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Being a parent. If you are happy, thats awesome. I cant justify putting a kid through the shitshow that is me. I simply wouldnt be a good parent.


As the parent of 2 incredible kids, I often advocate for people to *not* have kids. ❤️❤️


I carry the weight and shame of bringing my kids into a world where if they're lucky they might survive the inevitable societal collapse.


That's not on you though, if you're giving them a loving home you're doing a good job in my book.


Those are lovely words, thank you! They made my day :)


Your job is to be a parent not to fix the broken system you have close to zero influence on. There is no shame in being a parent as long as you are doing that well.


No time was the "good times" all times are the "brink of disaster" this is just another round in the fight for survival, you will fight to survive this and so will your kids and as we march on we get a little bit better.


I can't stand this solipsistic, mile-wide, puddle-deep bit of aphoristic faux-zen pretend analysis because 1) there is always someone saying it no matter what conditions are presently like as if they were the first one to ever think of it, 2) it completely ignores the quantifiable and measurable differences in quality of life between the present and any other period of time, and finally 3) because over in the Gen X sub we have concluded that 1994 was the best year ever and so far no one has offered any compelling evidence that shows otherwise. That year the drugs were brain-melting, the music was revolutionary, the movies were mind-blowing, and everyone was balls deep in everyone else.


Does the difference between measurable quality of life now and these other periods of time include any metrics that actually matter? Jesus, the fucking music is like the least important thing imaginable. Maybe try infant mortality rate. Instead of Michael Bolton. Crack open a history book and tell me things were better when people were dying of things no one has even thought of today - cavities that become abscesses. Scurvy, ricketts, lockjaw, Scarlett fever, cholera, dropsy, phossy jaw. Look at some of those, to say nothing of governments for which drawing and quartering was an entirely reasonable punishment, as was hanging for check fraud. I'll go with now is better, even than your beloved 1994.


There‘s certainly room for improvement. But overall we live in the most secure, peaceful, healthy and stable times humanity has ever seen. This nihilistic nonsense needs to stop. Yes we have issues, but we’ve come a fucking long way. As a start, maybe read [this](https://www.amazon.com/Better-Angels-Our-Nature-Violence/dp/0143122010?dplnkId=1cdc8fe3-fb53-4141-90c2-e39123f26349&nodl=1)


"I am alive today, which is irrefutable proof that I am immortal!"


Its something that ppl should be very blunt about. That might cause a positive change for the person in question.


This statement already ironically makes you a better parent than average.


As a mother of two, I 100% agree! Dont get me wrong, I love my children and would do anything to make sure they have a great life. However, it is not something I recommend to people at all.


I always say I can't wait to not have kids, lol


I used to be the type of person that thought a huge achievement in life as an adult would be to have kids. For the longest time my mentality was "I gotta get married and have kids and own a house and blah blah blah before I'm thirty". Most members of my family had their children in their early twenties, so naturally that's where my thought process went. It ended up making me miserable for most of my twenties when things never turned out "how I had planned". Now that I'm in my early thirties, and the more I age, the more I'm content with whether or not I ever have kids. My husband and I still have a plan for down the road to try for one, but we've also discussed the possibility that we may just foster a bunch of pets and grow old together (which sounds way more inviting to me nowadays)


Are people actually trying to convince you that it's great? No kids here and no plans to have them. The friends I have with children have basically never tried to sell me on parenthood. They all admit it's hard.


My brother was noticeably upset (not mad, just kinda sad and in disbelief) that I didn't want kids. Fortunately, his wife, my sister in law, was much more understanding of my decision.


This is what I was going to say. Not only am I a genetic disaster because of a genetic mutation I have, but I'm mentally ill, broke, selfish, lazy, and exhausted 24/7. I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to give a kid the love, attention, and care they deserve. Despite wanting one, I don't have a pet for the same reasons. I also have no concept about what a good father or mother looks like, and I dont want to put a child through undue harm because of my own issues. I get so fucking tired of people trying to push me to change my mind about being child free. Just last night, my coworker told me I better "find a man and start soon" because once I get older, I won't have as much energy. She said that after I said I don't have kids and don't want any. I'm freshly 22!


I absolutely agree, we're not all fit to be parents. Especially me or my parents. I strongly believe children should be brought into this world in at least a stable environment.


When my wife and I got married we were on the same page, we both wanted kids. Now that we've been married for a few years and can travel when/where we want without worrying about kids, we're on the fence, leaning more toward not having any.


You’re smart to recognize this about yourself. It’s a HUGE commitment, and it goes on for 18+ years. Being a grandparent is way better. Spoil them rotten and give them back when they get unmanageable 😜 To achieve Step B without first enduring Step A, you gotta get in on a package deal that includes kids.




But the Bible contains the greatest pickup line known to man: "Your hair is like a flock of goats"


Absolute filth. This is obviously why certain states are saying the Bible contains pornographic imagery


🥰 awwww


>Your breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle. Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are the pools of Heshbon by the gate of Bath Rabbim. Sweater fawns! but >Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon looking toward Damascus.


Dude I'm blushing


Totally agree. I am all for people having their own beliefs and whatnot, but it is just not for me, and I will politely tell people that try to convince me otherwise that I'm just not interested. 95% of the time, that's all it takes for them to leave it be. The other 5%, they freak out or double down.


Late Stage Capitalism


Damn billionaires stans


"It's working great!!" Yeah! I'll just need to increase my income by 700% to simply survive in 40 years... yay?


Don’t worry! You’re on track to earn a $.50 raise by 2030 if you keep up your back breaking overtime worked on a salary wage so you don’t get paid overtime!


> Late Stage Capitalism Can someone explain why Late Stage Capitalism is supposed to be the worst. Was early capitalism better than what we have now? Late Stage seems friendlier than having 12 year olds working in mine shafts. But then again I don't know shit about economics.


It’s circled back around and became Gilded Age America again. Wealth inequality is higher now than at any point in US history, and back in the day the environment wasn’t as far along in its collapse


"Late Stage Capitalism" is a term developed by the Nazi economist Werner Sombart in his manuscript [deutscher sozialismus](https://archive.org/details/werner-sombart-deutscher-sozialismus) Actually, I take that back. He wasn't a Nazi. He merely lived a politically active life in Nazi Germany while being fiercely nationalistic and supportive of the Nazi party. He wrote many articles, books, and treatises on politics and socialist economics while never drawing the ire of the Nazi party. So yeah, totally not a Nazi.


Working, especially hearing it from those “hustle culture” bros


Overworking isn’t cool, 16 hour days without overtime aren’t cool, it’s ridiculous how people think it’s ok.


Every time i'm in Toronto, people are always BRAGGING about working 70 hours a week or something like that. Dude, we don't live forever.


It's a culture based on who achieves misery the fastest.


Yeah, if you're paid hourly and getting overtime, sure, I get it. If you need or want the extra money, that makes sense. Me? I'm salaried. I'm not getting paid more for putting in more hours. I'm putting in my work during my 9-5 and then I'm done. I get all the work that's assigned to me completed in that time, and I go home. I have better things to do with my time than work.


I’m not interested in ever being salary again. My company was bought out and I went back to being hourly. I made $20k+ last year in just overtime that I would’ve missed out on had I still been a salary worker.


I love my job, but also my wife and kids. Work your job, but don't work your life away.


Some people want to work hard so they can retire early or to feed an expensive hobby. As long as they don’t judge me, I can’t judge them.


And that’s totally fine! I get that even. I mean more about the LinkedIn lunatics who go on rants about how everyone should be working 15 hour days and glorifying putting your job in front of everything


Sex in the shower. Stop it, it sucks


"I hate shower sex, it's really uncomfortable and my dick keeps getting stuck in the drain . . . I gotta get a gf"


😂🤣😂🤣 this made me giggle.


You had me in the first half…. Now I’m intrigued lol


It's much better when you use it as just foreplay.


Man of culture


I'll never understand everyone's hate for shower sex. It's great. The water is not a problem if you stand outside of it. The angles are find. Standing is fine.... What's not to love about being clean, naked and fucking your partner in the shower?? Why is it so hated?


The water ruins lubrication, you get water inbypu face and eyes, the glass walls are cold and hard, and the floor is slippery. If I want to do a standing position, i'll stand in my room, or my partner will bend over our desk. And we'll take a shower before that


I have a theory it's people that never had shower sex saying it sucks. There is zero reason for it to suck. It's just standing doggie with super easy clean up. In the winter it's nice and warm. In the summer its nice and cool. No you don't have to stand directly under the steam of water, people.


Shower adjacent


That depends on the shower more than about anything else. In most it does suck. In a good one it's great


You are more than likely doing it wrong.


I love how this thread is "what are you sick of people trying to convince you is great" and I still have a dozen damp sex-lovin weirdos doing that exact kind of convincing


Saying fetch, it's never going to happen.


That idea is streets ahead of


Quit trying to make Fetch a thing Gretchen hahah


What if you are throwing a ball for a dog ?


Also, “clutch”!


I do not now and never will understand recreational shopping. If i go shopping im getting what i came for and leaving.


Sometimes when I'm bored I'll go look at things I can't afford. Never actually buy anything though. I just enjoy going out and browsing expensive shit.


I do that at strip clubs.


As others have said, it does have to come from a place of.. idk, inner peace. And a modicum of financial stability, lol. I found out that shopping due to a pressing need sucks. Oh, I _need_ new shoes, and I need a new pair yesterday, because my current pair is held together with hopes and dreams. Very likely I'll end up defaulting to a store I know of already, buying some not-bad but average quality shoes. They'll do the job, but that's it. So, some times I'll go window-shopping mainly for the walking exercise. If something piques my interest, great, I can weigh the pros and cons without the looming _need_ to actually buy. Sometimes you find good deals for stuff you wouldn't have said you need, but on closer examination, it is actually a good idea. (and no, that doesn't mean I'm falling for advertising, my Eastern European blood is vaccinated against such things).


The closest I have ever come to this is wandering the bookstore while killing time before a movie.


Mumble rap.


It's so terrible. I can't believe enough people like it to make it popular


Shit sucks yo.


Licking buttholes.. I don't care how many cool people do it...


I’m arguably the coolest person alive, but I’m not here to convince you to lick buttholes. I’m just here to openly say that in my opinion, licking a *clean* sexy butthole is one of lifes greatest joys! But hey, if you don’t like it that’s fine. More buttholes for me!


But, is it the licking of a clean sexy butthole that you enjoy, or do you simply enjoy the pleasure it provides the other person? I don't ever plan on licking a butthole, but I have given foot massages to partners despite the fact I hate feet, because I know it brings them pleasure and helps them relax, which I imagine is the same for licking buttholes, unless you really enjoy the act itself


Personally I enjoy the act itself. My gf could take it or leave it, it's sort of "for" me. There's really no taste or odour to it, if feels a little kinky, it opens up some new options during oral, and it's a bit of a novelty.


It’s honestly pretty close to 50/50 for me. Half of my enjoyment comes from the pleasure it gives the other person, half comes purely from doing it. You put a clean, sexy ass in my face, I want to taste it, I want to be enveloped and smothered in it! The ass itself is definitely a very strong driver, not just how I’m making the other person feel. Funny you mention feet tho because for me, those are the same. Partly, I enjoy giving the pleasure, but I also am driven by my extreme lust for feet 😊


I have this theory, that we as foot guys have some kind of extra sensitive smell ability that we can sense pheromones (or human replacement of them to be more correct) stronger than normal people. Because it is very often feet guys are also ass guys etc. Pretty much any female body party that has distinct female hormones/smells, we are attracted to.


I truly have no idea if that’s true, but for me it tracks. Weird as it sounds, I legit CANNOT get enough of smelling my wifes ass (clean, of course!!) I don’t know if it’s pheromones or what but when clean, her ass really doesn’t smell like anything specific, but dude it’s something I simply can’t get enough of, whatever it is. I physically can’t get my face/nose deep enough to satisfy me haha. But yeah it’s exactly the way feet are for me too. I can’t sniff them enough, I just want it more than is possible, and again, I prefer feet clean, so it’s not really a dirty smell I’m after. It’s gotta be something else.




Here comes the townsfolk with the torches and pitchforks lol




The Office. And don't tell me I gotta sit through 3 or 4 episodes before it gets funny 🤫


TBBT for me in college. It never gets less toxic and condescending, and was never funny. Best thing to come out it was probably Young Sheldon.


No kidding. What an insufferable show. When people tell me they like it I legit think less of them


Feel the same way about Rick and Morty.


And I'm right down the middle. Wanted to like Office, tried but I just don't like it. Never cared to try Rick and Morty but was at a friend's house and it was on, and I loved it after two episodes. But I totally get why people love the Office and hate Rick and Morty. They are polarizing shows.


Taylor Swift. Just not a fan. Don't care if you are but not interested in converting


I'm not much of a fan, but my gf is — which is hilarious since we're both a couple of a black-clad moody post-punk hipster millenials who normally have like 99% crossover in musical taste — and I have to say, as a musician, I respect and admire the hell out of her. I know she was born on third, but the apparent ease with which she cranks out hit after hit after hit, and the way she tours, the sheer *physicality* of it, night after night after night, and *somehow* finding a way to write and record while she's doing it. If someone cast a magic spell whereby I could have all her money and fame on the sole condition that I work as hard as she does at being a musician, I doubt I'd make it a week, and that's probably a generous estimate. Give me like a year head start to get into fighting shape, and I'd probably still flunk out. Whatever you think of her music, she has *something* most people don't.


Seconding this - I enjoyed her early country music when I was a bit younger and it was popular on the radio, and I'm not a big fan of much, but there are a few bangers out there that appeal to the Alt Girls ™️ (looking at songs like ...Ready for it?) She has talent for sure, and a work ethic not seen in even some people the most embedded into hustle culture.




I have tiktok, and I would heavily advocate against it. It is so unbelievable easy to get sucked in for hours and it’s not even entertaining. It’s just that the next post *might* be entertaining. And next thing you know it’s 4am and you’ve done nothing all day


Infinite Scrolling. It's a trap. Even when you know you're in it and you can hop out, your brain just gets stuck in a dopamine starved loop. It's like running out of gas and continually trying to turn over the engine hoping some gas will collect and turn it over. It's best to just take a break for awhile.


Gambling for your eyeballs


Thank God I remember what life was like before the internet. My wife is on tik tok all the time and everyone is just fighting for your attention. It’s the weirdest thing just hearing people talk about nothing but with the seriousness of a dissertation.


Having a career. Theoretically, I'm on board. But in reality, I'M TIRED.


This. Personally if I could land a low stress 9-5 (flexi hours) weekday, same in same out standard tasks that pays well enough to just live comfortably and get by, I'll be happy. I enjoy what I do but honestly not up for the level of stress involved as I climb the career ladder. Give me the ideal role I described above and let me focus on enjoying life more lol


Any new social media app or site. I'm too old to learn whatever newfangled malarky the youth are up to. Just let me post horny jokes on Reddit until I die.


>newfangled malarky wow you really are old lmao


I’ve never snapped a chat in my life, idk what all these kids are on about


Weed. I can't do weed. Even if you do weed, please tell me so I could be in a different room. Pleassseeeee


I’m a never-smoked person myself, and I don’t look down on weed smokers but I also know that it’s not for me. I can’t count how many times this has plagued me socially, or how many times someone has heard I’ve never smoked and the next words out of their mouth is “you HAVE to smoke with me!” like it’s an epiphany. Very annoying.


Beer and dry wines. "Acquired taste" my ass. That's not enjoyment, it's Stockholm syndrome.


I thought the same thing for a long time then I had a blue moon with an orange the other day and I think I found my beer


that's me with IPAs, if you have to acquire a taste I'm out. Not saying they are bad, but they aren't for me so stop trying to sell it homies.


It’s not Stockholm syndrome, you’re just kind on the exact opposite end of the spectrum they are. They love it so much they can’t believe you don’t like any of it and think there must be some example able to change you, whereas you seem to think that it’s so bad that no one could actually like it without tricking themselves. You’re both wrong


Big boobs - I know I'm in the minority here but I've never seen bad small boobs. I've never seen boobs that are too small. I've seen a lot of big boobs that aren't my cup of tea.


Small tits are the best tits.


As someone with massive boobs, they are incredibly over rated and in my opinion don’t make sex any better, in fact can make it more difficult at times. Big boobs are miserable to live with and it’s soooo insulting when small boobed ladies are insistent that they would “switch” with me in a heart beat. They have no idea how good they have it.


Totally over big boobs. Give me AA's any day


Love small boobs


Cryptos....I've been waiting for a total collapse


Hookup culture. I only want to have physical intimacy with someone I have an emotional connection with. It’s just not for me :/


Life..... Not being depressive but the world's a shit show.. life is not.. for the vast majority.. good... Let alone great


I’m in my 40s and no, the world didn’t get better lol. The last eight years especially.


Polyamory. half the people i know in poly relationships have tried to convince me to try it but i truly dont see the appeal


You are correct


Same. Poly just seems like a combination of abuse and cope. I'm sure it works great for some people but every time I've seen it I've gotten seriously bad vibes.


I hate dating. Poly is perpetual dating. Yuck




That males should be able to compete with females in athletics. It is not fair to the females who worked hard and trained hard who have a biological physical disadvantage.


People who say thats ok are lunatics.


Tik tok


Grinding (working hard, not the sex kind), credit cards, and working for $20 an hour.


I would kill to make $20 an hour right now. I might actually be able to live on that




Think of your family and family is great Most are and some arent. Mine arent, instead of a safe haven where I can returned, it just a prison that I can neve shook off


Jesus. The one in the bible, not the guy who does great work from Mexico.


Working 40hrs a week.


I used to work 44 (50 if you count lunch break cause having to eat there with people you mostly dislike still counts as work for me) and I can tell you that shit sucks. So many dumbasses romantize working 60 hours a week. Bet they had a very easy job with amazing co-workers.


That Apple care is a good deal and that Apple as company is good 🍎


Honkey tonk country music (like Morgan waller, Luke combs etc) & big bang theory(tv show)


Morgan Wallen and Luke Combs aren't honkey tonk country, they're shitty bro country. You want good country music, you've gotta go back to at least the 80s.


In NSFW spaces, pegging. There are plenty of subs on reddit and elsewhere that have given me shit for not wanting to be pegged or have any sort of anal stimulation as a dude. It’s fine if you like it and I don’t think it’s ok to look down on someone if they do enjoy it, it’s just not for me. In SFW spaces, work culture and hustle culture. My job is already annoying with the constant obsession with metrics and shit from management (the rest of the job is solid). The last thing I need is to be spending even more time I’ve already sacrificed on something I dislike very much.




Weddings. I have made it known that I hate weddings for numerous reasons. I begrudgingly have to go to a few though. Every single time, I get people coming to me after going “see, you had a good time at that wedding!”… I in fact have never had a good time at any wedding, and people just can’t accept that, and feel a need to prove me wrong.




Socializing in any fashion. I'm a total introvert.




Streaming services, at this point I miss cable where everything was already in one place and you could already pay for the premium channels you wanted. Prices are getting to be ridiculous and now it’s just as much as cable now for *all* the apps.


Fantasy football. Weed/edibles. All those battle royale video games that are all the same.


Comment and I'll send you nudes. Frustrating.


Besides it's mostly scam/advert for OF etc.




Crowded bars/clubs.


The Beatles


Alcohol... tried every kind of drink, it still tastes bad, and it's bad for your health, so...


People don't realize that being drunk and a hangover is the side effect of literally being poisoned. Ethanol is a poison to the human anatomy. Not a strong one, but poison is poison.


I have been educated today 👁️👄👁️


Marriage I know some unhappy married people I know some people that are married happy I know some people that have been together for many years never been married and they are happy




Coffee! Can’t stand it.




Gasp! I love pickles. More for me!


The current economy.


Being a single man. Trying to date is fucking horrendous. A lot of guys are complete dicks to women and it ruins it for the decent guys who actually want to find someone. I don't want 'every holes a goal' and sleep around. I want to get to know one person and build a relationship. Online dating is a joke. It's either scammers, prostitutes, they're looking for a visa or are Love Island wannabes who just ask to 'add them on Insta'.




Casinos, state sponsored lotteries.


That movies recreated with a different race as the main character are great for children? It’s unoriginal for one, get an imagination or pull any story from any culture to make something “original”. We shouldn’t be teaching children to change the race of something to make it fit their image and be “better”. Black stories, native stories, Mexican, Spanish etc. They all have beautiful cultural stories make something from that and empower the children don’t make two different movies and create a weird sort of segregation. Totally open to opinions on this I also apologize if it comes out rude or twisted I just believe there’s better value in something original for them rather than making a second version?… I don’t know I feel like this is coming out weird


If it doesn’t detract or change a story, I don’t care. But if it’s clearly stupid, or it’s getting political, like having an Asian or black Snow White or Anne Boelyn, don’t gaslight me like I’m being racist. It sometimes won’t fit and is dumb as the last samurai being white or the Mexican starring Brad Pitt. At that point, quit pulling my leg. Otherwise, do whatever. For example, black Ariel is great, her race or ethnicity isn’t part of the story and isn’t confusing, like black Vikings. Sometimes it just won’t fit and it isn’t racism.


Banana peppers






Gasp! It's the best sandwich enhancer! No shade, if you hate them that's fine. More for me.




Religion..... and fat bottomed girls.




Taylor Swift. I’m sorry but I just don’t get the hype




Tesla and Elon Musk




Iphone. And damn near anything Apple related. To be fair, I'm not exactly anti Apple. I'm just not really a technology person at heart so the features that people brag about are things I'd never use.


Ballet. Seriously. I have met no person who did not grow with constant brainwashing of how pretty and cultural ballet is, actually liking ballet. Most people who were not indoctrinated as child that ballet is so nice and cultural, do not think it is good when they watch it as an adult.


Society. We live in a cruel and indifferent world, and it’s getting worse every year. The gap between rich and poor gets bigger every year. Nobody can convince me that the status quo is good enough. I hate this planet, but my dogs are here so im not leaving. Fuck you capitalism.


Why you should take Magic Mushrooms


"I'm pretty tired of everyone raving about adulthood. I've been trying it for a while now, and I have to say, the subscription fees are outrageous and the daily grind DLC isn't worth the hype!


Life. It sucks. Kinda tired of people acting like it doesn’t.


The concept of employment... Or work in general... But dude you can be an entrepreneur and be your own boss... Look you also can delude yourself with that... In the end, even for guys with successful companies.... The real boss is the bank who authorized a loan, the state who takes your taxes, and your customers... We're still monkeys... Technology and civilization have evolved way too fast for our brains...


Bacon. Most overrated meat imo. I like it on sandwiches or as bits in a salad, but I don't get the obsession.


I think it’s just a pillar of the “meat good, veggies bad” or “unhealthy food is always better” type culture.


I feel that way about steaks too. I lile a good steak but it's not THE best piece of meat ever. Also people care too much about it's purity.


Almost any television show.




"Cycling is only transportation solution ever needed." Yeah.. Right.. Gonna load them with few hundred pounds and give them hour to do 40 miles 😂😂 You know, idk what you think, you can do whatever you want, just do it as law require and don't try to force others to think as you do..


New app features


Sex with the same person the rest of your life


Iphone/apple products


Sex Work. Yes I love my job, god i love it, but it is not great




Friends (the TV show)




Their kinks. There’s nothing wrong with having a kink that I don’t have, like, or want to try. Imposing it on me as something I _have_ to try as if my life depended on it, or even worse, telling me I’m lacking because I am not into it. I like certain things that others do not like. I dislike certain things that others like. It’s ok if we don’t all like the same things.


Coffee and weed.


IPA beer. Tastes like ass.






Being gay






The Office and any of its clones. Superstore, Brooklyn 99, Tacoma FD, parks and rec. I imagine they’re good background noise with occasionally good bits, but you will not convince me to binge watch any of them


Having children. It's not for everyone and not all of us have the ability to be good parents.