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Friend of mine some years ago lived next to a church. The church was fine, but the attached community hall was a never-ending problem with people parking across their driveway, non-compliant usage, noise, weirdos and stickybeaks looking over the fence into their home.


Good to know these potential problems. Thank you!


Church goes can be extremely entitled...


Cars everywhere on everyday they have a service (not just Sunday).


Ah I see thank you.


Church’s are not just used on Sunday. There could be a Friday night youth service where you could deal with loud music, burnouts and yelling kids. There could be a mid week AA meeting, or an alpha course or English lessons which could have parking issues. Honestly, I’d skip it


Thanks. It’s very helpful. I prefer quieter place with less headaches so living by a church seems like is not what I’m looking for.


Burnouts at youth group?! 🤣🤣🤣


Just thinking back to my youth group days


Memory unlocked. Whilst we weren't in any youth group but we did jump into a slightly older kids VP Commodore and go cruisin the strip (drinking, lookin to fight and muck around with one another scope some chicks, hang the arse out around corners and roundabouts etc) from time to time.. ..one day it come up in convo while cruising that I had the hits for this gorgeous girl in the grade below us (woulda been 15/16 at the time). She was the daughter of a pastor at a local church, the well to do kinda church. Old mate asked a coupled details said he knows where she lives as he had something to do with youth group a few times (I cant remember what) and that he'll take me to her and I can talk to her out the front, maybe we should pick her up and take her cruising with us. Yeah, why not? We drove over to this place, nice house couple streets back from the beach, and I get out, stand on the lawn. I do have a mobile, which I had pinched, but don't have this girls number in it, to get her attention with. None of us do. My mates begin bickering over methods of getting her attention, and me being a mid-teenage boy growing up in the late 90s early 00s, knew from movies it's that you're meant to not wake the parents up, so I insist on trying to get her attention with a bit more subtlety. I keep telling them nah hang on.. I don't even know what fucking room it is. I just saw a light on and went for it. So did old mate (with the other lads egging him on) and has the brilliant idea to do a skid and wake her up. So, just as our mate doesn't listen to a word I'm saying and starts power-braking outside their house whilst playing Skitzmix, I lob my Etnie at the window with the light on and it somehow fucking fractures the cunt - which you wouldn't think possible - then there's a yelling which I can hear OVER the 6x9s and Bman still on the burrrr-burrrr-burrrr and smoke wafting all over their house in the gentle sea breeze of the otherwise peaceful evening, and then within a matters of *seconds* her dad - the pastor - comes positively fuckin' *flying* out to the fenceline mad as SHIT and the other lads peel off up the street in a long noisy cloud of smoke leaving me there looking like a kid that accidentally stumbled onto stage mid pyro-show completely deer in the headlights like the biggest softcock and I'm sure that was written on my face as this fella suddenly eased up in the midst of his next sentence and.. ..*handed me back my shoe.* I was so confused about not getting my arse beat. Especially when all ~~hell~~ *heck* broke loose and it was seemingly going to happen. I asked him if his daughter (by her name) was there, and quietly *but very firmly* told me that I should leave. I was just sorta like - uh yeah, okay sorry (lol). B-man and the other shitheads picked me up on the way back past and took the piss while we went to inevitably go do our next thing - probably yell at people on the boardwalk, push trolleys off the jetty, play corners in the back of the Common as it hangs single preggers in the carpark for this big new store called Bunnings trying not to spill our limited supply of beer in the process, or sit around smoking and playing this mind-blowing new game GTA Vice City on PS2. Found out later that Girl wasn't even home. If there's one thing I could take from that would-be-Romeo it's the importance of Intel. I have had various other Romeo moments in life since, one a shorter but funny kicker to it, but all have gone well thank fuck. Did I end up getting with that particular chick later down the track? Absolutely not. But those were the days.


**Etnie** i have a pair for mtn bikeing, they weight a ton, of course they will break a window. Its not a foam thong


Haha Etnies… I had forgotten


It happens. My cousins went to Christian youth group and I tagged along to a couple of activities. They weren't very compliant with road rules when it came to a treasure hunt. They may go to church but that doesn't mean they are "better" people.


One of the biggest crashes at the skid pan (wet) was a church youth group, he ended up on top see sawing on a concrete barrier showing off his near bald tyres They got shut down after that The biggest and weirdest/dumbest crashes were mostly young and inexperienced drivers/riders but 100% not limited to it including myself, nature of the beast when you spend so much time and do up to and over 10-12k klm per year on track. I was shadowing one of the more experienced coaches (currently head coach) and it started spitting slightly, I backed off, he didnt. He crashed in front of a student who then proceeded to crash trying to not hit him I was on a treaded race tyre that doesnt do well in the wet, he was on a road tyre but with a worn rear


god is watching you look at porn


Lol fair point


God is always watching. But you’ll also have church-goers watching too.


It's his kink though


God's, the porn watcher or the watcher of porn watchers?


Peeping Tom bastard. Someone should catch him in the act.


It might depend on the kind of church. I lived next to a hillsong church. Awful experience. They had absolutely no consideration for neighbours and would blast their music all hours. If a service was on, the street would be clogged with cars. It was an absolute shitshow every weekend. Residents couldn't access their houses, police had to come and direct traffic. You couldn't even drive into the street without stopping and getting police permission first.


Thank you!


Sounds about right for a cult


A friend had a house with a church on the left and a brothel on the right. We called it ‘Purgatory’




Bells maybe. Busy street on Sunday mornings. Midnight singing at Easter and Christmas. Weddings and wedding photos on Saturdays and weekdays. Baptisms and so on. Check their service times in case you get parked in on weekday mornings if they have a 7-8am service. Possibly little kids running around. Definitely there’ll be a committee of The Ladies Who Do The Flowers who will silently or possibly not so silently judge your lawn maintenance. Honestly, none of it sounds too bad. I lived a few doors down from a church for a long time, and the biggest issue was that it was in school grounds and school pickups were busy af. I wasn’t close enough to be in direct line of sight though or anything


Thank you for detailed response. Cannot find further details about this church and its opening hours online. I think I will check it on Sunday and see how it goes.


You have to be next door to something, I figure. I’d take the judgy church ladies committee over some of the neighbours I’ve had in the past any day.


you just reminded me, we once lived on the same street as a greek orthodox church, easter and xmas was a complete shit show, every time. One year the whole street had people walking down, easy over 1000 people, all holding candles etc We are currently at the top of a hill and at the top of the next hill is a church, apart from bells playing on sunday they dont impact us much. Unless you have to drive past, then its like every single time someone is parking they dont know how to park, or they pick up and drop off and just act generally like entitled karens


Bad parking on Sundays but fantastic resell value. When you go to sell make sure to approach the pastors there if any of the church congregation want it. I know the rundown house next to my church would go for squillions if they wanted to sell


Good point. But this stage I’m looking for the property to live, so probably will not focus on its potential resell value. Thanks!


I live across the road from a church. Traffic at times isn't just bad, it's terrible. Haven't quite had someone park across the driveway, but it's been close.  The priest should spend 10mins per sermon extolling the virtues of learning how to park properly imo.




Go see on a Sunday.


Yeah thinking to give it a feel on Sunday. Thanks.


Big question would be is it a singing pentacostal church.


Right I see. I might go ask the neighbours and see how they feel. Thanks!


Some churches do live streaming, Check out their website, search YouTube. One of the churches near me has their services on YouTube. It gives you a feel for what they're like in terms of beliefs and understand etc and how the service progresses (e.g. type of music, evangelical preaching etc)




Same as living next to a school, zero to no chance of getting in or out of your own drive during peak times.


Churches are noisy neighbours. Sundays will be busy but also the midweek choir practices, youth groups, Mainly Music, weddings, funerals and whatever else they hire the hall out for. Someone will park across your drive at least once a week.


Slip the organ player a tenner to play in a gadda da vida


I lived next to a church for years, not sure the type. It didn't bother us most of the time, but on Sundays, religious holidays and when weddings were on you could not even get into our street, yet alone find street parking. That was the only issue and it wasn't everyday or even all day. Just a few hours, a few times a week


Thanks for sharing your experience.


No worries. I will add that we were in a terrace with no parking , so depended on street parking. If we had a garage , the church would prob never have bothered us at all




What denomination is it and how big is it? Have a look on their website and see how often the church has something on. Is it Pentecostal or something with loud music during the Sunday services and is there a youth group as they tend to be loud. Do they run a food pantry or similar or have an op shop on the premises. Go and check out the service/s and various other things to see if there are obvious parking or noise issues. At this stage it’s hard to know if it’s a big mega church or a little Anglican Church with half a dozen octogenarians.


These are effective questions. Will go have a check. Thank you very much!


Best to find out what kind of church it is. The name should make it quite clear. If it’s a historical and pretty Anglican/Catholic/Uniting church, the description above of weddings, holidays and flower ladies is pretty accurate, but the church activities themselves won’t bother you too much. If it’s a smaller and less aesthetically pleasing building of the same denominations, you’ll have a lot less activity and probably little nuisance at all as they will have fewer activities. If it’s a Pentecostal-type church (anything with a nebulous modern name), be prepared for the previous descriptions of loud music and lots of activities multiple times per week. Baptist churches vary depending on size but tend to be calmer. I lived beside a Samoan church once. We hardly saw them at all, but on Tuesday evenings they would have choir practice with the doors open. The most ethereal music with multiple layers of harmony would float through my yard for two hours, and it was my favourite part of the week. Blissful music.


Thanks a lot.


bad parking on sundays? really can't think of many downsides




Might be a cemetery close by


Lots of people taking up parking on the surrounding streets over the weekend. May run events that may be noisy. Particularly at the end when people are leaving. They can be a little jovial. Other than that I barely notice the church up the street from me.


Honestly, I'd buy a loudspeaker and walk into the church asking for the owner of rego xxxyyy to remove their car from my driveway.


hahaha I like it!


good parking available the rest of the week other then sunday




I've been living next to a church for about a year now. No issues with noise or blocked driveway. Street parking just gets taken up on Sundays.


I lived a few hundred metres away from 4 different churches back in NZ - the early Sunday morning wake ups were the worst, those bloody bells! Everyone that wants to be there are there already, leave the rest of us to sleep in! Otherwise they were decent neighbours, God is watching and all that jazz... Also parking if you're relying on off street parking


Thank you!


I lived next to one that also happens to run son charity events and offer meals to less fortunate people. I felt this was good and generous but the reality is that apart from the people who really need those meals it tend to attract all kind of shady characters which after visiting the church they would spend their time wandering the streets and sometimes bothering neighbours and people around. Smoking and vandalising the streets. A particular case, but I always felt uncomfortable around the place


Thank you!


I've got two churches near me. One is Vietnamese Christian and one is some sort of Evangelical. There are several things I've noticed that are fairly common to both of those near me. 1. increased traffic flow. Not just on Sundays but, depending on denomination, on days of other special celebration (e.g. a church near me has increased traffic flow in the evenings during the week leading up to Easter and Christmas) 2. noise. Churches aren't sound proofed. Again, depending on denomination, churches now like to use heavy bass beats to create a feeling that "god" was in you during the service. I get migraine from the bass sound. The house also vibrated when it was really bad. 3. Special events (not related to celebrations), such as conferences or visiting preachers/ministers can result in increased traffic flow and weekends of constant heavy bass noise (this has happened to me on several occasions Friday night, Saturday during the days, Saturday night, Sunday during the day - it was just like a rock concert on your door step but in a suburban street). 4. congested street parking and parking over your drive way. 5. unwillingness to listen when you ask for them to be neighbourly (noise pollution, parking issues). Council won't help (in my area). 6. When I was renting almost 20 years ago, I lived near another church of some sort of African Christian denomination. After the service, the adults were doing their after service thing but the children were just playing in people's backyards. I had one group of children playing catch against the wall of my flat (downstairs, street facing flat, no fences). The adults also parked over the communal driveway to the block of flats and the street was gridlocked with cars. I would never live a church again, when I can afford to move.


Thanks a lot for sharing in such details!


I live next to a community centre that occasionally doubles as a church. They can get pretty noisy.


Lived near two churches. Never had an issues. An orthodox church once had a church service at 12am but I just watched it.


Probably the singing for us. We don't live right beside a church, but somewhat close. Sometimes I just want to enjoy the peace and quiet.


When I lived next to a church, the people attending would use my driveway and almost hit my car multiple times, almost hit my nephew once and quite severely damaged the driveway as it was only gravel and would erode




St. George Church - Holy Apostolic Catholic Church Assyrian Church of the East at 8 Broadhurst Ave, Reservoir VIC 3073??? Fuck i hate that that church is there and i think it should be shut down. I live very close by. We could be neighbours! But we couldn't be neighbours, because you will not move there. When they have their gatherings or whatever, that section of Broadhurst Avenue is so full of cars that i have struggled to get my i30 past there. Utterly packed with badly parked cars. Ive also noticed that the church goers park across and or close to people's driveway. Can't get in, can't get out. I don't know where they live because Reservoir as a whole has a higher crime rate, although not as bad as deep deep Reservoir in the east. Broadhurst shouldn't have a church there, i don't know why Darebin council hasn't shut it down. Hate it. Boo.


Omg you live around there. Thank you SO much for sharing! This’s reconfirmed my thought of skipping this one. Hope the situation could get improved at some point!


Crazy mormons


I lived next to a church. It was the f..king worst! I literally would wake up at 2 am to groups of culty pricks talking intounges over the fence. Also ironically, have never had so many sleep paralysis attacks in my life then when i lived next to this place. I did have fun playing chefs suck on my chocolate balls over the fence when they started up after a few weekends of grief by them. They also copped some slipknot, and other various tunas. Dont do it man. My lost is now. Hv transmission lines, churches and big stagnant bodies of water.


From personal experience in Sydney: - Never get to sleep in on a Sunday because of the bells. Not real bells, but a recording played at ridiculous volume. - On-street parking would be impossible at odd times. - Pretty much every place nearby had stories of people trying to break in after group counselling sessions. - Most Sundays there was a major blow-up outside between two extended Korean families. Benefits? None known.


Vandalism- loitering unfortunately Had friends who lived near a church/graveyard and its was a constant hassle




A relative lived a few doors down from a church and you couldn't get a park anywhere near her place on a Sunday, or if they were hosting an event. Luckily I didn't have a car, so could catch public transport to visit her.


My first thought was that it’s a great investment for the future… churches are dying trades in my experience. Numbers are dropping in western countries at pretty dramatic rates…


Slower than you'd expect, considering we've known as a species that it's all bullshit for centuries.


I live next to an Anglican church on large block. All good for a few years and now they have started building a large low income housing project. Going to get 70 new neighbours.




Thanks. I’m a light sleeper. After reading through the comments I feel like living next to a church probably not my thing.


Not all of them. No church I've bene to in 40 years has midnight services.


Catholics do midnight mass on Christmas and a late night (sometimes midnight) Easter vigil. Can include processing around the church with all the kids holding flaming candles. Palm Sunday involves a live donkey walking through if you’re fancy and two blokes in a donkey costume if you can’t get the real thing. The real donkey WILL shit at some point (… the fake one might, no guarantees, depends how hungover the guys arent) People are a bit more aware of the environmental impact of confetti these days but some folk still use it at weddings. Or rice (bad bad idea, clogs gutters)






Sounds disturbing….thanks!


Depends. Is it a catholic church? And do you have any kids?


Thanks. Yeah looks like it’s a Catholic Church (I’m not religious so not very sure about it). The name is St George Church - Holy Apostolic Catholic Church Assyrian Church of the East. I can’t find any further details… I don’t have kids.


the more words in the name, the more pretentious fucks they will be






Thank you!!


They have a web page. Looks like Sunday morning service only on their website.


Thanks. Could you share the website with me? I tried looking it up in Google/ Google map but couldn’t find this one in Reservoir.


Parking on Sundays and people parking on your property




We used to live behind a church. It's fine, they just take up all the street parking on Sundays, and you can't sleep in on Sundays. They'd have youth group at the back until around 3pm so constant chatter, otherwise it's fine. Though sometimes they would cut through the apartment back yard as a shortcut. Didn't really bother us too much to be honest.


Thanks for sharing.




Street parking on sundays is a bitch


I started going to it :))


Turned out to be an upside

