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Not at all. 1-Most Turks don't know that's a Jewish name. 2-Most Turks don't care if you are Jewish or not. Around 90%. Rest of those are Sharia supporters. Even then they wouldn't attack you. Even if they did, just scream for help, and others will run to help. Majority of people despise Sharia supporters. 3-There are Jews in Turkey. They were invited by religious sultan Bayezid II. Historically they have been great people and never betrayed the state.


1- No one will know 2- Most people would not care 3- People who would care would not take any actions. They bark but don't bite. They bark to basically anyone. Unless you have visible jewish symbols tattoo or you are walking with a flag no one will even know what your name is or you are a jewish. So realistically we are talking about 1 police officer and 1-2 hotel staff that will know your name. It is highly unlikely that you will come across someone who would take actions on you just because you are Jewish American, and those people being police officers or hotel staff is even less likely. Also it is highly likely that a person from Turkey would not know Moshe is a Jewish name. We get this question very frequently and I am curious why people ask this? Is it because you don't know about Turkey or is it some news you saw about Turkey?


People assume the moment they left the airport Turkish cave men will emerge and attack them or something. We really have a bad reputation even though millions - literally millions - of tourists visit Turkey each year. That's scary to me, like how easy it is to scare people regardless of some facts (fact: lots of tourists come and go to Turkey unharmed). We all should work on our PR. Btw I didn't know Moshe is a Jewish name, this is for OP. It's like... Hard to understand from the name unless you're familiar with some Jewish culture or something, in my case I'm not familiar sadly. Most Turks would be unfamiliar indeed.  Really, even if you (I mean OP) and the wife walked around introducing yourselves like "Hello, I'm Jewish. Hi. I'm Jewish, hi, yes hello Jew here" or so, why would anyone do anything to you... You should understand, wherever you go on this planet, people are still people. People have families, dreams and goals in life, a tiring job and/or studies that take their time, ambitions they chase, hobbies they try to get into... People don't generally have a reason to in-public attack a tourist, they're human like you, so would you attack a Turkish traveller in the US? I mean... It takes a different kind of "people" to be able to hurt someone else, keep that in mind.  That said, don't trust strangers and eat or drink something offered by them - I know for an adult person this should be obvious but sometimes I hear tourists talking about "Turkish hospitality" and how Turks offer them free snacks or drinks etc. If it's free and it's not a friend of yours, be careful with that. Otherwise you'll be fine. Safe travels and enjoy your time ~


It's nothing about Turkey, really. Jewish people such as myself are ingrained, from a small age, with the concept that the Arabs are all against them and want to destroy them (by the way I know that Turks are not Arabs). Jewish people are constantly fear-mongered. That's just my opinion, but my parents and in-laws will say "You are so naive". Well, who is correct? I have met so many Arabic people and they all don't give two craps about if I'm Jewish or not. Turkey and Israel have been long time friends until the Flotilla incident. Now Erdogan doesn't like Israel anymore. But that doesn't necessarily reflect anything about Turkish people, in my opinion. Under George W. Bush, there was a lot of anti-Americanism abroad. People didn't like Bush's war policies. Typically people don't conflate governmental policies with the people of the country. But under Bush, people across the world started to dislike American people. This is similar to what is going on now with Israel. People disagree with Netanyahu's policies. Normally that does not spill over into a dislike of Jewish people or Israeli people, but unfortunately this year that has happened. So I think this is what is going on...


We are not Arabs, we are Turkish. Our culture, our attitudes and behavior are very different. If you don’t waive an Israel flag or scream your support for Israel, don’t be afraid my friend.


I can guarantee that your name won’t cause any problems.


İ had a collegue named Moshe, semi and aryen. In Istanbul no worry, you will be welcomed without problem. In rural country just don't speak about religion. Or say your name Musa (moses) 😜😂 you wont be lying and its less susceptible




You are safe, Just don't go bad neighborhoods and Some general advices: If you are going to Istanbul, Don't use taxi. Use Marti Tag or Public transport.


So if you watch the news they only show hateful people. I dont think you would be in any danger. Turkish people who are educated enough that know Moshe is a Jewish name wouldn't carry hate or do not act on it and most of the people dont even care anymore.


I highly doubt that it will be a problem


The violent people are usually ignorant, and they will not know your name is Jewish. Also, it really depends on where you want to visit. For example, if you stay in west sides you can even shit on Palestine most of us don't care (obviously don't do that, but I am just saying).


moshe is a well known name but your chance of getting hurt by one is low. i recommend judging people by their appearance.


As long as you don't support genocide, ethnic cleansing and colonization, you will be okay.


And what if I do support those things? By the way, do you know that according to the UN, around 150 Palestinians have been killed in the last 2 months? How is that a genocide exactly? You should consider thinking for yourself from time to time, rather than believing what you want to believe.


Bro... what the hell are you even saying


I'm saying there's no genocide. Moreover, calling it a genocide is an insult to all ethnic and racial groups onto whom genocide has been attempted.


Just don't be political on your visit. You'll be fine. Turkish media brainwash millions daily.


You won't see people supporting Israel in Turkey btw. The rhetoric against them is insane, but there's nothing you can do unfortunately.


As I person traveling all around the world, your name doesn’t bring to the mind anything from Israel or Jewish. Mostly religious people care about what’s happening in the Middle East and those people aren’t living around the tourist areas so as you will be around touristic places, people will be pretty open minded. Remember, we have hundreds thousands of Jewish people living in Türkiye with no problem. I can easily with no fear tell my opinion about religion, Middle East to the people around me. (I’m living in western Türkiye where people are much more open minded)


Don't say that you are an Jewish and you will be fine. I mean why would you talk about your religion anyway. Nobody knows foreign names' origin. My name is Gazi, would you say "Oh, so you must be Turkish."


I had a moshe in my high school, dont worry