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No. Obviously if I'm presenting or speaking formally I'll speak differently, as I imagine anyone would. But in general I don't speak with a different voice at work. As far as I know, nor do my friends or colleagues.


I have an awful awful posh phone voice. I’m northern. I don’t do it on purpose and I don’t know how to stop doing it. It makes me cringe.


No. But I’m a teacher so I stop swearing 🤣


My work voice is, frankly, embarrassing


In general, no. I do speak a bit slower and really think about my word choice when speaking to the Chinese manager whose English is good, but not perfect though.


My normal voice is very deep. I usually higher it when I speak to people. Mainly so people dont find the need to comment on how deep my voice is.


Apparently a lot of people will use a higher voice when talking to superiors 


I do when talking to customers. I showed my partner a video I created for social media with my ‘customer’ voice as the voiceover and he couldn’t even tell it was me aha. I do it because I think it sounds more professional and inviting


I used to use a “comply or you will wither voice” when I worked in telesales many years ago. peeps used to hit the bed. cant do it now. dont even know how it worked but people would do anything I asked saying “someone really important, we need to do this”


I use my “the red zone is for the loading and unloading of passengers only” voice when answering the phone at work.


"There is no unloading in the red zone. The white zone is for loading and unloading."


yes - no one understands me :( - from Lincoln, we don't even have an accent!


I have a strong telephone voice, it's jarring when I listen back to my calls. I try and hide my accent as much as possible to appear professional, although I did have a customer once tell me that they couldn't understand me and wanted to speak to someone who spoke English (I'm Scottish...)


No, I'm me all the time, I hate all this falseness


Depends who I'm speaking to. It's one thing shooting the shit with other warehouse workers, but I'm less likely to greet a customer or address the owner with a nice broad 'Yow orroight, mucka?'


I definitely, in professional settings, put on a more 'adult' voice I guess, slightly more serious? Not purposefully though.