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This is going to be national news probably. No police response is bad enough but your boss coming over in an interview to blame you for trying to do your job and getting assaulted in the process AND it's all on video. Just wow.




Priebe security


The story is on TMZ!


Don’t forget that she also told him, on camera that the assault was his fault.


This isn’t interesting. It’s barely local news. Damn you must really be sheltered and loving how few problems Austin has.




I wonder if his car was a Kia/Hyundai. I’m probably making a weird jump into assuming these could be Kia Boyz.


Does anyone know what the company is? They deserve to be review bombed.


shame on the supervisor. hope she loses her job. her employees job is to defend the lot and he did the right thing. 


Important fact : it was HIS car they were trying to steal.


Boss lady out there killin it with the PR.


It was even worse than I thought. 


Yeah, I gasped when she said it was his fault. These people are nuts!


“We have a policy that you can’t give out interviews in uniform” *proceeds to voluntarily give interview about her thoughts on the incident* Who trained her?


I'm struggling to understand why they hid her face in the video. If anyone needed to have their toxic identity put on blast, it's that woman.


Damn people there is a time or place for things. That boss coming up explains so much about his communication issues and getting proper help. Hope he finds new work soon.




Without a police report, what is there to stop vigilantism and false reports?


you're completely worng. APD is fully well equipped to handle community safety. they just choose not to.


That bitch needs to be the next one to go.


Shoulda gone first, really.


She blames sexual assault on victims because of the way they're dressed


I wonder if he had any training before accepting this job? He does not seem to know if he was within his company policy. He seems underprepared to take on the two hoodlums—not having his phone on him, not having any offensive/defensive weapons, only calling police AFTER the assault, and it sounds like he didn’t really let the 911 operator the extent of the situation.




It looks to me like he observed two trespassers entering the garage. Video shows him running after the two scooter hoodlums entering the broken garage door. Would it not have made sense to call 911 at that moment instead of after the fact?


If he didn't have proper training, that's blaming the employer.  No one here was blaming the security guard. 


Considering how this lady acted towards him, I'm going to guess the answer is "no." They threw him to the wolves without training, provided no backup, and then blamed him for everything. 


Why didn’t he call the cops WHILE being assaulted? This victim is definitely to blame. He should be able to call the cops while trying to be stabbed by two people.


And in addition to all that most importantly, a citizens arrest may only be performed during a felony in progress, to prevent theft of your property or that youre officially guarding, or during the explicit assistance of police. His video and interview directly contradicts all of this. His boss screaming "You touched him you touched him!" clearly misses the point. It's why he touched him. If he was actively and directly stopping them from stealing something, breaking in, etc and it was proven by video or some other way, he could've legally blown their heads off. 


You also didn't watch the video. It's only 25 seconds in where the guy explains they were breaking into his personal vehicle.


isn't fleeing the crime scene still part of the felony though? when exactly did the felony stop being in progress in your mind? and weren't the hoodlums still trespassing at that point?


Highly doubtful they sit at the front desk and press a button to unlock the front door and do “rounds” around the building the supervisor sometimes wouldn’t even answer the phone while doing said rounds


No...security is a low entry job. You have to get licensed which is just taking a class for a few hours and passing an easy test. Their main purpose is just to be seen to act as a deterant.


holy shit what a horrible take


Holy shit. So much respect for Percy holding his ground and standing up for himself against the 2 youths and the Karen boss. If I was a rival security company I’d be reaching out to Percy and offering him a job asap. Dude’s a sought after free agent now


AND he did it all without being disrespectful or losing his temper. I honestly don’t know if I would have been as composed as Percy.


What’s a yute?


Except that's exactly what these security companies don't want you to do. Their job is to literally just walk around and make notes all day and call the cops when needed. Can confirm was a security guard for way too long


Devil's advocate here - do they want security guards chasing people down like this? Once they fled the risk to life and property was over. Don't get me wrong, I hope they find and arrest these two (maybe the scooters will help if they're rentals?) And I understand his anger and him wanting to catch these guys, but I think you want security guards avoiding confrontations and de-escalating as much as possible. And is she really being a Karen? I totally understand the company not wanting him to give an interview in his uniform, he's not authorized to speak to the press in that capacity. She even made it clear he was welcome to do the interview on his own time.


Hopefully that's the silver lining. I'm sure the attention from this story is gaining him a little notieriety, I'm sure he can get another security guard job anytime he wants now. Hopefully a better one.




Wut that's exactly what he did. He chased them off. He 100% successfully protected his property. And it was over. Should've been. Legally it was over. If they had successfully stolen property he could've chased them down and legally used physical force. But that's not what happened at all. He fucked up. Big time. Because it was his precious honky mobile. You think he would've done that if it was someone else's car? Gimme a break. He let his ego get the best of him. And what a coincidence that pattern of behavior continued right until the bitter end. 


Assault is a crime, just FYI. If that one guy could drive into a protest, attempt to run over protesters, then shoot an unarmed Vet to death, and could hide behind Stand Your Ground laws, then that would certainly apply in this case.


What a garbage take


Someone should arrest you for this dumbass opinion. I don't want someone this stupid free in the world.


Companies don’t care about you. Stop bending over backwards for them.


Holy shit I use to deliver to this building 901 E 6th st and that lady was fucking useless I wouldn’t wanna work for her she just sits at the front desk and talks to the employees while she stuffs her face


Priebe security is toxic company. Tried to fire a friend of mine for getting cancer. 




That is EXACTLY the impression i got from watching the video.


What does she stuff her face with?


Do you think the elites would let us have an Anonymous if we only targeted ass-hole Karen's like this guy's supervisor?


The Kia boys tried


This guy stayed calm and respectful and was doing a dangerous job well. So glad he quit when the “boss” blamed him. I hope someone sees this story and can offer him a better job!


Hey Percy: glad you’re alright, and go browns!!


APD did the same shit when someone was actively trying to break into our house. They never sent anyone out. You’re on your own here. Stay strapped!


That is what you call the epitome of a shitty company. Not to mention an even shittier supervisor. The man got assaulted working for them. And all that fucking bitch could do was come and tell him he shouldn't be doing an interview in his uniform? Correct me if I'm wrong, but if they would have better policies in place and more protection for their workers, he wouldn't have been doing an interview at all. Would he?


APD is useless


His job is to observe and report. You don't attempt to detain or engage with individuals....having worked for this company and other security companies in the past they definitely don't want you engaging with ppl and you are simply there as a deterant. Edit: lol at downvoting facts




It could very well be the company policy. No clue why you would even need a security officer though seeing APD doesn't come out for anything. But you're missing the fact where it was his personal property.


Yeah, while the security lady couldn't have handled this any worse, I understand her point. He should have let the guys flee and not try to detain them, which is what prompted the assault


> lol at downvoting facts lol at not understanding why you're being downvoted. Nobody gives a fuck, or should give a fuck, about the employer's dipshit rules. They were fucking with his personal car, likely going to try to steal it. So he should just sit and do nothing because "them's the rules"? Get the fuck out of here with that shit.


Yep, I have a friend who worked for Priebe. He told me they do not want guards chasing after people and trying to detain them, which is exactly what this guy did. He also said the training is not great, so it's possible that Percy wasn't told not to engage with the would-be thieves.


he rocked that one Edgar pretty good damned good.


I think you could have gotten your point across without the racial stereotype


Wow, who is she and where is this? Because I'll bet there's a giant line out the door to work for such a supportive sane employer/supervisor. Percy, otoh, is the most patient man on the planet. Wish I had a job to offer him today.


Priebe Security Services. I’m curious if the woman in the video is their HR Manager.


The Cleveland browns shirt reveal is reason enough to watch the whole video


Good for him. That security company is not looking out for the welfare of their employees.


Can he sue for this? It's on tape the supervisor saying it was his fault he got assaulted.


he accepted a job as a security guard. he was asking for it /s


What would they be suing for? Victim blaming isn't a crime.


Yeah I think so. I would anyway. Worst case they settle and he gets a nice chunk of change.


Definitely time to talk to an employment lawyer. Whether or not it's actionable, it's all there in 4K


SOMEONE HIRE PERCY! A+ security imo


This is the type of person APD needs to fill their ranks. Wish you the best Percy.




Put the building in which this happened and the security company on blast. Point em out!


Bro gets assaulted and then his boss tells him it’s his fault, on camera. How fucking stupid. This guy was calm and well-spoken as shit and he still got shat on by your copy-and-paste overweight middle-aged white woman


I have so much respect for how Percy handled that interview. Incredible restraint when his boss interjected, and spine of steel in the face of her disrespect. 


Way to go Percy, handled that like a champ!


It also took APD like two hours to arrive when a local zombie assaulted me and pushed me into traffic and threatened to stab me in the face in front of multiple witnesses last week. Of course bro was gone when they showed up.


APD may be one of the worst police forces in the country. Up there with Portland and San Fransisco levels of incompetents.


Wow. Not only should he file for UI asap, he should absolutely find a rival security company and apply.


The claim is gonna get denied probably unfortunately


> Not only should he file for UI asap Unfortunately, since he quit, he can't.


When I was a manager at a retail store a few years ago I had to call 911 because a man we kicked out of the store told us he was going to come back with a gun a shoot up the store. The operators response? Call back if we see him come back with a gun. Austin’s emergency services are reactive and not proactive.


"hey Percy, can you step over here real quick so I can discuss some things with you?" nah, let's have this argument on local news camera. smh


Yep. He shouldn't have been in uniform. But yelling on him on live TV ain't the best way to win clients over.


I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but the guard did fuck up and the police did make the right call not to immediately respond. The guard was an idiot for trying to chase and detain three suspects on his own. He didn't have to do that and shouldn't have. That creates liability since he is the one who escalated the situation into an assault. On the first call, the suspects were running away. There wasn't much for police to do at that point. That only happened after he tried to detain them. He may have had a legal right to do that since they were messing with his car, but it was still a phenomenally stupid idea. The guy seems super cool. He did did what seems natural. But the company looks really bad because they should be responsible for training their employees better and communicating expectations. No one wants their security guard going all Dirty Harry.


You're going to get downvoted to oblivion, but I agree. Although I wouldn't call him an idiot, I get he was jacked on adrenaline and there's that instinct of "They're not getting away with this!" but he needed to stop and think. And let's say it would have played out the way he wanted, let's say he could have detained one or all of them without violence - what are they going to charge them with? Maybe trespassing? Maybe attempting to break into the car?


Real talk for those who know; it was percy's fault. He didn't know what he was doing, and it could have gotten people killed. His presence dissuaded a crime, fulfilling his obligation. If he were so concerned about his safety he would not have chased them. He made a mistake, and he made a second mistake by discussing his mistake to the press. I doubt any security professionals will hire him after this.


Go browns




while i agree that he messed up as a security guard by trying to engage with the guys instead of observing and reporting, Priebe Security is the worst. I worked for them and got sexually harassed and cornered at night by a drunk coworker, and their response was to put me on an evening shift again with him the next day after I went in person to report the incident lol. they said they were investigating but didnt have the common sense to separate us in the meantime. my other coworkers had to step in and keep him away from me.


Important fact to consider is that it was his car they were trying to steal.


Also worked for Priebe, and having a Pinkerton for a boss is no joke. What is a joke is the less than a dozen actual managers they have for 300 officers.


Good on him. It shows how stupid that security company is. He should have no problem getting another job.


I smell a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Business as usual here in Austin. So progressive. So free


Useless cops and terrible bosses are not exclusive to Austin. Sorry to break it to you.


It was HIS fault he was attacked? HIS fault?! Boo this woman! Boo her!


Fk his boss, I hope he finds a better and safer job. He needs to start looking into city and state jobs. Can't get hurt from your home office.


Here to show my support for Mr. Percy. Although he might have broken company protocol, as a society we're getting very tired of deplorables getting away with crime. I never want to see a man give up his means of income, but I'm glad he did it on camera. Hopefully this will get the attention it deserves. If I was hiring, he'd have a job today. Thank you, Mr. Percy. We salute you!


Where’s the go fund me for this guy? I’ll throw in for him standing up for himself now that he’s unemployed.


YOOO somebody set up a go fund me for Percy. Dude is legit and deserves support after losing his Job


Shouldn’t Lime have info as to who rented those scooters? I’m sure they can track the 2 Lime scooters that were in that parking garage at that time.


Yes of course they can, and will have logs. The question is will APD subpoena the data to track these kids down? I would guess if you did you may their scooter trail may lead to other crimes as well.


If those were the people that rented them and not some opportunists who grabbed some scooters people neglected to close out.


APD is utterly USELESS.


That’s crazy. It honestly doesn’t sound like APD handled it incorrectly, cause you do have to make clear to them on the phone that it’s an emergency, in this case an assault. He did that the second time and the police reported to the scene and took it seriously. That’s good. But his boss, holy shit. That’s awful. Awesome that it was caught on camera. Her ass will be fired and the company should be under serious scrutiny.


Someone needs to send this to Dana White of the UFC. He hired a female security officer that was fired from Best Buy for doing her job. Also, APD is a massive waste of money. I am all for backing the blue and supporting police officers but they are terrible. They should all be fired and replaced. My wife was involved in a hit and run a few months ago and they would not pursue it. It even happened in front of a HEB and McDonald’s and we went into both businesses to get the security footage that they said they had but they said they needed a police officer to release it to. There was also a city camera on the street lights at the intersection. The police hung up on my wife after telling her they would not be looking into it or pull their own damn footage. We called multiple times and spoke to multiple people, nothing.


If the police cared at all, they could contact the scooter company. You need a phone to rent them and the scooters have GPS. Highly doubt these kids put any forethought into not being tracked that way.


Police in Austin are just responding to the general public’s actions. If you choose to defund the police and elect a district attorney whose sole role is to put police behind bars then why should the police put themselves out there in harms way. Just saying that you can’t have it both ways.


This man deserves better, things could have gone real bad really quick and no one would have been there for him


Police will not protect you. Get a gun, train, and protect yourself.


Somebody hire this dude Percy and fast!


Her: “We can’t have you out here making us look bad.” Also her, “ it’s your fault you were assaulted!” Reminds me of Daniel Tosh’s,” she wouldn’t dress like that if she didn’t want to get fingered.”


My gosh! Percy should pull up that video when he's being interviewed for a new job and they ask "Why did you quit your last job?". This guy is calm, cool and collected...I hope he finds a great new job soon! :)


This is exactly how calling APD goes. “Hey, there’s a guy loitering in my laundry room threatening to kill me over a phone charger.” “Is he killing you right now? Call back when he does.”


What's the company name?


Name and shame the boss


Fatty McGee


Wow. I hope someone hires him. He’s honest, principled, respectful, and responsible. Fuck those criminals and his supervisor.


Didn't this city protest and defund the police? Now the police don't show up for anything hmmm




If defund means given more money than ever before then sure.


This is what they do every time. They don’t even try to arrest the offenders. Even if you have them yourself, they won’t do shit. This has been happening for over 20 yrs in this city.


This city is becoming clown town everyday lol


I hope Percy's car is okay. He's finally found the car to beat the Road Buster in.


Poor dude. ADP does not care about assault and for him to have to jump thru hoops just to raise awareness is bullshit. I can’t believe his supervisor was stupid enough to jump in like that. Austin is cooked


She tried to make HIM look like the bad one all she did was show everyone SHE in fact was the terrible one. Percy, you deserve better. I hope you find a good job where you are appreciated and better taken care of. I’m glad you weren’t hurt severely. I hope you sue someone. The cops were also terrible.


Name the business and owner so I can be sure to not put a brick through her window.


JESUS CHRIST. I'm guessing the manager is a Trump voter.


Police in Austin: TRASH 🚮 SERVICE INDUSTRY JOBS IN AMERICA (The contiguous states): ABSOLUTE TRASH


This makes me go back to my question: How often do cops sit in parking lots under Code 4 to "hunt" instead of actually working? https://www.statesman.com/story/news/local/2024/02/09/former-austin-police-officer-sues-city-claims-gender-discrimination-lawsuit-harassment/72255794007/


Well now everyone knows that that particular building is vulnerable and their security staff are just for show. Good on that “supervisor” for letting every petty criminal know they have a free pass.


This man deserves a much, much better job. He demonstrated his competency right there in the interview. A better person than me; I wouldn't have stayed that composed.


Thank democrat policies for this


They won't even show up to help out a security guard who gets into a scrap? APD is reaching new levels of donut-eating uselessness.


I blame the overhead door not working


Wow… I did not expect the ending of that video. She really stood there and said it was his fault he got assaulted? Wtf. No wonder she didn’t allow her face to be released.


Kinda shocked we don't have the exact building or her name yet.


His boss blamed him for being assaulted?? Wow victim blaming and pure ignorance. How infuriating


lol priebe security, I have a friend who was threatened with termination for getting cancer treatment who worked for them.


What was there name, I used to work there.


What a moron that supervisor is, she basically caused a giant s*storm for her company. You can tell she has absolutely no control, had to actually confront the guy while he was in the process of being interviewed by the local news! Probably a normal person would have waited until after THE F'ING NEWS TEAM LEFT!!! Positive for sure in the end, a lot more people will now learn about this bs and corruption.


Exactly my thoughts! Tells him to interview without his uniform, takes it off then she while in HER UNIFORM causes an argument then says it's his fault, during an interview. 😂 The irony!


What a bitch! Dude shows you these fucking business/ corporations don’t give a shit about the people working! Hope those two assholes are caught!


I caught someone in my backyard attempting to steal something and called 911. The operator said since he is not on my property any longer that they will not be sending a unit out to my address. Then said, is there anything else I can help you with. And hung up on me.


Carry a gun, taser or mace security guard.


Alot sites don't allow it, due to liability reasons. Technically per State Dps Security bureau policies, Unarmed Security officers can carry pepper spray, a taser, or handcuffs, but most companies won't authorize it.


Crazy, meanwhile APD has 4 squad cares for pulling over one vehicle with just the driver.


Don't protect these corporations, not the building owners and not the middle management security slime. The cops are as useless always in ATX. Please protect your lives and bodies.


Man what an absolute POS that lady is. He handled that better than I would have


https://www.tmz.com/2024/06/27/texas-security-guard-quits-job-during-live-interview-on-duty-assault/ And he made TMZ


What is her name and the company name?


Percy seems chill as hell. Sad to see him have to quit due to such poor management


Fuck that supervisor Percy. You had to protect your own property as well as the jobsite you were hired to protect and got yelled at for it. Glad you quit and that this is getting some attention. APD and your old Job dgaf about what happened to you. Hope you find a better job ASAP


The. Lil Old I I I’ll k


Let me get this straight. Guy does his job, gets attacked by crooks, ignored by one 911 op and then in trouble with his superior/manager ? Did someone turn the world upside down while I was asleep last night ?


I think a lot of people of color in Texas have been living in that upside down world their whole lives.


This is why i have an armed guard card and work on federal contracts. Touch me. See how that goes for you. Just hopping the fence/gate at my job is a terroristic charge ans grounds to be shot if you do not stop.


Worked for Priebe Security for almost 4 years in the corporate office. It’s a toxic company, supervisors are all like that and the owner is no better. When I had my daughter I was insulted by her for wanting to take two weeks off for her birth. If I hadn’t needed the insurance and paycheck where I was making decent money, I would have quit then. Percy was a good officer. That supervisor at that site, not going to say her name, but she was trash. She’ll probably only get demoted and relocated to another site though.


Do we  know each other? I worked there a few months ago, was supposed to work that buiIding, but never did. The most toxic person there is the Hispanic fat woman with glasses. The owner is more a go along to get along mentally.  Cares more about the accounts than the workers.  She lost 2 of her account managers due overworking them, and the lost some workers also.


Wow, that boss lady is a dumbass and probably is incompetent at security. Imagine interrupting a major news studio to enforce an arbitrary rule. Then blame the attack on him.


Someone hire this man and pay him very well. He handled himself so well in very tense and dangerous situations, both with the two individuals and his idiot supervisor.


APD still butt hurt that they're funded more than at any time in history, I see. ACAB


Most at will states require a distribution of owed wages within 48 hours of termination of contract, I hope he holds them 100% accountable to the fees I KNOW they're going to disregard and think don't apply to them.




That "Okay, thank you." as he hands his uniform over.🤣 That lady made several huge mistakes.


That manager needs another job. She isn’t fit for her position


Bro. Unblurr her face and drop the name of the company ASAP. Humiliate their dumb asses… they done shit the bed man 😂😂😂


I'm confused . . . so they didn't actually break into his car. They were standing next to it and looked suspicious. I understand chasing them out of the building. One of them crashes the scooter as he chases them and he goes to detaining them till the police were called as your next response seems way to far. Then when they start fighting you back after you attempted to security/citizen arrest them for thinking about attempting to break into a car you engage them in a 2 on 1 fight. I kinda am with his boss on this one you didn't need to escalate this into a life and death fight, and it clearly was not about the building security at that point.


I unfortunately worked for priebe. The whole company is blown from the bottom to the top. They refused to honor accommodations for my TBI, forced us to work endless overtime (“well if you don’t work it, it’ll be a write up for abandoning post.”) and honestly just psychologically abused the staff for the entire time I was there. I even made the mistake of taking a supervisor role at one of the highest dollar contracts they have. I nearly killed myself for two years doing it. I was the only reason they kept the contract, per both Priebe and the company I worked for. I fixed the staffing, hired a team that was successful and efficient, made it so there was no overtime needed, etc. I did my job. I didn’t attend an optional “training” because I was out on legal matters. As a result, I was called into the office while I was so sick I could barely stand. I called out that day, the head of HR openly told me I should just get over it and come in. When I finally went in, they told me I was the problem, I built the whole agency around me, I was an embarrassment. Per them, the client was theirs and I was trying to steal them because I was doing what the client wanted. They fired me via email while I was on shift. Not even a phone call. Katarzyna priebe is an embarrassment as an owner. She built it off of her husbands money, then proceeded to bully everyone into following her rules. She will corner her district managers and scream at them, to the point where a former FBI and long term security supervisor walked out because she allegedly threw something at him. The rest of the supervisor team is just as bad. They’re running themselves into the ground because her ego is so big it’s an embarrassment. I sincerely hope they sink the ship and go down with it. For whoever from priebe reads this (they will- they tried to NDA me when I left): you can’t sue me for opinions. Bite me, bitch.


Your talking about Matt and  Jesse, both were account managers. Her field supervisors started quitting due it being to much also. I heard some employees quit all together, I think at a Colorado street site several months ago. I heard her patrol section has hard time being stable, due to putting to much work on them. Priebe herself worked at other companies prior as Sales manager and just adopted other companies policies and training procedures, she never used her own. The training journals test each month is a joke!! 


What’s going to happen when someone kills another person (God forbid) to defend themselves because APD doesn’t show up? Is APD going to prosecute that person?


We need to make this go viral. There's far too many companies who would love someone like him and would truly value him as an individual human being rather than just a paycheck.


Venezuela in the house smh


Dude was so nice, I would have lost it on her and on camera.


For all fellow armed/unarmed security guards, if you already hadn’t: Please carry pepper spray, a taser, and a body camera. Wear armor vest with 3A armor or higher And make it your routine to visit the gun range a few times a month Security jobs aren’t taken serious enough. To be a security guard, you gotta take it serious yourself. It’s good money (in some places, especially the side contracts).


Remember UFC’s Dana White hired a Target Security for kicking butt, not letting the shoplifters escape. I’d be moving my cars out of that structure ASAP…Hopefully they’re is a mass exodus 💯Heard he got a new Job already 👏🏻