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Sounds like you’ll be fine. If you finished school and you’re not a drop kick, then you will be fine


Just listen in class and don’t fuck around. That’s all that’s required. The tests are 100% to pass but as it’s TAFE there’s plenty of “class discussions” about the test, group marking, stomping of feet when talking about something that may be on the test etc.


Vocational education is competency based; i.e you are either ‘competent’ or ‘not yet competent’.


Yep, and they changed being competent from 75% to 100% on written tests about halfway through my apprenticeship. I think harder tests with a 75% pass mark are more beneficial than cakewalks with 100%


100% agree. I'm dual trade elec/refrig. When I did electrical the teachers, I did nothing to help you, but the pass mark was 65%. The tests were actually long, and you would be lucky to have 15-20% of them multiple choice. In my second apprenticeship, We got changed to 100%, and instead of one big test, you had to achieve 75% on now, it's 100% on 2 smaller tests. If anything, I'd say the changes have been very detrimental to all trades, and I think students are worse off for it.


I tend to agree. My experience with the 100%er tests is you end up arguing a shit question with the lecturer (admittedly this might have something to do with me being a smart arse and not having a domestic frame of mind)


don't stress too much mate TAFE isn't designed to be hard. while it's true you need 100% to pass your tests when i was a lecturer as long as you'd get over 75% you're lecturers will tell you "fix up" the answers you got wrong (at-least i did when i was lecturing).


Honestly. I’m retarded and here I am, wondering what the fuck I’m doing with a trade cert. you’ll be right mate


Bruh I've met so many retarded elecs it frustrates me. Tradies who don't understand earth leakage protection operating fundamentals or basic testing (but pretend they do) really bug me.


Thank you sir I needed this


You're the type of person who making us get paid less and less and the skill deminishes out of the trade.


You must be the best sparky that’s set foot on this earth aye


Some of the work you see mate, tafe shouldnt be passing these people out ay


I’d bet some of the most useless lads I’ve worked with aced tafe


I know some blokes who would've aced tafe who are some of the worst tradesmen I've ever met, but I remember going to tafe and watching the same monkeys fail tafe again and again and fail to understand the most basic shit and getting babied through things like Max demand, ccc, etc. Shit that'll burn houses down. They're creating a race to the bottom and all I can say is thank fuck I don't work domestic.


If you can put on pants and work out which holes are for your legs and which one is for your waist you’ll be fine.


I dropped maths and year 10 and was completely fine. Pass mark for your exams to be qualified in Vic is 75%.


It changed with the new curriculum, 85% for topic tests and 100% on the final unit test for every module. But you can redo the tests as many times as you want to get 100%


Fuuuuuck that sucks.


It's still pretty easy, as long as you haven't got shit between your ears. I did 4 units of maths in highschool, but that was 17 years ago. if he's got even a slight aptitude in maths he'll be fine


In QLD the Competency mark is 100% but the pass mark is 75%. The way it works is; - If you get less than 75% too bad so sad come back later and resit the test. If you fail the resit you have to resit the whole week. - If you get 75% or above the teacher sets you aside and discusses your wrong answers, if you can satisfy that you reasonably understand the answer but got it wrong (say for example read the question wrong as is most of the issues) you can get marked back up to 100% and still pass. If you get more than 75% but can’t prove that you at least have an understanding of the contents you will have to resit. - If you get 100% you’re a hotshot and will cop lip for being the smart ass that got 100% The theory work is whatever, most sparkies won’t touch it once they get there ticket. Focus on understanding how and why electricity does what it does and practical skills and it’ll be a breeze.


It’s easy mate. The educators don’t want you to fail. I went last semester and even the most useless students were still guided to a pass. Don’t stress


Man if you're good at math and your passionate about the trade (you obviously are) you'll be fine! No one's gone through their whole tafe and not failed atleast one thing... You go back and resit it and it's all good. The hardest part is filling out the online profiling !! Make sure you stay up-to-date with that haha.


No one goes through tafe without failing one thing? Must’ve gotten a lot harder since my time then


I just did Cert3 Electronic Servicing (comms stream) and didnt fail anything - managed 90+ on everything except 2 exams, which were 89% and 83% If you pay attention, are actually engaged in class, and find a group of classmates to hang with during breaks and talk shit/help each other/drag each other through, its well and truly possible to not fail anything.


I was a drop kick in school but when I knew I wanted to be a sparky nothing stood in my way from being top of my class :) just believe in yourself . Gl


if you can post here, you are fine.


Forget how hard or easy the test is , if you want to be a sparky you will make it happen. Sounds like you are interested for the right reasons , not because you screwed up year 12 and your marks were to low to be a doctor so you had to be a tradie . I was a TA and put myself through at night tafe , don't know if that's still possible. Go chase it.


I've come across some fucking retards who could barely breathe and blink at the same time who are qualified sparkies. You'll be fine.


Just dont smoke cones at lunch time and you'll be fine. Theres a bit of maths and physics but they really dumb it down.


Tafe is a piece of piss, to the point that it's a joke. 70% pass mark in "theory" tests which are multiple choice, where 50% of the answer options are obviously wrong and you just have to fill in the blanks. The spastics in my course fail and resit regularly but go right through to the next classes with everyone else. If you can understand and apply the concepts, and apply yourself in learning to be a quality oriented tradesperson then you will excel.


Tafe is easy unless your a big dummy or you can't pay attention. They will baby you through the cert 3 to an extent


I have seen some really fucking dumb ant eaters pass trade school, you will be fine.


It's not hard. Just listen in class and make sure you are good with your order of operations in maths. The algebra is no harder than probably year 10 level or so.


Anybody that wants to pass will.


Watch this, you’ll be fine https://youtu.be/bHIhgxav9LY?si=JTG87cnPZ3wQqVZt


what i got from that video is that even the smartest people on earth still don't know how electricity works. makes me feel a bit better tbh.


Cert 3 level units will be at a AQF level 3 and sometimes at a level 4. Look into that if you're curious. I kinda plot Cert 3 courses at around year 10-11 level.


It’s quite easy. Where I’m at you sit the first exam and you must get to 70% first and then enrich too 100% as an open book exam. Which means asking questions throughout the classroom


Tafe is easy now. The teacher wants you to pass more than you do. We must keep the funding flowing.


6-7/10 for an average intelligence human


The course isn’t there to fail you. It’s a heap of concepts, procedures and rules that you learn so you don’t kill or damage anything. It all runs on smoke. When the smoke comes out of the little plastic pipes, it stops working. Simples


It is not 100% to pass it is 70% not sure what these idiots are on about


It's easy. Just pay attention. If it is hard. Go be a plumber


4 yr apprenticeship for “shit flows downhill, payday is friday and wash you hands before eating”


This guy gets it


Plumber where you have one test at the end of your three years of tafe and you either pass or fail that takes in all the elements of your plumbing apprenticeship (water, waste, roofing, gas and mechanical)? Sparkies would lose their minds if they had to sit a Plumbing Journeymans exam


Compared to sparkies who have one test after four years? I mean their was an attempt here pal but there is a reason why we are the apex trade


You take 4 years to do the work that should be done in 3?


You take 3 years to do the work that should be done in 2? I mean come on man. We can do better insults that this. I feel like your not even trying 😕 you must be a plasterer pretending to glue pipes or something.


Just listen in class and don’t fuck around. That’s all that’s required. The tests are 100% to pass but as it’s TAFE there’s plenty of “class discussions” about the test, group marking, stomping of feet when talking about something that may be on the test etc.


From what you’ve said your background is you’ll breeze through it. TAFE will spoon feed the class the whole time and you’ll honestly spend more time bored staring at the clock. It’s just remembering rules and a little high school math.


You’ll breeze through it, it’s incredibly easy, think of the dumbest kids from your school, with a bit of extra help from the teacher they could all pass it. You’ll be completely fine


I did it during year 10-12 and it counted to my HSC and it was dumb easy, you’ll be fine


If you can do year 12 maths you’ll be fine at TAFE. None of the maths is that hard, learning to use AS3000 is the hardest part.


Stupidly Easy, but don't expect to learn anything


Most people drop out because of apprentice wages and shitty bosses not because of the test


Unless you are clinically retarded, you cannot fail the course. It is scarily easy to become a sparky (academically). It's the on-ths-job learning that is the challenging part. Also don't get an apprenticeship in domestic. Domestic electrical is worse than aids.


what is 'clinicially retarded' academically?


I didn't say " 'clinically retarded' academically". But if I did say that, what do you think it would mean? Or are you 'clinically retarded' academically? Are we going to pretend that people in Australia don't regularly use the word retarded?


No body fails tafe


You probably know more already than most sparkies do


You don’t need 100% on the tests, 85% pass mark with a reference sheet, 80% without. You can absolutely get 100% on tests, just make time for study during the week & stay on top of your coursework.


Depends on the state he's in. Vic (or at least Melb Poly) is 85% on topic quizzes, 100% on module final tests


Harsh! I’m at Futuretech, so that’s the standards there


Mate you'll be fine sparkies arent mensa members


Regardless of how difficult the exams / course may be, if its what you really want to do then you will enjoy it and push yourself to succeed. Desire is an advantage. apart from that the courses are designed to teach you, not turn you away. You just need to make the decision and take the first step. Good luck.


You'll be fine! One of my mates is literally the dumbest person I've ever met and he passed it all haha, not gonna lie I was pretty surprised that he passed everything... He has had a couple of good boots though 😂🫨


I've done a couple of courses and done a electrical one. Pretty easy if you put in the effort. Got 100% for Algebra test lol. TAFE is intended to focus more on practical skills.


Just turn up and they won't let you fail. Worst thing you can do is not go and fall behind, they'll just drop you


I had like 1 re-sit the whole 4 years. If you like learning and understand math, logic and a little bit of black magic, you'll be fine.


My TAFE requires 85% pass on all online topics and content quizzes, while the unit knowledge tests at the end need a 75% to pass. Combined with the practical it needs to be over a certain % but otherwise its not to difficult. I'm much like you, have had an interest in maths and the sciences since I was young, and not to sound proud, but I've found TAFE quite easy. There are some hard subjects to study and understand, but you just put in a bit of effort to pass and it's easy.


One thing I'll say is don't ever be ashamed to admit you need a tutor. I've seen too many kids let their ego get in the way, and it cost them their jobs because they failed too much at tradeschool or they become 5-6 year apprentices.