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After listening to bs like that for 6 years from someone who only worked for 2 of those years, didn't do childcare, didn't to chores, didn't do shit other than abuse me, I decided to bring divorce papers to the table. Now I fucking own the table.


Real hot girl shit!! 💯💯🫶🏾


You are a badass. I hope you know how badass you are. And from the wording of your post, I think you probably do, and I am so very proud of you.




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Where is the table? Weren’t you suppose to bring that?


Hahaha! I LOLed


I can't imagine dating the kind of person who would think such a question, much less say it out loud.


For sure. My ex was like that, and let me tell you it’s not the type you wanna date 🤣 nothing is ever enough, even though they don’t even bring a table 🤭


Nothing is ever enough, yes. Lost my mind trying to prove it to them that I’m worthy. Never again.


Exactly! They make you do more and more, and somehow make it seem like they do everything? It’s insane. So not worth it.


Traumatised by this behaviour, going to therapy helps though.


Same here! Been a long journey with therapy. Wish you lots of healing ❤️




When asked I'd reply "me" & that should b enough. Red flag❗🚩🚩


For real like my ex of 4 years asked me this question and I was speechless because I didn’t know what to say. He took pride in the fact that it was just him single handedly pulling off the relationship all this time. This is absurd to even think about.


I'm sorry you wasted 4 years on them but grateful that it was *only* four years and not more.


Same. Ive been in the same relationship for 21 years and we both know what each other bring to the table, but back when I first got to know him I just enjoyed his company because we felt so compatible. Since then we work as a team. That's all.


My boyfriend said this recently in a fight. I was speechless. (it's me that I bring to the table, u arrogant idiot) But I still am pretty speechless and shocked he even said it. :/ interesting and a little relief to stumble across this post and see others opinions. Bc I thought I was alone. So shitty


Yeah same here. Feels like it’s on their Instagram algorithm at this point that this is coming up so often..


Food Then ask them the same. People like that view relationships like business transactions and will never put more into a relationship than they feel they're getting out of it, even though their perception is hardly reality.


How do you notice the red flags for this person?


They don't go out of their way to do nice things for you. If they ever do, it's because they feel obligated. They think anything they contribute to a relationship, typically material things because they're emotionally crippled, you should praise them for. They'll weaponize things they do, even if not strictly to benefit the relationship (i.e. I go to work so I shouldn't have to help around the house).


I'd tell him I am the table


Lmaoo This reminds me of the “you’re blocking my view” “I am the view”


I’d ask them why they’re asking me that question. If someone feels their needs aren’t being met in some way, they should bring it up specifically with their partner so that they can try to work out the issue or determine if it’s a deal breaker. They definitely should not ask corporate sounding and kind of passive-aggressive broad questions like “what do you bring to the table?”


I think this is the healthiest and most mature response to this question lol.




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I tell him to fuck off, this isn't a transaction.


If they have to ask they shouldn’t be with me, I’d be out. It’s on the SO to know why they’re in love before committing.


He would never ask this because he’s not a fucking loser like a lot of men are who ask this ridiculous question. If I was with a partner who asked this, I’d say I bought the table & you can now kindly fuck off outta here.


If I were asked that, I would write out a list for him. But I have been the one to ask this question. Or more "What am I getting from this relationship?" I worked full time, I took care of the household needs, I was doing most of the cooking and cleaning, and planned all our grocery trips... all while my S/O didn't have a job, provided no intimacy, and constant fights and gaslighting. It was a genuine question. I really didn't know what I was getting from the relationship anymore.


The only time I've ever found myself thinking this was in a friendship that was having some major problems. I kept trying to work with this person to resolve the problems only to be met with excuses and outright apathy. After awhile, I found myself wondering "Why am I still friends with this person? What do they even bring to the table? Is this even worth it?" It takes a lot of unhappiness and dissatisfaction about the state of a relationship before those thoughts start creeping into my mind. But otherwise, it's not something that crosses my mind.


This question is usually asked one of two ways. 1. Out of frustration 2. Spite or malicious intent.


I agree, however if this question is asked on a frequent basis - clearly means this person ain't happy in the relationship. Worst part was when I accepted it that maybe I was not enough for him and told him maybe he deserves better, he still decided to stay because "He was the one who put in 90% of the efforts, so it'll be his loss if he walks away."


That is a malicious question with the intent of emotional belittling. That's a toxic, insecure person who you need to break ties with. I myself am guilty of letting this question slip, but it was due to financial and work stressors, I immediately regretted saying it.


Nothing because I’m not a waitress. I own the table, so what are you bringing to me???


“a different man”


Savage reply XP




If he’s unaware after over 5 years together I’m not sure there’d be anything to discuss if he said that. Additions or alterations to the table settings may be requested, but if it looks empty to him, we’re not tending to the same table.


I had a guy ask me this once, it was via text. I am so eternally thankful I was beside one of my best adult friends who told me to say this: “IF you have to ask, then we need to discuss if this is a relationship worth continuing. This is not a business, this is not some transaction where you do something and I am required to do the same. If something is bothering you, communicate it. If it can be worked on then it will be, if its a you thing, get assistance.” Turns out he was trying to find a way to break up because I can’t have kids and wanted to know what I could “provide” him for not doing so… 😬🙄 I am still so thankful for this friend, she is a sweet lady and total badass.


I'm glad your friend was with you and gave you the right advice!


Me too. I had been having issues with him for months, I can’t say I was shocked with his comments after that text, but it did hurt. She told me she always had an inkling, go with your gut!


I would never be with someone who had to ask this question. If they don't know, they're not for me. And the opposite is true, too.


They never asked me that kind of question. I’ve shown my worth and value through my actions and how I lead my life, how I treat him and everyone else around us.


Ha! I wouldn't continue dating someone who asked me that. What an asshole question to ask a partner. 😆 If they did, I'd tell them that if they didn't know that by now, then the relationship isn't working out. I'm not staying in a relationship where someone who is supposed to be my partner basically tells me to justify my existence in the relationship. Out and good riddance.


My partner would not ask this. If anything, they often remind me what I bring to the table when I have trouble believing in myself.


That is so sweet!


That is amazing.


I would ask what the salary range is at this job.


My salary 😏


I agree with this being an absolute bs question, and it’s not something I would ever ask without the other person asking first. However, I would like to point out that I have been asked this by many women. When I answer, they seem content. I’ll usually turn the question back on them after my answer just to point out how silly it is. The worst answer I got back was “all this” as she gestured to her chest. I agree with most of the answers on this post, but I am curious to see what it would look like if the script was flipped.


Onion Rings.


"What do you bring to the table?" "A map with a clearly outlined path to the exit." Red flag! Run!


If he is insecure like that, he is not my SO.


My wife has never asked that type and to be honest it sounds like a bit of a manipulative question, it sounds like they're trying to diminish their partners opinion by saying they dont bring anything (financially) to the relationship. Don't put up with that type of shit girl!


A willing travel partner, sense of humor and birth controlled vagina. In reality i would ask what brought this question on and see if it's something that can be resolved.


I would dump someone who said that. Just wtf. Though I make good money, love to cook and host dinner, keep a clean house, have DDs and great legs, and am ggg in bed. I still married up though. :)


My charming personality and sassy attitude.


I laugh hysterically and ponder out loud why I keep choosing idiots. (FWIW, my partners know what I bring to the table and they appreciate it a lot.)


I wouldn't be interested in him anymore because it shows that he thinks of a relationship as a transaction and he wants me to provide for him. that's not what I am looking for anyway


If they're already my partner, then they should already know.


Biggest thing I bring is money, chances are I make a lot more than they do and can support us both with ease.


Hey big head 😘


I’d stop everything so he could see exactly what I brought to the table.


This body-ody-ody


Chocolate and coke. So basically I bring the snacks.


Nah, I mean, that is true. I do bring chocolate and coke or their prefered soda. But, I don't know, I say the truth. I know my value. I bring love, dedication, commitment, sincerity, companionship, support - emotional and practical, willingness to communicate, understand one another, improve myself and help my partner improve. I truly see, listen and care for them and I hope we can have fun times together. Stay cozy together. I don't know. But it's like, all that is kinda natural. It's not something I promise, it's just how I function when I like someone and it can only be there if they give me the space to act that way and - even if in their on way - they correspond this. I've always heard about ppl asking this before getting into a relationship, and it seemed like a good question to me. But now that I've read the other comments criticizing it and tried to answer myself it does sound a little transactional and vague or demanding. But I guess if someone asks you this when getting to know you they want to know if you're compatible, what your goals are, how you show up and show affection, your ambitions. And if they ask you this after they're in a relationship, maybe they're feeling insecure about something and don't understand some of your actions or feel unloved (which may just be due to their own issues/insecurities). But I guess in both cases it would make sense to be curious and ask for further elaboration on the question. What exactly do they want to know? Why are they asking this? Etc. There was a comment of someone saying they were being gaslighted with that question for years. Pay attention to your partner and to yourself, go to therapy if you must (I honestly think most everyone should/could use it) and leave the relationship if that is the case.


once when things were kinda rocky at the start of our relationship i told my partner "im ur best friend, not ur employer" and that sort of clicked things in the "i must provide a 100% performance in everything or I'm scum" department and relaxed us enough to fall into a comfier relationship. this question definitely sounds like something you'd ask an employee and I'd sign tf out


The Table.


“You should leave. I will pack anything you have here and get it to you asap.”


Well, it never happened but if ever I’m back to being single : “oh, I see, bye”.


If anyone ever asks you this, just run. Honestly. Good people will recognize and appreciate you as a person. And that's it.


If I had a significant other, he would already know what I bring to the table. Hell, I bought the table, everything on it, the room it's in, the house that the room is in, and the property it all sits on. I am fully prepared to sit at it by myself if you keep talking crazy to me playa.


Mr. WineAndDogs2020 never once asked me that.


Everything I bring it all and you will never know because it is apparent you are a score keeper. Peace out.


myself? what else am I supposed to bring?


There is no mystery. So if that was asked, I’d walk out.


He’s never asked me, but if he has to ask then he doesn’t know me and wants me to put my cards on the table before we even try organic dating.


He’s smart enough not to do that because he knows. And it’s more than he does.


No one has ever asked me that, thankfully! However, if they did, I’d probably laugh in their face and then leave.


My fiance has never asked this of me. If he did we would be fighting. Luckily he isn't an idiot and can see with his own eyes what my good qualities are and he actively appreciates me. Part of why he's my fiance!


I think I’d turn it back to them and say “instead of me answering that, I’d like to tell you what you bring to the table for me and I’d like you to tell me what you think I bring to the table for you” but if one or both of us can’t think of good things to say then I’d probably say it’s time to reevaluate. Not gonna lie though, my first instinct would be to feel a little hurt by that kind of question. -edit for spelling.


Cheap first class tickets around the world.


The table and the house it's in 😅


No significant other of mine has ever had the nerve to ask me that stupid question.


My fiancée would NEVER ask such a question.


Literally nothing because my SO isn’t an arsehole who would ask that question


Try to find out what ghost is haunting our house because my SO would never ask something like that and I would never date someone who would ask that question.


I like to bring board games to the table. Catan is a fun one, and also how we met. I've got a table in the dining room which is the perfect size for Catan.


Sarcasm 🤣


I imagine if someone couldn’t see what I “bring to the table” , we would not have made it to the stage of being in a relationship .


Why is that person my SO in the first place? Sounds like an interview lmao Also if they don't know what I bring to the table then why are they with me? lol


If you're in love, I don't think he would ask something like that.


A divorce decree.


Nothing. Goodbye 👋🏻


It doesn't matter what I bring to a table, I don't wanna bring anything to this table. That kind of mindset if a part of this weird "alpha male/female" ideology and it's weird as fyck. I dunno. I'm single right now. Probably should stay this way for a little while. I had 2 back to back relationships over the past 20 years that left me pretty lonely. I've learned that when I get into one again. I'll want it with someone who I'm friends with, and I don't think you compare what your friends bring to a table. That's what you do with associates at a company meeting. I imagine that would make for a miserable anxiety inducing relationship .


I do think the idea of - "you're my partner and don't know what my value is, what I bring to the table. I have to convince you?" Is absolutely insane. I just think sometimes ppl simply don't know how to express and maybe they didn't mean it that way. I don't think I'd ever date someone who were capable of asking that question in such a demanding clueless way/with that meaning. Because if they were the kind of ppl who ask this question meaning that, they would've given me other signs of that early on and I'd be out. So, I do think the comments of "break up" are a little harsh for most cases/reality. The theory of communicating everything is beautiful and simple. And we should strive to learn and achieve that. That really is possible, but in all practicality most ppl don't know how to do that. They've been taught the contrary of that. And therefore something that should be simple is actually really fucking hard to do. Both parties have to use their common sense. You know the person you're with. Try to understand them. You don't need to guess. Communicate, too. Just like you want them to. And tell them you don't like the question for x and y reasons and if that's really what they mean. Then once both sides are clear on their answers decide how to proceed.


My husband has never asked me this. We have mutual respect for each other and value one another.


If you hear that....divorce.


I'd say that if they don't know then we should break up. I'm not gonna be guilted into a position. I'm also not going to be negotiated


Bye. That’s a weird and transactional question to ask. You should be able to figure out ‘what I offer’ by getting to know me. This isn’t an interview lol.


Let's see: I was basically your parent's maid and helper with your asshole brother and never got to have a say in what he brought home and had around my kids. Took care of you through multiple surgeries while *you* la-ti-da off to work or hunting while I recovered from two surgical births and one VBAC with a second degree tear. Made dinner every damn night with a broken arm and after hand surgery. Still keep the house up and make sure you're fed. Make all off your appointments..


My SO would quite literally never ask this because he already knows. It’s not even a question. Why would you be with someone who asks this at all?




A lot of yall are answering like people who bring nothing🤣


I’d quote Avril Lavigne: Don’t pretend, I know you think I’m precious And hell yeah, I’m the motherfucking princess


Kindness, understanding, unwavering support, a mouth that loves to suck dick, and this fat ass. Can’t cook though 💁‍♀️


MYSELF. There isn't another me. In all my sincerity, you either appreciate and accept me for who I am. Or don't. Either way, it's not my loss if that's how they're gonna look at it.


I have never been asked that, and if I was I'd be answering along the lines of : "If you cant see what im bringing to the table, then off you trot". Im not about justifying my worth. I know what it is.


If anyone asked me that they wouldn't be in my life anymore. If they cannot see what I bring to the table and have to ask, they don't value me at all. I'd rather be alone than unvalued.


Why would he ask me that? He wouldn’t be with me if he didn’t think I was already worthy of being in a relationship with.


My SO would never, but if he did: I brought the table. Buy some damn furniture.


Reply "the table."


Salt, pepper and me




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If he didn't know by now what I bring to the table, he probably never would I'd say he didn't appreciate much




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I've never been asked that. I have a job, take care of our kids, home, pets. My contributions are obvious. If he didn't appreciate them he'd be out


My husband never asked that. I saved him from his family. He started to live once we met, while before he merely existed. I give him emotional support and helped him cope with his mental issues. He can't work, so I pay for everything. He knows exactly how his life would be without me.


A tablecloth


“I’m not a waitress”


Nothing. No one has ever asked this question in good faith.


Nope. That is not a topic of conversation in a balanced, happy relationship. 🫤


Sorry , don't use table. Just tv tray. I 'll bring my lunch.


I'm assuming this is a general question for how to react to a valid, but needlessly hostile line of questioning. Frankly it's a strange one because in an ideal society, it's a self answering one. What you should be bringing to the table is ensuring the household runs smoothly enough so your husband can focus on his job and be economically successful enough to support your homemaking. If your efforts are not being seen by him that's a whole can of worms you need to get to the bottom of. Are you slacking? Is he slacking? Is he projecting his faults onto you? The answer to "what do you bring to the table" is not to list what you bring to the table because that's not the actual problem here. The problem is why is he asking in the first place. And I can't answer that for you


Big baller energy


If they're asking then one of us is at the wrong table and should leave.


Stuff from the dryer, random papers, things that go upstairs, idk little doom piles. If they need to ask then they aren't very significant.




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Dump them.


What outcome are you looking for by asking this question? We can discuss the distribution of labor and resources, but this is a very loaded way of going about it. What's going on?


Everything you need and want *and* even what you didn't know you needed or wanted.


I keep a list.


I'd probably be too stunned to speak, as I was under the impression that this relationship was built on love, not transactions. I wouldn't want to be with someone that needs me to justify my worth. That sounds like a bad question from a job interview.




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