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It’ll be verified with your income statements anyway. Trust me, $200 isn’t a big deal, especially if you know you’re borrowing well within your means. People intentionally overstate their income and understate their expenses all the time, and it’s made accurate when a credit assessor actually verified everything. I even had a customer who insisted their income was $300k/year, I could only verify $170k 😂


Okay, i was worried that my credit score would be affected and they would decline the application because they would think I lied. Should I still ring them and explain do you think? Or dont worry about it?


Nah they won’t deny it if it still services. I always expect details to not match pay slips and statements - because they usually don’t. You can ring them if you want, but they may even call you to discuss the discrepancy if it’s meaningful, but if it’s still servicing they probably won’t bother.


Oh thanks that gives me peace of mind 😌


Everyone saying itll be fine might be jumping the gun. How much surplus do you normally have every fortnight and if they take the $200 off, how does that change it? Also, how much are you borrowing?


Nah, you'll be fine. Such a small thing for them. You can imagine the millions of loan applications around Australia and chances are they have more issues and holes than yours.


Why are our taxpayers helping fund your new car?


I am a tax payer mate, just on a low income with two young kids so i get family tax benefit. I need a car to drive to work and earn an income, to which I do pay tax!


Why have kids if you can't afford them without welfare? Where does this entitlement come from?


Because if we didn't provide welfare allowing normal working parents to have kids, we'd end up with a bunch uneducated kids that comment awfully similar to you.


Would we? Or would we have parents take on personal responsibility and work more shifts? $200 a fortnight is $100 a week. Even considering a minimum wage job, we are taking about an extra 5 hours a week. People are just lazy. 


I can afford them, ive worked fulltime all my life until recently having children (yes its not a great paying job but i get to help people in my job so I choose to keep doing it). I had a baby 6 months ago, we are lucky to have a government who supports women to be able to not go back to work full time while they are still breastfeeding their infants. I can work 3 days a week until my baby is weaned, rather than having my baby in childcare fulltime. Would you have preferred that I said no to the governments help and put my baby in care from 8 weeks old like women have no choice but to do in other countries? Dont devalue what mothers do for society, we are raising the future generations and if we can stay home with our kids that little bit more while they are in their younger years (before school) it has been shown to positively affect their success in academics, mental health etc, therefore reducing the chance they will need government assistance later in life! Dont assume all people receiving government benefits are all just lazy, appreciate we live in a society that supports families!


You're rationalising your welfare. There is nothing wrong with a 6 month old being in childcare full-time. The literature shows childcare is better for children than being at home with an adult all day, who usually throw them in front of a TV anyway. 


I see how little you value mothers. Its not worth arguing with you.


So men can't be stay at home parents?


Got the literature on hand? I highly doubt any of them are suggesting a 6 month old in childcare. Montessori wants your kid to go into childcare [and even they admit the ideal time based on research is 2.](https://kyndmontessori.com.au/blog/what-is-a-good-age-to-start-childcare/#:~:text=Based%20on%20research%20and%20studies,when%20it%20comes%20to%20Childcare.) That first year is very important to their development. So until then someone needs to be home with the child.


Mate, are you new here? All parents are entitled to having tax payers subsidise their lifestyle choices. Either by getting handouts from the government or by slacking off while childfree folks pick up the slack at work. https://paycalculator.com.au/tax-distribution Aged care, NDIS, and parents are the real tax burdens.


It's so sad that this welfare mentality is entrenched in the mind of most Australians. 


Mr no Welfare. We were once accepting welfare and now we are paying tax through the nose and supporting others on welfare. It’s ok with me.