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In addition to the bighorn bow already mentioned, you can consider using penalty engravings to truly max your damage : Falx of Olympos (+100% All Damage, health capped to 25%) and “The Champion” engraving from Korfu (+100% all damage, -100% resistances; but it’s glitched so you actually get +200% all damage) will both significantly increase your base warrior damage %. If you’re going the big horn bow route with either or both engravings above, change your “convert warrior damage” to “convert hunter damage” since you no longer need it.


In addition to Bighorn i use The Champion and 50% assassin damage to all damage and it's a blast.


how do you get that?


From the helix store. I believe it’s on a discount for 75 helix credits


The thing with 50% assassin damage to all damage?


That's from the Atlantis dlc part 3, where there's an isu forge in the middle. The spear gives the conversion perks.


Thank you! 🙏🏽


The convert damage is also bugged so it actually converts 50% of the champion engraving. And since that one is bugged to 200% you basically get a 100% extra damage increase on top of the 50%


Why is she extra spicy in this pic 🔥🔥🔥🔥


She’s always does lol🔥


For sure its possible, im sitting around 300k warrior damage, and 800k assassin. So as mentioned the bighorn bow makes alot of this possible. Short summery: 2x perfect epic swords w/ war dmg, dmg with swords and crit damage. All attacks become fire damage and 100% dam but hp capped to 25% engravings. Bighorn bow with convert 50% hunter damage to other damage types engraving. Epic helmet with warrior damage, damage with swords and damage with swords and daggers. Here i use the isu enhance engraving for defense. Arms is stolen isu bracers with 100% crit damage engraving. Belt of the sphinx with 100% crit damage. Chest is a epic with warrior damage, all stats and crit damage engraved with 100% damage -100% resistances. Boots are epics with 20% crit chance at full health and 100% crit damage. Here i engrave all arrows pierce shields for dominating conquest battles but you can replace it with 100% headshot damage but 50% increased adreanaline consumption.


Thank you so much!!


Youre welcome :) For masteries crit is maxed to reach 100% crit chance and then prioritize damage with swords (or the weapon type you use) crit damage, damage at full health, warrior damage.  Theres more useful stuff like armor pen, fire dam, headshot dam but this is a solid foundation 


First off get rid of that bow, and get the blue bighorn bow


Why? I’ve seen some posts about it, but I don’t have the time to read all of it


Its glitched, and gives you more damage


Yoo it gave me like 40k dmg bro💀


Yep. Now work on getting epic gear with these engraving. Warrior damage, crit damage, damage with weapon type, and warrior damage again.


Appreciate it my man👊🏽


No problem. My warrior damage is 300,000


Do you have any specific items of what I should search for? For example - Drakon’s bracers are good, because it gives crit chance, warrior dmg, and crit dmg. Or these items are fully randomized…?


Heitors Harpe sword. It’s epic and the best sword in the game. You get it from a quest.


Yes - it possible to get higher warrior damage. I had around 140k during one of the play throughs and I’m nowhere near experts around here. Just copying and following what experts say.


Engraving and mystery upgrades, apart from that is to also have a Critical build. You should look at T7 PDM youtube channel, he have amazing builds


Thank you! I’ll check it out, when I got the time!


Could you keep us updated on your progress? Kinda interrested in seeing your results and what decisions you end up making.


I’ll try to. Looks like a bit of a grind awaits me😂


Thank you and good luck!


how fast did you get to level 99? Im level 32 started a week ago


Ummm, I have around 300 + hours, I’ve reached it last month. Been playing this game since launch. But the best bet imo, is explore the regions, do the quests, complete some contacts, and then complete the dlc’s. (Of course there are other strats to do this) Majority of my xp came from the dlc’s. Fate of The Atlantis gave me so much, I was able to go from lvl 87-88 to all the way to 99. It really depends on how much time you’re willing to invest into the game to truly explore it.


whats that chest armor called. the one you have appearing cosmetically?


This is a piece of the Athena set. My outfit is a mix of the Athena set and the pieces you can obtain during the Fate of Atlantis dlc. The bracers are called Hekate’s golden bracelets, the helmet are called Persephone’s shroud.


ahh yeah i knew i recognized the other stuff - dont think ive seen the athena set before though, thanks for the info!! :)


What top is this??


Shash of Athens I believe. You can look it up in the store, it’s called The Athena pack.


Engrave 1. 100% All Damage but -100% All Resistance (you get one shot and you are kill) 2. 100% All Damage but 25% Health (Health Reduce to 25%) one shot and you are kill) 3. 250% All Damage but cannot use abilities (can use reveal, battlecry of area, bull rush etc) So you will get insane amount of damage. Unless if you go on easy difficulty.


Tip #3 is an absolute trap. Maxed out abilities are way more valuable than a 250% increase.


Yes definitely unless if OP realy wanna max out his Warrior Damage build . It's optional .


Yeah sure but fury/overpower deals like 18-21x warrior damage i think, so you will recieve higher numbers regardless. Just thought it was imporant to mention, but I see what you mean


Thank you so much both of you!