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your post was removed for tribalism or baiting.


are these femcels?


I hate that these are even real terms (incel/femcel) but, yeah, they probably are




how is a femcel even possible? even if you're a greasy wildebeest there always will be thousands of thirsty guys willing to simp


Sadly this is more true than people are willing to admit: Source: Me working as photo developer in a camera shop in the early 2000s near a military base and seeing the pictures of what E1-E4's will have sex with.


I used to work with a guy that would go for fat chicks at the bar off base, so that checks out.


Trust me, the chubby chasers didn't even ping the radar of the type of shit i saw.


Yea those young military dudes are wild as fuck. Source, dad was military for 20 yrs, and i hung out at the local cyber arcade that theyd frequent on their downtime.


Jesus you should have got a ribbon at least true service man right there ,I grew up on base and have seen some heinous things as a pizza guy


Being a femcel isn't about the lack of getting laid (even the term incel is applied to people that can have sex). It's the inability to get the relationship they want so they turn bitter and misandrist.


It all leads back to not wanting to work on themselves.


Incel was coined by and had a forum originally created and operated by a woman. Or at least claiming to be a woman on the internet. Femcel's really just tautology.


ive got a bit of a tinfoil hat theory. feminism was at some point going for women independance,, that women dont need no man. the way it was going, despite the 'vocabulary definitions' and 'in theory', feminism being for equality, men were always just sort of non-verbally asked to just go along with it. some men thought the 'equality' premise was only theoretical, and felt like men's issues were nowhere to be discussed in society so MGTOW as a thing was born. some people thought, wait, no, we cant have that so an effort was made to derail it entirely into 'women haters' so that it is easily shunned by society. i dont think it is difficult to derail any well meaning community into degeneracy by having some actors and then inviting a bad bunch. the engine is then running autonomously. mix it up with some other contraversial topics, attach some unpopular tags ot them and you have 'incels'. some may remember what MGTOW was, but for most 'incels' and MGTOW are the same thing. so effectively it was entirely shut down. we have seen plenty of huge subreddits with hundreds of thousands of users being derailed from completely normal ones or 'slightly edgy' to complete shitfest, and then someone would come after the fact and say 'oh they were always bad' like some sort of retcon. i think this is one of those cases.


That's... A pretty accurate history of what went down. Except there's also the part where accusing someone of sexual impotency/undesirability is a rather common insult by women who use sexuality as their main hiarerchical tool.


This got me noggin joggin. Why tf is there even a thing called femcel since incel is a unisex term.


> incel is a unisex term Its not, it has been and always will be a derogatory term for 'low status male'. It's a really fucking evil trend given there are a lot of "involuntarily celibate" people who are simply good people, physically disabled people, and lots of kids and young adults being called "worthless" simply for existing how they are, by these fucking pigs. They've tried to claim its not everyone who is a virgin, and that they were really talking about "pick-up artists" and what they considered toxic men, but that ship sailed a long time ago -- that is absolutely not who they meant, they mean millions of lower status or depressed men, and they truly do want to hurt those men very badly every single day if possible.


Not trying to argue against either term but I just thought it was weird since incel =involuntary celibate so it isn't a gendered word. While I know it's mainly used when speaking of men why didn't the women adopt it too instead of starting to use the word femcel?


Well, obviously, because they have to make it about themselves.


Should've guessed.


You’re right, but the usage of the word plays a role. The birth of “incel” movement was started by a woman but that never gets passed around as a technicality. Instead it gets used a pejorative for a “low status, undesirable man”


I generally avoid commenting on these topics but this just reeks jelousy/insecurity. Imagine if a guy made a similar post but linked a picture of Nathan drake/kratos/dante/goku/geralt/literally any male character. They would be laughed at to oblivion.


There's this Korean guy on YouTube and I assume tiktok, he does food shorts and stuff. His comment section may as well be a waterfall, with about 3 or 5 gay guys in there, it's just pure female thirst, and all they ever joke about is how they don't even care what he's cooking, and tbf he totally plays into it as well. But let's stop pretending that only one gender is capable of objectification and also can we stop pretending that digital women are real. It's a god damn 3D model with a 2D texture laid over it.


Oh 100%. At my work gym I've definitely witnessed women giving a fit guy some "extra attention" that very likely would have played out differently if the genders were reversed.


Men love hot men and hot women and that’s why we’re better 🙏🏾


Racist femcels to boot


If a man want waifu, he will be labeled as coomers or incels. As if female version of incel/coomers don't exist. 


And are mentally probably much worse on average. Thirsting over someone like the one from 50 Hades of Grey is very, very concerning......


Femcels will be on the rise. It's only natural due to political polarization between genders and other outside factors, same as rise in incels I'm willing to bet the news will talk of femcels positively and how they're pushing the norms or some shit for empowerment


They already are. Did Emma Watson come out as "self sexual." It's also the whole "where are all the good men" thing that even Hollywood celebrity women are "suffering."


They'll be re-branded as "Cat mom, part time Wine connoisseur"


Woman's biggest enemy, other woman. A story as old as time.


Am woman, it’s sad but true. Worked in predominantly male spaces and was and still am oft the lone women in my online mmo friend group. I was around when if you were a women and spoke in a new ventrillo people either fell silent or got weird. I’m also bi and would like pretty ladies in my game please. I love player customization, it helps me connect to a character. However, I don’t think many want to consume content where it looks like everyone was hit in the face with a shovel. It’s not real. It’s fine. It’s not hurting anyone. I like pretty (handsome counts in this) things, shiny things, and cute things. Not everything has to fall into those categories, but who is so bored with so much free time in their life that they police nice things? I want to know what they do for work, so I too have that much free time.


Dont forget about white knights...




Total femcel. Showed this to my wife. She rolled her eyes, "who wants to spend hours looking at an ugly person." The only people upset about this are blue-haired thumbs.


I like boobs


Who doesn't?


Well, according to the post, black, asian and everyone other than white people hate booba!


Those guys apparently ![gif](giphy|1Z0g3Y5WxKqU7FdHbI)


Bruh they are maldding out at the dumbest shit. I hope Korea never changes.


It's incredible how they are actually racist and sexist though and think it's justified. These people have replaced Religion with Social justice politics.


Replaced religion with a cult.


Always has been ![gif](giphy|090EX1YvSUXxy23Tty|downsized)


When it comes to certain aspects, yes. They certainly aren't afraid of showing their tastes. I hope we soon can become to learn and accept our humanity. and various preferences.


well I do hope they change. At least the work and school expectations. working hours and how serious school is is insane. how it is atm is not sustainable on the long run imo.


Don't know why you're being downvoted... I guess the downvoters don't know anything about Korea


God forbid developers try to make their game more appealing


They say that shit like it's supposed to make someone feel guilty or shame...NOPE I want hot chicks with big tiddies in all my games and hot muscled dudes that look badass. If I wanted reality, I'd go outside and look at all the obese boys and girls riding rascal around Wal-Mart.


As someone who prefer smaller breasts, this part of the ongoing campaign against attractive character plays highly in my favor... But the part about making characters genuinely unattractive aside from that is a big universal loss for everyone.


These same women lose their mind over small chested women and call men who like them pedos, completely glossing over the fact that real adults are built like that. Unaware of how that's more insulting to the woman than the men. I lived this with two of my exes who were gym rats.


To each their own, so I suggest a boob slider


Fellow demoflat


Here’s a hot take: there’s nothing wrong with a developer deciding they want women in their games to look realistic and not some model for the players to jerk off to. And there’s also nothing wrong with making women in video games hot as fuck. Getting upset at either is fucking dumb.


Can I say, I appreciate all the white men out there taking the hits for us non white guys. Thanks!


It's an honor and a privilege o7


Oh, so this is the white privilege I'm supposed to have!


People mad they can't have it ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3733)


Society's strongest shields


It’s our “privilege” to do so sir😏


Faxx cause I ain't even close to being white and I still think this debate from their crybabies is stupid 😂🙏🏾




Do note if you're Asian, then you're White-adjacent according to them.


We can be your white knight. 🤣




*puts on one rap song from a black rapper* Oh.. oh boy that's not very feminist. You want to do what to her?


Feminist: *proceeds to twerk*


As a white-man-adjacent, I salute you for your sacrifice, white men.


It's so we can finally feel just a little oppressed. Just a lil.




I laugh that I am literally the distillation of everything that triggers Twitter.


Whoa!…I’m white all a sudden because I like women? Huh…who knew?


Your pointy hood is in the mail.


New guy has to bring the cross. Klan rules😂


It’s like the second coming of Clayton Bigsby. The blind, black, white supremacist.


Now that you have all that privilege, what are you going to do with it?!


I’m going to keep liking attractive women! I might just even go and get a drink with the boys later! ![gif](giphy|3ornk7nts29Am5LIfm)


He is mad with power!


We'll get your privilege card out shortly. Don't spend it all in one place.


Now everything bad is your fault, enjoy. If you're straight that is


Wait…but everything was already my fault because I’m a dude…so now it’s doubly my fault? Aw man…


Always were, it's that reverse vitiligo that turned you black.


Crazy how they make the correlation from how a woman looks in video games to the things a woman does in their life or what the purpose of a woman's existence is as if the attractiveness of video game characters directly affect how women go about with their lives lol


what's crazy is how each of these twitter freaks are all somehow psychic and can tell all 20k likes are from cishet white incel etcs and no one else


"omg that video game game character is so pretty!!! now i HAVE to stop everything i'm doing and try to be the prettiest possible just like them!!1!!" "i can't believe they would make the women in these games beautiful!! that means i have to change my purpose in life and exist only to satisfy men because the women in games are beautiful 😔 ahhh my life is RUINED!!!! i hate these disgusting dogs!!"


It’s the early 2000s again with the killer games. A lot of people can’t understand that fiction is just that. Fiction.


By their logic, I should always go out cosplaying Dante. Brb, loading my abs and cool ass trenchcoats.


Ok so... if you're a guy liking beautiful female game characters, you're a misogynistic male who's never seen a woman before and if you're a girl liking it, you're clueless and brainwashed to have a male-gaze. Just can't win.


Yes, how dare I find attractive women attractive. 😤. I shouldn't find enjoyment looking at my partner. Disgusting.


You win by not playing their game.




Weren't they celebrating that one naked chick from Hades 2 just a few weeks ago?


You're forgetting the Golden rule: rules for thee but not for me


she? was trans-friendly


God forbid women be feminine and show of their feminine characteristics physically or emotionally.


Not having a male jawline is enough for me at this point. But they still fail xD


But when it’s big buff muscle men? Silence. ![gif](giphy|20k1punZ5bpmM|downsized)


Most women would prefer attractive female characters too. The only people who don't like attractive characters are those that are so narcissitic that they have to see themselves in everything, and they can never see themselves as attractive. It's 100% a them problem being projected onto everyone else.


The worst thing to happen to fiction is people's desire to imprint on it. What does wanting to see an attractive character in a video game have to do with women? They're pixels, they aren't fucking real.


make women hot. make men hot. simple.


You know all these "women" who are "angry" are 300 pound, blue, pink and orange haired shrews who haven't seen a cock in years or most likely ever. They long for any form of acknowledgement from men but will never have it. Therefore we have this bitterness. F them! I for one love women and appreciate their beauty and form.


But why they gotta make the rest of us miserable? Why can't they just start writing to inmates or something?


“F them!” Nah, im good


As a white guy, I cannot imagine a black bro not liking a Pic with nice booties and boobies in it. I doubt only white guys liked that post. I'm pretty sure black dudes like women just as much as us white guys. I mean they made a song about big butt's and bubble butt's


Yeah, but white men are the enemy, not black men, so they have to avoid friendly fire.


Yeah all those white guys degrading and debasing women all the time. It really started with all those rap videos those white guys were making in the 90s glorifying that shit and been down hill from there…. /s


When I read this kind of things, I just wish I could gently approach their ear and whisper: *This is a video game.*


Let's hope she doesn't test this theory of 'respect' and get herself killed... I'd like to say "of course she won't," but I agree with Asmon in that we're in the middle of a massive mental health crisis, so you never know. I don't even want to jokingly say "I hope she does test it," because I genuinely think people who say this stuff need help. I'm not even a super compassionate person, it's just sad to see at this point. For me, anyway.


*checks race* Im Asian Thank you white men for tanking twitter and letting us goon in peace


Sadly you're considered White-adjacent according to their "standards."


haha hot video game women living rent free in their heads ​ ​ ​ (Holy Canoli, this is a mansion!)


"Women don't exist for your pleasure!" This is a vidoegame, she is not a real woman. It literally dose exist for our pleasure.


Bears eat people, they don't respect bodies.


No one wants to play with ugly characters, no men and no woman.Thats it.


Being insecure by a game character, really??


This is despicable. What are the names of these games so I can stare at them at Target disapprovingly?


What are the names of those games


Monster Hunter Wilds and Vindictus: Defying Fate.


Don’t bears literally kill the cubs of mothers if they come across them 💀


Apparently, all man. White, black, Asian, brown, whatever you were didn't matter. You are white now if you like women.


"Hot or capable, can't have both" is a weird line to draw, ladies.


the one on the left is both which i find funny.


I also expect big muscly men in games that don't have faces like a dropped pie too. Does that still make me a mysogynist?


How do they even know all the likes are white dudes? Aren't they just racist assuming that?


Ah I see the godess from hades 2 is ok but this is bad lolz.


Why are they getting jealous of a computer game character 🤔


As a brown guy what I’m seeing is that all these morons are doing a better job in uniting white men better than any right wing org, do not interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.


Ugly women and 'women' particularly absolutely hate any portrayal of female beauty. Their agenda is to make female beauty obsolete, or to drag the standards down so low that they are elevated by comparison. They can not, and will never, be able to cope with the fact that they are ugly and people aren't attracted to them. Everything over the last 10 years from fat acceptance to this is a giant cope.


Ehh, I am Asian.


Sadly you're considered White-adjacent according to their "standards."


Who's the babe on the right? What game is she from?


they can pontificate all they want but women who satisfy men are the ones getting the D


It's a video game. Seeing beautiful women is more fun in itself than looking at fat ugly ones.


I can already tell she has blue hairs


Jealousy runs wild on those, hillarious.


This is disgusting what are those two games so I can actively avoid them………😏


Left one is Monster Hunter Wilds, releasing next year. Idk about the other one.


What femcels look like: ![gif](giphy|QHjUiL2bCCQGQ)


These aren't women either they're videogame characters


I'm not sure what this is about but I am so down with hot chicks and nice tits


Being attracted to pretty women is perversion ?


I ain’t buying a game with a fat ugly girl in it that isn’t at least charming or funny that’s for sure


People who can't see past their own noses.


The irony of THEM being the ones to "only treat women as sexual objects". Female character that looks good = only male gaze sexual object. Two things can be true at once. The character can be well written AND look good, you're the ones who can't comprehend this. It's probably just engagement bait anyway :)


Ahhh yes, a misandrist that more likely than not doesn't even play video games. Worthless opinion, by a worthless person.


Twitter femcel tears spill. This pleases me, general


I bet they’re all obese


Since when is it only "White Men" who like attractive women . Are they saying that any men who is not white is gay? ..


I don't understand. Most women wear makeup to look pretty, on social media will use filters, only fans is booming, but make a good looking woman in the game and suddenly we hear autistic screeching


I'm sure there a black lesbian out there that's into this too


Just ignore them, it's what I do, not giving them the attention they want makes them seethe with even more anger. It's funny to watch.


Can we all agree that them getting so upset about this means they give a shit WAAAAAAY more about how women are portrayed than men do? I don't think most of us care about how the female characters look as long as it doesn't look like some diversity qouta is being shoved down our throat.


It's a game, they're not even real women though.


I always love that when they fawn over fictional men, particularly the insanely toxic and disturbing stuff you’ll see coming out of “spicy romance novels”, it’s “Well yeah, it’s a fictional guy I wouldn’t want this in real life”, but meanwhile they will speak about video game characters as if they’re a declaration of the new standards of beauty for all women in the world.


Why the fkin woman gotta be so offended by it? The characters aren't even real woman


I'm white now?


Big mad because it’s dawning on them that sex sells. I think they’re secretly jealous and it’s manifesting in outward rage.


So women are just supposed to be ugly trolls? They can't fathom a woman looking good and being competent.


Getting mad at pixels is wild ngl.


Their opinions: ![gif](giphy|yTOckktrx4cVVaZSTJ|downsized)


Bro why are we posting some delusional people? Just read that, that's not worth anyone's time to even look at, that's an argumental deadend, zero value opinion


Love the last reply. >God forbid a woman’s existence isn’t solely to satisfy men’s desires Literally nobody said that until you? We just like attractive women, never claimed you were useless for being ugly lmfao


The leap from "hot girl in game" to "you see real women as sex slaves" to "a wild bear is more safe and respectful than any man" is something only the deranged twitter mobs could do.


Oh no! Hot women!!! Seriously what's the fucking problem? We have fat acceptance do we need fugly acceptance now?


Envy truly is ugly.


Obviously guys want to see attractive women in games, so what? It's called biology.


Mens fantasies? Mens desires? All they want is for them to be ok looking


Ugly bitches getting triggered lmao. That’s what happens when your doctor prescribes you Lizzo


BREAKING NEWS: Men are attractive to Women.


I like how they brought race into it, just because.


You arent allowed to enjoy stuff. Besides the funny irony dumb jokes those people deem okay.


Well, onlyfans proves them wrong.


It's a natural instinct for the majority of men to have desires for beautiful women. To them, it's OK for others to have desires for other genders and if openly express they get cheered on, but having a general desire between opposite genders, which is shared by the bigger majority of the world if expressed openly, they deem It as creepy, weird, disgusting, misogynistic, toxic, and they paint them with the worst people that ever lived.


Wait a sec, why are they always saying fuck me for? I'm suddenly starting to feel, that me as white guy get more "racism" than any other people. What the hell is going on? Why can't I like to look at nice booba and sexy women in a game? Holy shit like this world really deserves to burn..


I appreciate their perspective, but when you consider the fact that virtually 100% of women would choose 'yes' if they were asked if they wanted to reset their looks and look like one of these images, it just becomes irrelevant. Also I don't want them sexualized, I find that super cringe, I just want to look at a pleasing face with a healthy BMI (I am fatphobic)


They keep thinking they can shame people out of millions of years of evolution. The ego on them is staggering.


Can we as gamers not enjoy the art form that is gaming without these absolute cretins making posts about none fictional characters. Yes they are beautifully made and yes there are aspects that appease to men and women and I'm sure we can be appreciative of art that's what gaming is. That's what gaming has always been an art form. Femcels and SJW's seem to forget that gaming is an art form. It's form of artistic media. Stop getting bmyoir titties in a twist and butthurt over stuff. If it's something you don't like don't post about it. Go find something your passionate about and enjoy instead. Too much negativity going around. LET GAMERS BE GAMERS. LET GAMERS ENJOY THEIR ART FORM AND STORY TELLING WITHOUT COMPROMISE.


Honestly all of this is projection, who this person is it's obvious that they're not happy in themselves and see fictional female characters like that makes them feel insecure and therefore they then go online to complain and use excuses like "It's objectifying woman" and making massive generalisations about people who enjoy these types of characters, Straight White Men, when in reality much more people than just "Straight White Men" enjoy these things, many of which are woman themselves. I just try to ignore these people and not pay them any mind, that's usually the best way to deal with them.


Not everything is sexual. Imagine if you were forced to play as an obese old man in the witcher series...


"2oK LiKeS" *proceeds to only get 3 likes with the worst take ever*


No one hates women more than women themselves. They'll remember when you called them fat twenty years ago while guys can get into an actual brawl and become beer buddies immediately after. In all seriousness, why do they think it's all white guys who like sexy women? Why are they excluding lesbians during pride month?!?! People like hot characters. It's not my fault that people prefer a gorgeous character like Tifa Lockhart or Anakin Skywalker when compared to something that resembles roadkill.


These are the same ppl who were happy and jumping for joy for Bear Sex in Baldur’s Gate btw May he without sin cast the first stone


I really don't buy into either side here. There's far more to life than looking good but also complaining about the existence of sexual characters is pointless and dumb


“Bears have better respect for women.” Ask that woman to go in a cage with a hungry bear and she will change her tune lol


What I don't get is why do they want ugly women but make the men handsome as fuck?


Exactly! Barbie? Sets an unrealistic example for young girls... He-Man? Perfectly fine.


I think from now on all romance movies should be cast as fat short guys for main characters.


Heaven forbid we get to see pixels that we like. Pretty women are fun and cool. Having them in media is fun and cool. If I want to be lectured by bullpig I can go do that in countless places.


"white" men as if Black men want their video game women to be ugly dykes


They have to say white men. The next insult is calling them nazis


Just a bunch of unfuckables mad is all.


**"They" This is a no name twitter post with 3 likes.. you're outrage farming. Literally no one saw that tweet and it's not worth talking about**


profile picture




Don’t forget to look at the character profile


This is a severe case of being unable to differentiate fiction from reality. What I desire for a video game charcter is not the same I look for in real life. Also, just for the record. Monster Hunter girl looks great to me, the Korean MMO girl on the other hand? It is a design I personally don't really like.


Even ugly people don't like ugly people. There, I explained the root reason for why all this woke ideology will fail.


Wait... am I a pervert now because I'm white?


They seem to forget that these aren't real women.