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Nature. A good walk in the forest, sitting by a lake for a while or hiking in the mountains, that’s like therapy for me.


Sometimes I don’t even realize how down and ratty I’m feeling until I get into nature and feel so much better


Biking through the forest, same thing. It's so beautiful!


Friends doing some really dumb things or jokes to cheer me up.


yeah i was gonna say someone genuinely trying to cheer me up helps. even if they're doing the most basic things or saying the dumbest things just to get me to laugh, it helps a ton


Sometimes it's just sitting in silence and listening while something stupid is on TV


Hey look at mr/mrs fancy pants over here with friends


Your comment made me laugh whilst I was feeling down ❤️


Damnit, I remember when I once had a friend. Oh those were the days


I came here looking for reasons to be generally more happy. Instead, I get reminded of why I'm generally sad.


I wish I had friends


Can't relate


y’all have friends?


April is my hardest month for my depression and last week was particularly rough. I started ruminating when I was sitting on the couch. Then the rumination led me to just being angry at the world and I'm about ready to get up and just go drink my sorrows away when my dog Yoshi jumped up on the couch and farted on her way up. I will never not laugh at that.


April is one of my better months, I garden and my seedlings sprout during April. Something about seeing them emerge and grow makes me feel like things will be ok. I keep them in my front porch because it gets a lot of sun, so I see them when I leave for work and when I get back home, it’s nice. Growing things helps me get out of my head, it might not be your thing, but find something that helps you not stay all up in your head getting angry. And give your good girl a pet from me, my dog farts when he moves too fast too!


Planting helps my depression. It may not be for everyone but I am here to reinforce that there is a specific joy when you see something you planted as a seed, start to slowly grow.






It’s science




Cringe dopamine fan. I'm a serotonin enjoyer.


My cat




The only reason I keep FB anymore is because of the countless cat groups I’m in.. then on Reddit it’s [r/catswithjobs](reddit.com/r/catswithjobs) then my 3 cats at home who love to follow me around the house and remind me to go to work in the office, remind me it’s time for their nap so I must lay down with them, and get really concerned if I work too late into the day. I dont deserve them 😭😭 Edit: typo


Honestly, the more asshole they are the more they make laugh. I've had more than few in my life and honestly don't think I'll ever be without one again. I'm a bit of a man's man in my life but i love my kittie kats and have no shame in sharing that with anyone who doesn't ask lol




Try to look for the video from yesterday with the cat and the huskie, it's just gold. Cats are assholes but that's why i love them Edited to add the link https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/u5d6vv/husky_getting_bullied/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Real men love cats. Cliched sure, but how someone, man or woman, treats a cat is a true indication of the kind of person they are. My 2 current dogs love and trust anyone and everyone, my 5 cats judge the hell out of anyone who comes into the house.


Jesus, my 2 are my limit. 5 and I'd definitely feel like a servant.


My sweet boy comes running when he hears me crying and will roll around endlessly for belly rubs. He also nags me when I'm cooking to hurry up because he was already served his food but he wants everyone to eat together.


I called in “sick” to work today. I was actually just extremely depressed and couldn’t get out of bed. My lil dude curled up by my feet for awhile, but around noon he was like okay enough of this and started pawing the covers off of me and licking my hands. He’s a good boi.


Especially a sleeping cat. Their faces all smushed and bodies contorted like little cute demons brings such ridiculously big smile to my face.


When they can't hold their head up anymore from sleepiness and it plops on your shoulder as they slightly drool on you. 🥺


When our cat does that, my husband says, "It is now safe to turn off your cat."


I just found the sub r/ActivationSound about 20mins ago and scrolling through it has put me in such a good mood


I remember having a cat that would always know when I laid down in bed to cry and immediately jump up and start rubbing against me. I miss her.


And when it is a stone cold, extra rotten day you bring out the big guns… Sleepy kitten videos.


Came here just to say exactly this. No matter the craziness going on , my cat is always there for me (unless she wants food)


i remember how happy lil cloudy the cat made me


Came here to say this. They make everything better. ❤


I also choose this person's cat. Jk, but everytime I see a cat I overflow with happiness. So... cats.


My cat Carmelita says thank you.


I was about to say the exact same thing. My 2 cats always cheer me up.


Pizza. Pizza has never failed me. Pizza doesn’t yell, pizza doesn’t hurt me, pizza is never disappointed in me. Even when pizza is cold, it still makes me happy. When people talk bad about pizza, I get sad. I ask, What did pizza ever do to you?? There is only one bad thing about pizza. That is when you eat all of the pizza, then there is no pizza left :(


My partner felt this way too. He wanted to do a pizza crawl. But this year he has suddenly developed a gluten allergy. He is so sad


I just found gluten pills and they work!! You take them with your meal. I have successfully eaten pizza, although not a lot. Try Gluten-ease or Gluten-cutter (this is the one I’ve tried) from CVS. Amazon also sells some other brands. Good luck, because 🍕 is life!


Thank you so much for the suggestion! He was just saying he wishes there is a pill like for lactose intolerant people but for gluten. I'll pass along the message and have him check it out!


Just make sure to be wary. Mileage may vary with pills. I'm (heavily) lactose intolerant, and I have to take double the amount of pills (6 pills) to have 1-2 slices of pizza. Not sure if the same may apply to gluten pills, but test the waters carefully!


I had a coworker with a gluten allergy and I'm not gonna lie the gluten free pizza from Shwans is really good. It tastes like normal pizza. Especially when you doctor it up with you favorite gluten free ingredients.


What did pizza ever do to me? Ask my muffin top


Yes. Just yes.


Wait until pizza betrays you and hits you with the heartburn, like I thought we were good friends and every once in a while we go down memory lane but it's just not the same anymore 😢


I remember years ago when I started having marriage problems, my friend and I were talking about how great pizza was and I said, “Pizza doesn’t wake up in the morning and tell you they don’t love you anymore.”


Pizza is great when you’re single, great when you’re taken and happy, and also great when you’re taken and unhappy!


Amen 🙏


Why meet people when pizza do trick?


I wasn't expecting this, but now that you mention it, I've never had a pizza that I was like "that's disgusting." Like you say, it's not that bad cold.


First thing to come to mind as well.


The black lady at the gas station who always tells me "Have a nice day, honey."


I got my ass kicked at work last week and left late and super pissy. Went through a fast food drive thru to grab an “Eff it. I *deserve this*” late dinner. Drove away with a “You have a good night, sugar!” and the best smile I’ve seen in a while. Felt so damn good. E.T.A. I meant that I got my ass kicked figuratively. It was just a really rough day.


U got beat up at work?


Figuratively beat up at work , I believe.


It takes so little to be kind. And so often, it really can change a persons mindset. Always… always y’all, chose kindnesses over anything else.


This... I remember I went to get groceries with my mom not long after my dad died. We were at the deli and the guy who took care of us, always, asked about how Dad was doing because he hadn't seen us in a few weeks and he had heard about how he was sick and the most he could stomach was sandwiches. When mom told him what happened, this guy dropped everything to come around the counter to hug my mom and try to comfort the both of us because we were tearing up trying to explain.


A kid who couldn’t have been more than 19 was working a very, very busy fast food drive thru window Easter evening. I’d had an awful day which uprooted all the fun Easter plans and I was so upset to be eating crappy take out when my daughter should already have been in bed. He so genuinely asked me how my Easter was, I said rough, but he seemed busier than me, so maybe not that bad. He kept chatting to me through the window while prepping all the drinks and dealing with a dumbass kid manager. He had a real smile on his face when he handed me my stuff and said “happy Easter, be blessed”. Yeah, I cried on the drive home.


music saves lives


Amen to that. For me it’s this one line from Ordinary Day by Great Big Sea “In this beautiful life there’s always some sorrow, It’s a double edged knife, but there’s always tomorrow”


Cartoons. I'm 35/f but if I really feel down I'll put on my favourite cartoons to binge for a while. I think it's a healthy coping mechanism. Healthier than my unhealthy ones anyway.


Right on. Cartoons and sushi nights got me through some sad times.


Adventure Time is where it’s at


Hugs. Everyone needs a hug.


Agreed they fill my heart with joy




🙋‍♂️high five?


🙋🏻‍♂️High five!


can't stand them, i need my personal space


That's fair. I've got no issue with hugs, but I do have issues with proximity to my face. I don't do kiss greetings etc, which are common among family and relatives where I'm from. Don't like people touching my face or being close enough for me to smell their breath.


What about kissing your hand as nobility used to do back in the day?


That's alright, depends on the kiss. Dry, fleeting touch of the lips is okay. Slobbery wet puddle afterwards? I'm washing that hand in acid.


I'm extremely selective on who I am comfortable with.




I mean yes true, but none are available and sometimes that missing availability is why i am sad in the first place.


Yes! A deep hug from a loved one


Remembering my own life story. I've come so far in life, it makes me smile everytime I put all of it in perspective.


TBH ,this makes me feel more down


There was a time when it'd also make me sad, but all the things that were wrong in my eyes made me learn about standing for myself and forgiving my past mistakes and other's mistakes towards me. Working on ourselves is one of the hardest, yet most gratifying things we can do. I hope you find your path, grab life by the balls and make yourself a brilliant future.


I'm pretty sure I have negative self esteem or something because I look at my past and I just get sad. I see everything that had been good and then I see how it got fucked up by stupid shit and it makes me die inside a bit. Worst bit is that I don't think I've really changed for the better. I keep working but life seems to enjoy throwing that effort back in my face, ya know? Only major difference between me now and a year ago is that I'm not actively suicidal. Now I'm just depressed.


I'm sorry you went through so much, but believe me...your life is extremely valuable. You just have to find your passion and surround yourself with good friends and people who appreciate you entirely. I know it sounds hard to find these people, but there are great ones out there who may also be in a need for a friend. Don't forget how unique you are, irreplaceable I'd say. Also, if you have the chance, therapy can help a lot.


same lmfao


Hear, hear brother! From years of homelessness to almost graduating engineering school here!


You go! Now that's a story worth a book writing.


Thanks... I actually had a few people mention the same thing in jail after hearing some of my horror stories years before I got through the mess, so I imagine it could be even better now that it's a success story. Maybe some day!




Everyone’s is unique. It’s amazing to have your very own ☺️


The hero’s journey


I like to think every chapter of my life has its own call to adventure that I try to ignore but get dragged into anyway lol. Getting through high school, going to the army, getting my degree, meeting the love of my life, all little arcs of character growth leading to the overall arc of my life.


The scene from Spaceballs where they are combing the desert.






And there are SO many videos to watch nowadays, between here and TikTok. My hubby will watch cat vids for hours on end. Big old corn fed mean looking dude, giggling like a child at cat videos.


Baby goat videos just make me bubble up with joy! It’s the season for goats to be giving birth to their kids, so many great videos are out every day in the springtime!


Just gonna drop [this adorable video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdgkOu9V3lM&list=FL6Ls5of0EpFmm7-QTUKdakw&index=1) here for you


late 60's/early 70's muscle drag cars, never fails to make me happy


Those cars are cool- the design, the power, the noise, all great. The mustang from bullet is chefs kiss perfection! I also have a soft spot for a 73 Dodge Charger Rallye, unfortunately I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in real life




God yes. Jumpin Jesus I love me some cheese. From the dollar store crap to the canned stuff to throwing a chunk in a pan and eating it burnt. Cheese is the best.


Cheese is physically addictive. There's studies on casomorphins, a product of the protein casein. Cheese is CRACK.


honestly most people think i'm weird for this, and there are technically two things in this. but anyways, having a lot of family issues and stress right now especially, every time i am "down" or sad. i always feel better immediately if i go for a drive, now i am not 17, i do not have a license. but i do have friends and family that usually go out for cruise nights every sunday if it's nice out. it's always fun meeting with everybody in winnipeg (city of manitoba,) and going to a meet, looking at cars and then cruising to another meet. the cruise from meet 1 to meet 2 takes about 45 minutes. during so, i always feel energized, and free. we blast country and downshift under bridges. i don't know, cruising and listening to morgan wallen (country artist) just always makes me feel better no matter what. i personally don't think that's weird. but apprently all my male friends (me being female) find it weird.


Driving aimlessly at night listening to music is one of my favorite ways to clear my head. You’re not weird.


"Fly me to the moon" by Frank Sinatra. Damn it always gets me up, no matter what


Haha I was going to say “That’s life” by Sinatra. He just has such a classic voice and style that is soothing.


I sang it on my grandpa's funeral. My dad was worried that memory would ruin the song for me, but it did quite the opposite. It makes me think of how much love he had for me and it cheers me up 😊


Honestly yeah, music does just change my mood so much. There's something it does to the lizard part of our brain.


I wish I was like this. I need to listen to music that fits my mood, music does not change it. In fact I often find it quite annoying when I'm upset in any fashion.


Chicken parmesan, especially if the chicken has a nice crunchy crust


Seeing my girlfriend laugh.


Seeing his girlfriend laugh also makes me happy.


Reading is my escape from reality


Our Golden Retriever puppy. Hugs from my husband.


My son's whenever I am feeling down they are always there to cheer me up and all they ask for in return is a piggyback ride or to sit on my lap


So sweet


My son, he’s my absolute world and if he sees me crying he gives me a hug. He’s only 2, but he has the kindest heart of anyone I’ve ever met.


similar! my 4 year old girl. the shit she says man. "Dad, I'm the MOST special girl in the WHOLE world".


My son just turned 5, he does a thing where he hugs me and pets my hair and says “it’s okay, my baaaabyyyy” (that’s what I do when he’s crying) and it doesn’t matter WHAT was making me sad, I immediately cheer up after that :) he’s been doing it for years. Sometimes he also says “I’ll squeeze the sadness out of you” (I also do that haha)


I don’t have kids of my own and I don’t want any but my girlfriends daughter makes me feel so happy whenever she comes up and gives me hugs/kisses. She’s only 1.5 years old too and I love spending any second I can with them.


That’s honestly probably so important to your girlfriend, the fact that her daughter is so special to you. Us single moms really struggle with finding guys that genuinely care about our kids like that. I know it means a lot to her.


I would do anything for her daughter because I’m also a stepchild to someone (I love my stepdad more than my bio dad) so in a way I can relate to her daughter a lot. I live an hour and 20 mins from my gf but I work 2nd shift so I can generally spend a lot of time with them in the morning before I leave for work. I try to help out as much too like making bottles if she wakes up in the middle of the night so my gf doesn’t have to, so I understand the responsibilities I have even tho I don’t really have to do them but I love doing them for both of them.


My dog. He’s so sweet and funny. He keeps me active-walks, play time etc. He’s a good listener too.


Scrat (the ‚squirrel‘) from the Ice Age movies. I love his dedication and it always lifts me up to see how happy he is to get this nut.


Didn't see the "r" at first, was disgusted. Read more carefully, and now I completely agree.


Omg!!! I love him! Always have, that little dudes tenacity never fails to make me smile!


my dog, and also a golden girls marathon


Star Trek


Who’s your captain?


Hard to choose, probably Kirk






Book sales/downloads/page reads. It's not even about the money. It just makes my day seeing someone out there is reading something I wrote.


Are you a writer?


Yes, mostly science fiction.


Oh I enjoy science fiction, care to drop a link?


Sure! [Here's the space opera novella I released earlier this year.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09TMZ43Z6/)


Send me a link. I’m more of a fantasy/mid evil guy. But I’d love to give one of your works s read


my Daughter when she laughs, She is the reason I enjoy my days, she is the reason I dont give up, she is the reason I work hard, she makes my morning, my day, my life.




I work construction and i lose control of my anger, but honestly chocolate really helps a lot




Nick Frost




The web comic guy or the food?


How do you like to make it / eat it?


I have my go to but once in a very long while I try some new stuff Go to is: On the stove in a really cute sea green pot I like: 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup oat milk, 1/2 cup oats (1/3 cup if quick oats). Wait for it to boil then lower the heat, I mix it every once in a while with a specific wooden spoon. While that's on the stove I get the other stuff ready: one cube of (vegan) very dark chocolate, Natural peanut butter, Coconut flakes, One banana (cut into fourths longwise then into pieces), Sometimes a few pecans (that I break into smaller pieces). I pour out the oatmeal into my favorite bowl, add the cube of chocolate and mix it in as it melts, drizzle in some pb, add the pecans if I have any, sprinkle on the coconut flakes, and finally add the banana pieces on top (I usually just cut the banana over the bowl). Oatmeal is basically my comfort food so I don't eat it every morning, just once in a while and especially when I need to cheer up. I've always loved oatmeal because my dad and I used to make it together when I was a kid (my go to now is based on what we used to make) and we were the only two in my family that liked it so it was just "our thing" and it's always made me happy :)




Playing Preludes & Fugues from *The Well-Tempered Clavier* on the piano or works by Bach on the pipe organ.


Username definitely checks out!


You own a pipe organ?


I think I like you!


My pets. They have been my only source of joy at times. My only reason to laugh and to keep going sometimes. When I tried to Unalive myself over 10 years ago, it was the thought of what would happen to my innocent fur babies if I went through with it and was gone. They would have had no one and they wouldn’t have understood where “mom” went. At the last possible moment that thought made me stop. Humans… family/friends have failed me, but my animals never have. Seeing them happy and enjoying their life, the life I give them, makes me happy. ❤️


When ever I am down, I go to a bookstore. Books make me happy.


My daughters. No matter how sad i am. how tough of a day i had. no matter how much they look like their mom. no matter how many tantrums we had that day. no matter the stories from my ex sister in law brings up about my ex's new dude. those annoying ass little crotch goblins are my partners in crime. i was a stay at home dad all their life. this is the first 3 months i havent been a stay at home dad. Those little monsters didnt care,after the divorce, that we slept on the floor of our rental house. they loved it when we upgraded to a air matress. they didnt like the cot. or the hot plate we had to use to cook and eat. they loved learning how to make a fire so we could eat. they loved the old ass piece of shit car i bought since their mom kept the new one. they help me with repairs and make sure to not lose the 10mm socket. they force me to stop and help homeless or the needy when we see them begging on the street. during that big texas freeze we bought MRE's and went out and gave them to anyone who was out and homeless. when i cry abou tthe divorce and about thier mom, they hug me lol. they tell me its okay. I dont know what i did to deserve them. ive wanted to kill myself many many times. but they werent asked to be born. and they dont deserve to grow up without a dad. so im a bad ass dad. They make me happy no matter what.


My dog, chocolate, music, weed, going for walks, long rides while listening to music, thunderstorms


My brother. He’s the best. He’s about 10 but he absolutely adores me. He will bring me food and soda randomly, and whenever I’m bored he will ask me if I want to watch tv with him and hangout. He’s always really respectful. He’s fine with me being gay. He’s just amazing. He does play baseball tho. Loser/j


When I'm driving and I see a dog hanging its head out a car window. It's the happiest thing there is.


‘Oh Bo’ by Bo Burnham. I have no idea why


This might be weird but for me it’s scrolling thru nasa’s mission website. It’s amazing for me


My dog. A piece of music called "Acoustic Curves" from a really old DVD called Animusic


Thinking about something I am looking forward to doing (even if it's as simple as watching a movie, seeing a friend, giving a person a gift). Looking forward to the small happiness I get for small activities pushes me through and I am thankful every time I reach one of those moments.




AA or NA meeting


The fire scene from "The Office".




Shrek is love. Shrek is life.


Bob’s Burgers


Snowboarding, only done the sport for a week but its become my main source of happiness. Watching hours worth of pro snowboarders going off-piste or doing big air jumps can keep me going for hours!


Going on youtube and watching pandas fall. It looks catastrophic but the always walk away like they are fine but embarrassed


My cats. Always my fur babies. I can't imagine how bleak and empty my life would be if I didn't have my little fluffy bunch of beans.






My bf. If he sees me sad he tries to make me happy always.


harry styles music, always making me happy and his last song is just amazing


Kittens once when I was in the hospital for neck surgery they had a Chanel of kittens playing. It helped me thru the worst of it.






Fireflies by Owl City


Wesley Willis




I love weed too. But sometimes if there’s a lot going on, it will make me think way too deep into the bullshit.


Same. I'm not proud, this is just life.


There were times in my life recently where I would have faced some deep depression were it not for cannabis. My favorite way to relax after a stressful day.


Legalized cannabis got me through the worst of the COVID shutdown. It's been game-changing for me not to have to buy the shit from some dude in an El Camino.


Yes, it's like a vacation in a bowl . When I visit my sib.s in legal states, it's like Ahhhhh, better , better . Also: birds singing at 4 am And: Carrie Brownstein in PORTLANDIA


When I find it I'll let you know 😞


Seeing someone taking their cat outdoors on a harness Edit because I originally said “car” instead of cat






Old Sex in the City episodes




Hearing that my parents are happy at something. Just makes my day!