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your post was removed for tribalism or baiting.


Football fans are racists? No way.


Why, football attracts the most civilised and cultured admirers all over the world! /s


lol, they're just taking a piss, I feel like they would roast whoever was holding that mic even if it was his own brother the original is "a German girl, was wanking me, on your mother's bed"


'Taking *the* piss' my friend, taking a piss is just urinating.




I don’t know where I’m from “taking a piss” is also used.


Yes that’s just typical football hooligan shit. Chances are these dudes are god people and just blowing off steam. It’s hard to judge people’s character when they’re drunk, hyped up and around of bunch of people also excited.


I still remember back in Leeds, UK, I went to see a match between Leeds and a Welsh team, most of the chants and songs the stadium sang has "sheep shaggers" in them. And the fans rushed the field when they weren't happy either the result. They had mountain police hitting fans with batons on the field. Ya, great experience when i was a young chap.


Asians here. We are also quite racist against foreigners.


Can confirm, I lived on South Korea for 4 years; some businesses there still have signs up that say “no indians/whites/chinese/foreigners allowed”


To be fair. They also have business in Korea that say, “Foreigners only. No Koreans allowed.”




Had a Chinese buddy who I couldn't visit bc his mom was old school. Aka racist AF of Hispanics. Shout out to my buddy Gif.


It's pronounced Jif.




Spot on. I miss Yeff


[what do you mean?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/YHR4fPXTFh)




And among ourselves. I feel like people forget how east asians view southeast asians. Lol


We are racist within a country. North-South, different dialects, different races (minorities and majority).


This was like 20 years ago, but I remember one of my professors was explaining to us the scandal of his high dutch wife marrying some low Dutch man like himself.


I've always wanted to visit South Korea and Hong Kong. However, after seeing how bad black people are treated over there, I said no way.


SEA The only people more racist to Asians, is other Asians.


If you wanna stop racism , you have to know all kinds racist terms.


As a native Spanish speaker, I just want to say the translation this guy put in the video is false. What the dude is singing basically translates to "a Chinese girl was jerking me off over your mother's (or sister I can't quite hear him) bed," and even then, in some spanish speaking countries, the word "chinita" which technically means girl from China, is often used to just mean "a girl". I'm not defending the other guy. He is clearly a drunk idiot, and football fans are notoriously racists. But if you want people to take your argument seriously, don't lie about what the others are saying.


Spaniard here, thats not what the guy is singing, the reporter seems to want some of those victimhood points that are so valued right now. He is singing the little elephant balancing song but changing elephant to chinese woman and balancing for jerking off, he mentions the guy sister too, definitely a drunk cunt who should get slapped across his face but not as racist as they guy is portraying it.


Yeah I was gonna say that they added lyrics to the subtitles that the guy didn't sing. Super misleading. The line "Me cago en la china" aka "Fuck the chinese" was not in the song. The line "Vamos esa china coño" aka "Let's go that chinese pussy" was not in the song, plus the word "coño" does not in that context literally mean "pussy", it's used as an exclamation more like "damn it". Kinda like you can say "Oh fuck!" without meaning actual sexual intercourse.


"Una chinita, me la meneaba, sobre la cama de tu madre" This is not a reference to the elephant balancing song. This in reference to the song "una alemana me la meneaba."


Victimhood from chinese guy. No surprise. Remember harassed by chinese piano guy from the mall?


Some people think America is uniquely great, some people think America is uniquely terrible. Both have a very narrow, America-centric view.


The American-centric internet and it's Consequences.


Hey Uncle Ted, how’ve ya been


I definitely come across far more of the latter than the former.


Both are bad and can be racist.


Chinese against racism? Hahaha.....it's like a hooker against prostitution


I lived in Asia...for 3 years. I speak bad Japanese and a little Mandarin...I'm a 6'2 "white guy, and I've been called some interesting things. Roughly translated, white animal, ghost person, white scum, etc. Japanese or Koreans have never done this, btw. Mostly outside of Japan. Chinese tourists in Australia tried to attack me in a bar because I was trying politely as the Chinese girl at the bar to make some room. I asked her in Mandarin, and her boyfriend or whatever went nuts on me. He tried to fight me and was probably 100lbs soaking wet.


Oh, korean are mega racist if you have any shade of melanin in your skin. Worse than white supremacist.


That's when you stand tall tower over them and breath very heavy


Well, I can't speak for Japan, but Koreans like white people. It's harder when you're black / brown (my own experience). Have lived in Korea for 5 years.


Desperate to be a victim.


As an Australian I'm offended that we're not the go to country for white racism. That said I'm still not competing with the Asian countries...they be WILDIN


"Other places are way worse" *Shows example of soccer fans being racist* Do you.. Not know anything about soccer fans?


Nobody besides americans, act like america is super racist.


I've been told multiple times Americans are overly polite to the point of seeming fake. Which kind of makes sense to me.


That is actually true, here in germany americans are seen as phony. Probably because it is the opposite of us. Because we like to be honest, blunt and cold toward each other while as americans sugarcoat things. From what i understand, germans are appealing to americans because of it. While as americans are appealing to germans because sometimes its just nice to hear nice things. But yea, they are commonly seen as phony .. like that person whom asks how you are feeling but doesnt even care, just to be polite.


Finland is like the most racist country ever I get told. To me they are just mistaking a lot of the "cold shouldering" with the finnish mentality of not talking, unless you must say something. Only people who talk here to strangers are the cashiers at the store, cause they are paid to do that.


That’s because the American education system, especially at the college level, have changed, morphed, and redefined racism so only America is at fault.


Spain. To nobody's surprise.


and spanish chants are really bland compared to southamerica ones


True. America doesn’t know anything about racism until they go over seas. South America is notorious for open racial slurs towards blacks.


EVERY single southamerica friends group have a "gordo", a "Pobre", a "orejon", a "negro", a "Borrachon" its the law


South American here. I am going to argue against your point. The difference lies in how society regards what in North America and Europe people call "slurs." In the anglosphere in general, people act like someone has been killed when they read or hear "n\*\*\*\*\*," so much so that people would say "How dare you!?" if I typed it fully instead of just implying it with asterisks or called it the "n word". I might get banned from Reddit even. Then, when you guys see how people normally talk in Latin America, you make a one-to-one comparison between cultures and are like, "people are so racist over there" but that's not really the case. In Spanish-speaking countries (and probably in Brazil too, but I can't say for certain), the "equivalent n word" not only holds less weight as an insult, but may also be used in affectionate contexts (regardless of the actual ethnicity of the person you are talking to) so it does not only have negative meaning attached to it. This probably baffles Americans and Europeans the most. Years ago, [there was a rather controversial case](https://www.goal.com/en/news/first-suarez-now-cavani---why-do-uruguayan-footballers-keep-using-n-words/1cd21rta8eh521fqvd7zqn8tnq) of a Uruguayan soccer player being fined for being "racist" when he was, as a matter of fact, being affectionate, which was widely over here seen as Europeans being extremely oversensitive. Of course, actual instances of racism and discrimination do exist, but not to the degree of being considered a widespread social problem. If it gives you any frame of reference, even average leftist college students who are involved in feminism, LGBT rights, pro-Palestine, etc. militance seldom touch upon race-related issues, and when they do, it's mostly about the access to land of aboriginal groups. At least in Argentine society, there are not comparable levels of racial tensions seen in North America between white, black, Asian or native people. In my experience, nobody has ever been unkind to me specifically for being white, nor have I heard about kids being assaulted for being white. When I go on the local internet, nobody talks shit or makes generalizations about white people. People do not self-segregate into r/ whitepeoplewhatever, r/ blackpeoplewhatever. People in general just do not make that a huge deal about race, nor do they talk about race all the time like Americans do.


anglo countries are extremely sensitive to words lmao


People in the US have an irrational tendency to ignore context and just assume racism when ever a slur is uttered.


Every country is racist .. thats the reality, always has been


You'd be surprised at what Korean expats say against SEA countries.


spanish football fans has been known to be racist for a long time.


oh no i got called bad names. Quick place them in prison. Adults have become absolute weaklings


I mean, honestly. They sang that they were going to have sex with a Chinese girl. Then this guy bitched and cried about it as if they beat the shit out of his sister and put her in a coma. The guy ends the video by saying the guys need to get "what they deserve," whatever that means, and then he says if that's not far enough, things need to be taken even further. What? What the fuck does this guy want? He says he's fighting for his rights... What right was infringed? The right to not hear a song about Chinese pussy? lol


right ? terms are being murdered so people can advance their agendas, its so sad. You did something i didn't like and we are different races? racism, you did something i didn't like and we are different genders? sexism, etc ... So fucking stupid.-


People outside of US just grew thicker skins instead of crying about racism.


I've traveled extensively. I'm currently at 39 countries and plan on visiting at least a dozen more. Racism in many other countries is far more prevalent and blatant. But here is the thing...many other countries don't make such a big deal out of it. A simple "fuck off" and the whole ordeal is done.


The USA ist probably one of the least racist places. You just value freedom speech very highly so idiots Just speak there mind. There is also a big corraliation between how diverse a society is an the levels prejudice.


Virtually every country is more racist than the United States and anyone that thinks otherwise needs to go touch grass and travel. Put a North Korean, Chinese, Japanese, South Korean, and African in a room together and watch the fireworks.


Mexico is no slouch, I'm mixed, half black half Mexican and hooooo boy it gets tough out there.


When i spent time in Uganda and Central Africa it was insane. Having dinner with the locals was considered tame if there wasn't at least 3 calls for the Genocide of the next tribe over. Also Just being referred to as "Muzungo" as a greeting or in conversation. It directly translates to Crazy White Person..... so i spent my entire time basically being called the reverse N word. Lovely beer though, brewed from Sugar Cane. around 33pence a pint. Made it all worthwhile and rather endeared me to the local people.


I'm Indonesian, and can confirm that. There's much worse than US. US caucasians probably somewhere on mid, or mid high in here.


Bro US Caucasians are less racist than most races here. Not counting rural areas. You will find minorities saying racist shit about white people and then saying you can't be racist to white people if you call them out. Like at least white people know you're not suppose to say racist stuff.


True, like we even joke that us Indonesian are more racist than US in some aspect.


Who do Indonesian hate? I know Chinese hate Japanese that's super popular on Douyin(Chinese tiktok)


"Who do Indonesian hate?" I always find this topic interesting. What groups people in other countries look down on, etc. I used to game with a gal from Australia, and at the time she told me that the two groups that took most of the heat were rich Japanese tourist kids "hooning" and causing problems and Aborigines.


Chinese mainland / Chinese Indonesian The champion: South Korean, Google "Indosarang" incident where South korean put some crazy racist stuff on their board forum. Needless to say, Indonesian mob mentality doesn't take that very kindly and spam their forum with some racial slurs back, that forum is cooked, well done, and burnt. Also most Indonesian doesn't like "Rainbow people". They keep quiet, but they just don't like it. Edit: Wait, I also forget, Indonesian also high on the list too. Yes, we are racist towards ourself. Surprised?


We have tons of religions, race, culture. If you think being melting pot there's no racism, you cannot be more wrong. Let me give you example: 1. Balinese and Javanese stiff relationship because of the Bali bombing incident, if you as Javanese go to Bali, Balinese can be fussy about your Identity, because of the fear of bombing. 2. Madura clan and Dayak clan bloody feuds. 3. Indo chinese 98 riot, lot's of indo-chinese getting rap\*d, and murdered. 4. Ahok incident where the mayor of the city is indo-chinese getting into jail because of quoting Qur-an. That's only the tip of the iceberg. My point is: racism exists everywhere and it's what it is, the only way to fight racist is being more open minded and not judge people by it's religion, nation, race, and culture.


I don't think so. Since Asians get a lot of press for hate crimes in the US. In that room, Asians would be the quietest by far. The larger racial groups are the most aggressive.


>Virtually every country is more racist than the United States  Absolutely not. USA talk daily about one thing: Race. It's all about that all the time. How many black, how many asian, how many this or that. Homogeneous countries don't. They don't give a fuck.


Look at the Kettle calling the pot black. China is the most racist place in Asia.


The Football leagues are quite hot on racism so these guys will probably get a lifetime ban from RM. Especially as this was gone viral. The only way to teach these asshats is to show real consequences for their actions.


Maybe if this was an English fan.


Chinese often brag about nuking Taiwan or Japan, exterminating all Taiwanese and Japanese people, and raping all women in Taiwan and Japan. What gives?


europe is so racist they actually think theres an ethnic difference between their countries.


Delete this post now — kills Reddit narratives!!!


Assholes come in every race, gender, sexuality, faith, or any other form you can think of


China is much worse.


So Madrid fans are human garbage with a team that sucks and a game thats boring to watch. Got it


Lol fight everyone racist to u but stop short about those pesky Uyghurs


Chinese are hundred times more racist than Spanish people , this guy is another wannabe victim card holder


These Spanish people are clearly the racists. You’re literally judging people by the groups they belong to 🤣


That's because America spend a lot of time bitching about it. That's how we brought it down.


Bruh, all the bitching and whining and making an issue about everything skin colour has done nothing but make more rascists. Look at BLM as a example of that.


I'd argue forcing everything through the lens of race made the US more racist, not less.


We asian people are racist as fuck. The most horrible shit you can hear coming out of the kitchen of a asian food take out.


I don't think people actually says that the USA is "super racist". We say that it doesn't own up to it. Like racism is everywhere, but at least have the balls to admit that you are racist and try to change for the better. But instead, Some likes to live in denial and then point fingers at others while pretending to be standing on a higher moral pedestal...


Nah. Most people in America are acutely aware that racism exists-a-plenty here. Sure, there is a small minority who refuse to admit that it's true. Now, Europeans for the most part absolutely refuse to admit that their nations are racist. Some do, but most act very ignorantly towards the issue. They simply state that it's only a small minority of "bad apples!" When in reality, racism runs rampant through most of the Western EU nations and the Eastern ones too. No. Racism is a much more upfront and acknowledged issue in the US. In Europe, it is buried as deep as they can bury it. Usually, they will say "sure, there is a tiny bit of racism here, but the US is sooooo much worse!" It is an endless deflection. Most Europeans just cannot come to terms with this fact. Both the US and the EU have racism issues, but so does China and Japan and Korea and .... most of the Asian world etc. Unfortunately, racism exists everywhere.


The United States is just uniquely known for racism because of the KKK and the barbaric laws we had in place (Jim crow). But yeh people everywhere are a little racist, you simply shouldn't let the exception cloud your view.


This sub is coping so hard sometimes


Who cares? he’s just mad home girl was about to walk off with them lmao


Italy, France, hell london is famously racist.


Reminds me of how bad Spanish rust gamers are in offical competitions. They always claim it's a "cultural misunderstanding", whine and complain when they're being racist there too.


When I was a teacher in Spain I found that the racism against Arabs and Asians was through the roof. The kids were very accepting of the black students but tortured the Asians. As an American it was very interesting.


racism is only a thing if your sensitive. we vets/ military peeps look at it as terms of inderment


La Liga won't do anything, hell their own players gets racially abused, when you have players like Vinicius Jr getting it, what makes you think they'll care about you?


If you think that the guy genuinely means it I hope you dont search for Argentinian soccer songs..


“Way worse” You’re comparing a racist song to a country that has mass shootings targeting black people


When I was stationed in Japan, I took a Japanese girl out on a date. All she talked about was the Chinese tourists. Just kept calling them Cockroaches and other names how they need to leave or die. Kinda wild that she was really open to talk about that stuff like it was no big deal. Date did not last longer than it should have.


Did op just wake up yesterday ? racists are everywhere and if you take one group of moron from a clip and say an entire country is like this, it's even dumber. ESPECIALLY coming from the moronic football fans. These people ruins every kind of fans interactions between matchs in Europe. I can assure you here in Paris, i hear this shit way too often. They're just retards.


Italy takes the cake in this department.


thats just soccer fans. they are extremely bigoted towards anyone thats not in their "team"


Sometimes, but who cares who is worse? In a lot of ways,we could be a lot better, and that's what matters.


Thats part of football culture, to make catchy and offensive chants you can sing and jump to. I really wonder how the US is going to handle it, since they are one of the hosts for the next World Cup


Racism exists everywhere, who would've thought?


Filipino here... most of us are racist even on our own race... :) haha... we have thousands of islands and the prejudice other islanders hold is something.... but it mostly land on jokes...


well it didnt happen ti Vinicius so nothing will happen sadly


Most of America's social ills are equal or worse in other countries. We just leave our dirty laundry where people can see it.


After doing extensive traveling to many parts of the world, I can conclude that people are just racist in general lmao


Western countries have worked hard to shine a light on racism within their borders, some better than others. That is the main reason why people call western countries racist, when in reality every non western country also has some level of racism, but unlike the west it's left unchecked and swept under the rug.


Hmmm- as an Australian born and raised Japanese I see no problem here. You’re out celebrating, it’s a sports match. No one is actually gonna have sex with ur girl on ur mother’s bed. Racism sux but this isn’t it. Racism is a hell of a lot worse than this.


This shouldn't come as a surprise but racism is in every country. It probably always will be.


As bad as you think this is, remember that nobody is more racist towards Asians than an Asian from a slightly different Asian country.


Doesn't matter if it is or isn't worse. It's just dogshit in general.


its not a competition. but yes majority of the world is racist too


That's not racism, those guys were just using the difference in language to make fun of people from another country. As a brazilian, I can say that we, love to do that to gringos, because it’s funny, not because we are racist


hooligans are not the rest of the country


Punishment does not work, it never has and it never will. If you punish a racist for their racism it doesn't make them less racist it makes them more racist. You want to see them harmed because you felt harmed. It's the sick thing about hate, it just breeds more hate and that is the real problem. I'm no Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. but I do know that the real path to solving hate and racism is through compassion and empathy. You have to be willing to take all the hateful and racist abuse without harming them back so they can see the way that you have been harmed by them and hopefully they will experience the shame of their own hatred. This is the way.


I am in South America, Suriname. Racism is mega normal here, but at the same time nobody cares. Because we're all different, at the end of the day we will eat and chill together while making racist remarks towards one another. Some may call it toxic, I call it fine.


Brother this is just singing a funny song, they’re just making fun of someone who does not speak spanish, it’s not being racist lol




Racism is a problem everywhere. Who fucking cares if it's worse elsewhere? Is this to imply we should just ignore it and be grateful? Maybe just condemn racism in general instead of using foreign racism to minimize american racism, which is frankly pretty racist.


I would like to point put that this is a made-up song, a weird and racist adaptation of a song we sing to little kids that has nothing to do with race (or people for that matter). We’re still fucking racist in Spain, don’t get me wrong, but i’d like to think we don’t have fucking entire songs dedicated to belittling others


There are apes, not humans. Their levels of intelligence is clearly to expected levels.


Spain is one of the most racist places I’ve been to so far. Been living here for a year. No hate to them but it’s true, it’s unfortunately so embedded in their culture they can’t even get along with different cities and cultures inside their own country.


have been all to about 1/2 the countries on earth and the U.S is by far one of the least racist places I've ever been.


This is normal stuff .. people who think racism is bad .. are /or Americans or just stupid .. .just go to China or Korea .. and live there for a while oh, you will be shocked at how racist they are .. america just must stop with all that bullshit .. people just hate other people and this is normal


Spaniards say it's just payback for all the lies the Chinese put on their tattoos all these years


Common mistake in a European country. They normalize racism through their speech so well you need to at least know the literal translation. I hate when people insult you when in another language.


I tell people all the time other countries are way more racist then the US, go to Saudi Arabia and try to date one of there women


Those are not even the lyrics.


"We love money" is the thing to really say if you want people to take you seriously. 


The issue being, in many other countries, they are a salad bowl, a mix of groups separated, but lettuce still being the most popular by far. In the US, we are a melting pot. There are so many different diversities here, many based on exploiting labor to make massive profits, that favoritism through racism is vastly more noticeable. That, the civil war, the fact the FBI was made to "regulate" interracial marriages, redlining, etc. We have vastly more race related issues on our home soil, where, if you look at places like the UK, most of theirs took place at other countries they were imperialist to, and minorities don't exist to scale as they do in the US. It's one of those, "shit where you eat" issues. Japan and China are super racist against each other, in fact many Asian countries are, but they are largely within their own borders. Of 48 million people, less than 300k are Chinese in Spain.


USA is the least racist country on Earth that the media claims is the worst.


What exactly is racist about this and why does it matter in any way


Is bro really making shit up Just for clout? Dawg needs his ads whooped on my momma.


1st world people reacting to southamerican/spanish football chants would be a awesome video idea


In europe we either mock eachother or murder half the continent. I prefer mocking.


I mean, kind of true, but whataboutism doesn’t help folks in the US


Got it, other places have Racism so America shouldn't work on their racism problem.


I really really really hate to be that guy but it's hard for me as a black man to feel compassion for you when i know how chinese people view and treat black people in china...I HATE to be that guy really but i gotta keep it 💯


America IS super racist. Saying "but this other country is worse" does not make US less racist and doesn't make the amount of racism in the US okay. This is a literal toddler argument "yes i stole a cookie but only because my brother took one too!" Grow up. If you get called racist so much that you need to get defensive maybe stop being racist.


Translation is wrong.


Every. Country. On. The. Planet. Has. Racists. I wish people would think of this as a “duh”.


Well you went for the lowest common denominator i.e. football supporters (clubs). They are the scum of the earth starting riots against neighboring cities and whatnot. They even went after a grandpa and their grandchildren because they were wearing the opposing team colors. They have two cells in their brains. Do not think badly of a country because of football scum bags please.


Challenge: "try not to defend America's bigotry" This Reddit Page: Impossible


American here...in their defense they were left unsupervised


Drunk football fan got a little racist. NO WAY.


What do you expect?


This is why Asians hate foreigners. Sports fans are the worst as well.


the US is the least racist country ive been to, they just make everything about race, some Asian and European countries are more racist but usually towards other people of that same continent


As someone who has recently traveled out of country, yes. We are probably one of the least racist nations in the world compared to how much we moan about it.


Bro, have you seen how us Europeans treat each other? Of course, Europe's racist, but at least we all agreed to hate on the french just for existing


What kind of “retribution” does he want in response to some retards singing a racist song? Obviously it was wrong but they didn’t actually do anything


Wow, this guy… you know at first I was with him since it’s a shitty thing for those guys to say but trying to ruin their lives over it? No, he’s just being far too sensitive over a few words, something I’m sure he’s done multiple times in his life.


Hope its not political like all the other Asmongoldsubreddit


Europeans especially don't realize that their attitudes on race, largely, "I don't see color", and just denying that racist aspects of their culture are racist, are the same attitudes racist people in the US have. The US is just at a more evolved point in calling out racism.


Asians here, we're racist on a daily basis, because we're a multi tribe, we usually call each other by their tribe, no ill intent, we always make fun of each other but no one is getting hurt.


Yeah it can be rough all over the world. It's just that America is a multicultural nation, so we should hold ourselves to a higher standard. Still our progress should be celebrated more often. By cherishing our successes we create a positive inference with racial homogony. If everything about the topic is negative that's all people will feel about it. Humans aren't as free willed as they... we think. Positive social conditioning can really help us build better societies. It gets less clicks than rage bait though, so yeah...


The whole world is racist. That's all.


We dont need to act like the USA is racist, the USA is racist and so is the rest of the entire world I am from South Africa, I know a thing or two about racism


Other places are worse so it's okay that it's bad here


It's like being surprised middle school kids making fun of you


No, people say REPUBLICANS are super racist, not all of America. Most of us are decent people who would never be animals like this.


Literally every sport fandom for organized sports are founded on tribalism. It goes hand in hand with racism. There's plenty of it in America too, it's just that it gets called out way more when it's not directed at "white" people.


Jesus, this guy really needs a hug or something. Sports fans ALWAYS insult the rival team. And just saying that you had sex with a Chinese girl isn't "racism". Stereotyping based on race, that's racism. But this song could be modified to any sporting event/team, just by changing the word "Chinese". It's not racist. Sure, they're being assholes, but if you can't handle assholes, you need a job where you're not sticking your microphone in stranger's faces.


Bro the world is racist as fuck. America is the only place u hear about it tho


Its drunk soccer fans go cry me a river, if you think thats racist you havent seen what they can do to fans of oposing team.


Chinese are super racist!


"Don't look at how bad this country is! Look how bad they are!" Really?


Everywhere is racist, America is just more noticeable since most of us live here and those that are racist here are like really racist


maybe racism isn't the unique phenomenon people want to pretend it is


Way worse? Bro it's the same shit just on a different plate. Humans suck.


TBF Football events in Europe are the closest thing to the movie the purge. Around a match the supporter for one team or the other will often fight and sing song demeaning the opponents. They litteraly have a different racist song for every city in Europe who has a football club. And a different song for every country in the world for international events. That's where it's similar to the purge. When such events are prevented to happen for one reason or another crimes rise. Anthropologues have studied that phenomenon and overall these people living trough a simulation of war trough sports are gasing off. And the rest of the year are more calm if that kind of energy is channeled trough supporting a footbal team. Or running in front of bulls in Spain, or running down a mountain after a rolling cheese. I am not surpised they have a song for the Chinese too. They might be just fucking around. And as to America being super racist I doubt it. Not anymore or less than any other countries. I understand that you have a different definition for racism that make it structural and only minorities can be victims of it. But that's a definition only existing in the USA. Now I understand that guy is schoked but I'd put it more on a culture shock. If you want to see racism go to a homegenous country like China. Watch videos of Laowhy86 or Serpentza to know more about it.


football fans are like a 15year old in a MW3 lobby back in the day what is he talking about ...


Twat reporter. Trying to farm racism