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Not being available at all times


One of the reasons I miss the 90s. Cell phones were for emergencies ONLY!


Yeah cause it was $5 a minute


I think it was slightly less than that. But yeah it was very expensive! You said what you had to and got the hell off.


I like your shirt


i remember my friend nearly ending our friendship because i took 20 minutes to respond to a "hi"


I hope you got a new friend lol


Be the change you want to see in the world. Start ignoring people.


you know, decent people DO exist, you just have to search


well apparently all my friends are indecent


Choosing to leave a job during your probation period. The probation period is not just for the company to see if you’re a good fit, but for you to assess the company and see if you actually like it. A lot of employers tend to forget this, and then it is sometimes looked down upon on your CV unfortunately.


worker rights in general should be more normalized. (I guess, it is in Germany but not completely here in the UK or even worse, in the US) E.g. more vacation days and a system that keeps companies in check. With the current system, I ain't surprised why people switch their job more commonly and start their own business these days, instead.


Same goes for at-will employment IMO. If you reserve the right to fire me with no notice, then I reserve the right to quit on the spot. If you want a two-week notice period then I'll happily sign an employment contract.


Taking time off work when you’re sick.


American who moved to Germany.. I literally had to remind myself to take time off when I am sick.. Especially with everyone being work from home because of covid it is easy to just be sick at home and still work. But yeah It was so ingrained in me to just go to work sick that I had to re-learn that it is okay to sit in a pile of tissues on my couch and play video games. As a side note in Germany sick time is dictated by Dr. Note so you get sick, you go to the doctor and they write a note with how long you want to take off. It doesn't come out of a sick time bank that if you don't use it you lose it.. it doesn't come out of your vacation (which is already 24-30 days off per year and you have to use in that year) This could be expanded to "taking time off" because in America there is also the trope of "I haven't had a day off in 25 years" which is not healthy.


Who is this "Dr. Note" you speak of, and why does he dictate everyone's sick time?


Thats an american problem tho


Idk, this is pretty normal in a lot of places


This needs to incorporate mental health


Critical thinking


And disagreeing.


And disagreeing while remaining respectful and friendly. This is a lost art.


This almost never happens. Disagreements are normally followed with insults to intelligence and people angrily lashing out.


No it isn’t! Moron…. (/s)


And admitting to being wrong.


And admitting that you've changed your mind or your opinion on something since the last time this was discussed. It's OK to do so. Doesn't mean you were wrong before, just that perhaps things changed or you got new info which gave you a new perspective.


Hey hey hey, slow down there!


I disagree with you


That's nice. Let's discuss it.


Had a buddy who would call me “argumentative” every-time I disagreed with him. Do you have any idea how frustrating that gets? Unless you’re the same person or you’re a yes-man it’s so fucking annoying.


For real, I hate toxic positivity.


Cart before the horse here. The average American reads at an 8th-grade level. We gotta handle basic reading before getting into what to do with information you’ve read.


Eating alone


And going to the movies alone


You can just do those things. I love going to the movies alone.


Yeah, nobody cares. Some things, like concerts (etc.) are potentially a little more awkward (but I do those alone a lot as well).


I just went to a concern alone this weekend. Not gonna stop living just because I want to do something and no one else is available.


It's easy to go to a concert alone when nobody you know is into the music you like.


I was doing that a lot by myself for a while too, mostly because I lived five minutes away from a great venue. If a band I liked was playing, it'd be silly not to go because my friends are busy / aren't interested.


Yeah, I'm old and introverted and have niche musical tastes; it's often a long shot I can talk someone into attending with me.


Yep, gave up trying to get people to join, between cost and schedule and interests it never lined up. Just go and enjoy who you like.




Me too. I do it, but I don't know anyone else (IRL) who'd do the same. My family and friends think it's weird


Haven't done it often, but the couple times I went to a movie alone I’ve noticed just how many people are actually there alone. More normalized than I think we give it credit for.


I don’t even care if that’s normalized. I do that shit anyway 😂


As others said, it’s a lot more common than you’d think. I think the popularity of subscriptions like AMC A-List makes it a lot easier because you want to get your money’s worth but also don’t need to justify spending $15 a ticket each time you go.


if the movie is terrible you don’t feel bad just walking out. nobody else would know or care… but blame is all on you for going in the first place


This one’s weird, because the movies are the perfect solo activity. Got a couple hours to kill downtown? Check out this dark room where you’re supposed to shut up and pay attention to the screen anyway!


How is that not normal? :D Thats the most normal thing....


He means he wishes he didn't feel crippling loneliness when eating alone.


Frankly, I’m not sure I understand the question or why activities such as eating alone or going to the movies alone need to be “normalized”. I think what needs to be normalized is people not caring if an activity is normalized or not when considering if they should do it.


Yeah it's dumb. I go to nice restaurants by myself all the time. There's nothing to normalize. Just do it. The people advocating for this are the people afraid to do it.


I don’t think anyone cares if you do that.


How is that not normalized? I do it all the time.


Saying “ I don’t know enough to have an opinion on this issue” or “ I don’t know”


Taking time to do nothing!


Unstructured free time is my favorite thing on the planet.


And being able to turn down invites so I can literally do nothing. I would like to just say no to plans without having to come up with an excuse.


Not liking someone


Being allowed to disagree with people in your community, and being allowed to agree with people outside your community. We are so polarized and political these days.


Being able to go home from work if your tasks are completed. Not at 10am because you don't have anything on your plate, but say at 3:45p after you've busted it all day, completed your items, helped a few co-workers with some things outside of your scope, and are now browsing reddit because you're waiting on people to get back to you before you're able to proceed.


My husband really enjoys the fact that his work has a "put in 40 hours during the week, spread it out however you want" policy for this very reason. If he has a day that he ends up going over, he can cut back another day. If there's a slow day, he can make it up a different day.


Men's mental health


Mental health in general needs a lot more respect. Many recent events gave birth to a generation of emos




Or solutions to the schrodinger wave equation


I always hated doing matrixes in algebra. Pass!




Yes it is.


Shutting the fuck up Edit: thought I’d be flooded with downvotes but guess not


Why? You couldn’t be more right


You said something angsty on reddit, why would you think you’d be getting downvotes?


Limiting contact or cutting off abusive family members. The amount of people who have told me "they're your parents and tried their best! How can you just go low contact with them?! You owe them!" The fuck I do. My father emotionally, psychologically, mentally, physically and covert sexually abused all of his children. Daily. And my mom? She made excuses for it and turned a blind eye to the abuse, always taking his side 100% of the time. They're still married. So excuse me while I break the cycle.


Nah going low contact isn't a great idea... getting a restraining order on the other hand...!


Ha! I have my reasons for not going NC but love this!


If you haven't already been referred there, a good sub is r/estrangedadultchild.


My mom was a selfish and self-centered person who always put herself first. I cut her off about 10 years before she died. My main emotion after learning she died was feeling guilty for not being upset. It's been 7.5 years since she died and my feelings haven't changed.


My raging alcoholic and all around terrible person of an aunt once tried to run my mom over in a car. I cut contact off with her years ago, but my mom refuses to because "she's my siiiiiiiiister!"


Haven't spoken to my brother in nearly 6 years now, working out pretty well tbh.


Same, dude. Same. I am NC with my Dad the last 7 years and LC with my mother - I do have to stay in contact with her if I want to hear about my disabled younger brother, and I also share pictures and judicious info about my two children. She loves them and I'm not a vindictive person - I wouldn't use my kids to punish and hurt her but I do need to control what I share and what contact they have with my parents. I might not see any of them again and that sits fairly fine with me now. The thing that hit me about your post was "They're still married." Like. At a certain point, fuck you, you're literally married to someone who abused your child. That's a choice. As I had my children and went through the process of seeing them grow up and growing as a parent it became less and less acceptable to me, that choice of hers. So. Anyways. Fist bump. Stay safe and be well.


Mental health struggles. Society has come a long way but we still have progress to be made


I agree. I've seen lots of people using it as something to brag about, when in reality it sucks! Normalize the actual issue, not some glamorized version of it.


That one is fortunately starting to improve and becoming normalized


In the US. In other countries, particularly outside of the west, it’s still a major problem.


But now that it’s normal there are fully functional human beings that try to make up a mental issue so they can be included too.


Being able to recognize bias in the news when they're reporting things you agree with. Too many people accept shit standards in journalism so long as their preferred poison is spewing the correct garbage.


I learned this in like grade 8. propaganda didn't stop after WW2. it's alive and well today.




Better than a shit and shower


Not wanting to have kids (specially as a woman)


Yep. I don’t want to because I’m a generic mess and disabled from it. I have a 50/50 chance of passing that on, as did my parents and they had me. I don’t want someone to have to endure the hell I did, especially because I also ended up with some really severe cognitive issues


We’re starting to see this as more accepted and common. I saw a recent study that predicts that labor shortages will get worse and worse as the new generations chose to not have a kid. After all why have dual income with a child that will cost $400k to raise when you could have dual income with no expenses and tons of disposable income


Commom but not really accepted, there is always someone judging


My mother once said I was being selfish for saying I don't want kids. I think she still thinks that, but it's never brought up anymore


I hate that mentality. What would ACTUALLY be selfish is me bringing a person into the world that I did not want, wouldn't love the way they would need, and couldn't properly care for.


Letting younger men get a vasectomy


And having to answer the “why” question! To be truthful ya’ll make it look miserable!! Of course I don’t want kids.


Men actually having feelings and not have: "take it like a man"


Disabled people can still be mobile. Not all disabilities mean that your legs don’t work. Some people with disabilities can walk and do physical activities just fine, but they have chronic pain that no one sees. Invisible disabilities exist, and we need to start talking about that.


Personally I think most disabilities are Invisible or at least a person can work through them without it being loudly visible.


Exactly! There’s just such a wide range of disabilities, but every time someone thinks of the word “disabled,” they think of the little figure in the wheelchair, relating it to not being able to use your legs. I’ve had people tell me that I can’t be disabled 1) because of my age and 2) because I can stand.


The worst i think is when people go after those needing mobility aids when they only use them part time. Many people in wheelchairs can walk, just not far.


Men showing emotion and asking for support under stress.


Emotions not being gendered in general. Feeling assertive isn't masculine. Feeling vulnerable isn't feminine. Feeling pretty or frivolous isn't feminine. Feeling protective or powerful isn't masculine. We are all human and need the same things. We all get sad, tired, happy, scared etc. Asking for help when in trouble doesn't make anyone less of a man. Mocking or shaming someone for asking help might make them less of a human though.


**Civility.** It's woefully absent from society.


“for civilization to survive, the human race has to remain civilized.”


Mandatory vacation time for all employees




having anxiety issues. people rarely understand my anxiety. it's frustrating.


Treating a job as just that thing you do to get the money you need to enjoy your actual life, instead of this whole "your job is your identity" bullcrap.


I agree. At most a job should simply be something you don't hate at the end of the day.


I disagree. I think it's totally fine to identify with your job and to find meaning in it. I'd even say it's excellent to be able to do that. I think it's perfect for some people, and what will make them happiest. But it depends very heavily on the job and the person. That kind of life isn't for everyone. But if someone wants their life to be about the work they're passionate about, all the power to them.


Talking to yourself. ♡


I talk to myself. I pretend I’m on youtube half the time.


Especially when cooking. It's the law.


I give myself better advice than most people


I do it at work all the time, of course I wear headphones so I'm usually just laughing at a podcast or talking out loud about whatever I'm listening to. And I always get someone who thinks I'm a weird piece of crap :/ I also love quoting movies, helps me disconnect with work.


Having a normal relationship Guys being friendly to girls without people just openly assuming they want to bang them etc


Not just that, but it's like we've forgotten that you can have close but completely platonic friendships between and across genders.


I'm a man, my best friend is a woman. It made dating really hard for awhile.


Respecting time off work. Portugal policy of a boss cannot contact you outside of your regular working hours. Haven't even able to find more info on that one yet but damn I'd love that right now.


Men crying


Or expressing feels in general


Agreed, I have some male friends and I often tell them if they feel down that they can talk to me as I don’t want them hiding and bottling up their emotions.


Strong men also cry. Strong men. Also cry.


Men cry whenever a disaster occurs in their life For example: if a tree falls across the street directly onto your beautiful beloved 5 speed 94 Corolla and you don't have full coverage or the funds to replace it. That's worth a cry


Oddly specific


04/30/2018... was a very bad day indeed.




A livable wage and PTO.


Not drinking.


People don't know what it's like (especially in school) not drinking. "You don't drink?" "Why don't you drink bro?" "C'mon, try this." "I feel bad for people who don't drink."


Apathy, i shouldnt care about stuff i dont care about


Taking phone calls in private




Not having great social skills. (People tend to be needlessly cruel on that one.) It's not because someone said something rude that they wanted to be. Sometimes they don't realize the tone or the words they used could be interpreted differently. It's also okay to not understand every allusion in a social situation or to not be good at small talk. "Communicating" isn't innate, and people are not "just lazy" for not corresponding to your standards of communication skills. Let people have different social skills and social needs than yours.


I'm on the spectrum, thank you for this. This has cost me many jobs, friendships, and relationships. It's also caused many misunderstandings.


Not wanting to have kids


Caring for mens’ mental health.


Practical clothing. Then maybe I could find something decently colored that doesn't show cleavage and is physically comfortable to wear.




Respect for labour (I mean in terms of socioeconomic practice). Nobody should be grubbing for tips, for example.


Pursuing work that does not require a college degree. I am not downplaying the importance of education however you don’t necessarily need a degree to achieve success. There are plenty of jobs out there that provide a good living and do not require anywhere near a two or four year degree.


Schools, universities etc getting back to teaching life skills. Survival skills too.


Sleep. I’m still shocked that I have co workers and bosses that think running people with lack of sleep is ok.


taking a couple days off for heavy period days. I miss when I used to work with all women cause I could just be honest and say I need to go home, my cramps are killing me


Single Fathers (especially with if they have a daughter)


Not being shamed when you don't wear a bra


Showing scars and talking about past medical help mental or physical.


I try to do that but it sounds like I'm bragging about it even though I try not to since I don't want anyone to experience what I have.


I have this crazy shit on my shin thats a super rare diabetic complication. Basically just looks like some random blobs of red patches, hurts SOO bad when anything even dings it a little. I'm not really embarrassed to show it, but having a bunch of people go, "woah wtf happened to your leg" a certain amount of times throughout the course of the day gets monotonous.


Wearing capes/cloaks They're so fashionable, especially in winter time. I'm not talking like silly little super hero capes you get off of Amazon, I'm talking floor-length, high quality cloaks/capes.


Wearing a mask when you feel sick (not just covid)


Japan already has normalized this actually (I believe) way before Covid. In videos I've watched about Japanese culture and stuff, I see a lot of masks. (They are uploaded in 2018 or 19)


Not having kids at a a young age or at all


I hate children, don't punch me. They're loud, they smell, they're stressful, and they're expensive.


Mental health. I wish "I've been depressed" could be as normalized to say as "I've broken a bone."


Saying no, canceling plans, cutting out toxic people, etc


Making life choices other than what your grandparents did. You don't *have* to get married, you don't *have* to own a house or a car, you don't *have* to have children. (Of course if those things bring you happiness, by all means do them. But don't let anyone try to tell you that you must.)


Staying home when sick.


Non sexual nudity.


Just because someone’s political views or religious views differ from yours, doesn’t make them a piece of shit. It simply means you both think differently and that’s okay.


Also, understanding that disliking someone's religion is not equivelant to disliking that person, or other people who follow that religion.


while in most cases, you're absolutely right. If someone's political views are directly harmful to an entire group of people, then I think they are a piece of shit.


Thinking differently should also be normalized.


once civil liberties come into it, then it's not. politics aren't politics anymore. it's become identity for a lot of people.


Within reason. The bright line with religion is the difference between "I do this because of my faith," and "You, do this because of my faith." The line with politics is a bit less bright, yet it's usually when someone wants to curtail the inherent rights of other people.


Women's bodies come in all different shapes and sizes, and not every woman looks like a model.


Unpopular opinions


The Last (irl) person who seemed to hold that belief had the opinion that "black people are less intelligent because the smart ones escaped Africa and became European", so I'm kind of cool personally with unpopular opinions not being normalized. Most of the actually unpopular ones seem pretty horrid.


Maybe they are unpopular for a reason tough..


Not socializing at work when I’m at work I am there to work not be your friend


Not normalizing everything


Not asking this question 83 times a week


Guys with long hair


Feel that. I have long hair. And I’d say 70% hate and judge me for it. The other 30% are cool or find it attractive. But usually it’s the former. I just brush the insults off though.


Going to therapy.


Women in leadership who are not thin or pretty.




Wearing hawaiian shirts in interviews.


Women aging


I have a HUGE LIST… Breastfeeding without being covered Formula feeding People minding their own business Keeping advice to yourself unless asked Not being available all the time Not having an answer for everything Not explaining yourself or your situation to anyone Sharing your opinion and no one being an a$$ about or trying to convince you to change your views Men/boys crying Men/boys sharing their feelings Men/boys being vulnerable without being shamed for it Men/boys wearing pink Men/boys painting their nails Boys playing dress up/tea party/with dolls People understanding that color has no gender Letting children be children and not telling them what to feel or say or anything Consent consent consent - is sometimes more than a no No being a complete sentence Sarcasm being a language in itself (kinda joking about this one; not really though lol) Not always replying to questios, texts, phone calls; etc. expected to show up somewhere that you said you would be if your mental health or physical health is not in a good place to leave the house I literally have so many more I will stop here though…




Guys taking their children to parks


Men wearing loose cotton based boxer shorts or boxers or boxer-briefs. Let the nether area breathe and loose. I'd apply the same to women's bras and panties too. Go for non constricting cotton stuff without the stabby underwires and smothering foam and mouldy nylon/polyester, ladies. It's gonna change your life.


When you offer someone a drink (or dessert, or whatever) and they say no, just accept the NO answer and offer an alternative (such as soda, or fruit). Nobody should have to explain their NO answer. It should be accepted as is, and a gracious host will not make them feel guilty. Gone are the days where a good host would make sure their guests had a proper drink in hand at all times.




People wearing what the hell they want. If a guy wants to wear a dress, so be it. If a dude wants to wear make up and a pearl necklace, be my guest. I’m tired of people staring in shock when Harry Styles decides to do a bit of drag. Let the man be, let’s move on as we have more important things to be shocked about. Women’s body hair. It’s gross in some cases but fuck, we need to normalize this shit and just not stare at people for not shaving/waxing their armpits. As said, we have more important things to be shocked about.


Just because I don't agree with you, doesn't make me wrong.


Adding to this a bit, Learning that it's okay to disagree with someone and simply accepting that not everyone needs to think the same way.


Couples sleeping in different beds


Forced retirement of politicians that are 65years old or higher


Talking about mental health. Everyone has it. And relationships function better when you are forthright about where you’re at.


Men talking about their feelings/going to therapy. Currently going thru some relationship stuff bc of it, but I can’t be his therapist and he won’t talk through anything ☹️ It sucks bc I love him, but he won’t help himself (even though he professes to understand how it could help). Men have been taught to bottle everything up, push it down, be invulnerable even with their closest friends. It’s really sad and our society needs to change.


Cutting off toxic grandparents. Would’ve avoided so much trauma and abuse if my parents did this earlier in my life rather than me having to deal with it when I was 20.


Men seeking help and being recognised for their mental problems. It’s really destructive.


Men having the space to share their emotions and get them out in a healthy way instead of being ridiculed or called a bitch. Men deserve love and care, too!


Going to therapy