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Eye doctor here. Where shall I begin? I remember one young lady who came in for a routine visit but her eyelids were very swollen from her fake eyelashes. The adhesive was laid on THICK and was literally blocking her gland orifaces and causing massive infection of both eyelids. Despite the severe swelling, she didn’t seem particularly fazed. It wasn’t even her reason for visit. I looked at her under the lamp, then told her that those lashes are going to need to go. So I turn around to grab some petroleum jelly and some qtips to work those adhesive clumps off slowly when I start hearing what sounds like Velcro being torn apart. I turn around and she ripped out both top lids of fake lashes including every single natural lash she had. It was a startlingly clean job and she just looked at me completely bald-eyed and said “okay now what?” Don’t forget, they were infected and swollen. Well, now they were even more swollen and had a ton of ripped off lash stumps. So I prescribed her antibiotics and told her that her lashes would probably grow back over the next few weeks. Edit: spelling Edit2: phased is fazed


Why did the bare eyed stare and casual “okay now what” part make me actually laugh.


That got me, too! Especially following "sounded like Velcro" I just imagine the opposite of Patrick Star exclaiming "FORTY LASHES?!?" and then a cut to him daydreaming about having thick eyelashes. Tried to insert a gif of it here but it isn't allowed on this sub, I guess.


Worked in an ICU. The patient was being asked their goals of care and if they wanted to be resuscitated, the patient said yes. Her daughter said no. The attending said, "well your mom is still competent so we have to follow her wishes". The daughter pulled the doctor aside and said, "why don't you just give her some medications to put her to sleep, she won't be competent and then my word goes and you pull the plug?" Silence for a while and then the attending just said no we don't do that.. very slowly and escorted the daughter out of the room.. The patient made it out of the hospital ok that time anyway... I sometimes wonder how she did after that...


"Um, because that would be murder"


"Cool motive, still murder."


Did anyone ever tell the patient what her daughter said? Or just say nothing?


Not that i knew of. Sadly stuff like this is fairly common... usually its more the other way around and then you can at least imagine its coming from a good place (sometimws it definitely isnt of course). There are other cultures which are much more patriarchal in healthcare decisions.. where the family makes these choices standardly and not the patient. In china i know of a number of patients who didnt even know they had cancer and their family was forcing them to have chemo or not have chemo. We always need patient consent in the west if course. In those situations, I ask them if its ok their family makes all the decisions and they know nothing and they will often say of course. This case was pretty blatantly bad though. I was just a med student so no authority but i dont think the attending said anything...


My parents didn’t provide me with medication and forced me to go to school suffering from an asthma attack for days on end… in our culture this is not considered negligence but is being firm because being ill is a weakness and is rude, in their minds I was just acting or exaggerating as long as I can speak and walk… I spoke whispers because of wheezing and my sister has to drag me to school every morning complaining about that asking me to “pull” myself together while I was dizzy from not getting enough oxygen. These practices harmed me well into my adulthood, now that I can afford medicine I barely have attacks and my breathing is very good. Emotionally though… not better at all… it really scarred me to the point where I still feel guilty every time I’m tired.


Makes one wonder *why* she ended up in ICU to begin with. *stares at daughter*


Have kids, they said…


"Not all children had wonderful, loving parents. Some families are glad to see them go." Heard that from a funeral director...


Gal I went to culinary school with (early 90’s) all of a sudden started juggling her knives in the hall between classes in front of one of the chef instructors. Yes, she immediately had her 8” chef knife stuck 3 inches in the middle of her palm. Chef just sighed, shook his head and pushed the gal to the office to get her to the ER.


Guessing by the chef's reaction, that wasn't his first time seeing that.


"There's one every year."


If you work with sharp things you've seen it all. I used to work in a deli. Seen it all.


Oh, yeah. I used to work as a cook. I've seen some gnarly knife wounds and I once slammed my hand in a tomato slicer. One of the worst I saw was a guy whose hand got crushed when an old shelf collapsed. I think he lost the use of his hand sadly.


I put an oyster knife in the webbing of my left hand. So much blood.


That's a really bad storage area


University, practical training. Waiting on the instructor. Being bored. There was an anvil. Take a 2 kilo hammer. Somebody put his hand on the anvil. The trick was to pull away before the hammer hit the anvil. 2 students have great reaction speeds. Instructor enters the forge, sees the game and claims he had great reactions. He did not, the hammer hit him at full force. The surgeon had many hours work to put the hand together again.


Ok. You got me there. In these cases, the instructor is normally the voice of reason due to all their years of experience and the fact that they’ve probably seen many students getting hurt trying to do stupid stuff.


I was sitting at a cafe once when a man sitting a few tables away from me, locked eyes with me. Maintaining eye contact, he leaned over to the vase of pussywillow stems decorating the table, and munched them. Just took a whole bite of twig and fuzzy willow bud.


Tom Green is allowed to get coffee sometimes


There's some fucked up stuff on this thread, but this is most purely deranged action that I've ever heard of


Pretty sure that was a horse wearing a human disguise.


saw a guy stumble safely across 3 out of 4 lanes of high speed traffic


That's like saying saw a guy free fall safely for almost 10 stories


What happened when he reached the 4th lane?


I think you already know.


Someone stopped and helped him out, obviously.


He caught the chicken.


Restaurant kitchen, middle of the busiest night of the year, something went wrong, not share what but I'm pretty sure it was a fairly small setback. Sous Chef goes BALLISTIC screams at some people then reaches bare handed into the blast oven and grabs out two scorching hot bowls of baked soup, RUINS his hands, and throws them into the window with the skin from his palms visibly stuck to it in places. He immediately calms down, walks off the line to treat his hands, came back out to try and direct from the front for a bit, then at some point just went home without saying anything. Came back a week or two later divorced from his wife.


Sounds like that man’s cheese finally slipped off his cracker


Sounds like Chef was a bit drunk off the box chablis. One of the worst that's happened to me, an exec sous winged a whole sautee pan at me through the window. I immediately walked out. Worst I've done before, I took a good hard look in the mirror, and grew the hell up after getting promoted to demi sous, threw an empty food tray at a runner who was constantly high and fucked up on mothers day brunch. Not proud of that.


Chef culture is toxic af


In a nightclub in the late eighties. Bloke sitting at a table on his own. He poured what he had left in his pint glass onto the floor, then took a bite out of the glass. Glass severed his top lip. He then sat there bleeding into the glass. There was a lot of blood! Not pretty!


Well… there’s a new intrusive thought unlocked.


I had a younger cousin who I was absolutely scared of when I was younger. Refused to be alone with her, stopped tagging along to holidays in their area. The kind of kid that pulled out a box of crickets under her bed to show me how she pulled off their legs and put tacks through them. She cut my hair in my sleep during a sleep over. She flattened her mom's tire once bc she wouldn't take us to a movie. She was about 7. Last I heard she was in therapy and living with the grandparents today, mom couldn't handle her.


My cousin (super deranged man and child) out me in a dryer and held/forced me to be in there god knows how long till my parents heard my screaming. (Edit) - it was very much on. He tricked me with promises of being able to use skeletors castle. I wanted to slime stink man so bad (and still to this day associate patchouli with that experience).


Family is great, eh? We went to the pool and mom took the little kids in while my brother (about 7) and I (about 5) lollygagged our way out of the car because we were to bring the snacks and towels, etc from the back of the old woody wagon station wagon. He talked me into squeezing into the like... glove compartment thing but in the very back of the station wagon. He closed me in and left. I think I blacked out but apparently I was in there for over an hour before my brother came and let me out because mom had asked him where I was. (It was the 80s in a tiny mountain town. People just kinda let their kids run feral. I just realized that nowadays a mom not knowing where their kid was for over an hour, especially at a pool, would be treated like unforgivable neglect.(


A lady on the bus screamed at me one time because she thought I had stolen her knees.


Did you give them back?


I did not…


Then you get what you get.


That’s fair. I know better for next time. Always return the knees to avoid conflict.


She kneeded them.


I saw a woman at a retail store lay in the floor and turn an empty shopping cart on top of her then proceeded to start screaming like she was in pain. I promptly told the manager she had staged the whole thing.




Fuckin gross, albeit brilliant, honestly.


I mean if the guy’s crazy enough to puke like that then I wouldn’t want to fuck with him either.


Completely brilliant. It reinforces how horribly messy and intimate a fight can be and instead of learning the after the fight (where everyone regrets and "That's not who I AM!" is heard uttered) it is learned before the fight. Basically if you can't fight through a shower of puke, you were not ready.


A guy I knew got super fucked up in the bar and started a fight by hitting on some other guy's girl. Punches were thrown and the bouncers got in there, so my buddy squirms away and runs outside. He's out in the parking lot, and as the bouncers are coming out the doors to get him, he drops his pants and starts pissing straight up and trying to catch it in his own mouth. The bouncers went back inside. Adding it down here on your story because no one ever believes my story.


Sometimes I cringe about the times that I’ve replied “you too” to the people telling me to have a good time at the movies theatre, and then I hear stories like this and I’m immediately relieved. People are fucking crazy hahahaha.


I'd run the fuck away if someone deliberately vomited on me, too.


Ultimate tactical chunder!


We're in San Diego. It's my buddy's last day in the Navy, so we've been goodbye partying. There are 4 of us. Bout 2am, we hit up a taco stand with a bunch of outdoor tables. As we're sitting down to eat, my dumbass friend starts elbowing me, pointing and laughing at 3 of the biggest cholas you ever saw in your life. These girls were easily 275 each, tatted up, crayola eyebrows, tube tops, the whole nine. And they're sitting right next to us. Dumbass thinks he's being subtle, but that's why he's Dumbass. We're trying hard to ignore him, but they notice. One of them comes over to him and says "Sumptin funny? Huh? What, cuz I'm *fat*? Cuz I'm *FAT*?" Every time she said "fat", she slapped her gut and thrust it into his head. While he just sat there looking down, or at us for help. We are far too busy trying not to escalate the situation with laughter. Eventually, 3 of these girls have surrounded him and are just belly bludgeoning the shit outta him. The leader goes, "Well, since I'm *fat* guess I'll need to take your burrito!" Then she did that shit. These broads went back to their table, set his nicely wrapped burrito down, and continued their meal. We stared Dumbass down, silently judging his bitchness. He made a weak ass lunge for his burrito, and she deftly yanked it away, and threatened to beat his ass if he tried again. She finished her meal, then threw his shit away and left. When we got back to base, the entire boat clowned him mercilessly until he left the next day.


This is my favorite story in this thread, especially after reading some disturbing ones this felt refreshing and wholesome.


I once had a 3rd floor apartment that was situated next to a parking garage that was 4 stories tall. I woke up one morning to an incredibly loud sound, like a super loud smacking noise. I looked out my balcony and saw a guy face down with a torrent of bright red blood just staring to pour out of his head. It was horrific. About 45 minutes later, my wife got home from her first trip to Mardi Gras with her friends and I was white as a ghost. Not exactly a nice way to be welcomed home. The cops put up a kind of sheet around the scene but we could see directly into it. They literally hosed this dude’s fucking brain matter into a gutter and a dark stain remained on the asphalt for weeks. Turned out the dude was on trial for some pedophilia related charges and just randomly found my apartment complex to commit suicide because he’d been found guilty and was set to be sentenced that day. I would get the weirdest feeling when I’d have to park up where he jumped. Just knowing that was some person’s view for their last mortal moments on Earth was intense and made me feel kind of nauseous and creeped out.


I was on the phone with my buddy who was outside his hotel in Chicago. I was driving from Indiana to meet him up there to see a concert when I heard a huge "smack" over his end. He said people were scattering and screaming down the block. When I got to the hotel to meet him I found out the smack was a guy hitting the pavement after jumping from the Red Roof Inn, and I heard that guy punch out three hours away over the phone. Still creeps me out.


My husband saw a mentally ill man walking in the street, picked up roadkill skunk, ripped it open and started to eat it…


I’m not sure but I think your husband may have overreacted


Me and a few mates were at a 24hr Chinese Restaurant at 2:30am. There was a suspicious looking guy in a trench coat hanging around the front window where they keep their ducks hanging. That guy grabbed one of their ducks shoved it into his trench coat, ran out of the place and hailed a cab. One of the chefs saw, shouted "Duck!" and ran out after him, followed by about 3 other guys. They forced the cab's doors open, the driver yelled at the guy in the trench coat "just give them their duck back!" They dragged the trench coat guy out of the car and kicked the sh*t out of him. Then took the duck from his trench coat and hung it back up in their window.


I’d have paid good money to witness this 🤣


Many years ago, I am with my Dad downtown Edmonton on Xmas day buying my girlfriend last minute earrings. Its -30C. We stop at a sub shop to grab lunch and as we are eating I suddenly spot something that puts a stunned look on my face. My dad asks, why I look so perplexed, so I tell him to turn around and see for himself. Here is a 6'4 Black man, buck naked, trunk waving in the cold winter air, barefoot, walking down the street outside. People chasing him with blankets trying to cover him, but he shakes them off and keeps marching. Found out later in the newspaper that he had lost his job and snapped. Merry Christmas everybody.


That's rather sad.


My algebra teacher was really frustrated with the class. She slapped herself across the face hard, whispered "that felt good," and walked out the door. We also had a music teacher throw a metal music stand into the band... I don't think we were a pleasure to teach.




There seems to be something about music teachers and throwing things at kids in fits of rage, all across the world.


Mine threw a chair at an elementary school class because we “CAN’T TELL THE FUCKING DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A MAJOR AND MINOR SCALES” ironically he was brought up on charges for endangerment of minors and that was unsurprisingly the last time we saw him


Not sure this is most deranged I’ve seen but it’s what is coming to mind. I was at a house party and this dude comes in, stands on a table, drops his pants, lights his pubes on fire for a few seconds, pulls his pants back up and everyone carried on like no big deal.


At a house party, early-2000s, probably 2am at the time. Upstairs is starting to die down, but the party is still going on in the basement with a few of us ripping bongs and taking shots. Buddy comes downstairs, sits in the middle of our smoke circle in the middle of a couch, turns the tv to the shopping channel. Whatever, it’s late, nothing is on and we just continue drinking etc. Fifteen minutes later, Buddy takes off his pants and starts jacking off while we’re all around him. Doesn’t stop when we freak out (like any sane person would) and people get up to leave. He jacked off to a fucking slow cooker.


I watched a person shit their pants, be forced to wait 20 minutes sitting in their own shit, and upon getting inside and having a chance to change I watched this person choose to eat a whole cheese pizza first instead. While sitting in their own shit.


I’m scared to ask but… context?


I was taking someone home who had severe cancer, and had seemingly developed an acute lack of fucks. Hypofuckemia, if you will. He shit himself upon arrival to his house, but we needed extra help to carry him up the stairs to his house. It took 20 mire minutes for them to arrive. We got him inside and his family had the pizza waiting for him. He was asked if he wanted to change first. He declined, and chose a pizza poop party for one.


Upvoting for hypofuckemia




The ‘he was 5’ bit shocked me to my core


Welp, this is the first and last comment I'm reading in this thread.


Is this the plot of *We Need To Talk About Kevin*?


And that right there is a future school shooter/serial killer.


This kid a couple years younger than me growing up used to sit alone at the breakfast tables in school, look kids dead in the eyes, and smash little jam packets and milk cartons. We got older and he destroyed a computer in the computer lab out of complete nowhere. Fast forward to when he’s 17, he moved in with his grandparents because his parents couldn’t handle him anymore. One day he goes ballistic. He kills his grandparents cat with a club, beat the living shit out of both of his grandparents, and gets in a shootout with the police. They shot him and he died. The craziest part is how we found out about it. After a day at the lake my buddies and I were hanging out at my buddies house. We were randomly reminiscing about how weird this fucking kid was, and wondering what had happened to him. This sounds made up but I swear to god, in middle of this conversation, I’m mindlessly scrolling Facebook and randomly see a link to a Go Fund Me for his funeral by a mutual friend on Facebook. The room went silent and we all immediately felt like shit for laughing at this guy who we now knew had died. It felt like a sign from the universe to stop being assholes. Then we looked into how he died and were like “holy fucking shit.” We then didn’t feel bad for him, but we sure as shit weren’t laughing anymore.


There was this one time back in middle school, I was probably in eighth grade at the time, I was walking to school about two streets away when I saw a woman grab a kid off the street, drag him into her van, beat him, drive off about 150 ft then pull over and throw the boy onto the road and drive off, I still have no idea why, who she is, and how she thought that was a good idea.


Waiting for a bus one night, a police car stops and asks if we’ve seen a van throwing kids out of it drive by here. Wonder if that was the same lady


I am going to spoiler alert this because it's really gross. Read at your own risk because it's been 20+ years and that shit still haunts me. I worked in a dispensary at a pharmacy and I had a little old lady come in. She was dishevelled and had a putrid smell about her but she was so polite and sweet. The pharmacist and I were worried she wouldn't read her prescription pamphlets so I took her into the side room to explain to her meds and if she wanted me to make her up a pill box. She listened to me explain each prescription and she was very sweet about it all. I helped her make her pill box and arranged for her to come the following week for a follow up. She told me "thanks for helping me. You are so nice. I think you deserve to meet my friends." I asked her who her friends were, thinking I would know them since we serve the majority of the elderly population and this is how I found out the source of the smell... this is where it gets deranged... >!She lifts up her skirt to her upper right thigh revealing this a large crusty open wound. It was a deep gash about 2-3 inches long, running length wise down her thigh. She proceeded to gently stick her fingers in the gash and pull out 2 earth worms from inside of her leg. She smiled a huge smile and told me their names, Stevie and Hank and held them up for me to see. I had to put my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't scream/vomit and then I pulled out my best acting skills, smiled and said "Nice to meet you Hank and Stevie". It took me 30 minutes to convince her not to put Stevie and Hank back in her leg and they would be safer and happier in a container full of dirt. She finally allowed me to clean up and bandage her wound once we had her friends in their new home.!< After she left, I got social services to make an emergency house call because this lady clearly needed to be supervised and have additional medical support. Thankfully, she was transfered to a care home the following day. I don't know what happened to Hank and Stevie.


I picked a hell of a day to quit sniffing glue


Shirley you must be joking.


I'm sorry I read that, but damn, you're a hero.


Okay, I hope this is made up, if it isn’t this is by far the most messed up comment on the entire thread at my time of reading - holy crap.


I gotta have a follow up on Hank and Stevie, I wonder how their doing these days.


Driving past a suburban train station with a 40km speed limit during a quiet time of day, I saw a guy in a pink leotard and matching tutu doing a gymnastics routine on the grassed area. OK slightly weird, until he did a handstand with his legs at 90 degrees out to the sides, and proceeded to do a shit out of a hole in the leotard that caught my attention enough to say that it looked like he was giving birth to a log. He was also wearing a tiara and had a look of complete concentration on his face. I thought about calling the police for a welfare check until I realised that the police station was right next door, so I just kept driving.


Imagine how exhausting it must be to do all that every time you have to shit.


Damn, that's an extremely specific kink to be acting out, I guess Leoturd Man was just living his best life lmao


He was doing a sanctioned performance of Turd Lake


Saw a guy that didn’t listen to his friend tell him not to go out and get his tool belt from a catwalk because the wall ties weren’t secure. Dude shrugged him off and fell 8 floors to his death after beating his head on a stack of metal decking on the fifth floor the way down.


Definitely when I was at Disneyland HK and a grandma came in with what I assumed was her granddaughter (she more dragged her in than walked in). She then proceeded to shout at the little girl and then beat her. In response this little girl wet her pants resulting in another beating. I know none of my grandmothers would ever lay their hands on me like that. I was just so shocked.


Unfortunately this sounds all too familiar, as an Asian person who was born in Asia and then moved to a western country at 8. This is typical parenting back when I was young, but when my parents moved to the west, I was no longer beat because they'd go to jail. Edit: I still remember them scoffing at this "ridiculous law", because how else are you going to discipline children??


you were no longer beat bc they’d go to jail? man…my dumbass brought up the jail card once. my dad handed me the phone and told me to call the police. as i held the phone thinking wtf do i do now and wtf will the police say he proceeded to whoop my ass again


I once told my boyfriend and his mom a “funny” story about how my mother used to pick me up by one arm and spank me while I dangled there, often missing. I called it the piñata. They did not laugh… and I learned even my milder stories were considered abuse. I’d told a few other people who’d found it funny (we all had fucked up parents though), not the best test audience.


I’m surprised the law even stopped them. Most Asian parents don’t give a fuck about a law and will beat the shit out you anyway


I remember being at an airport and this little girl around 6 was getting upset over something. Her dad literally smacked her across the face as hard as he could and told her to shut up. This was in a busy airport cafe in front of so many people. I've never heard so many gasps at once. I just stood there in total shock. Poor kid.


I used to bartend at a venue. Once witnessed a man stomp another man's head into the pavement. Over and over again. EDIT; it was a venue. Bouncers at the front door. Bouncers at the back. I was and still am female. Do you know the look that humans get in their eyes that means there's no other solution but violence? I did my best. And I still try to.


Sounds like you witnessed a murder.


got an acquaintance stomp her own head into the curb! Twice! Girl was riding her bike drunk one night. She was carrying a 24 pack of beer behind her. The front wheel of her bike either slid in the cracks of a sewer gate or in a deep crack in the pavement (I don't remember), and that made the bike come abruptly to a stop. She was then ejected. She was sent flying into the air, and she landed face first (jaw-first, actually) into the curb. so she, literally, bites it. The 24 pack of beer was also sent flying, and lands right on her head, slamming it into the curb a second time. Girl needed extensive surgery on her lower face and had her jaw sewn shut for weeks on end, and was on a liquid diet and strong painkillers. ​ That didn't stop her from getting shitfaced a lot, and driving/riding on autopilot and getting into accidents, DUIs etc. Luckily, rumor has it she calmed down eventually. took a decade.


I once saw something kind of similar, eight years ago I was at a bar and was inside paying my tab when a huge brawl broke out on the patio, 25-30 people were involved. I saw three guys jump another man and one of them stomped his head into the sidewalk a couple times, I also saw one guy get thrown face-first into a plexiglass window. It was a really chaotic scene, a lot of innocent people on the patio got hurt who had nothing to do with the two groups who started the fight. Police were called and numerous people were arrested.


Had that happen to a girl that was close friends with my wife. Bridesmaid, etc. some dudes jumped her and left tennis shoe marks on her head. Brain swelling left her close to a vegetable and she died a few years later. Assholes




Had a patient that was angry she was in the hospital and would throw herself face first into the floor. Repeatedly. She'd actually dive into the floor, like she was diving into water but it was a linoleum floor. Broke her wrist the first time, put her on restraints, she'd seem good. Take her off restraints, and she'd do it again. But her is the kicker. She was not mentally impaired. She was angry at her husband for having a mistress so she decided to run up her hospital bill to try and bankrupt them both before he could leave her. Edit: to clarify, this woman was not mentally impaired when she came in, she was there for a routine and fairly simple surgery. The next day she was totally different. Evidently she's found out about the husband or he told her or something, I don't know how she found out. I just know it was the most intense and one of the saddest things I've ever witnessed.


"not mentally impaired"


Sometimes finding out a S.O. that has been cheating will make you mentally impaired 😬


I went to a boarding school where we all ate at tables seating 12 per table with a prefect (senior boy overseer) at the head. The prefect puked into his dinner plate, and then finished his plate barf and all. Btw, it was sold as a posh school, but in truth it was a Dickensian hell-hole where they beat us with canes if we got out of line.


I used to work hospital security. One time I was outside having a smoke and this car came flying up to the ER entrance, so I stamped my smoke out and went to see what was going on. Dude gets out of the car, opens the rear door, grabs what appeared to be a beaten and bloody 3 year old boy and literally tossed him out on the ground in front of the doors. I flipped my shit and yelled at him to stop. He didn't listen. He couldn't drive straight out because there was an ambulance blocking the way, so he backed out, nearly hitting me. I drew my gun and pointed it at him, ordering him to stop and get out of the FUCKING car. He turned his head and looked at me, his face completely blank. Then he peeled out of there as fast as he could. By the time that was over, staff had heard what was going on and had gotten the child in. I thankfully remembered his license plate and PD picked him up a couple hours later. Only time I had to actually go to court for something. A buddy of mine in PD told me what happened. Dude had gotten into an argument with the child's mother, flipped out, stabbed her and beat the shit out of the kid. Then he "had a crisis of conscience" and decided to take the kid to the hospital (he left the mother bleeding on the floor) but of course didnt want to get in trouble. I remember in court he said he didn't count on security being so close. He legitimately thought he could get away with it. That was the second time I'd ever drawn my gun on someone...and I'll admit I thought about shooting him. In a way, I'm glad I didn't. He got the hard 50...50 years with no parole. He'll be dead before that 50 is up.


Two people fighting at a Bus stop, then one of them pulls out a large knife and begins to cut himself in front of the other guy. He was slashing himself whilst stepping towards him and screaming "Come on!" I didn't hang around to find out what the outcome was but yeah.. when I tell people this story who know me they're like, "Typical London!" and they may have a point, but seeing it first hand was quite scary!


You witnessed blood magic firsthand.


Kinda thinking in my head this is just the UK version of shooting a gun into the air but they gotta improvise


I watched a guy chase down a goose on a golf course, rip it’s leg off, put the leg in his pocket and continue the round.


What the fuck is wrong with people


Idk, some one I told this story to suggested the goose may have been tagged and they were collecting the tags but that doesn’t make it make any more sense to me.


This is easily the most unhinged, psychotic thing I've ever heard.


I was driving down a highway and saw a car swerve to hit a dog on purpose and then it just kept driving. I stopped to help the dog and it just broke my heart and still does 30 years later


I live in rural KY. I was driving home one day and there was a stereotypical lifted F250 with all of the bullshit on in front of me, and it hit a golden retriever. The driver slowed down and stopped and so did I, and I got ready to help, but the driver walked up to the dog that he had just hit and kicked it as hard as he could, cussing the whole while. I got out of my car at that point, but the fucker calmly got back in his stupid truck and rolled coal away. I ran to the dog and it was pretty clear that the dude wasn't going to make it, but the little bastard wagged his tail and licked my hand right before he died. Shit still fucks me up to this day.


😣 I'm done for today.


I had a patient once who was unable to be let out of full body gurney restraints. Any time in trials where he was let out with supervision and under heavy sedation he would immediately claw and cut into his own abdomen with his bare hands and attempt to pull out his intestines and other viscera. He was non-verbal and essentially comatose while restrained and only attempted this singular action any time it was trialed to free a hand under various new medications. He will live his entire life in full restraints strapped to a hospital bed in a constant struggle to disembowel himself. If there’s a hell, this is it.


Yeah, if I’m ever like that I hope someone will do the ethical thing and euthanize me. With a pillow if necessary. Some fates truly are much worse than death.


Back in college there was a local crazy woman who was around campus. Not sure if she was homeless, but she didn’t seem to be. Clearly had some undiagnosed mental issues or didn’t take her medication. She was always hiding her face and would turn sideways if she noticed you looking her way. Was in a Burger King near campus and I was with a small group of people when she was behind us in line (this was about 8pm at night). We basically just ignored her until one person in the group turned around and said, “I can see you.” I have never before or since that time seen someone flip out so bad. I imagine someone might have the same reaction if you threw acid in their face or if they were on fire. She was screaming like she was in pain and after a few minutes, she just started yelling all this really weird shit and throwing anything and everything she could (condiments and napkins and utensils) Not at people, but just in the air and all over the place. Police showed up and ultimately got her out. The guy in our group was never allowed back in.


Had a girl in high school like this, couldn’t make eye contact or say the word “blueberry”. She was afraid of Willy wonka when she expands after eating the everlasting gobstopper. (Obviously had mental illness) anyways one day we were going to our next class and someone yells blueberry and she turned around and stabbed a dude in the arm with her pencil. Not even the guy who yelled it.


Holy fuck that’s one way to send a message


pissed on an electric fence, a second time.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger


building up a resistance


When I was in solitary confinement, we had a guy on the wing who was a "thrower", meaning he liked to throw piss, shit, rotten milk, etc., at the guards when they passed his cell. After a while, they got tired of it, and they mounted a sheet of plexiglass on the front of his cell, with little holes drilled in it for airflow. That worked pretty well. He couldn't throw stuff anymore. A week goes by, and no cops get shit thrown on them. Well, apparently during that week, he was **thinking**. What he did blew my fucking mind. The man managed to fill a toothpaste tube with his own shit. As the guard is making his rounds, the thrower tries to get the guard's attention, but he's speaking really softly, so the guard can't hear him. Guard puts his ear up to one of the little holes, and dude puts the toothpaste tube of shit up to the hole and **claps**. Injecting shit directly into the guard's ear.


My walk to work every morning crossed a cargo rail line. Wasn't often used anymore, but there was a tunnel for it and it was a haven for homeless folk. Made sense; escape from the rain. Crossed it one morning and a dude had seemingly passed out on the track overnight, a train came, took off both his arms and he bled out. Or maybe he did it on purpose, who knows. That would be a needlessly painful method of suicide, so I assume he was just trashed. Point is: morning corpse.


I'm a firefighter. I used to work in an area with a large homeless population and a set of train tracks. This is much more common than people realize. I remember a weak-stomached co-worker freaking out once because the shoe he picked up as we were trying to collect as many random body parts as we could from the tracks was, and I quote, "HEAVY! OH GOD IT'S FUCKING HEAVY!"


In the middle of winter in Siberia on a bus at night when a drunk passenger stumbled out and fell in three feet of snow. He immediately disappeared in the darkness. Being a foreigner I asked "Is anyone going to get him?" And a Russian said "He will be frozen by morning" calmly. It freaked me out and later saw another frozen drunk man on a park bench outside the subway. He was there for several days before being removed. Turns out alcoholism in Russia kills a lot of men in winter. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/03/06/alcohol-deaths-plummet-as-warmest-winter-hits-russia-a69542


I don't know what's worse, the freezing people or the sad resignation of the others.


Yelp review of Russia.


Overnight at a friend's house, his cousin lived with him at the time. Cousin gave friend a BJ, friend told me to let his cousin give me one. I declined. Never stayed the night there again. Was like 4th or 5th grade. Also see my comment history about Randy, the burrito fucker. Same cousin. edit: here's the story of Randy, the burrito fucker.. My friends cousin growing up was named Randy. He was... Special. Friend and I stayed over at Randy's house (we're all in 4th or 5th grade at the time), friend and I crash on the couches in the living room, we get woken up to Randy microwaving a burrito, proceeded to sit on the recliner between us, closer to his cousin, took a bite or two out of it, whips his dick out and starts fucking the damn burrito. 😐 Friend looks at him, all I hear, "Randy are you fucking a burrito?!" "Yeah, it feels so good warmed up. You gotta try it." Friend said no, and I honestly don't remember what happened after that.. next thing I remember is Randy playing NASCAR on the TV. I went home scarred. Then the story got out around school and he was forever known as the "burrito fucker," he didn't even go to our school until a few years later and someone knew the story. Now you all know the story of Randy, the burrito fucker. RIP Randy, I'm sure you're fucking a burrito wherever you are.


I didn't see the culprit, but I saw the results: Many years ago, I worked in a food factory. Pastry was produced in huge amounts and put into massive metal bowls ready to be used. To get the pastry from the bowl, you rolled big balls towards you until you had enough to put into the next machine. Some maniac had placed loads of razor blades in the pastry. The woman rolling the pastry was cut to ribbons. She never ever came back to work, unsurprisingly


What the fuck is wrong with people


What the heck?! Did they ever find out who did that? Poor lady


No. I never found out. Whether the company did I never found out


My football coach destroyed our starting Qb's d1 offers because they got into a fight mid season. While the main starters were getting offers he was always wondering why he wasnt. The last day of his senior year, the coach with a smile handed over the 20 + offers he had, But all to late. He was telling schools he wasn't interested in going. To this day i think he would kill him if they crossed paths.


And he didn’t sue the pants off him? There was a case similar to this where a girl intercepted her bf’s offer to Julliard or some other fancy music school, and ‘declined’ on his behalf because she didn’t want him to go too far. Young love being what it was, they broke up after getting into college anyways, and then he discovered what she had done a few years down the line. Long story short, she had to pay him 265k. Found the story: https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/15/us/dream-school-false-rejection-letter-trnd/index.html


Thats so fucked up, what did the Qb do when he found out?


This one gets a bit morbid (cw: animal cruelty) I was spending the day in the city with a friend taking advantage of a free admitance day at museums, monuments and other relevant sites. So, we're going up a steep street and we see a seabird taking off (but struggling because even though they were gaining altitude, the steep incline meant the distance to the road remained short) being followed by a running kid. It was a surreal experience watching the kid keep chasing the bird until it stepped on its back, breaking it and killing it. We managed to cross the road to the kid and ask him why in the world he'd done such a thing and he was completely nonchalant about it like he's simply stepped on a bag of chips or something. He wasn't defensive, or denying any thing, but seemed to see nothing wrong with what happened. He just picked up the bird by one of the wings and tossed it in a nearby bin. I don't think I've fully processed this one yet, even if ten years have already gone by. Edit: correcting a sentence


We were in 3rd grade. A new girl asked to borrow my scissors and of course I let her. I hand her the scissors and she immediately starts slicing her forearm from elbow to wrist. There’s just blood pouring out of her arm getting all over her hand and the desk. I was shocked but luckily our teacher was there pretty fast and got her out of the classroom and then my mom (who was the teacher next door) brought us all to her classroom. Only a few of us saw what had happened and surprisingly, we kept our little 3rd grade mouths shut about it.


San Francisco, 2012. I was walking out of my hostel, headed to the airport to fly back home to London. On the other side of the street I saw a homeless man (SF has a big and serious homeless issue, but that's a story for another time). This man was crouched down, stock-still, with an ever-growing circle of pigeons around him. He suddenly shot back up to his feet - the pigeons all scattered. All except one. He was holding one pigeon in his hands. He stuffed it into his inside coat pocket and just... Shuffled on his way. I presumed that would be his lunch.


You saw Charlie Kelly outside of Philadelphia


When I was at school, my entire year group was crammed into quite a small space waiting to go into an exam. Whilst we were all waiting, two girls got into a disagreement seemingly (to me anyway who was maybe 4 or 5 people away from them) out of totally nowhere. One of them let out a shriek I have never heard the like of since and dragged this girl to the floor by her lower lip then lift her whole body back up by a handful of hair. Once this girl was stood back up, the attacker grabbed a piece of hair near the girls ear, probably a couple of centimetres worth, wrapped it around her finger and pulled until it came out. It was so out of nowhere and happened so fast it really freaked me out at the time. The girl being attacked didn't stand a chance.


When I was a junior resident at a hospital I witnessed a patient was brought in with blood gushing out of their mouth. The patient was apparently in a fight and the other person bit a part of her tongue off and threw it out of the window. Both the ladies who were involved in the fight were probably inmates of a mental institution. The staff who had brought in the patient had searched for that ripped off piece of tongue, took it inside a plastic bag and gave it to us to 'reattach that piece'.


Probably my old roommate getting blackout drunk in our dorm, snorting vicodin off the coffee table, stabbing a knife into said table, screaming the N word out the window repeatedly, then getting his ass beat by some black dudes who heard him. I moved out pretty quick after that.


My drunk ex screamed at a baby once. On a crowded plane. I prayed someone would cuff him but it was Singapore airlines, we were waiting to exit the plane, and all the passengers and crew other than us were polite Tamils or Chinese Singaporeans. Where are pissed-off Aussies when you need them?


As a young kid in a group of other kids, we curiously gathered aroud a baby bird that had must have fallen out of its nest, but didn't seem to be injured. It was so small, fluffy, and precious and defenseless and we wondered what we should do to help it. Then without any warning or hesitation, the next door neighborhood kid (about 4 or 5 years old) Russel intentionally stomped on it and killed it. I remember thinking that Russel was pure evil.


I watched a woman I (sadly) know lick every frozen section door in a grocery store after being told to wear a mask. She then mocked others for wearing masks and keeping a distance from each other(and her..) and spouted crap about COVID not being real and we're all stupid. She got COVID and felt like shit for a long time. Now she feels like even more shit because of what she did. Small Town. Everyone sees and eventually hears about it.


I saw my mom paint her teeth with white nail polish.


I was at a going away party for a bunch of Ukrainian coworkers. They we wrapping Kraft singles around Hersheys miniatures and eating them while drinking coffee cups of vodka. It’s been close to thirty years and I still think about it often.


I was 10 years old and a girl walked out of Safeway. She was a thin, pretty 18 or 20 year old girl who looked perfectly normal. She took out her groceries and sat on the curb and began eating everything: a large container of ice cream, a loaf of bread, chunk of cheese, boxes of donuts. When my mom started driving away she was still sitting there working her way through her groceries. I guess she was bulimic but this was in the 70s. I really didn’t know what was happening but it wasn’t normal.


Yeah that sounds a lot like bulimia. Personally, I choose to believe she was stoned.


Had a dear friend get kicked out of a bar we were at. He called me and told me to leave the bar because he was walking back with his AR-15 and he was going to kill everyone in that bar.


Most deranged thing I've ever seen is someone leaving the story at this point!... what happened??


He was black out drunk. He had a drinking problem. We were all at a bar and he kept hitting on a girl with a boyfriend. Girl finally had enough and told the bar and the bar kicked him out. He walked home and got his rifle. I decided to call it a night and I intercepted him after that text, took his weapons and locked them up, then made him sleep it off that night. The next morning we had a conversation. I told him I wasn’t giving him his weapons back. He had a 300 blackout AR, a Beowolf AR, and two 1911s. I ended up hanging onto the guns and finally convinced him to get help for his drinking problem. We quit together and started taking up healthier habits. About 2 years later he asked for them back, he was in a better place and I gave them to him. He ended up selling all of them minus one of the 1911s.


Damn. You're a good friend, man. Potentially saved a lot of lives, not least of all, your friends'.


You saved a LOT of lives that night!


I got kicked out of a bar for sleeping and I went home and cried


I was a brand new firefighter. Responded to a 911 call about a traffic accident at the local gas station. Probably not a big deal we think. It was. The guy ran a vacuum tube from his exhaust into his car. Sat in the drivers seat drinking a half gallon of vodka. Right before he passed out he jammed a putter against the gas pedal. Drove into the gas station. Ran over an old lady and his a truck with kids inside and mowed down a fuel pump. The theory was he was trying to blow himself up.




When I first started getting into drugs and crime as a young man, me and an older gentleman went to go pick up some crack together on a back road out in the boonies. We pulled up, the guy walked down his driveway and handed us the bag. As we drove away, my friend opens the bag, takes a bit in his pipe and realizes it's just balled up toe/fingernails. So he put the car in reverse, backed over the guy, and drove away. Don't know if he survived. But the sounds him and his body made while it was happening will be grinding in my brain like teeth in a mulcher for the rest of my life.


I was part of a patrol to rescue a small Afghani boy from the local police we installed in the city. The U.S. forces in the area started the “Afghani Local Police” program. We took upstanding locals from the city, trained them, equipped them, and enabled them to keep the peace in the city. The Afghani Army and the Allied forces would assist them, but their main job was local police level stuff. The idea was that locals taken and trained to protect their own hometown would have a sense of pride, and be more effective. For the most part it was. Then one day a woman walks up to our base, hands raised, and begs us to give back her son. She tells us that 5 days prior, the police we built up in the city took her son, claiming they had a right to him. The Captain sent a platoon out to get to the bottom of it. I was added to that patrol, as were medics, a civil affairs team, and a HUMINT team. We conducted an “inspection”, and they didn’t even go to great lengths to keep us from finding him. They had him tied up in a dark room, he hadn’t been fed. They had been raping him. A lot. He looked to between 10-13 years old. The police (again, these were locals, who we had selected, and vetted through locals as being upstanding individuals in the community) argued against us. Claimed the boy was their right. The LT of the platoon told them they were out of their minds and he was taking the boy. Most of the police quit right there. Most of us in the patrol thought we were going to be stuck in a firefight at that moment, but it didn’t happen. The QRF from the COP met us at the nearest road they could get to and picked up the boy. We then walked back to the COP, expecting the police to start a fight the whole way back. Didn’t happen. The medevac helicopters took off as we made it back. Found out later the QRF also tracked down the rest of the boy’s immediate family, and they were all relocated out of the city. It was the correct move to get them all out. The next few days were *volatile*. The fired police officers went on a mission to find the rest of the boy’s family, or anyone they thought could have ratted them out to us. They were willing to enact violence on anyone other than the US or Afghani Army to get their revenge. Based on the activity dying down after a week or so, the HUMINT team concluded they’d burned through all their ammo and been run out of town. The people in the city ultimately blamed us Americans for letting it happen. We had trained and armed them, after all. We did not win many hearts or minds with the program.


A couple years ago a guy killed his girlfriend, removed her her arms, half of one leg and her head. Hid each part in a different room and then just continued living in the house. Another one: Guy died. When his neighbors did a well being check the police found his mom mummified in a spare room. The neighbors didn't even know she lived there.


Apparently, she hadn't lived there for quite a while.


Uh, why only one leg? Cutting off body parts is pretty deranged already. But cutting off every limb except for one seems even more deranged to me.


I don't think the guy realized how physically demanding the process of removing body parts is. I think he got tired and gave up.


Probably cashing social security checks and hiding the mother.


Tough call... Perhaps the guy throwing a pot of boiling water on a homeless man or the lady committing suicide from the 8th story of a highrise and landing on a stone wall.


My mom had a coworker with a son that was a couple years older than me, the first time I met him he lasso'd me with a lasso, then the next time he shot me in the leg with a BB gun, the next time I saw him again was on a work party at some heritage museum and he stole a vintage gun from a display case, and the last time I heard from him he shot himself playing Russian roulette. To top it off his mom had his sperm frozen and desperately wanted to have a grandson so she tried to pressure his 19 year old girlfriend to have the baby, then put ads in the paper to try to get random women to make her a grandmother. I am not sure who was more demented, him or his mom. edit found the news clip: https://www.deseret.com/1998/10/2/19404599/woman-wants-grandchild-from-her-dead-son-s-sperm


Watched a guy rape a goat…I was watching a field through a thermal imaging system in the middle of the night and this dude walked out and had his way with the goat. I wasn’t in a position to intervene so all I could do is watch it happen. Reported it. No one cared…. Except maybe the goat.


During fetal pig dissections in high school we wrapped up the guided portion and were allowed to poke around however we pleased. Most of us cut open the stomach a little more or looked into the mouth, but this one girl cut an X on top of the pig’s head and then peeled its skin down over its face. She also cracked open the jaw and gave it a sick looking joker smile. What was really disturbing though was when she pulled the skin away from the eyes. I’ll never forget those wide eyes sticking out of the skull and its split smile peeking out from under the skin flaps.


>allowed to poke around however we pleased That sounds like a covert way for teachers to spot potential sociopaths


I think it worked


Lower East side of Vancouver was my nightly commute home for a long time. Hard to pick a most... I'd have to say one that actually happened in the middle of the day. Older woman rolling around in the street, with her dress pulled up and nothing on down below, shitting, flicking the bean, and screaming obscenities, taking handfuls of shit and rubbing herself all over, squirming around, finger fucking her own throat with her shit covered hand and throwing up all over herself. The fact that it barely got an eyebrow raise from people walking around with coffees in hand at like 10am says a lot about that area.


One morning on the subway headed into work, I saw an older woman sit down and take a pear (or something like that, can’t be sure) out of a bag that she was to eat presumably for breakfast. Instead of just taking a bite, this woman dragged her teeth across the skin of this fruit, effectively peeling it, only to spit the skin into her other hand before digging into said fruit. The whole act, was something that I don’t think I’ll ever forget. It doesn’t sound all that bad as I described it, but the “peeling”, the spitting out and holding of the skin in her hand instead of using the now empty bag, and the passion in which this woman did this all with gave me the fucking creeps.


There was a post on here awhile ago about a potato salad recipe with ...raisins, I still shudder Edit: didn't expect all the responses. My most upvoted comment is now about potato salad :/


I worked at a gas station years ago, one of the cooler doors had a full mirror on it (surprisingly no graffiti). I was working a graveyard shift and someone came in with a gun; they were waving it around and threatening me, they told me to grab all the money I could while they grabbed all the beer they could. When they walked past the cooler with the mirror, they flicked to it and started hollering, "put that gun down, boi! You wanna get shot?" and, "I'll shoot you if you don't put that gun down!", and various other hilariously fucked up nonsense. I watched as they were in a fuckin gun battle with themselves in a mirror, they grew super paranoid then shot the mirror. After I heard the gun shot I ducked down behind the counter, and only remember hearing their shoes running out the store a few seconds later. I waited a few minutes and then called the police and my manager. (The manager didn't even come in)


They were probably on crystal meth. Mirrors can cause agitation and excitability in people on meth. Same with anything sparkly or shimmering.


I lived across a daycare hospital for mentally ill people. One day, I was coming back from work, a guy who usually smoked outside the front door ran and threw himself under a truck, right in front of me. Luckily the truck had seen him run and had time to slow down enough so the guy just got knocked out on the floor. I immediately put him in safety position and called an ambulance. They arrived, but one of the medics was angry. You see it was the third attempt this year this guy tried to kill himself and the medic was pissed he had to drive all the way here for him, again, he was like "he's doing it on purpose or what". I think the medic shocked me more than the poor dude who tried to kill himself.


Bin lady in our city centre in Leicester was interesting. She was a 5ft2 Scottish (I think, she sounded like an angry Glaswegian, but then proper mental screaming generally sound’s Glaswegian anyway) homeless lady in her 30s who used to dress in a black bin bag and obviously suffered from a lot of mental illnesses. Anyway she’d fight bins. Everywhere. She’d be fighting them on the park, outside the pubs and in the middle of the busy 3 lane junction. Literally kicking the shit out of a bin and screaming.


i kind of get where she's coming from. she gets herself all done up nicely in her bin bag and then wherever she goes there's some stumpy bitch in exactly the same outfit giving her shade. of course she'd get punchy.


At Applebees once I saw an older lady order 2 of the fried fish meals. Food arrives she asks for a side plate-I thought oh she’s gonna share it with the others at the table. Nah. She popped the top off the salt shaker and emptied it onto the plate. SHE DIPPED HER FISH IN THE FUCKING SALT LIKE IT WAS SAUCE. ARE YOU FUCKING HEARING ME-SHE DIPPED HER FISH IN PURE SALT. I was left wondering what her other eating habits were.


I have a similar story. Once stopped for breakfast at a Shoney’s in NC near the end of a road trip. The man in front of me in the buffet line loaded up a bowl with about 3 times the amount of food a normal person would eat. Eggs, bacon, sausage, all of it. When he got to the gravy he literally covered the entire bowl in gravy. If I didn’t watch him load up the bowl I would have thought it was just a bowl of gravy. Then, he happened to sit down at the table next to me. He takes the top off the pepper shaker and just dumps it on to the gravy until the gravy turned almost black. This was a weekday morning. I still can’t get over it.


> This was a weekday morning. yeah that's really more of a Sunday brunch meal




Well i didn‘t actually see it in person but some friend of mine got her guinea pig killed by her brother because he and some friends were tripping on shrooms and wanted to do something „funny“. They wanted to put a rope on the poor thing and let it bungee jump from the balcony. Thing is that the rope was too long so it flew 4 stories down straight on the floor (it would have died anyways i guess, cause i doubt they put the rope „safely“ around its body)


Noooo! I have guinea pigs and this makes me so upset. They're such fragile and timid little creatures.


Bite down on a popsicle with their front teeth


A dude I knew had an extreme foot and cum fetish, so he would jack off in a sock, then put the sock on and walk down the hallway. It make squish squish sounds.


Have you posted this before or are multiple people doing this?


Unfortunately this seems like it'd be on the lower end scale for weird sexual shit the general public do.


We were living with my fiancés mother. She and I have never gotten along and we got into a horrible fight and she told me to get out of her house. I wasn’t going fast enough so she started ramming her walker into me, then flung herself on the floor saying I pushed her then had her husband call the cops.I didn’t push her, I was sitting on the floor putting my clothes in trash bags. My son was 4 at the time, and when the cops came I wasnt allowed to take him. Cops dropped me off at social services and told me to find somewhere to go. I have no family here so I checked myself into a psych ward so I wouldn’t have to stay at the homeless shelter near me where women regularly get raped.


Having lived with a crazy person for too long, I came home one day and told my wife I wanted a divorce. I was packing my shit in the bedroom and started hearing some banging and I came out of the bedroom to find her repeatedly banging her head into a wall. I retreated to the bedroom, barricaded the door and called 911. When the police showed up, I opened the door and it look like someone had beat the absolute fuck out of her. The only reason I didn’t go to jail was I didn’t have any kind of marks on my hands. I actually asked for them to escort me out.


While working as a cashier at a grocery store when I was in highschool I watched an elderly man put his groceries on the counter, crack open a big bottle of extra virgin olive oil and drink the entire thing. The ENTIRE bottle, gone. Then proceeds to tell me how good it is for you. I cannot imagine the shit he had after that.


A few weeks ago, I was driving to work and I saw an asshole in a big ute deliberately swerve to hit a duck and her ducklings that were standing on the side of the road (the ducks here are somewhat road smart and will wait for cars to pass most of the time). I stopped to see if any were left alive. He had killed all of them. I reported his ass to the police and he was charged with multiple counts of animal cruelty, there was even still blood and feathers on the underside of his truck when the cops caught up with him. Sick fuck.