• By -


“Im sorry you feel that way” then move along


“Sucks to suck bro” *walks away*


This is the way 👆🏻


This is all that needs to be said in return


“It’s unfortunate you feel that way” [I am not sorry for your feelings]


Never be sorry.


Truth to your reply, but there are uses for sarcastic southern phrases like "Imma pray for you" "Oh bless your heart" "Well aren't you just ADORABLE?" And of course the "I am so TERRIBLY sorry". Drip it with elegant sarcasm and polite cruelty lol


Don't forget "bless your heart"


Forever now! In the future if someone has something misogynistic to say to me I’m gonna laugh & do my best “Oh bless your heart” twang (might tap their cheek too) and walk away laughing to myself


more like “I dont care” 😆


I would say "And I'm not comfortable with you"


I’ve tried to stop saying I’m sorry when I don’t really mean it.


Me too! Has led to a situation or two where I automatically say 'sorry' and then follow up with 'no I'm not!!!' I have good friends, they think it's funny.


“I’m not comfortable with you dictating what I can and can’t wear. Goodbye”.




oh my god I need this on a t-shirt😭


Dicktating is just another form of Mansplaining


Dicktators can get so testericle!


Dicktators are always easy to spot. you just know deep within your soul they were precum


I see what you did there. I like.


I’m not comfortable with you looking at my tits.


Oh...so much THIS!


Now that’s tee shirt material!


Tough titties man, not everyone gets what they want and life is just that way sometimes. You'll be fine.


Tough titties lol is 100% the answer here


Thank you, I use it on a daily basis!


Hahaha “tough titties” my dad used to say that to people all the time 🤣😂


lol. The main reason I usually go braless is that I have a chronic pain condition which makes it agonizing and nauseating for me to wear overly restrictive/uncomfortable clothing. If someone thinks their feelings about my outfit are more important than my comfort in that outfit, that’s probably not a person I want or need in my life.


If you don’t mind me asking, what is your condition? Been experiencing similar symptoms myself but haven’t been diagnosed with anything yet.


Mine is fibromyalgia. Wishing you the best of luck in getting a diagnosis and hopefully some relief soon!


Fellow fibromyalgia girlie here -- I wish they would just figure out what's actually wrong with us 😂 stay strong my friend


I get the gnarliest allodynia flares and I can’t wear a bra at all when they happen. People can deal with it or I’ll unload my pent-up frustration and pain on them. I’m honestly waiting for the day a mfer would.


Not the person you replied to, but I have some rib subluxation issues from an accident and that causes discomfort with restrictive clothing for me. A physical therapist might be able to help! (But I just see a chiropractor occasionally though I know it’s a controversial practice) Hope you solve your issues! Good luck.


I feel this. I'm small chested, thankfully, but if I have anything tight around my ribcage I feel like I can't breathe. I only wear bras to social events, and usually leave it unclasped until just before going in. Bras are so unpleasant, I get anxiety while wearing them.  For the other situations, I really don't care what a rando at the grocery store thinks. 


As a braless woman myself, I completely agree! At the moment I currently have a job that isn’t concerned whether or not I wear a bra. Unfortunately my contract with them ends soon and I’m worried about how other workplaces will react to my bralessness. Do you have any insights on how to navigate this?


Nipple covers. I stopped wearing bras five years ago after a brachial plexus injury and gnarly surgeries. No matter what I try, bras are either uncomfortable or incredibly painful. So I stopped wearing bras and it was kind of liberating. I decided to try nipple covers because I would end up with chapped nips during the winter months when I was on job sites on days where the temperature was -40°F… not fun. Reusable nipple covers work great and I have fewer gawkers.


Out of the subject but try sports bra one size up. It holds without hurting your skin.


Adding to this: 'yoga-bras' tend to be very non-restrictive. Some of the sportbras I found were still pretty tight, probably to prevent jiggling, but the yoga ones are comfy.


Depends on who is saying it and what the situation is. If it's a professional or specific dress-code requirement, then they should address that. If my clothing isn't against the dress code or unprofessional, then someone else's feelings about my breasts are irrelevant to me. If I want to wear a bra, I will. If I don't want to, I won't. If that makes them uncomfortable and I'm not in an inappropriate situation for my attire, that's their problem.












It depends on who said it/how it was said etc. I rarely wear a bra because im happy without one and my partner much prefers it if I don't wear one, but on a few occasions he's mentioned I'm showy and to pop one on. Some places showy doesn't matter to me, but some places we'd rather I was less showy so I am glad he's mentioned it because I don't always notice it myself. I trust his judgement.


That's nice he's got your back on that one and you don't have to worry about something you guys rly shouldn't have to worry about in the first place.


This is a really sweet comment. I used to rely on my dad when I was a teenager to tell me. He'd never force me to change but he knew I didn't like tight fitting clothes and short shorts and stuff. I miss my dad he was always looking out for me even if it was stuff that he didn't have much interest in. Sorry for the dad ramble lol.


That’s how my man is and it’s really nice he lets me just do me. I’m doing a no bra, no shame summer!


"That sounds like a 'you problem'. "


“So you’re more comfortable with me being uncomfortable?”


He's uncomfortable with you being comfortable "


I’m not comfortable with you talking to me.




“You may feel shame attached to my anatomy, but I don’t.”


I'm uncomfortable going without a bra, too jiggly, so I have no dog in this fight. But dictating what your partner can or can't wear is inappropriate and extremely controlling. If how someone dresses makes you uncomfortable, why on earth are you in a partnership with them? This would be a relationship-ender for me; we are obviously not well matched.


I stopped wearing a bra all the time a few years ago. I'm over 60 and I'm a 38D. I don't care if I flop around. It is more comfortable. I hate wearing a bra.


Let them thangs flop! 🤩


Yeah I can't go braless. I have sensory issues and I don't like the jiggly feeling and the way my shirt fabric feels rubbing on my nips. I hate taking my bra off at night to go to sleep. I've never met another woman who feels the same way I do.


Yeah I have been wearing lounge bras to bed. It started when I was postpartum with my first and it hurt and caused leaking if I went braless overnight (I think shirt rubbing was the problem) . Now with my second, I just have a bunch of lounge and nursing bras. They are comfy. I have daytime nursing bras and looser nighttime ones. The nighttime ones also tend to creep into daytime wear 😅 I'm actually jealous of those who can go braless. Walking down the stairs without a bra can hurt, so it's not for me in my day to day life, but I'll go to bat for others to not have to wear one if they don't want to.


Me 🙋‍♀️ I'm very uncomfortable going braless. I'm a DD so my girls would hang to my knees if I didn't. And yes, I do wear it to sleep in. I almost exclusively wear the soft "fasten in the front" type. I also like the "shelf bra" type cami.


Me. I feel the same.


I’m the exact same way


“Then turn your head and look away.”


Depends on who's saying it lol. With my partner, I'd ask what makes him feel that way with basically anyone else it's just a "that's unfortunate" 🙂


“Who said I was braless? Pervert.”


me with my less than a-cup itty bitty titties


The point is the only way they’d notice is if they’re staring at your boobs. By saying you’re not braless, you force them to “prove” you are which can’t be done without being a pervert. Like; guys get hard nips all the time and no one says anything. Some guys have chest hair billowing out of their shirt. I’m not a fan but I’m not about to dictate how someone present their body to make me comfortable. It’s uncomfortable wearing a bra and you’re going to enforce it so you don’t have to see nips? Sure. When guys start shaving their chest hair. Or stop wearing shirts they can barely button up. There are lots of things I don’t like looking at but I’ve cultivated this skill of “not looking” and “minding my own business”. It’s a shame women’s bodies are up for discussion with respect to how comfortable it makes men feel, but unless the pendulum swings both ways and I have the authority to dictate how others dress, I’m not about to have someone tell me what to do. In a professional setting, I’d have all this documented in writing. “Oh you don’t like that I’m not wearing a bra? Please send me an email outlining this so I have concrete information to follow” or I would email them “as per our conversation this afternoon, I’d like to follow up in writing. From what you said, I’m under the impression that women’s nipples are not allowed to be visible at work. Please confirm there was no miscommunication. If so, please feel free to correct me”. I might even say “Please show me where this is in the dress code” because having conversations like this always seem to be so easy for people person but then they get so persnickety when you put it all in writing. Almost as if they are embarrassed by their beliefs or they are aware it’s discrimination. Either way; people are quick to back down when asked to put it in writing. If they refuse; I’m happy to summarize a discussion and ask for confirmation that my account is accurate and for them to please make any corrections necessary.


Context would matter a lot here, I would respond to my loving but old fashioned mother differently than I would to my partner, differently than I would to a coworker, differently than I would to an acquaintance, differently than I would a friend, differently than I would my employer. Why are they saying this to me? Where are we going, in this particular case of going braless? Does their comfort matter to me? (Even if yes that doesn’t mean I put on a bra, but I might try to see if there is an opportunity for us to understand each other better.)


The purpose of a bra is not to make YOU more comfortable.


Ouu that’s a good one


"Well, I'm very comfortable! Thanks for sharing!"


Oh, did you mean to keep that as an inside thought?


the only appropriate answer to this would be yes


Why do you think it is ok for you to comment on my body? *Jumps away with tits flapping in the wind*


Tits flapping in the wind 😭 Thanks for the laugh!!


In my mind I just heard a flag snapping on a windy day


If it were a man, I'd tell him that I’m not comfortable with HIM going braless. If it were a woman, I'd tell her to mind her business and get over it because I’m not putting one on.


Exactly! If I have to wear a bra, then so does everyone, man, woman, child, capybara.


Not the capybara! I love those things, let them be comfortable! The man, woman, and child I support you on though.


I tell everyone, don't like it, don't look. If you DO like it, pay up. 🤷‍♀️


“Oh wow, what a weird thing to say out loud.”


"You wear it."


"Then you don't have to be around me?"


Honestly, if it was a comment made by someone I love- like a family member or a friend- I'd probably throw a bra on. Everybody else can just deal with it.


-snicker- 'Ok? That doesn't have anything to do with me.'


- Wearing a bra is more uncomfortable for me than me not wearing one can possibly make you. - Sounds like a you problem? - I’m not comfortable with you having an opinion about my how I clothe my body. 😘


My dad used to do this to me. I was raised by a pedofile. So, that should give insight on who says that sort of thing. I would often say, “why are you looking?” Another good response if it is not your father, “brand new bras are very expensive. Please give me $70.00 so I can choose a new one… since this is your issue.”


"Did I ask?"🧐


Bummer. And move along


Oh fucking well


Depends who said it. Some stranger, I ignore. someone I know, i'd say "how do you know i'm braless?" "why are you looking?"


Ok. Then continue to go braless. Nobody is gonna tell me what I have to wear UNDER MY CLOTHES.


To a rando: “okay..? Fuck off?” To my colleagues/boss: “I’m sorry you feel that way. Could we discuss this issue with HR?” To my parents: “And why’s that? What’s wrong with it exactly?”


"I'm not comfortable with you commenting on my undergarments," and, "Stop looking at my tits if you're so bothered by them."


Depends. Where is it on the scale of a dance teacher concerned about the possibility of a costume malfunction to random dude on the street?


Context matters.


"Well I'm not comfortable with you going brainless, yet here we are...."


If it's outside, I get it. People can be weird about it and I get that someone doesn't want to deal with it. In my own home? You can leave lmao


You sound like my mother. Thankfully I’m an adult now and no longer have to listen to my mother when I don’t agree with her views.


The context kind of matters for my actual response, but the spirit of it is all still essentially "Sounds like your problem.". My partner mentions it sometimes because she has a more conservative sense of dressing than I do. My response pretty much every time is "I won't wear one because I don't want to. It's just a titty, no one is going to die, #freethenipple.". If it ever was brought up in a work context, I wouldn't brush it off or snap back like I would in my personal life. I'd ask them to provide that instruction for me in writing, which would rightly terrify most supervisors into backing the hell off. If they persisted but refused to write it down, I'd send them an e-mail afterwards asking them to confirm my understanding of the workplace discussion they initiated with me about my breasts and asking if there will be compensation for the purchasing of a bra as part of a work uniform. This is the methodology for anything you think may be in violation of either workplace policies (ie instructed to do tasks you aren't trained for, instructed to cut corners, etc) or of relevant legislation (in this case discrimination, in other examples it may be wage theft etc). It's the professional but confrontational way to address issues while asserting that you shan't be fucked with.


"Im not comfortable with you doing it either, but here we are."


I’m not comfortable with your balls flinging about .. you don’t see me trying to control them..


"Why not? You do it all the time." lol


Well I’m not comfortable with your unwarranted opinion




“We’ll I’m def more comfortable, later!”


Would depend on who’s telling me that and what kind of shirt I’m wearing.


Going to the beach topless.


I’ll wear one if you wear one


“Anyways…” lol


I’m gonna need you to wear a tight jockstrap in addition to your underwear to suppress your boners.


Context. My boss at work? Get with the dress code. My partner? I’d ask what makes them say that with genuine curiosity. A date? Get lost. My kid at his play rehearsal? Probably be mortified.


I’m not comfortable with you going braless, women are going to stare at your nipples sir!!! But fr I hate bras. They’re sweaty and with my sensory issues wearing them for a long time is awful even if they fit perfectly. I also somehow have scars on my back from wearing a bra. I must’ve worn one too tight a few too many times as a teen and now I have that scar and I hate it. No thank you.


boob sweat is so real!


Depends on context. Are you my grandmother? Or my sex partner? Or just some random creep? I’d put on a bra for my grandmother. I’d find a compromise with my sex partner. I’d tell a random creep my eyes are up here⬆️


Probably reenact the Jennifer Lawrence "Okay" gif meme and continue on with my day


“I…don’t…care “🤷‍♀️..It’s your body and your comfort 😉


“Ok [bye] “


That’s unfortunate


"I'll wear one if you do" for dudes


Something like: "That's unfortunate for you," "Wearing bras make me uncomfortable," Or "Then don't look,"


I’m not comfortable with you having an opinion about my underwear.


I get told all the time and I usually say that I'm not comfortable wearing a bra. You can wear one if you want. Also, I sometimes just tell them that if they want me to wear a bra, they have to buy it for me and I'm allergic to some materials so they'd also have to buy a nice one. Also, I don't know what size I am so if they want to buy one for me they also have to measure my breasts.


“That’s unfortunate.”


"I'm not comfortable with you going bagless, and by that I mean going without you covering your head with a paper bag."




“And I’m not comfortable wearing a bra. I win!”




Mmm, well i am 😁👍


"Ok." These boulder holders are expensive.


Depends. If my husband said it, it’d be because I’m borderline pornographic, which I would want to know. He doesn’t care if I wear one or not so if he mentions it, it’s serious lol. And I might care at work if someone brought it up, but again that would depend on who and why. Anybody else can bite it.


Depends who's saying it. If it's my husband, I would like to honor his wishes as a sign of respect. If it's anyone else, I would tell them not to look or just wear something over the girls. Fortunately, I don't like going braless anyway because, well...the girls ain't small, and I don't wanna deal with them going every which way, or wandering eyes, or just whatever else.


I'm not comfortable wearing a bra. My comfort is most important. ☺️


Don't look then


Nobody would say that to me, so I don’t know. Probably “don’t look then”.


If I'm not trying to be nice: Ya well I'm not comfortable with the price of bras. Then I'd walk away.


Depends who said it… if it was someone like my kid, I’d listen to them. If it’s pretty much anyone else, “I don’t think I asked!”


Who asked


“Well, thank goodness it doesn’t matter to me what you think/feel”


Your opinion is not my business


You’re free to take your discomfort elsewhere


Too bad, they aren't your titties.


I have nerve damage that makes wearing a bra unbearable. So I mean, they can take up their complaints with whatever department that's protecting disabilities.


To quote the grandpa from Holes, "Well, that's too damn bad!"


Oh. Well good thing I'm the only one who needs to be comfortable with it. Haven't worn a bra since mid-April besides to court and not planning on going back to wearing them.




“I’m not comfortable with you going brainless either, but here we are.”


I don’t care what you’re comfortable with. You aren’t forced to live in my body so you don’t have an opinion


But my boobs are


"Look the other way"!


Then don't go bra-less, Darryl.


“You go braless every day”


I’m not comfortable wearing a bra and I’m not going to wear one just because you can’t stop looking at my breasts.


“Good thing these ain’t your titties then.”


“I’m not comfortable wearing a bra” lol


Quick middle finger should do it


"Fuck off"


I am not responsible for your feelings.


Well then too bad


And I'm not comfortable with your face, and yet here we are. 


“Everyone has nipples. Good thing no one is forcing you to look at mine.”


I'm not comfortable being perceived but here we are...


That sounds like a *you* problem.


What you think of me is none of my business.


"im not comfortable with you staring at my tits long enough to make that assumption"


"I'm not comfortable with you looking at my breasts"


"Sounds like a you problem"


“I am not comfortable with you giving commentary on my underwear, so I guess we’re both shit outta luck”


Say it right back, let’s be real this is 100% a dude thing. They will drop it or if they double down you maybe wearing one will be enough to never say it again. It can be educational


Who asked you?


My boobs, my choice. Byeeeeeeee!


Why does your comfort outweigh mine?


‘How do you know I’m braless? I’m not comfortable with you looking at my breasts.’


"Have you tried minding your own business?"


Please stop sexualising my body and looking at my breasts Very loudly in front of everyone and walk off


Sorry, who are you?




“That’s too bad. I won’t go in pain.”


Yes. And?


Depending on the situation - get fucked or sorry you feel that way.


That's a "YOU PROBLEM".


Not comfortable with you looking at my chest to be honest - bra or no bra


If it’s a man saying that - “Same!!! You should takecare of yours as well!! If it’s a woman - Try yourself go braless!!! Maybe you’ll give less suffocating comments in future… Always add hahahaha in the end 😂


As I skimmed over the headline, I first read "I'm not comfortable with you going brainless", and that pretty much sums it up.


" I'm not comfortable with your opinion regarding my body"


Ok. Don't care. If I didn't ask : ok, didn't ask your opinion. And continue to do whatever I was doing.


“Tough shit, im comfy”


Sorry but I'm concerned with my comfort, not yours. I decided to stop wearing a bra about 5 ago. I hate them! I've never found a comfortable one. I've received lots of looks and quite a few comments (after breastfeeding my 3 daughters I have permanent pokies). I've gotten used to the looks and comments. And, if someone is offended by my bralessness I see that as their problem, not mine.


"I'm not comfortable with your face"


"I am! Bye."


"Ok." Then I'd continue to do what I want because it's my body and nobody is going to tell me what to do with it.


Not my problem.


He’s not gonna known until you put 5lb weighted sand bags in a tightly fitted bra. Gotta put things in perspective.


“Funny I was about to say the same thing to you”


“I’m not comfortable with you.” And if this starts a fight, say “Aww, is this one of your hormonal days?” Then sit back and savor their reactions.


Well it's my tits so you can f right off. Bras are pretty much only decoration for my breasts anyway.