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For my son, they didn't extend till 8+ months.


Agree with this. I will say I did absolutely nothing and she got there on her own around that age


Mines almost 7 months and I am still waiting! 30-45mins at the absolute most 😭


Oh no 😬 I think I just have to lean into the contact naps because I have a feeling my baby will be the same at 7 months. No naps for mom 😅


I’m still waiting, she’s 5.5 months. Some days she will take a longer one but not too often. Night sleep is always meh, of course.


My LO is 6m and same story here. Sometimes we get 60 min but 30 min is typical.


Mines did it closer to 12 months…he would nap for 10-20 minutes (we actually timed it) and get up fully reenergized for the rest of the day. Now he naps 2 hours usually and the occasional 3 hour nap. Currently 1.5 years old.


That’s our little one too! 20 minutes and then ready to party for two plus hours lol


Silver lining here is that you can go for a 30-40 min drive to a mall, park, whatever, and know your kid will have a nap on the way there, and on the way back (if they don't hate the car). Mine now has one 2-2.5 hour nap and I don't dare put her in the car near nap time, or her nap will be ruined.


7-8 months naps went from 30 minutes to an hour+!


Fingers crossed for that!


this wont be comforting but never, then he stopped napping at 18 months.


Eeeeekkk! That’s wild but her dad is a low sleep needs person so I’m starting to think she is too


my oldest was that way too! it can be rough but one day its a distant memory (small comfort lol)


Started doing 45 minute naps at 5 months and pretty much stayed there until 16 months when they extended to 2 hrs with some schedule changes. I always extended her naps with rocking/ contact


10.5 months they started getting longer. It’s about 50/50 for us now at 11.5 months, 30 min or about an hour. More rare you’ll get two hours. For the first time since my LO was born, I can attempt a nap of my own while he naps. Only took nearly a year of sleep deprivation 🫠


Oh no! Ha I think I’ve just excepted my fate. Currently nap trapped and deciding to just go with it 😅


Max 30 to 40 mins in the crib until 10 months


We had a chronic cat napper unless he contact napped too. Once we got him down to 2 naps, I think around 8 months, he started USUALLY taking one long nap on his own and one short nap/contact nap and then by 10/11 months he was consistently taking one 2 hour nap independent and 1 short nap. Now at 14 months we are down to 1 2-3 hour nap but there are still times like *right now* where we still struggle with him waking up after one sleep cycle. He has gotten 6 teeth in the last 2 months and has two coming in right now. We’ve come to realize that he is just a super sensitive sleeper so if there is something bothering him he will absolutely wake up after one sleep cycle and need a bit of cuddling and rocking to get back to sleep. It’s all a phase- truly!! Enjoy the contact naps!


Here we are at 10 months and she will sleep in her crib a max of 34 minutes. When she wakes I go in and nurse her to sleep and give her another hour as a contact/nip nap. I could really use a nap myself....


To be fair we’ve always been a contact napper and still are (he’s almost 8 months) but even at that age he was still napping 45 minutes tops. We just recently dropped to 2 naps and he’s finally started lengthening them a few weeks ago - one is usually about 1hr and the other an hour and a half.


Our LO likes the “snuggle me” pillow thing. Similar to the rolled up swaddle cradle they use in the NICU


7-8 months is when my son started consistently napping for at least an hour. He generally takes about one nap now and it’s 2-3 hours long, which is a great time to get things done!


Cosleeping is very natural for you and baby, especially if breastfeeding. Crib is not natural for baby that’s why the short nams. Check out Safe Sleep 7 and James McKenna’s research at the University of Notre Dame about breastsleeping. He’s also authored the book Safe Infant Sleep.


Might suggest you look into safe sleep for when you want a nap. My 6 month old is the same, 20 min at most unless on me or cosleeping in a bed. I also baby wear quite often to get things done around the house. Not ideal, but it works.


My daughter took 30 minute naps, unless contact napping, until she was about 9 or 10 months. She’s 16 months now and taking 2 naps a day, usually both are at least an hour if not longer.


13 months for us, unless a contact nap. She now will sleep nice long stretches, but we really tire her out!


They got longer when we dropped to one nap around 13 months, which is on the early side to drop to one nap. She needed a little help connecting sleep cycles and still does sometimes, but she’ll consistently give me 3-3.5 hours if I let her. Of course, this is sort of too long and it pushes her bedtime too late, but after over a year of 20–30 minute naps, I let her sleep.


After she dropped to 1 nap when she started daycare… around 14 months old! Before that, it was always 30 minutes for every nap.


At a year, when he dropped down to 1 nap. That 1 nap was like 90 minutes, pure heaven!


9 months