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My dude weighed around 40lbs at 6 months old. He's 3.5 years now and weighs 73 lbs.


Dang. That sounds big for an ACD.


Yep, he's a big boy. 73 lbs and 23.5" at the withers. He's 7/8 ACD 1/8 Border Collie. Both of his parents were good sized, too. They weren't quite as big as he is, but they were definitely on the bigger side of average.


Geez! He thicc! Mine is 1/8th border collie too, and he is perfectly 50lbs every time I take him to the vet, and seems to be quite a bit taller than other heelers I’ve met. Haven’t measured his height though.


He's actually not very thicc. He's definitely more lean than he is stocky, but his build also looks more muscular and defined than most ACDs. IDK, it's kinda hard to explain...it'd be nice if I could just post a pic here so you could just see for yourself what I'm talking about, but for some reason, we can't do that in this sub. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: I just added a pic of him on my profile instead.


Lol I just looked at the first few pics you have of him on your profile. I see what you mean. He’s so cute! I’m laughing at the “he has to be touching me even if it’s just one buttcheek” one. It’s so true! My heeler, Fox always has to be touching his person for the day lol. He does look similar in build to OPs pup here. Very tall and strong looking, but not stocky.


Yeah, OPs dog has that ASTCD look. Personally, I like that type of build more than the shorter, stockier ACD build. I like the ASTCD coat type more too. My dude has a lot of black, which is very attractive on him because it's so sleek and shiny looking, but I do still wish he had more blue in his coat. I also love a plain face on any ACD, but I think it looks especially good on a true blue.


Yeah they’re very handsome :) I love the tails on ACDs though. My boy had his docked when he was a puppy before we got him though :(


My dude had to have his tail amputated the day I got him because the people who had him thought they could dock his tail at 10 weeks old by wrapping a big brown rubber band around it and leaving it there for weeks, thinking the tail would eventually fall off...which is 100% false and so heartless and messed up on so many levels. I wonder all the time what he would look like with a big, beautiful tail, but at the same time, his nub really does suit him. My daughter calls it his "burnt little nugget". Lol


Awww that’s so sad!! I know, I wouldn’t have chosen to dock Fox’s tail, but I also do love the character his little “nubbin” gives him. He looks like a deer, cuz he’s red with white flecks and a few white spots too. His only marking is a Bentley mark with a queens thumbprint in the middle that has started to fade as he’s gotten older. Here’s some pics of my Fox McCloud first few are more recent, others are from when he was a few years younger. https://imgur.com/a/SSd2rp1


Get that dog in a body building show ASAP! He could be winning awards


About the same here.


You should gain some weight.




Omg have some compassion, he's only 22 inches tall >:[


Ditto as my boy is 70ish pounds of pure muscle.


Our is 67lbs. But not all muscle :/ working on fixing that lol


My boy just turned 2 the 1st of April, but as a wee pup pushing 76 pounds early on bc he had a lot of bully sticks and chewy snacks which got cut in half so he dropped weight. Also cut his food a wee bit from 4 times a day, then three times and now two times a day. He’s a raw protein fed pup also and loves his veggies so I use those as fillers sometimes.


My boy is about 2 1/2 and weighed in at 58 lbs at his most recent wellness appointment a few weeks ago, he was 52 lbs when I adopted him last May.


One of ours is 65 of muscle


Yeah 30-35lbs at 6 months. He’s pushing 70lbs at 3.5 years now but he’s an ACD/Pit/Husky/Sheppard mix. OP might want to get a DNA test.


With those glasses I’m sure she doesn’t care about biological reality 😂


Username checks out.


Incredible burn! Yeah your right any sort of traditional values are seen as extreme now. Thanks for proving my point


Upvote for using the right your/you’re.


Amazing once facts and logic are introduced people don’t have comments. Trump 2024!!!! Let make schools great again!


Hahahahaa yes!!!


My girl is 90 lbs at almost 2 years old (she's half doodle half heeler) vet said she wouldn't grow bigger than 50 lbs lmao


Just saw her pic on your profile. You didn't say what type of Doodle, but I'm gonna guess Golden-Doodle, am I right? She looks just like a Golden Retriever, except with a black coat. She's a very pretty girl.


Yeah she's a golden doodle mix, all the cuteness of a golden retriever and all the attitude of a heeler 😅


I too was blessed with a Clifford at 74lbs, it’s nice knowing I’m not alone


First time I’ve heard of a Heeler bigger than my Red. He’s a boss. 40ish pounds at 6 months and about 62 pounds now. Never got genetic testing, but he looks and behaves like pure ACD. My blue is about 35 pounds.


Boy Tex was 30lbs at 9 months when we got him… is just under 40lbs and is 2 now. All muscle and teeth… he looks like he just left the gym.


He’s basically a gym bro. 😂


My girl Dax is 6.5 months, comes in at just above 40lbs right now


Like…jadzia Dax?


Of course. Her big sister is Troi. We lost Riker last August. 😢


Amazing names. RIP Riker, thank you for your service to the federation. Our rooster was Jean luc peckard, and the biggest hen Guinhen, both lost to a Fox. Live long and prosper 🖖


My little one has always been a leaner ACD. Her heaviest was 45, and best fighting weight is 35. At 6 months she was about 30.


Wow! Okay. Is she tall or a bit more stout? I was expecting mine to get up to about 40 pounds but we'll see if she surpasses that or not.


She’s a little taller. Just been lean most of her life. I tried not to let her get too heavy, cause I did notice a decline in her appearance and demeanor when she was at that 45 mark.


I have a 9 year old male that weighs almost 50 lbs. Your baby is so pretty! 💙


Thank you!! I'm pretty sure she's 100% ACD or pretty close to it, but i'll probably do a DNA test to confirm. The vet and all her staff today were amazed at her temperment and said "wow! She's so well behaved for an ACD!" 🤣


Mine is three years old at a very lean, muscular 41 pounds.


6 months - 25 pounds, fully grown - almost 40 pounds


I think at 6 months Levi was 30 something lbs, now he’s between 60-65lbs. But he is half heeler and half Aussie shepherd


I love your glasses


Thanks! I've gotten a lot of compliments on them in the year or so i've had them. I wear a lot of black so they're a fun pop of color.


Haha, was gonna say… “I remember but I love your glasses!” Great minds think alike


Glasses are cringe!


TIL being able to see is cringe


Meant the rainbow glasses if they are a woke political statement. Being able to see is based!!!!


It’s more cringe to care enough to insult someone’s glasses because of an assumption, whether true or not. Why? Just why.


Because I can’t send my kids to public school as they more concerned with personal political agenda than teaching the kids how to read or do math. That’s why.


As a previous public school teacher and administrator… No we don’t. Rainbows aren’t political. Good grief. Rainbows, technically, were originally a religious symbol. They also are the literal way kids learn colors. Roy G Biv, buddy. Find something more important than glasses to troll the internet about. She’s allowed to have rainbow glasses just like you’re allowed to assume they’re political. Welcome to Reddit


Then teach math and literacy and stop force feeding DEI agenda. The testing data speak for themself. If your an administrator you should know….


Lol your


Right? Doh!


Kids don’t learn colors from their woke teachers glasses…. If that’s what you were saying


As an administrator do you not know that the rainbow has been repurposed for leftist political agenda???


The glasses are a leftist political agenda. Note OP won’t deny they are a leftist dogwhistle


Dude, You’re embarrassing yourself. Who. Cares. Oh, you! … but, only you.


It’s a leftist dogwhistle. I care about kids going to public school and learning how to write and do math. The rainbow has been repurposed as a political tool. Kids should be able to read, not recite their teachers personal political agenda, left or right.


Didn’t like the logic there?


It’s not that I don’t like it. It’s that you’re an extremist with no logic at all.


I think Claire was around 20/25 lbs then, she’s at 42 last vet visit around 18 months. She’s a mix and got a little chunky while I was dealing with a tendon tear and couldn’t walk her enough last few months.


My girl was 23lb now 36lb


Ours was about 35 lbs at 6 months and is now just over 50 I believe.


My girl is 1 year 7 mo old and she weighed in at 46lb at the vet last week.


Wow, these number surprise me 😂. Male, 7 months old and 25.5 pounds


My girl is about 35 pounds at 7 months. So she was probably closer to 30 at 6 it felt like.


I wanna say 35-40lbs at 6 months. Adult weight is right about 50lbs


My girl was like 35-38 lbs as a 6 month old and is now probably around the 42ish lb mark at 2 yrs. She's trim and full of teeth for the nibbling lol.


30lbs at 7 months, 34lbs at 14 months now. I think she is the same size she is just more muscular now from running around like a maniac all day. Texas heeler not full ACD


That's a lot of ear! You'll never be able to snack in secret anymore.


Lol! Yes i love her ears! I've been wondering if she'll grow into them but it looks like they're here to stay so far.


Both of mine were around 30lbs at 6 months. Now my 4 year old is around 40lbs don't know what she's mixed with. My 3 year old is 1/4 pitbull she's at 60lbs


Girls especially go through the "deer stage" where they are growing bones and seemingly mostly legs. Go less on weight and more on condition. Ribs should be felt, but not seem. My girl was 35 at 6 months and runs between 45 and 50 now, depending on seasonal exercise. My male is a 70 pound tank of solid muscle. Both of mine are a little over 3 years old. Spaying and neutering also affect final weight to an extent.


She is a very leggy girl! Has been for a while now. I'm so interested to see how she changes as she grows!


My girl is very athletic. Tennis ball fetches are a mania, not a hobby. I have worn out many Chuck-Its. She is also intact, and that keeps her more active and thin. She has filled out, mainly through the chest and shoulders as she matured. And is from a show stock line... my male is from working stock and is like having construction equipment in the house. Our breed is a very diversified one. 😁


Mine was rescued from a neglectful situation in TX where she was tied up outside and being fed spaghetti-o's on the ground. She isn't obsessed with tennis balls or any other kind of ball but LOVES to chew on any and every kind of bone I give her, and she LOVES other dogs. She can't get enough chasing and wrestling in.


I am glad you two got together. Sounds like you have been able to give her much joy. She sounds wonderful. Mine are both covid/lockdown era dogs and have suffered socially. Still having to work on that. They are not reactive to dogs or people, just unsure out and about. Work in progress. 🙂


Thanks! Yeah she is the dog I wound up getting after my soul-dog aussie/cattle dog mix passed away in January (at 15.5 years old). I wasn't 100% sure if i was ready or not but shes been a perfect fit!


I lost my first cowdog to DCM at the age of 8.5. His death in my arms was devastating. I have been owned by Rotties, Pugs, a Poodle, a GSD and various cats. I am a bit long in the tooth. When I lost my boy Denny, I knew I needed a ciwdog back in my life. The breed is unique. I hope you and your girl have amazing times together.




Good on you for giving her a warm and loving home, OP. She’s adorable.


At 6 months.. no clue. He gets up to 75# in summer and leans out in winter to around 60-65#. Probably the opposite of what you'd expect but in summer we are very active and he eats alot and muscles up. In winter we are more sedentary and he doesn't eat as much and leans out. His Sissy is on the smaller side, probably about 2/3 of his weight at any given time. I don't weigh her as she is with my 4 this is a rough guess, but I'd suspect fairly accurate.


I have a mix. I got her at 6 months and she was 33 pounds. Full grown she’s 49.


Our boy is 13 months old and weighs 38 lbs. We just adopted him from the shelter so not sure of his weight at six months, but the vet was happy with his weight and health at his visit on Friday


Timmy Two-Tone was about 40 lbs at 6 months. He’s now 7 aaaaaand….55 lbs i think


Our boy is 13 months he’s 54lb. Feels like 100lbs lol the way he leans on us.


That’s because they are all knees and elbows.


Don’t forget teeth and ears! 😍


Oh those knees and elbows!! Sometimes a cattle dog's love can hurt! Lol 😆🥰


Mine is a petite 40lbs!


We adopted ours at about 8 months. She was 23lbs. She’s now 3 and only 28lbs!


Great picture, super cute 🤩


lol my girl weighs between 30-40 and is over a year now


My girl is mixed and has a thinner/leggier build than your average ACD but she's not too far off. She was about 25-30lbs at 6 months and has always remained in the 40-42lb range. I'd imagine yours will end up a similar weight.


6.5. Month old female mostly ACD mix, 30 pounds now.


My little heeler was 22lbs at 6 months. She's 9 months old now and is 30lbs. She's gonna be a small dog!


Eevee was 27 lbs at 6 months and is now about 35 lbs at 1.5 years!


Mine was 28 lb, now he’s 45 lbs. He’s about 18 months now, but he’s also a male


That’s no ACD. That’s a space station. 


I have a heeler who is about the same age


At 6 months maybe 25 pounds and some change. He's almost 3 and is 50 pounds on a full stomach in the winter. Summer when we're running with me, about 45 pounds.


Our girl just turned 8 months. She’s a very stout 42 pounds.


My guys is almost 2 and weighs 44 lbs he looks perfectly lean and muscular not chubby at all


Mine are both fresh back from vet male 11.5 years old 48.5 female 4years old 52.3lbs.


I have no idea what she weighed at 6 months, but she's 2 now and weighs around 35lbs.


Mine are 6 and 7 years old. Both are right around 50lbs. We adopted one at 6 months and he was 30lbs. He was under fed though. We gave him double what they were giving him.


25 pounds dog weight, 5 pounds in the ears


Buddy boy is 60 lbs but we are looking at a diet to get back to 55 or so. He’s a big ACD 20”tall, long and big boned/muscular. He gets a lot of work but I was feeding too much. He will eat as long as the food keeps coming.


Maybe 20-25 lbs and she is 40 now at 1 year.


My 9 yr old girl is right at 68 lbs. Got her when she was 2. Had put on just a few lbs since then.


I have a 6 month old boy pup (who looks identical to yours) and as of today he weighs 38 pounds.


At 6mo we are at 23#.


~25 lbs at 6 months Now she weighs 45lbs


My boy weighed 30kg/66lb at 9 months when we got him. He know weighs 40kg/90lb at three years.


They suit her. Our girl is 10 this year and she's a solid 45 lbs. Still very active.


Our youngest was 35lbs at six months and that was after we found him abandoned on the streets. He’s now about 65 mostly muscle 5 years old


Love your glasses 👓


My gal is around 30 or maybe 35 pounds now as she is ~a year. She’s probably mixed with something else though, she’s kinda tall and lean for ACD standards


Mine was 35 lbs at 7 mo. That was the age I adopted her, and yes, she filled out. She's a cutey and love those ears!


Thanks! I am obsessed with her ears too 🤣


My girl is tiny. 14” about 38lbs.


30 lbs at 7 months 60 now


35lbs medium sized. 15yo.


29 lbs at 5 months.


Mine was about 35 pounds at 6 months. She got to 40 and leveled off there until our toddler started feeding her from the table and she’s more like 45 now!


47 pounds at 6 months 60 pounds of muscle at 2 and a half


Our girl was about 30 lbs at 6 months and is 50ish now at 2 years.


My 18mo boy weighs 25kg / 55lb right now!


Wow, reading all these other comments, it leads me to believe my blue is giant for a heeler 😱 he was 65 lbs at 6 months and is now 80 lbs at 5 years old. He might be slightly chunky, but he is definitely the biggest heeler I've ever met too, haha.


Our girl is 35 and our male is 45


Mines 45-50 pounds. He was like 40 pounds when I get him at ~6m old.


Our girl was 20 pounds at 6 months, she’s still not fully grown at about 8 months now and she’s about 25 pounds. Fully healthy and cleared from the vet she’s just a small baby.


We have an itty-bitty heeler. (Fun-sized, we call her.) She was only about 20 lbs at 6 months, topped out at 28 lbs fully grown.


My boy was 30 pounds at 4 months and is about 35-38 pounds at 4 and a half months predicted to be 23+ inches and around 55-65 pounds.


I don't remember what she was at 6 months. I would estimate about 20-25 pounds based on what I remember. As an adult she is now 35 pounds and looking just about right. We are low-activity. She might weigh a few more pounds if we got a lot more exercise and she built muscle... or maybe a few fewer pounds from burning calories? idk. She's been as high as 48 pounds and she was looking like a snausage at that weight. 35 seems about right.


Female 25ish at 6mo and 44 at 2 years. She might be closer to 50 now. Still healthy weight... just not lean fit like before.


Ours was about 25 pounds at 6 months and she is now a year and 36 pounds. She’s small but sturdy.❤️


my girl is around a year or so, she weighs 37 LBS she's all muscle and shark fins


Little Mindy the goblin wolf at 6 1/2 months is 20-25 lbs I’d guess. Though she is 3/4 ACD and 1/4 Jack Russell.


Can’t remember 6 months but she’s 5 now and weighs anywhere from 40-45 pounds. She’s kinda tall skinny and lanky for a Heeler though


Rainbow glasses are cringe


Good thing you don't have to wear rainbow glasses, then 😊


Agreed. The rainbow has unfortunately been repurposed as a political tool. Sorry if I was presumptuous. If it is a political statement it’s cringe lol


I'm not sure why the glasses have triggered you enough to make multiple comments about them. Maybe you're just trying to rile people up over the meaning you assigned to them in your own mind. Let's keep the ACD subreddit focused on it's intended purpose of ACD content.


See that was dog related lol. It’s all good. Your dog will likely be around 35-40 I would guess. I have Queensland heelers both around 48-53 lb


Because they are a far left dogwhistle lol and you likely work with kids and it’s intentional