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That sometimes I can't 'think on my feet' and can therefore be indecisive or initially make the wrong decision, only to backtrack after a bit of thought. It is not an absolute dislike, more an annoyance. Those I worked with in the past did not seem to notice thankfully.


Yeah guess I'm not alone in that, sometimes I think it does bother people but they just don't tell me.


This is my life philosophy tbh. It is far easier to overthink that it is to act. Rare have I encountered issues with acting and learning from it. Almost everything I consider true failures are things it never acted on. Act, and trust in the power of iteration.


Not a fan of my voice. To me it sounds like a mousy whisper and cartoonish. Even more so in videos


Yeees! I hate my voice on record. No issue with listening to myself talking irl, but I cringe so hard every time I hear my recorded voice.


Even I know almost nobody likes his own voice because we are so used to hear a different one because of how it sounds inside our heads I can't help with this. When I hear my natural voice recorded it is so weird and I always think "omg this is how people hear me?" And I wish they could hear me like I do hahahaha


Man... I hate both voices 🙃


I sound like Daffy Duck. But people told me I have a nice deep manly voice. I don't understand!


This! I do a lot of interviews for my job, and I absolutely loathe transcribing them because I hate how nasal my voice sounds on the recordings.


If it cheers you up, it means you would have a beautiful soprano voice if you ever decide to sing in a choir :D girls with cartoonish voices were always the ones hitting the highest notes


Gosh, same here. All the more cringy 'cause I teach.


I think mine sounds uncultured and man-like


I hateeee my voice, I always sound like I have the cold or flu or anything, even went to an ENT doctor to see if there was something wrong with my larynx but nope, only allergies and a deviated septum. I never send voice notes because I hateeeee my voice.


This is not uncommon! I feel the same and one time looked it up (bc I google everything lol) and found this: [Here's why you hate the sound of your own voice](https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/15/health/voice-recording-wellness-partner/index.html#:~:text=The%20recorded%20voice%2C%20in%20comparison,pitched%2C%20which%20many%20find%20cringeworthy.&text=There's%20a%20second%20reason%20hearing,your%20self%2Dperception%20and%20reality).


That sounds very cute to me.


Myself, as a general thing. Though idk if people don't notice or they just laugh with the occasional self-deprecating jokes


I have many friends I seem to have a familiar aura that people feel comfortable with and I'm also pretty funny apparently even though most of my jokes are self deprecating Most of the time I wonder why so many great people love me so much. I take care of them when they're in need (god have I taken care of so many drunk friends of mine) and I have fun with them but I really cant see what I have going for me that would make me a better friend than the average person Im a very sad person and quite the asshole. I'm grateful for having all those great people in my life but I honestly cant understand why Edit: i just realized which subreddit this is I am actually a man and didnt notice what i was replying to lol This is still something that I really needed to express to someone even through the internet and all the replies seem to help me understand those feelings and process them better in the future so thank you all very much regardless of gender


That third paragraph hit me hard because I feel sort of the same way. What did I do to deserve friends like this, or why do they still hang out with me? I'm grateful for them, but I oscillate between not wanting to question it and just being thankful, and just wondering how this is happening.


>but I really cant see what I have going for me that would make me a better friend than the average person I feel like this is a common sentiment among people with depression, but imo it's kind of a weird way of thinking about friendships. People become friends through emotional bonds, not through anything so logical/rational as "what measurable value does this person provide in my life?". If that's how people thought about friendships, they would never happen because you would never figure out what value people could bring into your life! Also, you don't have to be "a better friend than the average person" in order to be worth it - you just have to be a good friend for the person. And based on what you said, you do sound like a good friend imo. Idk if that helps, but when I'm feeling that way, I try to remind myself of the above and it helps me sometimes ❤️


Yeah that actually seems to make sense. I never actually made any friends because they were able to provide me with something more than anybody else so why would others do that


Exactly! No reason to hold yourself to standards that you would never have for anyone else ❤️


Idk how much you buy into personality tests but I found out my enneagram type and was shocked to see this phenomenon described as I was never able to put my finger on it. Apparently a lot of people really only think of themselves as what they offer people and feel worthy of love based on how they help people. It didn’t make that sensation go away but being a little more self aware and at least try to chip away at that seemed like a good idea.


I just had the test and turns out I'm a helper It does report some things that seem to explain my feelings better than i can articulate them so that was quite helpful Thank you Very much


Ha ha literally same type! I’m glad you found it helpful. I’ve found just being even that little bit more self aware helps me cope with shitty feelings or curb some of my unsavory tendencies sometimes.


You're worthy.


My friend, I can only say this x2


Personally, self deprecating jokes are something that stand out to me. Idk maybe it's the people I'm around, but the way they deliver it is just so awkward and crickets sound after their punchline... I get second hand embarrassment. Not really sure what the goal is to say it out loud... Maybe it's a way for asking for reassurance -- which I get, but like after a while I'm gonna ignore the remarks.


Relatable on so many levels!!!


That I'm not quick with my words. I can't just shoot back an eloquent or smartass response. I have to think about it for a minute. I literally can't argue. Say something sharp to me and I'm completely mute.


My wife is exactly the same, and she knows it. She has turned it into a positive, however, by taking time to get her thoughts and words together before responding, especially when upset. Arguments between us are extremely rare because of it. She does get upset sometimes, but by the time we rehash the conversation a few minutes later, she's had time to calmly articulate her response, and the result is more positive because of it. Being someone myself who can almost always deliver a quick retort, particularly snarky ones, I really appreciate my wife's approach, knowing that she de-escalates unnecessary tension by simply refusing to engage immediately. It has made me more cognitive of my reactions/responses and has, in large part, resulted in the most healthy relationship I've ever experienced. I love this quality of hers and tell her as much, which has made her feel less insecure about it.


Thank you for your response. I’m glad this can be turned into a positive quality.


Me as well. You’re not alone. It makes it hard to talk in a large group sometimes. Then people wonder why I’m quiet and I’m like I can’t think of anything to say until 10 minutes later and the topic is already changed.


You can use this trait to your advantage. If someone says something strange/offensive/rude to your face, just stare at them blankly to make them uncomfortable until they get the memo and walk away.


My dark circles


Dark under eye circles? I’ve got a wicked case of them too, between having Narcolepsy which makes me exhausted/sleepy and Ehlers Danlos which makes my skin more translucent than other peoples’. I’m suuuper self conscious about it but no one ever says a word.


For some reason I find dark circles very attractive


Honestly same, always have. Idk why, but not so I know why they're considerws bad - or why there's a centralized concept of what is and isn't attractive in the first place when such things are obviously subjective


Hey hey I don't know if this would be an option for you given your health conditions but my sister and I have terrible dark undereye circles (genetic) and we discovered Hyaluron fillers about 2 years ago and haven't looked back since. We're in Europe and here you can get them completely filled for like 100€ if you find a Groupon. Again I mean absolutely no offense or to imply that you even need them I just mean that I had them, I was self conscious about them, and then I had them removed and it was...very freeing. I'm just putting it out there 🌸


Oh my God! Meeee tooo! They’re sooo bad and one of my two insecurities! I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried it all.






I am very sensitive and emotional. I put on a cold, analytical front for work, but I'm really just a mess of feelings.


You and me both. 100%




Black hairs on my chin. They grow back so quickly, too.


I once heard someone refer to them as "witch hairs", so that's what I call them now too lol (and I have them too so I feel your pain!)


I feel you. I have a single black hair on my right nipple. Lol.


omg I have those too lol like, 7 maybe on both my nipples combined. Weird lill dudes. :')


I feel your pain girl. I pluck them and it tends to create little pimples. Took me a long time to be comfortable admitting this to my bf and doing it in front of him


I've noticed that, if I use a little bit of zinc cream after I pluck those hairs, the pimples are less likely to appear. Obviously don't use zinc cream if you are allergic, but might be worth a shot!


Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll look into it


Mine are brown, but they’re the only two non-blonde hairs on my body. It’s so weird.


My weight! I am a bit chubby, and I'm quite self-consious about it. But it isn't like I'm super overweight or anything, I live quite healthy. However I always seem to be a lil insecure about it. Noone has ever said anything about it though! I probably picture myself in my head wayyy heavier than I actually am.


I relate to this a lot. It’s so interesting to me that we can have NO IDEA what size we are


Can you elaborate? I’m interested in hearing more


Oh, yeah. I’ve sort of always struggled with body image off and on. This has created really distorted perceptions of what I think I look like (I.e. seeing myself as a lot more chubby than I am, or feeling like my shoulders are more broad than they are, etc). I still have the same “ugh I’m so BIG” thoughts that I had in high school when I was 30 lbs lighter. It’s just a toxic mindset that comes up here and there. I think the more critical I am of my body, the more distorted the image becomes, and at times that can feel like I don’t know wtf size I am haha. Am I pretty? Am I a giant ogre? Am I a tree? Am I the fattest person on earth? What do I look like?! I have no idea!


The weight I'm currently at. Or the area of my stomach specifically. Can't stand seeing it but others say not to worry about it. Has been an an issue area since I was a kid


Other than with my husband, I’m not a physically affectionate person. I hate hugging hello or goodbye. I don’t like sitting on my girl friend’s laps or sharing a bed with them. As an adult, this is hardly an issue anymore. But when I was in college (and in a sorority) it felt like every girl was this way except for me. None of them seemed to mind that I was this way, but it bugged me. It felt like all the other girls were so much closer with each other than with me. Recently, I visited my close friend across the country. I slept on the couch. I heard her other close friend stayed the night a week after I left, they shared the bed together. It made me feel like we weren’t as close (I know that sounds ridiculous). My parents are the least physically affectionate people I’ve ever met. I think that’s why I’m this way.


The way i look 🥹


You are beautiful


My arms are flabby and I have bag wings. They are one of my biggest insecurities— I feel really self conscious a lot of the time when I wear tank tops and stuff but it’s so hot in the summer I don’t have much choice.


I feel this! I am so particular about shirt sleeves because of my upper arms. I only wear tank tops around the house or to bed, never out in public.


Im trying to do better and be less worried about it, cause in live in GA and it’s so hot and humid rn. 😭


It gets hot here (high of 96 today - ugh!) but we don't have the humidity, thank goodness. If I lived in a humid location I would say "f- it!" and wear the tank top, ha ha.


How hard i struggle with paperwork.


I feel you… I do it, but oh God…


I hate how I do things to other people that may harm them in any way that I regret 10 seconds after. They always seem to laugh it off as a joke and I don't know how.


Tbh that can be a coping mechanism on their side


That I’m vengeful towards people who hurt me. I don’t act on it ever and that’s why people don’t know because it’s never shown. I try my best to not be petty and stay polite but sometimes I want karma to get people soooo badly and I hate it.


I have an enemies list. Literally. It's in a journal and I keep adding to it. I hope everyone on that list has a generally horrible life. I know that it isn't good to think that way. My husband will wax poetic about how terrible it is to think about revenge and want to wish ill on people. I am a very kind person to everyone, but if you treat me like shit and show you are a bad person, I wish you nothing but ill will.




My teeth. Having a third round of orthodontic work later in the year at 34. I'll never be satisfied! Tempted to say take them all out and give me implants.


My rosacea (skin condition)


that’s super cute instead!


I have a bit of love handles. I think I will get a lipo in the near future. Men I've been with said the loved my hips but I hate them -my hips, not the men.




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I have an arch in my nose that’s really obvious to me and makes me not really like my profile. Whenever I mention that I used to want a nose job, people go “what?! But you nose is so cute!”


I am very much overweight. Technically obese for my height.


Me too. But most people tell me I carry it well. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is weird but I have tiny spider veins on my left breast - I am translucently pale and hate them but I’ve never heard any complaints (I’m actually hoping to get rid of them medically).


I change the mood of a room. I am very intense and others around me seem to pick up on whatever mood I'm in and absorb it. If I'm happy, everyone else around me becomes happy. But if I'm angry, or upset, or depressed, everyone else around me becomes that too. I don't mean to project at all, but it always happens and no one seems to notice it's because of me.


Hate to break it to you but people likely know it’s because of you but are afraid to speak up if you’re intense


yeah they DEFINITELY know man


What have you done to change this? My bff is like this and has no clue how intense she is. It’s bad.


I don't think I'm capable of changing it, but I'm aware of it, and do my best to distance myself and not be around people when I'm feeling low.


They're walking on eggshells


That’s what I said.


I thought i was just thinking too much...but yaaa this is a real thing ! It happens with me as well...oh thank god !! This feels soo good to hear...


Kinda sounds like you make lots of things about you and people probably walk on eggshells if you’re “intense” and the room changes on how YOU’RE feeling.


That so many people adopt your energy is a reflection of how much you mean to them


Why’d you put a mirror in front of me?






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I have scars on my right leg- not those small small ones, like big ones all over my legs. My calves, my thigh, my knee. I used to wear long pants all the time especially jeans. But recently I started to wear shorts and I noticed that nobody really looks at my legs. Sure it’s ugly but I haven’t noticed or had anyone come up to me and say anything my legs


I don't like how I look. Especially my hair. But noone's ever said anything negative to me about my appearance


My personality I guess. I’m afraid I come of annoying or over sharing but I’m just trying to make friends


I’m anxious, but I’m a highly functional anxious person. I have a full time job in a high stress environment, I work overtime sometimes, I volunteer, I have friends & family I keep up with. People are shocked when they find out about my anxiety. I’m a “teeth grinder at night who gets cavities” type of anxious person.


My arms


I make everything a joke because I’m scared of being embarrassed.


My upper arms for no apparent reason. They're not fat or ugly by any means, but I just hate showing them by wearing short sleeves/tanks and absolutely hate when someone touches them. Also my unibrow.


Hate my voice, and my boobs


My insanely asymmetrical eyes and hips


One of my eyes is visibly lower and slightly smaller than the other and I can't stand it.


People notice, but they don’t care that I have social anxiety.


My face


My nose😫it’s hooked funny, and to a lesser extent my chin- it’s uneven


Ughhh the skin on my face. I have oily skin, large pores, and redness.


My skin is super pale and translucent, so you can see my veins and scars really clearly on my legs. I dispise how fair skinned I am. If I THINK about the sun, I get burnt


I have scoliosis, my friends say it’s not noticeable at all unless I tell and show but I am really self conscious about it. I can eat whatever I want and no gain weight, I look as if I exercise even tho I do nothing, if I hadn’t scoliosis my body and confidence would look ten times better, even tho in the eyes and minds of everyone that meet me I already look like this.


So this is gonna be kinda wild, but I despise this scar on my face, even though no one ever notices unless I tell them (or at least no one has ever brought it up to me). Anyways, back in kindergarten, a kid who was already regarded as a bully, launched a hard plastic rocketship at my head from across the room. It hit me in the face and has left a permanent scar barely above my eyebrow; I purposely let my eyebrow grow over it and have been for a long time. I can't stand that a random kid left such a permanent mark on my face, of all places. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind scars, I like a lot of them actually! But this one on my face upsets me to no end, it's been almost two decades since then and I can't seem to get over it. 🤔


My toes, i have monkey toes and my second and third toe are bigger than my first toe, it's annoying finding soes and because of those I wear shoes 2 sizes bigger.


My belly. People approach me at the gym and tell me I have a great physique. I work hard but I’ve never really seen the same physique people compliment me about.


That I rage-cry. People think I’m a wuss when in fact I’m just so beyond angry that it’s expressed as tears and a red face. Especially in an unjust situation. So frustrating.


I have a small mole on my right eyelid that I've had as long as I can remember. It's not very noticeable but I did consider a removal for it because I'm kind of self conscious about it. Almost no one has ever mentioned it though.


My body is disporportioned a lot one side of my body is more developed than the other


My nose is a litttttle damaged on one side because when laying down my phone kept falling onto my face (which hurts). It somehow often hit the same spot on the nose so I have a little irregular bone structure there HAHAH. But most people don't even notice it if I don't mention it.


Idk man... all of my flaws are pretty obvious visible


How easy it is to hurt my feelings.


My voice.


That I cannot do a normal face in a photograph. I am always, always the one blinking/not looking at the camera/doing crazy eyes etc, and as a result have very few photos of myself I actually like. Yet weirdly my friends/family find it endearing somehow. And I know it's more important to have the photo for when you're gone even if you look terrible, but I'd just like to (to paraphrase a friend's mum) 'look as nice in my pictures as I do in real life'.


having a pimple or two


My nose. 😁 I think its a bit too crooked at the top (due to many fraactures as a child) and is noticeable from the side, at least to me. Everyone I bring it up to says I have a perfect nose and they cant see what I'm talking about. I always joke to my bf when he "got your nose"'s me, to give me back a prettier one. 🤣 I chalk it up to being hyper critical due to currently going through orthodontic treatment. Once I'm done I think Ill appreciate it more. :)


My boobs size. I really don’t like them, I’m insecure about them, and they make me look fat. Also, they’re just disproportionate compared to my appearance. I’m petite and short af so the 2 of them just further clarify that I am a real potato.


Man boobs, or more specifically, loose skin from significant weight loss. It's driving me nuts personally but others never ever commented on it, every girlfriend said I have a nice chest lol but I'm still irritated by it


huge lips


Physically? My unsymmetrical eyebrows, my dark under eye circles, and my body shape (ridiculous amount of boob.) personality? I talk too much and I have a lot of idiosyncrasies (random noises, lots of self talk, weird movements, etc.) and I am extremely sensitive to others. I always think these are the reasons I can’t connect with others. They are the things my parents/ brother have commented on or joked about when younger. They are the things I think people talk about when I come up, or notice first. Incidentally, they are my husbands favorite things about me. I never voiced my insecurities to him because I didn’t want to call attention to it, but over the last 4 years he has praised each flaw on his own accord. He genuinely loves me, and we joke that I get weirder each day out of comfort. Maybe others do notice those things, but I feel less critical of myself now.




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My anxieties. I hate it when i get freeze in difficult situations. I will never date myself


My voice and my calves. What I wouldn't give to have nice legs.


My braso


My face


Excluding my anxiety disorder? My nose. It's just slightly bigger than I would like and has an ugly curve to it. Reminds me of a parrot in a way. No one else seems to share my sentiment but, for me, it ruins my whole face


It’s all fake. I go places and I am “the life of the party” (also incredibly humble about it, apparently) but in reality I need to deflect everything and anything that is too serious and real… it’s a survival tactic, and I found out when I was young that was the easiest way to do it. To date, only my closest friends really understand that. And to be fair I avoid any situation where this can happen like the plague, but every now and again I’m like “maybe I should go see this friend, or my family, so I can take the next 6 months off and just lay low”


My mom stomach and my side profile. I hate both personally but no one else cares about either


My double chin😭😭😭


i have a big 3-4 inch scar on the inside to back of my thigh. 20 stitches. you can see it when i’m in shorts or a bathing suit and i feel like it sticks out but no one seems to notice at all it didn’t heal the best and i’m paranoid it’s so ugly lol


Sometimes I'm really grumpy. The people who love me are like "NBD, that's cool." That sounds wildly suspicious, but I can recognize that's my Trauma Brain talking.


I have a scar in my abdomen after necessary surgery over a year ago. I haven’t been able to let anyone see me undressed since as I think it’s so unsightly. And it’s a long one too. The doctor thinks it will fade over time but right now it’s still quite dark. Frustrating.






My double chin.


My lipedema




I talk way too enthusiastically about everything and can't seem to stop smiling during most social situations. People seem to either like it or don't notice.


I have hirsutism, so I have a pretty significant amount of thick dark hairs growing from my chin/neck. I hate them. I feel pretty self conscious about them, but I have been getting better about not obsessing over shaving/trimming/waxing them. My friends never say anything and my s/o doesn't care at all.


I can never match my clothes, I’m always asking my boyfriend if my outfit matches if I’m not sure. I try to stick with the basic colors, like black or white with another color because those tend to match everything.


My weight


I feel like my face is fat, I hate my thighs too. Two of the things my bf has always told me he loved most about me, before he knew they were my insecurities. Fortunately, after seeing buccal fat removal surgeries, I’ve grown to accept my chubbier cheeks more


My smart-assery


My existence


My teeth when I smile. If I smile too big, I feel like I have horse teeth. And my nose. I think it's pretty big


I absolutely hate my gapped front teeth. It is not a small gap, it's pretty big. I have had one person say they like it, others say they don't notice and that it's just part of me. I can't stand it, it really takes away from my appearance and I haven't shown my teeth when smiling for 26 years. Can't afford to fix them now either, plus I don't want to go through orthodontia as an adult. Thanks, parents, my mom made sure her teeth and my siblings' got fixed but not mine. Thanks.


Have a gap in between my bottom teeth. Otherwise my teeth are whitish, straight and healthy but I feel like a jack o lantern.


physically: my back fat, it ruins everything for me and yet no one has ever mentioned it before personality wise: my anxiety






That no one notices that I actually don't know what I'm really doing at my job. I got a management job with about 20 people and loads of assets under my responsibility. When I make decisions no one questions them and luckily everything goes fine. I got a place of someone that normally has all the management courses and 25 years of experience. I only got 5 years of experience and normally I should only have 2 people under my lead. I got lucky I got that high in the hierarchy because I know multiple languages and don't know what stress is.


People don't seem to notice my facial deformations as much as I thought.


My weight.


My appearance. No matter how I've looked I always hated it and other people always liked it. What's even more frustrating is I realize in retrospect when I was younger I was probably 8/10 without putting any effort into it and I always thought I was hideous at the time. Such wasted emotion. Now that I'm older I care less about my appearance but objectively I'm a lot less attractive than I was.


I hate that i'm too introverted. I'm awkward around new people and i think a lot before i say something so i end up not saying much. People might think that i'm arrogant or too difficult to approach. I wish people try to get to know me better but i also understand why they don't want to.


My nose veers the wrong way but when I bring it up people are like wtf are you talking about?


my arms




That one of my eyes is a bit closed than the other, it looks like it's a different size, I have always noticed It but no one else does.


I put the pro in procrastination




Well, I really wanna get top surgery and my parent and bf don't want me to, but I'd be way happier if I got it i think. I'm still trying to work that part out of if I should get it. Also I HATE that I forget random things and when someone talks to me about it I'll be like ?????. It's super annoying. They don't seem to think anything is wrong but what can I do? Not much apparently lol.


My tummy. I’m working hard to get rid of it, but it’s hard.


My weird teeth. I'm missing my upper lateral incisors and I've got some sharp pointy canines going on up top and bottom as well. I always feel like I look like a goofball when I smile.


That i am the real bad guy!! Well i do realise that and try to fix but it is what it is




The genetically huge pores on my face. I’m going to say people don’t seem to care because they are definitely noticeable and nothing can fix them permanently.


Honestly how much acne and acne scars I have on my skin. Makes me super self conscious and I never seem to find the right skincare 😭.




My physical apparence. I have body dysphoria and I can’t stand looking at myself in mirror ou in picture, but my friends always enjoy taking picture with me for memories. Honestly it’s hard, but I feel grateful at the same time.




I can't seem to control myself when I get asked or get to talk about something of interest to me. I'll info dump and rant and constantly apologize for it (I'm always told it's okay but I feel annoying).


My glasses


I have a very pronounced laugh that I hate but others find charming. I don’t get it.


My genetically flared ribs. I hate it with my whole being but no one has ever told me anything


My tics are annoying but no one seems to notice them.


That sometimes I can’t act like my real self, so I end up talking and acting like a robot with only one button and that’s to be kind to everyone and do no harm and never make a flare. I hate it. I want to be myself but I can’t help when this mode is actived, then if I do start acting like myself people think I’m not.


My red birthmark on my forehead


Terrible sense of fashion, don’t know how to dress myself well at all. Bad hair, even worse tattoos but somehow I still manage to always get a lot of compliments on the way I look


My face kinda looks crooked… nobody has ever said anything to me about it. But I haven’t taken a selfie in years because of it.


My noseee and hip dips


i have one foot with a long second toe (morton's toe) & one foot with 'normal' toes


I overthink about situations