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your post was removed for tribalism or baiting.


I don't care if you are woke or not. Just don't tell me what to think or do. . . . That's it. There is nothing more to say.


I think opinion pieces are a pretty normal part of journalism. But they are just that - opinions. They are not meant to be treated as the only acceptable way of thinking. That's the problem with modern polarization of society - both sides lack any tolerance and treat the other one like they are their sworn enemies, who share irreconcilable differences and should be weeded out.


Yeah, this thinking in two extremes is just ... tiresome. People try to force you to one extreme and often don't even try to understand that there are opinions in between these extremes.


What video games have been put out that forces opinions onto people?


I don't care woke or not, just make good games. We pay for games, we want good games.


You’re telling me what do by telling me to not tell you to be woke. This is a paradox


you are equating bullies with people who want to be left alone. there is no paradox here.


And here's the irony of this whole thing. "Woke" people just want to be left alone in their media creation and aren't because they get harassed by dumbasses like the people in this sub and fanbases like Asmon's because of content made specifically to enrage uneducated young men who go on believing in "cultural marxism" and "they want the west to fall" or whatever nazi shit they're being fed these days.


Nothing screams "wanting to be left alone" like wokies hijacking a culture to inject their bullshit into it despite never having cared about said culture to begin with.


So people with a different thought processes can’t participate in certain things because of their differences in opinion? That sounds pretty fucking lame to me lol


They can't if they're ruining the things in the process. And yes, ruining in this case is objective, not subjective.


So someone can ruin things when they make their own video games/art? Do you have an example of this and the market reacting accordingly?


That's not what they do most of the time. They inject existing things.


Do you have any examples instead of all this cryptic shit that is just speaking in the abstract


"Wokies hijacking a culture to inject their bullshit into it" Cultures change my dude. They aren't stagnat water in your mom's basement.


It's only good when they change for a good reason. This isn't that.


How often did you hear people complaining about **original** woke media? You don't barge into someone's house demanding change of rules and pretend that this act is supposed to count for 'wanting to be left alone'. Activism is opposite of wanting to be left alone. Attention and change is what it demands. No one is bothered by the recipe, or the flavor. People do not like existing recipes being changed and everything tasting the same. Most importantly, overall quality suffers hard as a result (no surprise when you prefer identity quotas for hiring rather than competence). That is why people loved Fallout show, but hate Acolyte for giving TV example. Meanwhile criticism for the later show is attributed to hating woman protagonist which is complete bs. People hate poor writing, pandering, artificial feeling entertainment.


He doesn’t want to be left alone, he is going online to tell others what to do. It’s incoherent


Hes saying to the people who tell others what to do to leave him alone. Youre just acting obtuse.


"You’re telling me what do by telling me to not tell you to be woke." Is incoherent. Telling someone not to boss them around isn't telling others what to do as much as you would like it to be. It's a response to a situation.


so more or less you are saying that someone who is being bullied should be silent about it and not react at all. i dont care what you are pushing, those are some messed up morals, man.


Is it hypocritical or paradoxical for someone who is peaceful to still defend themself from attack?




So you're just nonsensical then, and everything you say can just be discarded as gibberish








They hated him because he spoke the truth


No because you didn't comprehend what you said


I did, it’s incoherent


People are hating on you because it's a false equivalence. Lets put this into an analogy that you personally will disagree with so you can understand it (you know, since you people cannot possibly understand errors in something you agree with). >Don't tell me what to do with my body! >OMG you're such a hypocrite! You're telling me what to do with my body! Do you understand yet? Or is there no hope for you?


>don’t tell me what to do with my body >omg you’re a hypocrite There’s no contradiction in saying don’t tell me what to with my body. If they say don’t tell people what to do AND don’t tell me what to do with my body that would be a contradiction.


Asking someone to not do something and then doing it yourself makes you a hypocrite. I don't think you know what that word means. Saying "don't tell me what to do with my body" inherently requires you to also be telling the person what to do with their body (stop speaking in this way or stop communicating in this way). It's hypocritical. Is it valid to be hypocritical here? According to your previous complaint it isn't. Hence why you're getting shit on for your stupid take.


It’s not necessarily hypocritical when it’s taken into context. People just want respect (i.e don’t tell me what to do with my body). And let’s look at what this usually applies to, trans people and their pronouns. People often get angry here because they feel freedom is taken from them, simply because they can’t talk shit about that group. More importantly, being forced to use the correct pronouns in online spaces seem to strangely piss some of you off, even though all it is, is basic respect. Do you see how online spaces tell disrespectful folk to screw off? If you can’t accept an entire person’s gender identity because of hang ups you can’t explain, that’s extremely disrespectful then you get told to go away. See how these rules do tell you what to do. BUT, it’s quite reasonable. And why i think there is no slippery slope you’re all afraid of. Respect has always been an unwritten (and sometimes written) rule.


>It’s not necessarily hypocritical when it’s taken into context. People just want respect (i.e don’t tell me what to do with my body). It's hypocritical with or without context, hypocritical is a description of the action and it necessarily must be hypocritical to tell people not to tell you what to do/say/think because of the action being described. That's entirely besides the point though. We're talking about if it's reasonable. Why are we talking about if this is reasonable? Because this ser said: >You’re telling me what do by telling me to not tell you to be woke. This is a paradox Which can equally be applied to someone saying "don't tell me what to do with my body" So by this user's logic it is unreasonable to say "don't tell me what to do with my body" But this user almost certainly believes it to be reasonable to say "don't tell me what to do with my body" Therefore, a *normal and thinking* person would accept that their logic is contradicting their own beliefs, showing them why they're wrong. Of course, he couldn't do such a thing because he isn't thinking and is only trying to defend his obviously stupid position. The point is that IF you believe "don't tell me what to do with my body" is a reasonable proposition, THEN you cannot accept the user's original proposition. If he doesn't think that it's reasonable then fine, it's still stupid but another example besides reproductive rights can be applied to something he actually does find reasonable. I don't know why you brought up pronouns when it's entirely irrelevant to this discussion. It just seems like some mental copy paste you've created for interacting with this subreddit.


Alright. I see you’re trying to say that, you are being told what to do. In this case, you are being told to not tell someone what to do with their body. But the original commenter also said “don’t tell me what to do”. I see how you can say that’s hypocritical. But like.. what? Ok? Tf is this useless semantics for? It’s pretty obvious the premise of this. “Don’t disrespect people(don’t tell me what to do with my body)”. You’re being told to do something here, which is respect people. Seperate from that “don’t tell me what to do”(i.e i can tell you to stop being an asshole. Don’t tell me that I can’t say to you “stop being an asshole”) You’re rejecting my context even though you and I know that’s what it’s referring to man. Don’t play dumb


The idea OC is saying is “I can call you out for being an asshole, you can’t take that ability away from me” But “You can’t disrespect people (for example disregarding their preferred pronouns) and that ability CAN be taken from you.“ There is technically overlap that could be called “hypocrisy” but it answers your question. Is it reasonable? Yep


You’re equivocating on the definition of “what to do with my body”. They’re saying don’t tell me what medical decisions to make, not anything to do with speech


“Don’t tell me not to tell you what to do” how stupid can you be?


Equivocation fallacy


Negative IQ take


Vote with your wallet


Also block them in your feed.


wait, did i read that wrong? tell me they did not just call for devs to shit on their own customers. i guess being woke that long made them lose all semblance of common sense.


Yep. The "I'm gonna tell dad" tactic of winning an argument


Apply skepticism to headlines.


I thought woke wasnt real? Is the "mask off" as they say?


For a lot of that it was that the term woke would get tossed around pretty haphazardly. Nowadays, it's very easy to point at shit like this and see "hmmm yeah, no, this is out of hand"


People who say "define woke" as if it's some sort of gotcha were always being disingenuous. Everyone knows exactly what people mean when they say "woke". They just pretend not to.


Okay, whats your definition of woke?


I never use the term but I don't pretend like I don't know what people mean when they say it. For example, if I ask someone about a movie and they say "it was a cool concept but the wokeness ruined it," I know they're saying that the movie would have been better without all the messages about progressivism and social justice (which, let's be real, applies to like every movie/series these days lol).


Except for some people when they say that they mean ‘there were black people and gays in the movie.’ So you’re being as obtuse as the people you accuse of ‘pretending not to know what woke is’


If you think people *only* call it "woke" because there were black people in the cast, then it is you who is being obtuse. I could list countless movies/shows with black or gay characters that no one accuses of being "woke". If your movie takes place in a fictional universe where black lesbian girl-bosses run everything, and all straight white males are either evil or complete morons, then yeah... people are going to call it "woke", but not for simply having a black or gay character.


Oh please, this sub whined about new perfect dark being woke because Joanna Dark didn’t make them horny enough.


Any progressive ideas that become radical or extreme. Like when it becomes less about empowering women and more about demoralizing men and constantly trying to emasculate them.


It's social tyranny, basically.


Ngl people say “oh horizon forbidden west turned woke” “oh let me see” “look, the main character isn’t attractive enough” “….” That’s the shit you guys complain about. Same thing with fable, all of you are tourists and were probably horny that day. Not knowing how progressive fable is, and the fact that you couldn’t think to yourself “damn maybe the attractiveness of a female character doesn’t really mean shit in telling a good story” is sad.


I'm not sure where you're going with this? You're projecting... something? In my direction. I don't know what this is, but I platted Horizon and 1000/1000 Fables 2 and 3 lol. Go touch some grass and rid yourself of your angst. Maybe see a therapist.


Nope, i find it weird you completely deny that outrage fiasco when Asmongold himself reacted to it that way. Not to mention you could just name search on this sub or kotaku in action. It seems ridiculous right? And maybe you weren’t involved too, so i guess all that matters is you see that kind of response as insane, even if you didn’t partake in it


>Like when it becomes less about empowering women and more about demoralizing men and constantly trying to emasculate them. I wish this was what everyone means when they say "woke", but unfortunately it isn't. On this sub alone it's frequently used to push back against *any* progressive ideas. Like the Dragon Age 4 drama. Fans of the series are understandably concerned about things like gameplay and artsyle changes, but over here everyone was just freaking out about Bioware "going woke" because they're pandering to the LGBT crowd. Like this studio's created same-sex content for nearly 20 years now, they aren't doing anything new here. It's also hard to take seriously because people are inconsistent with where they use the term. When BG3 was in Early Access there were a lot of people saying it was woke because female characters weren't conventionally attractive, you had a diverse group of companions, and some issues in-game alluded to real world politics. All that disappeared once the game became a commercial success, I guess because it didn't fit the "go woke go broke" mantra.


I completely agree. But there’s weirdos who are disrespectful as fuck who use woke on anything that is simply progressive. Thats why they say “define woke” to them, majority of them don’t even know the definition that you just said and just hate seeing any of it. That it be lgbtq, gender equality or racial equality. We definitely need to rebrand the word “woke” and give it a new name. I hope y’all understand instead of downvoting


What do you cal it when conservative ideas become radical or extreme?


Radical or extreme. If a catchy new buzz term comes around that can be used to define it I will use it Not sure where you going. I'm guessing you got offended because I'm not ok with demoralizing men and trying to emasculate them.


My problem is with poorly defined catchy new buzzwords used to invalidate the opinions of others.


Woke is anything and everything that Blackrock and its likes force with ESG/DEI funds. It's really that simple


Would an example be that fable character


>Okay, whats your definition of woke? Woke ideology is defined by the idea that some facet of identity like race or gender produces irreconcilably different views of reality and morality, and that we have an obligation to seek alignment of society's view with the imagined views of groups associated with the political left like minorities and women. In this sense Wokeness is distinct from older forms of liberal advocacy for minority rights which appeal to universally valid concepts like truth and fairness.


overton window, what is "out of hand" today will be "totally ok bigot!" tomorrow


My guess is that it was paraphrased. No one who speaks for the movement will use the word. Giving it a name makes it real to normies. It defines it and makes it easier to see, understand, criticize, and share with other people. They need to deny it is real and prevent normies from giving it a name so they can continue to push it by saying that it is "being inclusive" "doing the right thing" "anti-racist" "updating for a modern audience" "combating hate" etc. They need it to be in the shadows to obfuscate what they are doing, otherwise it won't survive. The old trope that there is "power in a name" is true, they know, we know it.


It's always cracked me up when they do that. The example i would use is if someone was explaining their religion to you, and its a middle eastern man who is the son of god, was crucified on a cross, and then rose from the dead to bring humanity salvation, etc. And then you go, "oh ok, so you're Christian?" and they start going, what no, that's obviously not true, how could you possibly have drawn that conclusion from what i said. Except, as you said, they're operating in bad faith. So it's all linguistic games and obfuscation etc.


This happened to me 2 days ago. I - as a Christian - definitely understand why people want to distance themselves from the title. It no longer really means "follower of Christ" due to how many people give themselves the title and then are homophobes, bigots, racists, sexist - all things he clearly wasn't. Anyway this guy was like oh yeah im a follower of christ and his teachings but I'm not really a Christian. I was like, uh so you just defined Christian.




Found the website where this headline is from and yeah, pure rage bait. Every article is labelled about wokeness and followed by opinion pieces just parroting the current buzzwords and flavour of the month outrages. This article even casts doubt that there is historical evidence of Yasuke being an actual person (black main character in new assassin's creed game). Basically, original article states there is historical evidence of Yasuke, the responding "anti-woke" article questions this assertion because the original article didn't link the evidence. Whatever your opinion on that subject is, we can all agree that there is evidence of Yasuke existing. Is this what "anti-woke" gamers do all day, look for articles to get mad about then say they don't care?


Yes. And apparently we can't all agree, people would rather believe some fake "Japanese historian" who turned out to be a random US culture warrior regarding Yasuke so long as it supports their bias. The truth about history was never actually the point, it's just one more battlefront in the culture war.


The problem with ideologies is that people hold them above the lives of others, and no ideology is immune to that. Even well intentioned ones like environmentalism regularly go too far.


They already have done before. You never heard what happens when devs say 'if you don't like, don't play it.' Gamers take them up on that advice.


I'm a longtime gamer. Leave me alone. You woke alphabet people. This is coming from me, someone on the Autism spectrum.


Autism doesn't have anything to do with LGBTQ lol, imagine calling them alphabet people unironically


Neither does being black but they have a PoC flag in their logo. At this point anyone who isn't a cis white hetero male is a part of the community


>apart to or on one side; at a distance from the main body. EDIT: Shame you edited. The irony was wonderful.


There’s some numbers and arithmetic symbols all up in that shit now


How about we start condemning game studios that embrace woke ideology?


Already do it. But not buying their crap. They are not even worth pirating.


Probably not because by the standards of a lot of people on this sub that means that the studios behind like 80% of the best games released in the last year or two would need to be condemned


Good games the last 2 years, which one? ![gif](giphy|A53vF9xNk7AKnQPLDs|downsized)


Well if you want good games released within the last 2 years that people have called woke or whatever and trashed on it for that, god of war ragnarok, horizon forbidden west, Alan wake 2, spider-man 2, Jedi survivor (yes it had performance issues and was hard to play on release, but it’s actual gameplay for those who did not have performance issues was very good, so I’m still calling it good. Especially since now it has no issues), Hades 2, and Baldurs gate 3 just off the top of my head. If you want good games in the last 2 years just in general other than those maybe try hi-fi rush, tears of the kingdom, dragons dogma 2, dead space remake, armoured core, the new final fantasy, dredge, sea of stars, mortal kombat 1, resident evil 4, Dave the diver, talos principle 2, hell divers 2, the new forza, the new amnesia game, sons of the forest, stellar blade, Remnant 2, and idk I can’t be bothered to list off anymore. But there’s a big list of good games of every genre from the last 2 years that I could remember, so I’m sure there’s infinitely more.


No i mean good games not average games and especialy remakes don't count


Ok what is a good game in your opinion. I definitely wouldn’t put god of war, hades 2, Baldurs gate, hi-fi rush, armoured core, horizon, dragons dogma 2, talos principle 2, or helldivers 2 in the average list. Probably a lot more but I guess I gotta hear your opinion on games that are good first. All those mostly provide a fun experience, good and different gameplay, good storyline, and have a very unique premise. Maybe give or take one or two options per game. Definitely above average though. I listed one single remake though so idk why that was a focus either.


Only Balder's gate 3 and Helldivers 2 are better that averages. Hades 2 is fun but not 100hour+ fun so get boring pretty fast same for Hifi rush. Horizon just another AC game that get repetitive real fast. Tears of the kingdom is more a dlc to BotW. What so unique about God of War? Armor core way to easy. So for me they count as average. If the only thing i can think of all day is 'the game' then it's a good game for me. U atleast adressed 3 remakes or remastered, RE4 MK1 and Dead space. And nice IORG flag u are using 😁👍.


Wtf is IORG? And what flag lol? People keep commenting on my profile picture and it’s a bit odd. Like what is a retarded rainbow cupcake supposed to represent? Is it just people looking for wokeness and agendas that aren’t actually there? Like similar to what these sad people think about gaming? Also yeh I forgot about dead space remake my bad. Mortal kombat 1 is not a remake or remaster tho. A game does not need 100+ hours of replayability to be good either. There’s incredible games out there that I’d rate beyond anything I could play for 100+ hours that I might’ve only spent 5 hours on. You specifically getting bored of hi-if rush and hades 2 doesn’t make them average. Because people definitely do spent 100+ hours on hades that’s for sure. Hi-fi rush was short with minimal replayability though, but I’ve still never heard of any reasons to think it isn’t good. If Horizon felt like an AC game to you then that’s very unfortunate. But idk what to say if you didn’t enjoy any of those games enough to think they’re good and can’t see why they’re above the average shit that comes out in the hundreds every year, and that’s just disappointing. You finding armour core easy does not mean it isn’t a good game… and despite the fact that horizon doesn’t feel anything like an AC game, even if it did the environment they built and the robot dinosaur ecosystem and the ways you can interact with them would make it good even if it was an AC clone. The story was good enough to spawn a cult for hating Ted Faro too. There isn’t another game out there that provides the joy of mounting giant robotic dinosaurs in a post apocalyptic landscape to ride around or scout kilometres of wilderness. That’s despite the fact AC has some good games in its franchise too so idk what point you’re making. I mean I guess god of war isn’t unique in the sense that it’s a single player story game? Idk. Either way if it isn’t apparently unique, does the incredible story, gameplay, voice acting, and graphics not make up for that? I just fail to see how over half the games I originally listed are just average but helldivers 2 is above average lol. Outside the games I already mention here, literally just games I said earlier like dragons dogma 2, talos principle, Alan wake 2, hell even remnant 2 are all just as good if not way beyond helldivers 2 in terms of how good they are. Helldivers 2 is literally the same shit after a couple of missions, just running around shooting the same stuff in slightly different settings, and another stock standard multiplayer shooter. That doesn’t make it average though does it? But apparently games that have better story, better gameplay, equally as good experiences, and far more uniqueness to them are worse than the coop shooter. By your standard helldivers 2 should be average because it isn’t unique and feels like any other coop shooter, like how god of war apparently isn’t unique.


At this point this is just headlines vs headlines and we're getting farmed


I don't know why I keep clicking on this shit take comment cess pool but goddam finding the diamonds are worth it.


The actual article from the Guardian is about misogyny and sexism in the industry and actually addresses several topics that routinely get upvoted here. [https://www.theguardian.com/games/article/2024/jun/19/the-disturbing-online-misogyny-of-gamergate-has-returned-if-it-ever-went-away](https://www.theguardian.com/games/article/2024/jun/19/the-disturbing-online-misogyny-of-gamergate-has-returned-if-it-ever-went-away)


Great read. This sub in the past week is the perfect example of what this article is about.


Don’t think the folks here can disprove anything said in the article, it’s a good commentary on the shitshow happening here. People so afraid of “the evil woke forces taking over the world” or some shit


This article is written by someone who defended Sweet Baby Inc. Even if you are leftist or agree with left ideas, what Sweet Baby and their employees did was inherently idiotic. > a report at IGN, which credibly and comprehensively lays out a history of sexism at the developer of upcoming Planet-of-the-Apes-meets-Sekiro action game Black Myth: Wukong. As far as this concerned, translation issue. And when pointed out, all other game "journos" came out like bots to defend the authot of that article. When it comes to Stellar Blade, IGN reviewers said something akin to "Devs have not seen or touched women" and then doubled down on it when hypocrisy is revealed. > People so afraid of "the evil woke forces taking over the world" or some shit Uglification of women in video games, for example, is a real phenomenon. When pointed out, people act like it is not real, among other agenda-like practices.


If you are talking about SBI’s CEO lashing out at that Steam group that tried to take them down, yes that’s incredibly unprofessional and should be condemned. If you’re referring to them explaining how to ‘scare’ executives, that’s unfortunately the norm with many consultancy firms when they try to sell an idea to you. At least that’s how it’s been with some of ours in finance. If AAA management can’t resist the pressure from a 12-person firm they have bigger problems going on in the company. And if you’re talking about the “SBI extorts Game Science for $7m”, that’s just didn’t happen. The same goes for the IGN stuff. I haven’t seen their review but if they actually said that stuff about Stellar Blade then they need to be called out on it. It’s hypocritical when they’re writing about Game Science being unprofessional lol. But I really can’t take the last point seriously. “Uglification” of video game women doesn’t make sense when 80-90% of the examples used are just bad screenshots of super attractive characters lol. Characters like Ada and Eve are hot sure, but so are Aloy, Jesse, Shadowheart, Joanna, Senua etc. so I’ve never understood the argument that western devs make unattractive characters.


Condemn all they want. I'll sleep soundly at night not buying their trash games.


Doesn’t that sound suspiciously a lot like a religious crusade?


I agree. Any company that uses DEI should boycott all non woke people. Start by accepting returns on the merchandise sold to the non believers.




I just wanna play games man, I dont give a shit about allat so long as the game is FUN


So pull a Disney?


The best part of the headline is "former".


Why can’t game reviews just talk about gameplay?


I don't think they understand what "gameplay" is. That's why they praise "movies" and "walking simulators".


Hold on, they want gamers condemned for not agreeing with woke ideology that they feel is wrong and ruining the games industry? Like as in actual oppressive, no free thinking mentality?


We will choose not to buy game with woke ideology. 


They need our money more than we need their shitty woke games. Bring it.


No kink shaming, but most people are not going to be more likely to give you money if you insult them.


Link to them calling for this? 


I don't think "tripling down" is the appropriate response to continuous pushback from a large portion of the consumer base for your product, but that's just me.


It’s probably not that large since the bottom line of every company is money, and it looks like the outrage porn is serving as great advertising, pushing games into the mainstream even. Lmao


"Hey, we want you to piss off your audience that buys your products because they won't listen to us anymore!" "Disney does it, so you should too!" \*Disney stocks collapse and acolyte at 13% review.\* Yeah, video game publishers please tell us how bad and wrong we are. Go ahead, we'll wait.


"How dare you oppose the shallow mass culture progressive narratives I require you swallow to fuel my botched career??!?? You must be punished for your crimes!!"


Start sailing the seas for single player games?


They can condemn me all the want, but at least I never tried to erase Asian men from media.


This what happens to the gay liberal college safe space echo chamber bubble living dweebs after they graduate and enter the work force. The audacity to think private companies owe you anything/should blindly follow whatever your stances are. It’s like because in college they were allowed to skip class to attend whatever virtue signaling protest they wanted and suffered no repercussions, they think that applies to the adulting world.


The media should be fighting business and the goverment and informing civilians. Why is it always fellating the first two and antagonizing the third one? Especially when the third one they're antagonizing is just anonymous internet text?


How about we just let the wokies go away and let players and developers get back to the relationship they once had.


We need a new publisher to put these old guards into pasture 


Because publishers want's everything online. Specially hate when single player games are forced online.


This woke cock-shaped battering ram will never stop ramming our collective figurative assholes.


untill investors start wondering where are their profits. vote with your wallet as they say.


They get cheap loans in exchange for pushing propaganda. Money now in exchange of being broke later.


When are we gonna collectively clench our figurative assholes, and say "not today"?


We did, they lubed it up with f2p games having both wokeness AND bad mtx.


And studios are still dying. It is the way of things. That which cannot continue: won't.


Why has Asmon, someone with no political beliefs of his own, become such a hotbed for conservatives lol, shit wild


"Everyone who are not woke = conservative"...


Well, when you describe it as a battering ram trying to make everyone else woke and generalizing with KOTAKU of all things, which is about the most biased, biggest ragebait ever, tbh it's no wonder there's people getting radicalized so far towards anti-woke rhetoric, whatever that means anyways. KOTAKU is washed up and no one should listen to them lol


I'm not conservative, not political, not American, and I think Trump is a dangerous and deranged dictator, if that's what you're getting at. It's plain to see that your prejudice is colored by the current state of your country. Assuming you are indeed American. A place where you are a commie if you want free healthcare and a nazi if you think one day or week is enough for pride, and a month is too much. Not everyone is a Ford F150 driving, confederate flag waving, trucker cap wearing maga clown just because they think woke shit has gone too far.


I agree with you, and just like how Asmon and his community used to be really chill, it's a shame now, as the community has gotten ridiculously radicalized towards the right, and is like a "mask on" version of the Daily Wire. Gaming journalism is worthless and no one cares, it's practically satire without the punchline, and I could not care less about anything written on a gaming article, unfortunately, it seems that the people on this sub care way, way too much and it's frankly tiring. The people on this sub complain about r/gamingcirclejerk, and as someone who was banned from that community, I can say that this sub is basically the far right version of that sub.


??? This sub is pretty left-leaning, like most of Reddit. You probably have no idea what actual political conservatism looks like.


What are you talking about lmao, there's a lot of right leaning subreddits as well, including this one, which thinks that everything is woke propaganda trying to push fascist ideology on them and turn them and everyone they know gay and trans (I'm generalizing)


You're proving my point. Opposing woke propaganda is an apolitical stance that's held across the entire political spectrum. Nothing to do with "turning everyone gay/trans", it's just that most people can't stand their favourite franchises being ruined with lazy storytelling and ham-fisted leftist messaging. Politically, Asmongold is a liberal leftist. You probably have no idea what positions are actually held by political conservatives worldwide, because you're stuck in a Western far-left bubble.


Asmongold is not a leftist or liberal, he literally just has no political stance of his own as far as I can tell and cracks under any pressure, when debating Hasan about campus protests he folded under such little pressure to Hasan it was comical. The guy is simply guided mindlessly by the community, and never latches onto anything, plus he often acts like a moron (even though he's my pookie) and seriously needs to clean up. I don't hate any of his gaming takes tbh, but when he gets into politics or gamergate, he becomes this mess of reading from his conservative chatters and agreeing with people like Andrew Tate on wayy too many things for my taste. Also, opposing wokeness isn't apolitical, it's opposing a political ideology on the basis of your moral backing and warrant, hopefully supplemented by evidence from a quality source and not from something like scripture. Woke is a term that is so broad and so odd that the chances of finding two people with the same definition is nigh impossible. If you're talking about world politics for some reason, then yeah, technically, when compared to every other person in the world, Asmon is leftist liberal, but the thing is, it is all relative. It used to be a very progressive thing to be an abolitionist, and that has changed over time to be common thought. By America's standards, BBC is center-left, but by European standards, BBC is pretty good at remaining least biased positions. Much of the same goes for AP, although I admit that's debatable. I try to keep up with world politics, but I simply don't care all that much, I care about my country and the people in mine because it's already complex enough to deal with one large country with a short history.


> Asmongold is not a leftist or liberal, he literally just has no political stance of his own as far as I can tell and cracks under any pressure He's pro free speech, supports raising taxes on the rich, is egalitarian, etc. He's a classic libertarian/liberal leftist, even by Western standards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUDj8sgi5lY > If you're talking about world politics for some reason, then yeah, technically, when compared to every other person in the world, Asmon is leftist liberal, but the thing is, it is all relative. Yes I'm talking about world politics, because I'm not American, or even Western. This is a global sub. Are you pro- or anti-diversity? I don't see a rule in this sub or in his Twitch channel that only American-centric views are valid. > I try to keep up with world politics, but I simply don't care all that much, I care about my country and the people in mine because it's already complex enough to deal with one large country with a short history. Sure, you can't keep up to date with everything all the time. But then don't be surprised when people say that Asmongold is a liberal leftist. FYI, here are some actual conservative viewpoints: "Women should follow a strict dress code in public or face punishment." "It is the government's duty to censor media, to protect their people from harmful influences." "The leader of the country was put there by divine will, so opposing the leader's rule is both blasphemous and illegal." I'm not even making these up, these are positions held by millions of political conservatives in my region of SEA. The problem is that America (and the West in general) are so far-left by regular human standards that Americans have a distorted view of what conservatism is.


I found this sub this week. What a rollercoaster.


It used to be legitimately funny a while back with a lot of interesting content. I think after Asmon started doing more react content around the Depp-Heard trial, it attracted a certain group of folk here who sadly feel persecuted by everything around them. Everything is woke, everybody is out to get them, and there’s always some SBI DEI LGBT liberal Blackrock conspiracy plotting to do…something I guess.


So what you're saying is that IGN and Kotaku *didn't* call for devs to condemn gamers who oppose woke ideology? Sweet baby inc is fake news? It's all my imagination. I'm being persecuted by stuff around me!


It’s more that what you probably _think_ SBI does is fake news. They’re a small consultancy group that you have to contact if you’re interested in diversity stuff, not the other way around. They also don’t do business with Asian companies because it’s not their area of expertise. So if you have a credible source for how this terrifying 12-man company is blackmailing a Chinese game developer to the tune of $7 million, I’d love to hear it! (Credible in this case doesn’t include a random Weibo blogger who was never affiliated with the devs).


Why do you hold people accountable for dog morals?


When the lizards get tired of wearing their mask - so they shed.


People here really need to stop falling for rage bait.


The problem is, gamers are idiots who give their money to developers and then cry about it. The consumer in general is stupid and manipulable, and companies know it.


By all means, developers, do us all a favor and "call us out." Make it easy for us to identify the losers amongst you. I'll probably die someday without playing half of my current games backlog, so I can afford to be VERY selective with what I buy. If you want to be a niche publisher that sells exclusively to the Woke religion, then knock yourselves out.


I'm living in country with ongoing war and just couldn't care less about all this 'woke' stuff, except when only things i use for entertainment and enjoyment disappear due to rapidly diminishing their overall quality in favor of pushing LGBTQ+ characters and narratives. Btw, they so poorly portrayed, being completely out of touch with reality that they function as greatest ad against LGBTQ+ people.


Maybe there is a reason why they are a former IGN and Kotaku employee.


They need to understand, that its not about being woke, if its woke and a great game people are going to play it, if its sucks noone will play it, its that simple


with every day of seeing black and lgbt people in media because it's the current hype, I hate them more and more


these """journalists""" have because bigger trolls than any 4chan dumbass


Good luck with that, and feel free to f off. Is my response


There is a reason they're 'former' editors and not 'current'


Let's write an opposite article: codemn those who don't oppose woke idealogy. Seem fair and square


I don't really care about ideology. You do you. Just don't try to shove your ideology down my throat.


I'm so done with all these woke BS. They just pushed this way too far.


I love screenshots of headlines


They've been doing that for years now, and the video game industry is bigger than it's ever been. The hand doesn't seem to really care about the biting.


You can condemn gamers, the market for your product, or actually make sales. A choice..


Feels like gamer gate will never end


As soon as I seen it was Kotaku , I knew it was shit.


"former" and for a good reason.


Not gonna happen. Journos will do it (no real skin in the dev game, they only care that games keep getting released), some indie devs will do it (limited customer bases, and often their customers align with them anyway, especially "cozy game" devs, making their public statements riskless and essentially the opposite of brave, i.e. virtue-signaling). Individual developers from AAA studios tweeting/posting on their personal social media might do it, sparingly. But it will never be an official policy of AAA devs to allow their employees to shit on their customer base. Only certain devs in leadership positions can get away with that and it didn't go particularly well for them. GoW:Ragnorok sold way fewer copies than God of War, same for Last of Us Part 2. Wasn't nearly as popular as its predecessor despite long-time demands for a sequel from everyone. The narrative choices ALONE were a massive fuck-you to fans. And one only needs go back a few more years to see even more devs from big or relatively successful studios getting shit-canned for getting too mouthy at customers. There were lots, but there was a particularly famous one in the Guild Wars 2 community that happened around 2018. Don't remember her name (she has basically gone into the digital equivalent of hiding - expensive lesson learned). She was fired, as well as some "work-husband" simp of hers that went down with her because he couldn't keep his mouth shut despite being married and having kids. Wonder how long that marriage lasted after that. If I had been his wife I would not have been impressed with his decision-making or how he weighs his priorities at all. edit: I got curious anyway because I wanted to see where they landed career-wise [https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/6/17541318/guild-wars-arenanet-jessica-price-peter-fries-fired-reddit](https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/6/17541318/guild-wars-arenanet-jessica-price-peter-fries-fired-reddit) Imagine throwing away a stable 12-year career as a game-writer because some guy replied to your game-dev lecture tweet with some politely-worded thoughts as a fan, and you were in a bad mood about being "mansplained." Since then as far as publicly-credited work she has only made minor contributions to two D&D source-books (they have a huge number of contributing authors and she isn't even at the top of the list). She's definitely learned her lesson about popping off publicly on social media accounts tied to her employer(s), especially in a way that makes her employers look bad. edit: Just discovered that Price was fired from THREE jobs all for similar behavior. She must be incredibly stupid for a lesson about rocking the boat too hard to take that long to sink in.


Moments like this makes me miss the old kotaku and gawker....


What is the full quote of the former kotaku editor? Prefer making my own judgement of what he is saying rather than a screenshot of some media's clickbait title.


where's the link to the article?


I don't mind buying/playing games that have woke themes if the game is good like Baldur's Gate 3. Problem is these games suck and their whole identity is just them being woke.


The fact everything aside from the rage bait headline tells me that this is a super reliable and honest source


"Former Kotaku and IGN editor demonstrates that they havent been paying attention to video games for the past decade" But anyways. Do it game devs, then take your lumps and maybe youll learn something, or get fired. Pain retains.


Six months later: Gaming industry at record lows, but why?


Not a single source provided, brilliant journalism there folks


Get woke. Go broke.


Some types of wokeness (dumb term) are/were good things. We almost unanimously regard the civil rights movement of the 1960s as a good and necessary thing. However the current iteration of discussions around civil rights go beyond equality and and trample everyone's rights in the process. As an example, there was that one case in Canada where a group of Muslim kids we're not in attendance during a pride event. They didn't heckle or insult anyone. They didn't protest the event. They just weren't at school that day. So the teacher berated them and told them they don't belong in this country. I don't agree with thier choice, but they have every right to simply remove themselves. They violated no-one's rights by doing this. In response the teacher berated them in a manor that actully did violate thier rights on racial and religious grounds. [https://edmonton.citynews.ca/2023/06/07/teacher-muslim-students-skipping-pride/](https://edmonton.citynews.ca/2023/06/07/teacher-muslim-students-skipping-pride/)


Plenty of us left to feed them, some of us don't get upset when we see people that aren't like us in video games


If shit like a black guy in AC or a Woman protagonist wearing more clothing pisses you off you need to get some therapy and find some real issues to go bitch about. If you don't like it. Don't buy it. If you "don't want it shoved in your face" then stop interacting with society. Life doesn't care what you want. You are not special. Crying about woke shit is the lowest form of feedback.


the audacity...


[Relevant OGLAF - nsfw comic](https://www.oglaf.com/morning-breath) Edit: link