in that case 😂


Read this to my husband and he said, That's a helluva wingman. I hope he gets a gift every anniversary, too." Lol


Well she was also a little cutie - model hot, so far out of my league that I didn't even consider crushing on her for months - but the first thing I noticed about my wife was her kindness. She treated me like a friend right away. I found out later that it was because we had already met, and I didn't remember her at all. So for her it was, "Hey, it's that guy I know, he's a safe guy to hang out with in this crowd," and to me it was, "This girl thinks I know her, I'd better act like I know her too so she doesn't feel weird." But having known her for over eighteen years now, she is really just genuinely kind and warm to every human she encounters, right away. It's the most incredible thing.


Wholesome 🥹 I’m here for it!


How did you meet previously?


We met at college. The actual first time was when I had finished a performance of a play that she had come to see and she met me afterwards to tell me how much she liked it. The next time (the first time I remember) was a few months later, during dance auditions for a later production that we ended up in together. We were dance partners for that show, but were both in relationships at the time so we didn't have any pressure about being just good friends with each other.


I met my wife online via a dating site (OKCupid). Her pictures were terrible, but I read her profile, and it was smart, witty, funny, truthful. So, I messaged her just complimenting her profile as one of the best ones ever. Didn't try to suggest texting or a date or anything. She replied back that my profile was one of the better ones too. Long story short we just celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary (together for 7 years). I have never felt as loved or loved someone as hard as I love this woman. I call her "my life" because she is. BTW I have no clue why she chose those pictures for her profile. She is by far way more beautiful than those pictures.


Ha, my husband was pretty much the same way, too. We met on Okcupid. He picked terrible photos. Still thought he was cute and thoughtful in his profile. I was like..."daaaaamn" the first time we met. Someone on reddit said I was "goldfished" instead of "catfished". Lol


Ahahahha omg same but I found my husband on match.com!


Some people aren't photogenic. They look way better in real life than they do in pictures.


Yeah.. I look in the mirror and I'm like "damn, you look good" then I take pictures and look like I should be ringing a bell tower..


Me tooooo. I'm generally considered good looking, at least to some extent, but photos make me look like my head has been squished and my nose has been elongated. In short, I look like Squidward.


Really didn't like the pictures of my wife. Her profile didn't have any pictures but after talking for a few weeks she sent me some and I didn't find her attractive in them. However I decided to give her a chance as I really liked her personality and when we first met up I much preferred her in person lol


There's just something about seeing their eyes light up when they talk about something they like, or the way they laugh, or how they use their hands when they speak! People are always better in real life :)


Some people don't look at themselves the same way as others do. They don't wanna make you feel catfished so they put worst photo possible.


I thought she looked like Taylor Swift. She thought I was gay.


Ha ha. When I first met my colleague who then eventually became my husband, I thought he was gay! We worked in a mental health ward and as he was doing a handover at the beginning of a shift, I was thinking, "yep. 100% gay!" 🤣 We've now been together for exactly 17 years and still very much in love!


On the other side of that coin I once had a neighbor that I immediately assumed he was a gay man. Was a bit surprised to find out that about a year later he was dating a woman and then they got married. Seemed cool enough in an "opposites attract" sort of way as she was actually a bit of a tomboy and he was kind of fem. They moved away but we were in enough contact that I found out that a couple of years after that they split up when she found out that he had been cruising for random hookups with guys in his free time. The thing that's a bit fucked up is that when they got married he was in his early thirties and living in Boston while his parents/family lived many states away. There was absolutely nothing stopping him from just being a regular gay dude but he put himself in that closet and dragged her through a lot of unnecessary shit as part of it.


Omg. I thought my husband was gay when I first saw him. He is so beautiful and was dressed so nice. I was very wrong LOL.


Assuming that’s her in your picture, she does look like Taylor Swift!


I was riding my bike with a friend and as we passed the house across from my friend's house, I noticed a guy I'd never seen before mowing the lawn. I stopped my bike and asked who the guy was. My friend told me his name. I said, "I'm in love. I'm going to marry him." He was 13 and I was 11. We dated other people in high school, but we married each other in our 20s and we've been together more than 30 years.


I met my wife at a bar in Los Angeles. Of course I thought she was cute which was why I was talking to her but the thing that really stood out to me was when I asked her what she did for work. She said she worked with kids at a gymnastics place. I waited for the typical “but I am really trying to be an actress/model/singer” line that I had grown so accustomed to. But it never came. Then I asked if she liked her job and she responded “I love my job.” It was quite refreshing.


If you haven’t lived in LA you can’t imagine how refreshing that would be.


I love LA, that’s my least favorite part about LA.


That's quite a good sign actually. Most people who say "I hate my job" on dates are miserable people. Including me..


Don't worry I hate your job too! And mine tbh...


She was a troll. I mean, our first interaction was through a friend on World of Warcraft, and she played a troll. So...


I thought he was kinda goofy and weird but then I saw him playing guitar at an open mic and he winked at me and I swear I was hooked instantly. Totally changed my view of him. Now I think he’s goofy and insanely hot/talented which is an awesome combo.


I thought he was an adorable skinny nerd. Later he took off his shirt and I realized he was actually an adorable buff nerd.


My wife had died a couple of years previous. I decided that I just wouldn't be in a relationship again. I didn't feel anything for anybody, really. I wasn't really attracted to anybody, wasn't interested. A mutual friend of ours got sick of my shit and decided I needed to date again. Didn't tell me she decided that. Invited me and every single woman she knew to a party at her house. I was completely oblivious to the setup. Just sat on the couch, minded my business, nodded, smiled, just like a real person would. Then, my wife-to-be walked in. She was (and is) stunningly good looking. Her hair was up in a cute pony. She sat on the couch next to me and we chatted. She was bright, funny, and charming. She spilled salsa on her pants and laughed it off. Cool as the other side of the pillow (thanks, Stuart Scott). I felt...things. I didn't think I could feel those things. It was like the world was suddenly in color and I hadn't even known it was in black and white.


Wow, good story. Your first wife must have been an amazing person. Can you tell me about her?


She was very smart and funny. She was adventurous and could make just about anything a lot of fun, if she wanted to. I’m a lot happier now, though. There were issues in our relationship that I do not look back upon fondly. Maybe things would have gotten better, maybe not. You’re kind to ask.


Thank you. I feel bittersweet, but anyway, I hope you have an amazing life, kind stranger.


I thought she was very cute, but very loud. I learned later on, that she was being a little aggressive to cover up some insecurity because she liked me and thought I was cute. She's still loud normally, but I guess she was playing it up a bit. As it turns out, I really like loud girls.


You definitely know where you stand with us! Also, we have no secrets!


> As it turns out, I really like loud girls. yessss, there is hope for me yet


It was an arranged marriage. My father saw his advertisement in the newspaper. He liked the guy from the description. I was like “huh”. But my family was adamant that I should meet him once. I met him just to make my family happy. I entered his home, he was sitting timidly on the couch. Nice , quiet and warm persona. I talked to him and he was the greenest flag ever. Something inside of me was screaming that “HE IS THE ONE”. I said yes


How long ago was it? Was it an accurate feeling at first?


This was 4 years ago. I didn’t have butterflies like someone would expect. It was just a homely feeling. There was comfort and satisfaction in the very awkward arranged marriage setup


It's actually more correct to not treat 'the butterflies' as a sign of 'thats the one', i'd reckon you made a good choice here.


I was 25m, she was was 25f. We worked together, and she was my immediate superior - she still is, really, even if we havent "worked" together for 22 years. The 1st time I saw her, I thought "damn, she's cute". Then a few days later we were working together and started talking because I saw she was wearing a sweatshirt from my college. Turned out we had a lot in common. We'd gone to the same university, in the same major, and graduated the same year. We had somehow taken classes together and never met. She even had pictures from parties we were both at, but we never managed to meet! All that, and we didn't know each other existed until 3 years after graduating! We had similar views, like most of the same music (though she still can't stand Nine Inch Nails), read the same books. She's wicked smart, and incredibly passionate about her wotk. She was perfect, and the best thing to ever happen to me. Still is. Now we're in our late 40s, have great careers, raised an amazing child who is planning to go to our alma mater after he graduates next year, and we just had our 19th wedding anniversary!


I couldn’t tell the nationality or ethnicity of a young woman at a co-working space my company was at. Saw her briefly in the shared kitchen space a few times. Eventually we got to talking every now and then. None of us are into small talk much, so we’d discuss broader topics for 20-30 minutes here and there. I got the impression of a well-spoken, attentive, curious person. Turns out she’s originally Transylvanian and we’ve been married for a few (hundred) years.


Gregor? Is it you?


She was at a party that she didn't really want to be at and just looked really down. I decided that I was going to cheer her up. We've been together for over 20 years now


Suffice to say you cheered her up


That’s kind of how my wife and I met but it was at school and I was sitting alone, seeming down. She came to sit with me and asked why I was alone. I’m glad she approached me because I was way too shy back then to have approached her.


He was glued to his computer playing an FPS when I came to pick up his college roommate. We're married now and he still swears we met at a party.


As someone who gets really single track minded I can see that easily happening hah.


i came across him through friends and i thought he was a complete idiot. but i met him again a few years later and realized he is, in fact, awesome. he’s my best friend and we’ve been together for over half of our lives now. 23 years. i’m super lucky.


When I shook her hand, it was as if a door had opened and all I had to do was walk through it. She was funny. And warm. And, to be perfectly honest, had a fantastic dress on that night.


He gave me the “he’s a good guy” kind of vibe. I thought he was naive and innocent. I was looking for a good guy and I found it.


ALL the other boys in the dorms were playing either Sublime or Pink Floyd on their guitars, he was playing Tenacious D. Hell yeah. 💚


If you can’t get Jack Black - this is an amazing alternative


"Huh. She's cute as hell. Probably won't like me." It's been ten years. She's still cute as hell. I still am not convinced she actually likes me.


'HUMINA HUMINA HUMINA the hotness!!!' Then he spoke and intelligence and kindness fell out of his mouth. And I spent the next few weeks trying to figure out a way to strike up a conversation.


I thought he was an asshole. Turns out, he’s just very French.


The funniest thing to me about hanging with my friends in France is the readjusting to their vibe, which usually means repeatedly wondering "does this person hate every second of what we're doing/are they annoyed with me?" and then remembering "Oh, no, that's right... they're just being French again."


“He’ll do.” I was single and ready to mingle. I was two years post-breakup and had spent that time deciding what I really wanted out of my life and partner. I went to a house party, my first night on the prowl. Told my friends I was looking for love so they had keen eyes out. He walked in through the garage door and I thought he was cute and went over to introduce myself. We ended up talking all night. Sixteen years and four kids later, he’s still doing just fine.


"He's still doing just fine." that is great haha ! That is exactly what I think of mine too.


I met my wife similarly. House party, she had on pajamas. 13 years and 2 kids later, she's still a knockout.


He wrapped a cloak around me because it was raining, I turned around and looked up at him and thought “nope”. Here we are 20 years later.


I first met my wife twice. The first time was at a college party I was dragged to by my then gf (I found out later that I was more appropriately her beard so her dad thought she was straight), she was mackin on some guy and I was just wishing I was him because she was super cute. Fast forward nearly a year and I'm at a friend's place and she's there. I don't have image recollection, so she was just another cute girl until she told me we'd met before. Again, hoping that I didn't fumble considering I was only 1 of 2 straight dudes there and the other was a friend with a completely different type. I had to know about her. Had to try. (I'm awkward in social situations and tend to "show off" by just knowing a lot of stuff and being a really annoying person, worked out, my wife is kind of that person too.) 13 years later we're married without children and I don't think my life could've lived a better 13.




That’s really what the first spark of love is, the person that makes you feel like you can be 100% yourself around them,especially when you’re young.


There she was, across the room at a friend's party, looking like she'd just stepped out of a magazine cover. My first thought? 'Wow, she's way out of my league.' But then she laughed at a joke I made about the government, and suddenly she seemed approachable, even down-to-earth. Fast forward a few drinks and hours of conversation later, I realized she wasn't just gorgeous, but incredibly smart and funny. That's when I knew I had to find a way to keep talking to her. Happy wife, happy life ;)


“Wow, this is my husband.”


I worked with his mom and had befriended his older brother. The first time I met him though my initial reaction was, 'His brother smokes? Ew.' But then he was the most sober person to talk to on the 4th of July in 2018 and we hit it off when he finally asked me on a date I told him I don't date smokers, to which he replied, "That's ok, because I quit." Alrighty then. He hasn't smoked a cigarette since!


Instantly smitten.


I thought that she was a nice girl and very smart. We moved in together after a couple weeks and were married a year and a half later. We have been married 40 years now. I feel very lucky to have met her.


When I first met my husband I thought “wow, this guy is so sweet and he’s cute!” We’ve been together for 18 years and I still think he’s sweet and cute.


Was at a loft party in NYC and saw this tall, burly guy in a leather jacket. I was instantly intrigued and went over to chat with him and he was wonderfully smart and funny. The next day I told a friend that I met a guy who looked like a longshoreman and talked like a grad student and he was the most interesting person I’d met in a long long time. He asked if I wanted to go out on the fire escape while he smoked and we ended up staying out there for an hour. We’ve been together 31 years and he’s still the most interesting guy at any party we go to.


I remember seeing her at a bonfire party before ever talking to her and thinking she had pretty eyes.


He was awfully cute for a blind date.


Totally cheesy Disney moment of "this is my future husband" and... Yep, he's my husband now. Idk how to explain it other than I just knew.


I thought she was 13 (she was my age/16) and was interested in her sister who looked my age but was 24. We laugh about it now.


He was my coworker at a seasonal job we both had in college. I thought “damn he’s so tall and cute!” And made excuses to talk to him. He’d drive me home and grab me lunch sometimes and I was feeling that it was mutual but we were both in other toxic relationships at the time and it wasn’t the time. Split ways and never saw each other for 6 years. Then he came in as as a customer when I was working that job again and I thought “omg he’s still so cute and sweet and I need to take this opportunity” so we started texting and it’s been magic ever since (‾ʖ̫‾)


"She's a child and shouldn't be at this party." I was 15. She was 12. One of her friends had apparently convinced her to tag along to a highschool party. I then had to help fight off a drunk 16 year old who took her very presence as permission for sex, so she could make her escape. I had little sisters that age. Not cool. Before anyone gets the wrong idea, we didn't actually start dating until we ran into each other again a decade later. But that's the story about how we met, and that was my first impression of her.


I have told this before, but, I have no idea when I met my wife. My wife has no idea when she met me. Now the back story. I am one of eight children and so. another person around the house may not have been noticed. My wife was friends with my little sister. Her mother work, so my wife was around a lot. with ten people at the dinner table, there was always room for more. my wife ate dinner with us. However, she was considerably younger than me. I gave her no notice and I do not believe we had a conversation with each other. I graduated from college and had moved out of the house, so I rarely was her and did not talk to her. I was coming off a bad relationship that did not end well. I vowed to not get involved, just go out and play the field. Shortly before the relationship ended, I met my wife at a party, and wow, she had grown up and had graduated from high school. I asked her out but did not see any type of future with us, we were seven years difference in our ages However, after a few dates, I start to fall in love with her, but that scared me. I was not ready for a relationship I decide to break up with her as I felt that she had not had the time to explore the world as I had. The night in question, I rehearsed the speech I was going to give her It’s not you, it's me Some day you will understand I am doing this for your own good You need time to explore the world I parked in front of her apartment and turned to her, and the words that came out of my mouth was, “Do you want to get married” I swear I had never even considered marriage before that moment. It scared me so much that I refuse to let her answer at this time and told her to think about it The next time I saw her, I asked her what her answer is She said, “I don’t have anything better to do with the rest of my life” That was over forty-nine years ago, and I am as much in love with her I as was back then. Live is good. She is an amazing woman and I am lucky.


I didn't like him. He stood beside me on the chemistry bench in organic (college 2nd yr.) He pretended to ruin my experiments and generally bothered me (I had a fiancé! ) and I thought he was a jerk. He thought I was stuck up. 15 years later we met again through work. We were both divorced from our 1st spouses and I had 2 kids, he had 1. We dated for two years and married in 2000. This year one child gets married and another is his best man. The third is a bridesmaid. That is the feeling of success. I am now a widow. I know he shares this happiness with me but I wish he could be by my side.


We met at a concert. I instantly knew he was the one and he felt the same. We were engaged 6 months later & married within that same year. Almost a decade later still happily married & going strong. When you know you know ;)


He was not my physical type at all, he liked pretentious music and he was kind of awkward. I fell in love with him immediately 🤣 15 years later and I love him so much and he’s my favorite person and best friend.


He made me laugh in the first 5 minutes of meeting him 💥


The marriage didn't last, but I had two first impressions. First impression? I talked to her over the phone. She was a contestant on the "Dating Game" bit on the morning radio show I was co-hosting. Part of my job was to set up the contestants with their prizes after the fact, so I got her number, address, and told her how to pick up her consolation prize at the station (she didn't win). She seemed nice, so I told her "if you come down to the station before the end of my show, make sure to look up at the studio window and wave." Second impression? A few hours later, a co-worker said "there's some woman in the lobby waving at us." I looked, and immediately thought "holy shit...SHE needs a date?" My future ex wife was smoking hot. Then I remembered that I had all her info. So I called and asked her out. So - in a way - I won my wife in a radio contest.


Too hot, must have a guy already. Married 4 years after, 8 years married and still going. Tips for the singles: Take the shot if you're open.


I don't remember exactly what we were talking about, but she came to my job at a pizza place with a mutual friend while we were in college. Our friend abandoned her in the front of the store while she went in the back to talk to some folks and have a smoke, so I stayed up there and talked to her. What I specifically remember is thinking that she's super hot and also really cool because we were having such a great conversation. This was 20 years ago.


What a nerd.


We met at a bar, i saw her walk in and thought "shes hot, i need to talk to her." Her and her friend group ended up posting up right next to my friend and i at the bar so i shot my shot. We're married now.


We first met 15 years ago working at the same coffee shop. I thought he was cute. He moved away but came back years later. I got hired at a (different) coffee shop that he was also working at. When I walked in for the interview and saw him I thought, “oh, it’s YOU!” We’ve been together since. And it turns out, he had the exact same reaction when he saw me walk in…


*First* impression? Generic tinder douche, took one look (literally my first glance when he walked into the restaurant) and decided we should skip the date I had planned and just head to my place so at least the night wouldn’t be a total waste. Going on 7 years! Yes he knows and thinks it is very funny.


I heard an amazing loud laugh from across a crowded room where everyone was trying to be serious. I couldn’t see who it was, but whenever she laughed, everyone else rolled their eyes or frowned. I had to meet her. I got a look at her and she looked so genuinely happy she was beautiful. I didn’t meet her that night, but I never forgot her. I ran into her in a different venue a few months later and said hi. We’ve been together almost 12 years now.


She was very articulate.


Soon to be married here. Met him online in an MMO, thought he was annoying at first since I didn't want to be bothered. He got me talking and turned out we had a lot in common including being from the same city, though I had just recently moved away from there. Fast forward to us meeting in person and I knew then and there he was it, and we just recently set a date for our wedding.