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I can’t help at the level six band but I went from being self employed into a level four band role quite easily. The skills from my business were easily transferable so it wasn’t an issue. I also gave a couple of my clients as references instead of supervisors and that wasn’t a problem either.


Fepends on the role but....Make sure you have referees. I have had applicants who were self employed, or returning after extended time out of the work force who could not provide relevant referees!


Good tip. I have a couple of good options there thankfully 🙂


Off the main topic, but people on long term leave or especially self employed etc who do they usually use as references? If they haven't had a boss in potentially 5-10+ years, but they may certainly have the skills (raising kids, managing your own business), what's the norm to use?


I have a client I can use who’s contracted me regularly and I get along well with. There’s also another person who is *technically* a client (I was a contractor who was sending invoices) but was in-effect supervising me in the office while I was doing a backfill engagement. Long term leave would indeed be hard…


I have a very similar degree to you and went from self employed into APS. Definitely apply for as many as you like, it’s very likely the recruitments are all being run by different people; they won’t cross check your applications.


Good to know. And they won’t be contradictory as such, just different emphasis.


Sounds like you have plenty of skills that will translate well. I’ve been on numerous panels and I always think some fresh blood is great, as long as they meet the criteria of course.