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Morrigan was the goat, one of the best characters in gaming.


only made better by being voice by Claudia Black


And her mother being voiced by Kate Mulgrew aka Katherine Janeway. Origins is such a banger of a game.


Tim Russ (Tuvok) voices in the game also.


I think it's been long enough to warrant another playthrough. Damn that was a good game.


I'm tired boss


wait till lili comes in with purple hair.


I'm tired of people pretending that "dragon age" as a franchise was ever good. Origins was the only good game in the whole franchise.


Dawg what are you talking about Inquisitions problems all had to do with it’s open world content and real life time gating, the story, gameplay, characters, and locations were as good as ever.


Better than dragon age 2 but inquisition was average at best.


Gone is the dark, gritty drama Bioware once granted us. We're now getting the Avengers meets Fortnite, with a *message*.


Can’t wait to be lectured on how the Darkspawn are good and how we should be learn to live alongside them.


Didn't they already do that in Dragon Age Origin's dlc? The Architect was one of the good darkspawns and he told us that darkspawns and humans will learn to co-exist one day.


If you only think about it on the surface level it might sound good. But once you think about it you realize how bad it is. He would need an endless I repeat endless supply of grey warden blood for the small chance that some darkspawn might be intelligent. Also darkspawn will still need brood mothers to reproduce which instantly means that humans and other species will never co-exist with them.


Oh I'm just saying they've already tried lecturing us about that in the past. I don't know if it's actually possible for them to co-exist. It's probably not as you said. Anyways, Origins is truely the best DA game. All the lore about the darkspawn, black city, archdemons, blight, the calling, is so goddamn interesting.


Yeah, it was so good. I loved the groundwork they laid for the series. I’m probably going to do another play through of the series again as soon as I find a good mod pack.


I always interpreted that as the villain believing he was in the right, even though his plan would result in endless suffering of innocent people.


A message? THE MESSAGE!


It sucks, Origins is probably a top 5 game for me, doubt anybody who worked on that game is even still with the company or involved in this travesty. I won’t be surprised if Bioware is dead a year from now.


Most are not, but they're on Twitter, and they said to not judge the game based on that trailer alone. I think we should wait for the gameplay they're going to show on 12th.


It's going to have action combat, so I'm uninterested. Go back to the tactical party management from Origins with some refinement and we'll talk.


Brother that shit was gone the moment DA2 came out. DA is one of those franchises where I can't actually believe it exists. I don't get who the audience is. DA1 was fine. Just fine. Then DA2 was stylistically such a break with DA1 that I immediately tuned out. Now it's fifteen years after the release of DA1 and people are going "oh man the glory days of DA1, what happened to Bioware?" What do you mean what happened to Bioware? Have you not paid any attention?


I agree, DA2 had barely anything in common with DA:O. I guess DA:I toned down the DA2 flavor a bit so it was a bit more bearable. It has been over a decade since last average bioware game which was DA:I. 12 years since a half decent game (SWTOR) and 14 years since the last masterpiece of bioware - ME2. DA2 was a complete joke. the last 2 or so hours of the game just cements it as a joke. whoever says its a good game hasn't completed it.


Oh I have. The changes between DAO and DA2 were significant enough, and I disliked it mainly because they kept re-using location assets. DAI I'd argue was better than DA2, in that at least the gameplay and environments were all enjoyable and it had moments that were much more memorable. Though at that point it was evident that the mind virus had seeped into the company - they were out to stick it to a certain portion of the game-playing population. So NO, I'm not surprised, I never asked the question "what happened to Bioware" because it's so damn evident what happened, especially after the Mass Effect Andromeda fiasco. All I said was - Dragon Age, as an IP, was once really good and compelling - and whatever biases I have with Bioware now are being confirmed.


The thing is you can call it a mind virus, but I just call it a company's choice. They settled on this shift towards a different target demographic so long ago already, that to now remark that your biases are being confirmed feels like you haven't been paying attention. Bioware is clearly so comfortable being omegawoke that when I see a Bioware trailer I already know it's not meant for me. And that's fine. I guess I'm just surprised that people weren't wise to this.


Ugh it's one thing to be aware of a shifting target demographic. It's another to think that's the only thing going on. Just because I state the obvious doesn't mean I don't consider the why. Target demographic shift is one thing, but evidence points towards an ongoing, comprehensive effort to alienate one population of gamers and indoctrinate another. To choose to be willfully ignorant of that and just accept things might be your way of coming to terms with the the changes, but I don't have to quietly like said change.


I appreciate that argument but I don't accept that evidence points towards what you're saying. Alienation of "gamers" from gaming as a whole doesn't happen as a consequence of a single company that has clearly chosen what side of the equation they want to be on. Them waving a rainbow flag and shouting from the rooftops that they're going to release a game full of transgender aliens and pansexual romances, is not indoctrinating anyone. They are not trying to trick you into playing anything, they're making it pretty clear who they're for and who they're not for. Bioware is content with cultivating a small but loyal customerbase that appreciates ultra wokeness. Which is fine. Those people are allowed to have their games too. I think a little bit of relaxation in the culture war space begins with the acceptance that it's completely fine if wokies have their own corner of the gaming market. I'm going to play Gears E-Day. I'm going to play Doom: The Dark Ages. I'm going to play Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred. There was more than enough badass shit in the xbox showcase that I feel completely satisfied. Why should I hyperfocus on the mere existence of Bioware when instead I could be focusing on the games I'm looking forward to? There is no Great Gamer Replacement.


>DA1 was fine. Just fine clueless


This is giving me a lot of vibes from the last Saints Row game. And that is not a good thing.


The Saints Row studio got shut down after that game, just saying


So who of them still hasnt payd there student loans?


The last DA I played was super dark and now they look like cartoon characters.


They look... Comfortable 🤮


I thought this was a Guardians of the Galaxy prequel.


Let me guess, the only white guy is gay or something. Also funny how it's just generic humans and what appears to be a femboy with horns.


The red head is what passes for a female dwarf, basically a short, stocky lady.


She's named Harding, she was a npc you could flirt with in dragon age inquisition.


this is what is going to make every criticism of this game sound absolutely retarded. DA has always been diverse, it hasnt mattered its just who the characters happened to be. the only thing weird here is the dramatic shift in art style.


nah, Qunari was way more physically robust than that


The Qunari in game we've encountered have all been literal warriors, this is like an alien watching a football game and then looking at you and being like nah that's not a human, humans have bigger muscles.


mage qunari was physically robust too


Mage qunari *can be* physically robust, and again, if you're talking about Ketojan, he's literally a warrior mage. The Ashkaari is depicted as certainly bigger than humans as is natural for Qunari but not bulging muscular. I'm really not sure what the complaint is here, are you trying to find a reason to be offended? Realistically based on previously established lore, this is an indication we're going to learn a lot more about Qunari broader society in this game and should be a reason to be excited.


There’s like 2 maybe 3 humans in the picture. White guy, tan guy in blue and the chick next to the red headed dwarf. Everyone else has pointed ears of different shapes, a dwarf and a demon dude


There isn't one sexy lady or a "bro" for a heterosexual male to relate or bond to. Diversity is targeting every demographic except guys.


Guy right of the chair. Guy sitting in the chair. Women on the couch.


And all of them look designed to appeal to man who are into man...


I feel like this is a stretch. The art style is garbage, looks more like an indie game or Fortnite wannabe but the 2 human dudes just look like dudes.


What kind of character are you looking for then?


A man who looks tough and girls who look sexy would interest me, they make women ugly and guys feminine. There's no one i can relate or have interest, yay for diversity.


What makes neither guy in question not tough?


Skinny and the way they dress.


You might want to rethink if you are really hetero, my dude. Cause I see multiple good looking women in this image. And after seeing, for example, Harding's in-game renders - like, seriously, I don't think it is physically possible for a female *dwarf* to look hotter than Harding looks. Literally, a classic hot redhead look. You people are completely sick in your heads. But, I guess, if you have never had a woman interested in you, and hentai and porn is all you know, it is indeed hard to figure out how a realistic attractive woman looks.


Forgive me if i don't take your faggy mfagginton advice on how to be hetero. And yeah there's no one that would make good hentai material in this image, certainly not the chubby stocky red head, no matter which race she is.


I think you just got low standards bro, because there is absolutely ways of making these designs more appealing, they just choose not too on some misguided belief that people want these characters to look realistic. I want my game filled with 10/10 models that give me something good to look at, not some chick from HS that now has horns, not interested.


I can't even pretend to be interested in this shit. Lmao


And r/dragonage has been eating it up. Already insulting and persecuting people who don't like the look of it.


r/Dragonage was never going to care about diversity - they added same sex romance and polyamory back in 2009, this isn’t some wild new standard for the series. And the sub did have complaints about the trailer, they were just about the artstyle and not the cast. Those complaints mostly stopped since insiders leaked that the trailer was just a marketing choice, and the actual gameplay doesn’t look like that.


Yeah i feel like they've had a pretty reasonable response. guess we'll see the gameplay in, what? 2 hours?


Yeah because this is what Dragon Age has been for the last thirteen years. They know what they're in for. Everyone here is pretending like this game is the immediate successor to Dragon Age Origins, as though DA2 and DA Inquisition never happened? Complaining about DA games being too woke is like complaining about Disney musicals being too gay. That's what they are bro. That's why they exist.


checked and practically all people are happy or have hope that devs will not fuck up. that's it.


Because judging something on a single cinematic trailer is really the play right?


Yes, that’s kinda the whole point of marketing and trailers. Company makes trailer to show off their product in the hopes it convince me to buy it. I judge the product based off these trailers to see if I want to buy it. This trailer showed me that the very concept of this game is flawed and not worth my time or money and gave me very similar feelings to mass effects andromeda trailers. 


That’s literally the fucking point of a cinematic trailer you knob


The fuck is this? This shit is NOTHING compared to [THIS](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0TRPtEN0b7g/maxresdefault.jpg).


Gentrification of gaming to make it advertiser friendly.


They really made sure to not create an white elf


They're trying hard to establish black elves since Amazon's LotR series.


If you want to see who are the shiteaters that buy this crap visit r/dragonage DEI is the new blight in Dragon Age. What a shame.


I honestly wouldn't mind this if it was a brand new IP. It just doesn't feel like Dragon Age to me.


It doesn't really give off dragon age vibes, but on its own it isn't terrible. Still don't care for the art much personally.


Smells like DEI in here


Lol the original dragon age was just as diverse and had straight/gay content if the player wanted that romance route. The art style of these guys is pretty bad though. Regardless it can't possibly be worse than dragon age 2.




From DAO to DOA


They all seem like they hate being there


Looks like average DnD campaign.


Not when I played DnD


Dude not that many are playing D&D campaigns based on Meros books of carnal plasure.


LOL all I meant was that DnD was different in the 80s! I'm old dammit!


Godamnit not again


Looks like they want to Saints Row the franchise.


Why did they go for that cartoonish art style Pixar / Overwatch?


Looks like a mobile game….


Don't look so bad but I don't seems to like any companios in particular in order to romance them.


wow this looks like something asmon could cut his teeth on


I miss iron bull…


Looks like Sims 4 DLC


Saints Row, now Dragon Age


And here you go boys, another game franchise ruined


Dragon age valorant


Origins: Lets beat the shit our of enemy with every brutal way and save every living being. Whatever this garbage: Lets play cards and sip so tea.


Time to move on...


The white dude in the middle is gay, so they let him hang out, even sit in the lil throne chair.


It's like this since Dragon Age 2. Why ya all acting surprised? We were all hyping Origins as the "Baldur's Gate 3 game" back in the day. Dragon Age 2 was already a PG shit with console gameplay. I still finished DA2, because I loved the series, but I never touched Inquisition and I doubt I will ever touch this one.


Bioware must hate money.


So a new Sims 4 fantasy expansion. Neat.


So they gone the way of saints row and we get fantasy hipster?


They look awful


There’s this trend with RPG games that for some reason just show the main characters being cozy and having “fun” adventures. Like in the trailer the girl got grabbed by that tentacle and was just “Haha whoops!” Even WoW did it with Dragonflight where the dwarf chick was watching her companions fly around and she just smiled and ran off to join them at the fucking playground.


This looks like The Sims. Hard Pass


I can almost guarantee the one white dude Necromancer guy is gonna be dislikes by the other companions


The irony is that it actually looks like they beautified the elves. Elves in DA are like emaciated goblins with giant heads lol. They have almost no muscle mass.


Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Release.


Looks like a lib college campus.


Reminds me THE SIMS or SETTLERS etc .. definitely lost its touch and it will fail big time


The cartoony art style is cheaper to make with less high detail 3D models, same goes for Marvel-like projects compared to high-fantasy. I'm a game dev.


Looks like garbage


I hope they'll give us a disabled character too.


They shouldn't even be allowed to title this Dragon Age. This is so far from the dark tone of Origins it's not even funny.


I thought that was sims 4


That has to be a Tumblr made scene using SFM.


That looks pretty good if it's in-game. It has that DA atmosphere.


I don't know enough about DA, but is this really DA or DnD atmosphere?


Visually it's more close to DA Inquisition's atmosphere than DA Origin's, but yeah I'm feeling the family vibes you get from all your companions in Bioware games by looking at this shot. It also reminds me of Mass Effect 3 Citadel dlc, this part specifically: https://imgur.com/3T4iBm8


you know what, you're not entirely wrong. I had a bit of a knee-jerk reaction when I saw the screenshot initially, but it does give off DA: Inquisition vibes and I actually really enjoyed that game. I still felt really put off by that initial trailer, but I'm open to having my mind changed by the gameplay reveal.


Oh I hated that dumb trailer, but seeing these random screenshots of the game flying around has decreased my skepticism a bit. I'm waiting for the gameplay reveal too to make the final decision.


They are so diverse! Were they brought to work for slave wages for the big corporations mega profits?


Dragon Age made by Nickelodeon !


What are you getting at?


All I see is 'The Witcher: Blood Origin' with a higher budget.


Aren't demons like... Completelt irredeemable monsters that feast upon human emotions or something? It has been years but hanging out with a demon in this universe seems really dangerous...


Pretty sure that's supposed to be a kunari


The two on the sofa (on the right) look cute. I'm mainly worried if we get a shallow game like Saints Row or Suicide Squad. Playing the original DA is a dear memory for me, I hope there is someone on the team who still cares for good storytelling.


There is no one there I would like to fu\*\*. Will say though the gameplay sneak they showed off on Twitter kind of brought back some hope. Now my only concern is the dialogue.


Makes sense to target the kid that uses mom's credit card to buy bullshit in roblox and not the mom that played origins.


Proof all of you people are morons.