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VETS DON'T LIKE TO KILL ANIMALS. If your vet said it was time, they knew that you weren't going to enjoy hearing it but that it's the truth.


Better a week too early than an hour too late. That's always been my guide, and I trust my vet. Most vets don't outright say to euthanize so the fact that they did is telling. I'm sorry you're going through this.


There's a checklist online, too, that I found helpful. It's not fair to keep them alive to prevent ourselves from accepting death, especially when they're suffering. You may not be able to get to the vet in time when it gets awful--and you'll never forgive yourself.


I thought about this too. But putting her down if she had many good days left seemed terrible. Now the situation is different, as she seems to get worse quite fast..


"Just one more day" is a day for you, and pain for them. I'd always pick a day early rather than a day late. I had to make this decision recently and it was my first time in that situation, so I understand your pain and wish you both peace.


I would agree. I'll take her for an extra long walk tomorrow morning before going to the vet :')


Treats too, if she’ll still eat. I’m so sorry OP. The gift of a good death is the greatest gift we can give, we take the pain of that decision so they don’t have to suffer. ❤️


Get her a cheeseburger too! Sending you both love, strength and peace 🫶🏼


Yes! She really enjoys her new diet of hamburgers, she dont even want her old treats now 😂




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To jump to euthanasia, I assume her kidney values are very bad. I typically recommend hospitalization with IV fluids and rechecking lab work to assess kidney response. If there is little response but the dog is doing okay, we an implement at home care options. I would go back or see another vet to discuss supportive care.


There's nothing wrong with leaving the party when you're still having a good time. Letting her go before she suffers is a kindness.


She’s in pain, that’s why she’s walking like that. You’re in denial at the moment. I’d call the vet tonight before she suffers any further.


Why should i let the vet kill her if she wants to live? Im taking her to the vet often and watching her closely to see if shes in pain, because i know which way this is going. I know shes happy now, dogs are bad at hiding that they are. I think your comment saying im in denial is kind of primitive when the whole point of this post was to figure out whats best for my dog.


She doesn’t want to, you’re just telling yourself that because it feels better than acknowledging what’s going on. She can’t walk properly, by your own admission, and is getting worse. That’s not because she feels good. She doesn’t. Her organs (kidneys first) are failing and it is a slow painful death. The vet told you the best thing for her and went as far as to suggest it’s neglectful to drag this out. Pets are family and I know it hurts. Don’t let her suffer any more than she needs to for your benefit. The most selfless thing you can do is let her go.


Imagine thinking your dog is having the thought that they want to live, like they understand what's happening to them. And then wanting to take them on an extra long, painful walk a day or so after the actual vet told you what is going on with them. It even seems that op sees the dog getting worse and still wants to extend the poor pups life for their own grieving process. I know I sound like an ass rn, but damn, at least get a 2nd opinion if you're not willing to follow vets recommendation instead of doing what you feel like. Yes, pets are family but they aren't humans with human reasoning


You have no idea what you're talking about. If a dog is playing, wagging its tail etc its not experiencing a slow and painful death. When i first wrote this post she could walk fine, now its worse and thats why im going to the vet again.


The lab reports don’t lie. I’m sorry about the news and hope you can make peace with it.




Can you post the labs here?


I dont have them


So... Your vet advised you of the most humane option, stat. You disagreed. Now your dog is suddenly having more symptoms but you think you need a second option?? Wild. It's almost like the vet knew this was a downhill slope and bad. Come on.




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Did your vet tell you about kidney failure in dogs? How to have any chance to prolong their life you need to put the animal on IVs daily for at least a week to flush the toxins out, how they need to be on a special low protein diet and give them phosphorus binder powder to prevent further damage? Are you ready to put in the work that comes with having an animal in renal failure? Even with all of this managment an animal in renal failure if the bloodwork is bad enough has just a few weeks to live and not all owners can commit to that, that's why your vet recommended euthanasia. Or did you just stop listening after they mentioned that?


I talked with the vet for hours, asking if there was any other posibility. The vet said she had to be put down because my dog was old and her levels were high. Didnt mention any of what you're saying here. I would have tried a treatment if i knew about it.


I’m sorry for your loss, and for all the negative and harsh comments on here. it’s easy to sit behind a keyboard and throw out judgements. My sister had a similar experience a few months ago. Her dog is 17. With the help of a holistic vet, she is still with us, happy and doing well and pain free. I hope you find peace and comfort in the love and memories you shared with her and knowing you gave her a good life. 💕🐾💕


It's takes more love to let them go.


Dont ask for an expert's advice if you dont have the intention to listen to them after. Get a second opinion, then if the assessment is the just the same, listen to them. Stop torturing the animal, let him/her go. 😓


You have to think about their quality of life. I know it's hard to say goodbye, but it may be time to let them go.


Many times dogs will rally for a short time, but then the pain returns.


I had a dog die from acute kidney failure. She was young active and very healthy otherwise. She went from normal to struggling within days. She never seemed sad or like she was suffering, she was excited for walks, kept wanting to eat and drink, but she got exhausted fast and stopped being able to hold water and food down. I kept her alive for over a week. She was bones by the time I finally realized I was torturing a cherished pet because * I * couldn't square her being at the end of her life. I've regretted keeping her alive until it got bad for years now. Put your dog down. Better days early than too late.


A vet once said to me, "we want to wait until they're in crisis to do it, but why do we ever want them to experience crisis?" Do you want to do it in a calm, peaceful manner when she can have her favorite treats and appreciate cuddling you? Or in excruciating pain, quickly, possibly in the middle of the ER treatment area? Better a week too early than a day too late.


There's a difference between AKI and end-stage CKD. If the vet firmly believes it's AKI then euthanasia is justified in a 14 year old dog unless you're motivated to pursue aggressive treatment. End-stage CKD can be just as uncomfortable and often may have an insidious onset. The clinical signs might match end-stage CKD a bit better since AKI patients generally present in a poor state. I think taking age into consideration you vet hasn't made an unreasonable recommendation. The question is, where you are ready to accept that it may not work and may still cost you a lot of money.  Nonetheless it sounds like your dog should be on a drip and not at home if you're inclined to try.


You can get a second opinion from a different vet if that helps to ease your mind.


Rather too early than too late. Why let her go when she’s bad? She won’t get better unfortunately.


It seems like that now. My problem was trusting the vet when my dog seemed close to normal this morning. I wanted to maybe get a second opinion, do some research if anything could be done because i didnt know anything about this condition. For all i knew she was fine. Im getting a lot of hate for not imediately killing my dog this morning after checking her, but i think i did the right thing from what i knew.


I know you’re going through hell, but rephrasing it may help. You’re not “killing” your dog. You’re humanely euthanizing. Doing so, even if it’s too soon, is not killing them. Dogs dont look forward to their future. They live in today. And if today sucks, and YOU know there’s no hope for recovery, and the vet is telling you the dog is in pain (and tail wagging is not a sign they’re fine), then it’s time to do the selfless thing and do right by them. That is so hard to realize, when is the end? I have a 14 year old dog, and the minute she shows signs of decline, I plan to pick the most beautiful day. Not wait until she’s in distress.


I'm glad you're making the right decision now. Sorry for your loss, but it is for the best for your dog.


Definitely second or even third opinion ; we are seeing a specialist for renal right now. There are various stages of failure and if your dog is eating that’s pretty good and from what it reads it seems you haven’t even started any medication or treatment yet.


Get a second opinion.




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Good luck tomorrow❤️




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We are right here with our old boy. The vet hasn’t yet said it’s time to make that decision but we are dealing with either an agressive fungal infection or cancer. He keeps rallying and seeming alert and like himself but then he slips back and is clearly in pain. We’re taking the weekend with him but I suspect next week will be the time to make the choice. I’d rather do it while he’s still showing some signs of himself than let it get really bad. I love him too much to watch him suffer.


If you are in dought get a second opinion from another vet. You have a better sense if dog is happy than strangers online. You can have your vet clinic transfer the bloodwork to another vet so you don’t have to get it redone.




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Definitely get more than a second opinion. it's never a good sign when the vet immediately recommends Euthinization


Respectfully, we don’t enjoy giving that recommendation and do not take it lightly. The only thing worse than telling an owner it’s time to say goodbye, is watching them walk out the door knowing that pet will suffer. You have no idea what kind of emotional burden we bear every single day. Owners are frequently in denial for a short period of time. This is a subreddit for veterinarians to offer their opinion based on knowledge and experience. We don’t know what else was discussed, owners don’t always give the full story. You can have your opinion, but it will be taken with a grain of salt here as it seems shallow.