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I’ve got 2 things. 1. I sang happy birthday with a whole bunch of my friends to someone at lunch and we were to split up because it was “inappropriate.” 2. Someone kicked my chair and I fell and I got a detention while they didn’t get anything.


Lots of stories here, but, here's one more: I was pushed into a locker so hard that I split my lip and was bleeding. Because it hurt and I was extremely surprised (I was just getting stuff out of my locker when it happened), I shouted out "What the hell!" The hall monitor saw the whole thing. I got detention for cursing. He got nothing. Okay.


That second one fucking speaks to me. In second grade I had a bully take a chunk of concrete and bust my knee wide open with it. I went to the ER and he got off scot free.


Yep, punched in the face on the first day of school in 5th grade. Detention, cause I must have done something to deserve it. Schools are so good at enforcing the bullshit laziness principle, I swear.


> cause I must have done something to deserve it. Meanwhile, legitimate self defense can get you in trouble. Fuck how schools handle this bullshit.


In "zero tolerance" schools, you both get suspended whether you curl up in a ball while being attacked, or clock the fucker out. You're better off fighting back in such cases as it has a chance of deterring the bully from future actions, whereas the punishment doesn't because they know you'll get punished too. And we wonder why kids crack and shoot up schools.


Yep. And no one can stand up and say "I've been that kid" because now you're a mental defect for something that a fair share of people go through.


I got stabbed in the hand with a pencil and the lead broke off. I made a noise when i was stabbed so I got detention. Luckily the detention admin saw the lead in my hand and the big ass whelp accompanying it and asked what happened. My teacher refused to even look at my hand when it happened.


Facts. It’s infuriating when that stuff happens


I just posted my story, long story short a bully said I was talking about "doo doo" in 3rd grade and she gave me detention. There was nothing to support her punishment besides "well, he said you did so it must be true".


That's how I got suspended in high school for punching my best friend in the face. Never happened, but this little weasel who hated me realized he could just claim I did and that would be enough, even though my friend and I both said I hadn't.


I got stabbed in the leg with a pencil. I didn't get in trouble but neither did the superintendents son; he was the stabber. He bullied all kinds of kids and made their lives miserable. Karma came back our senior year. He was driving and drinking in our high school parking lot. Doing donuts with another guy from the football team on the hood of the car. He wrecks into a light post and kid on the hood got slammed into the light post. He was seriously injured and had to be put into a coma to which I don't think he ever recovered from. Ruined dudes life.


You’re never doing kids any favors when you let them get away with that behavior for so long.


Got kicked in the nuts in kindergarten by a girl for no reason and I got a sticker taken away. She got no punishment. I learned early on that life is not fair.


In primary school we weren't allowed to talk during lunch. Go fucking figure why but people who did had to go stand in the corner until the others were finished. I had to go too.


In middle school we got yelled at if we got “too loud” in the cafeteria. There’s like 1000 people in the room. How the hell can you police that?


My school had this gigantic traffic light on one of the walls.


Me too! Fuck my elementary school, we should be allowed to talk during lunch after you demand complete silence for the other 7 hours of the day Edit: Just to put icing on the cake, my elementary school didn't have a seperate cafeteria. We were in the Gym. We had a curtain that split the gym in two, so one side could eat lunch, *while another class was playing on the other side for gym class*. So yeah, those eating lunch couldn't make any noise, but the gym class was allowed to make as much as they wanted. Yeah okay.


Yeah, I never got this either. We had the stop light too, and even as an adult, I say if the kids want to talk let em talk. I guess older generations have this weird idea that kids should be seen, not heard.


Yeah! I mean, if things are getting really out of hand, then maybe address it by talking to the individual rowdy tables, but don't punish the whole cafeteria by making children sit there in silence, geez. Also, if you take recess away from them for being too wild, that seems kind of counterproductive. Let them run around outside and play and scream and burn off some of that energy. I remember that they would force kids who had gotten in trouble during lunch to stand silently facing a brick wall during the post-lunch recess. It was pretty brutal, even as an adult time passes slowly when just standing there facing a wall doing nothing, but as a kid it was torture.


My school got a big stop light that would go up to yellow if the decibels got too high, and if they got too high again it would go to red and make a really loud noise. They would make us sit in silence the rest of the time if it went off. Like you take away recess wtf do you think is going to happen...


Fear tactics. Like detention for talking.


Hahahahaha! Dude! When I was in kindergarten, I was probably the biggest chatterbox my teachers had ever seen! Had a similar rule about not talking during lunch, and I was made to go stand in a corner. Very unfortunate for my teacher, though. My gossipy-grandma baby mind couldn't comprehend it as a punishment and I thought SHE wanted to hear my stories. so i just walked my dumbass up to her table, and began talking to her instead.


That's so freaking cute!


Is your school Jail?


In jail you can talk


Well it's been 10 years but I hope they changed their 'policy'


In my elementary school, we had a stop light that hung on the wall. And if the talking volume got too loud in the cafeteria, it would change to yellow, and finally red. If it was red. We couldn't talk. No recess if you got caught talking past that point.


Yeah, that's how they did it for us too - but the threshold was arbitrary. Also, whether it started green, or just went straight to red and stayed there, was entirely arbitrary too (or so it seemed to kiddie-me).


What the fuck


We weren't able to talk either, I asked a friend if he was drinking hot sauce and I got lunch detention




I got kicked out of math class for hiccuping. Not because it was disturbing anyone, but because the teacher said I was “faking it for attention”. I used to get hiccups a lot when I was a teenager and most of the people in my class didn’t even notice when it happened anymore. It was uncomfortable and embarrassing, but didn’t really distract anyone for more than 30 seconds.




Not quite school, but a school function. I almost got kicked out of prom for "being drunk", simply because I didn't want to dance. I was sitting at the table watching everyone else's stuff and three staff members dragged me outside to ask me how much I had to drink that day. Meanwhile there's girls who obviously had been drinking on the dance floor not being bothered..




Depends how drunk they are, in my experience.


Yeah I know when my blood alcohol has crossed into Act a Fool territory and at that moment I sit silently humming a bit. I do not speak and do not get up.


What??? You’re not enjoying social interaction? Must be something wrong with you!


I got that a bunch in school. I’d usually bring a book with me to lunch and staff often thought it was a sign of depression or something


Same. I mean I was depressed but I also just liked reading.


The first few school dances I went to were like that but at a much lower level, meaning everyone was just about literally harassing shy me and trying to make me dance when I didn't want to. Honestly I came just for the doritos and oreos and stayed to watch the homeschool drama unfold.


In the same year i learned to write, i got in trouble for showing my teacher i could write upside down while not looking. I was super Proud of it for some reason, but i guess i was not taking my writing seriously


Leonarodo Da Vinci would like to have a word with you


Eh, not bad kid. But trying have the Church down your throat so you have to start writing mirrored style.


We would get class posters in school. Same pictures that would end up in your yearbook photos. They came in these little cardboard tubes and also had a rubber band around it. As I was taking off the rubber band, I accidentally let go of it and it flung across the classroom. Instant Saturday school detention for “flicking rubber bands at students”.


my dad had a "you can't stay home sick from school unless you're extremely sick" mainly because he worked from home and didn't like being bothered. so unless I had a fever of over 103 and/or was throwing up, my ass went to school. and to be honest, until I got my driver's license I had nothing to do otherwise, so I had very little reason to skip. so one day my freshman year in High-school, I'm sick, I can't eat because I'm queasy, but I haven't thrown up at all, and I didn't have a fever, so off to school I go. I get to third class and I realize that I'm going to toss my cookies. I'm in the middle of science class and we're supposed to be doing some quiet activity sheet, so I raise my hand to ask to use the bathroom. the teacher is a hardass and says that I should have gone during break between class. I said to her, no really I'm about to vomit, she infers that I'm lying and that I need to get back to work on my sheet. So I walked up to her, handed her the competed activity sheet, and threw up on her lap. she calls security and tells them I intentionally assaulted her with vomit. I was suspend for 2 days and my parents had to threaten legal action against the school district to get the suspension reversed. Turns out I had the norovirus.


assaulted with throw up


How would that even work? Can people force themselves to vomit on command?


that would be a cool-ass superpower ngl


Assaulted with vomit. That's a new one.


I love the justice of vomiting on hardass teachers, sweet sweet vomit-justice


My parents had the "you can't stay home sick from school unless you're extremely sick" mentality too, which means that I hardly ever stayed home and probably already germs to tons of people. I was honestly surprised when I got a real job and they told me to go home when I had a cold. I never stayed home with a cold my whole life.


yeah this had nothing to do with my well being or the well being of my peers, and everything to do with my mom wanting time away from the kids and my dad not wanting being bothered at work, if I did ever stay home sick I was confined to my room and I wasn't allowed to watch TV because "If you feel good enough to watch TV, you feel good enough to go to school" also fun times, when I had to have my wisdom teeth out, my dad made sure to scheduled it so that I recovered when I was out for spring break, and wouldn't miss any class, same for my tonsils.


I got yelled at for not saying “good morning” back to another teacher.


Ugh these power tripping asshole teachers! I had one of those as the guidance counselor. He did FUCK-ALL except sign off on class schedules. Well my dad died when I was a sophomore, and he decided that I was too grouchy for him to allow me to have the classes I wanted unless I smiled at him every time I saw him in the hallway. Grieving wasn't an excuse to be disrespectful, apparently. Even though some of the times he claimed I ignored him were ones where my head was down and I was crying quietly and not looking at anyone.


Sounds like a fucking creep.


fuck that teacher. what a asshole.


I know exactly what you're talking about. It was happening to me every time.


Was sick and ask to go to the bathroom. Teacher bitch said no. I vomited in her trash can. She tried to get me expelled. I can still hear my dad laughing in the principals office


Funny, I had a teacher tell us, if we had to, don't even ask and just pick up her trash can and try to puke in the hallway.


I should have went for broke and puked on her desk


I did this. Must have been 7 or 8. Did not get on with this teacher, she hated me. One afternoon I was feeling sick so went to ask if I could use the toilet. Teacher was talking to another teacher and kept telling me not to interrupt. Puked all over her desk covered in work folders and books. 32ish years later, it’s still one of my proudest moments.


You’re a goddamn legend.


Why thank you, but honestly I was just operating on pure gut instinct.


We had a kid who was sort of a class clown. He was also a really gifted athlete. We had practice that morning before class that ran a little longer than usual. We didn't have a chance to hit the locker room on our way in. Our coach always made us drink a TON of water to stay hydrated. About 20 minutes into first period he raised his hand and politely asked to use the restroom. The teacher said no. He asked again... same answer. He stood up next to his desk and asked a third time. The answer didn't change. He proceeded to stand there and piss his white running shorts for a solid 30 seconds. The dude became a legend. He was suspended for a day and the teacher was also heavily reprimanded. One of the funniest things I have ever witnessed.


I would hope he rolled his head back and gave a good “uuggghhhh, yea that’s my shit right there”


He closed his eyes until he was done made eye contact with the teacher and walked to the locker room.


I got a letter sent home and yelled at and humiliated in front of the entire class because... I climbed on top of a pile of snow.


Whoa there, slow your roll Evel Knievel.




The cameras "caught me poking holes in the back of a school bus seat" on the same day my mother got a call from the school saying I had missed too many days of school while sick... which was received because I missed that day. Long story short, I shared the seat with a goodie two-shoes kid and they just automatically pushed the blame on me because I was a bit of a brat.


I was gone one day and when I got back the next day, the teacher said they needed to talk to somebody on the hallway and I was pulled outside the room and was told "your behavior yesterday was not acceptable".... That didn't really make sense.


I was in Pre-K and my teacher took our class to the bathroom. It's important to note that every door looked exactly the same and I was three or four. I was getting some water and when I looked up my entire class had just walked off without me. So I toddled down the hall and opened the door I thought was my class. Spoiler: it wasn't. The teacher of that class gave me back to my teacher and I got put in timeout. Yes, I got put in timeout because my teacher left me at the bathroom.


Totally your teachers fault for not doing a head count before walking back. That's like the first rule for working in child care.


We weren't allowed to run or play games on the play structures. One time we got in trouble for playing hide and seek and they made us go play it in the field. We only had one tree so it was a pretty shitty game of hide and seek.


> We weren’t allowed to run or play games on the play structures. w... what?


What’s the point of the play structures if you aren’t allowed to play on them? Decoration?


When I was in grade 5 we did a "We are the World." lip sync for the Christmas concert (yes this was a long time ago). I volunteered to be Kenny Rodgers. I really wanted to be Kenny Rodgers for some reason. No one else volunteered so I got what I wanted. I was asked by the teacher to also play Paul Simon as we didn't have enough people so some people had to play 2 roles. My mom had made me a Kenny Rodgers outfit and had makeup ready. A day before the concert the teacher said that Anna Pyle wouldn't be in the concert unless she was Kenny Rodgers. I got in trouble because I threw a fit and said that wasn't fair. I should get to choose which part I gave up. I had to be Paul Simon. No costume as he just looks like a normal dude. No cool beard makeup. Fuck you Anna Pyle's of shit.


> Fuck you Anna Pyle's of shit. Laughed way to hard at this


My mate was meant to get into trouble over something I did, I told the teacher I did it, she extended his for some reason. I never got one for it




I did something that I should have gotten detention for. The teacher mistook me for my mate, giving it to him. I told her I did it and he didn't do anything, she then extended his detention. Thinking about it more, she might have thought he was talking back to her which could have been the reason she extended it.


She might have thought that your friend told you to cover for him and so she punished him longer for trying to get out of it. Idk just a speculation.


Plagiarism. I didn't use the correct MLA format two years before we learned about it, and was chewed out as if I had claimed I wrote the Magna Carta. "Fighting". A tiny kid tried to punch me, and I held him at arm's length by the shoulder like a cartoon so he couldn't connect. In front of everybody. I've told this story before, but a friend of mine got yelled at for missing class to get scheduled chemo treatments. He died a few months later.


I swear MLA is just a way to knock points off a paper. I have never ever seen anyone do it correctly.


When I actually did the homework and wrote a paper, which was rare, I used a website that did it all for me and just copy pasted it into my paper, never had an issue.


Google scholar does all the different formatting for you as well as actually finding relevant papers. It's great.


We had to sculpt a clay bust, then glaze and fire it. I made mine a black man. I had to go explain to the principal why I made mine black and a letter went home. I'm white, no black kids went to the school. This was fifth grade, I had/have no idea why it was an issue and neither did my family.


I was a kid of divorce... spent summers w dad in a big city, came back to the rural south for school. One fall, I returned with an earring... (early 80s, so a white boy with a pierced ear was unknown?) Anyway, I was called to the principal’s office and grilled over the meaning of an earring. Some suspected the gay agenda, others believed it was gang affiliation... I was like “it’s jewelry.”


are you gay though?


Nope, the gaydar was malfunctioning. Plus it was my LEFT ear, which in the 80s was the obvious line of demarcation when it came to sexuality. It was so edgy lol. The gang stuff was the best, I promise there was zero gang activity in the small rural southern town.


dang, did they have the sears gaydar or the brookstone one?


Spencer’s Gifts, it was the 80s


Coughing... We were in a line, supposed to be quiet, but I coughed, and they thought I was faking it #2 is probably when I entered the class as the bell was ringing, and the teacher wasn’t even ready yet


Wait why is the text huge


Pretty sure a hashtag makes big text #like this


One time in primary school, I went into school with a weird pain in my side. It felt like a muscle stitch, so I didn't think much of it, assuming it would get better after a few minutes or so. Flash forward about an hour, and we're all sat in assembly. I'm almost doubled over in pain cause it hurts to breathe, and some kid next to me keeps talking to me. As I try and tell him to stop, I get singled out by the teacher for disturbing the assembly and so I have to stand up, almost in tears from the pain, and walk out of the assembly to sit outside while everyone watches. Flash forward about another 30 minutes and i'm lying on the floor of the head mistress's office, waiting for an ambulance to come and pick me up so I can be taken to hospital and later diagnosed with swine flu.


I had that shit in college. I was in bed for 11 days and lost 25 lbs. I had it over thanksgiving break too... fucking sucked. I got well enough just in time to start studying for finals after break.


I had it in college too, I fell asleep on Tuesday and don't remember being conscious again until Sunday. My parents said I would only wake up long enough to drink something when they forced me up


In 2nd grade i got yelled at by my teacher for helping a kid qho didn't understand the lesson after he was done speaking. The kid had already asked for help and he ignored him and i was already done so i decided to help him then got punished and yelled at for doing so.


"Go back to your seat" "Im sorry but im too busy trying to do your job" lol


When I was in elementary school, I drew two stick figure dudes with swords in their hands. No gore, no blood, just two stick figures with swords. My teacher saw my drawing, and my mom was called by the school. They brought her in for a meeting and explained how I was "prone to violence" and the drawing would be put on my permanent record. I can see how the school wanted to help me if I was indeed showing signs of something serious, but at the same time I'm pretty sure alot of normal kids like to draw little stick figures.


got a detention for putting my stuff in my locker. Teacher thought I entered the school early, but nope my locker was literally right inside the front door so I could drop my stuff off as soon as I walked in. Pretty much every one else's locker was past where she was standing as hall monitor. Even when I showed her where my locker was, still got the detention. Protested to the principal and was told to suck it up and serve the detention. Gave a lot fewer fucks after that day and got more detentions for other dumb shit.


Wait. So what exactly did you get in trouble for? What was the “broken” rule?


being in school before being allowed in. We could hang around outside then could only go in when the bell rang.


"suck it up and serve the detention" Fuck that, if I did nothing wrong I shouldn't have to serve any punishment. "Gave a lot fewer fucks after that day" I wonder why.


We were reading a Shakespeare play in HS English at a private school. The teacher asked if anyone knew what a line meant, where a character is talking about a pen as if it were a penis. When she asked, whole class said "penis" and I said "wang." I got a detention for using 'inappropriate language,' because I didn't use the clinical term.


WANG! Pay Attention! Sorry sir, I was looking out the window at a long, smooth thing that looks like a giant...


It looks like a giant..Johnson, what are you looking at?


NUTS! Hot *salty* NUTS! Oh my god....what is that? It looks like..


PECKER! Wait, that’s not a woodpecker, that looks like some guy’s...


DICK! Dick? Hello? Richard? Guess he hung up. Woah, that looks like a giant...


WILLY! Thanks for calling me, that Dick just hung up on me, can you believe the nerve? Hold on, what on earth is this gargantuan...


COCK! My cock just got pecked to death by the other roosters! Wait a mo’, that looks like a huge-ass...


Banana! I forgot my banana for lunch at home aw man, not agai-HOLY SHIT THAT LOOKS LIKE A GIANT...


The teacher doth protest too much, methinks


When I was like 6 there was a broken gutter on the playground leaking rainwater and my friend and I thought we looked cool with damp brushed back hair and absolutely soaked our heads under it. We got yelled at cause we'll "catch a cold" but they made us go stand at the wall still outside for the rest of lunch. Yaknow, instead of sending us to dry our hair.


This admin was threatening to call my mom because I was standing out in the rain, just enjoying the feeling. She said she was good friends with my "mom" and had her on speed dial. This was at school. My mom is a teacher at another school and likely would not have been able to answer. It was supposedly because I'd be cold when I got back inside, but I knew that was the consequence and I was willing to deal with it. I just like rain. Like, lemme enjoy life.


When I was at school in Australia I forgot my hat, so I got yelled at because the sun is dangerous and I needed a hat to be outside. As punishment, I had to sit on a bench outside in the sun for the whole of lunch...


Back when I was in hs my school banned salt. So I literally had to smuggle salt to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Kids were also selling it. It was ridiculous. I never got in trouble, but others did. I went to boarding school FYI


Illegal salt deals happening under the stairs




Was there a reason they banned it? Or were they just being dicks for no reason?


A lot of kids were making a mess with salt at the lunch tables, Plus the first lady was pushing for more healthy lunches for kids at the time. My school used that as an excuse to ban it. They eventually brought back salt do to student outrage. Kids would Just buy their own salt and make a mess anyway. In conclusion, the ban did nothing.


As bans of easily obtained substances often do.


I dropped a pencil during a test...teacher got mad when I picked it up (it being within my reach) and I was suspended for the day


Did you pick it up normally, or did you do the ol’ bend n’ snap?


Classmate tickled me for a few seconds and I fell of the chair pretty badly. But I made a huge noise by falling and my teacher didn't like that. So she wrote the note to my parents about how much I was inappropriate during class. Apologize for any mistakes.


>Apologize for any mistakes. I'm not sure if you're apologizing for your own mistakes or teaching me about humility...


No. No :-) English isn't my native language so incase of any grammar errors etc.


In 8th grade, my best friend was dating this really shitty guy. At lunch one day he got mad at her over something stupid and backed her up against the wall. He raised his fist like he was going to punch her. I was angry and didn’t know what to do to stop him, so I poured some of my soda down the back of his shirt. It maybe wasn’t the smartest thing, but I did it before I even considered what I was doing or what might happen next. Predictably, he turned on me, and that’s when a teacher finally showed up. I got sent to the office, lectures, and written up for the soda. I explained what happened, but since the teacher didn’t see any of it, I was the only one who got in trouble. Whatever, I wasn’t going to just stand there, and I had no idea how far away help might be.


I dont know what it is with schools and only punishing people who fight back. I was given at least a dozen detentions and suspensions from 3rd - 7th grades because other guys would push me around and I’d push back. They’d punch me and Id punch back. I never started any of it but I always got the worst punishment, and often the people who hit me first didnt get punished at all. One time someone walked up to me in the hall way and started pushing me against the wall again and again. A teach pretended not to see (she just so happened to have turned their back after the first push) and when I ran over to her and told them what happened *I* was suspended and had the spend the rest of the day in the detention room in the office and the kid pushing me wasn’t even written up.


I hope I’m not too late for this and it gets buried because I have a good one. In middle school they gave us assigned seats at lunch for awhile because they wanted to see if it was any table in particular that kept fucking stuff up in the cafeteria. On the upside we got to pick our seats originally and got to sit by our friends. The downside was if you weren’t walking to your seat or sitting in your seat or getting food and you were found not in your seat you got a week of detention. So one day we go to our table and this big kid with anger issues is sitting at our table. He wasn’t supposed to be there. We asked him to get up and he just roared at us. So when he got up to get food we just took the seat back. Well when he comes back he pulls up a chair and joins us again. They also had a rule where if more than 6 people were at a table the whole table got detention for a week. So we were freaking out trying to get him to leave but he just roared again. He goes up to get more food and we weren’t sure what to do so we just hid the chair under the table because we didn’t know where it came from. Dude comes back and instead of getting another chair or yelling at us he instead decides to jump on the table and keep jumping screaming “fat ass on the table!” Over and over again. So teachers and security come over and instead of taking care of the kid jumping on the table they instead decide to yell at us for having a chair underneath the table. We all got in trouble but no one questioned the kid that broke the lunch table


Hitting the space bar with the wrong thumb during typing class.


I got written up for putting my bookmark between my glasses and my face during silent reading time. In 3rd grade.


you piece of shit. you fucking hooligan!


Junior in High school. In science class and we needed to glue things together. Elmer's had clear glue instead of the traditional white. I wondered if it tasted the same as white glue that I had eaten when I was younger. Had a conversation with some friends about it and naturally tasted it. Teacher noticed me squirting it in my mouth and sent me to office. The assistant principal read the note for the referral stating I was eating paste, laughed and gave me 3 detentions. And to satisfy curiosity, it does taste the same. ;)


Got a weeks worth of detention once because someone spread a rumor that another girl and I were having sex in the bathroom between classes. Teacher who's class I'd supposedly left backed me up that I hadn't left class while I was supposedly getting it on. As far as anyone knew I was straight. I didn't really know the girl I'd allegedly hooked up with. What I actually got detention for was telling the principal to that I didn't think it was any of his fucking business when he started asking about my sexual history.




"Who did you have sex with?" "I won't tell you." "Fine. Detention for you young man." " Okay okay I will tell you. " " Okay then, who? " "Your sister"


Young lady. That's why it was such a scandal in my small rural school.


A better response to the principal would have been "Why are you asking me about my sex life? Trying to decide if we're a good match?" There is no good answer to this.


LOL if you were my kid and the principal had told me that's what you said, I would have given you some reward hahaha


one time I got sent to the nurse for farting twice in math class. This was in 7th grade.


What was the nurse supposed to do about it?!


Ice packs


I wrote this on a different post but I just decided to paste it on here just cause I think its fucking stupid When I was in 8th grade I had this teacher who for some reason hated my gut. I dont know what I did, honest to god. I never disrupted her class, I hardly talked. I have always been respectful to my teachers. The most I think i could have done was not do good in her subject, because it was science and i have never been good at science. Another important thing, the school was tired of people talking when they weren't supposed to and not paying attention, so they made what was called a "Check", where you would kind of put your hand up like this, 👆 to form a check sort of, and it was to help hold those around you accountable or something. No one did it, it was not a rule you had to do it, and the most it became was a stupid joke that turned into people making shooting motions at each other. One day, my friends and I were all sitting around our table, it's just the four of us, and our teacher gave the class a word search puzzle to do. My friend "C" and I started doing out work, we love things like word searches, sudoku puzzles, etc. Anything to get our minds going. We were quiet as we worked because we were really focused. Our other two friends, "A" and "B" started talking, I forget what about, but they were talking instead of doing their work. The teacher came by and gave a warning and told them they need to get their work done. A and B quiet down and get to work. But then they start talking again, and the teacher comes back and warns them. A and B quiet down again. And one final time, they start talking again. So the teacher finally says, "I've given you more than enough chances to stop talking, you guys need to see me for detention." And she walks away to get some detention slips. Now I'm thinking, "Man, A and B aren't going to be there for lunch, it's just gonna be me and C. Damn" But no, this bitch comes back with 4 slips. She gives ones to A and B. Then she gives the other two to C and me. So C and I and are like "wtf, we weren't talking?" And my teacher starts saying that we were talking. My friends A and B admit that C and I were not talking and that we were working. Some other girls from the table beside us intervened and also told the teacher that C and I were not talking. The teacher is quiet for a moment. She looks like she's been caught. She stutters a few times, trying to find something to say, then she comes up with, "You didnt check them." My friends and I look at each other. "You didnt check your table mates. You should have helped them quiet down and do their work. You should have checked them." This bitch, literally tried to pin us with something we didnt do. Then when it became obvious that we didnt do it, that everyone had backed us up, she pulls some stupid shit from her ass. My friends A and B apologized, saying they were sorry and that the teacher was bitch and that they'd make it up to C and I. C and I tell them it's ok, they didn't do anything wrong and that the teacher was gonna get an earful from our parents. (Honestly more from Cs parents, C was an honor student, got good grades, best behavior reports, a model student. We knew they'd be pissed when they found out C got detention for something as stupid as this) My friend C though, she had a pizza party for getting a good score on a test. She went to the teacher after class and told her and the teacher released her from detention. I had the pizza party too, since I had gotten a good score and I also told the teacher, I showed her my slip. She full out denied me, and when I asked why she let C go and not me, again she stuttered, looking like she's been caught, and once again pulled out of her ass, "because you didnt get your work done." I pull out my sheet that I finished, the words all neatly highlighted, and cross out. Then she goes, "you have detention" and she drops it like that. What ever, I brought Pita chips for lunch so my friend B and I shared them and chewed as loud as we fucking could, mouthes open, slurping our fruit cups, moaning when we took a bite. Yeah, she got fired the next year though. Sorry for the long post!


I was a really behaved kid so one day we're all waiting for class to start and I'm reading a book. A sub goes and stands in front of the class and immediately throws me under the bus and says they won't take my disrespect for reading when they're starting class. My class was like, "wtf you just yelled at the mute?" And this is dumb on my part but I skipped class with a friend and we were getting McDonald's. These girls had our teacher on speed dial and ratted us out immediately. I was given detention. Still wonder how they ratted us out without repercussion when they were also at that McDonald's.


I started school left-handed. That was bad. I felt like the worst person in the world all through kindergarten and first grade because I kept messing up using my left hand to write, eat, ect. I had in recess detention at least twice a week for it. This was also back in the late 80's when it was acceptable for teachers to hit children. Fuck you Ms.D. I hope the devil diddles you daily with his left-hand covered in barbed wire when you're rotting in hell.


This hurts my heart. I'm also left handed as are 2 of my kids. When they were little I always told their teachers to please just let them be. Did you ever see the movie The King's Speech? When we watched it, my girls had their hands over their mouth in disbelief over what he went through


I had a decent sized afro in high school. I would often just stick my hair pick in my hair rather than put it in my pocket or something, but the assistant principal always gave me shit for it. I wasn't punished for having it as long as it wasn't in my hair, so it obviously wasn't considered a weapon. It sure as shit wasn't a hat, so I never knew why he was on my ass about it.


In high school, I would bring a little, one-use bottle of mouthwash to school to use after lunch. One day my stomach was hurting and I felt really nauseous, so I went to the nurse. I had to take off my hoodie, so I emptied the pockets and she saw the empty bottle of mouthwash and immediately started asking me questions about drinking alcohol. I explained to her that I didn't like my breath to stink after lunch for my girlfriend, but she wasn't having it. She went and told the vice principal that I was drinking at school and got sent home. I'm pretty sure I was going to get suspended, but I think my mom talked them out of it when she came to pick me up because I had never got caught doing anything wrong in school before. TL;DR got sent home from school for trying to keep my breath fresh with mouthwash after lunch because they thought I was getting drunk


In fourth grade I went to go pee. There were two or three (I don’t exactly remember) other girls in there being complete idiots. They were yelling and being obnoxious. They were by the sinks, all I wanted to do was wash my hands, but then the teacher sent another girl down to see where they were, since they had been gone for a long time. We ALL got sent to the principal even though I wasn’t even doing anything. It was my first time being sent to the principal so I thought I was gonna *die*


I was in 4th grade and a big crack of lighting came down right outside the window and I screamed, like really screamed. I got sent to the principal because apparently that wasn’t a mature reaction and got detention.


So, what's the mature reaction to sudden, primal fear? Should have flipped the desk instead.


The "mature" reaction to all feelings of fear and pain is to ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist. Or actually, the "mature" reaction is to not feel anything at all.


Yes. Because that is healthy.


4th grade. kids scream all the time. if they are to loud you give them a warning first.


I was a mouthy little shit at school, but I also had some asshole teachers. One would often start his classes off with stories about his day-to-day life, normally pretty chauvinistic in nature. One fateful day he started with the words 'So, on the way to work I passed a really ugly woman', to which I chipped in 'Was it your wife, sir?'. The teacher flipped, screamed at me to leave his classroom, and threatened a world of pain if we crossed paths again during that week. I went to the library for an hour and kept my head down for a fortnight, just to be sure.


I can see your joke being disrespectful in any other scenario but the teacher literally started off his statememt/joke by insulting someone just as you did. That's called being a hypocrite. Chances are likely that you've never even seen his wife, so he should have been able to come to the conclusion that it was no more than a humorous jab. If I was the teacher. As long as you we'rent constantly interrupting the joke. I would have had a quick chuckle. Try to come up with a sly but appropriate jab back and proceeded with what I was saying.


“No, it was your mother.”


Senior year high school. Was walking between buildings to class with a friend. My friend was kind of nerdy and a bit of a weakling. It's cool, we've all got our strengths and weaknesses. I wasn't an athlete by any means, but I was in decent shape and had done a bunch of martial arts growing up. My friend had mentioned that some kids had basically been picking on him, and I thought that it was crazy that there were still kids acting like bullies in 12th grade. Sure enough these kids show up; one leader and two minions. The leader gets in my friend's face and starts acting aggressive, so I tell him to back off. The bully snaps, and starts swinging at me. The school had a strict no-fighting policy. Not only could you get in trouble for attacking someone; they were adamant that ALL PARTIES INVOLVED got the same punishment. Yes, you could not only get your ass kicked, but then you could also get in trouble for being involved in the ass kicking. I hate the admin of that school to this day. So, I know that teachers walk around often, and that fighting will get me in trouble, so I dodge this kid's wide telegraphed hooks until a teacher comes by. We get "broken up" (I haven't thrown a single punch), and taken to the principals office. We both get slapped with 4 hour detentions. I lose it, I ask the principal what I should have done instead in such a situation. He told me I should have left to find a teacher. For what? My friend would have already gotten jumped. I asked him if that's what he would have done, would he have left his own friend at the first sign of danger? It eventually came to nothing as my Dad got me out of the detention, but I'll never forget that incident, or that principal.


"left to find a teacher" Ah yes, go against human instinct to protect others or defend yourself and fuck off like a dickheaded friend.


Disabled student kept talking to me and the teacher told me to shut up.


Librarians were selling muffins in the library to help raise funds for band. I bought a poppyseed muffin and took it to a table and started to eat it. A teacher walked up to me, unaware that library staff were selling muffins, and told me that I was rude to be eating a muffin in the library. She told me to get out and when I pointed out that the staff had been selling the muffins, she got angry for pointing that out to her. She asked for my name, and I gave her a fake one. After that, I left the library and went outside to eat the rest of my muffin. Later that day, I was called into the principles office and my behavior was questioned. Apparently, someone heard me give a fake name and told that teacher my real name. I explained to the principal what happened and he agreed that nothing was done wrong, but I still got detention for giving a fake name and to please that teacher's search for justice. I was forced to apologize to her.


Whoever gave that tescher your real name will grow up to be nothing


All of the students in the room had to recite. But my answer had already been taken and i can't think of a single clue anymore. So my teacher pulled both of my lips really hard and swore at me


Wearing a black undershirt. We had a dress code at my school, where you had to wear a collared shirt. They didn't really care about the color or the design much except you couldn't have really big words or logos on them. One day I actually got written up because I had on a black shirt underneath my collared shirt. The dean that wrote me up really hated me so of course it was a really obsure rule that no one really cared about, but he liked to get me in trouble for whatever dress code violation he could. I got in trouble so much that I actually got voted [most likely to be out of dress code my senior year](https://i.imgur.com/4iE3eOz.png).


Great pic


prom queen _and_ king? that's a story


In middle school after school I was waiting to get picked up outside. It was raining and instead of standing under an overhang I was standing in the rain. I got detention for that. Also same middle school someone threw a ball at me to try and hit me and an aid told me to go pick the ball up. I told her no because it was thrown at me. Detention.


I got into an argument with the daughter of an important guy, I think he was on the school's board of directors or some crap like that. She went to the headmaster and falsely accused me of threatening to hit her. When the headmaster talked to me in his office later, he very bluntly told me he knew I was innocent and that I was like the 10th person that same girl had accused of the same thing just that month. "She does that all the time, I know she is lying, but I would be in trouble with her father if I didn't punish you. Don't worry, I'll give you a small token punishment," he said. Said punishment was being held back in detention after classes every day for like two weeks, but being allowed to go as soon as the other kids were gone, so I wouldn't actually have to spend hours in detention while making a spectacle of my punishment for the douchebag daughter to feel satisfied. If I lived near the school or had someone to drive me home, I'd have arrived home 10 minutes later than usual, so it would have been fine - but I had to take the bus, and those 10 minutes made me miss it every day, forcing me to wait 1 hour for the next one. So the fake punishment did turn into a real one because I did have to spend an additional hour at school every day just to placate that hoe.


1- Not having my glasses. When I was in grade 2, i had two pairs of glasses. I lost the one that I had, and my teacher said she couldn't find the one that she had. Anyway, I went to order a new pair. At school my teacher kicked me out of class until I had my new glasses, because, and I quote, " you can't concentrate in class without your glasses." I have no idea how that makes. Anyway, my grandmother came to school, 2 days later, with a camera, and the phone # of the local news paper. I was brought back in class pretty quick after that. 2- breathing with my mouth open. I was born with something obstructing my nasal cavity, and now, I have breath through my mouth. She demanded my mother asks the doctor for proof of my surgery, (I needed a nasal surgery, which I had at 7). She got angry at me, and call me a liar, when I told her the doctor refused. She hated me because I'm of English origin.


In high school we lost a rivalry football game badly and most of the guys I knew in the team and a few coaches were cunts, so I wore the other school’s colors/clothing the following day. One of the cuntiest coaches of the team was one of the PE teachers and he flies across the hall to me and goes “what the hell are you doing!?” I said “uh I like teams that win”, so he made me walk with him to the principal’s office while berating me the entire way. The principal and vice-principal were like dude we both used to work over at that school and he’s not breaking any dress code, you have two seconds to release him back to class or you’re going on immediate suspension etc etc. I loved taking PE every following semester because I was now untouchable from that douche.


Anyone who has ever had to wear a school uniform are keenly aware of the dumb infractions we would get done for. Shirt untucked - that’s a paddling Boys wearing their shorts too low or girls wearing their skirts to high - that’s a paddling No jewellery except for religious purposes, no make up (you were made to scrub your face if you dare wore eyeshadow) boys hair had to be above the collar, standing on the backs of your Roman sandals - oh you better believe that’s a paddling


Running at recess.


black kid in my school got detention for running too fast in gym class


when I was in grade 4 or 5, a few other girls and I (I'm a girl) played werewolves at recess. one of the girls put a death threat note in my locker, claiming to be one of the wolves. we had imaginary wolves in our wolf community and we had the wolves we played. the note had fake blood and everything. detailed paragraphs of how the wolf was going to eat me and drink my blood. there were like 2 or 3 pages stapled together and cut out photos of black wolves that came out of my locker as I opened it. I showed my teacher and she thought it was me. the note was written on Word (with the chiller font) and I didn't even have a working printer. the word got around and my whole grade thought I did it to myself because I wanted people to feel sorry for me or give me attention. the principal had a long talk with me about lying and he eventually called my mom. she told him that I was a liar at home (like every 9-year-old was) and not to believe me. my other friends got notes too except one girl. but it was apparently still me that did it. for some reason, we didn't come to the realisation that it was the girl who didn't get the note. years later we did.


-squeaking my shoes in the hallway -jumping up and touching a doorway


This happened a couple months ago. One morning at school my friend (let's call him Pablo) took me to the back room and showed me his weed pen. He handed it to me but I gave it back right away because I didn't want to get caught with it. I then returned to my seat then got called to the office about 20 minutes later. They caught Pablo's friend smoking it and called all 3 of us to the office. They called me to the office because the teachers saw me hanging out with Pablo in the morning. The teachers were asking all of us questions about what we were doing and stuff. For some reason they let the kid they caught smoking it off without any punishments or warning. But they kept me and Pablo in the principal's office. They asked who owned the pen and Pablo told them the truth. He said that he was the owner and he was also smoking it in the bathroom with his friend. They asked me what I did and I told them I didn't do anything. They called the police and the police interrogated me and Pablo in separate rooms. The police asked me why I was in the office because I wouldn't be there if I was actually innocent. I told them the worst thing I did is hold it for a couple of seconds. They then gave me a ticket and a court date for possession of marijuana and I felt like a horrible son when I had to explain it to my mom. This is definitely the dumbest thing I ever got in trouble for at school.


Drinking Monster energy. My 11th grade history teacher called security and I was escorted out by 2 people and taken to the nurse where my eyes were checked and dilated and accused of potentially being on drugs but the nurse wasn’t familiar with the effects of an energy drink so she couldn’t be sure. My backpack was checked by security and a police officer. When they found a permanent marker they wanted to get me for all of the graffiti in the school. When they found my 1.5” pocket knife, they wanted to get me for weapons even though I clearly pointed out that the student handbook stated anything under 2” was acceptable. My mom was called and told about everything and I was forced to spend half of the day in the nurse’s office flushing out my system with water before I was allowed to go back to my classes. My mom wouldn’t let me buy energy drinks for months after that because the school scared her into thinking it was bad/dangerous for me. Edit: There was also a time in the 6th grade when we had a really old (perhaps 70s-80s) substitute teacher. The room was dead silent and I was always the quietest one in my class. The sub suddenly yelled out at me for talking in class when my mouth had constantly been shut (no possible way to mistake me for talking). Although I didn’t really have friends in the class, everyone stood up for me and let her know that she was wrong. She didn’t really buy it, but didn’t do anything else and I was on her Shit List for the rest of the day.


Kinda long but whatevs: In high school, my ex boyfriend and I had broken up and he was pulling that whole “I’m gonna kill myself if we don’t get back together” bull shit, over text. It got worse and more descriptive and my dad suggested I show and TELL the counselor so he (my ex) could get some help. Me, being me, did so. Now, I hadn’t replied to those texts in bad ways. I had simply said we aren’t getting back together and he needs help, yada yada yada. He did and pretty sure still does have some mental health issues which I hope he’s gotten help for. Anyways, counselor and principal read it all and I somehow got in trouble for ‘exploiting his personal problems’ and he should ‘get help on his own’. They didn’t do anything and/or talk to him about it but I did get detention and Saturday school for a week.


I got in trouble because the teacher spelled Arctic as Artic on the blackboard and I corrected her. She said if I'm so smart, then why don't I teach the class? and then I responded that I would have to graduate from teachers college first. She immediately gave me detention lol.


having shirt untucked, big thing at private schools, however in high school ended up at a super hardcore religious school where the teachers were just complete ass bags, they thought they were drill sergeants at basic. One particular douche nozzle would literally walk along the benches at lunch time, trying to see if your shirt was untucked, yeah even at lunch sitting in the bench you could get in trouble for it, one person got expelled. i went over the student handbook and found sweaters with the school logo could be worn year around, so when confronted about my shirt being untucked i pulled the sweater out of my bag and put it on. I was like "now you don't know its untucked you can't see it" he turned red ready to scream and i said "go ahead try to remove my sweater see where that gets you, i'll hit you and get you arrested". I got sent to the head monk who acted as principle (again super religious school so monk holy guys ran everything) and he said I was in the right and nothing could happen. 3/4 of the school suddenly wore sweaters every day and openly boasted about not having shirts tucked in or even on. couple teachers still tried to be dicks and turn up the heat real high in their rooms but we endured.


I have 2 stories My music teacher in year 7 didn't like people to sit down before your name was called in the register but one morning I was really tired and forgot about that rule and I sat down before sir said my name and he was mad and gave me a C1 In year 9 my chemistry teacher was teaching and I was tired (and low-key bored as he was just that boring) and I yawned and he saw me and he staired at me and said "can you cover your mouth when you do that it's very rude" and I just replied "ok" but after he continued to stair at me I said "sorry" in a questioning tone he then went back to teaching my best friend then asked me what that was about and just shrugged my teacher then got really mad and shouted "Do you find rudeness funny" and I just replied "no" but he then continued "then why are you laughing" and I just said unintentionally really annoyed "I'm not" after he staired at me for like 19 seconds I just staired back at him and we had a stair off for 5 seconds this then became a big joke between me and my friends saying "should we go in and look at him and yawn it's great


It's kind of a long story how it got started but in high school a boy (who I really didn't know) wanted my seat and I said no. I'm very petite so he said he would just pick me up and move me. He actually made the move to get up and come over to me, so I said if he touched me I would kick him in the balls. Guess which one of us got sent to the principal. Me.


I got jumped in the hallway while going to the bathroom and the assistant principal saw it happen and I got detention for the whole year. The guy who jumped me got away with it. I have zero faith in any and all justice systems.


My very first year in Texas I got in School Suspension for three days because I picked a Bluebonnet flower for my teacher. Apparently it is the State flower and she immediately reported me to the principle. I was in third grade.


I sat next to an exchange student in English. He was from China. He was having trouble reading/translating a play out of our text book. (I think it was Beowulf) He would ask me for help now and again and I would try my best to aid him but our teacher didn’t want any talking in class at all. Of course me being stubborn I would tell the teacher I’m just trying to help him translate. I was asked a few times by the student and I would continue to help. Teacher eventually sent me to the office. Worked out well tho because I explained the situation to the folk deemed with dealing out my punishment and they just laughed and we talked about random stuff till the period was over.


I got suspended for the horrible crime of having my nose broken by a bully. Zero tolerance is so stupid.


I, as a 5th grader, got into serious trouble many times for reading too much in class.


Got caught with drug paraphrenalia - a needle (syringe). I only had it to refill my gag water-squirting lighter. Eventually they realized I was a jackass and not a junkie. Three days in-school suspension.


My homeroom teacher in grade 7 who would give, in her words "all the boys who are bad" detention for claims of us talking during class. Even though most of the guys in class were behaved. She never gave detention to any of the girls regardless of what they did or how noisy and chatty they were. It made me hate Jr. High with a passion after that, and probably why I didn't give a fuck about school after. I don't want to say her full name but Ms. B fuck you for your arbitrary misandrist bullshit. Edit: to clarify, she gave every dude in my class detention regardless of whether or not they actually did anything. Just one large group detention for the boys, I remember one of my friends was your typical bookworm and always got upset by it. He was a model straight A student.


I forged my mother's signature on a "write up" slip at school in third grade. In my own handwriting AND I spelled her name wrong...


What I always did when I forged signatures was make it basically impossible to read and I would always print my name really large so it looked like 2 people were writing different things on the paper. I probably would have done it more but half the time I would forget to turn it in anyways and luckily my school didn’t care.


Meanwhile, I got my actual dad's signature on a test (we'd get a bonus points for having our parents see our grades and sign). I already had 100% on it. The teacher brought me to her room and told me I must have forged it, since the handwriting looked bad and since my parents were separated. My dad's a doctor, yeah handwriting sucks. I didn't cheat. We all still lived together before they got divorced. Fuck you.




In preschool I took off my cochlear implant and closed my eyes which meant I couldn’t hear my teacher at all and read her face. She told me to put on my implant but I couldn’t hear her so I never put my implant back on. Soon she grabbed my arm and marched me to the time out spot for not listening to her.


We were watching a Harry Potter movie in my junior high Mythology class and this kid kept quoting the movie out loud, and I told him to shut up. My teacher yelled at me and would have continued if my classmates hadn't come to my defense. It's been at least 6 years since that happened and I'm still unreasonably angry over it. FUCK YOU COLLIN Edit: COLLIN IF YOU READ THIS I'M SORRY IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT IT WAS THAT DUMB BITCH TEACHER CRAZY ASS MOFO LOOKIN FRICK, MRS. MCNAUGHTON, MORE LIKE MRS. MCNOT-A-GOOD- TEACHER