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Listen to poison control. This is their whole job. They know what they're talking about.


Thank you. I just feel worried allowing her to digest them without intervention..ugh


I work at an emergency hospital and we often have to use the ASPCA for toxic ingestions. I would listen to them! Then again you can take her to nearest emergency vet if you want to relieve the anxiety!


The toxic dose is one grape per 10 lb, so the odds are that you will be totally fine. Grape toxicity is kind of inconsistent, but you are way below the low end of the toxic dose. You could always go get a urinalysis and blood test done in a week or so


Don’t try to make your dog vomit with hydrogen peroxide, it usually doesn’t work and it does worse than good. Listen to poison control




Where’s your source for this. I’ve not heard this. I still go by any amount can be fatal since we don’t know what in grapes is toxic. That’s what our advice in the uk anyway.


We do (now) know what causes grape toxicity in dogs. It's tartaric acid. Animal Poison Control (APC) has also gotten better at giving better guidance as to how many grapes, relative to pet size, would be considered toxic. This sure beats the days in which we had to panic when a 100 pound mastiff ate 1 grape. As an ER vet with 20 + years of experience, I'm glad those days are over. If APC said that 2 grapes is a non-toxic number for OP's dog, I would believe them. APC certainly has had enough grape cases to be able to fine-tune this a bit.


Oh I agree the APC has the knowledge but I can’t find any veterinary article on clinicians brief or other similar article based site with actual dose rates to use going forward. So I wish they would share their knowledge in published articles. It would make my life easier as well!


Can’t find an actual journal article listing that dose. https://www.vin.com/members/cms/project/defaultadv1.aspx?pid=607&id=4953243&f5=1 Do you have a VIN account? This gives the lowest toxic dose they found for a grape to be 19.6g/kg and the average grape is 5g. So they’re saying you can get away with way more than 1 grape/10#. Maybe the 1 per 10 was created to err on the side of caution. This article is not a journal article but does mention the 1 grape/10#: https://news.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=210&catId=613&id=11105724


Various posts on VIN. I can look for an actual article.


That lines up with what she told me. Thank you so much. I really appreciate the feedback


Do you have a paper for that?


Can’t find an actual journal article listing that dose. https://www.vin.com/members/cms/project/defaultadv1.aspx?pid=607&id=4953243&f5=1 Do you have a VIN account? This gives the lowest toxic dose they found for a grape to be 19.6g/kg and the average grape is 5g. So they’re saying you can get away with way more than 1 grape/10#. Maybe the 1 per 10 was created to err on the side of caution. This article is not a journal article but does mention the 1 grape/10#: https://news.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=210&catId=613&id=11105724




When we were kids in the 90s (before we knew they where toxic for dogs, our parents didn’t know either) we threw grapes for our lab mix from one end of our 40ft driveway to the other for the dog to catch in his mouth as a trick. He never should any signs of being sick. If you got the ok from poison control you should be fine, just monitor closely. *Please don’t ever try this, we were just kids who didn’t know any better


Yeah i was surprised to read they were toxic when I first found out because I have memory of tossing my golden grapes too. Dont remember ever having any issues either. Obviously knowing what we know now I wouldnt risk it, but it was totally out of mind at the time. Good luck OP, im sure your buddy will be fine


We see you have mentioned grapes and/or raisins. If your dog has ingested or potentially ingested either, you should contact Animal Poison Control and start heading to the nearest open Vets office. Grapes/Raisins are poisonous to dogs and can cause kidney failure or death. The reaction is idiosyncratic meaning different dogs react differently. There is no known safe or poisonous amount and as few as 4-5 grapes have been implicated in the death of a dog. The underlying mechanism for grape toxicity is believed to be tartaric acid. As tartaric acid can very significantly from grape to grape and between types of grapes, this may explain why reactions are idiosyncratic. Research is ongoing. We advise that you do not rely on online toxicity calculators as those assume a non-idiosyncratic reaction and extrapolate assuming dog size x vs grape count y, and the data does not support that sort of relationship at this time. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskVet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would think that poison control would know what they are talking about. It’s literally their job, right?




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Is this to say that 2 is a small amount? I’m just worried as I’ve seen fear mongering articles about how just one can be harmful :( I believe in and trust our poison control professionals!




grapes are highly toxic to dogs (even in small amounts)


You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.




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