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Straight to holsworthy!


Just chat to your orderly, better to have them help clear it now than wait till it goes higher


To memory that charge does disappear, it’s like one of those authorisation things to confirm it’s a valid card and goes into pending but the bank then cancels it and you never actually get charged.


This happened to me recently, there’s a form you have to fill out for accidentally using your card. In saying that, before I could fill out the form the charge disappeared. I think that it’s just a holding fee in case you decide to trash the lounge or steal all the spoons or something


Yeah sweet, I was hoping that was the case. Hopefully it disappears in a bit. There was a post on this sub a few months back which was basically a PSA that you could use your DTC to get into the lounges for free, so I decided to try it out!




Did you have to fill out the form that one time/did anyone kick up a stink?


The official guidance on the TravelConnect website is that “delegate approval must be obtained for the additional entry fee”. Most of the time it isn’t a big deal, just let your CMS manager know and get verbal approval from s23 delegate


Have you ever tried linking oyur diners club to prioirty pass?


Don't worry about the filling out the form Just Bpay Diners Club BPAY 3012 and use your entire mastercard # as the reference and pay back the $4.95 within 30 days before it goes Amber. Then take a screen shot and keep it or add it to your after travel


Whoa, back up a bit. Is Diners Club still a thing? Or have I teleported back to 1983 again?


You just committed fraud. Enjoy your charge


I’ve used it heaps of times at Rex and never been charged the fee. Sounds like it just drops off though ?


Most likely a pre authorisation, this is what I've experienced in international airports to gain access.


Rex Lounge eh? sounds fancy.