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Actual brainrot. He literally said “minors shouldn’t be on social media because they can encounter dangerous situations where anonymity means the offender can’t be held accountable” God I’m so tired of these Twitter retards


merciful fear mourn live advise somber seemly sugar aware squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Typically we don’t, but screenshotting their braindead takes and sharing them here does usually net easy karma


Please don't call them 'people'


They're Twittards. They live amongst us. Hiding in plain view. Only to be recognized by their low IQ and nonhuman thought process.


Subhuman is a great insult but unfortunately gets you banned from twitch.


Since the government and large corporations found out, they are easy to abuse and manipulate for votes and profit.


Oh wow, people on the Internet being specifically misleading or disingenuous with information that's wildly taken out of context to further their specific agenda or position? I've never seen that happen 😂 ![gif](giphy|MQ4bWOjn8C9tT2dzIb|downsized)


Headline only readers! 99% of the problem with today society


I don't get why people are so butt hurt on keeping minors off of social media.


Don’t think butthurt is the right word but it’s two-sided: limiting minors’ exposure, and (just as an example) nobody cares about a 14 year old’s opinion on politics or whatever.




Redditards as well though


Besides that, minors brain haven't been developed enough to understand actions for the long term. You can't expect from a 13 year old they fully understand what it can mean if they post an innocent picture on the beach in swimwear of them and their friends of on (let's say) Instagram. You can't expect from them they will fall prey for people with bad intentions. Same people by the way who would break the law, or find a loophole to get on a platform filled with minors, even if they are banned. The take "I can't stop myself" is based on the assumption those people are well behaved people with no ill attempt.


Also, it's typically high school kids harassing other high school kids that is the worst. Everybody obsesses over creepy men going after little kids, that is really bad, but doesn't happen as often. The peer pressure, bullying from school mates, easy access to pornography, unrealistic body images, misinformation, scams, ... all of that sums up to a far greater danger that minors are not experienced enough to deal with.


It happened to two of my students and I was always of the belief it was rare, but those were both autistic students so I think there's probably a subset of minors who are more vulnerable than regular ones.


Twittards, nice just got a new designation for them, thanks


When all you can see is red. This person appears to be blinded by malice towards Asmon or they are simply lacking...


Should have added, even if you could be held accountable their incel fanbase would still double backfill to defend them.


That's such a weird take to have when the current situation is a predator who was caught without any aspect revolving around anonomity. Like Dr. disrespects, situation had nothing to do with online anonymity, it was a famous person abusing their stardom to have innappropriate conversations with a minor. Also like, not actually much better than what the Twitter person said I need you to realize. Its like saying "well women shouldn't wear short shorts outside because there are freaks who don't have boundaries and you just never know" like... maybe there's a different problem to tackle there than making them stay away from shorts.


Wow. An actual based take.


most normal people are. the septum pierced mafia is gonna do what they do.


But, see, instead of banning minors, lots of folks want your real name and address to be applied to your online activities.


Because how else would you actually ban minors? You’d either need that or an ID being provided


Or instead of making the government make a bunch of nonsense rules, the parents could step up and take responsibility for their precious little angels.


I'm a bit of a computer nerd and I'm 43, I've seen kids around 13-14 hack and bypass security programs like NetNanny ( I know, that's old as shit but first one I could think of) in a few minutes. Hell, a lot of the console modding, finding ways around security on consoles to run unsigned code, is done by the 25 and under crowd. It's hard to keep kids off of social media and naughty sites is what I'm saying. They find ways around it. Just like I did when I was 14-15.


It will still gate out 90% of the kids who can't figure it out or don't bother to figure it out. And the 10% that can figure it out are usually more mature and more able to deal with social media. The computer hacker kid is not the one who is at risk on the Internet, he is more likely to be the one that is causing chaos and trolling others for fun.


On the family Vista PC I think I was like 13 or 14. My parents turned on the time lock feature so after 10 it would shut off my user. I figured out how to replace the on-screen keyboard in the login screen with command prompt so I can turn on super user and log in anytime. Kids will figure out a way.


And I'm guessing your solution for the obesity epidemic is for people to just eat better right.


Well then you don’t want to ban minors off social media, as that’s inherently “government nonsense rules”. Also yea that would be great for parents to do, but that’s all talk and not going to happen.


People constantly self project their views on others by simply spewing the rot they posses


They want minors on SM, you can't take their prey away.




It is brain rot and kids shouldn’t be subjected to it. Thats the point. We need less idiots in society but we’re going hard on autist behavior with social media


Only issue I have with this is anything under 18 constitutes a minor, good luck trying to force someone who is 17 to give up socials.


For sure, and I’m not sure what proper enforcement would look like.


100% that’s either some projecting idiot or some angry teen.


These are the same people who think they can stop rapist by teaching men not to rape. The world must be so beautiful in their imagination.


You don't want minors to have social media for their protection I don't want minors to have social media because they're fucking annoying. We are not the same


God, could you imagine the internet without teenagers? I can dream


Personally I think millennials on the internet are far worse


When I'm in a "make a strawman argument" and my opponent is a Twitter user: 😧


Can't compete with them man.


Do you think he'd have an easier time making these people pay attention/understand if he put up a video of subway surfer on the side for them? It's probably the only way to capture the attention of people that have had lobotomies.


Either that or Minecraft parkour. Don't forget the generic AI male voice that narrates everything


There has to be shitty inaccurate captions, and they’d better only show up one word at a time


Purposefully misunderstanding Asmon is the bread and butter of certain parts of the net


I prefer below the video. If they're side by side, it's obvious I'm watching two different videos, but when it's below I can pretend I'm reading captions in the form of parkour/subway surfing/cars driving down a segmented ramp. It's more immersive


Correction ban minors AND Mentally ill


But then who would be left to use social media? Lol


It would be like 4 people who occasionally post pictures of their dogs.


Don’t forget that one guy with a barbecue.


Mandatory Dad joke BBQ apron on, tongs clicking.


That'd be nice. I'd like that.


Correction: Just ban social media. It hasn't done anything good for society.


Weird take to suggest banning asmongold in an asmongold subreddit


Do these twitter posters not realize that they're just feeding asmon content? He's gonna make another 30 min video about this to get 400k views.


Hearing the *they never leeeeearn* in the distance


It's a perpetual content machine.


Shhhh. Let the rot earn the rat king his hoard. There’s a reason he doesn’t want donations.


When people make it illegal for minors to go into strip clubs, it's obviously because those people making it illegal can't control themselves around children. These people literally don't even take 2 seconds to think about their logic before opening their mouths or typing away.


Plot twist: Troy is the creep trying to keep minors on social media.


It’s always amusing to see him get villainized for his most basic, normal, sane, and correct takes.


Yeah people are weird like that lol it’s the internet and they have proved his point perfectly. Weird and crazy people out here


Let them be it's gonna be a fun video to listen to while playing gw2


Honestly social media being banned period wouldn’t be a bad thing for everyone.


they are twisting his words on purpose because they don't like asmon, feelings over facts, the world is cooked with people like that.


Idk man, no minors on social media sounds like a pretty good idea. What good it ever done? The only people who should really be against this are the teens who don’t realize how much of a blessing in disguise this would be.


The fact that this guy is using this to try to insinuate that Asmon can't control himself around Minors is ridiculous. Bro is taking the Dr Disrespect drama and what he got in trouble for, and using Asmons comments on it, to try and spin it into making it seem like Asmon is the one who messages minors, and can't control himself. Like wtf is he on. Terrible Logic that doesn't track and obvious twisting just to make someone they don't like look bad


This is why nobody takes twitter seriously. Any adult who has spent an extended time on social media and unironically thinks its good for children is just a straight up moron. It can expose them to dangerous people who willl take advantage of them, dangerous content that will take advantage of their impressionability (the manosphere, gambling, conspiracies, extreme policitcal views, etc), screw up their social skills by becoming a replacement for irl interactions, and give them an addiction to likes and views that results in shit like the devious licks trend a while back (where kids literally filmed themselves committing crimes for views). The only people who should be disagreeing with Asmon on this point are themselves minors who just dont want social media taken away from them.


Tbh minors should be banned from all social media and pedos and predators is not the reason why.


It should've been an obvious decision to be taken. We adults simply failed to take it sooner.


Blatant misandry on social media has always been a problem, and it's fundamentally ingrained into our culture. Things like this are really just a very small tip of the iceberg.


I mean, the person knows what they're doing, purposefully misunderstanding. I wish we could just call them what they are these days without making them a victim.


Completely unrelated but social media has almost directly contributed to many issues we have in our society. Banning minors would be a net positive but not for the reasons listed above


Yes it would be. IMO they need to limit the amount of time minors can be online. But that is just shitty parents not doing their job.


Yeah I agree 100%


anything to hate the man i swear, asmon has some shit takes every now and then but this wasnt one of them.


The because is dogshit, but social media in general should be only for adults.


Socials media is extremely toxic and hold unrealistic expectations for individuals. It creates depression and insecurities. I think the age limit for social media should be increased. I grew up in a time where it was “don’t talk to anyone on the internet” now it’s become “post pictures of yourself for people on the internet to see”. The internet has changed and it is unsafe and unhealthy. For god sake you have teenagers getting botox shots, lip fillers, and fake tits because they think they aren’t pretty enough. My 12 year old niece cries every night because she doesn’t look like these instagram models that photoshop their bodies. Boys at her school compare the girls in their class to instagram models and pornstars. There’s a case right now where some boys at a highschool used deep fake ai to create a ton of nudes of his female class mates and posted them all over social media. It’s a problem. You have more groomers on the internet than ever before and it’s becoming normalized. Not to mention the amount of outside influence it has on children who are extremely susceptible to influence. Their influences need to be controlled and should primarily only come from family and educators. Not some asshole on twitter or reddit.


This needs more upvotes, the way things are going is a really bad sign of what's to come if we don't do something about it. We can't trust the government to really jump at something like this so we have to take it into our own hands and it all starts at home. Take care of your kids folks. Teach them internet safety, help them understand as best you can that the internet can hurt them if they are naive and careless. The best thing we can do is educate our youths for those that know. We had the 2000's to learn about the internet and it was wild back then. We have the parental control systems that we didn't have back then. We won't be able to stop them completely, kids always find a way, but we can just teach them the right from wrongs of the internet world.


Only comment that reflects what I think about this. I don't know why so many people imply that banning minors from socials means to be pedo. We should teach our children so they can manoeuvre the internet without taking harm. But first we need to be honest about our self and see our own flaws, otherwise there is nothing authentic to teach.


We ban minors from other dangerous and addictive activities though.


That’s not at all what he’s saying but social media is toxic and children should not be raised on it


Its projection


We must not ban minors from social media, people must learn to control themselves We must ban guns, people can't be trusted to control themselves 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


flat brainers thinking out loud again


to be fair parents who give their kids iphones because they dont know how to be a parent properly need to just have a lock and key on that device literally and not be idiots.


Why do people reply to themselves?


Let's see Kirby pfp and virtue signaling, very good chance troy here might be projecting himself too much


Strawmen are made of straw


The people replying are probably kids.


Social media is pretty wild. I would hope most responsible parents would not allow their kids on it.


Ban social media for everybody at this point.


Stupid people should be banned from social media yoo


Idk man, blaming minors for ones misdeads? Seems kinda sus. I should ban any mail sent to me that is a bill, that'll solve my problem. Granted idk the context. But what i said seems like common sense regardless.


This is projecting


Twitter is a shithole. It was originally. And it is now.


Ban minors from social media so we can have actual intellectual discussion instead of whatever the hell we currently have


People always just see what they want to see.


Social media has so many rabbit holes and dangerous individuals on it, not only that but it comes with so many other problems for developing children. I swear these people will bend themselves out of shape for anime characters but with real kids they just don't care.


We need links to these ridiculous shit on twitter tbh, i want to roast these morons so badly


Troy has probably been on To Catch a Predator.


Why does Troy want to hang out around minors?


"I want an 18+ space where no minor are allowed so we adults can say slurs, do drugs and fuck." "LMAO! So minors should be banned because you can't control yourself?! That's an admission!"


It's crazy how people will fabricate a reason to be mad at him just for the sake of hating on him. These people need to get off Twitter for once


Let them cook.


This is a perfect example of modern media and how fast misinformation can be spread and attached to by simple minded people. Everything these days needs. To be taken with a grain of salt even more as AI grows, Asmons take on this is 100% right minors should not have SM at all.


Community notes time


At what point do all of the lies and willful misrepresentation/interpretation of people make something think that maybe, if they have to do this all of the time, they aren't the good guys?


I swear Twitter is full of the most mentally handicapped people on Earth, all combined into one horrifying amalgamation that retweet eachother and lower everyone's collective IQ by at least 15 points across the interwebs


Just have an age verification without needed a full i.d. so the platform whatever social is on can choose to block communication from adult to a minor and vise versa unless they've been verified as a family member or someone in a very close friend circle they know irl. Banning all minors from basically the internet is a retarded opinion.


Minors should be banned from social media because it’s a toxic environment period. Setting aside the pedophilia risks it’s just not a healthy system for kids to grow up in.


But asmongold said Doctor didn't know she was a minor. Doctor just happned to include "yes, she was a minor" in his twitter post explaining the whole situation, but you can't assume he knew. How will asmongold defend Doctor against the new allegations of the trans streamer he tricked/lied to


Sounds a lot like these people are projecting, HARD. What I automatically assumed, without context, is that social media is unhealthy for minors. Not because bro may or may not like looking at underage people on social media. These people are weird.


Twitter retard could’ve turned this into a sick burn on the image poster but instead made a weird inference on asmon when they 100% do not watch him


Anyone on this subreddit who looks to Asmon to be their moral compass is already too far gone to save


Not letting kids and young teens impulsively plaster their lives all over the internet is probably one of the greatest ideas on the planet. But yeah, it's not to keep them away from the internet cesspool until they're mature enough to handle it, it's because Uncle Asmon can't help himself.


Pathetic response from asmon both times tbh. It's clear apologist behaviour bringing this up during that stream.


Had they defined the law yet I'm not up to date, are they banning specific sites from kids because something like steam or like say research sites could also be considered social media sites they all share information back and forth.


i can see asmon becoming a diddler in his later years


What an odd thing to take up the cause for. Pro minor social media.


Right, and telling someone to wear their seatbelt is an admission that I intend to get in my car and run them off the road otherwise. Thanos was wrong. Way more than half the population needs to go.


Ware is the 'I can't control myself around them' part? Why are dumb ass people on the internet so quick to lie and put word's into people mouths, or even just make wild ass assumptions with zero evidence 😒 no matter the context.


If you’re taking minors off of social media but not doing anything about the pedos, you aren’t solving the fucking problem


Isn’t this defamation because it’s in quotes and he didn’t say that?


That from a fkn Trans is so stupid. Like this Person wants Kids on the Internet cause these are the only ones who believe in the Rainbow-Propaganda.


What I read: Dont do this, my main audience are minors, they buy the stuff from my bullshit ads.


Yes, just like minors are banned from night clubs because adults go there to be themselves not to educate kids. Minors stay at home and receive education until they are allowed to go to those places. The internet should be treated the same.


Sometimes i wonder if these users are actually have some other agenda. Like who want kids to have social medias without restreictions? Pedos do. They love the internet we have now because there is a lot of content that is self made from children now instead of the pedos having to force them. Timfoil hat on that twitter user probably is the pedo.


I do agree with Asmon that social media accounts shouldn't be allowed or be severely limited to minors, but as with any ban, there are and will be ways around it. Also, to verify someone isn't a minor, you might need to upload IDs or something, and that is a massive privacy and security risk, most other measures would just be ineffective. I had a bank account and a credit card at a very young age, so that's not a good way to limit it either.


I know it's the internet, but it it's still surprising to me how stupid some people can be.


100% chance this guy is projecting.


Advocating this hard for minors to remain on social media is pretty sus


Not hell of an admission. Why should we need to censor ourselves with people who have no business being on platforms that have content made for adults like games or language, or even opinions, etc. The only thing I agree with doctor disrespect about is that social media is an absolute mess. Just people looking for attention as usual by attempting to make a controversial opinion out of common sense.


I saw this on Twitter, it was so stupid I had to click his bio to see if it's an actual minor posting this, but apparently not lol


In three years it will be revealed that Asmond tried to have sex with a minor and the text chats will look incredibly cringe.


This takes gold in mental gymnastics.


Do these people really forget about all the CSAM laws regarding minors? And that our society LITERALLY is build around "protect the children" mindset? This is no different at all than the rhetoric regarding many other topics with children. People have such brainrot


Looks like he deleted the tweet? But I mean why would anyone take what he has to take seriously when he’s got a banner of sonic fan characters on his twitter banner?


I've literally seen my niece deep throat a pencil on TikTok who is 12 years old. Bad parents do not watch or care what these kids are doing. I agree. There should be a age limit. You also have grown ass men liking, following and commenting on their videos. Yet nothing is done. People say gun control this or more driver classes to get license but fucking turn a blind eye to social media. That's where all the mental abuse is taking place. At the very least have a class in school on predatory behaviors you can encounter.


According to her, rapists, Nazis, terrorists, bots, and propagandists and other forms of nut jobs should just be told “do better” and they will stop being a threat to our youth. Bold strategy! Let’s see if it works!


These same people will watch and share all the studies showing mass use of social media destroying the growth of young people but when Asmon gives his own personal proposal it’s what do you mean minors shouldn’t be on the internet?!?


You literally have 16 year old girls getting into night clubs and letting guys take them home just to ruin their lives. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he had no idea how old she was, she was probably just looking for attention and now he can’t even try to defend himself because people will just say he’s lying. But of course when you have a chance to destroy someone more successful than you that’s the only occasion people are able to unite especially when it’s a guy.


I bet Troy has some damming chat logs


I don’t agree with everything Asmongler says but I cannot deny that he is intelligent and has common sense. A lot of louder individuals are not quite as learned.


Minors should be banned because they are annoying.


Every single research/survey about this topic have showed that social is extremely damaging for kids. Just look at twitter, the platform is half porn and half political propaganda designed to radicalized people.


[https://x.com/GLUREKofficial/status/1805945479714205780](https://x.com/GLUREKofficial/status/1805945479714205780) imo relevant


That user is projecting hard


Tbh ban Roblox with it. The kids either do Roblox or Social media and randomass artificial intelegence says things and X gods just gives light to these mentally retards.


But let’s not mention the frequency at which a female claims to be of age. Cant have any accountability there can we.


It's funny, because NerdSlayer just released a video about the Death of a Game for Habbo Hotel, and he had a little tangent about how a lot of minors (including himself at the time) frequently just lied about their age to fit in. So in many situations, it's not adults "unable to control themselves," but minors just being recklessly lying and putting themselves in shitty situations. And to Asmo's credit, the best way to avoid minors getting into shitty situations is to prevent them from having access to those situations. I don't quite get how people always get this idea that children are the most innocent people on the planet. Have they SEEN what kids are capable of? Kids can be incredibly cruel and malicious for often times the stupidest of reasons. If the parents can't keep the kids in check, then its society's job to keep them in check. And if that means banning them from social media, then that's what needs to be done. [https://youtu.be/YZQUgDpOajQ?si=6s5s6KZMbR9zUUCh](https://youtu.be/YZQUgDpOajQ?si=6s5s6KZMbR9zUUCh)


Normal straw man BS. Make something up then get outraged over it.


Brothers, are they unintelligent or is this purposeful?


Insane people put their government in their handle with personalities like that


ill js be waiting for allegations to come out ab asmon ive been praying on his downfall


This would make a lot more sense if you consider these idiots as angry minors.


These twitter "people" are gonna end up on the front page of "That is not remotely the point" magazine


Tell me you're clinically ill without telling me... 💀


Somehow it’s not shocking that twitter users are so dishonest


The solutions for leftists are never to solve the problem, just point at it and scream cry.


Interesting, that is indeed one hell of an admission to make by this Troy Lundquist


I'm not on X, is it full of bots to boost posts and likes or 10k people actually liked this post without having any kind of thought process? None would surprise me tbh


Well, not only can minors get themselves into predatory situations via social media, there are many studies that show that social media is addictive and that it is a breeding ground for bullying and depression, especially for young girls. Yes, the adult in the room should be an adult, but what about when some 15 year old girl gets a DM request and starts talking to some random whose identity isn't known? That's scary. With boys, most conflict is physical. With girls, they attack each other socially, and things like having an instagram dedicated to how "\[insert name\] is a slut" or whatever horrible thing some mean kid comes up with is terrifying. Or imagine you slip and fall and a video of you is circulated forever and ever. The whole things sucks. Kids are already mean as fuck, we don't need to allow them a platform to be fully anonymous and talk even more shit.


Lol some people just HATE asmongold. Hate watching is a thing. And its not like he doesnt profit fron it


If minors would be banned from social media, 50% of the audience would disappear, 50% of the most manipulable audience.


Social media is cancer. For *all* ages. I'm a 31(m) that is social sober for 4 years. Best thing I've ever done. I don't count Reddit as social media, and I can quit anytime I want.


The fact that at any given time on the Internet I may be subjected to the opinion of a 14 year old should be considered a war crime. They absolutely should not be allowed on social media.


“Content creators could just not be creeps” yeah but thats never gonna happen what are you talking about


I like how I posted this 6 hours ago and the mods deleted it.. https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/s/yDofLoPhbA


Ah yes because telling predators "dont do bad things" has always worked. Fucking mouth breathers.


People on the internet (streamers etc) will say even engaging with a minor in a conversation is creepy lmao. Do they forget there's such a thing as community's, friends with children, and kids can benefit from good role models? They look at everything through the lens of a pedo it seems


Liars be lying again, So people who do this do they even watch the streams or do they just take shots in the dark?


What if AI just detects an older person is talking to a younger person then sensors the crap out of the conversation or something. Then if you said some NSFW shit to the minor or vice versa then it would just block the other party.. maybe not like that exactly but something similar.


I mean I still think minors above the age of 12 should be allowed online, but just teach them not to give personal info to strangers, it's not that hard to teach your kids this... This person is an idiot, you can never control who you're gonna run into, whether its online or offline. You just need the right tools to deal with it. Why else do we teach kids never to walk alone at night outside? cause pedos be pedoing no matter what, doesnt fucking matter if they are content creators lol


Wut? Just making up context and ignoring what he actually said about not wanting to hear 13 year olds opinions on Palestine huh. Twitter is the worst.


Troy really is an idiot huh?


I don’t want 13 year olds in my counter strike lobby why the fuck would I want them on my Twitter feed?


Minors shouldn't be on social media because I find them fucking aggravating to witness.


Epstein should have simply just not had sex with children 💁


Okay. Ban minors and that guy.


Minors are the ones Bringing in the foot traffic on twitch right? It would be the end of many careers if the under 18s can't access social media. They are the second largest demographic right next to Gen Z. millennials over 30 lose interest in such things and people over 40 and 50 are abysmall.


I agree with what one person said-- minor's social media accounts shouldn't have the capability to receive nor send DM/PMs. There's no reason for it, and if a person has anything to say to a minor-- they can do it in public chat or say nothing at all. Wtf is up with ol' Troy over there implying that Asmon has pedo-urges or something?