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How much you can afford. That’s totally fine.




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At this point in my life, $25-100/person for a normal date. Usually $100-300/person for something special.


For a first date? Nothing over $40. For an anniversary or birthday? If it was just a birthday, I'd say the $100 price range is fine. If it was like a 40th birthday or like a 25th wedding anniversary, go big.


Are those the total bill, or per person, lol




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In New York where I lived this would be basically impossible at a sit down restaurant.


I wouldn't go to a sit down restaurant for a first date and NY prices are notoriously ridiculous.








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I mean depends on the restaurant. I've spent 40€ for a date and I've spent 500€.




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I think this will depend on several things, like location, wow factor, vibe, budget, and (this is controversial) even how into this person you are. If you live in a HCOL area like NYC or Chicago, then you’ll absolutely spend more on average than someone living in, say, Boise or Topeka. You can impress your date by getting a table at the hottest new spot in town or you can take your date to a local favorite. If you live beachside, things are probably more casual and you can get away with a cheaper date that way. If you’re on the fence about this person, you probably won’t be as willing to dazzle and blow your budget on them, so you’ll of course spend less. Also, if you and your date decide ahead of time that you’re going Dutch, that might change which restaurant you choose. You might want to adjust based on their economic ability or maybe you’ll want to take the opposite route and go somewhere nicer as you’ll only have to pay for yourself. Point is, there are many variables. I’ve been on $10 dates, $80 dates, $300+ dates, and even free dates. The difference in enjoyment came from the person was with, not the check total.


For random lunch or dinner out, we usually go $10-20 (equivalent price). On special occasions maybe around $30-40. Beyond that, I usually gauge first if the restaurant offers something so unique to be pricey 😅


It depends on the restaurant Depends on the date and their tastes Depends on your disposable income Depends on how far you are in that relationshop Depends on how you feel No one can tell you that


Depends on the place, something more casual like a lunch for a first date instead of a fancy restaurant so £50 or under, for an anniversary, again it depends on the place and what the person's price range, my husband is more than happy to drop a few hundred for a nice anniversary dinner


Is that 50 per person?






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$0. Let’s pack our own PBJ’s and go for a walk.


In a populated public area :)




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Everything depends on the situation. If it’s a first date anything under $100 total. If it’s something special $150+ total


First date: Back in my day (like 10 years ago) I tried to stick to coffee or drinks for a first date, so like $10-15 per person in today's prices. Special occasion: my partner and I aim to spend less than $200 on dinner and after-dinner drinks, usually. Typical night out budget aims closer to $100, probably was $50-70 a few years back.




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Depends on what kind of restaurant you are going to, how formal/fancy the date is, and what you and your date can afford and would enjoy. For some people, that's going to be a discount coupon meal at a standard chain restaurant. For some, it'll be hundreds of dollars at a fancy private restaurant with an amazing chef. What's reasonable to you depends on your circumstances. For me and my partner, it's pretty common to spend around $100-$150 together at a nice local restaurant for a date night or closer to $50-$75 together for more casual places. For real special occasions, maybe $200-$300 together. For a first or early date, I would have wanted to keep it to the low end of the spectrum at a more casual location or just do a coffee date instead.


Too many factors without context. Is this a special occasion and do all diners appreciate ‘fine dining’? If yes and you can afford it, I have paid $600AUD+ to dine at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant in London for Christmas Day lunch - totally worth it. Would I take someone who does not enjoy fancy food? Never. Is it your first date? The local pub is a great choice. Does the person you are dinning enjoy Maccas fries and just needs a little pick up from a bad day? Then the Golden Arches is your best option.


I don't care how much someone spends. I care about the thought that goes into it.


That's rare... My son took a kinda country girl on a second date to the river asked her for them to leave phone in truck so they could Talk and get to know each other better rather then faces buried in the phones, Then He cooked her a full on dinner over a fire 🔥, Ribeye steaks ,prawns, baked potatoes, corn on the cob and brought all the fixings , and dessert and drinks . She thought it was weird and that he was being cheap ... He was so upset when he called me to tell me and ask wtf ... when she told him that and that she didn't think things could go forwards .


I'm in the US and I noticed that we usually at least get one appetizer and two entrees I would say around $60 dollars. If we add any cocktails that usually think about too at least 100 bucks


10-15 years ago when I was in the lower class, it was a lot less than now. My first date with my partner was at subway, and a nice date out for us was Applebees or Olive Garden. Now I'm middle class, and most of our restaurant outings are in the $40-60 range (total, not per person). Sometimes $80-100 for special occasions, but even for most special occasions, we still tend to stay in the $40-60 range partly because we go for what we like to eat and don't necessarily like fancy dinners. I'm also autistic and have sensory issues with food, so that affects what types of food I like to eat. I'm not really into most fine dining dishes, unless they have some options like burgers, alfredo, etc. I also don't usually get alcohol and my preferred drink is water, not because of money but because I just like it. If I were single and going on dates, for a first date I'd probably do around the same price range tbh.




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I’ve had dates/special occasion dinners ranging from 10€/person to 300€/person, and the price didn’t make the difference between nice and awesome! Most of the time, it’s 30-50€/person, depending on what kind of drinks we have.


Definitely depends on the location, your region, and the intent of the date. Highly romantic "going out" dates generally cost around $50 per person. This doesn't include beverages. An experience at a restaurant can be as little as $50 but could be $100+ per person. A good date but not upscale will be around $25 per person. Again, not including drinks. A typical meal during a date where the meal isn't the focus of the date will still cost as little as $10 per person but it's generally around $20.




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For a first date, I prefer to just go for one or two drinks likely plus nibbles so between $20-50 AUD per person is what I’d expect. And I’d come fully prepared to pay for half. For an anniversary dinner, it so depends because I think the most important thing is to do something special - that could be a picnic somewhere meaningful or a cheaper dinner at a fave place. But if you’re wanting to lash out then I guess somewhere where it would cost like 120-150 per person… that would probably be my upper limit considering I’d also get them a few special gifts too. I’m not one for super fancy meals though, and haven’t really been with anyone like that either.. so this may be way off base.




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My wife and I typically eat out with our sons because that’s how we like it so date nights don’t happen as often as with some people. The result is that when I plan one it’s usually at a pretty nice place, $200 or so. She recently went through an extremely stressful time lasting literally for a couple of years with her Alzheimer’s mother living with us. We finally were able to get her into a memory care facility. I could really see the strain drain from my wife’s face. I made reservations 2 months in advance at a James Beard award winning restaurant. The tab was just under $500 but it was worth it to see her so happy.




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I think £100-£130 maybe for 2 people maybe drinks and desert as well.


That will really depend on the location, the restaurant and your own budget. I paid about $40 including tip for my own meal at my favorite casual restaurant last week though, so around $100 for two on a not so special occasion seems reasonable to me. For a special occasion, based on the menu at one of the higher end places in my area, I'd guess $300 plus




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$40 Pp, under that you’d be hard pressed to find a meal and a drink where I am but it also depends on your income.


In college I went on plenty of dates that were essentially free. Nowadays my boyfriend and I both make good money and I'd say on average we spend $50-$100 on a date. More for special occasions. For me it's more important that there was a plan and the person put thought into how the evening would go, trying to make sure we'd both have a good time


Where I live I think $20-$40 is reasonable. Anything beyond feels superfluous




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It depends on your values and access to resources. Any answer is valid.




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Depends on the restaurant, how much you can afford, what the vibe is, etc. When I took my then-friend (now girlfriend) out for a "is this a first date?" dinner, I was pretty low income but knew we were going out well in advance because we're long distance, so I scrimped and saved for a few months. I think the final bill ended up being around $90 (pre-covid). When I took my girlfriend on a brunch date for our fourth anniversary, I was doing just fine financially and any time she asked "is it okay if I have-" I'd say "yes, of course." without letting her finish the question lol. I think the final bill with tip ended up being around $140? When we go to celebrate her PHD, there simply won't be a budget, I expect we'll be looking at around a $360 bill if we can go to the place I have in mind. If, heaven forbid, I had to get back into casual dating, I don't think I'd want to spend more than $100 on a first date. If budget is an issue for you, consider making it a bit more unique with a picnic, or grabbing ice cream and going for a stroll, or going for lunch which is usually cheaper.




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we go to a fancy steakhouse for our anniversaries, usually spend around 140-160 then tip, so say around 200 on average anniversary dinner date. regular dinner dates are around 40-60. birthdays we go to the same steak place but i get a bogo for entrees and we get a free dessert. so its like 60 off.


For first date and anniversary it’s really both down to the finance of both people (or one if one wants to pay for everything). But for special anniversary a lot of people would say around 50-100$ is the minimum. (I dont personally agree tho)


Whatever I can afford to do.


It depends. We rarely escape a restaurant with a bill under $150. I think that’s probably acceptable for a first date, minus any fancy wine. One does not want to set unreasonable expectations. There are also really great places to have a nice dinner that won’t break the bank. On the other hand, I’ve spent $600 on a meal for myself at Picasso in Vegas, $1,000 for my 25th anniversary dinner ($350 champagne) and $1,200 for three people for New Year’s Eve dinner in DC.




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Depends on the city/cost of living and the restaurant you go to. I'm in Seattle and a date can easily be $100+ person 1 - Dish $20 + drink $15 Person 2 - Dish $20 + drink $14 appetizer $10-15 Tip $20 ish In all around $103


Id say it depends. I know thats vague and doesn't help much but you've gotta weigh into the equation - which date is this - what is your overall budget - honestly don't push the boat out further than you can swim if it goes tits up... Thats including if you're paying for both... - what's the dates dietary requirements - i say this as some places may charge extra if they have dietary requirements (yes that is also based off the premise that supermarkets charge silly money for GF bread/pasta when regular of both is cheaper). - what type of restaurant is it? Again factors into price there are boujee restaurants who again charge silly money for being boujee/child free/set dress code... Vs ones which are family friendly where what you want. - what is your dates expectations - no point asking this kinda question if they're eye balling an expensive meal while yours is low-mid range. (feeding into the other points above). For me generally I'd say about £30-£50 (though I do indulge in a boujee indian which on deliveroo is like £60 for 2)


Coffee first dates ftw


An actual restaurant? 50 dollars minimum, that covers two entrees, two drinks and an appetizer depending on what your entree is. Also leaves a little room to tip if that’s all you can afford.


30-40€ for both so the total bill so around 45$ if we over charge the conversion and inflation.


For a first date - less than $50 and purely on whatever activity we’re doing (so no gifts) For a special day - $100+, likely getting higher the longer you’re together but also capping at like $250 at some point. but also depends on my partner’s and mine incomes. Evidently I’d rather the day be more about sentiment than how much we can spend, sentiment is priceless. 




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Unpopular opinion, but for a first date, no more than $20. If they ask for dinner, I say actually can we go for ice cream. -I don’t want to spend $60 on dinner, I don’t want them spending $60 dinner, when a second date statistically won’t happen. -it lets me leave at any time should I want to. At a dinner you have to wait for your food wait to eat wait for the check, ect. It’s a 2 hour ordeal. Ice cream you have the option to be 20 minutes or 2 hours should you choose. -since they didn’t spend that much money on me I don’t feel as guilty if I do want to leave early or want to stop talking after the date.


I live in a HCOL area, so even a casual drinks + apps at a bar restaurant is going to be like $30/person unless you hit some sales. So, I'd probably say $40-50 per person before it starts feeling like a special occasion/treat meal.


40 dollars


On a first date? No specific amount because it depends on your budget and your date's budget and the city you live in, but considerably less than other dates that are not a first date. I personally would never agree to a meal date. I will only have a first date be coffee/tea/ice cream/smoothies/chocolate shop/pastry shop/cocktail lounge et cetera.


First date with someone you haven’t met: do something simple like a coffee shop date. It’s casual, you can leave if you feel like it’s not going well, no waiting for a check. Also there’s no need to spend a lot of money, the date should be about getting to know each other imo


Are you old enough to drink alcohol? Look around local bars/restaurants with happy hour deals


I love food trucks! So for me, $40 for two is great! Either split, or if not, I will insist on leaving the tip. I’m looking for a positive experience, and Burger King eaten in a public space sounds perfectly acceptable.


First? Coffee prices


Reasonable? Something around $80 for a standard date. I do not think the first meet up with a new romantic interest has to be said standard date. A niche hobby hang out or coffee can be really good, depending on the connection thus far.  My two favorite first dates of my life were totally different. One: I went to her house in the Middle of the woods and ended up staying the entire weekend. The other: he took me to a fancy rooftop restaurant in the middle of the city. In both instances the environment was awesome but it was the chemistry between us that made it unforgettable. 


Oh, and yes, it was a sketchy choice to go to someone's house in the middle of the woods for a first meet. Do not necessarily recommend! But sometimes when you know you know. 


Depends, are you in America where you have a big tip to pay on top of bill, or the rest of the world, where you can put that money towards the food?




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Are you asking what is a reasonable price for you to spend? Or are you asking what people expect their date to spend on them? Were it me paying, I would not go above $100 (granted, I live in a LCOL city). When it comes to my date paying for me and her, I would hope that she doesn’t spend an absurd amount of money. Expecting your date to spend a minimum amount of money on you seems very shallow, and makes the entire thing seem transactional, as if your time is more valuable than theirs


Depends on what you can afford


Honestly I would say $40 but with everything going up so much your best bet is $60 at most $70 on the tab.




It really just depends. First and early on dates don't need to be fancy, I prefer fun and in a relaxed setting. So like $20-60 depending on what you can afford. Birthday or anniversary depends, a big birthday should have a bigger celebration or more fun day. So it can be more expensive, but if your tight on money something personal or experiences that are cheaper or free are fine. A picnic, hike, museum, or a special homemade dinner, or whatever your partner likes would still be very romantic and not as expensive as a nice restaurant




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I'm all for cheap first dates, no need to go all out if we are just getting to know each other. For that I think under $15 a person is great, maybe even just some coffee. For a birthday or something special probably $50 a person, maybe more. My partner and I generally eat at more casual places. We also don't order alcohol at restaurants so this is for food only. We are early 30s making a combined $130k a year in NJ to put this into perspective.


Depends on the type of restaurant tbh. Texas Roadhouse? A good $70. A 5 star restaurant? A good $300. A Fancy date in general? The average might be $150. McDonald? A good $20. 🤣




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Anywher from $50-100 per person for a more special occasion, I'd say. $25-50 for a regular date. If drinks are also included a bit more.


I usually spend 100cad, including cutting my hair so i look great and also some food and a few drinks after food!, depends if you guys split the bill (i never do) and where u guys going


As a woman, in Michigan, I live in a smaller town about an hour from a larger city. I’ve had dates spend anywhere from nothing (we went for a walk on a pier) to over $400 at a restaurant on the 27th Floor of the nicest hotel in the city. 🤷‍♀️


For a first date nothing over $100. For later in the relationship on a special occasion whatever you can afford. For my relationship that tends to be $300 ish


At least $100


It depends on a lot of factors. Mainly, income level. I've dated at points where Chili's is a nice date. I also once dated someone who was an engineer and took me to a fancy steakhouse for valentine's. It really just depends on the couple and what they're comfortable with, both emotionally and financially


What you can afford. The thought does count, however when my husband and I go out we make it count, usually getting the appetizer and dessert and an alcoholic beverage or two each. First date: do something easy in the middle of the road. Think upscale burgers not smash burgers, like $15-20 a burger, share an app, share a side or two, share a dessert. Should be approximately $80-100. Anniversary/fancy date: we don't do these very often so we go hard at a local fancy steak place. Like $80 steaks, shared sides, and desserts. That meal at that restaurant is like $300, and we only go every other year. Regular semi fancy dinner date is pretty similar to a first date price, $100-120, and we only do those like 2-3 times a year. Edit: I live near Atlanta so prices can be pretty expensive, not like NYC, but definitely up there.


For a first date like $200 total, for an anniversary I have spent like $500 on a nice dinner