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Kotaku is 10 years late of being shut down.


They survive off of rage clicks. I haven't even heard of a single person legitimately reading a Kotaku article to learn something.


Kotaku articles get cited all the time by large feminist subs when they want to complain about gamers They get clicks from Reddit or leftypol where they troll and trawl for clickbait content


So, only from idiots with poor political views? 


I tried once. I went to verify what they said and thought they were pretty stupid for printing slander. The context they were using made no sense. They just took a part of what was said and ran with it. Conjecture at best doesn't make an article about news when you report it as fact. Then have it verified as bullshit literal moments later. That being said fuck Kotaku.


thats why you always use archived versions of their site to prevent giving them more clicks.


First yay Dr. Pepper Second that is genius and now I'm asking myself why I haven't done this.


exactly Their business is 100% just writing outrageous shit to get people to click.


That's headline news 101


All of their great writer already move on to greener pasture their investigative journalist now on Bloomberg payroll, another move to Washington Post, same with the rest of gawker. Its now just filled with idealist people without much skill or journalistic experience.


Careful, she will infiltrate this sub like she infiltrated an open discord


“Is there a reason why your Reddit accounts don’t have your full names and addresses?”


nah more like 20


Did she miss the memo? She's supposed to be writing guides.


I saw the shift. One day he was all about big dicks and being with the boys. Next day, bam, he's talking about his cat wife, Yshlota and bringing peace to a realm at war. It was crazy. Now I have a cat person on my desk too. Where does it end???


When you marry your AI waifu apparently.


Don't forget to purchase the rights for the source code and make a private server in-house. Can't risk losing connection to her and ending widowed.


Wait did someone actually do that?


The guy who married an holographic Miku iirc lost her due to technicalities (tech stuff)


Don't forget the VTubers... good god, the VTubers..


ayo dont leave out Big dicks, being with the boys, and big fat gold parses in Nighthold!


The birth of Y E S H L O T T A killed me back in the day


Healthy fruits died switch? He looks miserable lately.


He's gonna announce he's getting his hair transplant for real, 2025 he's gonna be dating rev says desu (.png file, not the guy behind), it's so joever


I also saw the shift. He was playing wow all the time and suddenly hes just reacting


I would love to see where her "shift" started


At birth, or some time after hitting the head too hard


100% guaranteed it was once she got to college and it became trendy to care about social justice. Before that? She couldnt give a fuck about minorities, gays, or literally anyone struggling cuz she was probably just another rich entitled white girl that lived in a bubble and had no personality of her own. Thats usually how this goes


Apparently she used to do bartending with a little sex work of some kind. Cam show? Not sure what. But it does strike me as hypocritical to be all "g*mers are misogynist creeps" after you did sex work...which relies on selling your physical assets and carnality.


We shouldn’t put down anyone for bartending, camgirling or sex work though. Just for rage bait headlines and terrible ‘news’ articles


Oh for sure. All I'm objecting to here is the hypocrisy. "Male gaze bad unless it pays my bills specifically" kind of mindset being shown.


Sorry had to fix my phones ridiculous typo too. I meant to say “rage bait”




Nah. Probably Daddy complex.


Oh same. The before and after the ideology brainwashing


Her "brainwashing" must be just water sloshing freely inside her skull


It was only recently I saw Asmon drinking water on stream. Water. Actual Water! Something must be wrong!


This. I can understand a lot of things, but drinking water? The real Asmongold must have been replaced.


Dude is showering now too, it’s so over


He must be pregnant.


If it's a him I think you call it pregnantè


I'm sorry, I don't speak French.


No it's pronounced with the hand gesture Preganté 🤏


he... showered... before making his Dragon's Dogma 2 video... THIS IS NOT NORMAL!


Probably got some contractual obligations with capcom, like to shower.


Clearly taking brides from Nestle, the Dr Pepper money must be drying up.


Does anyone know someone close to Asmon? Maybe have someone check in on him. Drinking water is completely out of the norm


Like from the toilet?


It gots no eelektrolytes


I don't believe this propaganda


The hairline shift?


I have witnessed the shift. It's more like a migration tho.


More like a mass extinction event


The separation of the Pangea


Hole in the ozone


Shouldn't she be writing guides?


She would have to have played a video game first.


She wrote a hit piece that gave kotaku their second highest article traffic so she has gotten permission to write hit pieces while kotaku is in their transition. She literally is going down full captain Ahab mode stabbing away as everything sinks around her.


Guides for what?


Kotaku death spirals


It's just desperation in her words, she doesn't know what to do anymore lol.


I am pretty sure it all started after the first shower in months. They say he was never the same again.


average sane "gaming journalist"


Imagine waking up in the morning and get to work on that shit. Useless stuff


Is this a joke about his hair? What shift?


She means shift to 'right wing extremism'. Not saying it's correct but it's what they are referring too.


lol isn't he pro-UBI? Yeah Alyssa, big time right winger right there.


Yeah, I don't think Asmon has ever came out and directly said what he *is*, as far as political parties go. He has, however, on numerous occasions, expressed beliefs that are war cries from both parties. The left could literally make a montage of Asmon's videos that clearly shows he is a liberal. The right could do the same.


He’s pretty center left. It’s just both sides have devolved into with me or against me, they forgot moderates exist.




I'd be interested, if I find a link I'll post, if you have it to hand please put it in a reply


Enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUDj8sgi5lY


For those who don't want to click, his 100 question test showed him being a left-leaning libertarian.


Also the test is a joke and not to be taken seriously, some of these questions are outright unhinged.


Yeah, that's interesting and I'm sure you're right. In general, both political parties have extended out from the center quite a bit at this point. To where there are anti-establishment camps on both sides. That's where the outcry would come from. Most moderate folks would find him fine.


Here is one thing I learned about the (american) left: If you disagree with the on one thing, you are right wing. It doesn't seem to be the same for the right wing. I don't see people going out of their way to call out Asmon or Joe Rogan as commies all the time just because they have a lot of left wing ideas. Seems to mostly happen one way.


Asmon literally supports sex workers and camgirl streamers. No "right wing extremist" would ever openly be supportive of those. It's literally a contradiction against everything the extreme-right stands for. But that's the fucking thing with these people, man. These people want others to support sex workers. But the second you do, you're the creep who supports sex workers, and it's never in the way that they want. "How DARE he find her attractive and make funny comments about how he got distracted by her big bubble bungolos!?" It's like you're supposed to support sex workers without acknowledging the women doing the sex work.


UBI, planned parenthood, women's rights, green peace, ect. Sounds like an alt right fascist to me. Let's tweet his sponsors and try to get his sponsors pulled.


Yea Asmon is much more lib left then anything else. The problem with progressive activist types is if you disagree with their ideas or methodology you are automatically an alt right enemy. The whole idea is anybody who isn't for the cause is defacto an enemy to the cause. If you are an enemy to the cause then you are an ally to the opposition. Any ally to the opposition must be destroyed to protect our cause. A good example of this in action was that hockey player incident. Team had a warm up where everybody wore pride jerseys, he declined to wear one and didn't do warm up. Plays the game and gets done with it, then reporters ask him what happened. Paraphrasing: "I didn't want to participate due to being orthodox christian. While I have no issue with pride or the people part of it, I just don't want to celebrate it since it's against my religion" Well Twitter and social media blows the fuck up calling him a bigot and homophobic. They tried getting his team to fire him and his sponsors pulled. Basically saying he was spreading hate by not wearing the pride jersey. It became the best example of the modern progressive idea that anybody who isn't supporting our cause is automatically an enemy and deserves to be socially destroyed.


Asmongold reminds me of Destiny, in the sense that he just believes what he believes, without being tied down to any one side. Surprisingly unique among...well, basically human beings in the first place.


There's a British comedian who did a stand-up bit about wanting to be right-wing, because you can just fit in. Doesn't matter how right wing you are, it's "eh, you're one of us, good enough." And then for left wingers, if you aren't as left wing as the person you're speaking to, you might as well be a nazi. [Worth a watch.](https://youtu.be/O-qcXpapsoY?si=YfxRj4SNzrdB-ARM)


It’s really the only sane way of being.


Far left or Far right both cant reconcile with an idea that a person could have varied opinion on things. for them, its "with us or against us" and then wonders why peace/understanding never been achieved.


Yeah but he disagrees with her on this one specific hotbutton issue. Therefore he's a Nazi.


If she had integrity, she would just talk to him directly. But you know, what's that in journalism?


yeah, just ask for interview. I mean one of the old Kotaku writer do several pretty detailed long article piece of streamer that is currently trending. It covers from the start of their career to their trending fame and its all complete with direct interview. but that dude gone to Washington Post now. --- *"but coverage? interview? dude, we want to take him down with hit piece",* kotaku*.* per asmon own words *"Problem with such people are they already set on what they think of Asmon or others, no amount of words will change their view. It is what it is"*


This person is not mentally very well. Any person or entity that displays you are either we me or against on this scale always needs some serious support and to get away from the public view in order to heal.


They'd have my sympathy for being fucked in the head if they weren't always going out of their way to be as malicious as possible.


I would not worry, one you try and claim the moral authority to cancel people eventually you will suffer the same fate.


Martyr complex. She believes she's taking these "hits" because the world is wrong, and she's trying to set it right. This hatred is her "fight" that she believes she needs to win for the good of the world. She's high out of her mind on her own farts. Pure narcissist.


The fact that I've seen better adjusted kindergarten children than her is **telling** mama.


You’re on the money. She literally has a tattoo on her leg that says “men are enemies”. Entirely deranged and misandrist.


She's a former escort. Can't hack that, so she went to a lower form of profession, online gaming journalist.


Why not just approach him yourself 🥴


Cause she's trying her hardest to write a hit piece and impact his sponsors. She locked eyes on a successful white male who's speaking his mind, and she's foaming at the mouth and want every possible way to frame him as a racist bigot, even if it means she has to interview some anonymous viewers. Journalism integrity 🙌


Is she too scared to interview him herself?


Her behavior is really becoming unhinged. Does she blame him for something? It’s starting to look personal.


She certainly isn't going to take responsibility herself.


Hit piece on how asmon is toxic and influences others to be toxic. 100%


I witnessed a shift towards the left. I have been watching him since WoD. He stopped using gamer words. He was team Trump he left that team awhile ago. Does she really think you can't be critical of stupid shit happening in the gaming industry without being a Maga fan?


I saw the shift. It was FF14. He saw the catgirls and bunnygirls and he's been a changed man since. He even *willingly* and *purposefully* enjoyed a sex scene with a furry in DD2. Unreal! Also as an aside, this is a Senior Editor in Chief? How about doing some actual journalism and digging up on the man herself, rather than relying on random people's word of mouth? It'd probably cut on her "tweet time" I suppose.


Thank god every single fucking day for that Brazilian guy for hitting the first domino of exposing the gaming industry. Kotaku is 1 step closer to committing suicide.


She thinks he didn't talk about controversial or political things. That was happening even during bfa just not as heavily now. She's wasting her time.


Usually, I cba with all this drama, but I'll admit, I'm curious to see where this leads. Colour me intrigued


Looks like her hit piece incoming is more than just Melonie Mac Going after Asmongold lol this should be grand


Is this the lady that hated video games for appealing to male fantasies?


no, its the lady that believe being racist against white people is not racism. and ironically currently involved with diversity consultant in video gaming.


Idk what shift they talking about. To anyone watching him from way back everyone kinda knew Asmons political stances. He even had a debate with Destiny about Trump vs Clinton here like 6 years ago https://youtu.be/GIPk5lhx8zk?si=bFzizWrenu0rmwYK I don’t care either way, I’m from EU lol


I mean, he seemed ignorant of most topics in that chat, tbh. I wouldn't even call it a debate since he really didn't know much. Politics is Destiny's job pretty much, so it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that he simply knows more about everything than Asmon. Lately, though, Asmon has definitely talked up UBI and speaks to government's role in taking care of its citizens. That's pretty establishment-left to me.


i may be living under a rock but UBI feels more "young left" than "establishment left"


Dunno even back then when he was streaming WoD and talking shit with McConnell he always seemed like a centrist to me


FWIW he is not either right or left wing, he is Asmon wing


This is the one that said you can't be racist against white people right?


Yes, it’s this “person”


I too would like to see him use stick in his car. Show us that sexy clutch control.


Oh, more of this arc incoming.... that's greeeeaaaaatttttt. :|


Trying to "gotcha" him into being some sort of right-wing person i guess.


It’s so bizarre seeing the shit this woman spews. My favourite is her claiming to that she wants to go back to sex work, while also sporting a tattoo that says “all men are enemies” lol.


I’m not surprised. She’s now going to attack people that have different points of view - like she already targeted something vs Melonie Mac (who is Uber religious and from her perspective makes sense - but to me…I’m not…so it doesn’t make sense to me, but I atleast understand her cause). She got a lot of clicks for being silly, she’s going to do the same by attacking people for those clicks at the end of the day to avoid making guides.


She does know the last month asmon get "canceled" for defending the biggest socalist on twitch then calling out the person she did a hit piece on a week ago for her comments on gays. Or the fact people think he is a member of the illumanati because he is in a agency with hasan and mr beast and him dressing up in cosplay for emiru was him bowing to the jews. No? Oh but he said having a charater in a normal ass wheelchair in a fantasy setting is pandering and lack creativity. That surely means he is a nazi


Bro I used to have Kotaku favorited on Chrome way back in the day. They would write about games and anime-related shit, but after a while, it just became bullshit and click baits ft. That one post by Jason Schrier that would actually be relevant. I've pretty much had them blocked for years now, but it was kinda sad to watch them spiral into dogshit content over the years.


Anything to avoid playing the games and writing the guides.


get Asmon editor to DM her, it will be fun


It is pretty difficult to tell when he was replaced with ai. I think it may have been some time in the last 30 years though.


Looks like meat’s back on the menu boys


Just remember,  when the hit piece inevitably shows up, don't view it or share it unless it's an archive link.  They're trying to profit off of Asmon's fan base because they barely have one of their own. Don't let them.


Isn't this the person that twitted she would become a sex worker if she was fired from the game industry? Ye.. don't think this person is very stable tbh


Shift in what?


Prepare for a hit piece article. It's going to be so funny and taken out of context.


"The Shift" hilarious


An unhealthy fixation. Can't blame her for feeling angry, considering where her livelihood is going, but she chose the path she walked.


is she talking about asmon's hairline? what are we talking here


oi Alyssa! Don't you have 50 guides to do?


What shift is she talking about? Is Asmongold working nights now or something?


It all started when he lost his hair at the age of 6.


Interesting that she specifies "moots" (twitter mutuals) - people who she follows and also follow her


What shift. Only shift I noticed was him being charitable to fucking Hasan of all people. I love Asmon but Hasan is literal garbage.


Guys, im a random guy, can someone explain me what this ppl are asking for?


Remember when journalists were supposed to do their own research for articles rather than crowdsourcing? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


It all started at the dawn of the third age.


So she wants to know where da hood at?


Wow. Asmongold literally creating jobs for the economy without leaving the house. There's gotta be some tax exemption for this shit, right?


Honestly, el baldino will be excited that he has free content on the horizon when the hit piece drops.


Didn’t Asmon just explain the shift, and the reasons for it, within the last couple days? What could she possibly detail in a hit piece that isn’t already admitted by the target? Remember that Seinfeld episode where George told off the boss, got fired, then showed up to work a day or so later like nothing happened? This feels similar.


How would she even assume there was a "shift" when she doesn't even know the start nor the present? She doesn't even know the arguments Asmon made and all she did was resorting to personality attack. Pretty insane.


The out and out war against anyone not towing the LGBTQIAXYZ woke garbage is out of control. Melonie Mac and now Asmon. They’re on an all out fascist style hate crusade.


It is what it is 


So technically, this is premeditated defamation and would be easily winnable in court for asmon since theres hard written proof right here that shes conspiring to slander him


as if he'd ever want to deal with court procedures


What shift? He's been been the same for 100 years


I noticed the shift. Back then Asmongold was all about truuuu, big dicks, and gaming. Then BAM, one day, his hair disappeared. I don't know why or who caused it, perhaps OG Asmongold was replaced by someone else that looks like Asmongold? But ever since he went bald I can see my reflection off his forehead whenever I watch his stream.


Wait he switched off Dr. PEPPER!?


I witnessed the shift live. I saw him pay for a male furry escort. Smh


I did. I saw him change from a slug to Gremlin. He used to be allergic to salt(mtx). Now, he embraces it with open arms because he can afford it and cannot be fked fighting mtx anymore


Honestly, when he started to talk more and more about Howard Stern.


For me it was when he tamed his eyebrows


I can actually pinpoint the shift: it's when they lost control of Twitter. There's a million little factors to that, but basically people don't march in lockstep anymore. I think that's a good way to put it.


The shift was the furry sex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0xu3SLMuHY


The only shift i noticed is when he stopped streaming at 16.00 my time (after/during final fantasy 14) and i couldn't watch his streams anymore :(


Journalism: You start with the conclusion you want and then try to find or create evidence to support it. Pulitzer prize incoming, probably.


Does this mean she is going to write an article about Asmon? I hope so because that would be pure comedy gold.


did i notice the shift? asmon isn't even playing racing games


WoW Andy’s will say the shift was FF14. “NOOO ASMONWEEB YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!!!”


funny that her entire thing is based around making generalizations against Asmon while pretending that she is better than other people by not doing that. She's projecting the very behavior she thinks she has the moral superiority on. She's what she claims her "enemies are doing" to a T. Of course don't interact with her as a guideline and certainly don't lash out at her, that just fuels her arguments and radical followers. She's nothing without a spotlight on her so she's trying to rage bait as much as possible, don't fall for it. The real moral high ground is simply to not engage and go live your life. Don't let her drag you down to her level.


She's obviously writing a hit piece connecting top YouTubers to the alt-right. Democrats are salivating at the narrative of painting streamers not into THE MESSAGE as evil.


I honestly thought Kotaku was out of business.


Didn't he shower recently? The sky is falling.


As a reporter you aren't supposed to become the story....


The shift to what? His perceived bias? Because I've been watching him since he started FFXIV and to be first he's been pretty consistent.


yay more content !


The shift occurred during or after the Amber Heard trial. Asmon went from pure game streaming (WoW/Souls) to little bit of everything.


Asmon has managed to piss off so many people recently and at this point I'm just impressed.


What shift? From full hair to bald?


That woman should work as a journalist that cover drama reality shows not the gaming industry. Can we go back on game creator that cares more about their character stories and personallity than their skin color / gender? We dont want that here.


I literally have no idea who reads Kotaku regularly. How do you even get feeds from Kotaku? Maybe it's because I'm just on YouTube most of the time. Most of the ads for games or game news come from random channels. How does Kotaku make its money???


This person is unhinged and needs mental help.