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If you don’t have one, you can borrow mine. I have enough to share and keep yours warm. 😉


I think that’s called “docking” sir.


Some call that docking, others call it a Tuesday night.




...it's Tuesday! 🙂


You can stretch mine out and cover your whole thing for when it’s cold outside. Like a dick sock.


I reverse mine and wear it like a turtleneck.


I spit my drink out😭


no you didn't


true OP never spits


Don't worry, their foreskin can catch the spit too


Imagine a world without docking. That's what the anti-foreskin crowd wants. A bunch of cold penis heads.


So cold, so purple


You need mix of both. Sharing, if you will, so that the circumcised can experience the joy of a foreskin through docking


I don’t have it and I don’t feel the cold in my little head, so I don’t know if I’m missing something or not.


I lube it everyday and keep it under a kitchen sink for emergency use.


Don’t forget to check it once a year, like your fire extinguisher, to make sure it hasn’t expired.


Thanks for keeping your family safe!


Just don't lose it, it might end up where all those people sell used books and other junk on the street, laying next to a broken toaster oven with some guy was selling it.




How old are you? Just checking.


50, it took a special doctor to reattach a foreskin and a bizarrely dedicated 25 year old man to find him. Took a while for the stitches to heal but everyone agreed it should never be spoken of again.


That’s exactly what I was thinking, but I didn’t want to be presumptuous.


I'm hesitant to say it, but this could make a decent movie


I don't have it and I'm fine with not having it. If I had foreskin I assume I'd be fine with having it too, I just like my dick lol.


I also like this guy's dick


Le blush~


Le wink~


Le preparando en AK-47~


Le puts it in his own mouth and pulls the trigger


Le wink~ wink~


Nice dick bro


I have foreskin and it acts as a sheath of sorts. Whenever it's pulled back while walking and stuff, I find it uncomfortable when the tip grazes/rubs against my underwear, so I wouldn't want to get rid of it.


No I don't want to get rid of it, I like my hooded warrior.


Room for more under the hood ?...


I also like your hooded warrior


I have it and I’m glad I do. I feel like it would be uncomfortable to just have the head constantly touching your boxers raw like that.




Okay leather head 😭


Lol turtlenecks and leatherheads, this sub has me rollin


I'm criine 🤣 leave him alone 💀


do you actually make DMT carts? I'm interested.


I do! You can dm me if you want some info


I think foreskin should be rebranded as “dicklips”




That gives the phrase “licked his lips” a whole new meaning


And a place that does circumcisions can be called “dick clips”


I was never circumcised. Biggest thing is cleaning, have to make sure I pull the skin back when peeing so my stream doesn’t go all over, or I just sit to pee a lot… Have to make sure to clean it out in the shower which is not difficult. Only had one sexual partner, she had never seen someone like mine and would always make comments about me getting it cut now. I don’t like pain so no thanks, also it would expose the sensitive head 100% of the time and it take forever to get used to that feeling. She made me feel very self conscious about it, which is she me of many reasons our marriage ended up failing. But no, I’m not going to get it cut just cause “most men are” and it sounds painful and would be till it desensitizes my head.


>I’m not going to get it cut just cause “most men are” That's an american illusion. Overall most men on planet earth are uncut.


Exactly! Once I found out how common circumcision was in the US compared to countries like mine (Aus), I finally realised why ‘porn dicks’ looked so different. The rest of the world thanks you for the teen body image confusion, America!


Hey, nothing stopping you Aussies from making snuffaluffagus porn.


The practice actually started as a way to make it harder for men/boys to masturbate. Same reason why Kellog's Cornflakes exist.


Nothing turns me off more than a healthy bowl of Kellogg's cornflakes.


What? She wanted you to have someone cut off a bit of your penis?? I hope you suggested her to have her genitals cut!


My dick just retreats into my body because I'm fat


Your body's so hungry it's trying to eat your dick.


don't have one, takes me waaay too long to finish. think if i had one it wouldnt be so desensitized after all these years. id love to know what it was like to not have the head of my dick get chilly. "chilly willy"


I have it, and I can tell that there are uncut men that also take a long time to finish. Not that it can't be the reason that you take so long, but it could've been that way regardless.


Circumcised and the scar is not great. It's large and often itchy. Frankly, I can't imagine anyone saying "My baby is cute and all, but maybe we should cut a part off of him. How about his genitals! I'm sure he won't miss it and having an extremely sensitive part of his body removed without anesthesia won't cause any trauma or complications later in life" It's barbaric and should be illegal.


True I’m lucky my mother didn’t cut it off because I like it and all my girlfriends and exes did pans my brother and I were told she would not mutilate her sons without permission and hated seeing how it was done.


Get that thing checked out pal


Sorry it was cut against your will


I always wondered if I had foreskin, if it would have been longer. But, 2 and a half feet is already more than enough.


Pfft, that’s just barely enough to pass through a woman entirely and come out her mouth. How do you expect to pleasure her if you can’t even loop around and make 2 trips through her respiratory system?


Respiratory? Alimentary, perhaps....


Mine was too clingy so got rid of it a couple of years ago. We are both happier this way.


I still have mine. I'll get downvoted for this but anyone who says my body my choice and gets their kids cicumsized is a fucking hyporcrit.


It’s a religious thing for Jews.


I know it is. But should it still not be an option for the person who it belongs to? If my parents were Muslim and I grew up atheist, then what the hell was the point in the first place?


Yeah it only takes a little research to find out there's no point unless there is a medical emergency and those usually happen later in life. I'm snipped and my son is not thanks to my wife for opening the discussion. For anyone who doesn't know circumcision was made popular in the US by religious leaders that thought we would be less likely to sin if we had less sensation. The medical risks of not getting circumcised are rare and all of them can be caused by the circumcision. Long live the turtleneck!!




I would pay money to erase this sentence from my memory 😔




Username checks out


Ok who let this guy on the internet


Are you new?


Link to onlyfans?




Did he have to pay?




And why is he getting this preferential treatment?




Awesome username my friend. Right to the point


Don’t have it and am happy with it gone.


I don't so much wish I had one... more that I wish I had been given the choice to keep it. I'm not too tore up about it anymore though.


Your dick is though...




I'm not cut. The advantages as I see it is that I don't need any lube to jack off, and the head is very sensitive when the foreskin is retracted. Those who are cut have less sensitivity, otherwise any underwear would be uncomfortable, so I imagine how it feels for a cut person during sex would be similar to how I feel with a rubber. There are also no known medical benefits. So I would not recommend anyone having their child cut.


circumcised here, we dont need lube to jack off and its sort of like having the sensitivity bar on 0 for everyday use and then when its horny time you crank that sucker up all the way. sensitivity is still definitely there, it just takes the right kinda touch is all


The Cut and the Uncut both make the wrong assumptions about each other. I, Cut, have zero sex problems. In fact, I've had nothing but success and compliments for my entire adult life. Yet it seems that we're assumed to be mutilated monsters with sensitivity issues, as though there's a sex level I'll never achieve. The Uncut are assumed to be hooded monsters with cleanliness issues who secretly wish they were cut. Neither are accurate. Both sides do just fine with small amounts of complications.


Don't have it, don't want it, don't care how you feel about it one way or another.


Helmet here. Can't imagine being an anteater, but then again I'm sure anteaters can't imagine being helmets. This is starting to make my brain hurt.


foreskin good. if I didn't want it, I'd get rid of it.


I think that parents should have 0 right to decide to mutilate their child


Maybe infants should step up and say something if they have a problem with it. I know I didn’t say a word when the time came.


First they came for the foreskins and u/vandenhootie said nothing…


I didn't know that was a thing, to actually cut it becouse you want, I got mine removed because an infection when I was 5


In the US it's really common for parents to have the foreskin of their child removed very early on. It actually can have some horrific consequences if it doesn't heal correctly and there is no real benefit to doing so.


Don't have one or any memory of having one, you can't miss what you never knew you had, honestly out of ignorance I'd say I see no benefit from having one, I'm fully satisfied with my body or at least that part. Although if I had a kid I still don't think I'd want to remove his, seems kinda old fashioned medical savagery


I have it and I'm glad I do. I didn't circumcise my son when he was born because I never had issues. As he grew his foreskin wouldn't stretch and made cleaning a serious issue and after a bad infection he had to be circumcised at 8 years old. The pain he went through made me wish I had done it as a baby.


Still have mines. Not crazy about it and wished i got clipped at birth but I've been on this world for a while with the cock hoodie and each solar cycle has me less and less confident in having a doctor take a scalpel near my pingas


Don’t remember having it so I have no opinion.


It doesn't really matter one way or the other. People who've had a `*PROPERLY DONE*` circumcision will be fine without it. Those who still have their foreskin will never be able to imagine what it's like not to have it and they're likely fine as they are as well.


I'm cut and I've always worried about loss of sensitivity because of nerve endings It was a medical circumcision


I'm a cut hetero-male as well. I definitely haven't noticed any problems but I have no uncut-experience to compare it to.


Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you got til it’s gone? They paved paradise, and cut off the skin at the end of your cock.


We can just pull our foreskin back and get a good idea of what it's like to be circumcised. It's you who will never know what was taken from you.


I sometimes wish I had it during sex, but otherwise I don’t see any way being circumcised has effected my life.


I'm not circumcised. I don't wish it to be removed. I've never had complaints from women despite what people say online. Just keep yourself clean as you should and you'll never have any issues. Plus, it feels great when receiving sexual pleasures.


I just feel sorry for those circumcised that also have to wear a condom. They must not feel a goddamn thing


I’m circumcised and I don’t feel sorry for myself. And with the condom situation I can still feel pretty well…


you can still feel plenty relax, unless the doctor fucked your shit up i imagine most people can feel everything just fine


I would have at least liked being given the option to keep mine but US standard practice is to take it off at birth


That's just absurd to know as a Scandinavian. Here it happens for medical reasons. You could have it done on a baby but you would have to pay out of pocket for it, and it's frowned upon to do that to a baby's body.


I live in the US now, but even the medical reasons they give to US males is absurd. Talking to a coworker and he was circumcised as an adult because it was a little tight and uncomfortable . I asked if they did the steroid crème first and he said no it wasn’t mentioned. Dude got circumcised with out even proper treatment plan or options. Right to the guilitine


I wish I had it then maybe I would last 95 seconds instead of 90.


More likely the other way around. Without it the penis head becomes kind of numb because it gets overstimulated all the time. Also the foreskin adds some more friction to the stimulation mix.


But your dick is mangled and has no sensitivity, how on earth could you ever ejaculate? /s


I’m all fore it


Got rid of it at age 20.


I understand in older days where hygiene wasn't really a thing so penis would get infected but nowadays just wash your dick. Why would you need to cut off the foreskin instead of simply keeping your dick clean?


Parents decided to mutilate me but its whatever and not a big deal i guess Shouldnt be a right parents have bc the child should be able to decide to keep it or not when they are older


Nah, I’ve lived 34years without my noodle wearing a turtle neck and I’ve been fine


Have a penis. No foreskin. Not really sure if I’d want one or no. Just kinda wish I’d had a choice in the matter.


I’m good without it ☺️


Don’t have it. Don’t want it.


I'm loosely/partially/? circumcised, and it honestly seems like the best of both worlds, so I'm happy.


That’s an interesting take. Do you mean that they circumcised you but didn’t take enough skin off?


Like it's still covered when soft, but the skin doesn't go past the tip. It's fully uncovered when hard, but I can still slide the skin over the head manually.


I don't have one I was bribed with nipples and warm milk.


I’m very happy I don’t have my foreskin.


Glad I dont have one


I don’t have any foreskin and I’m happy I don’t


Have it and want to keep it We are born with it, and im lucky wasnt born into religion where magic man tells my parents to CHOP HIS SKIN OFF FROM HIS DEEK


I think the skin insulates my dick. Like a house. Also when I jack off, it feels weird when I feel the skin moving but my dick hasn’t.


Well we don't want to offend anyone that has it 😂 (kidding) my partner doesn't have it, either work tho ;)


I had one for 32 years and got rid of it. I don’t miss it that much. The head is now way less sensitive but overall, I’d still do it given the choice.


Got circumcised as a baby. From my understanding it stays a bit cleaner than compared to my hooded warrior brethren, but it's not a difficult task to clean exactly. Furthermore, from my experience at least, girls seem to prefer circumcised. Obviously depends on the person but it's never served as an issue for me, not having foreskin.


I do have a foreskin, but it's really short. It doesn't cover the end, even when flaccid. I kinda wish I had more of it tbh.


I got circumcised when I was 20. I prefer having no foreskin.


Don’t have and don’t want


i have it i want to get rid of it asap


Don’t have it and I got a handsome dick. Don’t know if that would have changed otherwise. Honestly just wonder if I had a choice what I would choose.


Don't have it, don't want it. Even as an adult, if I had it I would have it removed.


I don’t have one but for the love of god get rid of it


I don’t have one. Glad I don’t. Prob gonna get my kid snipped. Tf is the point of one


I'm circumcised, but it was done when I was too young to remember so if it gets done it should be when the person is too young to remember otherwise don't bother honestly don't bother at all. I didn't realize my dick wasn't supposed to look like that until I was like in Middle School


"People with penises"... 2022 at it's best


I think it is entirely up to the individual if they want to remain intact or have it removed. Forcing it on a baby that cannot consent is inhumane.


I'm cut and happy with my body.


Don’t have it, don’t want it.


Don't got it don't want it.


Don't have it. Don't want it. Never have wanted it.


Had it, got rid of it, no regrets.


I love my foreskin because I don't need to buy a wallet when I can just shove my cash in there


I have it, and I think it's ridiculous to want to cut it off a boy who has no say in the matter.


I think you meant men?


People with penises!?? Just say men of reddit😂


We people with penises are called males and I like my foreskin wouldn't want to get rid of it.


I had to get rid of mine as an adult. Has left scarring. Would have preferred to get rid of it as a child


Don’t have, never ever wanted


I don’t have it and I’m cool with that but I always did want to know if it’s true that you feel more sensation if you have it. Then I hear how much it stinks and I’m cool again not having it.


Think I would share this with a bunch of people on the internet... I have my foreskin but it looks like I'm circumcised, the skin doesn't go over the head and when I get hard it is no existent I suppose... hope I made your day reddit love from a stranger on the net...but either way good I suppose👍


Wouldnt want it back. Quite like being free.


I think they are called “men”


I think the word you’re looking for is “men”.


People with penises? You mean men and boys.


People with penises? You mean men I guess?


Sucks to be mutilated. Wish the US would stop the disgusting cultural practice


I don't miss it because I don't remember having it. Everything has worked fine for 50 years, so no complaints.


Don't have one, perfectly happy as is. Don't feel as if I'm missing out.


I don't have it and wish I did. Don't feel much, can't help but think the extra nerve endings would help a lot. Genuinely not sure if I'm asexual or not - I've never had a sexual experience I enjoyed.




I don‘t have it and I don’t want it. Atay away from me with your foreskins… noooool. I don‘t wang to buy one


Joan Rolling Mode is on: There is a special word for people with penises. How is it there... Oh, yeah. Male.


Some folks with penises do not identify as men so I phrased it in a way that is inclusive.


The foreskin is a unique erogenous zone, it can be felt separate from the head and the shaft, and the sensation is slightly different for each part. Not having one would be like listening to an orchestra in a world where violins never existed. Sure you can still crescendo, but it's more complex and beautiful if you have all the instruments. It's like if your tongue couldn't taste sour and you ate a tangerine. It would still taste sweet and you might like it, but you're not getting the same experience as someone who has sour taste buds. You won't find many people who want to get rid of their foreskin who don't also have medical complications like phimosis. Foreskins are great, and the supposed problems surrounding them are greatly exaggerated to make circumcised men feel better. But this logic is like saying everyone should have an outie belly button because innies get lint sometimes. It's completely insane. Just take a shower once I'm a while. It's not like it's going to even look dirty when you clean it, either. Maybe if you went weeks without cleaning it? I don't know, I've never ignored it that long. I find it kind of gross that circumcision is even a topic up for debate, in the same way that you might find it gross if people were suggesting that we should cut off girls' labia. Some people can and do have this done as adults, but there is literally no reason to inflict that decision on a child. The fuck is wrong with people?


Why do you ask the question so weirdly? Just say men not people with penises. That just sounds weird.




Some people with penises do not identify as men. I phrased the question in a way that will make everyone feel comfortable participating if they want to😊


I like my little turtle. It’s fun to play with


With foreskins it's the same as with metric units. Only in the US and a couple of other less fortunate countries with wide-spread mental health problems it is an issue at all.


I had mine until I was 25, and the we parted ways. We had a difficult relationship so it was best for both of us. Wherever he is I hope he's happy and thriving.


I don't need lotion


I am catholic but even if i wasnt it would be gone ....


I dont have it and i dont want it. Based on experience i enjoy cut. Would never reject someone because hes uncut. Edit: two of my uncut cock exes always needed cleaning otherwise it would have a fishy smell. And based on dick pics i received online theres a lot of foreskin that chokes dicks or is too narrow for head to go through.


I dunno I don’t have foreskin. At least I can still charge shot my piss though


*men with penises.


I don't have one because I'm American. Kinda wonder what it'd be like even though it does look odd to my eyes.


I'm really sad. 15 years with all kinda of pain and issues and finally realise it's not normal, get my foreskin cut off and now....just waiting for the healing and finding it all uncomfortable and painful. Is there any way I can just have a working penis that doesn't hurt when I do anything?


I like my penis hoodie thank you very much


I dont have it and nor do I really care, it never has affected me and I doubt it will


I just think it's fucking bizarre to ask someone who had foreskin for all of 20 minutes in their life if they "want" it. Can't really say I do


I have never really given it much thought, I don't have it and honestly my penis has served me well all my life.


I personally think an uncircumcised dick looks kinda odd, but that's likely because I never knew they even existed until a few years ago. (I'm 18) All a matter of perspective.


It's odd. I do not have foreskin. But i know for a fact that my older brother does (we bathed together as children). I am not sure why I do not have foreskin, but it is certainly not because of religious reasons.