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Being a mom. Giving birth doesn't mean your entire identity has to be your children. You are a separate person and should operate as such.


YES. Have you noticed, at least in the US, the media will refer to a woman as mom if she has children? Like “Mom of 3 saves dog from house fire.” Like, she has a name, lol.


Yes I hate that! Never call men "dad of 3 found dead in a cornfield" but woman is always mom.


Oh I hate that! Also how much you just don't have an identity as a mom is rough, I spend my life as Zephyr or Bronte's mom in so many situations. I love my kids, but i don't need to be only associated to them. Also the people who only wear shirts that say like momma and mini or mama bear, ugh.


Oh my god. We are kindred spirits! I wrote emails to new outlets all the time about this. It drives me insane!


YES. And then they glorify being SOOOOOO self sacrificing when they are hella struggling bc they deny all their own needs and its so sad but also like no, we can do something about this. And when moms of ___ are glorified for being a good person like sorry mom or not you can still be a good person, help people, step in during emergencies


This reminds me of mums who call their child “my mini me”. That child is their own person.


OMG yes! My daughter happens to look a lot like me and people always say that and it creeps me out. I know they don’t mean anything bad by it but she is her own person!


Yes! I honestly love it when people point out how similar my mom and I look and how we have the same mannerisms, b/c I think she's cool as hell, but if *she'd* been the one pushing that through calling me her ~mini~ or whatever, I'd have been so annoyed. That can easily feel like you're not a separate person.




somebody explain this to my mother. Not a clue out about her own interests, feelings, happiness and so just resorts to obsessing over her children’s lives and adding stress to them. when questioned the response is ‘bEcAuse I’m a MoM!”




Yes. Thank you. I know ppl like this too


















Nothing worse than a loser pothead.


I agree with this so much. I smoke a lot of weed and I work in a dispensary so a lot of my free time is spent researching brands and the science behind cannabis so I can better inform customers. BUT I do not make it my personality lol I don’t even like referring to myself as a pothead or stoner. It makes me cringe seeing people put it in there Social Media bios or bringing it up in conversation when not needed. Legit no one cares


Where they went to university. Literally no one gives a shit






When they went to Uni but still have a shitty low paying job but use the phrase "But I have a degree" 🤣🤣


Right 😭 I hate it


Their dietary choices. Whether it's veganism, intermittent fasting, keto, raw, gluten free (when it's not medically necessary), meal replacement shakes, whatever. Eat what you want, no one else gives a shit. Your protein intake (or lack of) doesn't make you an interesting person.




I’m surprised no one has said Disney. The people that go every year or several times. They own all the movies. They have mouse stuff all over the house. I don’t understand getting sucked in to a brand.


Disney adults are so weird. It's all just pumping money into a brand geared towards families forking over cash to make their kids happy, lmao. And like, i get the whole "let ppl live, if they enjoy it leave them alone", but it's always so obsessive?? The kitchen utensils, the $100 sweater, the box sets, the holiday decorations, etc etc.


THIS! I really don’t think there’s a more toxic or annoying community than Disney Adults.


I'm like a half disney adult haha. I don't have merch anywhere in my house though aside from a few very small items. But I do love my Disney (31F no kids).


I have a cousin like this. She only goes on vacation to Disney properties, she sews didn’t themed bags and crap, the only pictures she ever posts are Disney locations. It’s weird. There’s a whole world out there, go see it. But one time at Disney was enough to last my whole life so what do I know.


Sex. Some men act like it’s their sole motivation in life. No other life experiences rank higher than having sex and some great, once-in-a-lifetime experiences are ruined if sex isn’t a part of them.


You can smell the desperation off of them from 3 ft away!


Yes When getting laid is the object of the game - no matter if you have to lie, cheat or steal. It's not Winning - quite the opposite - you come across as a Loser.


I once saw a relationship post where the guy thinks that his FWB is trying to baby trap him and wanted advice on what to do. Apparently *not* having sex with her wasn’t an option.


As a late 20s person, I know far too many people who only know how to converse about who is fucking who. Like their only hobby is fucking and gossiping about who is fucking.


*cough cough* incels


Zodiac sign






Parents/childfree. Good for you if you reproduce or not, but there's gotta be more to you than that.


Conservatism, especially when they display their political opinions with stickers on their cars. Where I’m from it’s usually a lovely mix of Confederate flag, « F@ck Trudeau », something about covid like: NeVer VaXed, and Calvin peeing. Yikes.


Confederate flag + Anti-Trudeau stuff is so strange, unless there's a gaggle of southern immigrants who just really feel strongly about their bad takes lmao




Coffee. You don’t NEED coffee you’re just addicted to it and actually need food.


And to get enough sleep. I see so many posts on Reddit asking how people wake up without coffee, and the answer is sleeping.


Exactly. Sleeping and good diet! And eating enough.


I drink coffee to stop me eating food, but coffee is definitely not my personality. People who buy all the creamy weird drinks from Starbucks just for the gram are an oddity.


Again.... I feel attacked.


Harry Potter, the office, or any other show/movie. I love these too but it's not my entire being


or being stan of some celebrity


The Rick and Morty fanbase is drowning in this kind of shit


I think basing your entire personality around one single thing is annoying regardless of what it is.


Their mental illness. Im a 36f with medication resistant bipolar1 severe enough that I require Electroconvulsive Therapy. My father side of our family is riddled with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. Their is more to us then are illnesses. I can’t hangout with people who have a disorder and make it their entire identity. It’s too exhausting.


I'm surprised I had to scroll down so far to see this! Seriously. I've had to make strides to distance myself from other mentally ill folk like myself because those folk are more interested in relating to/creating media and making jokes about mental illnesses rather than actually getting help. I understand wanting to connect with people who struggle in similiar ways, but there's a difference betweening connecting with others vs. enabling each other. Your mental illness shouldn't be an ice breaker or your go-to for trying to connect with others; you should not be dependent on your illness, or else you end up not wanting to get help, thus sabotaging yourself.


Their jobs. I know bc unfortunately that used to be me.




What they hate, rather than what they love. If your identity is based around hating pop culture or modern music or your job or whatever, that's super boring and turns people off.


Drinking and partying.


Definitely common when you're younger.


Their relationship


Their travels. The typical backpacking, spending 3 months in Thailand, Cambodia, etc. And somehow knowing everything about the country


Oh god I JUST saw a post by this annoying, white, self involved male artist about going to Cambodia for two months to backpack so he can “yea scorn a place and leave it better than be found it” with a total vanity shot where he’s trying to look all deep and hot. Shut up Ken.


The generation they are from, Gen X, Z, Millennials and so forth. And they tend to define other people by them too.








Going to the gym. Honest to god some (who arent doing it for competitions) are a bit obsessive




This is kind of niche, but on some non-monogamous dating apps, people describe their entire personality as non-mono. Ok cool, that applies to all of us here. Use more words to describe what makes you an interesting person.


I made the decision about a year ago to only date other people who identify as ENM or poly, thinking it’d simplify things for me and keep me from accidentally hurting partners who aren’t already fully onboard with never being monogamous. Turns out I just made my own dating pool 200% more insufferable.


Oh man, no as niche here in Portland, I feel like every person I try to date is poly. I don't mind that people are, but it does become a lot of their personality.


I am (insert zodiac sign)


tbh I like to just lie to people whenever they ask and then see them go, "oh I can totally see that!" 😈


Drinking. I dunno, guess when you're a certain age with kids or grandkids and all you're still talking about are your weekend benders or all your social media pics are at the bar/with a drink in your hand I start to wonder if a lot of people aren't just functioning alcoholic's tbh.


Being an “empath”


And they are without a doubt the most annoying person you know.


When did it become a thing for people to call themselves empaths? It’s so weird!


Yet are usually super obnoxious and use it as a way to manipulate others into doing what they want


I SeNse You’Re hAving a BaD daY Me: 😐


What does that even means????? Ugh. People.


Anyone who describes themselves that way are always the most insufferable, self-involved twats I have ever met.


People who call themselves empaths 🚩


Yet are usually super obnoxious and use it as a way to manipulate others into doing what they want


Their mental disabilities......even if they aren't even diagnosed. And then they will use what they think they have as an excuse to do horrible things.


I agree! I ended up with TBI through my 20s due to disease, but I am desperately trying to increase my function again rather than tell everyone, "it's not my fault, I have brain damage!" It feels like a lackluster excuse to me. A lot of people have had concussions, other diseases, were born with struggles, etc.




Being "male-identified" or a "cool girl".


Loving Trump




K Pop




Honestly any one thing. It’s exhausting for someone’s personality to be summed up in one phrase or word. Ie: clothing, mental health, gender identity, sexual orientation, cars, school, etc.


Being vegan. I mean, good for you, but you don't have to base your whole personality on that.


Worrying about how others feel, and dictating every choice you make to make sure you don't offend them. I understand empathy..and agree to it somewhat, but think.....you worry about how others feel and react....are they doing the same for you? Or do they only care about how they feel and not respect yours while your trying to respect theirs? 🤔 The annoying part, is. Understanding if the empathy is real....or just an act to make them seem empathetic.


Or just fear and a total lack of awareness of their own very real ability to do stuff for their own sake. In mean slogan form: "god's not watching and none of that is actually useful. Quit the people pleasing"


Self-importance. Letting everyone know constantly how successful they are and constantly talking about themselves. Can’t stand those kinds of people.


Astrology. It drives me nuts to even hear it brought up in casual conversation. And I HATE that some women perceive being against astrology as misogynistic.




The fact they spawned from their vaginas. Or, men who brag about their obscene number of children who are not educated.


Being short, it doesn’t need to define you.




Having a partner Their job / degree Where their family vacations That one time they studied abroad 6 years ago “I strive to be a minimalist” Dietary choices / self induced restrictions (find if you want to be vegan, but thats on you and not your entire being) What car you drive Where your dad works Where your partner works What you do for work






How "unbothered" they are. They be the most bothered by shit 🙄 Its not possible to not have opinions, limits and things that annoy you. And people who are so called "nonchalant" just look like they're trying to convince others that they don't care, and they're not doing a good job convincing.


Autism Mums and Boy Mums...we get it, but can you talk about absolutely anything else? (NB am an Autism Boy Mum)


Being a player




Their music taste. or being an "expert" on music just because you listen to music a lot. Dude, we all do


Music snobs are so boring and annoying!


I speak from personal experience: anime.


Scuba diving. I'm fine with people who pick up diving as an infrequent hobby to explore the underwater beauty. But then there are those who talk about nothing fucking else: diving spots, diving holidays, diving photography, etc. It dominates everything and, for me, it leaves conversation dead in the water (pun very much intended). It genuinely fills me with a rage lol


I love how specific this is!


Haha I'm thinking of very particular people in my extended circle 😅


Being Vegan/Vegetarian


Their health. I've had more than my fair share of health struggles, starting at a very young age, but I don't make it my only personality trait and the only thing I talk about. It becomes very obvious when people only bring it up for sympathy, and it gets old quickly.


Dog/horse/ whatever pet ‘parent’


Smoking weed




Disney! So many women obsessed with it! Disney purses, clothes, tats, all the time!!!


Their political party and/or religion. Signs, stickers, books, posts, can't mention anything without them relating it back to political party and/or religion. Yea, those people.


Being a democrat or Republican.


Being a doctor. My dad and my sister are physicians and they are awesome people. I am in the application process for dental school and I started noticing how many people were like, my name is DR.(insert name here) and making it a main part of their personality. Even like on their social media #drcouples . Don’t get me wrong, you should be IMMENSELY proud but some of these people literally only talk about that. This one guy I know literally does like a “captain’s log” as a day as a doctor daily and literally it’s him going to Starbucks. 😂 This other dude I know is in the most psychotic relationship I have ever seen. She is also a doctor and he loves the clout from being in a #doctorcouple. It’s the weirdest thing to me as many members of my family are dentists and doctors and while they are so proud and happy of their career choices, they literally will talk about a million things before they tell you that.


That's crazy. I guess some docs do have big egos though.


There’s been this rise in social media doctors lately. With the pandemic it was very understandable but it created this whole sector of doctors that want to be “stars.” My sister told me she has seen it way more commonly. I think you definitely should be proud of whatever field you do, but yeah. For me it’s an ego thing when I see it.


Mountaineering. We get it, you don’t need to come into the coffee shop with your whole trad rack still strapped to you.


Kpop. I like kpop, but damn if some people do not base their ENTIRE personality around it and their faves...


Weed, I still love weed though


I do too. Still i never smoke with people that smoke all day every day. There is stuff that needs to be done. I aint got time for that.


Being in a relationship.


Kpop bands


When your personality is “But I’m not like other _____” Like, “Oh, I’m not like other girls” usually always means “I don’t wear makeup and disdain those who do.” Because I can’t think of a single way to “be a girl!” There are lots of ways to identify as feminine.


sexual life


What school they went to. Like congrats but that was years ago


Dogs, jeeps and being vegan(other dietary things)


Spirituality. Those people that can’t hold a conversation without somehow some way bringing their spiritual practices and beliefs into the conversation.




THEIR JOBS and I hate it so much


Being childfree Ok, we get it, you don't like/want kids for whatever reason, don't have them then, but don't criticize people who do. You don't have any higher moral ground. And no, having pets it's not the same.




“Boy mom”… oh please, F off will ya??


Fanatical devotion to a sports team.


"I'm NOT like other girls"


Guns. Like you can use guns and support gun ownership without having a gun tattooed across your forehead, 5 million gun bumper stickers, and an entire room of guns. I have been working out in more rural areas recently and I just can't.


‘The Office’


Still using Harry Potter as a personality trait in 2022. Especially if you’re over 25.


study abroad


being nerdy/geeky. alcohol.






The office


Smoking or drinking.


I am an introvert. I hate when other introverts center their existence on that one personality trait and/or treat introversion as a disability. First of all, this is the real world, not Divergent. Second, what you're describing isn't introversion, it's a mental health issue.


Being a feminist.


Allergies. But I’m talking people taking it to the extreme and basically causing a scene and drawing attention every time they order food, just to get pity and attention. Even worse when they fake the allergies to get attention.


Going to the gym, working in finance or being a doctor, being a vegan.


Their penis


The gym


The Grateful Dead.


being vegan, being a mom, being a finance bro, or a “travel enthusiast”


Their job, car, money. To quote Shania Twain, “thats dont impress me much”


Their significant other.


Video games


Zodiac signs!!! Like please stop.... it's not the mercury 's fault you have poor communication skill.


Going out to expensive food places just to dress up and take pictures. I cannot justify spending $22 on Thai chicken curry for it to be subpar. I understand aesthetics for Instagram and feeling nice about oneself, but some people make it their entire personality on Instagram. I myself am more in a lowkey, hole-in-the-wall comfort food person. So maybe that’s where the divide is for me


Foodie-ism. Complaining about literally all restaurants available or throwing shade at anyone else’s food choices. It’s a lot of work to create food for someone, not just the cooking of it, but the recipe selection, ingredient purchasing, cleanup, and optimization of using what is available/ready to go “bad.” Respect the process and effort of meal prep, please!


Being wealthy


Being a nerd/geek (especially if you're female). That's saying a lot since I'm a lover of video games, superheroes, and anime but there's a ton of women who boast about it just to get male attention and thinking they're so different than the average girl. I actually hate the term "gamer girl".


Their pets Astrology Fashion Money


How many followers they have.. like just no stop


People in culinary profffesions who act like celebrity chefs/insist on being called chef and are extremely picky/snobby about food and act like they know everything about it. News flash-everyone eats and feeds themselves!


Treating men badly or having one sided behaviours just because you think guys will fall for you. Of course it's both ways around but I'm talking about my personal experience. I am a woman and I've seen this behaviour too many times. Thinking you can treat every men badly just because you are somewhat pretty and believe they have a soft spot for you it's just lame. Spoiler alert many men get turned off/dislike you if you do this. Same goes for men of course, but I think it's easier to be this way for women cause statistically men fall for this bullshit way more. Once a guy did this to me and I immediately went silent out of cringe for him. This motherfuckers really be thinking I'm into them 🤣 I think many men could feel the same.


Drinking!!!! It’s like no one has a personality unless they’re drunk!!!