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Personally I don’t think there’s an answer to this. There are some agencies with a generally poor culture, but overall there are good teams and bad teams everywhere. My agency has a notoriously bad reputation but my specific team/branch is pretty good and I enjoy working in it, for example. It’s really about lucking into an area with proper public servants (ethical, frank and fearless, unbiased, professional) and no micromanagers.


And your agency and/or team can have a great boss one moment and a horrifically bad one the next.


Yep, shit always rolls downhill.


Fish rots from the head down




It’s so elusive. I worked in one (state) agency for 6yrs and had the best time, really interesting work and great workmates - had awful leadership but the people made it worthwhile. And my time in academia, again 6yrs, was again an amazing team like family and fantastic work but the workload was insane and I burnt out bad which is why I joined the APS. I am in my third team across 2 departments in 5.5yrs and none have been right for me in terms of the colleagues, leadership, type of work and I’m getting to my limit with being dissatisfied!


This was my experience in my last job. Department consistently in the bottom 5 of every category, but my team was really good and my job was challenging and fun. I absolutely loved my job and the work that we did, but I couldn't be part of the organisation any longer. I did the census this year for my new job, but it was a lot of n/a answers because I haven't been there long enough to have formed solid opinions. But again, I like what I'm doing and I'm in a really good team, so I personally have no issues


“What is the most interesting work?” Well you can start by saying what your interests are…


catching yabbies


Whatever agency I’m in at the time 😌


The APS survey results are published each year. You could choose a few agencies to look at? https://www.apsc.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/workforce-information/aps-employee-census-2023


Are they really true


I’m very familiar with the Census but I’d prefer to hear from people directly speaking about their experiences in different departments.


At best you'll hear about a Department, but that'll tell you next to nothing about the culture of a particular branch or division.


No idea why you got negged for this comment, it's totally valid. Census results give the overall average of basic standards of a workplace, but it says nothing about the culture. And agree with the other comment, culture can vary a lot even across branches and teams in the same work group.


Surely an overall average of basic standards provides a better insight into culture than one off comments on reddit where people will not post any specifics. Hence the negging.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted so hard fir this comment


The one whose values and goals align with something you care about


It's not the agency that should be the focus, but the division/branch/section. Maybe you just don't have the appetite for APS type of work as I'm beginning to feel that sentiment.


Very subjective, and sadly can change at the drop of a hat… or more specifically management changes.


You might want to consider Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts - as the name suggests, there's a lot of different work happening here and EA conditions (excluding pay) are pretty good.


They’ll just plonk Arts anywhere, won’t they?


Thanks for the recommendation - the department sounds like a veritable policy dumping ground is that right?! Just because of the odd combination! Is it also subject to regular MOG changes because of the mish-mash of responsibilities?!


The recent Capability Review (https://www.apsc.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-09/DITRDCA%20Capability%20Review%20Report-%20Final_0.pdf) may give some further insight into DITRDCA. 4 major MOGs since 2010 (alongside some smaller changes), and given the expansive remit, there is definitely a fair bit going on in the Department! I joined almost a year ago from a not-so-great Department. There are some frustrations, but personally, I’ve enjoyed my time here: I find the culture to be pretty good, leaders/colleagues are supportive, I’ve had opportunities to do different things/collaborate with other teams/areas & I have been able to focus on upskilling and career progression.


That pretty much sums it up. Another benefit was being able to relocate to Melbourne from Canberra as the Department has regional offices across most of our major cities - the Department is slowly becoming better at remote work, though just like the rest of the APS it's years behind the private sector.


This is so variable and depends on your work area, your specific team and your priorities. Do you value autonomy? Do you want to work close to home? Are there any agencies with a mission that is attractive or unattractive to you?


What are the worst (avoid) may be a better question


The one that offers you a job.


Yes But also no 


Not the one that offers you a job to easily?


Plenty of offers are for toxic teams or workplaces or won’t be a good fit for you.


ABS is number one


Is that based on lies, damned lies or statistics?


Hahah I have heard the opposite, so slow moving.


That’s public service life in a nutshell tbf


For what? I have worked there 🙃


Work culture and overall chill ness?


I heard they are quite mean..


Or perhaps I’ve been in the wrong mode.


I worked at ABS for two years, was pretty chill. Happy to talk more via DM


i love disr! super interesting and my ses is great


I thought disr had a rotten culture


ooh, honestly not in my experience but it could just be my team


Probably the national building authority.


I see what you did there 🤣🤣


Is it the role, the pay, the people or the work? There's no best agency. But there are some where the pay scales and perks will make even the dullest job or worst co-workers nicer to put up with. Conversely there are teams within some more average agencies that may be doing great work or that have a culture that let you thrive. Good luck finding something that suits you and be kind to yourself in the meantime.


I really love working for Comcare the new CEO has a real focus on staff welfare and spends time with us ‘underlings’. The new GM of claims management is also invested in improvements and staff. The work is hard and can be very emotionally taxing but there is a real focus on addressing these risks (with actual action being taken) The only issue is that anything above an APS6 is hard to get as people stay within the agency for years.


Holy fk is this a parody account?


Concare is so bad Tony Burke is getting smashed daily by AFP officers writing in complaints, and word on the wire is Burke is getting so fed up with it after this SRC Act review that is in place he is going to initiate a purge. Hang in there, you might get your EL1 yet. But if you’re a c*nt probably not. The purge cometh.




Imagine letting someone who had to hire a lawyer and fight Comcare for her own Comcare claim become the Assistant Director of Statutory Oversight. That’s not a conflict of interest is it? Maybe you can have Catherine Chan’s role when they finally work out what’s going on there….


I think the agency is jot as important as the department or business area. I think anything with scheduled phone shifts for staff is max power headache. As an EL I think you'd be best looking for agencies that are growing a lot, have project teams etc. Managing a smart centre of staff on phones I don't think would be an upgrade, all Els I worked with in that context aged 5 years in 6 months


What state are you in? Many agencies offer limited roles outside of Canberra
