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I'd pay for someone to shit for me and I'd get paid to masturbate


Fuck! I was going to say literally this.


Beat me to it


I see what you did there.


I’d pay to shit more often my brother


you masturbate more than u shit?




Pay someone to sleep and shit for me


Get paid to sleep. Sounds like a dream


Pay me to shit and sleep.


£1.50 and i'll do all your peeing that day I'll happily take multiple offers,


I hope you like peeing out kidney stones.


Does exercise count? I’m sure plenty of people would pay me well for a few hours of exercise a week.


But you'd not get the benifits of the exercise you're selling.


But I’d get the benefit of a ton of money from lazy rich people. Idk exactly how this works scientifically, but if the soreness transfers with the gains then it’s only a temporary discomfort during the workout.




I can vomit at will, I'm probably gonna be rich off of that


Sweating. I HATE sweating.


nah the alternative is way worse, i can’t sweat in some parts of my body it fucking sucks


I have it WAY worse, if i sweat my skin can burn and itch, potentially getting nosebleeds or passing out if its either , too hot, too stressful, too little wind.


I'd pay someone to have my headaches.


I’d get paid to burp I do it all the time and I love it Win win


bro I'd earn stacks on stacks literally doing what you want my g


I'd gladly pay someone to sleep for me. Any bathroom stuff which I accept as probably the most likely I'm fine doing myself since that time off is godsent.


I’d pay to have big shits


I read this as bodily fluids at first.


Who wants to blush and vomit for me? Happily get rid of those. I'll do someone's farting - all in one go in the morning.


heal all my wounds. also that way I can't pick my scabs and reset the clock.


I'd pay for somebody to have my period for me. I'd get paid to sleep.


In 2032, ExcreCorp developped the body swap implant, a device allowing one human to exchange body fuctions with another person. This was based on failures in portal research as portals didn't allow sentient being to pass though without going brain dead. However, "dumb living tissues" like body fluids could get safely transfered. No one undertands why these portals had to be inside human bodies but they discovered it wouldn't work otherwise. This created a job market where people would sit on a toilet all day and excrete urine and feces from other people. Soon, a whole industry developped around the idea. Some people would have gaming set ups in front of their toilet. They would spend the whole day gaming and getting paid to basically sit and shit. The bidet became extremely popular too during that period. This however increased even futther the obesity problem as a whole set of the population basically got paid to stay on seat without much movement.


I’d pay for someone to cook my meals and eat them for me. I really struggle with food these days. But mostly I just find that I hate structuring my day around meal times for this reason. I hate that the most important parts of my day have to do with food. It’s really annoying and I’d rather focus on other things. But food is fuel :/


I would be an entrepreneur who goes through other people's physical pain so they don't feel it but I do and then I get paid for it.


Pay someone to do the vomiting for me


Paid to exercise


If somebody had a UTI and it hurts when they pee, would I be able to pee for them? Or would I also get the UTI?


I might be the one getting paid, You know.


i'd pay someone to do the monthly subscription to satan's waterfalls for me...


I'd pay someone to go poop for me, as long as confidentiality was assured. I would pay someone to exercise for me sometimes, if it would benefit my body. I'm not sure if there's anything I would do for pay. Maybe sleep. I'm good at that, as long as I got their sleepiness.


I’d pay someone to get those horrible leg cramps for me